THE OAUOAOIAiJ M I for offering and com meeting on ITTHI CAUCA8LA1T rUaVCO. tatSCIIFTICaiATft. UM Yr IJI.OQ U Moatk. . Ho. t 11. MUIIICIPAL. OWITimniP. The following item from Rock Hill, 8. C, appeared In a recent lmiue of the Charlotte Observer. "Jlock 8. C. June 12. Municipal ownership of the water work and electric light plant In be fore the people of Hock 1X111. At a cltlcena' meeting some time back relation were pained endorsing the idea, and a petition, asking for an election for the par pose of the authorizing the city council to Imue bonds to the amount of 175,000, has been circulated among the real estate owners, and at last the neces sary names have been secured.' It la very gratifying to see how rapidly the correct and wholesome principle of municipal ownership is growing in evry quarter of the country. U'e are especially delight ed to see that a paper like the Char lotte Observer no longer bars out from Its columns such news items; Indeed, a lew weeks ago the Obser ver had an editorial speaking favor facta, at this time, for the sole par- pone of convincing reasoning and Intelligent people that the present red shirt administration of the state is rooftlsteotly guilty of farcical and foolish acts. On this score there is s settled conviction. Now and then. however, for the purpose of having a laugh or making the wonder grow we may bring forward something which may have e-eaped the atten tion of some people. Until a few weeks ago we had in this state a commissioner of Immi gration a man whose official duty was to try to "induce" capital to come into the state and to persuade people to come here from other states to live. Until a few weeks asro this official drew his pay and If he ever "Induced" or "persuaded" anything to come here nobody knows it. And now this gentleman this iramigratioi commissioner has GONE TO ANOTHER STATE TO LIVE, or at least to do business for himself. Such a fact opens up a wide field for wonder and comment. For In stance, we all r- member the red shirt campaign of 1 8'J8. We also remem ber the "force and fraud," red shirt campaign of 1900 which resulted In the counting in of the "force and fraud" allies who are now In control of the state. The wild, lawless and anarchistic scenes of these campaigns were not only looked upon with astonishment and pain by the order Aycock can afford to go to the Man ufacturers' Club Banquet at Char lotte and not be contaminated by Oea. J. 8. Oarr, if ne should be pre sent, any more than he could go when Senator McLautin was there without being contaminated. Has not Gen. Oarr recently endowed the rtza rca urz. Stast War Bcia M PltUHurjr, July 1. All the anion men employed In the mill of the American Sheet Steel Co., are out today, in compliance with the order Issued Saturday by Mr. Shaffer, president of the Amalgamated Aa- speech that f&nator McLaurln made i sortition and ratified by the advbary at that UnoueL and. Indeed endora-1 board Saturday. .i ici .Mt..,tA This marks the beginning of the DU UU MTSCUt Mnin. BkUW I ... . , , . iyx uwi.ruuov . United States Steel Company. ernor Aycock that there are certain I T5e tattle could not be averted. tnlngs that will be ruinous to hide-1 Men familiar with the situation hounrf machine rmnmrv. and he. I knew this weeks ago, when both I - 1 1 A I t standlne as the chamolon of that I"" w" p"s m . mA Cm... lt species of politics in the South, nQt wHhoat mmiA should not take the precious Bour- ler 0f ,,rinrirlt either bv the union bon relic into an atmosphere that I or the trust. out of the would be backism. Into an atmosphere ratal to its future moss- XCOMOMY IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS. We are glad that as a rule there is economy In public affaire in our state. It Invites capital. It pleases our own home people. It makes taxes easier to collect. It creates a personal pride in our government on the part of our citizens. An honest listing of taxes and an honest expenditure of tax money are neces sary complements. N. C. Baptist. The above appears to be from a religious paper