CAUCASIAN V f ' , il- 1L Jll! j u XIX. LETTERS OF THE PEOPLE. int. LwniAHT DRAWN BY sv a. . rw a - AN ORSKBVANT RESI DENT OF THE WEST. BAD SHOWING FOR CHRISTIAN 8TATL Ao Awknln Xee4ed8oin Reflection oa the Machine From Randolph-Aa Krn Not or two. HOME K A STERN ItCTKB. Nlcanor, N. C., June 6 1901. An accident occurred on the R. 4 P. It. 11. here last week. Frank Jenkins, while Hitting on a log car started to Jump off and came very near get ting killed. He had hi leg caught under a moving car and cut off. He is getting along very well at present. Our colored people held their Kant Roanoke Annoclatjon meeting at Warren drove church in Chowan county, N. C, last week, and had many vUltore from all parts of the Htate. AddreHHtm were made on different HubjectM. The amount of money rained by the awociatiou was ir6.t;9. S. M. MeGee. I II K TKACIIINO Or' THE UIHIiK AND THE TEACHING OF LEADING DEM OOKATH IN N. C. CONTHA8TED! Rible: "Thou nhalt love thy neighbor & thynelf," Gal. 6:14. Democrat: "If thy neighbor is nut a deuMAirat. thou Hhall hate him with cruel hatred." (See their gen eral conduct.) " Bible: "If you fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, tfiou shalt love thy neighbor as thy lf, ye do well," JameH 2:8. Democrats "If ye lulfill the royal law, as taught by red-shirt denim-racy, thou shalt shoot down thy neighbor, who refuses to be a deinotrat." (See campaign of 1900 Ac.) KWI'KIT TO TEIWONH. Hible: "Rut if ye have respect to THons, ye commit sin" Ac. James 2:9. Democrats: "Thou shalt respect no one who is not a democrat, let his ago or calling be what it may." SLANDER. Rible: "He that hideth hatred with lying lips and he that uttereth a slander is a fool," Prov. 10:18. Democrats: "Slander everybody who is not a democrat, and especially if they are ministers or office seekers.' Rible: "Whoso privily slandereth his neighbor, him will I cut off," Psalm 101:5. Democrats: "Whoso slandereth the populists and republicans, shall be appointed to office by the Gov ernor." LYING. Rible: "A poor man is better than a liar," Prov. 19:22 Democrats: A liar is highly esteemed in our party. (See regis trars and poll holders.) Rible: "All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with tire and brimstone, which is the second death," Rev. 21:8. Democrats: "All who lieth in the interest of our party, shall be rewarded abundantly, with pie and party honors." (See appointments by Aycock.) j FALSE SWBARING. Rible: "And I will be a swift witness against false swearers," Mai. 3:5. Democrats: To returning board and poll holders. "We must carry the state by all hazards, even if ye have to swear falsely and count 2,000 more votes in Halifax county than there are registered voters in the county of all parties and colors; and we will be swift witnesses for you if you should be prosecuted, and we will employ counsel at the expense of the state to defend you." (See acts of the legislature of 1901. Election over: "Well done ye good and faithful servants, ye car ried out our instructions! Glory Hallelujah! STEALING. Rible: "Thou shalt not steal," Exodus 20:15. "Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither he one to another," .Lev. 19:11. Democrats: "We . must steal enough votes to carry the state" (Aycock and Simmons.) "We have carried it by fraud" Ac. FRAUD. Bible: "Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him" Ac. Lev. 17:13. Democrats; "we must defraud many voters both white and black, by refusing to register them, and by not counting the votes as cast, and by fraud get every office in the state, u possible, from United States Sena tor down, and we can rely on about yo per cent of the ministers to help us, or Keep silent" Ac. MURDER. uibie: "Thou shalt not kill," xkmh. o:iy, matt. 6:21, Rom. 13:9. Democrats: "If it i8 necessary to carry the state and secure the offices for our party, shoot white and black na parade the state with red shirts, moiguns ana pistols." (Wllmlne- " " uiston ana oiner places.) r,?r , ne Kreat contrast between mcmng ma lne teaching of uwimuers in democracy so-called I n KT A k. . . ... on 10 a great extent from th rt that thy have violated about every wiuujuiu in uod'a Word, and we challenge contradiction! Yet about nine tenths of the ministers In North Carolina are giving their Influence and votes to sustain that party that u"u is violating about evei command of God. Is