. TOK CI A 1T-T ASIf 1;M:-' . " ' , - . 4, i x -. - - . ., f ; ; iXV iiUiLX ill J0 Y01 RALEIGH. NORTH OABQLDJA. THURSDAY JULY 4. 1801. r ?n LERSOF THE PEOPLE. A MAN WHO 18 A POPULLST AND WHO EXPECTS TO LIVE AND DIE ONE. TRUTH ON THE RED SHIRT CANC. An Illesiratlon of tee FnilU of LwIm aad Dlaordsr of ths La Cam pair a w ... a. iowi i-oascanie and id my or R. la-Becaase Thsr Cannot Adsxlale- r Their Offices. MKKH TIlBTRUTn, !ntx, N. C, July 1st 1901. En- (1hw1 find amount for Caucasian. Move the UU'l up to suit as I can not cret along without the truth, and you are the only one that gives It on the rod shirt gang. J. A. Menninh. "LIVE AND DIE THAT WAT." I aw nd Ale, N. C , June 28. I am a l'opuUst and expect to live and die that way. I am a friend to the re form movement In every particular. 1 have been a subscriber to the ?ai!0Ahian for eight or nine years and have sent In all the subscribers J could without commission. Times aro hard and money scarce here. 1 lere la your money. Jno. T. Copeland. BRUTE FORCE. June 28. The needs of brute force and lawlessness sowed In the two last political cam palgns in our state is now bringing forth fruit after its kind. On Mon day morning, the 17th of June, an arrest was made In due course of law by the town constable for drunk enness and obscene language in the hearing of ladies at the hotel the preceding Saturday night. The mayor of the town, as the offender when sober, was a quiet, industrious, good citizen, discharged the prisoner on payment of a fine of one dollar and cost h the officer, and remain in custody till paid. A formjr election constable who had guarded poll keepers with guns by their aide, backed by others of their friends, stepped for ward with their hands in their pockets, and demanded the instant release of the prisoner, thus dictat ing to the Mayor who was to be ar retted and punished in the discharge of his duties as mayor. The town constable at once resigned his office, followed by the mayor; and this is the good government of the domi nant party, and these men are backed by the machine that shot poll keepers, seized ballot boxes and stacked guns In churches and ware houses, intimidated the 109,543 white majority In order that they might ride Into power nnd fatten upon offices of their own creation. And the bitter fruits of brute force are now before us in our town. ClVES. Thai Rerenue Act. Monroe Enquirer, (Dem.) The revenue and machinery act passed by the last Legislature is one of the doggonedest documents we have ever read. It is a manifesto issued to the business men of the Htate to stand and deliver. It lays an exorbitant special tax on almost every fellow who does not put his money In an old sock and hide It under the hearth. We are a too much taxed people, and that revenue and machinery act is the most cuss- pro voklng as well as tax-raising article ever written. That revenue and machinery act will be repealed immediately if not sooner when the next Legislature meets, or the peo ple will know why. North Carolina Candidate. Washington Post. J udge Spencer B. Adams, who was the Republican candidate for . gov ernor of North Carolina in the last campaign and Is now an applicant for a Judgeship in the Philippines, was presented to the President yesterday by Representative Moody, of the Asheville district, Judge Adams, who is not yet fifty years of age, served a term on the district bench and is said to be a lawyer of very .fine attainments. All the North Carolina Republicans indorse his candidacy. The President is not yet advised as to the number of Judicial places that will be created In the Philippines, but promised to consider Judge Adams' application Cadets as Wood Choppers. Rock Hill. S. O , UeraM. A party of ten cadets of Clemson College started home with tickets by way of Blacksburg. When they reacnea the city the train on the S C. fc Q. road had left, so they had to spend the day In Blacksburg. There wag nqt a dollar In the whple Party, but nothing daunted, the boys dWIded into squads of four or tnveeacn, and wjth their coats off appuea lor wpric at different homes In order to pay for their . dinner, so . uia-t.w me cuy oi uiacksburg there w now a nne lot or stove wood, cut ine most improved teaching o a. u,, finally one of the boya -"HuiumoMea witn ttastonia and ffnsea the finances for the crowd. KATM CFTKleXTC3 C3IL0. 