V -: .3 MMHHMft MMMMWW B THE CAUCASIAN "iilelfb, N. 0.. Jane 27, 1801 Kfifrrd At tbe iot Office in Ralelf b, N. a wwoud-claM mall nutter. CUKKKNT LOCAL NEWS. . Hon. Marlon Butler Ml last week for Alak, In the Interest of mining Cjmpanf. The Carrol It on Hotel property Wai sola Monday. Mrs. jr. f. Tuck er bid It In at $10,500. bima rom, tne wonaerrai negro muclan played at the Academy of Music, mis city, mesas? night. The deputy the riff of Cumberland count? arrived In tbe city Tuesday with two escaped convicts who had btxjo captured In that county. f - Tut3 wilt be shipped to Wrlsrhts- Tille this week for use by the Htate Guard at the encampment. There will be one hlapltal.W) officers and MO enlisted men's teats. Tuesday, while assisting In mor lng some heavy Iron girders to be asod In repairs that are being made In the 8upreme Court building, Tom Belvln, a white man, had the ends of his fingers cat off and his right foot crashed near the toes. Afur the accident he was taken to Ker Hospital, where his wounds were dressed. Mr.Theo N. Hill, of Ral.lgh,a poet of much note and reputation, died In this city last week He was the ton of Dr. William 0.11111, who waa one or tbe most noted physic- Una In the state Hla grandfather, Mr. vviwiam urn, was ior more than forty years Secretary of State of Norn Carolina and served long er in office than any official In Its history. There are twenty applications for the Professorship of Agriculture it the A A M College, The Hoard declared Its purpose of getting the very brat talent. The salary Is $2 &U0 tear, the highest paid any professor in North Carolina, and as much as a Supreme Court Judge gets fn fact. In this connecti on It might be noted that there are some engineers who make more a year than a judge of the Supreme court. Postmaster Bailey bas been col lecting subtcriptlons for the Mitch ell county flood sufferers. Governor Aycock received a letter from Mayor Turner, of Bakers ville, who was In the same class with him at the State University,) asking for aid for the stricken people. The letter Is an appeal, and savs the' people of the state do not appreci ate the true situation ; that there Is much suffering and great want of the necessaries of life. There were two wrecks on the Heaboard Air Line at Neuse Tues day. A paasengor train ran Into the freight and both were consider ably damaged, the cow catcher on tne passenger train engine was broken and otherwise disabled There was a general wreckage of freight cars and some damage was done to the coaches on the passen ger train. An engine was sent out from Johnson Street, this city, to thelt relief, and it jumped the track at Millbrook and fell broadside across the track. No one hurt. The track is cleared and all trains run nlng on time now. There were 263 applications be fore the county Pension Board in Balelgh Tuesday. Uf the 188 sol dlers applications, 106 were ap proved, 6 were rejected, and 76 were referred to the county commission' era. Of the 75 widows who applied for pensions 64 were approved. A member of the board Tuesday said that there are 21 widows of old soldiers who drew pensions during last year who have not re newed their applications this year, and if they are not renewed before next Monday they can not get a pension under the new law. There are also 18 old soldiers who have not renewed their applications. It Is not known how many of these are dead. rwtw. at m Nineteen deaths and twenty prostrations were reported Sunday In new York from ,the zee4 Three deaths at