- ' ' --a : 1 - THK ' i ' l i ITJoman and Home Circle 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 How to Make Home Happy. Atcbiaon Globe. If a mother is at all clever, be can train ber baby by the time It is six weeks old to cry to go to Its fi ller as noon as be cornea in the houe. Lor' Wuj Is Hest. Y, L S. in Atlanta Com I ution. You to your home o'er tin darkening To beautiful garden of perfect r st: The will of Lo in enough for rue: Love' way in bent. Not that thpre in not . pang a ccl am Of a dying ntar in a heaven mi blent : Sweet wan the love, dear, and sweet waa the dram ; Hut Love'n wy ia but. New world hall welcome you new MtarN shall nhine Far from these valleys of girf an1 unreal: Ioie still is yours dear, and Mein'ry is mine : f ovt:' way ia h nt. Ood jrivt you joy as the years drift along! This Mower of ftreweil to you Withering, biiblest. nwet was i h tingii'K wli n you were the ong I But Love's way ia best. Her Love Was Ntrniig. Good Times. A Jersey farmer visiting New York. stoMi looking at a ign in a took store window: "Dickens Works all this week for two dol lars." Wall he remarked, "my 'pin- . . a a" is.. i HI . is mat lJicxens i titer is eiiutr a miehtv uoor workman or- else he's confounded hard up for a job. Uxtnberton, N.O, J un 6,-Mewf. Worley, Cham ber and Rear. Aabeville, have bought the Whit field, otw acre lot, near the Carolina Ootral station and will begin at once the erection of a toUoco ware bouse. We welcome these gentle- men as anomer www - is needed here. Cash Buyers' Supply Company A Ileuniont, Texas, oil-era awl man has named his twin daughters K er as! no and Naphthalina. When they rea :h the age at which the flame of I love can be kindled it will be risky bUHinens for young suarKs to come flashing around in their vicinty. Ex. Dr. E. Detciion'a Antl Diuretic May be worth to yon more than $100 if yon have a child who soils bedding from incontinence or wa ter doling sleep. Cnree old and young alike. It arrests the trou ble at once, f 1. Bold by Henry T. Hicks, Druggist. No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the house keepers of America No other article of food has received such emphatic commendation for purity and wholesomeness from the most em inent authorities. The great popularity and general use of the Royal Baking Powder attest its superiority. The housekeeper can lengthen the duration of lamp chimneys by put ting them when first purchased into a ian of cold water. Put the pan on the Htove and let itntay there un til the water boils. Then set it off leave them in the water until it is Ierfectly cold. It ia astonishing how strong this simple method of temp ering makes them. If you are in clined to doubt try an exieriment. Take two chimneys from the same case, tern ier one and not the other and see which serves Its purpose longest. A Loud Trade Mark. "What is that large brick struct ure just across the river?" That is a jewelry factory; I should think you could have told that by the whistle that just blew." 'The w histle?" 'Yes. Didn't it make the ear ring. Literature Is full of Incidents in which women have been abducted and forced Into more or Itws unwil ling marriage with their alnluctors. it is not so often that the woman is the abductor, but there are some wuch cass If one may believe the author of the following: A timorous Hussex bachelor, alarmed at the amorous advances of his cook, gave her notice. Home weeks afterwards, while on a coun try walk, lie met his late domestic, accompanied by her mother, a lady of masculine mien and muftie. Without a word the pair seized him, bore him to