it any wonder that the church es are not increasing numerically, as ut-y um years agoT if... n j . y uw orinir about a mti change both politically and ecclesias tically. Geo. E. Hunt. THE SIMMONS Uiruivv vt.t liAiLiu-ntwAKUHTO THE FAITH T a m m t . FUL ECONOMY TO THE REAR. Kandleman, N. O, June 10. The Simmons aonointee. th nnmi Mogul and Division Commander for Randolph county is yet exercising his divine right manipulating the minor appointments in such iwiv that these favored OnftM mav have benefit and he pleasure therebv looking to the nomination for con gress as part pay for his wisdom. sagacity and watchfulness. In the matter of Superintendent of Health, it was not considered to the best Interest of the division com mander to allow what the oeonle thought a logical arrangement. So the machine ordered the usurping coroner to reslirn that uonltinn tn ake a higher seat in the synagogue, laving proved himself worthy by mplicit obedience. One candidate who offered to perform the duties of superintendent of health for one half the salary paid was rewarded with the appointment of the lucra tive position of coroner, another was appointed one of the election board and hence having been caught in this ruse, his lips was sealed at the pie counter. Now when the faithful began to congratulate themselves on the suc cessful close of this incident, came up from the west and corners of the county a "Sand Rlast" the drop pings from which were accusations of double dealings and acts resembling which an Apache Indian would scarcely be proud. Seven New National Bank In North Car olina. The Comptroller of the Currency has prepared a statement which shows that since March 14, 1900, to May 31, 1901, seven banks have been orgaidzed in North Carolina, as follows: First National Rank of Weldon $25,000; First National Rank of Morganton, $25,000; First National Rank of King's Mountain, $25,000; Elkin National Rank of Elkin, $50,000; First National Rank of Laurinburg, $25,000; National Rank of FayettevUle, $25,000; Na tional Rank of Lexington, $25,000. A Tonne Woman Jailed for Stealing From her Schoolmates. Northampton, Mass., June 6. Miss Mabel Lawrence Burt, of Rridgeton, N. J., daughter of a prominent lawyer of that place, was arraigned in the district court today, on the charge of the larceny of a diamond and ruby ring, the proper ty of a student at Smith College, valued at $1,000 and sums of money aggregating $3,000 additional from various students at that institution. She pleaded guilty and was held in $1,500 bonds for the grand jury. In default she was taken to jail. Man's Arm Fonoa in a Shark. Charleston S. C, Special. 5th to At- tanta .News. A large shark, measuring fifteen feet, was caught in Charleston har bor by fishermen this morning. When the body was cut open the arm of a man in a perfect state of preservation was found in the belly of the shark. The arm is supposed to be one from one of the fishermen who were lost in the squall off Charleston last Friday, when fifteen fishermen perished. State Board of Election. The State Board of Elections ap pointed to serve for two years, is composed of the following: Wilson G. Lamb, of Martin; Robt, T. Clay- well, of Rnrke; R. A. Doughton, of Alleghany; Clarence Call, of Wilkes and A. R. Freeman, of Henderson. The first three are Democrats and the last two are Republicans. It will be seen that the People's Party was denied representation. Snow Storm In North Dakota. ' Jamestown, N. D., June 6. Snow fell heavily to-day, throughout the central and northern portions of North Dakota. At Jamestown snow fell for two hours this morning. A similar state of affairs is reported in towns north of here. It Quickly melted. The oldest settlers cannot recall a similar occurrence in June. North Carolina Bel teres la Adrerttsui;. Riohm nd 'times. North Carolina Is to be represent ed at the Charleston Exposition, the board of agriculture having appro priatea 99,000 for tnat purpose. North Carolina believes In adver tising. Virginia seems to think that she does not need to be adver tised, but live merchants do not agree with her. Cuthbert, Ga.. June 6. Peach shippers are busy. They liave about completed shipping the Sneed va riety and are now shipping the Alexander and Triumph varieties. The Cuthbert peach is still popular on the market fend bringing good prices. " Carolina could be carried RALEIGH, A