THE OAUOAOIAtt PUBLISHED KVIRT THURSDAY BTTQI CAUCASIA TUB. CO. Tied Vmmgkt trtet Her Trv Bed Toot to X.9 ' tSSSCllPTlCXRAnS. Om Tear, Is MnUi, Three Moertka. Ho. On Saturday, on application of William Chappell, a marriage license was bwued to Kdfas Chappell, his brother, aged 21 and Edna Hodgea, whose age wu stated as 18. It waa to be a runaway affair, but Mrs. I Chappell, formerly the widow llod- o I gS who bad married ha. unappeii, 81 1 a brother or rxiiiw unappeii, gov on to the affair and tied her daughter to the bed In her room, thus thwart ing the proiMXNxl Hatuaday night elopement. Monday morning Edfus Chappell returned hla lice Me to the llegiater of Deed's office. Shortly after Mm. Cba s pell appeared and gave notice that no license muat be Issued, aa her daughter was under age, being about fifteen. With her was Mr. Ed. Channel!, her husband, and Miss Edna. About this time Edfus Chappell entered the Ileglster of Deed's office and Mrs. Chappell told him he could not have her daughter. The young not give 11. THE AUGUST CAMPAIGN AND THE I AFTBHMATII. The lUleigh Post Tuesday morn ing stated that Otivernor Aycock had received a communication from the Internation'l Council of the world headquarters atHeattle, Washington, notifying him that that society of fered rewards of r,00 each for par ticipants In the recent lynching at I lover declared he would Hmlthfield and LaQrange. It further stated that the Oovern or. In sneaklniE of the Interference w of this outside organization with the affairs of the state said, that he thought North Carolina could take care of her own affairs in the matter of lynching as well as other things, her ud. but declared he would have her in spite of everything on earth. He declares that she is over 18 years old and that her age is known in her neighborhood. The Register of deeds holds the license and will re turn it over to young Chappell when he calls for it. The parties to the affair live about nine miles from Kaleleh. and all the parties left for and that he deaired to serve notice ther home Monday owning, but i now that hereafter when a lynching iH certain that young Chappell has occurred anywhere In North Caro- not given up his girl. Una he would Immediately there after offcr a reward on the part of the state of $400 for each of the participants In the lynching. The Governor said also that he wanted it understood that those who commit that crime which brings about lynching will be summarily dealt with, and their Just desires LORD ROBERTS 091 CENERAL LEE. 87 be Ilopee Horn Day to Visit Gen. Lew's Tomb. UUZZZi CZfttKEl AWAT. II VTm a Meekr of the Bw- ba4 H- rved a Jarfg tor Worn Yere. Ex-Judge Whitaker died at his place of residence on Ilillaboro fet., this dty, Wednesday afternoon July 10th, after an Illoew of several waeks. The funeral was prechl at Christ church Thursday afternoon by Dr. Marshall, after which the re mains were laid to rest in Oak wood Cemetery. The late Judge Whitaker had been declining in health for a long while, and for some weeks he had been confined to bis home. He was a sufferer from heart trouble, though t complication of diseases resulted In death. In the civil war the deceased be came Adjutant of the Thirty-Third N. C. Volunteers, and was In eigh teen engagements, Including such Important battles as the Wilderness, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Appo mattox and others. When the American-Spinish war broke out Judge Whitaker became Major of the Sixth United States Volunteers and went to Porto Hico In the expedition to that island. He was appointed by Gov. Fowle a Superior Court Judge to fill a va cancy, and remained a factor in poli tics until his death. pa. liAOTUAtrs advice Is Sought by Female Soffo ere From Ocean to Ocean. ' Mrs. 7. W. Ooaktr,1906 Fourth itt Ba. Rock Island, lilinol. Tm V rvtateBeJUa BmilnoA. Ohio Richmond, Va., July 15. In a letter just received by Miss Mary Custis Lee, Lord Roberts, now commander-in-chief of the British army, and the haro of the British camo- meted out to them with all possible aIgn ln Afxica, says that It is dispatch. his hope to some day visit Lexing- We opine that the Governor ton, Va , and there look npon the might have made the task of stop- tomb of ee the &reat Southern ping the crimes spoken of above a j, an extract uken little easier if he had commenced from the letter to Mia8 