THE OAUOAOIAH PUBLISHED EVF.RT THURSDAY BTTHK CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. tOISCIIrTIOI BAITS. OmTw tt-OO tlx hf oaths, Thraa Moata. Ho. 11. TI1K IT.WITK.HTIAHT AGAIN. BUSTED The present managers of the pen itentlary, who are choice selection made by the Himmons redshlrt ma chine, are now (Kitting up a pitiful plea that the penitentiary cannot s wlf-hUMtalnimr on account of the re cent great flood which have dam aid the) crow and broken nome ot 13 the dike, etc. It will be remembered that in the i-aiunalirrf of 1 Hii7 and rVJ'J them name Democratic politician charged that the penitentiary not nelf- hUHtaining, ami that thin was due to the incomMtencf and corruption (none of which was ever proven) or the fusion management. Ho when the Democratic politicians came into Dower they proceeded to ihhuo one hundred thousand dollars of bontln which they (dated on the face of the bonds were indued to y the indebt edneMH of the penitentiary on account of the mismanagement of the Fu hIoii administration. No credit was given to the Fusion management on account of neveral years of bad crojiH and on account of live-cent cotton all of theHO things were charged uj to "Incompetence and mismanage ment." Hut hince the Democratic machine got In control It is notice able that they have bad good ctom and that cotton has sold, not at five cents, but at nine and ten cents per pound. Yet during that time they have spent $105,000 nioie than they made, and in the face of their ex travagance and mismanagement they have had the "cheek" to issue statement that they were making the penitentiary self-sustaining. Nb doubt, at an early date they will change their tune and declare that they cannot now make it self sustaining on account of the recent floods and the cold spring, but if the Fusion management could receive no credit on account of bad crop years and on account of five-cent cotton, then why should the Demo cratic management receive any cred it on account of recent floods and the cold spring after they have had two years of good crops ar d nine, or ten cent cotton? In this connection the following extract from the Raleigh letter to the Charlotte Observer, under date of June 4th, is interesting and per tinent : "At every meeting of the board some member asks the question, "Where is all the stuff the late man agement claimed to have?" Then there is a dead silence. One of the old board is a member of the new one, and he told your correspondent, with quite a flourish, last winter that it was Impossible for the peni Itentiary to need a dollar this year or In 1902, or indeed ever afterwards, provided the admirable system in vogue wm maintained. Now, when ,the question is asked "Where Is all that stuff?" etc. This member sits mute. An oyster is talkative com pared to him. Where is the $20,000 ,on the right side of the ledger," and where is the great supplies on hand? The peanut crop, as director O'Bor- jry says, has swunk" as Governor Nance's catfish did." We Join with the Observer's cor respondent in asking why that prom ised report giving the condition of the penitentiary has not been made and also where is that $20,000 profit which they claimed to have made After the Democratic machine has figured up all the loss that they can possibly charge to the floods, then let them show that they could have made the penitentiary self-sustaining if there had been no floods. It will be noticed from the above clipping that director O'Berry at tempts to excuse the condition of the penitentiary on the ground that the peanut crop has "swunk." Di rector O'Berry may be a pretty fair lumberman, but as a director of the penitentiary he is nothing more or lees than a burlesque. IS THE REVENUE ACT CONSTITU TIONAL! Many features of the Ilevenue Law passed by the last legislature are meeting with condemnation on all sides. Many of those who feel the injustice of the act have begun to investigate its constitutionality. The last legislature and the one preceding it have passed so many unconstitutional laws that it will be strange indeed if they have not, in their partisan and revolutionary crusade, made the revenue act un constitutional also. Of course, they will want to Impeach the whole court if this act Is declared uncon stitutional, but, no doubt, they will come to tLe conclusion that they cannot do so. In this connection we are remind ed of a story that was being told around the Yarborough House by some of the Simmons' machine fat owers while the Impeachment trial wu in program. The story tu in tended to be at the