THE CAUCASIAN ""Kaleib, N. O., Jane 13, 1901. KntereJ at the Tost Office in Raleigh, N. ('., at second-class mail matter. CUIIItKNT LOCAL NEWH. The stor of B jylan, Pearce & Co , on Fajettetille street, waa rubbed Hondsy of 19 25 Th re ia no cine to the thieres. Bid are being asked for the con struction of the new textile build lnor for the A. &. M. Collegw. Thin balldloglsto be 75x130 feet cot ton mill style. It la Mid by farmers that labor I ho scarce and high, that Is the tttlng labor which they so greatly demand at certain eesaons, that a curtailment of acreage aeems nec )saary. The Hupreme Court, last wwk, reaftlrmed the verdict given by a Wake county Jury to apt. 8. ti. VoUy for $12,500 against the Booth urn Hallway. Capt. Coley sustain ed the loss of an arm in a smash up at (Joldsboro some time ago. Auditor Dixon, who has charge of punalon matters, say the lists of applicant are already coming In andthat therO'"be no falling off, on the contraryr"xl.ucrease. He added that the avtrage North Car olinian knows the value of a dollar too well to deprive himself of It when he Is entitled to It. Pungent Points For Purchasers. Good teeth are very deairable. To hae tbem it ia neeeaaary that tbej reeeire proper amotion andeare. The New York Dental Association under the management of Dr Noma loeated in the Holleman building on Fayetteville street, will treat them for yon if they need it. Priees are reasonable. Lk for their adver tisement elsewhere in this issue. . You may think yon are not going fishing bnt the fact is that moet of ui will go some day because we can't go 'anywhere else. Haven't lime yon see. Then remember that Baaing tackle that will both tempt and fool a fish Is a specialty of A. 8. Womble at corner of Har gett and Wilmington street. His "Headquarters Card" is in this Issue. The Hapreme Court Judges have gone home. Chief Justice Furches left for bis home at Htateavllle. Justice Douglas went to his home at Qreensboro. Justice Cook has gone to his home at Warren ton They will probably not return to the city before the latter part of August. Attorney General Gilmer has giv en an opinion as to the matter of taxation of salaries of judges and Htato officers, lie holds with At toroey General Batcbelor, in the la ter's opinion In 185C, that such salaries are not taxable, and saya a number of Supreme Courts have affirmed that opinion, and it seems to be acqu esced in by the public as a sound exposition of law. The pay f the lawyers goes merrily od, and nothing much is said about it these days. It has been reported that the attorneys who appeared for the state la the tax assessment cases presented bills for $3,000 each In addition to the $2,000 paid them. The Auditor gave them warrants for only $500 each. Lawyers who were paid $500 are J. C L. Harris, John W. Hinsdale and Charles A. Took. Simmons, Pou A Ward were allowed $1,000, as two members of that ilrm appeared. The executive committee of the trustees of Wake Forest College met last week and elected C. C. Critten den, professor of pedegogy, an in atructor In the gymnasium, and made his salary $1,000. A commit tee was appointed to make recom mendatlons concerning a medical department, which ia to be estab lished this year. H. C. Dockery, George W. Norwood and J. C. Cad dell were appointed a committee to arrange for the complete electric lighting of the buildings and the grounds The 8tato Board of Agriculture has set apart about $2,000 as a start ing fund for Agricultural scholar ships at the Agricultural and Mechanical College. The college will supplement this sum by about $3,000 at onoe. It appears that some Interest la being attempted at last In the matter of developing the Agricultural feature. The scholarships are worth about $30 each now and will be restricted to agricultural students. The board fives $2,000 to be expended for work upon the college farm done by such students. It was dec'ared by the deposed professor of agriculture, in his remarks to tne board of agricul ture, that little or no attention had been paid to agriculture by the col lege authorities. There is hardly any doubt that while the board is trying to be liberal it is going be yond its means. But Increase in public appropiiations and wild ex