. - a - - a mmm 'mm sa m w - l ii, a a.- t? ' 1 - ' w I - - - . w VJ- OAUCAOIAU PUBUSHID KVKRT THURSDAY T TIIK CAUCASIAH PUB. CO. OmTmt, . 91-00 Mm UMtk. .SO Thru Mnstki. .8 No. effiAQg fllTSvj COUNCIL 11. BKiixa bs ATix7frn vrrrn rat 1 ILL WE HATS. ) Governor Aycoek baa notified the i Fayetteville chamber of com mere' that be will oat alt the legislature together In extraordinary session, m requested by them arid many other people In the State, for the purpose of changing aotne of the most odotw and unjust features of the revenue law passed by the last session. However nnjnst and odious thL revenue law may be, we are glad to know that the Governor will not A nURMC'R! HER TAKES IftSUE WITI1 THE CAUCASIAN. Thk Calx'ahiak has received s letter from Mr. A I. Ledford, of Hldgonvllle, Macon county, in which he comments upon a recent editorial In the Caucasian relative to the great output of gold increas ing to mien a marked extent the clr- culatln medium of the world, etc. Mr. Ledford takes iwoie with the Caucasian as to the output of gold being sufficient In quantity to in crease the circulating medium to i decree necessary to meet the wants of increasing population and busi ness. He calls attention to the fact that money is too scarce In his sec tlon of the State. We take it that Mr. Ledford states the true condition In Macon county. Indeed, if we had free and unlimit ed coinage of silver supplemented by a sufficient quantity of green backs to maintain prices and furnish a volume of money to do all busi ness on a ctsh basis, still it would take some time for this volume of money to be so evenly distributed that all sections of the country would feel the impetus caused by the ad ditional volume of money and to have In any given locality what would be Its share per capita. Be sides, Mr. Ledford is probably right in contending that there is not enough gold yet in existence to dis pense with the necessity of addition al silver money or greenback money. The point that we intended to make was that the money famine and panic which it seemed certain would follow the passage of the gold standard law has not come, but that there Is a measure of prosperity unexpected; and we pointed out the true reason for this, which was the great output of gold, all of which gold is at once coined either into new dollars or deposited with the treasurer and gold certificates issued thereon. A few years ago it was very dim cult to get hold of a gold dollar or to a gold certificate. One day the writer of this article went to a bank to draw $100 and had it handed to him In five twenty-dollar gold certi flcates, that being the kind of money of which the bank had the greatest . A f A v ti n quantity, inueeu, a lew years ago the banks harded these gold certi rt a a S a a a ncaies as weii as goiu dollars; now they pay them out dally and hourly on accout of their abundance. In 1896 we did not believe that the free coinage of silver with the then output of gold and silver would furnish sufficient money. We con tended that it would be necessary to supplement the volume with green backs to give a sufficient volume. Our point now is that the present output of gold is about equal to the output of both gold and silver In 1906, and, therefore, that the free coinage cf gold gives now about the same volume of money that the free coinage of both gold and silver would have given in 1896. We think now that the present volume of money should be Increased some what by the addition of greenbacks. But this groat fluctuation in the output of the precious metals serves as an illustration and proof of the principles for which the People's Party has always contended on the money question, namely, that it is not only foolish, but absolutely criminal for the government to al low the people and the business world to be at the mercy of the ac ji a a a ciaentai output ot eiiner gold or silver. There may be next year twice as much gold and silver coin as this year or half as much; no man can tell. Its price may be greatly Inflated next year or may drop. The only rational and common sense course is for the government .to is sue all the money and issue it in ihe form of greenbacks and regulate its volume in proportion to the in crease of population and business. This is the principle for which The Caucasian has