expenrw of the udgea who were being tried and wu to the effect that upon one oc casion a hunter, having shot at a wild turkey and having succeeded only In breaking one of his wings, attempted to outrun the turkey and 1 catch it. The swift footed bird.1 however, reached the fence, leapedWn t o-llhlv. and tMl Into the woods - D ST - out of sight. The hunter reached he fence and leaning upon it al most breathlessly exclaimed, "Oh, d n you; I didn't catch you, but you will roost lower the remainder of your Hie." This story was told with much pleasure and satisfaction, we are in- formed, by members of the 8im- rons' Machine as applying to the Judges when it became evident that the effort to Injoeach them would probably fall, but Inasmuch as the court has lnce declared the first actluuured dollars in expenses ana sai- of the last legislature that came lie- fore them unconstitutional (we re fer to the unconstitutional act at tempting to create an unconstitu tional Judge in the Asheville Dis trlct), we have not lately heard ol members of the Simmons' machine repeating this story. TU K HUFFHAOK PItOBLEM IX ALA if AM A. The Caucasian has on several oc casions referred to the struggle which the Alabama constitutional conven tion is having with the suffrage question. The other day when the "grand-father" clause, copied from Louisiana and iNorth Carolina, was offered in the convention there were many protests atrainst it on the ground that it was unconstitutional and that the only way to reduce the influence of the negro in Southern politics was by prohibiting him from holding race, wmcft it was i constitutional to do under the 15th A recent issue of the New Orleans Times-Democrat containing a report m i .a a a I oi one uay-s proceedings oi me con-1 veution has Just been received. It ' reports Mr. Knox, the chairman ofwe ia8t published a list of those the convention as going further in his opposition to the "grand-lather" clause and declaring that Alabama cannot afford to offer a stimulus to the young negroes to learn to read and write so as to enjoy the buffrage and to deny to the white youth oi the South that same incentive. It will not do, he declared in effect, to tell the negro boys, "We will let you vote if you learn to read and write," and to tell the white boys "you will get suffrage however Illiterate you may be; you need no go to school; you can vote whether you go there or not." Thus it will be seen that Chair man Knox is not only opposed to the grand-father clause, which at tempts to let all illiterate white people vote for eight or ten years while requiring all the negroes to learn to read and write at once be fore they can vote, on the ground that it is unconstitutional, but also on the ground that it will cause more negroes than whites to learn to read and write in the next few years. Heklo ftvorof giving to the whites at least an equal Incen-hf tive and inducement to get an edu-1 cation as that given to the negroes, This position taken by Chairman Knox is unquestionably sound and patriotic. The Caucasian used this same argument and tried to in fluence the Simmons' machine in this state to desist from Its unwise! and unnonHtltntlnnRi nniinv f n tv. U -I, bu, to ... our -PPb auu nrKuiiieuuj mey lurueu a ueai ear. It is noticeable that Senator Mor- t gan has Joined with Chairman Knox the penitentiary, we are really en ti .ta t in I Joying something like a "force and . J in this position. It will be remem- lidT, ft(1mlniat hered that Senator Morgan attempt ed to defend the North Carolina and Louisiana provisions in the Senate last summer, but now, when it comes to legislating for his own state, he has changed his mind and thinks that that policy is not con stitutional or wise. THE GREAT FLOODS, THE DAM AGE. AND THE CAUSES. In another column will be found a report made by an officer of the Geological Survey as to the damage caused by the recent great floods in . . ine western part ot the state and al- so an interesting discussion as to the nr.hflia wmvu va wuajv iiWUOt It will be seen that the officer wno maae we examination says that the rainfall was not so large as it has been in the past when much leas damage was done, and that the . . ' , present damage resulted from the cutting away of the forests from the mountain sides. He concludes his Tuw tnough stamps cut from . . . ..... . . envelopes, and envelopes post mark report by saying that the establish- ed without stamps havT value. Reg ment of the Appalachian Park to ister them to me and I will quote yon preserve the forests around the the