Lee. earlier, to reform the state. But I lt may be that I shall never be mi hA nnt made the leader last I able to carry out my wish of visit- year of the mob law gang? Did he not endorse mob law when he was being escorted around the state by armed red shirts who seemed ready to commit any crime in the "name of democracy?" It is an easy matter Governor to start riot ing and mob law, but It is a hard thing to stop it. You endorsed mob law last year (or seemingly did so,) did you not Governor? Now you say It must be stopped. Your red shirt followers are too well drilled In viol ence and crimes to listen now to reason. They think you are joking Governor, and we fear it will take several decades to get them to be good law abiding citizens again. ing your country, but I hope that some day I shall do so, and that I may see the monument in the col lege chapel at Lexington. I shall consider it a privilege to be able to show my respect and admiration for one of the greatest soldiers of any age Lee, of Virginia. With kind regards from Lady Roberts and myself, believe me dear Miss Lee. Yours sincerely, Fred Roberts." Ae motoric Ship to be Sold to Hlht Bidder. Washington, July 1 2. The action of the Navy Department today in ordering the sale of the old frigate Minnesota is a reminder of the fam ous naval engagement between the Confederate ironclad Merrimac and the little Federal monitor. The Minnesota was with the Con stitution and the Congress which were run down and suuk by the Confedeiate ship in Hampton Roade, but the M.nnesota was spared for attack the morning following. During the night the little moni tor arrived from New York, and when the Merrimac steamed out to ward the Minnesota she was attack ed by the monitor and the famous battle then took place. The Minnesota is now In Charles ton harbor, Boston, and has been used as a receiving ship by the Massachusetts naval militia. She has been appraised at $15,000 and the order of Secretary Long issued today is that she shall be sold to the highest bidder, but not at a figure below the appraised value. The spread of Charbon is creating a reign of terror in several of the Southern states. It Is reported that in many of the counties in Missis sippi that there are not enough animals that have escaped the dread disease to work the croos for the remainder of the year. No one ha, been, able so far, to dis cover the cause of the disease. It causes a swelling ln the animal's side, lik the "Sweeny," in appear ance, and it kills in a very few hours. It is so venomous that it is affecting all forms of animal life. Seven negros have died in one coun ty In Mississippi from the disease, and it has frightened the other negros so that they are refusing to continue work. 3 Horses Killed by Lightning. Lenoir, N. C, July 15. While descending the mountain, one mile from Blowing Rock this alt' moon, a team of Henkle Bros., wh stiuck by lightning and three of the four horses killed. The driver was knocked from the hack, but was not seriously injured. Bitten by a Mad Dog. La Grange, July 15. A mad dog bit the 10 year-old son of J. B. lagan here Sunday afternoon. Mr I lagan leaves today for Baltimore to put his boy under the Pasteur method of treatment. The dog bit several other dogs and got away. The News and Observer has at last heard from Gen. Julian S. Carr in regard to hi northern speech. They published his letter, and after think Ing the matter over for a day or two the editor of the Observer wrote over a two column article denoun clng Gen. Carr for his political views, saying that Mr. Carr would not have made the speech he did had Mr. Bryan been elected President hut fall, Had Mr. Bryan been elected it doubtless would have been Mr. Daniels time to have made a speech or "write a book," as it is not probable he would have gotten the "Job" he was expecting. The 'grandfather" clause of the franchise laws of North Carolina and pthef Southern States did not find ouch favpr ln the Virginia censti tutioqu convention in Richmond last w jek. 4. member of the con vention said that it was 'class legis lation of the most vicous kind and , n violation of the principles of the Bill of Rights, as promulgated to the world by Virginians more than a century ago". We are glad to see that there is one Southern State that is not ready to pass .laws ln violation to the Constitution framed by our forefathers. me