SmiT CIAtf L IX KCS3TC3. TIXAJ. wo mm Killed mm Two Wi A DttMMf Battle Ow a IIor-Bat oTersor Ho. it jioosion, rex., June 7. As the result of an Indictment charging bog theft, a shooting affray occurred here wtiay in which Thomas Payne and Ij. D. ixbola were kilted. J. R Perkins was fatally, and Dave Echols frnftwf I aw .1 r . jt "uuuueu. nywj'g son was on trial and the Echois had been summoned as witnev They met down town and after a few words tne sbootlng began. Perkins was brother-in-law of Payne, and he and rxnois nred at about the same time xxjnow bullet struck Payne and In vne same seconds Perkins' shot kill ed Echols. .uave kjchoxa opened fire on Per. auns ana on youmr Pavne. Two bullets struck Perkins, and a wound wo kiuiu wiu proDaDiv Drove iaiai. reruns wounded Dave JUJhols in the arm and amnut&tinn will be necessary. The vtuinwr Payne was not hit. The street was crowded at the time of the shooting, oui no one save those directly in volved were hurt. Every bullet fired struck the mark, with the ex cepilon ol one which young Payne nreu ana which struck his father. inougn lie was probably dead at the time. A Famine in Siberia. Victoi ia, B.C., Dispatch. -News received from Siberia irives the most distressing accounts of the great famine which has overtaken the greater part of western and cen tral Siberia. Even eastern Siberia, hitherto the most prosperous part ol the country, has been overtaken by famine. In this case the famine is the consequence of too much rain. The new railway has ruined large numbers of inhabitants of the Siber ian tract who formerly lived by hiv ing horses and engaging in transport. Some of the newspapers declare that Russia would be seriously hampered if complications were to come in China, as the Siberian grain reserves, wnicn were relied upon to feed the army in Nanchuria, are practically exhausted. Fire Inches of Rainfall in Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., June 6. There was a terrific fall of rain throughout this section of Mississippi today. The down-pour lasted for eight hours and the local weather observer reports that it amounted to nearly five inches. Railroad traffic is greatly delayed and on several branch roads has been suspended un til the waters subside. A number of washouts are reported on the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley and Gulf and Ship Island roads. $100 Nugget Found. Albemarle, June 5. Mr. J. W. Leonard, manager of the Ingram gold mine, brought In another nug get this morning, which weighed 111 pennyweights, worth about $100. A PRISONER FOR 25 YEARS- STRANCE STORY C0HES FROM PARIS. Madame Mounter Imprisons Her Daugh ter In a Dark Room and Keeps Her There For a Quarter of a Century The Awful Sia-ht That Met the Police When They Opened the Prison Door. Paris, June 8. The sensation of the week has been the arrest of Mad am Monnier, a rich, miserly, land owner of the neighborhood of Poit iers, and her son, a former prefect of the Department of Vienna and a leader of Poitier's society, on the charge of incarcerating Mile Rlanche Monnier, daughter of Madame Mon nier, for twenty-five years, in a room of Madame Monnier's house. The police who were anonymously notified cf the woman's detention. entered the house and found Mile. Monnier shut up in a room, in dark ness, lying on a mattress, stark na ked, and so emaciated that she ap peared to be a living skeleton. The room was covered with filth, bones, re ruse looa, worms, rats and all kinds of vermin. The unfortunate woman, who had partially lost her reason, was taken to a hospital. It was thought she would die, but she is now improving. Twenty-five years ago she was a beautiful bru nette and fell in love with a lawyer without means. Her mother disap proved of their love and confined her in the room which she has only recently lea. The son, after his ar rest, pleaded that he acted as he did on account of filial piety and that the mother was responsible. The lawyer died In 1885. There was another dramatic de velopment in the case to-day. Mad ame Monnier died in prison of heart disease. The gravity of her crimp was brought home to her at the j udge'3 examination Thursday. She became ill and died suddenly in the 1 o Anil . innrmary oi me prison wis morn ing. "Weds the Family Coachman. Bennington, Yt , Dispatch. Miss Laura Raker Culver, daugh ter of the cashier of the North Gran