lmat f mm k- heat occurred at Lawrence, Mssa, a total of seven since PrkUv. , At Manchester. N H . ther war th. deaths from the heat. In iUUburg P eleven deaths, directly traceblethe effects of tne neat, and fifte Drostrstlons re recorded. Mr. Edward J. Wa'sh, or., prtsiasnt or the Mississippi disss Company and of the St. Loole Terminal Company, died Sunday from beat prostration on board a train between Oays and Mattois, 111. Baltimore was the second hottest city in Oe United 8UW Tbsmom eter registered 99 degrees. One death and several prostrations were reported. Philadelphia had the hottest Jane day since 1897. Sunday was the seventh dav dur. which the themometer reached i f j degrees In Lincoln, Neb. : Raleigh Business Diretlorj. Kntnuao mmi M. Xxaaataatloa for A. Coll. Candidates for admission to the A. and M. College at Raleigh will be examined by the County Superinten dent of Schools in the eonrt-houae at 10 o'clock a. m . July 11, or at the College, September 3. This College is giving instruction in the most im portant lines of practical education, and its student are in great demand, always securing profitable employ ment on graduation. It offers spe cial advantages to students of Agri culture, inelnding free tuition and lodging and work on the College farm. The tsx'ile building is now being erected. A Professor of fancy weaving and dyeing has been adoed to the Faculty, and about $20,000 of textile machinery secured. As dor mitory accommodation is very limit ed it would be well for eat di dates to apply early. Write to President Winston, Baleigb, N. C, for catsl gne and booklets. Dee advertisement. A PRETTY OFFER. SomethlBr That Will P1mm the Ladle I of The HovMfcold. There is something pleasant and cheery in the words 'Good Times,'' no matter whether they are applied to existing conditions, to some period in the future, or as a name to a book or paper or anything. There's never any disadvantage in hearing the words. A very attractive and interesting magazine one mat win especially interest the lady members of a household is named "Good Times." It is published monthly and is re markable for the number of timely and good things it containe. Th r is an annonneement of this maga zine in this issue, and we will keep! it btlore the pnblo for the next month. There is a way for any one to get this publication six months free of charge. The Caucasian will sead it six months free to any old sub scriber who will renew, and to any. new one who will subscribe during 1 the month ef July. Tnis opportunity is worth taking advantage of. A newspaper whose coluuiua over flow with advertisements of busi- tKxswven has more lnflaence) In at tracting attention to bolldiog up a town than any othe agency that can be employed. People go where there Is business. Capital and labor go where there Is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build ap a town as a newspaper well patronized, and its power- should be appreciated. T. DeWitt Talmage. Sjr Tbe business houses named below' are establishments whose methods of dealing may be relied upon as tbe very best ktfown to the business world: ALLE5, Daniel A Co. 8hoes. ANTICEPR AL GINiV-Hoadache and Neuralgia Car. BLAKE, T. W Watch Repairing and Jewelry. BEIDGERS, J no. E. & Co. Tai lors and Haberdashers. BROWN, R. J. Undertaker. BISHOP. J. M.