forests around the headwaters of these streams would be one of the greatest and most ef fective remedies. The Senate Committee on Forest Reservations during the last session A f Am ox liongress iavoraDiy reported a bill to establish the Aappaiacnian floods should cause the next Congress February, but on account of In to establish this park and forest re-' crease of travel it has been decided serve without further delay. thla Bervioe in effec PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS. " In another column of Ihw bwue 01 the Calcaia.h we publlh a list of the public school books selected by the BUte Board of Education for the next five yean. Many of the books recommended by the Board are new to us, and, therefore, we are unable to say whether they are better or worse than the books that have been use. If they are equally as good or better, then we desire to congrat- ulate the Board upon securing the contract for the books for the next five years at a lew price than they have cost In the past. However, it is rather significant that the sub-Text Book Commission I A . appoinieu oy me legislature recom menaea aimot entirety ainerent mm a . . from those selected and ap proved by the State Board ofEdu I At ran a mm at a a a on. mis suo-iexi uook uom h"lion created by the legislature cost the State one thousand seven arles, and yet it seems their work has been worth nothing, because the State Board of Education has spurn ed, or, at least, ignored their report and adopted a lot of new books with strange names. We, trust, however, that their action has been wise and will prove beneficial to the State in the long run. THE SCANDAL GBOW8. In another column will be found an editorial taken from the Monroe Enquirer headed "Has reached the Sickening Point." The Enquirer is a democratic paper, but it Justly raises its protest against the action of the members of the last legisla ture in creatine a lartre number of new offices and then filling all these offices with themselves. in tne nrst place, there was no necessity for the creation of these new offices, and in the next place. eyen r there were such a necessity lomm HAnnv cHauM v men who voted to create these places at the public expense from voting themselves the jobs The Caucasian has referred to this scandal several times. Since members of the Wislatnre who had CIeated lobs for themselves, Mr. Rob inson, a member of the legislature from Anson county, has secured one of the 8olicitorships which he voted to create, and Mr. Mann, another member of the legislature, has se cured for himself the new fat posl- tion of head of the penitentiary. Surely the voters of the state will not approve of such methods when next they render the ballot box. their verdict at The State Board of Elections for the next two years has been ap pointed. It consists of ihree demo- crate and two republicans. The Simmons Machine is determined that the Peoples party shall not have representation, and further more, the two republicans on the Board are from the extreme western part of the state. Therefore, the en tire opposition to the Democratic party in the whole central and east ern parts of the state is denied rep resentation on this most important election board. Notwithstanding this effort to SGi. Tsfte Br th Penni niHvnon unno representative on every election bo at every voting precinct in eastern part ot the state the uiBjuribiei wuiuu ouuuiuus lias Otien able to steal in the east will disap pear or the people will know the reason why. With strikes, the importation of foreigners to take the places of local pubUc Wf less extravagance in nearly every de- Ipartment of state, junketing of public officers, the bankruptcy of In connection with the flamboy ant letter of the de-facto governor of this state, in which he talks about preventing lawlessness, preserving peace &c , we pause to ask what in the thunder does a red-shirt force and fraud . governor know about these things. P:rby Davis' Pain Killer Its va' 1Mb n. properties as a speedy lUTh inr it a in cannot fall fn ho cran orally appreciated, and no family I should be without it In case of acci- ?..or !u.a k , 0rSy8GDtoeryJ I diarrhea or cholera morbus Sold everywhere. Avoid substitutes. I there ia but one Patn-KUlor, Perry uavis-. nce zdc. and 60c. LOOK UP YOUR OLD CONFED ERATE STAMPS. Confederate Stamps are worth money. Look among tout old let- t?5',and ask old P?Ple tot their old letters, written during the war of 61 65. Those on original envelopes. I with post marks and cancelled, are Pncea RALBI0H, N. C. Change in Pullman