morning Post copies the following from the Durham Herald ana very pertinently calls it "The proper view of it": "For all we know the Governor may perform a merciful act every ume ne paraons an unfortunate. tv..A f 4 . . vui. lb never occurrea to some peo- pie mat uovernor Russell mighi have been doing the same thing." We will have to ask our readers to excuse the non appearance of the usual amount of editorials in the paper this week. Both of our eaitortal writers are out of the dty, ana as tne business manager does not claim to be much of an editorial anus, ne has tried to give you in westing news matter instead. I r DAZZLES THE WORLD. No discovery in medicine has ever created one-quarter of tbe excitement tbat has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, H morrhage. Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For coughs, culds, asth ma, croup, hay lever, hoarseness and whooping cough it is the quicke-tand aure&t cure in the world who guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and $100. Trial bottles free. For sale by all druggists. Lee Kirby Dead. Lee Kirby, who it will be remem bered was sentenced to the criminal Insane department of the Peniten tiary for the murder of his brother- in-law Lee Murrell several months ago, was released under- habeas cor pus proceedings before Judge Robin son and brought to the home of his mother in Turkey township last Wednesday at the point of death. He died Saturday night and was buried Monday morning at the old family burial ground, funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. L. R. Carroll of Warsaw. Peace to his ashes. Clinton Caucasian. An Essay on Habit. A story is told of an English schoolmaster who offered a prize to the boy who should write the best composition m nye minutes on "How to Overcome Habit." At the expiration of five minutes the compositions were read. The ( prize v ent to a lad of nine years, j Following is his essay: "Well, sir, habit is hard to over come. If you takeoff the first letter, it does not change 'abit.' "If you take off another you still have a 'bit' left. If you take off still another, the whole 'it' remains. If you take off another, it is not wholly used up; all of which goes to show that if you want to get rid of a habit you must throw it off altogether." write I was af flicted foi fir or sis yean with catarrhal d li!lcal ties and was growing worM all the time. I ho gan taking your Ptruaa with a marked im prove mnt from the first. Inde pendent of curing that, the Peruaa hae gree&r lmprofn my general health." W w m V w bottle of Pe r n n a la worth it weight la gold; espec ially to me, for I owe my present good health to it. All over the conn try there are women who hare been invalids f or aaanjweera, suffering with female derangements. What m boon to such women la Dr. Hart man's free advice t So famous baa his skill made htm tbat hardly a hamlet or town la tbe country l.i. know bla name. Ha cure tea ot thousand, and be offers to every woman who will write to htm bet symptoms and a history of her trou ble, free advice and treatment. The medicines he prescribes can be obtained at any drag store, and the cost la within the reach of any woman. He describes minutely and carefully just what she shall do and get to make a healthy, robust woman of herself. ,. Address Dr. Hartman, Cotumbus, Ohio, tor a free copy of "Health aa4 Beauty.! She Did as He Advised. From Tit Bits. Hocus What happened when you told your mother-in-law to mind her own business? Pocus I don't know exactly. What I recovered consciousness . I was in the hospital. STRIKES A RICH FIND. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nerv ous debility," writes P. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began using Elec tric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splen did for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed, gold all by rduggists. Conger En Route to Pekin. San Francisco, July 14. E. H. Conger, United States minister to China, has arrived on his way to Pekin. Minister Conger will sail next Wednesday on the steamer Nippon Maru. Lonivil. Ky.