-BIeyele Repair. Ing ete, BOYD FURNITURE CO., -rfie-novating old Furniture. BEttWANOEB, 8. A D. Clothiers. C APITALrPKINTING CO Printers CJ.B. CROWfcLL, A CO. Trusses. DOBBIN A FEHRALL Dry Goods FKRRALL, J. R. A Co. Grocers. GREEN, J. B. A Co. Grocers. UlERSOfl, R. F. Restaurant HICKS' Capudlns, Headache and Neuralgia Cure. A N, JONES A CO Groceries. KING, W. H. Drug Co. Whole sale snd Retail Drnssists. LEWIS, Julius, Hardware Co. h uug ueatn McGEACHY, A. S. Phanasc st. MANHATTAN Ufa Insurance Ce. Gen. Agency. MOORE, W. J. Groeer. MANN. W. B., Groceries. NORR1S. DR S. P. Dentist RALEIGH Marble Works -Monuments. RE AVIS J. H. Cobbler. ROWLAND, D 8. Physician. SIMPSON S Eczema Care. PhO maotst. STRONACH'S, W. C. Sons. Gro cers. WHITING Bros. Clothing. W1LLIAM8, A. A Go. School Books. A. 8. W OMBLE Fishing Tackle. s j) . ISO Fayetteville St. FOR SEE National Eduoatlonal Association Detroit, Mich , July 7-12, 1901. One fare for round trip from all points, plus $1.00 membership fee. Rate from Raleigh $18.80 via Rich mond, $20.60 via Washington. Tickets sold July 5, 6 and 7. return limit July 16. An extension of final limit may be obtained to September 1st, by depositing ticket before July 12 with the Joint Agent at Deroit and on payment of fee of fifty cents. Notice to Stockholders of N.C.RB Co. The second payment of the thirty- ninth annual dividend, due the stockholders of the North Carolina Railroad Company, three per cent. on the said company, will oe aue and payable at the office of said com pany in Burlington, N. u., August 10th, 1901. SPEN0KB B. ADAMS, Secretary andTreas. International Christian Endeavor Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 6-10, 1901. One first-class fare for round trip from all points ; rate from Raleigh $16 55, tickets sold July 4, 5 and 6. return limit July 14. Extension of the final limit may be obtained to September St by depositing ticket with Joint agent at Cincinnati on or before July 10th, and on pay ment of fee of fifty cents. For farther information write or call on C. H. Gattis, C. T. A P. A. Raleigh, N. C. H. S. Leabd, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Numerous factories in the North have olosed on accout of the exces sive hot weather. Sunpwa 8 till in the Lead. Wednesday's News and Observer states that the first cotton blossom of the season comes from Johnston county, which is a mistake. We are in receipt of a cotton blossom grown on the farm of Mr. Geo. U. William, of Sampson county, that was plucked Saturday, while the one in Johns on waa not plucked unttl Monday. The Sampson farm era know bow to farm as we.l as how to cast their vote at election times. Voluntarily and Conscientious ly, and with much pleasure we recommend to our readers Pain Killer. We speak from experience when we say that it removes pom as if by mtagic, and Is one of the best medicines In use for diarrhoea. It is applied both internally and externally, and none who have used it would willingly be without it in their homes. Avoid substitutes, there is bat one Paln-RUter, Perry Davis'. Price 25c and 50c. Annual Meeting- of Stockholders. The flftv-first annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Caro lina RailroadvOompany will be held at Greensboro, N. C. on the second Thursday in July 1901 Stockholders can set tickets to at tend the meeting with their immedi ate families by applying to the Sec retary at Burlington, N. C. HPtNCIE li. ADAMS, Secretary. The Raleigh Market Current Fricesof Farm and Gar den lyoduce. f The prices quoted are paid to the producer. Cotton SXto& FABM pkoducts The market continues stiff on all farm products. Eggs and chickena very scarce and in demand. Eggs Fresh 11 to 18 Poultry Live. rood. Chickens, old hens, larare.. . . 