THE CAUCASIAN tuleigb, N. C, May 28, IV A. Rntrrrd at Ut I'oat Oflke in Kal-ij(b, N. '., a wcond-claM mail matter. CURRENT LOCAL NKWH. Hn. fl. W. Africa New York on huln i H. F Sowoll, Khj ,of the Part h ago bar, In in Kaligu attending th Ptdural court. ThH Klrsl Court ronvenl In Raleigh Monday and will bo In n Hlon two weeks. K Henator Rutter, who has bmn North for Httveral day on l gal bulnH, returned to the city Hun day The town of Hickory have dwld ed to have built and oporate a fn fruoy at the Catawba tollbrld Ite until a frftt bridge can bo built by the adjoining counties. Mr J M. Bishop and others, of theKaW-lgh Lodge of the Red men, wnt down to (Joldnboro last Thurs day and organized a new tribe con sisting of eighty fight members. New reached Kaldigh Monday night of a catting affray in Wakr coanty in which two negro brother by the name of Womack, w?re th participant!. The qaarrl was over some money and in the flht one cf tt?.?"! ieal aid was summoned from ItaM ej,.n I uii vveunoHuay mr. vv. M. Weath The commencement sermon of H I en attemttxl tn iinv Yrm irn.. Mary's Collrge. was preached in the iuim cusytti DunuaT murninr by Kst. E N. Joyner, D. D., of Vir gmia and was heard with great in terest and en j yment by the young ladies of the school. St. Mary's is one of the best female colleges in the H'ate, and Dr. Hralton has made an excellent President. We are Indebtml to Mr. and Mrs J. M. Rhodes for an Invitation to attend the commencement oxer olses of the Littleton Female Col- lego Wednesday and Thurslay May tw-nty ninth and thirtieth. Mr. Rhode In a fine Instructor and deHeivea a great dral of credit for the work he has done toward edu cating the young b y and girls of the State. The Agricultural and Mechanical College of this city, has closwl this week one of the m ml 8uccbnful years sine it wan oren.d Thi Uatcilaureate nermon was preached Sunday morning In Kdenton street Method 1st church, by Rev. Lafferty, 11 ft t t a v . i. i,ot ttii-nmonu, va. The an nual addrosni wan d. llvend Tn s dy evening In the Academy of Mu-lc by Hon. Carroll 0 Wright U. S (Commissioner of Ltbor, Waeh Ington, D. C. RALEIGH'S FINANCES. A Hondtnl lHlt of $:iH:i,00-Tlie Cltj FlnaacrUoartl Itecoiumenda an Increase la Taiea. Last week the fiiance committee of the city of Raleigh made an offi cial report in which they presetted the following figures &). The total bonded indebtedness of the city is $383 000. the annual inter est on which is $17,359. Daring the past year there na been paid t ) the sinking fond $17,874 70, bnt from that amount we muai uk $240, sal ary of the commissioner of tho sink ing fond, and $428 80, commissions to the tax collecioi : total, $608.86. This amount from $17,874 70 leans a net balance to the sickio? fund of $17,20581, or a dtficit of $154 in act ual inter st py mints, and in addi tion to this $720 of the amount to the sinking laud is from interest on investments. In other word?, instead of the f and taking care of the inter est account and growing to meet the bonds at maturity, its income is act nally not taking car a of the interest account alone, bat the fond proper has to be drawn on to pay the inter est account. Year committee farther recom mend that as a matter of absolute necessity the tax rate be raised and we give as oar reasons the following Aaide from the bonded indebted ness ior wntca tne sinKtng tuna is responsible, there is outstanding a ?jd,uuu issue or current ex pent e bods which mature in 1003. Thete will have to be taken care of. Then there' are warrants outstanding to li?e amount oi Here is m amount of $JJ.U0O on which the city is paying interest and with no pro vision to pay it. Then in 1907 n th er bond Issue u due of $41400 Tnese bonds are drawing six per cent in terest. Now, with the sinking fund not being able to take care ot the in terest account, and showing an act nal d fiait, it is time to call a halt and face the position. Another reason why the rate should be raised is on account of the in creased cost of the different depart- ments by rtason of the $1 2o a day labor law recently adopted by the city. The sanitary department will require an increase for the one item of labor $1,600: the park $600, and the other in iik proportion. Tu amount paid oat by the Sireet D. partment in the past year for labor was a lit la over $44,000 Just add 25 ptr eut to his amount and w have $55,000, which the same amount of woik will cost this year nnJer the $1.2o a-day law. Unlees this law cat be repealed, or at least modfi;d, your committee do not feel that it would be jast to the tax -payers to have another bond issue at thi ttm and pay their money out at $1 25 peT day for the same work that tr y at individuals cu have done at 75 cts to $1 per daj ; and we might m ntion in tuis connection that nnder this same law farm laborers on the city fam are being paid $1.25 per da'. your committee protest that th;s n ruinou , unheard or and ought not to be tuleried by this board WIIK MAN TURNED YELLOW Great consternation was felt by the fned of M. IIoeartT, of Lex ington, Kf., when they saw he was taming yellow. His skin slowly ebavged e lor, also his eyes, and he taff red terribly. Ris malady was yellow jaundice. He was treated by me nost aoctorr, oat without bent fit. Then he was advied to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach &ni Liver remedy, and he writes! "After I waivf-two bottles I was whollv evred." A trial prores its matchless merit ior all stomach, lirer and kid b7 i roubles Only 50a. . BoW by all druggists, Pungent Points For Purchasers. We call the attention of our renti er to the new advertU-iiK-nt of il. Hoyd Furniture (Vmifvny whkhap in another column of thU iue. They are not ho large a mine other firm but there U not another one anywhere around, large or wijall, that doe any nicer work. If you have any old furniture you want renovated take It to them and they will make it look art good ax new. They an xo do any artistic wol work you wlah done. Mr. J. If. Heave, who has a hhoe shop on the rorner of Morgan and Wilmington Htreets will be glad to mend your ulioes. He guarantee neat any prompt work. Bee his ad. In another column. THE RISING WATERS IN WAKE. Brldg-ea Itotrord mod Dam&cM -.Narrow Kacapa or a Hrlitrg-ruom. Wake county will be put to con Hiderable exiieiiMi in rebuilding and retiring bridges that were damaged or washed away by the Htorms of lant week. The bridge over Briar Creek, In Cedar Fork township, wax complete ly ueetroyed. The bridge Is gone over both miuuie anu nwut creeks on the Lll- VI a f .1 J a A. m llnirton road, over Hwift rrL- nn the Fayettevllle rmd and over Steep creek on the Covenant road . . were more or icsh uamagea. Springs to Morrlaville, where he was Kr. marry Miss Sarah Pennington. When near the latter place he tried to cross the branch but it was swo llen so that the buggy capsized, the horse was drowned and Mr. Weath er narrowly escaued. The minis ter, Kev. Dr. lianks, was in another buggy Just lehind and did not try to cross. Kx-Stato Senator Whitaker, of this county, said yesterday: "The two freshets we have just had, fol lowing closely on each other's heels as they do, are very discouraging to the ftrmar. Thev inter runt his work and set at naught all his plans. The Hpring so far reminds me much of the sprlne of 1867. when there was faeshet after freshet and we made nothing." FOR OV ER FIF IY YEARS Mrs. WiNBLow'a Soothing Strop has been UHed for children while teething. It AOOttlPH tho rlli lil anfLna Ihu iriimj allays all pain,',cures wind colic, and is the best remedr for Diarrhoea. Twen ty-five cents a bottle. Hold by all drug gists throughout the world. A Great strike of Oil 20 Mlloa From Beaumont, Dallas, Tex, May 26. A great strike of oil has boon made at Sour Like, 20 miles northwest of Beau mont. A well was struck at 5 o'vlock yesterday evening In the of Sour Lako Hotel, and at once be came a gusher, flowing at the rate of 15,000 barrels a day. This new strike, so far from the Beaumont field, has caused renewed excite ment all over Texas and a rue a to the new district is already on. WHAT'S YOUR FACE WORTH 1 Sometimes a fortnne, but never, if yoa have a sallow complexion, a jaundice look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, -all signs of liv er trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give clear skin, rosy cheek, rich complexion. Only 25c ts. For sale by