the kind of paper that should be a powerful agency for Insisting on facta and presenting them. The last paragraph is all right. The first paragraph may be A compromise seems question, and unless one can be ar ramrod the strike will be the most serious one in years, as the Amal gamated Association will go into the battle to fight for its existence Ninety-five thousand men are in volved in the strike. Albemarle, N. C July 2. Three necioes at kerrsvllle. one mile from this place, have smallpox They sontravted it while awaj Working on a railroad. They were removed to an isolated house three miles away. Those exposed are quarantined. Mo farther troub.e is anticipated. Ladles Petition to Vote. Montgomery, Ala July 2. A petition was presented to th toa stltutloaal convention ioav by an honest opinion or expression, but I the ladies of Madison county ask ably of the principle of municipal ownerahlhp. This Indicates kreatlovinKind!aWHlbIdImi vwploae the in rmti Vi that tianar ta wall m for ' .... i" r-t- state, Dut tney were painted in an mi correc principle oi guv vruiucut. thlr lurIdneHa and diseraoa bv the . 1 L I It -I I n nas oeeu omy auor uu red shirt papers, and the news of the Charlotte Observer was ridlcul-l . nn wma . m Iff uai w ssan kvaur vu vv oso dcuv a a vau iog municij owucramp .uu ocean to an and from Canada to ring to it as a Populistic vagary and as rank paternalism, etc. When the Peoples party was or ganized ten years ago it was the only political party that dared to thought of the matter tt M ftlled advocate municipal owneranin. I tn u.r,tftf1 tK.. , , . I w vaaaaiaaava Ma aajsv nw uuv aa wT'mamm & l 1 a xv a v1 xnv I .Trgr MJWU..IUU.U wwU citizen of a state where such law- Its water-works, but Its electric light fmmMM .nd -cnnu Mexico. People everywhere read the accounts of bedlam and ruffian, ism that were eoing on. and not a man of any decency anywhere, who and gas plants, I tn telephone systems, and Its street car lines. It is a proper function of the municipality to furnish all of these necoHHlties to all of the people of the municipality at cost, and, furthermore, give a better service than private companies evar have or ever will. The city of Kalelgh Is at present a striking object lesson as to the necessity for municipal ownership. We have here thwe telephone sys tems, and the result is that fewer people are connected by telephone than If there was only one system. In the first place, each system charges more for the service than it worth, and after a person has sub scribed to one system he reaches less than one-third as many people as he would reacn lr there was only one system In the city. Why? Because it is necessary for a person to get any satisfaction from the telephone service to have all three of the tele phones In his house or in his office. This makes the cost of the telephone service to a person who has the three 'phones In his office or reel nence over $100 a year. Thus, after paying over $100 a year the subscri ber can talk to fewer people than If there was one system operated at a cost that would enable every one to be a subscriber. If the city owned the telephone system In Baleigh it could be operated at less than one half the cost that any one of the pre sent systems charge and would be worth five times as much as all three of the systems now in opera lion, it tne tnree systems now doing business in Baleigh can live with less than one-third were possible. Yet Just think of itl Yet, when red shlrtism got control of affairs it had the sublime trail the superb nerve the "audacious", effrontlng to establish an office and appoint an officer to "Induce" or persuade peo ple to come to this state to live to come where "red shlrtism" and ruffianism, for a time at least, had scored the grandest success on record to come where "fo t-e and fraud" openly boasted of Uh power and its purpose to reign and rule!! Well, who came? Who, in the name f God and common sense but a fool or ruffian could be expected to come? How much "capital" came? What capital is it that will wll llngly expose