THE CAUCASIAN rtJBUSIJEI KVF.RY THURSDAY HVTKK CAUCAIA!f PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Omm tmr Sl.OO 41a Month. . tbrwo Maatba. No. 11. TIIBHOt' TII HAKIH A MONO L'l The Htate of Huth Dakota h in poHN?Mlori of HI11 oi" the lril 1 auod by the Klate or North Carolina in aid of the construction of I lie Western North Carolina U.IImimI. The State 1-ptuwl twoclasHot Imm1 In aid of the construct! n of thi rool one what U known a llr-t inortgigB bond.", the other an nd mortgage lnds. The Attorney Oeneral of tiie State ban ax-iated Hon. W heftier II. rckhatri, of New York, with him ( hrii'K a Hiiit In the faiuprcmo Court of the United States on behalf of the State of Houth Dakota to secure the paymenl of thewj bondu which are In fact mortgago bond with the State'. stock In the North Carolina Hail road pledged as security. Immediately after the tiling of the bill la this caxe in the Supreme Court, the IUIeigh News and Olwer ver raiaod a tremendous howl, charg ing that the nuit was a scheme by noroe one to rob the State by forcing it to pay an unjust debt. It inti mattd if it did not chaige op nly that thee bonds were fraudulent and without any valid consideration and that It would be a crime and an outrage 1o force the State to pay them, or, rather, to mil a certain amount of the State' stork In the Western North Carolina ll.ilroad to satisfy the mortgage on this stock, the bond J In fact constituting mcli u mortgage. A great many good peo ple were no doubt mislead by the wild, Irresponsible, and what now seems to 13 entirely untruthful statement of the New and Obser ver. The editor of the IUIeigh Post, Mr. Furman, wait for wine time Auditor of the State and hai iK'ned to bo familiar with thin who'e bond transaction. Mr. F. II. I lustre, of the Raleigh bar, was also familiar with the whole matter, inasmuch as he at one time had represented cer tain of these bondholders in an ap peal to the legislature. Both thoe gentlemen have made clear and comprehensive statements giving the facts In the case. From their statements it would seem that the bonds are entirely valid, that the State got the money and put it into the Western North Carolina Hail road, which Is now worth three or four times what it was then, and that, therefore, the State is now in a position to pay what neems to be an ntirely honest debt, and pay it out of ft part of its Inter, st in the West ern North Carolina HailroaJ with out taking a dollar cut of the Treas ury of the State. The editor of the Charlotte Observer has written a very intelligent editorial in this connection reviewing the long state- ments prepared by Mr. Furman. In order to present the facts stated therein, which up to date have been uncontradicted, we publish the ad- itorial from tho Charlotte Observer. It if as follows: THE 80UTII DAKOTA LAW SUIT. Mr. R. M. Furman, editor of The Morning Post, of Raleigh, who has a taste for this sort of thing and whose long service as State Auditor gave him familiarity with the State's financial affairs, has an edito rial in The Post of yesterday upon the suit which the State of South Dakota has iastttuted against the State of North Carolina, which af fords tha clearest exposition of the nature of the bonds w hich are bein sued upon, and just what Is involved that has yet appeared in print. Thoe bonds are not a part of the fiaudu lent isue made by the thieving Legislature of 1863 and subsequent ly repudiated, but were is-ued by authority of an act of tha LegisU- a at n n r t lureoi laoo, wnicn was com pos. a oi our own people, anu were "uever tainted with fraud or so treated at any time by the State." On tin