80 to 15 Small hens 15 Chickens, hens 25 Hams, N Carolina,.. 12 to 16 Hams. Vinrinia 18 to 16 Hams, Sogarcured, 18 to IS Irish ootatoea. new. per bus. 50 Lard, per pound 8 to 10 Butter, per pound 16 to SO Newcabbare crate 50 "New to.uacoes. Huckleberries per qt 8 to 10 A Family Baae Ball Team. In Gary, Wake county, there is a unique base ball nine. Every mem ber of the team Is a son of Mr. Jim Jones, except one. the captain, and Mr. Jones fills that place himself. Mr. Jones is the father of 23 child ren, 18 of them bovs, so he has enough material to select a crack nine from, does not use the same pitcher every day. Mr. Jones cap tains the team and plays second base, while the youngest player is short stop. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Not Very Good. It is not pleasant to chronicle bad news, but some times it had best be known. Information from many parts of Wake county indi cate that crops are in a bad condl tlon. The cotton crop is very lat and very poor. In some sections the continued rains and late seasons have caused a reduction of twentt per cent In the acreage. Farmers now say it is Impossible to make more than half a crop o tbe state. Rev. W. G. Clements says that crop conditions are worse than he has seen them since 1867. Congress man Stroud, who lives in Chatham county, says farm conditions there are In a deplorable condition, and if the same conditions exist gener ally ne would not be surmised at almost a famine among the people. Mrs. WursLOw's Soothing Strop has been used for children while teething, It soothes the child, softens the arums allays all painourea wind colic, and is tne best remedy ior Diarrnoea. Ten-ty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. In Brooklyn, N. Y., Tuesday,! there were sixty deaths and one hundred and fifty prostrations from the heat. Week Snd Bates tU S. A. L. Railway. Commencing Saturday Jane 15, and continuing until Saturday September 28 h, the Seaboard Air Line Railway win sen week ana tickets from Raleigh, N. 0., to the following polntsV WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING IN THE FISH ING TACKLE LINE. A. S. WOMBJLE, Cor. Fayetteville & Wilmington St. RALEIGH, N.C. YOEin YEEY. Are either the pride or bane et yew life. If your teeth need attention you will de well to eonsnlt DR. 8. P. NORRIS at New York Dental Association of ft se. Prices are riarat and all work guaraatsttd. Interstate 'phone 306. OCiee. UoUeman BaUdtag. Con solution free. Dr. D. S. Roland, PfaydcUa tad Surgeca. Room 91 . Puller Bull din sr. Oflos hours, 9 to 10 :30 a. m. and :30to5:30 p. m. Bell 'Phone, No. 253. RALEIGH, N. C. 811 HI -A COMPLETE LINE Lowes OTJRLSAJDEXt 1 Quart Fountain Byringe. 3 hard Cueber pises, tally guaranteed. tl.OO. C R. CBOWXXI OCX, Dave Yea Lest Year SOLE? If so get RKAVIS to repines It tor you. v 800E4 re-heeled and half-noted, wed. $100. naif soled, sewed. 7S esnu. For tacklsg .heel and half soles, 75 eeeta. For tacklag soles) 60 et sis. Cheap er rates glren on ladle i and chil dren shoes. All work aeallr done and guaranteed to giro satisfaction. J, H, Ms, Cor. Morgan Wilmington St, R a LEIGH, H. C. Interior Decorations, HOUSEHOLD ART, PRICELESS HEIRLUOM8 RENOVATED and repaired made to last another century, such an desks, chairs etc. Adrloe and estimates gladly giren. Order work a specialty. COTO FOIKE (OMIT, 106 South Blount Street, RALEIGH, N.C. Onx lip Everybody tbnt Wears Peats. Wo have o Special Bijj Bargain lor Thenu -he