itself to "force and fraud?" There is no need to answer these questions. They echo their own answers. It Is utterly devoid of fact. If a paper of this character, either through carelessness ' or Ignorance, can permit su?h tn erroneous ex pression In its columns, what may we expect of these democratic ma chine papers whose sole object ap pears to be to suppress the truth? The North Carolina Baptist should either refrain from commenting on certain things, or acquire more knowledge asto facts. Whether it knows it or not, there is now a wider extravagance In public affairs, with less capacity in the governing power of the state to remedy the trouble, than has ever been before known. ingthe right to vote at least in elections for schools and where tax avtion is involved. - - A DOTJSCSEs NOTICE OF 8ET2UnE AND . LIBEL. DtSTBIcT CO CUT or 1 II K VS H KD STATES sTsax MMSicr or aoarat caau. SAPUDINR HEAEAK)E HARE. Leaves no Bad EffeetWhatever, MACHINES TO COUNT VOTES AND MACHINES TO COUNT OUT VOTES. The Hickory-Mercury in an edi torial says: We see that the Governor of Pennsylvania has signed the bill calling a convention to change the constitution of the State so that hereafter they can vote in that State by means of a machine. We don't have to go to that trouble in this State; we vote by a machine in defiance of the constitution have to do that in order that a certain class of bloodsuckers can obtain of. flee and get at the pie counter. The above is very well said, but It might be added that the purpose of the machine in North Carolina is to prevent voting or to count out votes or to count them for the wrong person, while, as we understand it, the purpose of the voting machine used in certain northern states is to SORES ACJw WLGERS. Sore a and Ulcers never become chronit unlets the blood is in poor condition iJ sluggish, weak and unable to throw ofl the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great dangei to life would follow should it heal befort the blood has been made pure and health; and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building op the gejieral health and removing from the system OOMSTAMT DRAIH SUrattS UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore ot nicer heals. It is the tendency of these old Indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S.,S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothinc else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, di eased body. How many women feel equal to five below the watery deep ? How many of them nave the nerve for it ? Very few. Almost every woman suffers from a weakened condition of the mu- cous membrane that lines her body and this saps her vitality and energy. She is filled with nervous terrors and doe not find life worth living. She is told she has dyspepsia or 'female weakness" when in reality nothing ails her but catarrh or in flammation of the delicate lining ol her organs. She needs Pe-ru-na and nothing else. It is the only medicine nec essary to restore her strength. What's the use of dragging through life half alive when Pe-ru-na will bring back all its pleasure? This medicine is a tonic for the whole body, and there is no doubt at all but that you need it, for it is th one real cure for all troubles. MO. tS, UtdW4 HUl- Afal- DjatW- aad Twetf Karaafr ot Corn aT. f A. Nmiil. WlIaOB MKlBtT. X. C, aad to all wboea i taaj eoer 1 1& aA cuat iirwsgia- I Netiee i hervby s;.tt, that the above anU"fr4 property was aeitM by IC ' Dcc. Collector of later aal Krveao fr iho Fourth toiler lion niitri at NHh Carolina, on the llib day of March 1801. aa forfeit loth ttoea of the United States, for violation of the In ureal Kevenne Law, and the mm ia libelled aad brow. ".a ted in the District Court of the United State for Mndmnatinn for the eauaeo In the aid libel of information set forth; and that the aaid causes willaUad for trialat the court room of aaid eoarft In tne Miy of Raleirh on the Sd da of Jue next. if that be a Jurisdiction day, and it not, at the next da t of iar'adiction there after, wnn and where