77. ""finer Trom Ureropho- Whosa She Attacked. Baltimore Special, t3rd, to Washlng too Post, - On May 23, six-year-old Lucretla Chewing, of Oxlordi N. C., was bit ten through the nose by a pet doe .. wmiiiBfle was playing. On June 19 she began to exhibit symp toms of hydrophobia, and preparv tlons were at once made to bring her to the Pasteur Institute at the City Hospital here. The Journey had hardly begun on cwmraay oei ore the little one be came wna with rabies. She foueht like one pursued and barked and hit a mose around her. In the strug A Mm gie sne lore her mother's flesh with L f 1 . ... usiis ana aiso scratched hr at. tending physician. Dr. William..- nf wxioru, as well as a strange gentle r r. . ' man wno went to their assistance. If the child's fingers were moist- ured with any of the saliva. th three adults are also in danger of oeing attacked with the dread mat. aay. mey are still In the city tit . - awaiung developments, and are be ing carefully watched by Prof. Kei- ne ana his assistants at the Pasteur institute. At the station the ambulance was in waiting, and, fighting and kick ing, the afflicted child was hurried to the hospital. 8he was Immedi ately put under treatment, but with out avail. Her suffering increased as uie night advanced, and fW midnight she died in terrible agony. Her mother is frantic with grief. xnis is probably the first case of Its kind in the local Pasteur Insti tute where a human being afflicted with rabies attacked others so that they also may be afflicted with hydrophobia. The developments are being watched with Interest. LITEKAItY NOTES. The Great Northwest's First White Child One of the most remarkable proofs of the amazing growth of that vast region of our country commonly called the Northwest, with its num erous sisterhood of states and its population of more than seven mil lion people, is the fact tnat it is only a little more than eighty years since the first white baby was born there. The child was a girl, the daughter of a regular army officer, and she is still living. A fascinating account of her eventful life, the early years of which were spent among soldiers and savage?, will appear in an early issue of The Ladies' Home Journal. No EnS to Iarention. Each new invention calls at once for more. The eras ranee, which has only Just forced recognition for Itself as a household necessity, cries out for the invention of proper uten sils to use upon it. Asphalt streets have set new tasks for the inventor. He must make new types of shoes to give easy and secure footing for horses, and new street-cleaning apparatus. With rougher pavements we were satisfied to get rid of the coarser dirt from the uneven surface, but now we are demanding apparatus that will rid our streets of dust as well. Every body's Magazine. Late Literary New. It Is probably true that almost every man has in him certain qual- ties which would draw some wo man to him, but it is difficult - to frame a statement in general terms of "What Women Like in Men." This is the task which a very well know author, under the nom-de plume of ltafford Pyke, has underr taken in The Cosmopolitan for July n a clever essay, which proves him to have made woman the subject of horough observation and compre hensive study. "The foreign girl," says the author, "marries the man with whom she will be happy, the American marries the man without whom she will be unhappy." President Ijoabet to Americans. The first magazine article written by M. Loubet since he became Presi dent of the French Republic will appear in The Saturday Evening Post for July 14. This important paper, entitled "Young Men and the Republic, after touching upon our pleasant relations witn the French Republic, continues with a signifi cant reference to the attitude of France toward the Powers. The masterly summing up with which the article concludes is a fine expres sion of the strong republican spirit which reigns in France today. Young Men and the Republie was written expressly fbr The ' Saturday Evening Post, and will appear in no other magazine. The illustrations are reproductions of private photo graphs taken by President Loubet's son. Can This be So? The following is from the Char- lotte Peoples Paper: The vicious robbery revenue bijl passed bv the late . squalled repre sentatives of the people of the state, IfaUqwed tQ stand will bankrupt tax-payers of the state Inside of two years. .Qnecaseto illustrate and it applies to alL The estate of the late Col. Bridges, of Wilmington, was worth $260,000. It was Invested in stocks, bonds, etc. The Income is about $1 0, 000 and the tax for all purposes this year under the present system is a faction more than $11, 000. The shirt on your back will be taxed ii you have