always stood, lor wnicn it stands now, and for which it will always stand because it is eternally right. !on of the legislature mate a large 1 atibblxco..ai. number of new oCces with the on- 'inewwevery uw derrtanding that the governor ahould I evidence that many good people to- at once.upoo the adjournment of the regret tnai wey ever so ir iur- legllature,fl all of tbesenew office goi inem-eivw ana K I mm . a A A. ft ft. A f with certain members of the kgis- or ine state as w F lature who were i s of the governor luring the last campaign In elevat r mmr-ofhlrmical machine, -n to the high office of United Itouirhtnot to be necessary In State Senator a man with the grade , m. union in fruvrtalof mental fibre and the degree of et j maw w - ------ - provision of this sort In the Bute moral turpitude of one F. M. Sim nonsUtatlon to prevent such dia-lnow5- It Is a terrible commentary graceful things from happening, but! the low condition to whkh the from sad and slckenlne experience, leauersnip oi ine uemucrmuc piny . Il ILl..U I... Jetton (Iam.maJImII 41. t .IIIIah f r iu. ft.. 4K r i.rh I people may not have known the ' self seekers In session again. It Is w m mm a mWL Bfl mmkM.mWMWmmmwmmiMl UK U 1 Wm mm '-' provision to the Constitution. The man then as tney Know mm now. last General Assembly North But when this man, Just being elec- Carolina created more new offices w ine DeD1H5 was seen ngnB carrying Urge amounts of salary, to I" ml the SUte Senate chamber in pay for which the taxes have had consuiiauon wun ine sworn tn t than has been done byJrors in the great impeachment any legislature since the carpet-bag- trial of the judges, when It became gers were In control. The legislature Irnown that the prosecution of the not only did this, but there was an J8 was rested for awhile so that undersUnding with the Oovemor this man Simmons might return that as soon as the legislature ad- from Washington and be here to lourned the member, of the leglsla- look after the jury, as is believed by I ture should be appointed to these I muJr WMi "c UiU wulv tat Jobs which they had created for m ooservauon ana appearances themselves. The Governor did not would Indicate, did use not only his appoint all the members of the louu'J4UUUCUW 1VJDl"ul legislature to thee new offices, but mnuence wnicn aiiacnea to me he appointed members of his polttl- high office to which he had been i m.Phin4 Tt. u nntlceable that lected, in trying to dishonor and VWt IUWVMMVf mm-mr w every man thot he appointed voted in favor of convicting the fudges and were all high-up members in the Simmons redshlrt machine. In the past it has been very rare for any democratic paper in the state to criticise anything that the domo cratlc machine was gallty of, but the conduct of the Governor and disgrace two Supreme Court Judges and at the same time to eternally dishonor the good name of the state, then it was that the eyes of hun dreds of good men who had been better for the SUte to suffer from the Ills already inflicted than to take the chances of the new ills that such a revolutionary body might inflict. It may be, however, that the Gov ernor Is afraid to call this body to gether again. In the first place, it would expose to the public view the number of vacant seats there would be in that body; that Is, it would I expose to public view just bow many members of the last legisla ture are now filling offices at the public expense which they them selves had created. It may be the Governor is afraid. that if he calls back the remaining members who failed to get offices they will, be fore adjourning, create offices enough to go around and Install themselves In them. There is one thing certain, and that is, if they could find any opportunity to create new offices! and vote themselves salaries at the The Soft !pofSsacL Wiaaton BepabtKms. . The Iloxboro Courier (democratic) In commenting en Attorney General Gilmer opinion a to whether the income Ux law applies to HUte offi cers, say; Attorney General Gilmer has de cided that It la unconstitutional to Ux the Income of a date officer. The machinist or engineer who Jb fortu nate enough to earn a salary of more than a thousand dollars moat pay Ux on all over one thousand, but if your fellow citizens have been kind enough to favor you with their suf frage and made