-TriBisJ Con clave. Kmcbts T.eaplar, At cast 27 31. One faro f or tb roaod trip. Tickets 00 sale AogoU 21 t to 24ife, htnlud for reorn Uavite Louisville notil September 2, with prmltce of extension to September 16 oa deposit of tiektt with joint agant any pay sum of 50 ct&iL San FraneUeo, Cal -Epwortk Ia trntioaal Convention, JalylSzl. Very low rat a. Tickets oa sale ;Jaly3i tolltb, lineited for return until August 31 Cnatanqaa, N. Y Account Chat anqna Assembly. Tickets oa sale Jolt 4ih and 25th, oce and a third fare for the round trip, tic lata limit ed for thirty days from date of Sale. Cnicag,-, 111. B. Y. U. A. Inter national Convention, Jaly 25 28. One fare for thernnd trip. Tiektts good going July 22 J, 231 and 2i b; good returning leaving Chicago on- a. A.X Oaaceoaatof the National Coa- at!oa Epwortfe l0 Francisco, CaX, Jnty 1J 21st, U Seaboard Air Uae Railway will ali rcaad trip ttekstt from all Mint, ! Vnrth mroliaa: rate from tVTii-w er.T. o Tickets will be antf fmm JntT 5th tO 12th. iBClB sire, good tetanias; aatll A u rust 3rd by dtpoaltlBg ticket with Joint irtBt fet fan Fraasclsco aad oa r.mMt of fM of 60 coats. For tiAketa either rotas: or re turn ing. one way only, through Portland or Poget Hound, via 8hata Route or steamer, IS W win do aaoea w raw For ticket going via Ogdea. rs turnlea? via Loa Anr-1-, Sen Fran cisco aad Shasta Route, or going via Pcrtland and Shasta Route to fUn Frmaelaco. return! ng via Los Angelas and Ogdea, f 1S.UU win pe sufdar? to rate. Stoo overs win oe permitted at and Weat of Colorado common polnta Cheyenne to Trin idad, Fort Worth and Baa Antoaia, Tvx. Eaatof these points tickets will be rood only for continuous good returning iavtn uiicago on- rp. - passengers to reach point til Jolj 30, with privilege of kt male notlater than Ana-net Slat. B:onio ADcmi oa uepwn w tieket lth j )int agent and payment of 50 cents. fCAPUDlNE Hides' . WEflBflSKIE TOE. Leaves no Bad EffectWhatever. 15. 25 and1 oOCmUat lregglt KALKiail. N.c Detroit, Ml ib. National EJuea tional Association, July 8-12. One fare plus $2 for the round trip. Tickets gcod going July 5th, 6 Jx and 7tn, limited for return leaving Detroit until Jaly 15, with privilege of extension to September 1 on de posit of ticket with jsitft agent and payment of 50 cents. ; Cincinnati, Ohio. United Society Christian Endeavor, July 6-10. Oae tare for the routd trip. Tickets on sale July 3d to 5th, limited tor re rorn leaving Cincinnati until July 14, with privilege of extension to u'ust 31 on deposit of ticket with ju.. t agent and payment of 50 cents. For tickets and further informa tion apply to or address Arthur O. Lkwis, 1 S. P. A. Balto. & Oaio R. R. Under Atlantic Hottl Norfolk. Va. Any parties desiring to take this trip can do eo and the Seaboard Air Line will pay special attention to thoae using Its line ana upon ap plication to the undersigned any Information will be furnished. C. H. Gattis, C. P.AT.A. Raleigh, N. C. H. 8. Lxabd, T. P. A. fialeigh, N. a UARI011 BUTLER, Attornev-at-Law, 505 and 504 Tucker Building, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. Save Yomr Gardens by uoirjc ORDF.Il AT ONCE. EXPKKHH OH FREIQHT. Special Ketm. Kl Muck Mi No, e. JUL k CaeU Not. e. ifco. , BQJKG EATM Pound Package, $ 1 S 6 12 " Shakers .15 .15 .60 1.00 .ts Julius Lewis Hardware Co., nafcj&h, n. c. Pimples, blotches and all other spring troubles are cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla the most effective of ail spring medicines. August Warehouse at Clinton will Open The First. Clinton Caucasian. Mr. C. P. Sellars and the tobacco Warehouse force will be in this week. Our tobacco market will open about August 1st. AT this SIA80N of the year thert are always many deathr, particular ly among children, from complaint. diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera mor- onf cramps, etc., and every out ought to know that a sure and speed ' care can easily be obtained by tak ing Perry' Pain-Uter . 1 sweetened water every half hour. it never fails. Avoid substitute, mere is nnt one rain Killer, Perry uavis-. i-rice zqc and oue. A PCETTY OFFER. something; That Will Please the Indies r The Household . There is something pleasant and eneery in tne words "Good Time. no matter whether they are applied MuujiK ouuuiuons, to some period in the future, or as a name to a 000K or paper or anv thine. There's never any disadvantage id hearing the word. A very attractive and interesting uiaiuo one uk will especially Interest the lady members of a household is named "Good Times." 