their house in the im mediate neightorhood, and did not release him until he had given in writing an offer of marriage a doc ument wnicn ne subsequently re deemed only at considerable ex pen). Less fortunate was a German farm er named Obermayer, who had un fortunately for himself taken the fancy of a strapping lass who work ed in his fields. Finding languishing look and bashful advance of no avail, the girl, who was gifted with al most Herculean strength, repaired to the farmer's house at a time when he was sure to be alone, and, on prayer and entreaty proving futile, bound him with a rope she had had the forthought to bring with her, and, having gagged him, drove him off In one of his carts to her own cottage, whence, browbeaten and cowed, he departed only for the vil lage church. No Poetic Flight For Her. liicago Kecord-llerald. He Darling, will you place your self forever In my keeping? ttne INO, Dut it you really mean business I'll come down stairs and let you in when you can't find the key hole." Tim's Idea of It. Tim Ma, I guess l hat bunau you gave me for my birthday must be one of those 'lalor bureaus" 1 hear pa talk so much about. Ma Ha, Ha! Why, Tim, where did you get such a notion as that? Tim Why, I nave to labor so hard to get the drawers open. Wright smooth "Suppose you were in danger of being kissed, sweet maid, how would you meet such an emergency?" Polly Wogg (the milk maid) "Face to face." Special Rates rl 8. A. L. Railway. On account of the National Con vention Ep worth League, San Francisco, Cal., July 18th-21st, the Be a board Air Line Railway will sell round trip tickets from all points In North Carolina; rate from Raleigh $65 25. Tickets will be sold from Jnly 5th to 12th, inclu sive, good returning until August 3rd by depositing ticket with Joint Agent nt 8an Fransclsco and on pa ment of fee of 50 cents For tickets either going or returning, one way only, through Portland or Pu get Hound, via Shasta Route or; stttAim r, 9 00 will be added to rate. For tickets going via Ogden, re turning via Los Angeles, Ban Fran cis o and Shasta Route, or going via Portland and Shasta Route to San Francisco, returning via Los Angeles and Ogden, $13.00 will be added to rate. Stop-overs will be permitted at and West of Colorado common points Cheyenne to Trin idad, Fort Worth and San Antonia, Tex. East of these points tickets will be good only . for continuous passage, passengers to reach point of sale not later than August 3 1st. Any parties desiring to take this trip can do so and the Seaboard Air Line will pay special attention to those using its line and upon ap plication to tne undersigned any Information will be furnished. C. H. Gattis, f P. & T. A. Raleigh, N. C H. S. Lkard, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. The ' Royal Baker and Pastry cook " containing over boo most. practical and valuable cooking re ceipt, free to every patron. Send postal card with your lull address. Avoid the imitation powder. They are sold cheap because they ara made lroro alum. But alum U a poison dangerous to use In tuod. SCY. BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 6TREET, HEW YORK. Quick Route to Buffalo. The Seaboard Air Line Railway has Inaugurated a faat scneauie between ualelgnana tsunaio,wni at a a - - a leaves Raleigh at iu: their Florida and Atlanta rum Mail, arrive Washington 7 :Oj p. m iaM Wash nrton on the Buf falo Night Ezpreee over the Penn. r r t 7-.1S n. m.. and arrive Buffalo next morn'ng 7:35 a. m Thii train carries Pullman ear and day coaches from Raleigh to Wash ington and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping art and day eoachee be (Mn Waahlnrton and Buffalo. This If decidedly the quickest route to Buffalo. The rate via this route, account of the Pan-American Ex position, from Raleigh Is $29.2, limited 15 days from date of sale, and $32 70, limited until Nov. 3rd. The above rates alto apply via Philadelphia and D.LAW R R , also via Norfolk, Bay Line B. & O. R. through Philadelphia and thence Lehigh Valley R R. Parties desiring to take this trip can get tickets and Pullman berths reserved and any Information at the Seaboard Air Line Railway up-town ticket office In the Yar borough House. C. H. Gattis, C. P- & T. A. Raleigh, N. C. H. 8. Leakd. T. E A. RaletKb, X. ' Will foraUhffyoa (If 0JmT panic the order) anything neeoea at home, on the farm or la your Slac of boalneee, and 8A VE i OU IONEV. We kep no ff-od. o tore, hire no clrke or collect ore ; but, instead, purchase direct from manufacturers, wbolale dea lere. jobber. Ac. KT LOWEST CAB1I PRICKS, and for cash.. Two fcundrcd buhcU tatocs remove ci; of Actual "Pot soil. Unlet ihi is rcturnc! : the fotlov.:r. matriia'. '. . ,r.- cut If van nwd anT AOBirVLTVKAt iupi.KutxT or MACHiNERr-FaaM hkkim Hariwark,Iro! Roorisu, Wirk Frunso.CJRoc Treks, Fruits Mcsica mexts.Hkwixo MArtunu. imm. : j.. HTATIOSIKV, FCR-X1TCRK, D R V 1 'l Goods, joTioH.nnoiui, v wunis", TOMlWTUXI, BUHJDEl BTDt'K Or I)ULTT. OR ANYTHING ELSE, write for prlcee. fjO Below are price on a fee lead log article. DatiTiaau at aoy depot in .North Carolina: Two horae wir. nnt and durable. S3: one bore waron 2S 50; dump carta ); cart wbeeiaaedl axle $11.6"; nigo arm, 5-rawer, arop- bead aewingmactnne.wltn laieeiaitacn menu, tlo: nice cottage organ ; chapel organ $40; beautiful "S ocUe pianos, splendid tone ana wen maae, (lift and up, according to atjle of caae and flniab. If we cannot aave you monej we do not want your orders V. S. BARNES, tort Roorisu, i ? W-ilVWt ' xju.s. Fruit -i : L: I -r-W - - CAL IJCSTRU- A! r' b'f" EXCITEMENT OVER A COLD VEIN. II la Mr. W. I.. Bruoe DIacovera It on Land in the South Mountain. Morganton, June 7. A rich free gold quartz vein, assaying over $20 to the ton, has just been discovered here in the South Mountains, by W. L. Bruce, of Morganton, upon his land in Burke county. The vein appears extensive and has created considerable excitement. Of Fifty Thousand Goples TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC will be Issued for the Year IW1 -O- - a 4 h4 I at Frey'o Vermifuge torn Oial Raleigh, N. a i-T vermiiuge i; IC- I 1 I fur bif eratarjr. 1 $ 'II (M b Ml a Ma Manager. I ;vk.Aviii.aaiu.M. a ,a DI8- DI8TRE88ING STOMACH EASE. Permanently cured by the master ly power of "South African Ner. vine Tonic." Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can cure them all. It is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness nv. .artioo is simniv in mtkj Vnown. who vou are. wBero you are, and what you have to sell. How to do this effectually, ana at tne smau- est possible coat is the problem for you to solve. The failure to ontain desired results from advertising is due to the way some people do it, and they invariably say "It does not pay." The judicious way is o use medium that has reputation, circulation and permanency. Turner's N. C. Almanac has been the State Standard for 64 years, and has an annual circulation of 60,000 copies, and remains a standing advertisement for a year. Advertising rates upon application. ENNIS PUBLISHING CO. RALEIGH, N. a 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, City or Ralxigh, Wakk County. 8. 