ail druggists. Punlahed for Contempt of Court. Charlotte, N. C, May 27. In an swer to rule for contempt of court iu the case of Long vs. The South ern llailway. at Statesville. IS. C. J. A. Qorham, of Charlotte, law agent of the Southern, was sentenced to-day to twenty days' Imprison ment and $100 fine. J. 11. Brown, the juror who sient the night w ith Qorham, thus bringing about the rule for contempt, was fined $50, and It. A. llamsey was sentenced to twenty days' imprisonment. A Purse Found. A purse containing money has been found on Fayettevllle street, of this city. If the owner will call at room 505 Tueker Building, and identify the purse. It will be returned to him upon paying to the Caucasian the cost of this advertisement. ASSIST NATURE. Yon have been told to "hitch your wagon to a star'' that Natnre will assist you. Tnat's all right. There are times, however, when yon should assist natnre, and ite spring is one of these times. Nature is now undertaking to elean-e your system if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla the undertaking will be successful, and your complex ion bright and dear. 1 0 a the delay which k Increasing your misery and wasting the days of your KSa Why not stop thepain today? - I tev Md one bottle of Wine raarht. Bfor I tMgvito lower bowels and mr neaa aeaaa ana x o&ir fas! a lltil roar madletnM nnul I tttniw, ntw fthana ,va baan marrlad twelve re years ai aiitAtrlat yoa sn yoar woadeftjA Ihleigli Business Director. A newspaper w ho col u tun over flow with advertisements of -newt men has more influence In at. trading attention to building up a town than any other agency that can be employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor go where there Is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build op a town as a newspaper well patronized, and Its Ijwer should be appreciated. T. IeVitt Talmage. tttgr The buKine houses named below are establishment who method of dealing may be relied upon as the very bent known to the buHinem world: ALLEN, Daniel & Co.-Shoes. ANT1CEPH AL GlNE -Headache and Neuralgia Cure. BLAKE, T. W. Watch Repairing and Jewelry. UKIIXJERS, Jno. . & Co. Tai lore and Haberdashers. BROWN, H. J. Undertaker. BISHOP. J. M.- Bicycle Repair- BOYD FUBNITUKE CO , He novatlng old Furniture. REAVIS J. H.- Cobbler, lng etc., CAPITAL PRINTING CO Printers DOBBIN &FEKBALL Dry Goods FERRALL, J. R. & Co. Grocers. GREEN, J. B. & Co. Grocers. GIERSCH, R. Y. Restaurant HICKS' Capudlne, Headache and Neuralgia Cure. KING, W. H. Drug Co. Whole sale and Retail Druggists. LEWIS, Julius, Hardware Co. Bug Death. McGEACIIY, A. S. Pharmacist. MANHATTAN Life Insurance Co. Gen. Agency. MOORE, W. J. Grocer. RALEIGH Marble Works. Mon uments. RALEIGH GROCERY CO. Mon ey's Worth. SIMPSON'S Eczema Care. Phar macist. STRONACH'S, W. C. Sons. Gro- WHITING Bros. Clothing. WILLIAMS, A. & Co. School Books. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. ' Oar little daughter had an al most fatal attack of whooping cou?h and bronchitis," writes Mrs. VV. K Ilaviland, of Arnionk, NY, "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's N w Discovery. Our niece who hbd coo snmpsion in an advanced stage, aleo used this wonderful medicine And to day she is perfectly well." D. Spa rate throat and long diseases yield to Dr. Kicg's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infalli ble for congas and colds. 50 e and $1 00 bottles guaranteed. Trial bot tles free. Sold by all druggists. Men can be cured privately and positively at home of all weakness and disease. Write for new free book to Dr. J. N. Hathaway, 22 a. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. tf. MILEAGE TICKETS REDUCED. Seaboard Air Li ne Railway on thou sand mile tickets are now sold from all points on its lines at rate of $25.00, in cluding those previously sola in the State of Florida at $30,000. These tick ets are good over the entire Seaboard Air Line Railway system and are hon ored between Richmond and Washing ton bj the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac and Pennsylvania rail roads, between Portsmouth and Balti more by the Baltimore Steam Packet Company (Bay Line) and between Clinton and Columbia, S. C, by Jthe Columbia, Newberry & Laurens Rail road. All tickets which have been sold at $25,00 and endorsed "not good in State of Florida" will be honored over the entire system, includinr lines in Florida, regardless of such endorse ments The Raleigh Market Current Prices of Farm and Gar den Produce. The prices quoted are paid to the producer. Cotton f. 1 to 8 FARM PRODUCTS. The market continues stiff on all farm products. Eggs and chickens very scarce anu in aemana. Eggs Fresh 14 to 15 Poultry Live, good. t hickens, old hens, large,. . . S0toS5 Small hens 25 Chickens 15 to 20 Chickens, large spring, 20 to 25 Hams, N Carolina, 12 to 15 Hams, Virginia, 13 to 18 Hams, Sugarcured, 13 to 15 Irish potatoes, Northern, per bushel 1 50tol 60 Irish potatoes, new, per bus. 3.00 Irish potatoes, seed, per bbl . . 2 50toS 50 Lard, per pound 9 to 10 Butter, per pound 15 to 80 New cabbage scarce crate 1 00 New tomatoes. Strawberries per qt 05 Told by Pain S yoa have pains yoa should look after them qolckly. Pain shews something is wrong. The sharper thepain the more dan get there Is in delay. There efs thousands of women to-day who are bearing awful paia almost contfmulfcr, rather than tell a physidan about the shoorlng pains la their lower abdomrn, about the agony of falling of the wosofc and the distress of leueocrhoca. They let the months pass and their trouble ecomes harder to cure and mors distressing. But modest women can secure exemption from the cmberrassment of a private exami nation. Whan pain tells them of danger they can core themselves by the use of WINE(IIIM Jn the privacy of their homes. Yoa can he cured without distressing publicity. Vita these facte before you there is no reason for Belen, Ms Hmreh of Oardai uaompMiimai: take anrnaaronea x aaaBatna nudlcin aee I kad iamy Dmetlmes I taoaght I would. i eo weak I eoula kafdU waUe of ' rftg eide and X am geiat to y wui janauuyeara tha mother of sevea grwauaiH lad was ts aas aone mr MATILDa. 8KXTH. Oaawaar. U Oaaiwiinota, Have Yon Lost Yonr!jcks1 SOLE? If o gt REAVIS to replace it 'or you. SHOES re-heeled and half-aoled. oewed. l 00. Half ao'ed, Med, 75 cent. For tackivg heels and half soles, 75 cent. For tackles: tolea SO centa. Chn- er rate given oa ladle and chil dren shoes. All work neatly done and guaranteed to give satisfaction. J. H. Reavis I Cor. Morgan A Wilmington St. RALEIGH, X. C. Interior Decorations, HOUSEHOLD ART, PRICELESS HEIRLOOM 8 RENOVATED and repaired made to last another century, such as desks, chairs etc. Advlee and estimates gladly given. Order work a specialty. BOYD FURMTURE COUPJMY, 106 South Blount Street, RALEIGH, N. C. BISHOP REPAIRS Bicycles Lawn Mowt rs, Sewing Machines, Guns, Rifles and Pistols. Prompt and Skllfull work, most Reason Prices. J. M. BISHOP, 332 South Wilmington Street, RALEIGH, N. C. STRONACH'S SONS. Agents for Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas. The Thousands Kitchen Bou quet Highly Recommend ed by Mrs. Rorer. ROLLER CHAMPION FLOUR, j HE-NO TEA. HOLLO WAY'S BUTTER. Gordon & Dill worth's Table DeMea- cles. STRONACH'S SONS- Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Anticephalalgine The Original HEADACHE 3 i and NEURALGIA CURE. SAFEST - AND - BEST 25 and 50 cents a bottle For Sale by all Druggists. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, High class Goods. Lowest prices. My Clocks are reliable any style. The little Intermittent alarm clock 10 o sure wur&er. Jiivery tome ueeus one. Repairing Done Honestly and Carefully. If you are thinking of purchasing a Watch or watch-charm or other Jewelry, come to see me. T.W. Blake, Raleigh, II. C. Local Inspector for S. A. L. u- J. Erosi Coin House. JOHN W.BROWN.PROPRIETOR FUNERAL Director and Embalmer, 207, 209 and 211 . SOUTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH. N. C. Raleigh llarble Works COOPER BROS PROPRIETORS - tlLSIOH, O. 10 j Shlpmenta made to any part of the state at same price as at shop. Write for Catalogue. John K. 9ol r. C. K. McCoIlna FOWLEB AND McCTJIL.EM Attorneys-a$-Law, Cmnton, - '- - N. t Will practice wherever services are required. Special attention given to collections. Office - over u. J Powell's Store. HEADACHE CURE. Leaves no Bad Effect Whatever. 