yea and all per sons are warned to aenear to abow cause whj condemnation should not be decreed, and judgment aeooraingij en tered noon the aaid anDraieement bond nereis, and to intervene tor ineir m terwt Oiven under mv hand, at office in Raleigh, this 20th dar ay, 1901. UU( AMI, U. S. Marshal. IlALKKlli N Save Yom Qa rdlens BY ucinc ava: " Six vears aeo mv the foot was one solid sore. Mr. J. BTTalbert, Lock Box a.Winoti. Miss.. teg irom tne xnee ia :. Several Dhvaicta treatea me ana 1 maae two trios to Hot serines. but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S , and it made a complete cure. I have been a per icctiy wen man everince." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send Jor our free book and write om physicians about your case. We make no A Man and lO Boys Killed by Llahtninr Chicago, July 1. Huddled under Montrose pier, a mile above tne north end of Lincoln Park, ten boys and one man were struck dead by lightning in a neap tnis arter noon during a tornado. A twelfth victim, a boy, who was found alive under the pile of bodies, he was unconscious and badly burned, and it is not expected that be will re cover. The sole survivor is Wil liam Anderson. He . regained con sciousness at the hospital, but re mained paralyzed from his hips down. H; C. IIARIOll BUTLER, Attornky-at-Law, 605 and 504 Tucker Building, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. ORDER AT ONCE. EXPREmm OR FREIGHT. Special Rtm. r. Mate t a4 Kev.f, iKaw. a, ttae. Pound M 1 s Shaken BlUXD HATH IS .15 .60 1.00 M Julius Lewis Hardware Co., Rafcijj, u. t GUARANTEED $900 m a ar a arei OALAKY YEARLY. Men and women of rood address to represent us. some to travel appoint ing areola, others for local work look- ing alter our interest, svw aaiary i w acl luaiiuicvu jcaiij vavisi wa"a v w and expenses; rapid advancement, out tahliahffd hnuNA. Grand chance for earnest man or woman to secure pleas-1 LTTERAY ant. permanent position, liberal income I CLASSICAL and future. Hew, brilliant lines. writegCvENTIFIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL at once. STAFFORD PRESS. 28 Church St, New Haven, Conn Charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, BA. A special to Tuesday News and Observer says : There was quite a nn nn m&rrisn at the o.onrt hrmaa The immigration agent drew his prevent this rascality and force the I yesterday. M is j Birdie Overton and vnifl- h mnnfMi a mat.. tkqu Mr. J obn Hill were married by J us- - ... . . I nee j . v. vjoi. mips uvettmn, tne Pore, it is safe to predict that the I bride was 27 years of age, while the Simmons machine will always be I groom was but 15. Mr. Bill senior, apainst a vote counting machine. pay and nothing else for about two years. Then be took a notion to go to another state. His office was then officially abolished because "it did not pay." Pay! we should think not. Rut it paid the agent for a nice little period of time. WHY NOT A GUARD OT RID. SHIRTS FOR TOTS GOVKRXORt The Statesvllle Landmark, com mentlngupon the recent refusal of Governor Aycock and Senator Sim monsto attend the banquet of the Manufacturers Club in Charlotte be- of the cause Senator McLaurln was also in patronage that one good system I vlted, in connection with the invita ought to have and would have, then I tlon to the Governor from the same one system controlled by the city club to attend at a later date, savs: could be operated for less than one- third of what each one of the pre sent systems charges. This is too evident for controversy. Again the price charged by the water company of Raleigh Is more than twice what water would cost the people of the city if the city owned and operated its own plant; and the same la true of gas and elec tricity. There is noway the city government of Raleigh or of any other city can accomplish so much "Gov. Aycock is to speak before the Manufacturers' club in Charlotte Saturday. The Governor had better take a body guard of the pure-in- heart with him from Raleigh. If he doesn't have a care his politics will become tainted by