you a state officer no difference if your salary is $4,000 ITISAFITYOFEtVUC Are Entirely Freo Froa Peine Catarrh. a year, you need not pay any income Ux. This may be good law. but we insist U.at it is not Just, a species of class legislation, and if there Is no way of applying it to all then the sooner it is repealed the better." It is not necessary for us to con cern ourselves so much as to whether this is good law or bad law, or where the fault lies, but one thing we do know and that is that this law was enacted by the legislature (demo cratic) and Is construed by the At torney General (democratic) and the people will have to dance to the music whether good or bad, just or unjust. It will be seen from a close examination of the law that a good many nice little turns are made whereby the soft nests which the politicians were clamoring into on last campaign are made still softer, and whereby the people are made to suffer. The crowd which got Into office last time was a routing set "that is right!" The Ixit ioa at ta UalTcrtiij maa ibe seat troapftrofta ift ia u on ftdentBi ! i- rd rr.a.rnty fttd wjrftiaaia dai.ng lbio8f Mso. Taa t altyfeata crvaiiy am by tlii f eigftl Bwtrfth Tt, nakiag (4Hlj-i tat l all Tier are two m draiu,ri, mw radia tion room, waur works, etairai aeallar plant and 4er Board, lcrfcisf. hft a4 eaa be fteU4 d at fro $10 In $13 10 pet oath. The teifttOB opama 8tt- It Exaftriaatioaa for fntraaoe Bpt.v 10 aid II. misled Into supporting that man public expense they would do It be- were opened to their sorrow and (fore they would raise any money humiliation. f for public education or for ex-Con- One thing is clear; that the Demo- I A 1 L A - 11 1 Ay he legislature in this matter has crac Py mus BOOn Purse i. i I fif Its rrrrmt nrl rntfon lAflriaroMn been so . outrageous mat numuerai - - . . I 4t..i 4.. ...Ill 1 I of democratic papers have had the "f ow UCU,"J' I J A XL. A 1 JJA A I A courage to open their mouths pub- w W1 mul crusning ueieannat llcly and denounce the matter as a I ny Pty ln crying, sickening shame and disgrace J suffered- to the state. federate soldiers or for the support of the charitable institutions of the State. No, Governor, don't call them nere any more. this state has ever REDSnillTS IN NEW YORK AND IN NORTII CAROLINA. A few days ago a negro appeared 4. A 4 t VmT "ft 1- -II on ine streets oi inow iotk cuy dressed out In a typical North Caro lina red shirt, as worn by members of the Simmons Machine during the last campaign. The New York Sun, In reporting the affair, says that he was at once hissed and hooted by a number of persons ou the streets, and boys gathered around him and began to pelt him with various ob jects that they could secure. Soon the negro was forced to break and run and a howling muss of eople followed him until at last he es caped down tome dark, black alley. Tub Cai casian wants to reiect fully Inquire if a negro has not as much right to wear a red shirt on the streets of New York as a white specimen of the Simmons machine has to wear a red shirt on the high ways and hedges of North Carolina. It is not reported that the redshirt negro was armed with guns and pis- Qut thege officrs Qr any one of them tois ana was engaged in Bnuouiig i , 7oa , ARE JUDGES AND STATE OFFI CIALS EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAX! Mr. Gilmer, the State Attorney Genera, has rendeied a decisson to the effect that the judges and heads of the executive departments of the SUte Government are not subject to the sUte income Ux as other citi zens are. lie Dases nis decision on that part of the SUte Constitution which provides that the legislature shall not diminish the salaries of such officers during their term of office. It seems to us that Mr. Gilmer has strained the Constitution or, rather put upon it a construction that was never intended, in order to hold that these officers are not re quired to pay under the income Ux law. What the frainers of the Con stitution meant was that the legisla ture could not single out any one or all of these officers and reduce their salaries during their ?erra of office by specific act. Of course, if a legis lature could do this it would put it in the power of a legislature to starve At the recent Industrial Confer ence in Philadelphia Hon. Hoke Smith, of