many changes. FCSa TECS2AS3 KlUCSAISS. Tlgmrmm mm to tfc Hmm Who nrf Um Mom of tMm Coutar. Soothers Mercery. According to the New York Herald, there are 3,828 millionaires in Uie United States, and in a recent lame it present a detailed list of their names, classified according to we Hutes In which they live. It says: one two-hundredth part of one per-eent of the population of the united mates, or one person oat of every 20,000, controls about one- fifth of the nation's wealth: that is, o.ozo millionaires outofapopuia tion little In excess of 76,000,000 own fiu.ooo.ooo.ooo of thA sai. 000,000 at which our entire proper ly is fairly valued. In the first quarter of the century Just closed there were not more than half a dozen millionaires In the land. and two only John Jacob Atr. m jNew York, and. Stephen Olrard. in , Philadelphiahad sufficient wealth to make them particularly conspicuous. Now we are nearine we 4,000 mark. "In 87 per cent of the cases our millionaires have built their own fortunes, very many from the very bottom, and a large number on foundations laid by lathers or grand- lathers. - "The millionaires have come from all of the industries 19 from real estate, 13 per cent inherit ed, 12 per cent railway and steam ships, 10 per cent banking. 6 per mining, 6 per cent farms and cattle. and from all other industries 5 per cent," 24.948 Filipino Hare Surrendered or Been Captured. Washington, June 26.r-The War Department has published a list ot captures and surrenders in the Phil ippine Islands, supplementary to the list published on the 1 6th inst. The new list covers the period from April 15th to May 15th, 1901. Dur ing that period 21 officers and 181 men of, the insurgent troops i were captured and 462 offices and 6,869 men surrendered, making the total number of insurgents captured or surrendered up to May 15th last, 37,948. There were surrendered to gether with 28,110 rounds of ammu nition and 24 cannon. REPUBLICANS OF OHIO. VIGOROUS PLANK ON THE SUFFRAGE QUESTION. A Strict Enforcement or tbt Franrhiu Demanded Congress Reqaeated to Look After ths Matter A Plank on Combi nations and Mono poll. The Ohio Republican Convention met in Columbus last week and nominated the following ticket: - Governor George K. Nash. Lieutenant Governor Carl N. Nippert. Judge Supreme Court J. T. Price. Attorney-General Jno. M. Sheets. Senator Ilanna was made perma nent chairman, and Senator Foraker, in introducing him said he was "a man who knew his business and how to attend to It." : The plank on the suffrage question is as follows: "The right or franchise is vouch safed to every American citizen by the federal constitution. We de nounce, as no less criminal when committed by theft than when ac complished with the shotgun and by ballot box. stuffing, and as antagonistic to the spirit, of our in stitutions all attempts to deprive of their inalienable rights millions of our fellow citizens in certain states of the union. We therefore call upon our senators and "representa tives in congress for such legislation as shall secure the strict enforcement of constitutional measures guarantee ing to every citizen the right of franchise, without distinction as to race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and v, we : demand that representation in congress and in the electoral college shall be based on the acting voting population as pro vided in the constitution, propor tionate reduction being made for any state .in which the right of suffrage is denied, except for crime. "All criminals should be punished by due process of law aud we de nounce the crime of lynching as foul blot upon civilization. SUICIDE ON TKE OCEAN. A Distinguished Virginia Lawyer Jumps x rom a steamship at 8a-Xlis Third Attempt on His Life. "Glasgow, June 26. The captain of the Anchor June steamer Furnessia, irom JHew York, June 15, which arrived here to-day, reports that Richard Walke, a lawyer of Virginia, jumped overboard from the steamer June 19 and was drowned. Norfolk, June 25. Richard Walke was a resident of Norfolk and one of the most distinguished . lawyers of the state of Virginia. He leaves a wife and foqr daughters. The widow of Commodore Truxton is his sister. IJe was accompanied on the trip to Europe by his wife and a gentleman friend. His death ia the third at tempt on his life in recent years and he is the third of his family to die by their own hand within the past three years. In 1899 Henry Walke, his brother, shot himself in Brook lyn, while on a visit , to that city. Littleton T. Walke, son of