11 is pnoiis&ed monthly and is re marzabielor the number of timely and good things It contain. Ta re is an announcement of this maea sine in tnis iaaue, and we will keep u,iu( uio puuuo zor tne next mosia. There is a way for any one to get this publication six months free of paarare. xne Caucasian will send it six montns free to any oldsnb- scnoer wno will renew, and to any new one who will aubnerih. tninl 1 the month ef July. - - ui upponiuuiy is wom taxing BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harm less, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleans the system ana absolutely cure constipa tion and sick neadache. Only 25c at all druggists. Sold by all druggists. A Dollar Down. From the Philadelphia Press. Caller So you've got a' little baby sister at your house. The doctor brought it, I suppose. Willie No, I guess it was the installment man. He brings most everything to our house. GUARANTEED $900 r 1 a sr t oALAKl YEARLY. Men and women of good address to represent us, some to travel appoint ing agents, otners ror local wora iook ing after our interests. $900 salary guaranteed yearly; extra commissions and expenses: rapid advancement, old ef-tablisned bouse, urand cnance ror earnest man or woman to secure pleas ant, permanent position, liberal income State THE NORTH CAROLINA Normal and Industrial College. :ijBifflmiiiuiiiiito,: On Jellies preserves and piekles, spread a thin ooatlng of refined WiU kMp them absolutely moisture snd acid proof. Prffln. Wsz i also neafal in a doi.n otber wara about the booss. full directions in eaoh pound package. Sold ovorrwhero. aTANDARD Oik CO. LITERAY f'T AflflTfAT. ant, permanent position, liberal income 1 and future. New, brilliant lines. Write 1 8C1ENTIFIC at once. STAFFORD PRESS. 23 Church St, New Haven, Conn Practicai Education 1 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL IN Agriculture, Engineerirg, Me chanic Arts, aud Cottou Manu facturing; a combination of the ory and ptactice, of study and manual training. Tuition $20 a year Total expense, including clothing ard b.wrd, $125. Thirty teachers, 80 ttuuV nts. Next sea rion b.-gins September 4th. For catalogue address Geo. T. Winston, President. N. C. COLLEGE Agriculture & Mechanic Arts RALEIGH, N. O. Annual expnaea $100 to $140, for non rwldtcteor the State $1C0. Faculty of SO memb ra. Prsctiee and Observation School of about 250 puplla. Ts aeeure board In the dormltorlea all free tuition ap plications should be made before July 15ih. Ses sion opens September 19th. Coneapond.noe Invited from thoae desiring com petent teachers and stenographers. For Catalogue and other information addrees President CHARLES 13. HclVKlU Ureenaboru, X. t Elkin Woolen Mills Affecting Memories. Smart Set. Millie Why did the widow sell her parrot? Willie She said it reminded her of her late husband. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Sybup has been used for children while teethinsr. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is sne nest remedy lor Diarrhoea. Twen ty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gi8bs burougnout me worio. GUARANTEED VHDEK A $5,000 DEPOSIT R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered. write quick to OA.-ALA. BUSINCaS COLLEGE. Maeon. J3n W ci oi Q O! P . 3 o 5 ssr e . 3a o P !Z O H 55 0Q O H 8 O H m I' 5 33 3 0B t IT GIRDLES THK GLOBE. The tame of Buck'en's Arnica Salve. as the best in the world, extends round the earth, it s tbe one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, boils, scalds, ulcers, felons, aches, pains and all skin eruptions Only infallible pile oure. 25c a box at all druggists. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 eta. Famtmg H Spells always indicate a weak heart. They are usually preceeded or followed by palpitation or flut tering, and there may be pain in left side, a smothering sen sation and shortness of breath. Such a heart should be treated at once, before the disease de- Thousands take it for amine- veiops beyond control. Heart loss of appetite and everybody says I disease is as easily cured as other noiu o aavrsjuaua Hood's. LOSS OF APPETITE. A person that has lost appetite nas lost sometning besides vital lty, vigor, tone. The way to recover appetite and all that goes with it is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla that strength ens the stomach, perfects digestion ana mates eating a pleasure. else so good as troubles it taken in time. Renew youa subscription to the Caucasian at once and get "Good Tima'! magazine six : months . free This offer expires August 1st Farmers provide yourself with Pa n K K r at this season ot the year when eoiie, ' cholera morbus, dysen tery, diarrhoaa, may disable your hands use it in every case of the kind, but be sure that you trust to no other remedy but the old, long tried Perry uavie' Pain-Kiiler which never failed. Avoid substitutes. were is nnt one rain-Killer, Davis'. Price 25o. and 50. "I was subject to fainting spells, and many times I nave fallen on the street. 