contrary, their validity was recogni zed by the act of the Legislature ol 1877 to compromise, commute and settle the State debt, and an off -r was made in this act to settle them on the basis of twenty-five cents on the dollar. These bonds numbered In all 1,713, of the par value f $1,000 each $ 1,173,000, and of the Issue of 1,713 all excep ing about ,800 have been redeemed at the rate of 2i renta tin thft rliillflp onrf foil. called. The bonda, by the termn of the act by authority of which thi v were Issued, were a second mortgage upon the State's stock in the North Carolina Ilailroad at the rate of ten share of stock of the face value of $100 each to on bond of the face value of 11,000 in other words dol lar for dollar. Of the 300 bonds outstanding ten have come Into nowtpfwlnn of the Rtstn nf Hnnth kota, and upon these suit Is brougt t The Iredell Republican has sus As a matter of course if fc'outh D - pended publication, and the editor kota Is permitted by the Supreme has made arrangements with the Court of the United States to en Caucasian to fill out his subscription force her claim, the holders of the list. The reasons for suspending remainder of the 300 bonds out- were that he fotind that the . Re standing will transfer them to some publhans of Iredell could not sup- Btate or States which will sue upon them and recover. The State owns 0, 000 share of stock In the North Carolina Kailroad, and the- 30O lumU o it-tanding are a mrtgg. ,n 3..HM, ,u of it. T. .. no- wnrili 1170 per share, so t h.n of tek would pay for mo.e .ha.. $H0 worh of bond. ,l " , LM vnge per T.e foregoing h in the main a '" thm year'. m,p amipam ron .entio,, of The Post's very wllhJaat year to 70, wbkh ou Uici i and i..te.llicent editorial. Our thlsyeaa crop to be Ib'J. v ten,,, rry n-gard. the matt-r an 13i ow, taking tbeavirsg.- .,. . I gravity, remark ng that ,o.a Hui. 14 on which cannot be v. .1 .u,,. th urinfi, ,.,,r avoid- '-M .,1 by vu'g.raUiar.d riii-repreu-, U?"K ? a io., " The edilorl-l which we!nt, Indicat ".2 bal, Ihe l.av.. hu...,l,,er witha thT t""- communiration of Mr. F II. IlusUxi Inconsiderable. It U pr.ibable ,n the saml; Iuo iS The l'.a.f. di-i't the fine weather conti..ui,.g ko ,-etr.tively of mnsatioual pul-! will increase the yield, ki d that drati .n to 'he effect that the South-' ru Itiilwny Corniny it behind the -uit ai.d Jiojhs through it to t able u sf-cure tte ov ner-bip of the North Carolina Hadroad for a oong. The t-ta'ementd made by Menirs. Furman and Hustiee are very clar and comprehensive and the rcmark-( able thing about it is that the N ws ' and Observer has not attempUd to t i r i t i i ,k. n ply to a single fact stated by them, mi nan runnijuw! iu to chhre that there is a conspiracy to rob the State. Now uhat the CAUCAftioN wants Mn to know, and what every hono-t, fair-minded citizen of the Sttte w ants to know is whether er not the facts stated by Messrs. Furman and Itusbee are true. If not, why does n t the Observer, which hat made the charge, expose their falsity? If they are true, then the State by re- fu-ing to pay lis bonds puts itselfin tdo jxihitiou of repudiating an honest debt. Should not a State be as hon est as an individual? Can a State call upon its own citizens to pay their honest debts and force them to do it through the State courts and at the same time repudiate its own li nest debts made as a State, and d it simuly because an individual citmot sue a State? It seems to us that the position of the News and Observer is that it (Nms not care anything about the facts. It simply thought it could make olltical capital out of this matttT and was willing to make jo