Richard Walke, stabbed himself to death in his room at the University of Vir ginia recently. r. " LOST THE EJEUSE F0UB LIVES FOUND WATERY GRAVES AT NEW BERNE ON A PLEASURE RIDE. a dcca cm tee Tcra A SodTraredr by Which a Family la Doomed to Sorrow-Two of Tho Victim Bright Yona titrla. Newbern. N. C, June 28. A drowning In which four lives were lost occurred in Xeuse river at this place tfils afternoon. The accident has cast a. gloom over our citv and In many homes there Is weening and lamentation. The names of the dead are: Wil liam E. Clarke, Mary Bayard Clarke, Frances Bayard Clarke, Master George Bryan. i The two girls were the daughters of Mr. Clarke, and were aged respec tively 11 and 9 years. The boy was about fifteen yeais old and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Green Bryan of this city. "- The facts of the accident as near as can be gathered in a time of so much distress and excitement are as follows: Late this afternoon. Mr. Clarke. in company with the drowned child ren and his young son George, went out on the river for a row. The boat upset was the property of Mr. Clarke and had been used for similar excursions quite frequently in the past, no danger therefore was ap prehended. When within about one hundred yards of the shore opposite the city, in some manner the boat capsized and the occupants were all thrown Into the water. All were drowned with the exception of Master George Clarke, who saved hlmtelf by hold ing to the upturned boat until help arrived. " When the sad news became known throughout the city, business was practically suspended and thousands of people have been to the bridge. rendering such assistance aa was possible. Up to this hour only the bodies of the two little girls and Mr. Clarke tiave been recovered. Mr. Clarke was a prominent citizen of Newbern and was a son of the late Judge W. W. Clark. He was a zealous Re publican and was postmaster at this place under the Harrison adminis tration. - . . At the time of his death Mr. Clark held the position of deputy collector of customs of this port. , A SECOND REPORT. - Newbern, N. C, June 28. Hon. Wm. E. Clarke, his two daughters Mary B., aged 12, and Frances B., aged 9, and George B. Bryan, the 10-year-old son of Green Bryan, were drownedhere to-night. The party was out rowing opposite the water works when the boat was swamped by the waves. Mr. Clarke's little son, William E., Jr., was the only one of the party saved.. , He clung to the boat until rescued. The bodies of the two girls have been recovered. DAMAGING RAIN IN GREENSBORO. Many Houses Flooded and Bridges and Southern Railway Trestles Washed Away. Greensboro, June 26. Greensboro was visited by a severe rain-storm this afternoon, which did much damage. The rain fell in torrents and flooded many houses. The Odell Hardware Company was damaged to the extent of $1,000; S. , J. Kauff- mann, $400. Merritt, Johnson & Co., C. H. Dorsett and several others suffered considerable damage. Side walks and streets were badly washed. Two Southern Railway trestles just outside the city limits were partially destroyed. Passengers on all southbound trains this evening were transferred and, . carried from here on a special. The Mt. Airy train had 'just crossed one of the trestles when it gave way. Several bridges in the county were destroyed. It is believed that the crops have suffered untold damage. IIOSCAM GIVES HARVARD -SI, 000,000. The New York Financier Remembers Former Boston Merchant, Cambridge, Mass., ' June 26.- President Eliot annunced at the Harvard alumni dinner , to-day that John Pierpont Morgan had given more than $1,000,000 for the erec tion of three of the five buildings planned for the Harvard -Medical School in Boston. The gift is for the prosecution of "applied biolog ical research." -The buildings will be a memorial to Junius :: Spencer Morgan, for many years a Boston merchant. ' r- Hanns Gives Kenyoa College 50tOOO. Cleveland, f une 2Q. A special to The Plalndealer from Gambler, O.. says: Senator Hanna, at the alumni luncheon, unexpectedly announced that he would give $50,000 to Ken yon College ; for the building of a dormitory. A year ago Keyon Col lege bestowed the degree off doctor of laws on Senator Hanna." They Cant Bell It, From the Atohison Globe. ' f Why do people give advice? Fools won't take it, and wise men don't need it. . ' , . . v m - - . DETAILS OF THE FLOOD. STILL UNCERTAIN AS TO THE EXACT NUMBER OF THE POCAHONTAS DEAD. TK 5TCJTCF A3 ETC CTTKM. 