8. N r. Rranirhton makes oath that he is of the firm of Edwards a and indigestin. The cure begins with Broughton, Printers and Binders, doing business in the city of Raleigh fKQ fl3 rtr. Tt.a wiiVf if hr!n to and that. Mia onid firm bave made a contract witn tne awniiss x uuunu ftyA-A mat) AVX3C AUU AAlA M.V Wl AAJ.Cb,l3 MS3 I ' - marvelous and surorisinz. It makes ing Company to print 60,000 copies of Turner's W.U Almanac no failure: never disanDoints. No year 1 . 1 matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain under the use of this great health-giving force. Pleas ant and always safe. Sold by Henry T. Hicks, Druggist, Raleigh, N. C HEAL. for N. B. BROUGHTON Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this the 27th day of August, A. D. 1900. W. M. RTJ8S, Clerk Superior Court, by Vitbuvius Roybtx-r, Deputy Clerk. the Our fee returned 1 f we fail. Any one tend ing Vetch and description of any invention, will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of tame. "How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured 'hrough us advertised lor tale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive tfdl motue, without charge, in The Patest k0 OED, an illustrated and widely circulated joue m&l, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVAI1S 6 CO.. (Patent Attorney,) Urn Dulldinr. niSHi:QT03. D. C PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ommii aa4 Waattnaa Ika kalB. Crutoot a l.tunul f laaca Vrver rail to alMtor Oray Hair to Ita TouUlTbI OoW. raraa lauxtrvfT an 4 a air tailuatJ ua. aad fLUb mt Itnggim AGEHTS, Booker T. VVaatis. ton baa wntuo tt story of his hi mi work. Utgitra bia views on tl r Na. aro Problem and all hie best t White and colored people are gnug ad t a need orders. A bonanta fu agent. Botb wblte aed H.iuf4 agents make money with thia i til today. J L. NICHOI.H a ... All - a WATJTED ! Kcllaulw man for Mana.r ot Branch Ofhco we wish to op. u ia this vicinity. If your record io K. here is an opportunity. Kindly good reference when writing. THEA.T.U0III3 tTHCUSAU MOUSE CINCINNATI. OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 eta aiampa "f HI aiLT BirrLaTBt telhaoal, .M taat la braxlM M M.M faJL a itlL MKH. H. ROWAN. SW Mllwa . Hli CURRENT RAILROAD SCHEDULES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Reasons Why you Should Excnraion Rates to Memphia, Tenn. via Seaboard Air Line Railway. Reunion Confederate Veteran. May 28-30, 'O Insure in the gs5awwaa,wwXwatV healthy portions of the what you might call a New Up-Town Office? New York City. The Seaboard Air Line Railway has opened an up-town office at 1183 Broadway, New York City, corner twenty-eighth street. Its down-town passenger office at 387 Broadway is still maintained. Any information as to tickets, rates, sleeping car reservations" building and manufacturing sites in the State, are cheerfully furni shed at this office. Division of Labor. A preacher raising his eyes from his desk in the midst of his sermon was paralyzed with amazement to see his rude boy in the gallery pelt ing the hearers in the pews below with horse chestnuts. But while the good man was preparing a frown of reproof, tbe young hopeful cried out: You 'tend to your preaching, daddy, I'll keep 'em awake." MILEAGE TICKETS REDUCED. Seaboard Air Line Railway one thou sand mile tickets are now sold from all points on its lines at rate of $25.00, in cluding tnose previously sold in tne State of Florida at 30,000. These tick ets are good over tbe entire Seaboard Air Line Railway system and are hon ored between Richmond and Washing ton by the Richmond, Fredericksburg and 1'otoniac and Pennsylvania rail roads, between