viRe, N. Y., National Rank, left home Monday, ostensibly to visit relatives In Sandy Hill. Yesterday she went to Caldwell, where she met Frederick W Aldhouse, and they were married in the afternoon. Aldhouse has been a coachman in the Culver family for several years, but was recently discharged. NORTH CAROLINA. THE FORESTS AMD FLOODS OBSERVATIONS ON THE CA TAWBA DISASTER BY A GOVERNMENT EX PERT. TKE CAUSI CF TCI CHAT 0AEACE. rarmers afore at the Utwi nr ruwwi. Tha Xirer B tore-Pet r tiui of The For Che Chief and Growing Troable. Charlotte Observer. Mr. E. W. Myew, of Chapel II IU. who Is connected with the United ouiies ueoiogical Survey, and who ft A A - - . . . has been detailed to examine the caiawoa nver ior the Dumam of at- a a making a report on the recent flood, m a was in tne city last Thursday. in an Interview with an Observer reporter Mr. Myers stated that he had followed the Catawba from its source in the Swannanoa Ga n in Rock Hill, S. O. and had talked with the residents who live along the river for this distance. He ap proximates the damage done by the flood at $500,000. The damage along ii me river siue nas Deen general and in proportion to the acreage of bot tom land. In Dracticallv all th wheat fields close to the H and has been sanded over for two or three feet deep and the corn fields have been completely washed away down to an unproductive subsoil The injury to farming land was greatest in Rurke and McDowell counties, said Mr. Myers, because in these counties there is more bottom and. In McDowell the damage is about $100,000. and in Rurke it is between $250,000 and $300,000. The broad bottom lands in the latter county are simply ruined for a dis tance of three hundred yards on either side of the Catawba. The velocity of the water, said Mr. Myers, was greater than ever before. At Rock Hill the current ran about ten miles an hour, which is a terrific and hurtful pace for the Catawba. And it is universallv ad: mitted that during the recent flood the river was much higher than ever before. The hurtful effects of the velocity of the water was not due to amount of rain that feU. for the weather bureau reports indicate that much heavier rains have fallen in the past and the volume of water was carried off without injurious conseanence. The whole seciet of the bad effect and extent of the flood lies in the deforestration in the western part of the fctate Along the Linville river and in aU parts of western Carolina the country is being stripped of trees, and this is followed by the forest fires which sweep awav all vegetation or undergrowth. When the rains fall on such land there is nothing to retard the current of the water. With great force it strikes the river, the velocity of the Ca tawba is increased by the mad vio- ence of the water and the current develops a wonderful and dangerous power. Every man who lives by the river, said Mr. Myers, says, without hesitation, that the cutting away of the timber is entirely re sponsible for the serious flood. "In the future," said he, "the land along the Catawba will be more at the mercy of the river. The last freshet tore off vegetation along the banks, made new channels, or cut-offs, and broke through all the elbows of the river. So the farm land is much more unprotected than formerly and it is in the power of a comparatively small freshet to do vast injury?" "What Is the remedy?" "There is no present remedy." said Mr. Myers. "This flood sug gests no warning to thrtimber men n the western part of the state. They are more active now than ever before in the history of the state and they are cutting down all the trees they can reach. It is the truth that as the matter stands there is plain, though not recognized, war fare between1 the timber men and the farmers. The timber men are making money, but are ruining the farmers along the Catawba. This question is most vital; but the peo ple do not seem to understand or appreciate the great danger that con fronts them. The ultimate and ab solutely necessary remedy will be a measure that will prevent the wild and wasteful cutting of timber. This, together with the establishment of the Appalachian Park, which wiU preserve timber around the source of the river, is the only hope." rhe Saloon Sakaaber Sara She la Cominr to Xorth Carolina. The Littleton correspondent of the Morning Post says: Mr. J. R. Pearce, an earnest ad vocate of temperance, wrote to Mrs. Carrie Nation several days ago and asked her if she would not include our town in her contemplated tour through this state, and aid us in eur efforts to get rid of the saloons. He received a telegram today saying that she will be here on the 25th of this month, and bring her hatchet. An exciting time is expected. Philadelphia Appropriate 35,OQ0 for aa Exhibit at Charleston. Philadelphia, June 6. S elect councils adopted a joint resolution appropriating $35,000 to be expend ed for a proper representation of the city of Philadelphia at the Charles- ion Exposition. THURSDAY JUNE 13. 