litical capital for itself and the party mae'dne regardless of the justice of the matter and regardless of the ef fect upon the credit of the State. Of course, the full facts on both sides in this matter will be present ed to the Supreme Court of the United States and if there is any good or valid cause which justifies the State in repudiating its bond then the State's interest will be pro tected bv the Sunn iri" Con it of the Hi ited States. SPECIAL liOK OKfKlt. The Caucasian h.s made ar rangements with a large New York Publishing House whereby we are in position to offer our subscribers good reading book-i at a trifling cost. On the fourth page will be found our offer which is for subs-cribers cf The Caucasian only. If you are in arrears with your subscription send in your renewal and order such books as you may select, adding the small addition amount to cover postage and mailing and secure good reading for the winter evenings. Auy of our readers who huve paid in advance and desire any of the books may order fame at the prices advertised, and we will forward the books. In ordering please be partic- ular to write name and postoffice address plainly to avoid mistakes, AuQ nr in mind that it will take about seven days after ordering be fore the books can reach you. By a very small majority the in capturing Democrats succeeded Maryland at the recent election. Al though many charges of ballot box stuffing and fraud are made by the Uhpubllcans. tney will De ot no Avail, and as a result of their vic tory the Democrats will return ex-i-nator Gorman to the Senate. Mr Gorman is a man of distinguished service to the Democratic party and will probably be of more service on the floor of the Senate than any other man in its concils. We notice a regular swarm of candidates appearing for the places 0f Supreme Court justices and United States Senator. If any of these can didates luve not made their peace with the Simmons machine or have not always stood ,4loyally'N in the inner circle, they are doomed tj dis appointment. We would again call the attention of our delinquent subscribers to the fact that we are iu need of the I amount due The Caucasian and urge them to please remit promptly and haVe their subscriPtion moved UP- Li)Ii t aeIay P"?ase. Now is a good time for subscrib ers of The Caucasian to secure good reading for the long winter evenings. See our special offer on fourth page. JNOTICE1 port a paper, and also on account of illness. STATE CHOP EirOITS uu c Wiww it kih '.XTJS V'"A"4 , , " "; fP J"' sported " v- . calculating from the number , produced by the county lat ,'n' "'-v ,vm-u ,vw "The xrn crop of the State U 69 Iier cent of an average, while that of the United State at large U only 52 per oeLt. It is going to be a hard time to buy corn for the prices must be hicrh. Our farmers ail over the uta,e have saved enormous quinti ties of hay, which will supplement the corn crop in gnat measure for "toc f0 ... "Still the old les-sou willle agatn huAuA by experience, that the rating or grain supplies, as far an seasons will allow, is the only safe and sure foundation for prisinrity frmirg." JlRJlQISQ, BOAR so floo Washed down a telegraph lio which Ca&a. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. "Standing waist dofcf ia the icy water, he writes, "giv me a teniole cold and coord. It gre worse daily. Finally the beat doctors in Oakland, Neb , Sioaz Oiy and Omaha sid I bid consumption and could not live. Then I began nsiug Dr. King's New Discovery ar.d wa wholly cared by wx bottles." Ft si tively gnarauUrd for cocghe, culd and all throat and Iudk troobl-s. Tri al bottles free. Price 50c and $1. Tao Iloane In the South. Escape the rigors of another Northern Winter and enjoy the delights of the Southland. Nowhere can be found a more de lightful climate than in our own Southland Its winters are mild and Dai my ana in tue most cases summer does not bring with it such extremes of heat as are to be found eisewnere. in iact, me soutn is a land where extremes of climate are avoided, and consequently, is a healthful and altogether desirable location. The tide of emigration has turned Southward, for it is not alone in climatic advantages that this favor ed land excels, but its resources, the fertility of its soil and its mineral weaun ana aDunuant water power commend it to the thoughtful con sideration of any one who seeks a home where Northern thieft and enterprise may carve out success. The Seaboard Air Line Railway, in order to stimulate investigation and to assist in opening up the fine territory traversed by its liners, an nounces that it will sell to pro-pec tors and settlers, tickets one way or round trip, at greatly reduced rates information as to which may be ob tained of any agent or representative of the Company. J. C Hortox, Eastern Pass. Agent, 1188 Broadway, New York City. w. II. Doll, Gen'l Pas. Dept. 1334 New York, Ave., Wash. D. C. C. L. Longdorp, N. E. Pasa. Agt. 306 Washington St,. Boston, Mass. II. R. Duval, Pass Agent, Continental Trust Bldg. Balto, Md. R. E. L. Bunch, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Portsmouth, Va. NOTICE I North Carolina, Sampson Coun ty. By rlrtue of tho authority rested In me as Sheriff of said coun ty and haying In my hands the tax b oka for the year 1899 and 1900 nd S. R. Worn 11 having tailed to pay his taxes for 1899 and 1900 and And I having levied on 20 acres of land in Fianklin Township In said county, listed as the property of 3 R Worrell. I will on Monday '.he 2nd day cf December 1901 t 12 o'clock m , at the Conn House door in Clinton, do l so much of said land as may be nacassary or cash to the person tayi&g said axes and cost amounting to $7 50 is is provided by law In such cases Said land is described as follows: Adjotnlug tha lands of C T. Fn nell, N. U. Fennell. Thos Brnning on and others containing 20 acres more or less. J. M. MAR8HBURN, Sheriff and Tax Collector. A ViONDERFUL DISCOVERY Not -li. y enrfu, but it keeps well. 19 Bold ny an organized company of esp' tible buainean men and has the ol -rement cf thousands of Clergy n md noted people throughout the i uoiiry. We speak of that wonder- l Instrument, ElectropoiBe, and ask our careful examination into the ures it has wrought. Col. A. P. Nun--ly, of the Inter-Ocean, Chicago, tes: "Nearly three years experi eroe with Electropoise only confirms Ih truth of your claims. I say to mj i ieods that this instrument is a most . onderful invention, and I would not i ai with mine if I could not get an ittor." Send address for our book viiig letters from 'people who hrr- 0 n cured by Electropoise. ELBC 1 tUPOISE CO., 613 Fturth Aven'.a f.ouisville, Kf. Onr First Season 110 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. 12 fined year after year. With the aid of WW ef CartM a woman can do any reasonable work and enfoy good1 health. The heoith that Wine ef Ctrdul brines makes woman vigorous la body and ra nd, freed frora those terr&la devastating pains a woman grows welt and strong aetaraDy. Wine of Cardul regulates the disordered menstruation and cures lwrof rhnsi. falling ef the womb and periodical pains In the head and back rased by standing or sitting a long time to the same position. Thcdforda Black'Draught puts the bowels, stomach, Hvcr. kidneys and blood In