Service. Taking effect about June 10th, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will resume operating Pullman car between Hamlet and Portsmouth on tnelr trains AOS. 38 and 41 pass 'THE NEW WVMl "Mm It rs. Bo Parkar. Mrs. Rose Parker. President William Downs Woman's Rllf Corps No. 48, also ohaplaln Northwestern Legion of Honor, writes from 2419 Central avenue, Minneapolis, Minn., a follows: "For Merer year I Buffered with a trere backache, and constant drag ging pain. Soma doctor gara It one mama and aoma another, but none gave relief. Sereral ot my Mend urged ma to try Peruna, ao I waa finally persuaded to try It and the tint bottle brought blessed relief. I bare used It off and on for three years. It keeps me In excellent health." Dr. Rachel A. Magaw, 07 W. Jefferson street, Springfield, O., says: "Your Pe rnna la worth its weight In gold. I feel like s new woman." The coming of what Is known as the new woman" in our country is not greeted by everyone as if she were a great blessing. Bat there is anotbei new woman whom everybody Is glad to see. Every day some invalid woman is exclaiming, "I have been made a new woman by Dr. Hartman's home treat ment." It is only necessary to send name, address, symptoms, duration of sickness and treatmentalready received to Dr. Hartman,ColnmbusfO.,and direc Hons for one month's treatment will be promptly forwarded. The medicines an be obtained at the nearest drug tore. ' Health and Beauty" sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. NERVOUSNESS AND NERVE. The more nervous a man is, the less nerve be has That sounds par- adoxical but it stamina. isn'i ; for nerve is Hood's S&rsaparilla gives nerve. It tones the whole system, perfec's digestion and assimilation, and is therefore the best medicine a nerv ous person can take. If you get tired easily, mentally or physically, take it it will do you good. At Savannah, Oa., Tuesday thirty extra policeman were sworn in by the Mayor to protect the property of the Seaboard Air Line and their employers. Tne strikers and their sympathizers were trying to per suade the other machinist employed by the Seaboard to quit work. One of the employers was wounded with a stone. A Slight Attack of crampk may bring on Diarrhoea, which is, many is, in many cases, followed by in flammation of the stomach and other dangerous comp aints. All such disorders are dangerous and should in thdir infancy be treated with the best known remedy. The merits of Pain-Killer are known and it is recognized as the standard specific for cramps, diarrhoea, etc. Avoid substitutes, there is bat one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c. The Teachers' Assembly is in ses sion in Wilmington this week. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved In six hours by "Nw Great South American Kidky Cubb." It is a great sur prise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Henry T. Hicks, druggist, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 19-ly. Men can be cured privately and positively at home of all weakness and disease. Write for new free book to Dr. J. N. Hathaway, 22 u. Rroad St., Atlanta, G. tf. A Purse Found. A purse containing money has been found on Fayettavllle street, of this city. If the owner will call at room 505 Tueker Building, and identify the purse, it will be returned to him upon paying to the Caucasian the cost ol this advertisement. STREET INCIDENT. "My Dear 8X,'' exclaimed lawyer Bartholomew Livingston, meeting the Rev. Dr. Archibald Wiudaam on the village street, "What does this meaiif I thought yon were laid up with all sorts of b&d disease P "And so I was," replied the rever ent gentleman, "I had an attack of indigestion and from that time on my whole system has baen in a dis ordered condition until I bean tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which has put me on my feet and cured all my stomach troubles.'' "I don't doubt it," said the lawyer. "This same medicine cured my wife of rheumatism and my little girl oi scrofula. When they say it's the best medicine money can buy, they onlv tell the truth." ."Yes, yes, so thy do," replied the minister, and the two passed on. A telephone line between In gold and Garland has been completed and is in successful aperation. It is to be hoped that we will soon have our line from here to Dano comple ted, and then of course we must con nect with Ingold. The cost wonld not be much as the distance is only abont twelye miles. Clinton Cauca sian. BalMma from tl Northern W?d are h Pyn jsBakam, the certain cure foreongt. monS? tadl