1901. DANGER FOR THE SOUTH. WILD SCHEMES OF DLSFRAN- - CHISKMENT JEOPARDIZ ING INTERESTS. VIEVS Cf CCSCKSSUAM IIVIECSTCX. Oeorria Xeede ao A tat-That Qeestios) tat Maj State Is IlaadllBc the Nero Satisfactorily- Dtsfreaehisea Cat Dowa Rpres station. Charlotte Observer. Washington, June 5. The lead ing member of the minority of the great appropriation committee of the House Congressman Livingston, t Georgia sees danger ahead for the South. He is not in favor of any constitutional amendment for his State in line with amendments on the suffrage question which have been adopted by Louisiana, Mississi ppi, North and (South Carolina. He seen danger In such amendments which he thinks may In the future result in the cutting down of the congressional representation of States adopting them. "I think our people are against such amendments to our state con stitution," he said. "We are get ting along nicely with the negro in Georgia. The states which adopt the amendments already adopted by Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, may see the time when Congress will take the matter up with a view to affecting their representation in Congress. As long as Georgia is doing well we do not care to run a risk of having our representation cut down in the United States Congress and the elec- torial college. I was opposed to giving the republicans the advant ages we gave them at the last ses sion in increasing their membership in the House. We gave them an increase of nine members when there was no necessity for it, but we had democrats who were so anxious to get their own representation increas ed that they were willing to let them do as they wanted. "The House was large enough. Now, if they conclude their margin not sufficient, and claim their right to increase it by reducing the representation of such states as Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, it would bring tur moil and strife and re-open the issues of the civil war. For these reasons I do not think it is best for the Southern states to adopt such constitutional amendments. I think the Georgia election law remedies the whole trouble complained of in tha South. Any man can vote in Georgia if he is not a felon and has paid his taxes. The great majority of the negroes have only a poll tax to pay. A negro can refuse to pay his poll tax of $1, and after he has done so for twenty years he can vote any time by paying it up. Rut hundreds and hundreds of them prefer to take care of the dollar to voting. We have no educational qualification. The number of negroes in our state is not so large as it was formerly. Very many of them are moving away where agricultural conditions are better than they are in Georgia. The colored people in the state are now in the proportion of four to six." A Student at Richmond CoUere Seat Home In Disgrace, Richmond, June 7. A young man who is the son of one of the most prominent and popular minis ters in the State and who came of a family with a long and illustrious line of ancestors, was expelled last night from Richmond College for stealing, and has been sent home. He was caught by Detective Wrenn after rigid investigation. Articles had been missing at the college, among them a gold watch belong ing to Prof. F. D. Winston, of the chair of physics. The watch was recovered from a pawn shop and when the young man's rooms were searched many articles belonging to other students were found. The young man seems crushed by the disgrace. A Large Deal la Beat Estate. Morganton, N. C, June 7. In formation from Asheville today is to the effect that the M. R. Wilkin- som Lumber Company have bought the Cheever property comprising over 30,000 acres of land in Rurke county. The company will build a narrow guage railroad . from Mor ganton to