20OO Msa Mate Idle br Tho Fleod-BemoTtnc Band Battseo Tho Victims From ThoaMirto Tho Banks of Ths T . I it. v ttwuuto, a w une zo tm ma jority of men working in Norfolk A western shops here were laid off at noon in consequence of alack work occasioned by the Hoods In West Virginia.' The shops employ about z.uuo men nere. The lowest estimate on loss of life today is thirty and the highest figure claimed is as at first stated 200. Keystone, W. Va June 25 Th following story is told by an eve witness oi uie great flood. Ii t a a - "Keystone is the metroDolls of A -n an . we juxnorn mining country. It has but one narrow street and be cause of limited space many build ings were built on piles or walls over the Elkhorn or close up against the mountains. The town follows the meandering of the stream for a mile. "Friday night at l o'clock the storm struck the mountain and fbr six hours rain descended in torrents. At daybreak the thousands of peo ple along the Elkhorn and Its tribu taries realised that a great flood was upon them, but they little suspected the disaster soon to follow, By 9 a. m., the narrow valley was a rag ing, seething, angry torrent. Houses, . barns, bridges, fills, live stock and human beings were swept away by the mighty current and dashed on the rocks or trees below. "I was an eye witness of the dis aster at Ketone, being a guest at the NatlonaThotel. This hotel faces the mountain, with a narrow spot between it and the building on the mountain side of the street. At the first warning many of the inhabi tants took refuge on the mountain side overlooking the town and river. More than a hundred people, how ever remained in the town to look after the women and children who did not escape early. The bridge leading to the depot was. soon swept away, then angry waters rushed through the only street In the town and we found hundreds cut off from the mountain retreat and the hotel was made fast to the telephone poles by means of a line. Hundreds of lives were saved. But In attempt ing to cross the muddy, surging waters which swept like an avalan che down this street, many lost their hold and in plain sight of friends were carried on Into the river and drowned. Houses plunged and danced in the mighty stream, with screaming women and children on the roofs. Horses, cattle and other animals went down in droves and singly struggling for life. 'The Norfolk & Western railroad fill at this place gave way and more than a mile of track now lies in the bed of the river, while fills on either side are all gone. In fact, it is hard to tell how many miles of track and how many bridges have been swept away. The destruction is tremen dous to railroad alone, and it may be days, and perhaps weeks before the trains can run. "The loss of life cannot be esti mated from here. Eight lives were lost here. Six bodies have been re covered at Eckman. two miles be low here. Several were drowned at Shawnee and a good part of the town swept away. . "All the women were conveyed from the hotel to the mountain side by means of the life line. Then the men lef as the place was unsafe. When it came my turn I seized the line and plunged into the muddy current. In an instant my feet were swept from under me and it was the fight of my life to reach the house on the south side of the street. The distance was not great and the wa ter not more than three feet decn. but the current was almost irresisti ble, and even cows and horses were swept by me as I clung to the rope which was the only hope. Friendly hands pulled me out more dead than alive. The hotel is still- standing." HUMDSEC3 STARVING. People in the Vicinity of laser la Believed to Have Dire Straits-lOO Drowned. lager, V., June 26. An Associ ated Press correspondent reached this point to-day, which is in the central part of the northern section of the scene of Saturday's - flood. Here is where the J Dry Fork enters into the Ttig river and along this stream the greatest destruction pre vails and the loss of life here is even greater than at first reported. Be yond here for a distance of 30 miles the railroad track is almost complete ly washed away. It is believed 100 lives were lost. The inhabitants are desolate; In fact, hundreds are starv ing. There la no way of securing provisions on the Dry Fork - of Tug river, save on muleback. This after noon inone drove were . 