in tha OWnta IuIbJ. ia. Thooaandaaf taJ paoala tuinc than orar a rear: SnaaS! STANDARD GAS LAMP CO. 1I8-I20 Michigan U Chloagv. aii The four burglar who robbed the rot Office at Emma, near Abbeville, Feb. 8th, have been found guilty of burglary In the first degree, - the lnalty for which la death, though they have not yet been sentenced by the Judge. WORKED 24 HOURS A DAY. There's no rest for those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills Millions are always busy, curing torpid liver, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague. They banish sick headache, drive out malaria. Nver gripe or weaken. Small, taste nlo work wonders. Try them. 25 enta. Sold by all druggists. Mr. McKlalcr I pro la Siowlj. Mrs. McKinley has been quite 111 since she and the President returned from their tour, which was cut short by her hickm1, but latest reports from the White House states that hhe Is improving slowly. HAYS HE WAS TORTURED. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writ H. Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills, ''but Bucklen's Arnica Halve completely cured them. Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores,' scalds, burn?, bolls, ulcer a. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Core guaranteed. Price 25c. Sold by all druggists. Gov. of Alabama Dead. W. J. Bam ford, Governor of Alabama, died Tuesday night at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Heart disease was the cause of death. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint acned and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burllcgton, Iowa. I waa weak and pale, without any appetite and all run tlown. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Eiectrlo Bitters and. after taking it, 1 felt I well as I ever did in my life." Weak sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Tiy them. Satlsfao tion guaranteed Sold by all druggists. A white man was lynched in Hamburg, Ark., Monday night for stealing a horse. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had con sumption so bad that If I walked a block I would cough frightful v and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $2.00 bottles or Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, LaGrlppe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung crouDies. race ouc and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Sold by all druggists. The Southern Industrial conven tion is being held at Philadelphia tms week. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sybup has been used for children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all painjeures wind colic, and is tne Dest remeuy ior iiarrnoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. Some of President McKinley's friends are in favor of nominating him for a third term. But the President says he would not accept ot the nomination, and further states that there are graver things to take the attention of the people at present. Thoughts i i wander when the brain is tired. Overwork, nervous irritation, worry and mental strain exhaust the brain forces and diminish their thought power. Feed the brain, strengthen the nerves and build up new vigor, vi tality and mental power. The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles Nervine. "I hare used Dr. Miles' Nervine at various times for years. I hare found it a perfect remedy in cases of nenroos ' ness and insomnia, caused by pro tracted mental strain and overwork. Have also used it in ray f amity and I know it is a true brain and nerve food." R. H. MxaTiN, Charleston, W. Va. Dr. Miles' feeds and nourishes the brain and nerves, over comes irritation, and brings sweet, refreshing sleep. Sold by druggists oa guarantee Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Dr. Hathaway :4!-thoMi of dl F0R.20TIAB J. HirWTOX HATHAWZT.X.D. and examination and advice. Ho win also send tne. tn Nrnm wrapper hi new 64 page 090k and setf-f ismfosUoa symptom btanXa, Is nijasi wTm writes It blm In confidence, . - 4. NEWTON HATHAWA1 ir, Batlutway M ife AV. r. O. BAD BIC.OD, DAD-ccapiraori The H la lW act ol an tlxnoatcad fcMTarwtyof diacaaca. TbT ar kacr. by tuwcs nanem. tmt are all doe to lb mlm catur. acid a4 other P-V tb blood that irritate and intertw wun the proper acto of the akia. To have a smooth, aoft akio. free from U rroptiona. the blood moat be kq pore and healthy. The many preparaliooaof xaenic and fwaah aod the large number of face powder ad lotiooa generally acd ia this ciaaa of disease cover ap for a abort time, but