Portsmouth and Balti more by the Baltimore Steam Packet Company (Bay Line) and between Clinton and Columbia, S. C, by ;the Columbia, Newberry Si Laurens Rail road. All tickets which have been sold at $25,00 and endorsed "not good in State of Florida" will be honored over the entire system, including lines in Florida, regardless of such endorsement. Its business is confined strictly to the most United States, thus its policyholders constitute preferred class. It is one of the strongest companies in the World, and its assets are big enough $16,367,636.00 all gilt edged, and are invested entirely in America, thus receiving the constant care and attention of the officers of the company. It is an American company, amenable only to our own laws and not subject to the dictation of various foreign governments. TA A rf V. . a - . - ai, is not a racer ior new Dusiness, tne watcn words or tne company being, Strength, Soli.iity and Security. Its policies are simple, clean, straightforward contracts. Its management has been practically the same for a quarter of century. It has paid its policyholders since organizatiod over $45,000,000.00. We judge a company as we do a man. What are its morals? When other companies deserted the Southern Policv-holdet. and used both the money he had contributed towards their' success, and their influence to destroy him, the Manhattan stayed firm as a rock "Justice" was their motto. See what a distinguished Statesman of Georgia says : STATE OP GEORGIA, Treasury Department. Atlanta, Ga., May 12, 1891. On account of the Reunion of United Confederate Veterans the 8t a board Air Line Railway will sell tickets from stations on Its lines to Memphis and return at the very low rate of one cent per mile. Tickets will be sold May 25th, 26th and 27th, good' to return until June 4th. An extension of final limit to June 30th, 1901, will be granted on all Seaboard Air Line Railway tickets and on all tickets reading via that line by depositing same with Joint Ticket Agent at Mem phis on or before June 3rd and up on payment of fifty cents. Double Daily Trains with last schedules and perfect passenger service make the Seaboard Air Line Railway (Capital City Linei a con venient and attractive route to Memphis. For tickets, Pullman and Sleep ing Car reservations and full in formation as to rates and schedules apply to any agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Southern RAN W. & W. R. R. 4Sr BRANCHED AHU AiLAllVy lUAbl It ft COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA auflDSRIBD CHBDOl) r RAINS' GOUTS BODTB MITT jLH-mI 'MH'iJ VESTlBUltu IIMITEO Trains ISiStandard Railway of The South. i I Lv Wsldon.-- The Direct Line o all points - At Rocky Moony DATXD au ifcMitt. A. & N. G. RAILROAD TIME TABLE 11 To take effect Sunday Mar. 11 1900, at 7 :40 A. M. at Goldsboro. Supersedes Time Table 10, of Oct. 22 1899, and all supplements thereto. EA8TBOUND TRAINS. Why Mr. Hardeman had a policy in the Manhattan Life. ISI All the ingredients of Ripans Tabules are excellent from the rhubarb to the soda, and the nux vomica which they contain Is a remarkably good tonic. As an all-around tonic and blood puri fier Ripans Tabules are without equal. Rlliabpth Kllln. llTlnif at No. 2526 Hancock trtH't. Philadelphia Pa.: "I baVe for the past two year suffered from Indigestion and llrer complaint. 