wasted tt tern to eatfc. We iU try pntre A at-tain New York ensmr tnhle. IT 111 hy all wool peats that are worth ta So. Tlse3relt petferms i putter a this saaisau wui oy n line ef worsted an Oaatoere pnsrta thai axe worth trees $J 0 to yon have tour clCerent strtos to select froea. Ntvudn.Ux tTill bey pants thnt ere worth f roa t4 to &. la this let yen hare three ol the rnsUs 1 tit terns ef this sencae to select frees, Ye eoeldal bettor these If m em a. H tT . BfP? only about 400 pairs la nine different pnttema, ta aU. There's beat and mU ft special low prieee. The range of stse are trwn te St lmm!7i w without faJL ' 01.60 02 50 03 00 14. ta this tot Flannel Suits Serge Suits. Are having their popular and well decor red run Jast now. now. Our line froct t to $11 fills the want of good dressers. Cool, dressy guns eats are what a saan wanto HALF PRICE ITEMS. Creole linen suits. Crash suits, t Unnsletto suits, oQos coats table, so your early attention will srnre you bet. Oae snore hot weather will clear the S 5c TD. BHJH"W"JtTGhETR One Pjiqo Clothiera. DO YOU WANT ANY PRINTING? ALMOST EVERYBODY DOES SOMETIME. SEND YOUR ORDERS To The ) STAPLE, GROCERIES, j FANCY. Capital Printing Company, The "Hustling Printers" of the South. QUICK WORK GOOD WORK PRETTY WORK. RALEIGH, N.C. W. B. MANN4 ON EAST HARGETT STREET Prompt Attention, Best Prices. RALEIGH, N. C. IF- (S0SR1S(KL BISHOP REPAIRS Bicycles Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines, Guns, Rifles and Pistols. Prompt and Skilfoll work, most Reason- ble Prices. J. M. BISHOP, S32 South Wilmington Street, RALEIGH, N.C. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN .f AN INVITING AND PLEASANT RESORT. EVERYTHING IN SEA SON. The Public Schools arc nou opcalEj over iho Stato, and ulll need sappllc3. fa sM books and supplies can t3 bad at a discount to teachers and dnJara frnn ALFRED WILLIAA1S & CO.. 216 FayetteTlUs Bt, Raleigh, N. O. BANQUETS AND DINNERS A SPECIALTY. GOOD EIOQII REnilDIES "King Qaallty" is Everything Bearing our Label. DR. BUDDS S AR8APARI LLA CORDIAL DIBECTOBS: W. H. King, Julian E. Johnston, B. B. Jerman, Hon. s. c. Smith, Prof. B. W. Kilgore, iCapt. M. W. Page. t Purifies the Blood. Full Pint, 76 cents. KANG'S HB AD ACHE TABLETS; Sample mailed on request. Regular boxes, 25c. KING'S PLY KING. STRONACH'S sons. Keeps Flies off Horses, 25 cents. J"OZBCLSTSTOICT'S worm candy, Mailed on receipt of price, 15 cents. KING'S ANODYNE POROUS PLASTER, BEST PAIN PLASTER, By Mail, 15 cents. We carry a big Stodk and give special attention to Mall Order bus! ness. We invite .correspondence. Agents for Chased; Sanborn's Coffees and Teas. W Wholesale and Prescription Dru The Thousands Kitchen Bou- auet Highly Recommend ed by Mrs. Rordr. BOX 288. GH, N. C. JNO. R. FERRALL. JOSHUA B. HILL ROLLER CHAMPION FLOUR. HE-NO TEA. HOLLOW AY'S BUTTER. a. R.reRiyiRRfte.. Gordon A DiUworth's Table Delica cies. STROrJAOH'8 Wholesale and Retail Grocers. 222 Fcvetteville Stret. Largest and best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES in the city. Anticephalalginc See Here Hor. If a man's in Lovs, that's his The Original HEADACHE and NEURALGIA CURE. SAFEST - ABB - 25 and 60 cents n bottle For Sale by all Druggists. w K CD O o 8 5r O o 3 fob DRUGS OF BEST STANDARD. fob TOILET ARTICLES OF TASTE. For Soaps of Sweet and Dainty Perfume. For Fresh and Prolific Garden and Flower Seeds rjlCCEACJlY. It8 FiTettCTlUeSt. . BALEIQH, N. C i w POLITE H ATTENTION. Blowing Rook, llffs, Hickory Jackson