Short-off mountain, the western end of the property, a dis tance of about eighteen miles. They will also erect a large lumber plant at Morganton, which will add to the rown ana connw's material pros perity. Mr. M. B. Wilkinson, manager of the company, will short ly move his family to Morganton to live. A Worthy Young Man. Charity and Children. The valedictorian at Wake Forest this year was Mr. Rooke, a poor boy. 1 .9 mm m A . - wflu cuuiu not anora u Doara at a boaraing house, bat bought his rations and did his. own cooking. We have heard that his record as a student was the best ever ;- made- at the college. . The world . will . . hear from the young man if his life is arjared. Anrran can IMa a llMMBiO FM Ae mm KlUe a Wm Charlnto&, S. C, June 7. A fly wnf at tli povrr bourn of IL 1 ha!Ktoa CVxkejlldated lUllway, Gas and Klcctrk IJ-ht Company, sixteen frt in dUmrter and weigh ing eighteen tun, broke into a myriad of fragments at 1 1 o'clock Unlght, one of which killed a negro woman. At the time of the accident the wheel was making 150 revolutions a minute and enormous iilm through the wall and roof. One piece live feet long aud welzhlnr about a too rtruck a nhanty Sou feet from the power hotine and kilUt Lydia Ronneau. a negro woman. In the bed by her side was ber hu- oana who was untouched. After killing the woman the maw of iron burst through the shanty floor and nnauy naif buried iteulf in the Att mm ... ground 15 feet away. Exactly aa Advertised. London Answers. An Indignant working farmer re turned an hour after purchasim; a horne. "Look here, sir!" he exclaimed. "I don't want thin horse you sold me! lie shies. 1 can't get him to croHs the bridge," "That's the reasou I sold him." Haid the dealer, calmly. "Why did jou come to me ibr the horse?" "1 saw your advertisement in the paper." "I thought so. I gave my reasons for selling him." "Yoh; to be sold, you stated, for no other reaMon than that the owner wanted to go-out of town." "Well, if you can get out of this town with him," said the dealer, "it will be more than I can do." Mark Hanna a Colonel. Cleveland, June G. Senator M. A. Hanna has been appointed a colonel on the official staff of Gen. Rassieur, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Sena tor Hanna was recently mustered into the Grand Army of the Re public as a member of Memorial punt in this city. Millions for Medical Science. St. Paul, June 7 Official an nouncement was made at the Na tional Medical Convention of the gift of $2,000,000 by John D. Rocke- leller to the association for the pur pose of furthering scientific medical research. The tender of the el ft was made through Dr. W. W. Welch. of the faculty of Johns HonklnH University. Carnerle Giving- Away Money in Britain. London, June 7. Andrew Carne gie signed a deed today transferring $10,000,000 in five per cent. United States Steel Corporation bonds to trustees for benefit of the Univer sities of Scotland. The amount be comes Immediately available. MADE JOBS FOR THEMSELVES. HAS REACHED A SICKENING POINT. rhe Lta-Ulatnre Created a Lara-e Namber of Offices, And In Tarn Hare Been Ap pointed bj the Governor or Board of Directors to F1U the Office. Monroe Enquirer. The tendency of the appointive power in our state government is to give places to members of the legis lature. This has been carried on to such an extent that a laree per cent of the memers of the last legislature has been appointed to positions of trust and honor. The common, everyday people of the state are criticising such an abuse of power, as we have just right and cause to do. The legislature created a laree number of offices and then in turn the Governor or board of directors put in positions of honor and trust those same legislators who made the offices to which they are appointed. Now, we have four new judicial dis tricts to which judges and solicitors are appointed by the Governor, and three of the judges and three solici tors are members of the leeislature which created the new districts. J. S. Mann, a member of the legisla ture, was elected by the board of directors of the penitentiary as the superintendent of our state prison. The legislature created that board and the board "set up" an influential member of the legislature which created it. And thus it eoes until it has reached a sickening point. It looks very much to a man up a tree like a case of "you tickle