1 am now twenty-nn years old. and When nineteen jeara old 1 had the grip, which left liver complaint and Indigestion. I waa treated by three doctors and got relief only tem porarily and was about to glre np hope of get ting better at all. I am a music teacher, and when I stopped going to doctors one of my scholara advised Die to take Ripana Tabulea. I got small boxes and took three tabulea every day for two weeks, and felt great relief. I bava now taken about fifty cent' worth and feel bet ter than I have felt ior t vo years. My com plexion la not aear so yellow, and tbe dark blotches on mj face and neck have all dis appeared, and my eyea are clear. All Druggist, 10 for 5 Cents! Maj. Jos. H. Morgan, Special Agt. Atlanta. uear sir: as agent 01 the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York, it affords me pleasure to say to von that mv fathr war in- ! sund in your company, and by reason of the late war, he was unable to reacu your company ana pay nis premiums as they fell due; and that I after the cessation of hostilities, my father having died during the war, juur uuuipauy nave paid 10 my motner tne amount of his policy less Mie autuuui ui premium unpam. xours Truly, iSigned) R. U. HARDEMAN, State Treaturer. Aia inis was not an isolated case by no means. 00 soon as tne civil war was orer the Manhattan announced that tbe company was ready to communicate with the old noliev holders, in viting t.em to reinstate their policies, making one condition onlv. that the policyholders should be in good health. cuuu u ci of genetositv was unthought of bv anv other com n An or corporation. Knowing that their Southern nolle holders were .most of tVifm mfin who had made every sacriflc possible for the land that thnv lrwi .nri V W I J m m . . .. 1 man uatu uwu icunwu trom amuence 10 poverty, tney offered, in lieu of rtaay money to accept a note covering the entire premium during the ' A 1 wm a SLakA A. m IT . iuie tuai pajuieuus nau lapsea. in aaaition to tnat they placed these policies on the same footing of other policies of the same date, in regard to dividends and and annuities. The company went even further: In unable to comply with these very liberal terms, or did not care to renew the policy during these. troublesome times, the Manhattan agreed to pay i the purchase value of the policy as It stood on the date of the lanse rrom tne non-payment of premiums - Although the Manhattan has made no boast of this aut nf mtiAHMtr which was not followed by other Northern Companies, aon the ground ..uau i.xio uiaiujraitjr ui ouuniern poiicynoiders vitiated their contracts," still It remains on record that the Manhattan honest and equitable, when all others forsook the old soldiers In the time 01 their direst necessity. Ratio of Payments to Policyholders to Premiums Received FROM OBGANIZATIPN TO JANUARY 1ST, 1900. STATIONS Daily ex. Sun. mixt solid frei't cars and passengers, A. M. 8 Pass enger Daily P.M. Texas California Florida Cuba Porto Rico. "Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all through and local trains; Pull man Palace Sleeping cars on all night trains. Faat and sale schedules. Trarel by the Southern and yon are assured a safe, comfortable and expe ditions journey. Apply to ticket agents for time ta- bles, rates and general information, or address (No trouble to answer questions) S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A., Washington. D. C. LvTarboro.. Lv Rocky LvWllaon. LvSelma.. LvFayattrt at iriorano Ooldsbore... Magnolia .. Wumington. a; a; s 3; 6 6 6S 6 Z.Q M e fcQ a. m. r. h. r.at- a. a. 11 SO 8 M 100 wfil U il ..... (Too i OS 10 C2 9 ft? 6 15 1 68 10 40 7 10 6 57 166118... ..... 4 K .2 85 ... .... 7K 241 r. a. 4 m. 7 06 9 4l 7 6. ..... .... 