1 was often ' , compelled to si tdown while walk Ihg to" avoid falling. Whenjpbysi class failed to iielp me, X took DrMiles' Heart Cure and was completely cured." Chakles D. Randall. BlUcottville, . Y, Dr. Miles' Taxes In Cuba. adyantagc o( Pwy I is especially adapted to remove au irreguianues ot the heart s An Important Announcement. ww" u urugglStS . On We dexirn tn 11 t.h non.i 1 5 immediate attention of each and every I Hfles Medical Co.. Elkuart, Ind. wuo ui our reauera vo me exceptional terms upon which we are prepared to offer the representative journal of Av- rinuitore. Farm and Home, in conneo I Havana, July 12. The secretary ISSLSSs, JSSJt of flnance has published a statement .u.wBm.vua we wuuu-jr iuiu cc uome is known and rMvta'niT.Mi of the highest sUndard. Its sound com iDS h first six months of 1901 by mon sense, practical teachings, ter-e I the finance department amounted to parmmpna, ongjnaiity and piuck have a total of $344,000. The other WA'i.,! -f- f wen, .re the lotZ la t Ion, exceeding 800,000 copies each whicn yields about $30,000 a month, issue, is in itself a telling testimonial the signal service, the income from ..Mh "S.SL I 7i .p"! inmMic which Is - J6.000 a month,' nd the JlSUSSSSSSffiiSS -- The three deUrtmento selves of an opportunity to secure, at a are managed by the military au- """u cobs, a paper wnicn will return buem a cnousana per cent on the in vestment in thA useful bints and teach ings to ne ontatned from ito perusal. To all we say, try Farm and Home a year, and you will never regret it. A copy of Homemade Contrivances, a n,05? ueful hook, containing 950 illus trations, is included with each sub', fcriptlon thorities. SPECIAL NOTICE. Mr. H. H. Draughon of Mingo, N. C, has Turkey Callers for sale at 75 cents each, and will have Hawk Callers in a few days at same pxiee. Will send either or both to any one desiring them on receipt of price. ' Biggest Strike in Years. Spokane, Wash., July 12. The biggest strike in many years among tne miners of the northwest is on at If you want to exchange your wool or have it manufactured lite the best Blankets. Casslmeres. Jeans, Llnaeys, Flannels and Yarns to b had in America, if you want the best made and mnat omfortahle fit- , Books sa4 Bosrd JJ&21 tm, !?-tter lln Pnt yo wore; If yon want to trade with the cleverest o ETffirtkStS" you ever had any dealings with, try the ELKIN WOOLEN MILLS sod w vjv m.o vu saw awa syrswr weWQ yvas sswMPV Mssfls) fJsV sBsassTVaw sMfesW Roslyn, and 1,200 miners are out. !B41!Lftry.'TH Lexlnsjton. Ky. The strike affects the Lenoi and SS'f tiOB wiriiri, wrs.wtmis a TXuquraT. irtoiHga. mm Mm others mines owned by British com panies. The trouble started through tne locking out of union smelter men at the Lelloi smelter at North- port, Washington. you will never regret It. Thev have one of the larweat mills la tbs South. They ship their goods to nearly every 8tate In the Union, at the quality of their work is unexcelled. Write them for their handsome new catalogue, and do not dlipoM of your wool until yon see It. Address, Central leaden, CHITM M. CO., Frgpeton, ELKIN, NC An Industrial and Training School for bova and vnnno man win w gin iui annual session Oct. IV . . xoung men aesiring to go to I school and pay in part with work may write to as at once. Twenty-1 BELIEF IN SIX HOUBS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved In six hours bv MNxw Great South American omiw desired immediately; six Kidey Curs." It Is a great sur- for frm work, six for carpenter's prise on account of its exceeding work, four for masonry and nlaat- promptness In relieving pain in erlng, four for painting and one orlTAL Diadder. kidneys and back, in male two xar pnnting. For further nnr. or female. Believes retention of tlcnlars address Bev. Chas. B Tay- water umoei immeaiateiy. 