20 pack mules loaded with provisions, which made the start across the mountains from here to Bradahaw, a village 15 miles away, where it is said many families have had no food since Saturday, p The waters came down I , 1 mi mighty rav fully W ft kLjh. At the Inter- ecoon of the Tag river It met with another huge volume. Here the Tug river rose 30 feet la two htmra. unas w&icn spaa the riTtr here were swept away, as well as tweetr ur more two-story building. Aoower storm tmasM ovrrthLi ectloa agala last night and fur aer erainoure we rain came down In lot rent. The riven are rials amln wuay. rcmrrra cati3auat. n Jamscvancy Mail Berrien, Washington. June 25 Official advices to the Postoflloe Department show (hat the break on the Vir ginia and Ohio division of the Nor folk Western lUllroad canmxl bv wenoods extends for a diatanr nf &0 miles, from Williamson to Ennl. except In spots. The branch line running from Goodwill to Bram well is practically entirely washed away. Chief Clerks Ooodloe, from Washington, and Sales, from Lynch burg; of the railroad mall service. have gone to the flood district to make a report on the situation and needs in a postal wav. The postmaster at Cedar Bluff. Van wired to-day that the monev order funds, forms, blanks and stamprs, together with transit mall from Paint Lick, Va., were sweirt awawy by the flood. Cedar Bluff is on the Clinch Valley division of the Norfolk A Western Railroad. In Tazswel) county. The postmaster atEnnis, W. Van also reports hi office swept away. The first action of the Postofflce Department In fur nishing emergency mall service In to the flooded district was taken to day when Assistant Postmaster General Shallenberger authorized the establishment of a special ser vice to Duhring via BramweU and Freeman, Everything Goes Down. Hickory Merour j. Joe Daniels said soon after the Judges were tried and were not im peached, that they had "promised to be good" hereafter. They are keeping their pledges by declaring the laws of the legislature unconsti tutional as they come before them. RURAL FREE DELIVERY SYSTEM: T8 RAPID GROWTH AKD TKE BENEFITS THAT COKE FR0U IT. People Who Opposed it Now Vlorosly Laodinr A Xorth Carolinian Uot The First Appropriation From Congress for The System. The Caucasian Is very much gratified at the Increasing popularity and rapid growth of free rural mail delivery system. It was the first paper in North Carolina to advocate this measure. Now everv news paper in tha state, so far as we know, is a friend of the system. At the time when the Peoples party first declared fr free rural de livery In it platform, and when the Caucasian was advocating this mportant addition to the postal system, the Charlotte Observer, if we remember correctly, and , many other democratic naners ridiculed he proposition as another wild opulist vagary. Indeed, they charged that the scheme was - not only absurd, but, if put Into opera tion, would Ijankrupt the United States Government. Senator Wol cott and other members of Congress who made speeches in opposition to it when the battle was first beeun for establishing the system used much the same language. Senator Woloott declared that the free rural delivery system would cost the United States Government one hun- rdred million dollars a year and bring in no Increased revenue. The fact is that the system where established has so increased the amount of mail matter that it is more than self- sus taining. We are delighted to see that the Charlotte Observer is thorough ly converted, as will be seen from the following editorial which ap peared in a recent issue:, i f "The rural delivery system having proved so conspicuous a success, It is strange that a voice should be raised against it anywhere. But there has been in North Carolina at least. . A Congressman representing one of the districts of the state is having a good deal of trouble in 'the establishment of rural delivery routes on account of the opposition of cpuntry merch ants who are postmasters and who, by reason of having postofflces in their stores, enjoy a good deal of trade which they would not other wise receive. From the dawn 'of history even down to this good day men were ever much alike. :It is recalled that at a time when it look ed as if Paul were about to convert all Ephesus to L'hristianity.one fim Al tl- 1X1- 1 1 . I silver shrines fbr Diana, called to gether all all the craftsmen of like occupation and informed them that weir crait was in aanger and re minded them that by this craft they had had their wealth. This Is just the situation of these objecting post masters witn regard to the rural de livery routes." iV - Free rural delivery has come to stay and it will not be long -before it will spread : over the entire length and breadth of the United . States. It should be