9 m rji k. a. 9 6" Double Daily Stbwa BSTWSEN NEW YORK. TAMl'A ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS, AND POINTS HOUTH AND WEST. IW KrTtCT M AT SO. 1901. aotiTrJ MUUNU r bl. DailT ho.tl tHxij Mo. 27 13 M S 4C rtcAiHg eoifta nusTtt Lt yiorenoi.... Lv FaytOTllle.. liTBalma Ax Wilson Ly Wilmington.. Lit Marnoila M lt uoidaboro Lt wilaon. . Ar Bosky Mount. R L VERNON, T P A Charlotte. N C THAD C 8TURGI8, CT A Raleigh, NC Lv. Goldsboro 3 g Best's 6 6 LaOrange 5 5n Falling Creek 6 1 Kinston 62 Caswell 6 86 Ar DoTer 6 45 Lv DoTer ." 6 46 CoreVCCreek 6 67 Tuscarora 7 00 Clark's 7 16 Ar New Bern 7t0 Lt New Bern 7 40 RiTerdale 8 06 Croatan 8 08 Havelock 8 Newport 8 33 Wildwood 8 39 Atlantio 8 44 Ar Morehead City 8 63 Lv Morehead City 8 67 Atlantio Hotel. Ar M. City Depot 9 06 1 Commenced Premiums Company. Business. Received. I Manhattan Life, Aug, 1850, $55,763,054 , There la scarcely aay condition of 111 baaltb that la ant beaeflted by tha ccaslooal nae of a K.LP.A.N.8 Tabnle, and tha price, 10 for 6 eenta, Aoaa aot bar them from any home tar JusUty mar MM la asMtarinr lUa thai aaa MUy cored. r ami fcy pttUttfc Mutual Lite, Mass. Mut. Life, Penn Mutual, New York Life, Equitable, Northwestern, National Life, j Union Central, Feb., 1843, Aug. 1851, May, 1847, April, 1846, July, 1859, Nov., 1858, Feb., 1850, March, 1867, 728.253,694 60,268,275 87,749,054 527,888,388 593,109,594 209,752,220 36,598,233 Paid to Policyholders. $45,340,055 510,49,169 37,647,130 52,215,293 298,198,195 322,786,211 107,31,914 18,006,228 17,344,844 Paid per SlOOrec'd ,$81.31 . 70.09 62.47 69.51 - 56.49 54.42 vSlalS ' 49.20 39.54 43,864,891 This is how the Menhattan bis earned its title, The Old Reliable." BUTLER & YER, General Agents, Raleigh, N. C. 505 Tucker BuUding. . , - WESTBOUMD TRAINS, Lany ex- Passenger cept Sun STATIONS Daily day, Mxr' solid FrV can and S. A. L. RAILWAY Direct Line to All Points in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Cuba and Porto Rico. AxTarboro,.. lt XUDon Lt Rooky Mount, vr weioon. enevt 6 ten 0 6tt 11 16 1 60 1S4 r. s to t so r. v. AM. 4 601 5 S3 05 r. 9 41 11 8M IS 131 6 lOllS 46 A at 13 IS s so 4 Si 6 CO f. I 3- Lt Ph iladaU PER S2s,m Lt BaUumore, 6 46 pm liT WajUUurVM P. k. Bi . Lt Rxuimoaa. BlLByUitO pm Lt. Nortlna i is Sm Lt Henderson 3 43 a m VW KAMI lt. Southern Pi dm L.T KaaiMl 13 lOaas 3 M am 40 HB 11 CI BJB 2 0 aau 6 ft p B 6 'JZ v tu 4 10 am 7 4im 6'ltm 9 30pm 7 am r. if. 7 001 8 SO 37 r. m. 10 45 11 2S 13 46! 1 KH a. w. T.m. a. 9 86 11 10 isse r Lt r. a. 1 IS l 6i LrOonuaMa 9 40 am 10.'. p A!!.,; iP 4 63 a- Tlir"'"1 Mpm 1 1 a am ar Tampa. ...... 616 am 6 4Jpta AO. SI. o. 41. rT SJn York.fYP N 1 7 65 am Kym Lt N Y, O D 3 8 OoV. S 00 tT " ' L-t itlUmora B 8 P Co 6 rvm Lt Waab'n HAWBB sopm " O.A.l-Ry 9 SJ pm fctuaa ut. niMon 1316 am I2 1ip LT.Norlma 2 U am 1 4i pm Lt Kaietcn 4 10 am i.T.Bonthern Plaei 6 07 am VI 7 ZB am lobo p T TT IIMIIIISOIX,... j.i;nmwMtmt.... 10 01 am lit. uneater o S6 am Lt. Greenwood 12 1 nm "na 3 lO nm AUavui. - at AnroatoC A W O... a 10 pa at Maoon C of Oa. 7 'JO m Ar aaonic rr A. ex w P . . a nn an am 2 15 pm S 65pa 0 IH pm .tuom U IS aai 1 4 am a 4ti to JA am 8 00 am f 'rr A4WP.. 930pm A Mobil LAN 3 65am Ar New Orleans LK.. 7 B0 am 11 i Wauy esesit tDeiir Bnndav. Wilmington and waldon Badlnasafl. TmA. kin Diviaion Main Una Train laaTa WU Jljagton 9 00 a, mn arriTM PayeUATli avstTsaj BBiugn AMD. m. KatCTIIIiw ttslM aantord SO 6 p. m antre PavattariDa) a an rm-.ieT PavastwTllM 4 SO p. atu, arrrrw .Wilmington and Waldon Baihoad, Bm netUillle Braach Train. leaTW TtaiisWlla Till 806 a. m, Maxtoa 9 06 a m Bad Bprinra 8 06 a. nu. Hone Milia 106) a. n. arriTe Fayettcrula U 10. Petamlng learaa nyettarllle 4 46 p. m Hope Mills 8 00 p. nu. Bad Spring 6 