penditures are the order of the day in North Carolina. Most of everybody's business Is Just a little of somebody else's buil ness. It is somebody's business to know that A. N. Jones and Co., nave moved their nice grocery store to the corner of Fayetteville and Davie streets, and they tell In I his Issue Just how much they have got to do with other peoples' busi ness. They do It in a way that will convince you they know what they are talking about. Bee their card. Iialeigh is well known for its en terprising business houses and the liberality of its merchants. Among tne fine clothing and gents furnish iog honses, none are superior to the well known firm of S. & D. Berwang er, the "One Price Clothiers" on Fayetteville Htreet opposite the mar ket. They are just now making a special rnn on r eatherweights and the weather certainly is such that "Featherweights" are most desirable. In addition to this special line you can get anything else that is carried in a first class establishment, besides the fine line of reasonable hats, of ok wear Ac , and at pi lees that ap peal strongly to the purchaser. Call in and see them. You will be wel comed wheather you purchase or not. The proprietors and salesman are exceedingly clever. They have an attractive advertisement in this issue of The Caucasian which tells more fully of what they have to of fer the public. The Troubles of the Farmer. Wakefield, N. C, June 6. I have seen lots said about the heavy rains, the mills and bridges washed away, and the great dam age to the farmers, but I have not seen anything said about the "crab grass." Tne crops loot Diue just like a thick crop of oats just come. The Slmmona amendment or somethiog else, has driven the labor out of the county, and the farmers are offering fifty to seventy-five cents and board per day for hands, and cannot get them at that price, and ?rt it rains, and there are wide gul eys all over the fields. The farmer has to contend with the world, flesh and the devil, railroads, combines, tobacco worms, insects, rain, wind and weather; though I sold $12 worth of Jule Carr's black Essex pigs today and am happy. W. H. CHAMBLfil. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDER. THE MACHINISTS ON STRIKE. Varioaa Reports and Rumors In Connec tion Therewith A Little Episode That Caused Some Excitement. The strike of machinists for a nine hour day, which is felt nearly all over the country, is on in Ral eigh, and has been ever since It was ordered. The railroad machine shops are the centre of the contest here, and there have been some haDDenloes which are made the basis of all sorts of reports and rumors. The striking machinists say they have won the fight. It was report ed on Saturday that only six men were at work In the Seaboard Air Line shops. There haa been no trouble caused by the strlkeis up to this time, but it does seem that the railroad com nanv Is having a little Fourteen men were brought from Ports mouth on last Friday to work in the ih jps. They were from New York and Penney.vanla and they are being loJged by the company. It Is said that two of them left af r hating see i the situation of afTa rs Only three of thlot w re r guar machinists. According to rep -its Eolng the rounds, ttr y say they were promised 27J ce ts per hour for each ten hour day as long a they lived. Another report is that the company Is arranging a box car for the new men to live In and that the car will be kept in the round house. On last Saturday there was some excitement about tbe round-house on account of an explosion which occurred there, though no damage was done. It appeared to have been caused by an ignited fuse. It waa at first thought that it was caused by the striken, and the railroad officials wrote to the Gov ernor asking for the appointment of four police on special service. The Oovernor declined to do this on the ground that it would tend to cause Irritation. Inasmuch as these police would be regarded by tbs strikers as rallraod police rather than state police. The Governor however, promised that the power of the state would be invoked to ? reserve property, peace and life, t was ascertained that the striken had nothing to do with the ex plosion. The latest Information is to the ffeet that fourteen