proper shape. Greatly Increased strength and endurance Is the natural result. Most cases are cured quickly. AH druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Win of Cardul and 25 cent packages of Thedforas Black-Draught. ft a4taa as4 Utaratwa. Utnm, U 1M t-aaniaoaoi Only m Mask. Many are not being benefitted by the summer vacation as they should be. Now, notwithstanding much outdoor life, they are little if any stronger than they were. The tan on their faces ia darker and mates them look healthier, but It Is only a mask. They are still nervous, easily tlrtd, upset by trifles, and tnev do not eat nor?!eep well. What th y need Is what tones the nerves, perfects digestion, creates appetite, and makes sleep refreshing, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupi e and teachers generally will find the chief purpose of the vacation best subserved by this great medi cine wlch, as we know, "builds up the whole system." FOR OVER FIFTY YKARH Mrs. Winsi.ow's Soothing Syrhp has bean used for children while teething-. It soothes the ch Id, softens the turns. allays all pain,$cures wind coiin, and is tlie nest remedy for i-iarrh ea. Ten- ty-lve cents a bottle Hold by all drug gists throughout the world. Davidson College. The 05th session of Davio'hon Col lege begins on Sept. 5ti', with the prospect ef a largely inereaeed at tendance. Dr. James M. DoucIhS. f Sooth Carolina, has Den eb ct'd to the Chair of rayeics to take the place of Dr. Smith, the rcert)y elc ted President, and Mr. John A. Brewm, of Bostoc, Mas , Las beu appoinUd Gymnasium D. rector. The Saearer B blical Hall i . I ing too fed in, ard will soor, b ct.aipl-t-ed, and a new and hand-oma dormi tory is being planned for the next session. lake NERYO TABLETS, Ths Great A eureiy Vegetable Pemedv that acts clirert lj on the Nervous System, Bni'si a:il liloo 1. Revitilizingand replacing wasti-.i N : ve 1 o- v. Strengthens and feels the Tired Mr.uw. J' up the Impoverished Blood, makes it rod, and rich, and tno pale cheeks rosy and plump. A SEXUAL TONIC. Acts immediately and directly ou the Sexual Organs, at once import ing tone, strength and vigor, no matter how hopeless your case may seem. Positively sU-pa night losses at once. Cures Nervous in bilitv. Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Loss of Memory, Bad Dreams, 8exual Kxhaustion, Languor, Tired Feelinc, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Constipa tion, and Kidney Diseases. THE LATEST DISCOVERY-For all diseases caused by a weak, run-down condition of the nervous system, cures the bad effects of tobacco and whisky, opium, etc. The very best remedy vet disc ret discovered for lost nerve force, and will not harm anyone or- leave any bad effects on the system no matter how long used, but on the Other hand nothing hut good results will follow. If you simply feel bad there is nothing better to take. PRICE 60 CENTS A BOX. Which i3 ten days treatment, (sealed ly mail.) 5 boxes $3. Postage stamps taken same as cash. Convenient to cany and taie. Try one box and you can have your money back if yon are not satisfied. THE NERVO 889 Wwnrr Jefferson Street Louisvicb, Ky. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS is commended by Statesmen. Professional men and thousands ef others prominent in the world's activities, for its fins discrimi nation in sifting the actual news from conflicting report and the prtscA tation of current events in their just proportion. They comment on its freedom from daily-paper sensationalism. All men and women who want to know what the world is doing find it an intellectual necessity, to judge from the letters received from hundreds. Its editorials are comprehensive, and labor saving to the busy man or woman. Its timely contributions on important topics are by the best-informed writers. Its reviews of other magazines give the best of their best work. It is profusely illustrated. These letters will enable all thoughtful men and women to Judge of its value to them : President "I am a constant reader of the " I know that through its col- ' Review of Reviews.' and appre umns views have been presented to elate it very highly indeed I think me that I could not otherwise have it a very important part f my had access toj because all earnest library, and practically a necessity and thoughtful men, no matter for one- in public life." J. Jt. how widely thejr ideas diverge, are Foraker. U. S. Senator, Ohio. given free utterance in its col umns." Thtodore Jteosevelt "It ' one of the best and most EX-PRESIDENT " , PUictionS .f-,tlLe - .. . , day. Charlet. IV. Fmtr banks, V. S. " I consider It a very valuable Senator Indiana. addition to my library." Grover Cleveland. " I do not have a great deal of - "It Is a publication of very great t5me to read magazines, but I take value. I have sometimes found pleasure in saying that the Review there very important matter indeed Reviews' is among the number which I should not otherwise have which finds a place on my table discovered." George F. Jfr, U. S. eacn month." James JC. Jones, Senator, Massachusetts. U. S. Senator, Arkansas. Send for particulars as to how it can be had with an invaluable set of books for 50 "cents a month. Cfte ftebieto of ftcbietojg Companp 13 ASTOR PLACE. NEW YORK SUITABLE IN LARGE QUANTITIES, AND CONSEQUENTLY CHEAP, SOLD RAPIDLY AND CONSEQUENTLY CHEAP. in Fall and Winter Shoes, and Consequently New. Hade Especially for us, and Consequently GOOD 15TIDn GhTT3STTEIJE3X). a t.-eigkb:, osrO A Strong Woman Ir City. Xr. Aug. t, IK9 Tty wtm tu Mk tor Uuw r- U4 mTTl< HOt rvitaf al wmA hCUa rnrvd tut, a ft Uxfe t mar bMH . fcaovtcc hm wtm& to work brd itrtef tb ku hrM. feba tl44 to ail br Wo- urlT ah m tMl w4 Ur4 mmd eomi4 hartlf t-t bot, bot niae aha Ui mi tklf Wt ol Cr4nl b ImU better aad itfant IV knHfHlKflo. JOA. A- ElfiiOiUATUL Mr. Clicahalcf h4 trk4 tvcrytKasj durint her thrr yun tkfcixM and had ap ctnie trabU money. She waa rtk and ceeld hardly ftt abowt for tkrea yean befort ah WINEo'CARDUIl Now. after taking the Win f Cardut. aha caa wk with her huabaad la lha hay field. Tiut U hard work, tut K W aot a Injurioua to a womaa't health aa labor to stores, factories and ffkes where thooMMis of etrijarc closely cosv r"i AaVtoar C f ay, nuniatnn, THE Cash Buyers' Supply Company Will furnish you (If cash 'accom panics the order) anything needec at home, on the farm or In youi place of business, and SAVE Y0 MONEY. We keep no g oda, no Htore, hire no clerks or collectors ; but, instead, purchase direct froa. manufacturers, wholesale deaiera, jobbers, Ac, AT LOWEST CASH PR1CICH, and for cash. If you need any Agricultukai MPLEMKNT or MACHINE)'. V, FABM bEEDs Hardware, Iron Roofinq, Wire Fenciko, Urocekhs, Fruit 1 rkes, Fruiis, Musical Instru mknts, Hewing Machines Books stationery, furniture, l)r Uoods Notioas, Shoes, t. lothing Tombstones, Blooded fcTocK o Poultry, K ANY1I1INU ELE. Wt it- for prices. afjCBelow are price? on a few lend iiig articles, dklivxkkd at ary dt-p iu iortb Carolina: Two hore watjons neat and durable, 33; one horse wagoi $22 50; dump carta $20; cart wbeeJaai t axle $11.5; higb arm, 5-drawer, drop head sewingmacnine.wllh latestattaci luents, $16; nice cottage organ $35 chaj.el organ $40; beautiful 1 octav pianos, sp'ei.did lui e and well madr $145 and up, according to style of ca and nnib. if we cannot s;tve you money we d. not want your orders. W..S. BARNES, Ma akjfer RHUgrh. C. Brain, Blood and Nerve Tonic. ARREST DECAY By takine this latest seln- tifie discovery. Strengthens, cleanses and puri fies the entire system, makes the old feel young. Try one box, after that if they were $5.00 a box you would have them. JUST FROM EUROPE. Latest and best dis covery in medical science. Guaranteed to cure any nervous d isorder. Produces warmth, vigor n 1 power. Imparts the feeling and power of youth. ARE YOUR SEXUAL ORGANS WEAK OR INDIFFERENT. If so your nervous system needs a tonic before you become a total wreck. Write lis for this latest Fcientific discovery. It is a positive cure for all nervous disease, or weak parts. DO YOU SLEEP WELL?-lf not, we guar antee this late discovery will cure you or refund your money. THE BEST DISCOVERY OF THE AdE. Makes your skin clear and smooth, fills outyour pale cheeks, gives you a healthy, robust appear ance. Makes life enjoyable. REMEDY CO., Sole Agents res the U. FOR COUNTRY WEAR BOUGHT MARCH AND THE I.10X. at Ma ait w 1r-a)itr bt tb Mb and tb iamb .n arrb tuo -rr.e fat e, but i lb r la r.b--r ard a btt r ; I.Ufa i I.Wfall. tf- ! Mrcb ror .rt at J flml tskr c :ar4spartia t rifj rniMB and Utile jmr M-t. ) ir n.a ript. ben l rut. tial II H leate y u free frwtt. l a tir-d If-rlirc aeu ilb uot.ei.ftbe be!. ln.ile- and er. U;i4 wblh seantlrt tbrrre e -cane J impure bl d m the ruat )ou bare oa airlj b.-ui tailor lfr sraa ar la lo' j-ur i.r.ii, HirdJCil, e adtlMf yu lo br(-a -lay Hf iwurr iou U w 11 u.aae;cHi f rl b ttrr all tLmucb the roB.irt; atiau nier blUEET INCIDENT. "My D-aw Sj-.' ixclamrd lawjtr Barttoioaiftw L;virrtrB, nuBf l Ktv. Dr Arcbiba'd Windham on lJire t'rtet, What &(A thft -uekLl 1 thoartt you wre laii p with all aorta of bad diaaatP MAtd to I wai,"ritiUd tbe rcvar tot geci'tmio,"I bad an attack af isdig-aticn ar.d trou tfcat tiata on my whole ryattm Laa betn in a dis rd erd eotdition until I btjan iak igHv Harraparilla wtieh bt i ut aaa on any feet and cnr4 aJl my icd atb tr- ub'a ' "I don't duobt it.9 aaid tha lawyer. Thia rrme atdicioe cored ay wife t ibf-nmat am ard uty httla ajirl of trcfala. Whn tbt-y aay it'a th mi medicir-e money an boy, they r lv tell the truth." V. mm .k.JA .K.J iniaUr, and the two passed oa. MILEAGE TICKETS KEDl'CF.I. Seaboard Air Line Railway on thou sand mile tickets are now suid from all points on its lines at rate uf. $i.00, in- Hiding those previou- y rold in the tate of Florida at 10,000 l ber 1 i k- ets are got d over the entire graboarJ Mr Line Kailwaj sjiaeni ar.d are un- red between Ricbuii nd and Wahmg- ton b, the Richmond. Freder ck-burg d rolomac and lnnylvama rail road, between rortnioutb and JUlti more by the Baltimore oteaui Pocket ompany iBay Line) and between Ciinton and Columbia. S. byithe oiumbia, Newberry it L&urers Kail ad. AH tickets which have been Id at $2,00 and endorsed "not good n btate of Florida" will te honored over the entire sys em, ii.cluding linen n Florida, regardless of such endorse- taenas NOTICE I North Carolina, Samp on c untv. By virti e of the auth rity es ed in tue at ff of said county an. I Lav ng in my hands th:- tax boks for Ihe year 1W.0, and Raiford rume t'sestat- ha- g fa l.d t pay bis txe for lyoo an.l having levied on 1$ acres of land in FratiKliu township i.i atdcoun y, list--d a the propertt of Raiiord r euuell estate. I will 0.1 M on Jay the 21 ay o tc 101 a 12 o'clock m, at (tic cou-i hollar d Our in 1 lint n,.seli so much o a u laud s may he necessary for cash to th pervon payinsr 8aid ae atic ohi