cannot remove per manently the ngly bUuhe and the red. diaftgwiac pun pi erapcioa i. loaawpfMM. A ten kaOra O. O. O. a " the worst forma of akin trouble. It la th- analyst of all blood purifiers, and the only oo guaranteed purely vegctaba. Bad Mooa anaae dm comptcama. purifies and invigo rates the old and make new. rich blood that nourish the body and keep the akin active and healthy and to proper conditio to perform tta part towarus carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Bcsema, Tetter. Acne, Salt Rheum, Paocaais, or your akin is rougn and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge whaV er for this servic. WIPT SrtClFlC COMPANY. ATLAaTa. tX NOT1CK OK SK Z KK Notice is hereby given of seizure of the following property for violation of the internal revt-uue laws of the United States: At If ayesville. N. C , 7 packages of corn whiskey. 285 4 gallons and still cap 2 copper worms of O. P. Rogers, Marrii 27, 1901. At arthage, N U- 17 barrels corn whiskey 754 4 gallons and copper still cap and worms, S mash tubs, 4 fermen t- ing tub, 2 cistern barrels and the distillery premises of W. Jt. Trogdon, March 29, IH)1. At t arthage, N. (J., 10 rarrels corn whiskey, 405 gallons of W K Trogdou, March 27, 1901, At Ransom's Bridge, N. C, 85 gal ions corn whiskey, of Jim Wilder, Apr 15, 1901. Persons claiming the above property will file their claims with me in my office within thirty days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. K. C.Ddhcah.CoI lector. By J P. H. Adams, Deputy Tollector. Raleigh. X April iS, 1901. NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND LIBEL. P STRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES aiHTBKN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA NO. 25, United states Against Distill ery and Apparatus and Fixtures and Twelve Packages of Corn Whis key. To C. A. Norbis, Wilson county, N. C. ana to an whom it may concern Orkrtino : Notice is hereby given, that the above mentioned property was seized Dy k. Duncan, collector of Inter nal Revenue for the Fourth Collection District of North Carolina, on the 11th day of March 1901, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the District Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of information set forth; and that the said causes will stand for trialat the court room of said court in the City of Raleigh, on the 8d day of June next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and it not, at the next day of jurisdiction there after, when and where you and all per sons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and judgment accordingly en tered upon the said appraisement bond herein, and to intervene for their in terest. G.ven under my hand, at office in Raleigh, this 20th day of May, 1901. 11. c. DOCK El RY. U. s. Marshal. John K. FowUr. C. E. McCullen FOWLER AND McCULhEM Attorneys-at-Law, Clinton, - - - N. C. Will practice wherever services are required. Special attention given to collections. Office over O. J. Powell's Store. Raleigh Ilarble Works COOPER .BROS, PROPRIETORS - aAUMOB, o. Uonnments. Shipments madfi to any part of the state at same price as at shop. Writ for Catalogue. IIARION BUTLER, Attornky-at-Law, 605 and 504 Tucker Building, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. Dr. Hathaway has known as the leading specialist to the ears at chronic diseases, "Io eurahia esses are sent to- him dailv from ail of aymmtltml oommlmxlom when och remedie are relied on. Mr. H. T. ". rm Lacaa A . St. Loaav Ma.aar: "fctf w Aki4 l vKkVdoSnr'M ermpuom trr face. Zll ..i AmnArA to tnr S a. A. mmd T tv tl taa am botU aa SalaW4 ia parts of the country by physicians who have had demonstrated to them the Invariability of his curt-s. To him do ease Is "hopeless.' His method of treatment It his own. It is a system which has been developed and perfected during his long years of active, con stant practice. has confined himself to the treatment of chronic the Blood, tlie Nerves and the Genital an Urlna;ynr?ans. Ills eures of Varicocele and Stricture without operation, by means of a painless home treatment, are the marvel of itie medical profession. Men who have lost the vigor of nature or whose blood has been polluted by contagion are broughf nack by him to a perfect state of health and energy. He Invites all those who have any form of f tunas 1 rtlsraiu or .wfifcknesstpeal) at his office, or write him, for free Ttattnn 33 Sooth Broad Street, Atlanta, a. Hicks'i ta HEADACHE CURE. Leaves no Bad IS, 25 and 60 Cm ts at Druggist. Save Your Gardens BY UGIHC TV 71 mm ORDKR AT ONCE. Pat. Man la aa4 Km. . llv? Iat. la t'aU No, a. it. . . eye death . . Non.Poisoaous Icscctklde. 