men is at work U the shops. C. II. Wiley Who Begun the System of Public Education Honored Last week, on the day of the closing of the public schools, there were some Interesting exercises at the Academy of Music. The principal features were the presentation of a portrait of the late Rev. Calvin fl. Wiley by his widow, Mrs. Wiley, of Winston, to the Wiley school, and of a flag to the same school by the Chamber of Commerce. The presentation of the protralt was made by Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of the chair of Pedagogy, at the University of North Carolina, and the flag was presented by A. J Fields. Esq. Both gifts were ac ceoted on the part of the school officials and dudIIs by Mr. J. W. Bailev. the editor of the Biblical Recorder. The exercises were under the direction of Mayor Powell acting as master of ceremonies. The exercises were opened with Draver by Dr Daniel, followed by an appoprlate selection of music by Hollowbush orchestra. Raleigh Business Director). A newspaper whose columns over flow with advertisements of busi- nam men has more Influence In at tracting attention to building up a town than any other agency that can be employed. People go where there Li bodm. Capital and labor go where there Is an cuterprteing community. No power on earth ia ho strong to build up a town as a newRpair well atronlzed, and it Iwer should be appreciated. T. DeWltt Talmage. Bar The bunlneMS hoa named below are etitabliHhment whose methods of dealing may lie relied upon as the very beet known to the bunlnem world: ALLEN, Daniel & Co. 8hoes. ANTICEPH AL UINE--Headache and Neuralgia Cure. BLAKE, T. W.- Watch Repairing ana jewelry. H1UDGERS. Jno. E. & Co.-Tal- lors and Haberdashen. BROWN, H. J. Undertaker. BISHOP. J. M.-Bieyele Kapair- IOYD FURNITURE CO , Re novating old Furniture. BKRWANGER, 8. & D. Clothiers log etc., CAPITAL PRINTING CO Printers C.B. CROWJtLL, & Co.-Trusses. DOBBIN & FERRALL Dry Good FERRALL, J.R.& Co. Grocers. GREEN, J. B. & Co. Grocers. GIER8CH. R. F. Restaurant HICKS' Capudlne. Headache and Neuralgia Cure. A N. JONES & CO Groceries KING, W. H. Drug Co. Whole sale and Retail Druggists. LEWIS, Julius, Hardware Co. Bug Death. McGEACIIY, A. S. Pharmacist. MANHATTAN Life Insurance Co. Gen. Agency. MOORE, W. J. Grocer. MANN, W. B., Groceries. NORRiS. DR 8. P. Dentist. RALEIGH Marble Works Mon uments. REAVIS J. H.- Cobbler. ROWLAND, D 8 Physician. SIM PSON 'S Eczema Cure. Phar macist. STRONACH'S, W. C. Sons. Gro cers. WHITING Bros. Clothing. WILLIAMS, A. & Co. School Books. A. S. W OMBLE Fishing Tackle. The Raleigh Market. Current Prices of Farm and Gar den Produce. The prices quoted are paid to the producer. Cotton 7Mto7 FARM PRODUCTS. The market continues stiff on all farm products. Eggs and chickens very scarce and in demand. Eggs--Fresh 14 to 15 Poultry Live, good. Chickens, old bens, large,. . . 80 to 35 Small hens 25 Chickens 16 to 20 rhickens, large spring, 20 to 25 Hams, N Carolina, 12 to 15 Hams, Virginia, la to 16 Hams, Sugarcured, 13 to 15 Irish potatoes, Northern, per busnei .. lootoieo Irish potatoes, new, per bus. 1.00 Irish potatoes, seed, per bbl. . 2 oOtos 50 Lard, per pound 9 to 10 Butter, per pound 15 to 20 New cabbage crate 1 00 New tomatoes. Strawberries per qt 7to05 YOUR TEETH. Are either the pride or baae of roar life. K your teeth seed attention yob will do well to consult DILH.P. XOKIU8 at New York Dental Aasoeiatiea of flee. Pnees are right and all wti naraated. Iateratate 'phone 3U6. Office. Holleman Baildiaar. Con sultation free. Dr. D. S. Rowland, Physician and Surgeon. Room 21 . Pullen Bulldlne. Office hoars, 9 to 10 :30 a. m. and 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. Bell 'Phone, No. 253. IIAXEIGII, X. C. TRUSSES mm DO YOU NEED ONE? WE GUARANTEE A FIT And Can Save You Money. C. B. CROW ELL, & CO. Have Yon Lost Your SOLE? If so get BKAVI8 to replace It for too. SHOES re-heeled aad half-eoled. wed. fl.OO. Half soJed. svwed, 75 cent. For taeklag hela and half soles. 