Georgia, delivered a very nteresting address devoted to the progress of the South. He called at tention to the fact that in 1880 there were only 180 cotton factories in the whole South, while in 1900 the num ber had increased to 663.. Jle also called attention to the fact that since 887 the consumption of cotton at the Southern cotton mills had in creased 400 per cent. He also claim ed that at the present time over 40 per cent of the raw cotton manufact ured in the United Stati s is consum ed in the South. Mr. Smith might have also have recited the fact that North Carolina today Is manufacturing more cotton than is raised in the State; in short, that we import cotton to supply our SUte cotton factories. JVOHTIl CAROLINA SHOULD BLOT OUT THK SAME DISGRACE. The Associate Press dispatches of the morning of June. 19th conUlned the following item concerning the proceedings of the Alabama Const! tutional Convention: Montgomery, Ala., June 19. Consideration of the executive de partment of the proposed new con stitotlon was resumed in the Con stitutional Convention this morning. A section forbidding the Governor from appointing members of the legislature to office was considered and adopted." We judge that Alabama has in the past been disgraced by having see- promiscuously about the streets of New York, as the members of the Simmons redshirt machine did in this SUte. Neither is it reported that the negro was drunk or acting in a lawless, revolutionary manner. It Is not charged that the negro had stolen anybody's vote or was con templating that . theft of votes or anything else. While we admit that a negro clad with the legis lature. It is a very proper provision that seeks to obviate this, and, in deed, a necessary one to preserve the independence of the different branch es of the sUte government; but it seems to us absurd to hold that a general act raising revenue to apply to all ths people of the state should not apply to every salaried officer as well as to the man who has no salary. The legislature cannot, nun. i i f x i t i t i i - X m u siiixw wmcu us syuiuux in & offlcer fey &n anareny anu oioousneu, is not a . . mm im. iw ww f uu ITvT VA pleasing spectacle in the eyes of the law abiding people of New York Ci- the law ty, yet we submit that he was enti tled to more consideration than" he would have been had he been en gaged in the lawless conduct which characterized the actions of the Sim mons machine in North Carolina. If I that negro really meant any dishon- law, however high rate of Uxation, provided the applies to everybody alike. We regret that the Attorney-Gen eral was mislead in making such an erroneous decision.- We trust that he will soon see his error and correct the same. If he does not, surely the public will see to it that it is corrected in due time. The decision V.t -l.4 41 l. I might come down to North Carolina and join the negro wing of the Sim. mons redshirt machine which was organized during the last Senatorial primary in Newbern, North . Carolina. cannot stand. For the last two or three years, in fact, up until the Inauguration o the present democratic administra tion, it will be remembered that every time a negro was guilty o: any crime, great or small, the News senator burrows for a PEo-ja"d Observer published a detailed ples party princi p l k. I h lghly colored account of the affair Senator Burrows has eiven to the! with sensational . headlines and Washington Post a carefully pre-1 triple-leaded editorial comments. It pared Interview of United States I always charged that the increase in Senators by direct vote of the peo-1 crime was due to the to the fact tha pie. Senator Burrows, who will be I Russell was Governor and the fusion chairman of the Senate Committee I administration was in power. It is on privileges and elections during the next Congress, announces that he will not only propose an amend ment to the Constitution providing for the election of Senators by the people, but that he will In the mean, time also offer a bill which will cure some of the present evils of dead locks. We are glad to see Senator Bur rows Uking a sUnd for this correct principle. Within the last year ev ery principle in the People's Party platform has been openly advocated by one or more prominent Senators or represenUtlvea of the two old parties, except