l matter of. especial pride to North Carolinians that the first appropriation secured and the first enactment for establishing this system was put through Congress oy tla cCcrts cf a North Ccrr"--w tex ctrr a statz Tttcn ra ra The War lieranowMit tat pre pared a " aUtoMt aJxmtac the amount of the rJaJms sled by State and Territory for fitting oat volunteer fur the War with HjeJa. It alu ahrtws the amount allow! and paid In each cm by the Gov ernment and the balance whkrh the Htate claim to be due and which the Government he no far rrfttscd to pay. The atatement prepared by the War Department b a follows: Aaot AaMeat led t t,7l7 X0.U7 101 4T 43 HI m.4 mm 10,40 out so.isa UQ.743 - t74.W 147.4 17.77 144 0.01s 7.444 14USM 44V3l9 474.H4 18919 es.s4 33.S44 1.711 tstos S4S1U Kta,&3 X9A17 IX.O4I 40.258 411,744 U.1&3 11574 t7,17 tt.641 1.000 tt.783 1,161 45850 ii, Ma 127,040 tt.045 2,623 6.S81 1,86 mid Ubtae. ttMt Arkansas. California. Colra4o. Con ere Ural, .ni Zl4U S4.00! aiTj as. si hum W1.4K5 41.191 ai.ti II IU njtm I44.ii; 0.010 1U4S , 411 S2.SS1 aoCM S.76M 18.&37 14.UI S5 0l 91s 14.1&1 1.495 7,414 114,6 IS ssen 3.670 20 1HX6 Delaware, r.orida. Georgia, l as no, Illinois, ladiasa, lewa. Kanaa, Kenteeky, LoaUlaoa, Halo Maryland, M assarb a etts, Michigan, Minniaota, Mississippi, aflaeoari. Montana, Nebraska, Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jrrajt New Tork, North Carolina. North Dakota. unio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Khod Island, South Carolina, Aooth Dakkta, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Va hington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Ari.ona, New Mcxio, Oklahoma, It will be noticed that nearly every State is still claiming a large amount as due which the Government re fuses to pay. The State of Texas and the Territory of Oklahoma are the only claimants who have been paid In fulL The State of New York put in a claim for 1938,852, but the Government has only paid $353,082, a little more than one third of the claim. ' Connecticut! put In aelalin for$175,648, of which amount, the Government has paid only $22,445, or about one-eighth. Massachusetts put in a claim for $448,218 and lias received only 137, 975. North Carolina has fared bet ter, having put In a claim for $29,- 817 and received $20,610. The total of the t lalms gregate $5,870,179, while of the payments made by filed ag the total the Gov- eminent aggregates - the sum of $3, 329,745, leaving more than $2,e00, 000 still due and unpaid. 8UINC EX-SEMATC3 RAUSCU. Volfhtor Norfolk Saee for a f l.OOO Grocery Kill Raleigh Times-Visitor. A salt has been Instituted In Nor. folk against Ex-Senator Matt. W Kansom. B. P. Volght, through White burnt and Uoghes, his counsel, In stitutes the action in- the Court of Law 'and ' Chancery against ex United States Senator llansem, of North Carolina. This $1,200, It Is alleged, Is the amount of a bill for groceries sold by the plaintiff to the defendant.- These supplies are said to have been .' bought by Senator Ransom for his large farm near Weldon. He Is one of the largest shippers of cotton in the state. Funds in the hands of J. W. Perry, John N. Vaughan and Eore, Gregory and Company belonging to the defendant have been attached. The rase will probably come up . before Judge Martin in Norfolk next month. Reflections of e Bachelor. From ths New York Press. There aro certain kiikds of things that one girl can never, tell another unless It Is late at night and they are combing their hair. ' " - No old maid over forty can show a strange plumber over the' bouse without giving him her opinion on love, religion, and the Filipinos. . When a woman thinks that a man is going to kiss her against her will she generall dresses herself with two papers of pins leas than usual. 13 People. Killed ; 50 11 art Pern, IncL, Jane - 23. Thirteen persons were killed and about II Ay seriously lujured in s wreck of train No. 3, the westbound Wabash limit ed, nine miles west of this city st a. m., today. The dead are all Ttalian emigrants en route ' to Colorado, whose names are unknown. TheGospel of ' Seeping Young. From address of If. G. Ward, In Boa Never give 5a our -youth. The glory of the Greeks was their glory in their youth. It Is a gracious man ner that keeps a heart young. To do strennooi work court ; the ' open "sir and never neglect your dally exer cise, and as the years creep on 'prac tice It iwissand terJee,, yea, .many times a, dfjji.fc 4 ATalL remember the heautyoi". iaa-.nd character. Don't lCnj ir-fcsrt your mind. By Ihtt .1 xLxa, Xir3r GOSPEL OF FREEB1Q - . CLEVELAND HKCHETAUY OF TUB NAVY JOINS THE RAKKSOProUTICAL I.V 0 ETEN DKNCE. ttunr csr retina errjesa. Hoa II. A. Herbert, of iklami KeereUrr of the Xav O rover 3eveiand. In tKn. were was not a single little two by four plain of a Detnorralln MM i. the whole Mouth that could tOotber eoough over Mr. Ovr4and and his cabinet. - The manner In which these sheets then landriand whoop, ed fur thedexnorralkadniloiatratloo WMalmplydlnrnatlng. No leas du. gustlog b the manner In which these name cootemtsiibln iittu now bark at the heels of some of wees same men treat they are preaching the mtJ &r tviJiiwt i. dependence. The last one to announce thU ns. 11 is Hon. II. A. plerbert, of Ala bama, and vulgar and gross shoes of him. may be . expected from the tittle dem. machine Looters. - In a t neech delivered in rt. gomery on June 2th. Mr. It.rtH said: MWe nerd freer Ihnti.M .mi freer actloo In the South, and ahoahi give party managers to understand that they must put up good men whom we can approve and can gr our votes only on the man and the platform. It may happen that no party puts op a nominee on a plat form to suit tm and It will, be oar daty to reject them all sod give partisans to understand that clauses put In to catch Ignorant votes will lose intelligent votes." Mr. Herbert declared that the country had entered apon the moat critical period of its existence. , In the time of national exultation and exaltation we must not be overroo ndenV ld Mr. Herbert.' 'It is easy for a few people of the same general character to agree, . The country Is no longer small or homo geneous. For self-government to be successful, citizens must be alive to the increasing ardaooxnea of self control. Great cities are multiply ing; vast maiejesof manufaetarers are aggregated. The UJegrapb and press bring the whole country un der the same excltlmr conditions that compel mobs of civilized men to do the work oi barbarians.' New complexities are arising. 'Cuba, Porto Hlco, Hawaii and Alaska and the Philippines demand solution. Hhll we return them or abandon them? Shall we govern ' them or let them govern us? 'Fraud stalks through the land like pestilence in the night. , The tine Is Imaginary between counting out the negro because his vote Is cast for the wrong candidate and count ing out the white man because his vote is obnoxious. Honest elections are the only salvation of the coun try. Let all educated men proclaim aloud that except upon 12 basis of honest elections the natural outcome of republican government Is discon tent, unrest. Instability, and finally revolution." The speaker turned po the remedy and declared It to be greater Inde pendence of thought and action and less slsvfeh adherence to parties. The "yellow dog theory of politics will not do. Worthy men must not surrender their power In party and state to tricksters. One of the greatest questions for solution now la whether the Consti tution follows the flag In the Insular possessions," said Mr. Herbert. The turning over of the Philip pines Is an accomplished fact.' ' Shall we govern them or they us? - Ths) parties have swspped positions on the underlying question. Ths aboli tionist Republicans, Gerrltt, Smith and Charles Sumner, declared that the Declaration of Independence taught that all are free and equal. Now the expansion Republicans have the opposite view, which was held by the old Democratic leaders. Our Democratic friends In' Congress, taking care always to quote from Lincoln, make the welkin ring with the views of the old-time abolition ists." ... , CoL Herbert led the revolt In Ala bama In 1896, but most of his fol lowers have worked bscJt Into har ness, and some thirty of them in in the eonstltutluaal convention. ' . The speech Is s political sensation, Interpreted as a prelude to the In evitable division. He has the In dorsement of the leading business men of Montgomery, but many par ty leaders are sore at the arplso which hia doctrine met. . , .- The Persians still believe that human tears are a remedy fur certain chronic diabases. At every iuctral the bottling of the mourners' ; tears is one of theririef ceremonial rites. Each of the mourners b priutsd with a spouse with which to ocp offhls'Cfeossnd eyes, and after - the burUl U8roiv:aarepresesitsd to thprkt,.wfco sq9ecs ti. trars into bottles. Thiaeurtcn iscsacf the clict kccTn In the T cad he proUtly beca rrtt!-td by, tb TV- if?' i cfyca. OenssS KWlUa The Ost Tts mi TWlsr,-AtaH Wha Mefe Ths OM Mm uU "Isiui t Cssrh '- irssl Vesaa Mem TM t,-,m i