association with the Charlotte Manufacturers1 club and the Charlotte people." When Governor Aycock went to speak at Clinton, Sampson county, last summer be took with him a bodyguard of 500 reckless, law leas, drunken redshirts who were not on lor its citiaena as by taking hold of ' 7. ' who were constantly flrlmr their these matters and managing them Sn a business-like and common sense way. The people have this matter entirely in their own hands and when they see fit to save money in their own pockets and time double their comforts they can uo so. Municipal ownership of these necessities la so correct in principle and so necessary, for the comfort and convenience of the people of the municipality that she enemies of municipal ownership no longer dare to combat the proposition In the open. The public ownership of rail roads Is 100 times more Important weapons to the alarm of all good, lawabiding Christian people. We understand that the excuse for this disreputable bodyguard was that the Governor waa afraid nf halna nn ai me aame I k a ..4 n JJ i iiihuu vuuufcjr u3U Hsu. ptow it tne uovernor was afraid to go to Charlotte to the Man ufacturers' Club Banquet because be was afraid of being Infected by some of the company present we suggest that he take a sufficient body of law less, drunken redshirts alone to pro tect his patriotic virtue. A-Jawlees mob of this kind should certainly be a good antidote against any In fection that might eooae from com- ihan mnnlHnal rtwnorsMrt rf Via ccl-poratlons. Not only 100 times merclaldevetopment and progress. more important so far as the cost ofl The Durham Herald commenting transportation and travel is con-1 upon this same matter says: cities and different sections of the i11"011 o attend a banquet given country, and, even greater than this, f V' 100 times more necessary to prevent I?tfce.1!f Prtknjlar the corrupting Influence exerted by WMr VJ- nw mst. these gigantic corporations in con-1 We would like the Durham irouing our pontics. Herald to explain how Governor was present and gave his consent to the marriage of his son. A RAGING, ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line SEVEN YEARS IN BED. "Will wonders ever, cease?" in whieh Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon. Ia.. I quire the friends of Mrs L. Pease, of had to repair. "Standing waist deep I Lawrence, Kan They knew she had in tne ley water,' he writes, save I been-unaoie to leave her dsu id. sot me a terrible cold and cough. It grew I en years on account of kidney and worse daily. Finally the best doctors I liver trouble, nervous prostration in Oakland, Neb, Sioux City and and general debility; but, "Three Omaha aaid I had consumption and bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me could not live. Then I began using to walk." she writes, "and in three n. ITiner'a Vi niuutnn mnA M.lniAiithi T fait 1 ilra na nwutn " m w mw.. w . v. w WW WAV I . mm f . m mm lm1 wholly eared by ix bottles." Posi-lWomen suffering from headache uveiy guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Tri al bottles free. Price 50c and $1. Sold by ft. H. Holliday, Druggist. Can't Speak. The Journal would really like to to know what the esteemed Raleigh Newt and Observer th nks ofOen Carr's New York interviews Win ston Journal. nacxaone, nervousness, sleeplessness melancholy, fainting and dizzy spell; will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by R. H.Holliday, Druggist SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Wait To Various Points Baltimore and Obfar Railroad. - . i Louisville, Ky Triennial Ci-n clave, Knights Templar, August 27 31. One fare for the round trip Tickets on sale August 21st to 24th limited for return leaving Louisville until September 2, with privilege extension to September 16 on deposit ol ucxei wna joini agent any pay ment of 50 cents. , San Francisco, Ctl Epworth lit ternational Convtmion, July 18 21 Very low, rates. Tickets on sale July 31 to 11th, limited for return until August 31 . ChatauQua, N. Y. Account Chat tioiMarIiittcring, pain in the nqi Assembly. Tickets on sale leftasrl. aborts f KrMfK July 4th and 26th, one and a third r , . I fare for the round trip, tiejeta limit sss-sauig, iain.ting or sinking led for thirty days from data of sale. spells, are unerring signs of a Chicago, ih.