15, 25 and &U Cents at PraggtjH. DO YOU WANT ALMOST EVERYBODY IK)ES SOMETIME. SEND YOUR ORDERS To The TV Lapnai rrinLing Lompany, The "Hustling Printer" of the South. QUICK WORK GOOD WORK PRETTY WORK. RALEKUI, N. C. us. if. mm FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AN INVITING AND PLEASANT! RK&ORT. EVERYTHING IN SEA SON. BANQUETS AND LARGE STOCK High Quality, Low Prices. "KING QUALITY" IN EVERYTHNIG BEARING OUR LABEL. Write us for quotations on Drugs, S applies, Cigars, Cheroot?, 8p cep, Grape Juice, Hospital 8uppiie.-, Sick Insect Powder, Paris Green, Garden We invite Inspection of our stock, to us your bufeinesa. W. HL IKmsTG- ZDZRTCTG- OO. Wholesale and Prescription Druggists RALEIGH, N. C. directors: W. H. King, B. S. Jerman. Hon. E. C. Smith, Julian E. Johnston, Pr.f. B. W. Kllgore, Cap M. W. Page. You can 8urr, Soap, 3i?. pound We will out any per cent kinds of JNO. R. FERRALL. I. iGROCERSs- 2S2 pcryette-H-ill Street. largest and best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES i jn are YM LQftfULQ2 for DRUGS OF BEST STANDARD. . fob TOILET ARTICLES OF TASTE. For Soaps of Sweet and Dainty Perfume. ' For Fresh and Prolific Garden and Flower Seeds CD & o " W iWV POLITE m ATTENTION. ftj- 8tlea in Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs and Shirts, I 121 FAYETTEVIIXB St., KALEIOH, I. I 1S (gJ BUY YOUB GROCERIES FROM BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. No. 9. East Hargelt Street, RALEIGH, N. C. The Make a Speeialty ot, at ) Shoes, 75c 01.00 pl.25 1GAPUD1NE HAUIKlil, N.C. ANY PRINTING? j ? n 216 Fayettevllle 8u, Raleigh, N. C. DINNERS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED 1827. INCORPORATED 1899. Patent Medicines, Soda H ounu to Flavoring Extract, Unfermented Room Convenience, Malt Extra U, Seed?, etc. and aim to make it to tocr Interval YOUR HONEY'S WORTH always get your money's worth at the Raleigh Grocery Co.'S Store, Pollen Building, Raleigh. N. C. No'e these very Low Prices : granulated, 6c. per pound. Octagon per bar. A r buckle's Coffee, 12c per The best sour Pickles 20c. per gallon.! WE WILL CREDIT YOU. sell yon giocerles for thirty days with money. Also money to loan at six on horses, carriages, furniture and all household goods. JOSHUA B. HILL 1 k .. jjC cjty IVJCCEACHY, 133 Fayettevllle St. RALEIGH, N. C. a u E. BRIDGERS & GO, AND II ABE RD AS II E IIS. J, B. CREETJ CL CO Man With theAx HEEDS CLOTHES TH1T VIU WEAR. This is the kind LuJlOll A Alall? UUMfJm Popular Prices.' " Men's and Boy'sj sr.m'.- and 01.50. T . Save Your BY UQIHO ORDER AT ONCE, MR . . BUG DEATH . . ftauPchoeoos Isacctlcidt. i ruooa ivrfcajps t - - 6 Shakers Julius Lewis Hardware Co.f Bi:i p q. Public School Books! Tbe Public Schools are nou opening over the State, and uill need supplies. Tness school books and supplies can be bad at a discount to teachers and dealers from ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., b, a t .thig-jb:, it. o Simpsn 's Eczema Ointment Cures All Skin Diseases. CURED TO STAY CURED? YEHCUREDTO .STAY CURED! And that means CURED TO STAY CURED! Sent by Mail for 25 crnU. William Simpson, Pharmacist, Raleigh, 11. C. Our Ladies' Ready to Wear Over Garments, Tailor ELIade Suits, Separate Skirts, Shirt Waists. Silk and WuhaLle Kind, Tbe Largest and w - AT LOWEST PRICES. Come to Raleigh and be fitted. No extra charge for any attentions to farther Promptly Filled. DANIEL ALLEN SHOE Jib (gOUNTBY. FSHS yb c:::r, tue qbocee. mvarsvexkmn PEANUTS All I " a a I narcstra. , Qardeinis EXPRENt OR rmutuiT. - t .11 .14 0 - - l.e ti DOI3f5ir,l A crnrorAi i u tbcIms jsiore. ji Host Select Stocks perfect the fit Hail Orders Our SHOES are'all new ; taarafora tbay ar in right atria aad do not rip bnt waar bwtUr. TLey.ara- mad Mpeclallj for as, tberator ,w gaar anttv erary pair thai doaa not fir aatlaf action, aod all th m euiptr than jon can bty taam elawbr when tbaj ara boafht f jobbers), as we tare the mldalamaa'a proflta. Their etjle le right, their ut view la right, the price la right iheee are the S t hinge to eonalder. See them aod ccmlnce your" all. MlDii COMPANY. DEALERS, i, n. . hiobest ca8ppkioespaid,ob Tbe Tlae, Pm Ceate per Quart. " "T"