me with a straw ana I'll tickle vou with a telegraph pole." South Carolina Whiskers Gome to Greenville, S. C June 1, Be sides having exciting politics and being the author of the dispensary system, South Carolina seeks the dis tinction of produing the men with the longest whiskers. .The neigh boring county of Laurens has with in its borders more than half a-dozen men whose whiskers touch the ground, and these men are fully up to the average In height. P. H. Martin has the distinction of wear ing the longest chin ornaments. It is believed that If he did not keep them trimmed they would reach the length of 13 feet or mare, for he found that they grow not leas than six inches each year. nut. JaAce rwMtt has iloa the J mttM V. . ill i'rs aa Me As 1 1 mm Tea Kff. mttjmtm tmU Judf Thacua R. Purorll, of the I'nltrd HUtea Ittstrkt Cuorf, a fr day alone Usurd the following gro end order hVh U arlf eipUaaUsry, Uwlt: U'berms U I'nlU-l hUtea Coo mladofier In and ft the Ijaatera DUtrict of North Carolina have two appointed from time to Um many of 1km cotmubiie expire ua the flri day of July, 1901, aud wherma. lite Art of lotirrrm. rall&ed on the 2Mb day of May, 1S97, rtulrr the the Duttrtct Court lo appoint l olUd StaUn Comml'4oner for (bur yeans unkm atHMter mnovrd. U U now rouftldered ud ordertd by the Court, that lite coaimbeUuus of all United State CommWlonert in ami for the Eastern DUtrict of North Carolina be, and the mme are hereby, revoked, and nald cutuml- sioneni removed from office from and after July 1, mi. That the following tnon be and they are hereby aptolntcd United StatoM ComiubetlonerM in and fur the Eastern DUtrict of North Carolina for the term of four yr front and after the firxt day of July, lil, uu- Ien sooner removed: John K. Rryau, MoiH-ure. Caron Johuaun, ritUboro. J. W. Rrowu, Oxford. D. S. lUrrett, ML Caruiel. Hugh Humphrey, GoUUboro. Renj. F. Mclea', Maxtou. M. R. Cul-p.r, KHzaheth City. John NichoU, RaU'lgh. Jus. M. Hittenton, Wllllamston. A. V. Simpson, Raxtou. George 11. Makepeace, Sanfonl. A. J. Loflln, KInston. James T. Gooch, Weldon. J. C. Warren, Kdentou. W. M. Kelley, Rockingham. Lewi 11. Daniels, Roxboro. John M. Wolf, Reaufort. George F. Sneed, Dunn. Albert 1. Faucett, Durham. John D. Means, WiUon. Wm. II. Cox, Laurinburg. Samuel 1. Collier, Wilmlugtou. Thos. N. Harrison, Littleton. S. S. Daniel, Winton. Robert Ia. Rurna, Carthage. J. S. RlauUdell, Columbia. L. R. Chapin, Lllllngton. Charles R. Hill, New Rem. James D. Parker, Smith field. Charles T. Ruck man, Washington. R. S. White, Klizabethtown. A. D. MorrUey, FayettevUle. This order to take eftect July 1, 1901. The Clerk of thU Court will bwue commhwions under the seal of the court to each of the foregoing United States Commissioner, who shall qualify according to law on or be fore the 10th day of July, 1801 THE BELGIAN 8AVINCS BANK. Increases la the Naatber of Hooks Anooaat of Deposit. Washington post. Official statislicH concerning the Relgian Government savings bank, sent to the State Department by Mr. George W. Roosevelt, the American Consul at Rrusbels, show that on De cember 31st, 1900, the number of books was 1,762,434, against 1,647, 263 in the previous year, and the amount of deposits was $127.428.. 143.38, an increase during the year of $7,200,144. The capitalized In- terest amounted to $3,462,840.43, which added to the amount repre sented in depositors' books, made a grand total of $130,890,983.82, be longing almost exclusively to the working class. Owing to the Indus trial prosperity throughout Relglum during the past two years, there was noticeable increase in deposits; but during the last six months, on ac count of the strike among tne glass workers in the Charleroi district, there has been a falling off. Statistics also show that the In habitants of the province of Hal naut are the most thrifty and sav ing in Relgium, as their deposits in the postofhees alone during the year just ended amounted to $1,630,963. 43. Married 34 Tlaae. Father of SZ Chil dren aarf Petered Oat at the AnoTIUS. Indianapolis, June 8th. George Smith, a colored inao, Is dead here at the age of 105 years. He died at the home of Captain David Rraden, who brought him from the South during the civil war. His earliest recolectioa was that when a child at Walls Ferry, Va, hi master sold him for six dollars. He was nineteen years old at the time of the battle of New Orleans. He said be was the body slave of Captain Asa Rrowu, of NashviUe, during the Mexican war and during the civil war until his master was kill.