-j. y. u. a. later mr hnrt 9 VMrr h- national Convention, July 25-28 - - y m--.: one fate for the round trip. Tickets suanus cnuon. uon t wait good going July 22d. .231 and 24th until it is too : late Don't I aood returning leaving Chicago un nwUd vnur hMrf .mtH t" July du. with pr-tilege ofexten I. O"- "1 laiftn tn inmiat A trt J.m; . Tiiejgreatest danger from heart xr iijn Nneclect. Palpita- Palpi disease has fastened itself upon tieket with joint agent and payment yuu. J3ci?in now to eet relief, l or. ou eenta ....... - "Mr wife had some difficulty ; with her heart a few years ago, r and It became a matter of serious concern. Knowing the virtues of i your Heart Cure from my office experience, she began using the remedy, and two bottles effect ually relieved the trouble. Da. J.-C Houox, Dental Surgeon. - . . Addison, N. yT ; Hcai?t CtJi?e eawtaris to benefit weak or diixsed hearts,, when taken in tirsj. Don't wait, , but begin t? Ase at once. Solel by drup fjuts on guarantee. . . PA riltiUsdlcal Co,EMKrt, lad." Detroit, Mlsh.' National Educa tional Association, July 8-12. One fare plus $2 for the rouod trip Ticknta good going July 5th, 6.h and 7th. limited far return leaving Detroit until J aly 15 with privilege of extension to So tembr r I on de posit of ticket with jint agent and payment of ou cents. Cincinnati, Ohio. Unitf d Society Christian Endeavor, July 6-10. - One fare for th rout d trip. Tickets on sale July 3d to 5:h, limited for re turn leaving - Cincinnati . until July 14, with privilege of extension to August 31 on deposit of tiekot with jout agent utd payment of 50 e.ts For tickets ai.d fuxther iuformar tion apply to or addresj Abthub Q. Liwis. S. P. A. Balto. A Ohio R. R. . Under AUantie Hotel Norfolk. Va. J In every town and village may be had, the U Oa. Mo that makes your horses glad. Williams, Arizona, was visited by a million dollar fire Tuesday morning. RELIEF IN SIX HOUR S. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by uNxw Great South Amxbioan Kidky Curs." It ia a great sur prise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold by Henry T. Hicks, druggist, Raleigh, N. a Sept. 19-ly. STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE are iactors or the greatest success. No person can do full justice to himself without them. In no season of the year are they more easily exhausted than in the spring. we need not aiscuss tne reason ror tnis aere.. 5 irs enougn to say there Is one, and that Hood's Sarsa- parilla gives strength and endur ance, as thousands annually testify. TnSPiZ? S2C3 to 11 'iMai.TByMatrfta ana uii, 8TANDARD GAS LAMP CO. Prat Educa IN . Agriculture, Engineeritg, Me chanic Aits, and Cotton Manu facturing; a combination of the ory and practice, of study and nanual training. Tuition $20 a year 'total expense, including olou iug ard board, $125. Thirty teachers, 30a students. Next sea ion btgina September 4th. For oatalogue address Geo. T. Winston, President. N. C. COLLEGE Agriculture & Mechanic Arts RALEIGH, N O. PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL r yfautiertA' cuaakteed VMDEB A $5.000 DEPOSIT It R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offers, write quick t OA.-ALA. BUSINESS OOLLEOE. Maoon, ivciirva tion ; 55 H S B D fc O H 3H 2 j 20 g THE NORTH CAROLINA NorniHl. and. ludustrml College. Annual expanses $100 to $140, for non-realdecu of the 8tate $160. Faculty or tO msmbrs. Praetka and Observation School of about 250 pupils, ft secure board In the dormitories all free tuition as. plications should be made before July loin. Saa. ti n optns September 19th. Corieapond-nce lnrlted from those deslrlcc eonv potent learners ana sienograpners. For Catalogue and other Information address President CHARLES D. ZScI VKIt, CJreenaboro, X. I', Elkin Woolen-Mills SttiOM 9 Cswsaa