11 you lvJIi cnucipeu, ijiitieton, , (j. want quicx reiiei ana care tnis is the CALIFORNIA King Gold Mines Company- 32 Broadway and 69 2tew 8t New York. JOHN P. JONES, President. 1,000,000 SHARES -PAR VALUE, f 5,O0 EACH. FULL PAl-C:3-ASCIfAriI. DIKXCTOBS: remedy. Sold by Henry T. HM?:VIU,eIN-c- ' Dnlverslty WUKm CAROLINA. OF BLOOD HOUNDS ! TBE HEAD criminals. : s Kemember that don w ,ne uxiucatlonal System. moat nave ciear scent of gnilty par- ty to start with. All calls answered Academic Department. promptly. J. J Wilson, Dunn, N. C. Law, X Know One Sur Remedy for aa obstinate cold. Its boom kPynr-Bslasjo. Medicine, , . Pharmacy. Hon. John P. Jones, Gold HllLNev. U. 8. Senator and mine owner. Hon. James B. Grant, Denver, Colo. Ex-Gov. of Colorado, of Grant A Omaha Smelting Co. Hon. R. P. Pettlgrew, BIoux Falls, o. un u. o. Denator. Hon. Willard Teller, Denver, Colo. Attorney at Law. Wm. Pa. C. Kean, Jr., Philadelphia, Real Estate and Insurance. John O. Montgomery, Denver, Colo. Pres. Montgomery Investment Co. John K. Fowler. C. X. McCvllea POWIiER AND McCTJLLEM Attornkys-at-Law, Clinton, - - - n. C. Will practice wherever services are required. Special attention given to collections. Office over O. J. Powell's Store. i&ignty -nve Scholars hi da. Vma tuition to teachers and ministers' sons. Loans for tha bamIv- 527 Students. 43 Instructor. WeU' FarK Co-' Bsoik, New Dormitories. Water Works. vvursu uuating oy stem. JizU.OOO spent ln improvements ln 1900 and 1901. Fall term begins September 9, 1801. Address, P. P. TENABLE, President, CHAPEL BILL, N. C. I Mi CZTJITAL of a ji - - - gv. Hath way treati exclusively. For 30 rears be ha confined his practice to this elan o plaints to men and women, and the uniformity of his ernes has won for him world-wide fame. Men who have lost youth's rlcor are made strong and whole again by this thoroughly eonstttav tional treatment of Dr. Hathawaya. ' No medicine with staple mww cuoci can core yoa; yoa need a Ilium wffl so to the foundation of your trouble and wipe It oat, nerrouely and physically. aSfornaof CfcronieDiaeaaee, tnctodmg VarleeeeJe, BwoS rolsonbig. Kidney and Urinary Complaints, cuiw oj xjt. tiainaws.yi rystera of treatment. He win be glad to hare you write hla or ea! at hla office for 2ma consnltatlon. eramlnaUon and adTtee, He wtn Mao send trm iCie. paid ki a plain wrappee, hla new 64 page booslfannnea.VfeML sv esxrron hatnaway, n. c th Croad Ctreet, AUaatn, (Ja. Hon. Ashley W. Cole, Brooklys Y., Chairman Board of State SaU- road Oon&nilsalonera. Stilson Hntchlas, Waahlngtoa, D.C Pnbllaher and mine owner. Harry If. Gorham, Carson CltJt Nsv. Pres. Bnlion Exchatc Bank and Sapt. Comstock mlas. Hon. Stephen W. Dorsey, N T. I U. 8, Senator and miae owner. Jerome B. LandSeld, Jrn Blnghaav ton, W. Y. Director Blaghantos TrnstCo. J. B. Landneld, Jr- Secretary aad Treaaurer. bavkxbs: 63 Broedwar. New York. Offer 200,000 Shires Trezswj St::k et 53X3 cr Skae. The California Kins? Gold If Instsi (1aihm e-9i,n 1. Plea cho Baaln,fonr miles from the Colorade Blver In California, and mues oy direct road from Yuma, Arts. ' nri?.11 in Pf reea for tha last six yean, A i0tj2ltt drlfu cnta have been com pietea ana paid for by the owners. " SrSHSiS?!!n. "Jf"0. na of ore are now ready tor the mill. I TjiZlH? b0tmined Pen cats at a nominal coat. A contract has been entered Into ter the erection of a mill d SSSJtfSt!."1"0 ha?U1 L000 teis ofdnV, which wlfl Jt completed thU year. The directors guarantee that Tads plant wiU P5?hii1B2f?InlleS3 01 ooMoftrsasnrstiek snbecribed. PfPjfv' commenclnj operations will exceed WOO a S .'ti17 tl0. aonth, within a year. T?i SSiSf 7 muchPt for more than forty years. ir?i!E!ESSrlaaw,wdbyt2ie ctan. There Is no promote f fZSS? J?0"- Ho edxrles to oCcers. Every dollar r Not a?Sii? Ut0 lh r7 to pay tor the Wot a share of stock has been oCared fox sale before. JPj of J- BalstonlBeU, London ; Wra. A. Parish, Dearer ; Zar In P JP11001 EerkelT. CaljJ.L, ChVperd and others, A?lfJ&nma 131 maariendin, tSs property. PPUon win be made to list stock oa tbe Boston ra Exchange catto1"0 ny Information dcdrU will be fornUbed on appW Subscriptions received by THIS CAUrOIUIlA KKO GOLD XimC3 00 M DHOADT7AY, . Kpra&DAXA,nfiUCEcctcx " .t Pcto3, TJatt A Cccotsv U TJccd CU YVZZZ

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