Spring, Lenoir, Lincolnton, Littleton, -Naroln, - Norfolk, Portsmouth, - Ocean View, Old Point. Virginia Beach, - Rutneitordton. Shelby, Wilmington, - These tickets to N. C. Va, n it N.a $7 80 4 75 4 75 300 480 4 75 245 530 400 4 00 400 400 400 585 5 35 400 business. If a Klrls In Love, that's hervrtUgh class Goods. Lowest prices. My uiocks are reuaDie any wyte. The Utile intermittent alarm dock is a sure worker. Every home one. business. If they marry and want Gbooxb- Iks, that's ous business. A. N. Jones & Cof Cor. Fayetteville A Davie Street. : RALEIGH, N.C. be IT is Important that those who sv uu Kxouraions ior piessure or I neaith should make some provis ions against tbe attacks of bowel diseases, which not onlv causa them great inconvenience, but are some times fatal in their results. A bot- "wrsrry Davis' Pain Killer is, I we have found, a most effectual "Bed j against such attacks. Avoid "oeaiutes, there is batons Pain "ier, rsrry DsTi,.. Price 25c and rv wsts. sold for all trains each Saturday for Sunday fosenoon trains, good returning not later than Monday following date of sale, with the exception of I Blowing Rock, N. C, to which point tickets will be sold on Fridays and Saturdcyi, good returning the fol lowing Tuesday Tickets and all Information will be furnished at the Seaboard -Air Line Railway's up-town ticket oflce, Yarborough House Building. C. n gattis, u. p. a t. a. Eall-h, W. O Raleigb Uarblo Ws COOPERlROa, . c Uonoments. Shipments mads to any part cfthe ctaie at same price as at shop.- CTT7ritJ tor Citaksw. WATCHS AllO JPILEY. 0OOOOOOOOOO"0O ;TAILOI58 m-ziasmAKam LAtest Styles In Neckwear, Collars, Coirs and Blurts. 121 Faykotvuxb St, RALEIGH, N. C. Rejciri:2 Dcna II::astly c:i Caefcllif. If tou are thinking: of purchasing a Watch or watch-charm or other Jewelry, come to see me. - T.W.BIda,n:!:!cS,n.C. Local Inspector for 8. A. L. Public Schcol EooCss CO-EC, IT. G Simpson's Eczema Ointment Cures All Skin Diseases. CURED TO STAY CUHED? YES. ClIHKn TO oriv rfTnvr And that mens CUBED TO STAY CURED! Sent by Mill fijr 15 raaU. 7illisa Si;sM, Fi:rc::i$t, n. C. Our Ladies Ready to Wear Over Garments, OOBBOTJ b At Tc&ftQKro. The Tailor CHade Suits, Separate SMrtG, Shirt UaictG. Silk and Wubible Klorlt Largest and lost Select Stc&s V. AT LOWEST FHICES. Come to Balelgh and be fitted. Ho extra any attentions to iurtner perfect tne fit nail Promptly Filled. Ordsn BUY YOUB GBOCEBIES FROM J , B.OnEGTJti CO BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PBICES. t , ' No. ft. East Hsrsstt Street, BALEIGn, N. C. ; H. J. Brm CiGi Hses. JOHN W3BOWN.PBOPBIETOB FOEKlCirc:t:ri:aEc;j:n, 207, 209 auad 211 The Mao With the Ax CIEDS CL0Ti:S TUT 7Ill Otl This Is ths kind aninnine mm. couth Salisbury fJTBEET I Vtt, a Spedalty ot, at Pepslsr Prices Hen's and Coy's BALiuaiJ. N. c. Ici::, 7n 01.00 01.2S cd 01.50. Our SHOES anCcll asw ; tUn&n tiey srs im rljht ctjls tad mosrlp-bot wsar fccttrr. Ttsj.sx road ;f tlty .for as, thsrsf ors .ws csr aatss srsry psir thzX Cot not cIts sstlsfscUoa, eat ssll tbsa ebsapsr fcsji jm cm bay tasm alsswsacs wfcjn tasj srs bocsht sf jobbsrs, ss ws rars Us mkUlsmo's profits. " Tbslr stils U rtjit, tastr ssrrle is rljht, tbs prtss Is rlht-ibsss srs Us S Ibises to coesidsf tbsm svsd coartaes csIL DAC3IEL ALLEC3 ; ACJEDjD COWPAWV- BHOS DEALERS, RALEIGH tt. C OUNTBY IDRODUCE u WAIinEBD I BY tZZZZ, THE GBOCSB. IIIGDX3T CASH PBIGZ3 PAID, 03. FRE3H EOAOTED PEANUTS All Tha Tics. Fits "w, cr. 13 Tr.- TLtxzZ Cir A-

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