the government own ership of railroads, and it will not be five years before many of them will be advocating that very Impor Unt and necessary reform. Senator Burrows' interview will be found in another column of this Issue. noticeable that since Aycock has been Governor these same unfortu nate crimes have been committed and, we think It is safe to say, with more frequency than at any time during the last half dozen years. It is noticeable that the News and Ob server now does not publish the full details of these crimes as before in the old flaming headlines, and, furth ermore, there has never yet been single editorial comment in expla nation of how or why these crimes continue to happen with greater frequency. The Stomach of Mam issnbjae to a df zen ineh. common bat nainfal affections as ertfmns. eholera m r ju and dysentery, that bv neclect m be made chrome And dangerous. Toe best, handiest, surest and quickest remeay is ram uiier, a nudiciae wmcn has been tried for more than half a century and never failed to give relief. Avoid snbatitntcs. there . is our one rain-Killer, Perry Davit -nee zoo. ana pue, DOH'T LET THEM SUFFER. Often chlldien are torturtd with itc'iing a ad burning eczema and iher skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals tha raw Botes. exoels i&flamma ion, leaves the sklc w.thout a scar. Clean, fragrant. cheap there'd no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 . at B. H. Holiday's drug store. MIM Anna Carsteo, Clayton, IU. MUa Anna Carsten,aajton,Ili,aaya "Yoar Perunm dU tos o mach good, t btH0Y9 i aboaU hare beca dssd by thtM time bad I aot atcd iL Immfeeh loxMOWwUnow. IbMreoottskeamiQ medkJtJ tor four or ttrt mootas. emu cbeertuBy ftcommead Perunm ft my Meads." Ererywhera the people, especially th women, are praising Pernna as a remed j for all forms of catarrhal dlnlculUea. Boxa Tyler, Vice President of the Illi nols Woman's AWanee, writes from 9U East Sixtieth street, Chicago, 111., th following: "During tho past year I gradually loa4 flesh and strength until I was unable U perform my work properly. 1 tried dli ferent remedies, and finally Penina wai suggested to me. It gave me new lift andstrength. Ioannotspeaktoohlghlj fit." The extreme sensltlreness of the ma ooaa lining of every organ of a woman'i body is well known to physicians. Th li explains why, ln part at least, so few women are entirely free from catarrh Pernna cures catarrh wkererei it located. Send for free catarrh book. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. e miiB C) POISON. Putntrlrr food ln the lutratla prducaflYctallkt'henf ara ale oat Dr. Kiefs Mew r.ui -xp i ttteitaoit frm dorred towels. KetUjr.taslly .bat sorely, cartel ODStlDAUOO. blllOUSB SICK ntWM - .... i aeir. evr , all liver, atanuy ana bowel trotibl. a. o jiy Zdc Sold by II II. Holllday, DroggUt. Killed a Carrier Pigeon. 8boiwe)I. K. O. Jobs 17 1901. In WiMei's U-wasbip. Johnston const y, I killed a pigeon on the 10th instaot vtin a Silter band around he llcht lee: ith thtae Utters aad firnrs eo grated on the band: 'N fl. 139S3." i soppoes it was a cunti pigeoa. W. 11 HOOD. DrrwuTcotRTor Tlltl aur-ixaa Mrticr NO.tS.lIrU,dst.u. ... A .mu,.,,.;,---:' li trti. m. ," HE KEPT HI8 LEO. Twelve jeats ago J. W. BulllvaB, of Hartford, OoLn., scratehed hi leg with a rutty wire. Inflamma tion and blood po:sniug set ln. For two ytars he tn fit red latenu-ly. Thm the best doctors urged ampu tatlon, batr he writes. ! nsed one bctleot EliC r.c Hitters aid it box of Bucklen's Arolra tfalve and ay leg wa sound and well as ever1' For Eruptions, Ecs ma TetUr. fral. Rheom, Borus aid all oh od disorder Eis-trlc Bi U r has no rival on eartn. Try them. Will gaaraotce sat sfaition or rtfood money. Oilv 50 oeot Sold l y IL H. Holllday, Druggist. Oumia NotiM im K.. above oUned t.tlL ZV " fTrmm ror tb I'uirtct or North oar er March isoi aes of the L'nii,i of the I Bursal h sail ffivsa fa I Kiia . District t oart - owucmmuon for lh aw usei or I a format i.. m . "T that the said rau .n . ..IT ine court rooca of iJt, imX. If that hm m !..ri4.... '"'', at the next day of iMr JL" aner.wb a aad whrrr K aona are warned u HrYi decreed, and Judgment tcresa. Oitea under mj mwimumzmidi) h, Z J Raloigh Uarbler COCERElil -PltHpRlJ l4lll( Tynj-'Bmlmaim BlWree RlsM Away sad aukes a spsedj cad of