1 Pound Package, - - - f .U 8 .Si 6 - .60 121 M 1.00 Shakers Julius Lewis Hardware Co., RaleiRh, h. c Elkin Woolen Mills ao 3 o M on Ft 1-1 ' o f- m GO 5? 3 Z. 00 S " 05 55 O & 2 d VaWt7wr '' v ify"wVlttoABTe'TOurwoolor have it mannfacturwl Uu in 1 ieto Calraere,, Jeana, Llnaeya, FUnn.l. mni IySISiS had in America, if yon want the beat made and moat eomforuTls ft ting pants yon ever wore ; if you want to trade with the clev t m,i you ever bad any dealing, with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN MI LUi 2 JU,Verrif,gr!l They have one of the laieat mill, la the quality of their work is unexcelled vaiou, too Write them for their handsome new caUlosrue, and do not dliDoat of your wool until you see it. Address, no1 ai,P" CHATHAH UK CO., Properieton. Ol Art AN I LiU R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarship offered. OA.-ALA. BUSINCSSOOLLCOE.falaoon.Om write quiet to Central AcafleuiT, t; School for boys and young men, will begin Its annual session Oct. 1st, 1901. Young men desiring to go to school and pay in part with work maV WrltA ta tin at nnna Ti.. " - trmmvo, . IfVU one are desired Immediately: six w mmu u wuis, at. lur carpenters work, four for masonry and plast ering, four for painting and one or two far printing. For further par ticulars address Rev. Chas. R. Tay lor, Principal, Littleton, N. C GUARANTEED $900 SAURY YEARLY. Men aud women of good address to represent us, some to travel appoint ing agents, others for local work look ing after our interests. $900 salary guaranteed early; extra commissions and exoenses: rattid ntunun... established bouse. Grand chance for earnest man or woman to secure pleas ant. Dermanent nnaitinn iik.Mii.. - r v SB iuiaiiuc and future. New, briUiant lines. Write an uuce. 23 Church St., New Haven. Conn ?. 5L L?.' JM Great Bnb, Cl::i t:i C:m Teaic. m wctauni nriuraii w uuu awv ai v 1 aaw. " --- .Ka wwiri nrn night loan at oooe. ur-a Xerrons U-bllltV Ineam. raiaUng KpeUs. Loss of Mctaorr "Zi ren. Sexual ExLaostioa. Laoroor. ilred VI85 DISCOVER Y-For all dli eaoasd by a weak, ran-dowa eooditioa of tha njfTvous mtem rures the bad ef&ftobaoro ??Z?TjSTlam.-tr- The very beat Ivmedr ret dlacorererf lor lost Dens force aad will Dot harm anyone or leave any Udeffprti Ton tS system ao matter bow loisil b5?S? tbt PBICB lift CPVTC a tv . . Bboxes K r PtoSi Tstnip; tTZ Try onebox anS can EXgZZ Wr Jcrrsaaor Smear. - AT re rum y" ?t yv"""M'mmi I The Only Hl8h Class raonimy, at 25c a Year, in th z World aaaaaaa Slfteem TageM.Fomr Cofaataj te the rmg0m typaft a Tsfacaslas la Itsalf; sack ftpartmaat aditsd by -oaS 'W ksowi ow ; - avsry arabar a mlam of laibma. w aaa aa tartalnmsnt. Cam sT a AsUas. CAPUDij1 Effect Whatever HAI.K1UII. .c EX PUIS (Ml FKKltllir. Hperlal 1UU, .65 1 X - "$ - THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 8UUt:EtnitL -it Bfgics Jans 17th and continued all weeks. 20 University Courses Offend The Hummer School for Teachers. Begins Juns 17th and contlnoM Three Weeks. Instruction given In every brawl of school work. For circular containing full infor mation address F. P Vinabli, President, or M. C. 8. Nosm, SupL Summer School. umo ja 'Wiila. nra-TfTaTas S mkityi ovfliiaa, WILBUR P). tfMITri. fLafTlCy. WITH, Latxlnrton. Kr Mi a a sfrasfs mm - . " sfcA T By taklas- Uii laUt a-K vae a uroovf7. n rl hr-n . rUm umm ai4 "" a tha cnUra trstrta. snakea tbc old ui- In. iT " a M you would liar thorn. JUST FROM EUBOfKlAUm and l-t A eoietj la saedleaj artcawa. Oaaraaiard irit youta Imparts Um leeUnf aad J extjAL osoANa weak t7lZ!Tie.Y?a? rom rjoaaa a total f la a mhtJUv cut for all aerwaa diamiM, f wean pafta. DO YOU SLEEP WELL? If not. wc r"- yoor DMorj. " J.T DUCOVEKY OP THE AQZ ??J?r cWar aad ssaootav. Sua out yor cbfk. a1 Too a beaiLfaT robust ai ' mooe- "ioyatia. VeZrS1- (9eaUd bifiSST1 Kr C" a '" T. Sou Aasars raa vac u. a- H CONTAINS THE FOLLOW I fiC AfA,r I J.I M,tfT&: Oas Sbort Stary. Biocraatsical Tid Bits. Popular Sdaaca. flaam ptaatarnpar Att tba Comforts of Hiias. Tbs ttml Lawyar. rissiianat ' af Haalta. Ta K4itor HaU Hotlaay. Tba Qais Cl (priaa qaastiaa dayartaaaatj TTmOMCs ioaltySaop. Sperta.Oaaiss aad Faatiaa. Hasac trady.Tba Casalas; Oaara4 TTas First Taaaaaad. aad What ta Ds With' It, T practical aaccaaa 4arta.U Tad Story af this World.' "Wbaa tbs IMM wars is (Mas. ranlirsmant Awaras al t BllalMt WarM Esaa o 1 v 1 ! I I W f

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