4S p. nu, Maxtom616i i;, amrea itcnnettamile 7 16 p. m. ConnewtianTa at Jarretmrllaa wtta tjH aauroaa. at Bad Borlm with aa oma Bprmaaaa Bowaaom Railroad, at Baafotd wua vim ueauumw jur JAM and aooj mutij at wui wnn f iarham and viiiaarnansi aauiuiu. MaariUiKCAail. aafl. a M r.m A Memphis 4 OOnm 8 25 aia WQKTHBOOBU. Daily Nn S4 Lt. Mem pb ia, 2 43 pm j.t. aauniie ... (tsjpm Lt- New Orleans 8 Ou pm ut. Jtooiie 12 Si am lt. Montgoraerr 0 20 am Lt. Macon V of Qa a 00 am AaV. aw ncrnsaTai Jtr T A AA - - m -w v a -w X a 4W mj Lt Attantai a A L By.. 12 00 m ax. jLinens 2 46 t,m ar. Greenwood 6 01 pm ar. Cheater 7 w. m Lt Charlotte 7 2L. T. WUmintiM .c jT Hamlet ... 10S5pm Lt. Southern Pinea i a. Ar Baleica i Tkirn kt. nenaeraoa 2 a jrortanuuia J wsan-ton N A w a B Ar Baltimore B B P Co aj new York ODHbOq ai- Phllarte1.hla ft YPAj Daily Nntfl 3 ' aui 4 Jf pu SO0 pm liZ5 pm 2wi iu 4 lOatu o20am Ar W W Goldsboro.. Iaa3za3lg. PallingCreak. Kinston ..... Oaewell DOTSxa Oors Orsek. .. A . aC. . 1106 .. a io a .. a 10SS .. a 1033 .. I 1013 18 50 943 FAST LIMITED AND EXPRESS TRAINS, FIRST-CLASS EQUIP Pasaenget MENT and the best -accommodation, r 800 79b 790 B7 646 16 Lv Ar Clark's-. Nnrbern. Blrardala. Croataa. Lv Al tT. BAraloek. Newport-. WOdwooi. AtlAntia.-. i f MorabatadCBty. Atlantio Hetal M. City Depot W Water -Tatatraph in so 913 908 SS7 IS 809 8(0 744 7S9 7S6 7 37 733 us M. a f7 af 17! a sso f ill . Tills 667 p. ba, KhSmtomlJUt p. 6 a. m,. anlrlna IXaltiaxliis?!!? Weldon llfli itCdauy except uadiv. Trains on Waahtnatosi Branch aaavaUeelv lTePaxmeie S3 a mu and fU& 7 nw aniriTainon uzsi a sa and 71S9 p. as uaWoBDIBT, Day coaches and BuflTet Sleeping cars SSfp. EH on au irains. i pw jawres 2-iymonui iauT en fa. mj.-and ttanday 9 a. aa Travel bv the n a ivn b0I 110 a ad lt-00 a. m- METROPOLITAN LIMITED." and you are assured of a quick and a comfortable journey. i U-rqualcd Di:i:g ar Ser vica-1 SSS 8 lOaoa 9 03 am 11 3U us. 106 pm OUfa 6 ttZMUt tjtaau lSUm a 10am SOuaut OS 8 0 am 10 10 am 7 40 pm 310 pm 1145 pm SL ara "VnJa. Train oa the Scotland Beak Branah BAan ..o upa .n r .3T . a t i iss I aawiuaj... LTBaTannab....M. Lt Columbia Ivt Hamlet Lt. aouthern Pines A.V Kaieara Lt. Ucnderaon lt. Morlica lt Peterabarg P. at Baltimore P B B ... Ax Pnilanetphw P KB. aWW XOTK 1 K K xrain oa w n ri amTeeflrnthfteki KS a. NOU. -rVaJiw Tt Treat si it T Dininaj 7 lAom 1086 pm 11 S pm 360am 3 85 am 649 am 6 10 11 ISOpaa 4 .Spm 4 4JaO a Cxi am lsffl 13 42paa li Sam 1X43 pm 2 47 pm sSlpm 7 U5pe UXpia Socaaa SOam OondaT Central M9aaV.I 3Sla.s4U, 4Q 4 S40p. f-etop en P. U. 8. L. DILL, Cax. J AS. M. BARR, 1st Vice-President BprhvXLU30a.Im. and General Manager. . ,"i p. 1 Call on or write for tlmvtM. 3LV-- ' aaaau wuiw miormauon to a H. GATTIS, O. P. and T. A . - uaUEIGH, N. C. I Ha S. LE ARD, T. V.' A- , Hamlbt,N. O. R. B. L. BUNCH, G. P. A -9BIIOl7Ta,VA rrtrar. H SB- IWillla na. m-, a 89 pja BaaavOe I nn mrv at scxt ai m . l a aaw, "-MIJ- Train ferQUntaaidallv, Train-So. 78 makes ek Wl .U.-40I ciinteaai WeldOn tor 11 Mtntai RotkXil. T. wtm Vtr.-.-T f WU J.B.K1 fLY, Qmtfl Xaa. A.U4 1 I Act: Stew Yarkaad Ricft- Rimlat amd IwVaiuiwilU oa trains aoa. tl and 44. Tickets on sale to all points. Pull man births. Reserved and reee n a tions, made os outgoing steamers from Norfolk. Baggage checked from hotel and residences without extra charge. Call at the Up-town Ticket Office Yarfecrcsib Hcsss BdHlni . C. II Gattis C. T CZJ P.l RALEIGH, N. U. J AS. M. BARR, lat Vioe-Presldent and General Mana-er. -H. a LEA KD, T. P. A, Hamlet. C B, E. L. BUNCH, Gent Pass. Agent Gsxtsral o2oes: Portrnoath, fa.