-d at the Utile at Lebanoo, Tenn. The old man said he had been married 84 times and that he the lather of 52 children. The Klondike) Gold Output. Dawson, May 21. Via Seattle, June 7. The spring clean-up season Is in full 8 Ing In all parte of the Klondike camp. The spring clean up of the camp is estimated at $15 000,000, and the summer output at $10,000,000. Gold dust is now coming Into Dawson at the rate of $30,000 to $40,000 a day. MaeArthar Aaaomeee Thai all of the Volaateers are Cotag Hoais. Washington, Jane 7. A cable gram was received at the War De partment today from General Mac Arthur, at Manila, announcing that all the volunteers have left the Philippines, en route for the United States. No. 2G THE BOOKS ADOPTED. I'XIVERSsTY PUBLISH I. N'ti COMPANY CJKTS TUK MUX'S SHAKE. cm rca ra nziis uzuu. TV I A rmm 4 the ri 9 taeotd Folio Inr U the fall lUt iX ik. book arlexted by the .Mat Ikard of Kduratloo as g Urn out by Hprr ioleodebt of I naiructloo T..iav 1 ut Governor Turner and rWretary of Kiate Grimes, ftmnlag the commit tee appointed by the Hoard to pre fsue the report; Hta-lllug: iUrrinrtua'a twblUfe. d by the American Ruok tV. rrlce: Flrt part. lOrvaia. Hwoud rt, 1 0 real. Complete (one vol.) IS tvtila. lleaJem: IIoIum' hTWm m t.. Uld by Cnveralty I'uMUUnf IX. rrioB (hoard) Flrt book, 13 renU. Mui'ood book, I M tit. Third book, 21 uU. Fourth book, Sonant. Fifth book, 3i real. ToUl, $1.20. I'rloe (cloth) First ljok, limit. Herond book, 22 real. Third book, 2 rcuta. Fourth book, .' cent. Fifth book. 42 cent. Total, $1.40. Defining: Webter Dictionary publUhed by the American Hook Company. Prlom Handy Dictionary, 4H rent. Common School Dlctlnarr. 72 cents. Note: The commou ertxnl' dictionary is to be furnUled at re' duoed rate If the aaute wotk la foui! to be furnUlied to any other Ute at a price lower than aUve figure to be reduced accordingly. HUtory: llanaell'a pablUhe! by the University FublUhlng Co. Prices Higher, 70 cenU. Primary, 40 cents. Physiology: Steele' publUhed by the American Rook Crumpany. Price (abridged), 45 cent. Phyalcal Culture: Johnaoo'a publUhed by R. F. Johnson A Co. Price Roard, 30 oenU. Cloth, Zh vent. Pedagogy: Way mark for Tsawh. ers" publUhed by Silver, Rurdette a to. 1 'rice 11.00. Geography: Maury' publUhed by the University PublUhing Co. Prices (board) Kleiuentary, 40 cent. Manual, 88 cente. Physical, 90 cent. Grammar: R-nuler' Modern KnglUh publUhed by Newaotn A Co., of New York. Price, &0 cent. Language: Lessons, byllekte . publUhed by R. C. Heath A Co. Price, 24 cent. Arithmetic: CoUw A Klwood'a publUhed by R. F. Johunoo A Co. i rice board) First book, 22 cents. Second book, 46 cents. Prices (cloth) Flrwt book, 24 cent. Second b.ok, 46 cent. Mental Arithmetic: Milne' publUhed by the American Book Co. Price, V cents. Drawing: Normal DrawlnrConrM publUhed by Silver. Burdetta A Co. Prices No. 1 to 3, 8 cent. Nor. 4 to 9, 15 cent. Writing: Smithdeal'a Practical Progressive Slant WrlUnr publUh ed by R. F. Johnson A Co. Price. 5 cent. Writing: National System of Vertical Writlmr publUhed bv D. C. Heath A Co. Price. 6 enta. HUtory of Negro Race (for Neirro scbooU exclusively;: Johnaoa'a publUhed by Ed ward A R rough too. Price, 40 cenU. Primers Moses Reader, 10 cent, by E. P. Mown, published by B. F. Johnson A Co., (conditional.) HUtory HUtory of Negro Rao, 40 cent, Edward A R rough ton. (For ue in cutored schooU). Hyde' language Lemon Rook 1 is made optional at price of 22 cents. A Ber iy KUle hie Ore Hill, N. O, June 7. Tbemd Intelligence, of the death of Mr. Henry Sder's little eigt-y ear-old daughter, near Siter City, 1 report ed thU morning, caused by an ac cidental shot In her knee from a gun In the hand of her eighteen year old brother. It appear that while the little eiri was rjUvln with ber doll the young man play fully pointed the gun at the doll. tying be meant to ahootlt. At that moment the weapon wm aori denUlly discharged with the reaulte as aia ten. Washington, June 6. The Presi dent to-day commuted the aentenoe of Nichols Poiltx, who was convict ed in North Carolina, of ooanter feiting, and aentenced to serve six yean in priaon. His wmtenoo Is commuted to expire Jane IS, at which time be wli; have served two '-1