wmhmm 2 i Oc SB So 3 ec "... m If you want to exchange your wool or mas u factored 1st the best Blankets, Casslmeres Jeans, Llnseys, Flaansls aad Yarm to bs had in America, if von want tht ImaS mail anrf mt uninfAvtaKU flt itl. I "ng paaf s yon ever wore ; if you want to trade with the cleverest nut you ever nao any dealings with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN XIILLB so you will never regret it. They have one of the largest mills in tbt South. They ship their goods to nearly vary State tn the Union, aai the quality of their work is unexcelled. write them for their handsome new catalogue, and do not dlsposi of your wool until you see It. Address, Ceitral Acaieai, An Industrial and TraJnln ai . m . . - - m ocuoox tor ooys ana young men, " wt-Kia ims aumuai session Oct. lbs, iyui. - xoung men uestrmg to go to school and pay in part with work may write to us at once. Twenty one are desired immediatalv : at for farm work, six for carpenter's work, four for masonry and nlaat. ering, four for painting and one rl aptt-at tlculars address EeV. Chas. E Tar- xtiwiiNu, uitueton, a. u. cni'niAn HFC CO., frnetm, ELKIK.N.C CALIFORNIA King Gold Alinss Company. 32 Broadway Iand;G 9 Hew Ba, Now Tork. JOHN P. JONE3, President. MM SILAIlaPAIl TAXUZ3, $StOO EACH. DXBJCOTOBSt Hon. John P. Jones, Qold UJlLNev. U. 8. tSenator and nine owner. John X. Fowlar. CK. MeCvUen FOWLER AND McCULX.Esf i Attobnkys-at-Law. Clinton, - - n. C. Will practice wherever services are required. Special attention given to collections. Ofnce over O. J. Powell's Store. nlverolty OF Nfi!?TH CI l?ni IMA I Hoa. Jamas B. Grant. Dearer. Cdo - -"-I Ex-Qov. of Colorado, cf Grant To is MB ad I uinana BstelUss Co. Of the State's Educational System.! Hon R. F. Pettd-rtw, Cloux Falls, Law Hon. WUlard Taller, Denver. Colo. vv - I m A a. w m Medlein. Pbama I ' i Philadelphia, . I neat csts ana insurases. Eighty-five Scholarships. Frosl Job O- Montcomery, Denver, Colo, tuition to teachers and ministers' I Pre- Uontomery Investment Co. . ians ror the needy. ojs ? Htudents. 43 Instructors. new uormittmes. Water Works. hbub oysiem. $120)00 spont in improvements in 1900 and 190L Fall term begins September 9, 1001. Addreaa, P. P. TENABLE, President, CHAPEL BILI , N. C Hon. AcSUsy T7. Cols, Crooklya , W . (Hisircan Ecard cf CUU Ball- icsi CcacttrrVrsm. v Ctilsca Estlsa, UttMrton, D. C Pctllrcr tl olc9 owsar. Harry II. Oc&a, Carrsa City. rv. Pm Eria Ieiasr Y. U Jcrcsa C Larilatt, Jr Da;a tza, n. Y. Clrtator Elrc31 J. O. Lfiadfiald, Jr.. Cortty aa4 Traasorsr. USOtPD (DCBOU it aatoea I wboto paraV ear aaa mental narar ears; an UOSl WUI BO MM mm- Vttl HM A MM ton .rk i . . . anartaWr ha M p u rt caa oSTSrilS! htmaal at some. It U nUalass aaS eauTiJI earesvrmasBsoC abort)aoa.radacln thm iw tu tf a stmOar zetastf i or t. Hatkawars swKdattr U .vnaaryaiiC Stool rao ssr umiwv oamm t u as t saarn awa aw JoalrbyDr.rsraswsj. . YloocIXsaCb, Oonauaatka.adi1ea.liooaaiiStaaiaMfcJ CVTTCt HATHAWAY, 13. Cb .'tiitX iinLTL - lSki-aCaswavSliA ' . .- j raw - BAVKEBS: - - . W 'WJiSt: BMk 63 Broadway, Nar York. 0H:r 200.C23 Stocs Trry Sl::i d S3X3 w Jti. The Callfornls Kins ouiw ay oirsct roaa mm lotat, iris. Development work has been In oro cress for lhn text tlx vean. aai Sd'ffil0'.' ut. VPS- pietea and paid for by the ownera, all o? wTi1fhUJinfii i11 f r A now ready for the mill. I TJSS?.!?? U ' bJ open cuU at a nomleal cost. . ia tsWB eQtPW Into tor the erection of a mill sad Smnitth1..1 SllM" ona of SyVwhUh will In completed this year. The directors guarantee that this plant wlU bt The net prtkflt after eonnmriB. ..r - Mnmn a mlit saca m ( - - 41..- & : 2P Property is owned by C: dirtctcraTrSre uS oroootis" anockorjnotlca oney. flo JSTr-l- '??ir C3 llo the trarV to r fSr U. P1a- Not aharo cf stock rSSd'SS1 Ac?lS!Si,S?lifa- trM ridlrjtSi proparry. catioW- Jllti:tsttiAtt onappM V Cubserlpiks received by ' . ' TUB CALIFOfill LA K'NO GOLD IXIXIE3 CO Si XOADTTAY ;N. Y. wots, Pwrca d Oo, Iro , Crts inr n-'lP Atlanta, tia,

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