75 cent. For tacking sole 50 e its. Cheap er rate glTen on ladle i aad chil dren shoes. All work aeetlr done and guaranteed to give satis faction. SPECIAL ALE OK 3 J. B. I Cor. Morgan & Wilmington Hi. R I LEIGH, K. C. Interior Decorations, HOUSEHOLD ART, PRICELESS" HEIRLOOMS KK SO VATIC D and repaired made to last aaother century, such aa deeka, chairs etc. Advloe and estimates gladly a;lvn. Order work a specialty. BOYD FURflllURE OUPAIIT, 106 South Blonnt Street, RALEIGH, N. I. CONTINTJE8 some lire! j salt telling last waa ai Braar,a -a k -.t t-r ThM M Ik. ' HIIIM Yea coald hare are sold. arty Suo smite iB $12 75 It $8.75 2 Fr tnita that are worth 115, 1160. aad $19, rw aad 122.50. 44.75 NOTICE OR TERMS For suits that are 110. ill, fu. Fet aaiu Uat ate S Hf .i.ti a . i . - . . Thvrveaa aoqsMUiMiM teitrara.ary tiMir M mt9 trx 3 r. no. ! weal it The Season For Featherweights la approeehia rapidly. We eall toar atteatioa ton to Mr lima cf Fiab. I J r . ing in prieea K. 17 50. 110 aad $15. Taeee are eoaaforUble aa wil h7ZI . 4rmr ome real extreme for the partieafar dreeaera. AH ef theei fit perfect e.4 rVale U4r .i 97 Ja Uflr Doctors, lawyers and Professional Mvn Generally eaa find the right eort of dreeey feather weight eloUee ia ur atoek Loi lu.k rui. i ,ateh. Single breaeted Albert CoaU wuh Vu to aUh. it. 'J lllimuV J-'i, Ti. ee albert are $10. The material la O.rma. Serge. fat bleak la col, .TrT.u!3L 5. ,b to match prinee 5j. j. B IfiJx v AN"GKE!R- Oim Pi ice Clothiers. DO YOU WANT Public School Books I ANY PRINTING? : 120 Fayetteville St. : s ALMOST EVERYBODY DOES SOMETIME. SEND YOUR ORDERS To The Capital Printing Company, FOR STAPLE, GROCERIES, FANCY. The "Hustling Printers" of the South. QUICK WORK GOOD WORK PRETTY WORK. RALEIGH, N. C. SEE W B MANNi ON EAST HARGETT STREET Prompt Attention, Best Prices. RALEIGH, N. C. BISHOP REPAIRS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AN INVITING AND PLEASANT RESORT. EVERYTHING IN SEA SON 216 Fayetteville 8t, Raleigh, N. C. The Pnblic Schools are do? opening o?ei the State, and will need supplies. Theso school books and supplies can be had at a discount to teachers and dealers from ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., EAT iTCIGKEI, JtT. C BANQUETS AND DINNERS A SPECIALTY. ARE Lawn Mowira, Sewing Machines, Guns, Rlflea and Pistols. Prompt and Skilfull work, most Reason- ble Prices. J. M. BISHOP, 332 South Wilmington Street, RALEIGH, N. C. w. c. STRONACH'S SONS, Bicycles LARGE STOCK High Quality, Low Prices. ESTABLISHED 1827. INCORPORATED 1899. "KING QUALITY" IN EVERYTHNIG BEARING OUR LABEL. Write na for quotations on Drugs, Patent Medicines, Soda fountain Supplies, Cigars, Cheroots, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Unfermented Grape Juice, Hospital Supplies, Kick Room uonveniences, Mais r-iinuM, Insect Powder, Pans Green, Garden Seeds, etc. We Invite Inspection of our stock, and aim to make it to tour Interest to give as your business. W Simpson's Eczema Ointment Cures All Skin Diseases. CURED TO STAY CURED? YW. rriinvn hh tav fiiuvm 1 v aa v U Ibl.ui And that means CURED TO STAY CURED1 Sent by Mall for 25 cent. William Sinpsoo, Pharmacist, Raleigh, fl. C Our HE ADOOART ERSAgentsforCha8e& 84111)0111,8 88 State ok Ohio, City ofToudo, ) Lucas County, Frank J. Chkbnsy makes oath that he ia the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chbknby & Co , doing business in th City of Toledo, County and State Aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE UUNDRBD DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by tbe use of Hall's Uatarbh Curb. FRANK J.CHKKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. l&JB. rial A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. FOR ANYTHING IN THE FISH ING TACKLE LINE. A. S. WOMBLE, Cor. Fayetteville & Wilmington St. RALEtGH, N. C. See Mere How. If a man's In Love, that's his business. If a girl's in Love, that's her business. If they marry and want Grocer ies, that's OUR BUSINESS. A. N. Jones & Co. Cor. Fayetteville & Dtvie Street RALEIGH, N. C. NOTICE OP SALE. I will, on Monday July 1st 1901, expose to public sale at tbe United States Court House and Post Office Baildinff. in this eity, a lot of Old Furniture, consisting of Lounges, Washstands. Chairs, Carpets ete. Terms of sale cash. E. C. DUNCAN, Custodian. June 12th 1901. W. H. King, Julian E. Johnston, Wholesale and Prescription Druggists RALEIGH, N. C. directors: B. S. Jerman, Prof. B. W. Kllgore, DOBBIN & FERRALL Hon. E. C. Smith, CapU M. W. Page. At Tocksr'sQStore. The Thousands Kitchen Bou quet Highly Recommend ed by Mrs. Rorer. JNO. R. FERRALL. JOSHUA B. HILL ROLLER CHAMPION FLOUR, HE-NO TEA. HOLLOWAY'S BUTTER. I. 1 GROOBRS" Gordon A Dillworth's Table Delica cies. r Baby's ComiiYg lCbDon&ld. Ghk, Jtdy I mAvim avwrv autferinc womAa t6 F Oftrtui. W&U X wm colof wit I of C cklldrta wm eompellM to ttij ia BlAAk-Dramf ht udlm honMwork witbovt Mf nm 0T6tt day to be wt! inka WU at OmAqI M madloin in tk world. Ha takM m Aom of Tbdioia'S BlAok-Drsuchft tt aJghS mma HTM mhw o u eaoianov m m ImS dr from work this yew. Bo teUa klf trionds Moo jtom woadorru Bodioisos om tima. bnt thia tlmo I kTO Ooraai n TBoaiora-a mum- hn able to do au mr m trouble. I am xveotina flaed. My hvaband tbiaks the beat teU any uaraBi. Isee aad I Tear Wlae of Mm GfeOBGIA. LU. lady fnesds to aao Mra. There era (hoasmdt of womea whe shHsl Is terror ai the thoajht of the baby's eealn. But childbirth is one of the werkbiji of Natora and K was net intended to knob tortara mi ajeay te Ihs heroic SMthsn ef the raca. Tha wawaa rh raff era tortare during prtfsaacy and at chlldblrUi has awuny. by ease haaW cretiaii. Wared the orpM which mkt a wetaaa. Neslertsft hMtfuiftU. kada to avarlaa Dalns. IsDiai af the womb aad lea and tha period af pregnancy Is ascfjssriiy dUtotJdnfea vestaally auks the saaratJvt erjsas stroaj sad healthy. Jmpuney m ALaki,.. t-L-. tt.. wTm mhaiiaaee hli pure wTac Am kaalttiv womb will brlaa Ita Btactoos bordca te aMterity wMh Rbbs f m Data. Aheelthywomaaacedaotlear d prtM all IhcM trenblee famKUriy ae wa eeasiuve STROrJACH'S SOUS Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Anticephalalgine The Original HEADACHE and NEURALGIA CURE. SAFEST - IB - BIST 5 and 60 cenU ft bottle For Sale by all Druggists WATCHES A11D JKW1LBT. High class Goods. Lowest prieea. My Clocks are reliable any style. The little Intermittent alarm clock is a sure worker. Every home needs one. Repairing Done Honestly and! Carefully. If you are thinking of purchasing & Watch or watch charm or other Jewelry, come to aee me. T. VI. Bisks, Raleigh, II. C. Local Inspector for 8. A. L. a- J. Broil CotJi Home. 2S2 fecvtteville Street. Largest and best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES in the city. Ladies' Ready to Wear Over Garments, Tailor C3ade Suits, Separate Skirts, Shirt IZIaists. Silk and Washable Kinds Largest and Host Select Stocks The 3 o w o o f d GO H O CO H o for DRUGS OP BEST STANDARD. for TOILET ARTICLES OF TASTE. For Soaps of Sweet and Dainty Perfume. For Fresh and Prolific Garden and Flower Seeds MCQEACHY, 133 Fayetteville St. RALEIGH, N. C. AT LOWEST PRICE3. Come to Raleigh and be fitted. Wo extra charge for any attentions to further perfect the fit Hail Orders Promptly Filled. w POLITE M ATTENTION. JOHCJ E. BRIDGERS 0. CO, tO OQOOOOOOOO OB ; TAILORS! - -AND- HABERDASHER8. latest Styles lu Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs and Shirt. 121 FAYETTEVrLLK ST., BALEIGH, U. Our SHOES are all new ; therefore they are in right style aad do not rip but wear better. They ar mad especially for ns, therefore we guar an tee erery pevlr that does not giro saUefacUoa, aad sell them cheaper than yoa can buy them elsewhere when they are bought of jobbers, aa we save the midJlsman'a profits. Their style is tight, their service is right, the price la rightthese are the 3 things to eocslder. See tbem and convince your" self. DANIEL ALLEN AND COMPANY. BUY YOTJR GROCERIES FROM J, Q. CREETJ& CO- BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. No. 9. East Hargett Street, RALEIGH, N. C. SHOE DEALERS, RALEIGH, H. Maaaa sMMbirta. K wQ AS dSji sell M botaaa, JOHN W.BROWN.PROPRIETOR F UERU Director and Erabalner, 207, 209 and 211 SOUTH SALISBURY STREET I RALEIGH, N. C. HEEDS CLOTHES THAT VILl WEAR. This is the kind T3EHYIE3G DUOS. Make a Speeialty of, at Popular Prices. Men's and Boy's Shoes, 75&, $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50. -. awavwuM a t-i IT Tm mo n f r rr JJY trnZZmtf TH U&UUJbiW 11X11X10 i. VAOU A7ilUX.9 rJLXIM, Jtk FRS8H ROASTED PEa.NUT8 All The Tlsie, Fits Cents asr Qnart. 1 122 East Hargett Street,

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