ooocbs sad eoltkk KhitiMtoaai any rt Uih same tTLt.'' Writs foi t!j.fM n - SAVES LIFE Wmsid, rJL. Anrut 1, 190S. ?! was ln bad health this spring aad ooold not up in bed for f oar weeks, when X was eon fined my child died. When X began to sit ap I felt so weak and had ouch terrible pains la raw back and hips. I had kidney trouble and fall Ingot the womb. I also had hysterical spells. I was in a bad condition when I receired roar MLadiee Birthday Almanao" aad read the ad vertisement of Wine of Gardni and Thedford's Blaek-Dranght. Since April 90th, rhave taken soar bottles of Wine of Cardni and three pack, agee of Thedford's Black-Draught. I feel like a oew person now. X oan do aU my work and can walk out to see any of my neighbors. I believe I would have been ln the grave had it not bean for Wine ot Oardoi. IT SAVED MT UTR. Mrs. AUOB DAVIS. It Is well that women are more patient than men. Pew men could bear the bitter pangs, the agony and distress that women endure. Thousands of women have come to look upon suffering as a duty of their sex. But there are instances of this heroic forutode whkh WINE(GAE3JII Women need no longer suffer for raodesrs Hicks'! Ms relief to modest women In the nrivaev of thek Many of the best homes In this city are never without this mat The Oldest and Best S. S. S. is a combination of root9 and herbs of ereat curative powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of -Doisons from the blood, without the least shock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general health begins to improve from the first dose, for 3. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri ties. S. S. 3. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands. Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention . Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. We are doing great good to suffering humanity through our consulting de partment, and invite yon to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA. 64. now renders unrtectssarv. sake. Wine of Cardui brim homes. medicine. It cures whites and fallina of the womb and comDlcfelv eradU cates these dragging periodical pains. Mrs. Davis cure shows yoa conclu sively what you may expect if you follow her example and take Wine of Cardui. Thedford's Black-Draught aids Wine of Cardui by regulating the stomach and bowels. When you ask your draulst for these medicines, be tt them. It was Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black Jarauekt Never take a substitute. CAPUDIN HEADACHE CORE. Leaves no BadJEffeetWhateve 15, 25 and 50 Cents at Druggists. HALKKJII, NX sure you ft that saved Mrs. Davis' life. For advio andllteratrne, adilrei. elvtef tvraptama, The tadtae Advtaorv me voauanooga Company, nsSHiiinisa Teaa. THE KIDNEYS AND THE SKIN. In the sp-insr the kidneys have much to do. If they are weak or tor pid, they will not do it well, aad the skin will be pimply or bloehy. That Is telling the story in a few words. Hood's Sargaparilla strengthens and stimulates the k dctys, cures and prevents pimples, blotches and all cntaneous eruptions. Dun't fail to take it. : Buy a bottle today. m de . Since General Julian S. Carr dared that he endorsed the position taken by Senator McLaurin there has been a painful silence about the headquarters of the News and Obser ver as to McLaurin'd apostacy and traitorism. Why is it that Mr. Dan iels does not promptly haul up Gen. Carr for public contempt and party discipline, and if he does not repent, proceed to read him out of the party? Jobs K. Fowtar. C. K. McCnUen FOWLER AND McCUITiEM ATTOBITEY8-AT-IiAW, UUNTOJT, - - - N. C. Will practice wherever Servian F-7T- ra.VmmarTV 2Xrnaroa.ton CoeSarretU BotlMa iWrM, incln5lni Xn? tion. Book aed Board la fsmilf, about S0l nmui, Tiri-wirni a mMuriT, tncuiTiaL 9-Tjio KrataekT TJatweMty Dteloaia. ndr mL awsrdd sradeetaa, Lttmry Oourw (m, U aWrvd. "wertl BaUrnow. OradMUaraeowfal. In T4v tm kmwt r Uttmrm rmmtk mm. -JJ mmlZ WILBUR R. SMITH. Lexington, Kyi !. tunpiH, nmna, awejaav mmm led are lnno aalwa as ttmiam$ lui aiar. 3?lifr7lAS GUARANTEED LL- IW I I'M DEB A $5,000 DEPOSIT R. B. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered. Write a nick ta - OA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE Maoon,0e FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Stkup has been used for children while teething;. It soothes the child, anftns tha mma allays all pain,tcures wind colic, and is me uesi, remeay ior Diarrnoea. Twen-tT-five cents a bottle. Sold hv all dra. gists throughout the world. BELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved In six hours by Niw Gskat South American Kidjjy CIf,.,, It Is a great sur prise on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain ln bladder, kidneys and back, ln male or female. Believes retention of water almost Immediately, if you want quick relief and core this is the remedy. Sold by Henry T. Hicks, druggist, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. l-ly. UARIOll BUTLER, Attorney-at-Law, ,505 and 504 Tucker Building, : BALEIGH, N. C. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. Central Acafai, An Industrial and Training School for boys and young men. will begm Its annual session Oct. 1st, lWl. mw a . xoung men desiring to go to school and pay in part with work may write to as at once. Twenty one ar desired Immediately: six ior iarm work, six for carpenter's woxk, ionr ior masonry and Plast ering, four for painting and one or two iar printing. For further par tlculara address Rev. Chas. R Tay lor, Principal, Littleton, N. C. GUARANTEED $900 (ll k nvr PALAKY YEARLY. Men and women of rood address to represent tn, some to travel appoint- anw aaa4-a S a a . 8cuwi umrn ior local work look lnir after oar inter-Mta. tonn guaranteed j early ; extra commission! uu ciuMa; rapia sarancemeot. old ertaDua&ed bouse. Grand chance for earnest man or woman to secure pleas ant, permanent position, liberal income and future. New, brilliant lines. Write aw uuce. STAFFORD PRESS. 28 Church St., New Haren, Conn University OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE HEAD Of the State's Educational System Aeademlc Department. Law, Medicine, Pharmacy AiftTniv-nve Kchnlarahlna tuition to teachers and ministers' was. ioans ior the needy. o? students. 43 Instructors. New Dormitories. Water Works, wu" uuabuig rsysiem. $120,000 spent ln improvements In 1900 and 190L Fall term begins September 9, 190L niinmcsy F. P. TENABLE, President, CHAPEL BILI , N. CV mSm 4 SrJ 4 When negtoeted. sknnet lavarfaMs resutta to a seora of m. pUeattoos, frequeony canslnc uremia poisoning resulttnc fca Aeatk. Stria vhnU.rin,,.. .TT- ---IT "T wwaaeDs UK 'nZTZJZlZT nemuim ana ue wboie nervous syttera Thoortinethodsweortedtofora ear ara not onlr e Save Your Gardens BY UGICJC ORDER AT ONCE. EXI'KFSS FiiKiuirr. Ppprlsl lUtra. fat. Merck 6 mmd Nov. a, tlqy. heCaadaKv. a. (So. . BlOG EATM Non.Pcisoscas Insecticide. Pound Package, ... f .15 1 8 6 12 Shakers M M .8S 0 1.00 .65 Julius Lewis Hardware Co., Raleigh. I.t BaaBaaaaami Elkin Woolen MM S5 H od Q A O 00 A S mm H O V Bi HUM B9g 55 00 O h m ?5h i f i J the ZinZZm u?t -thebe; vorf eSS. S 7 mI w,ore Jon want to trade with ths clever III S?i nT dellnC with, try tbs BLK1N WOOLEN Mlll ?naiS r5 fP thel!'?ood ortry State in the CaV'i the aallty of their work is unexcelled. J write them for their handsome new cataloxus. and do cot i ofyourwoolunttlyouaeslt. Address, vmwommuaao CHA5M nPB. CO., Prrrjfctri, kl: . inr7TOHanuwATtBT,n. Dr Hathaway years ago Placarded, these oU-tlm hh?tZeat,ne,lt 18 by tke patient j Patoleas art takes no Ume from bosloess. Theew "rfmd- Tlta method of treatment lafemofu tare leamcloslvely nsed by Dr. HateaW peSaa,ReSaItar mehod- Varleeesi, wlthost wi.ua . . . " oy nun oy us exetustre nu waa tw 20 years has wmi im. w "JM"B are reqrjired. Sjjel attention given' writetoto to collections. .. OftW nvor O. J .vmpton. Maatec if I.3r!?5?? Ms new St gas book aa4 aesfi W m . i as MSVaMaiSSBamSM u aaaaa a ku - roweirs orore. , - -'v" Br ""w"'0'a Sooth Eraii THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial Collet , LTTEBAY . CLAE3ICAL SCIENTIFIC OOMMEBCIAL . INDUSTBIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL Annual expAaeea $100 to tltO, for non-r1 the Ctate (ICO. Faculty of CO members. Z and Observation Cehocl cf about secure boxrd in the doroltcrias all VrZ'i plications should be caade before Jaly i slon opens Bepisaber isau , t Conaposdeee9 Invited frca those deenn potent taaehera aad ctenojraphera. v For C&U!ca cad ether Infanaatloa Prcodrat un ATILIt D. UtlX c Greenaboro,' as ejs . -vD" iitu