auiuunting to 11.36 as is provid'-o by law in suct csrs ,-ai 1 land i of ri. td as f ji ow : 15 acres of land in Krankiin township iaid co ty. J M V A US HBl'KN, Sberifl and tax col iclor. THE CELEBRATED Farquhar Threshing Machines Simplest, Moet durable, Economies1 nd Perfect in ur. Watec; no Grain "leans it ready for Market. rhreshin Machines and Horse Powers. Ssw Mills and Standard Implement' Generally. Send for illustrated eata ogue. A. B. FARQUBAR CO, ltd. YORK. TA 1 SH0E For Bala by L. P. BARBKUY Cliaton, N. C. If you are acrof alone, dyspeptic, rheumatic, troubled with kidney complaint, gbneral debility, lack ng strength, take Hood'a Banapa nlla. SIXTEENTH YEAR. WOOD'S COMMERCIAL COL LEO and NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE, 311 East Capitol St., Washington, D. C. Thorough! Practical! Complete! -- Students enter any time; open all the year. Civil Service course, $10. We prepare applicant until they pass the examinations. One of the most thorough and successful cor rtepondence schools in the country. A full year's instruction for $10 Send for enrollment blank and be i'm the preparation at once. 13t &zsml .SHnFln.c. DAN1ELEALLEN AND COMPANY. Tib Miisy Bssk I $4.85 JM'hCI.U. TAS1I )K It irt(JLK JJAhlUXaUlOT CJUNft. llai a f'ttacbabU I. rrad atra bv t . i J aul. rfu airrl ok-t4- ma has a I j m.; txt i. 3t9 1 ttaotror (Mr w k ait i C f ault nt-d nam. , t M ciUu. i.b sk.i i( . nil Lu m. r. dnpi d fi rri iri rta. na. cta uii piitl Kiim.rg'isS intik,iitsr 1 at .'ai. i a ft 0 eLckor4 fon-otf. O.ROTJO InJImk rd dotal f araltfevd la tlwaaf M !sk Worral. If wti4 ta laaatis BJaa'ar aai W -! a4iioaJ JULIUS im B1BDUABK CODPINT. R A LOOK. X. 9. XJU Ilawsj Ansl Wild TarkrT. Trere ,s ror.a..-n Lyy. staaul tave lltfcka aboat . ilnr mil rid of all tue j by not Tbt( elubrated Drsugbon Hawk Callx brtr r the kawka. yea sloaot lav to go to taen. And btrcaftar go oot with this l'al!r atd yonr gaa and rid joar farm tf ta?a trca blest asa iirds ard ilas year it ac4 daagbtera. Oaly Mveaty Ira iitu ach or a-x dollars par lucoa. 1 will nmlsh a perfect Tarkoy OsJlar at veul It rent each or aix dollars ir t i?u. O j rtpt of prleo 1 will t.d lallrra by asil to oar address. T .rt Rt.. 11. H. DKACaioy, Miiao( H. C. We have sn these Callers an Q'H their cry atd they are per fost trui'ators of tLo birds Uenstlves KJifor. CUAIANTECa $5,000 DEPOSn ft R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Sbetarals offan Wriw sales OA. -ALA. BUaiNEaaOOU.ECK.Maoon.Oi MARION BUTLER J Attoe' kt-at-La w, 60S and CCMTuckr Usillia, ltALKIQII, N. C. Pi a- t ices ia all SUU aad Faderal (urta. STOPPED FRXX ParaiBaaallf Car kf DR. tKEAT NERVE RESTORER Strsat, PbriaSaiaaia. cTTS l TIIIAI. 1 1. Pit n"wu k pf I fnMwa.MNi I mm toWm KMtff llwuiif.IikiuM. Ik I .rf Bit uALIFORiNIA King Gold Mines Company. 82 Broadway and 0f) aw Bt., Now York. JOHN P. J ONUS, rrafddomt. CAPITAL ltOOO,000 611 ABBS FAB VALUE, fft.OO T.AC n. FULL PAID-KOM-ASSIMAIII. DIKECTOBt: H.n. John P. Joaea, Gold Hill,Nv. U. H. Senator aad mine ownr. Qca Jams B. Graat,DBVr, r lo Ix Got. of Colorado, ef Gtaai Omaha 8mltlng Co. Hon H. F. Psttlgrsw, Slavs Fails. ii. I , U. H. tteaator. IIou. Wlllard Tllr, Daarsr, Cclo Atiarawy at Law. vm. C. Kac, Jr Philadelphia. Pa. Ral Eetate and laraat.. lohn C. ltfcntgomery, Dearer, Colo. Prea. Moatgonaery IavstaaoatCo. Ail Wells. Frg Co. a Bak. C3 SrosUsrmy, ZTaw Trk. Olfer 200.000 Shaits Triisinr Stick at J3.00 en Slrtie. The California King Gold Ulaea Oaatpaoy a was O elalans la pits ma Batlc, four milea from the Colorada Blrer la tallforala, aad H mliea by direct road from Tama, Aria. i v loprof nt work baa bea la pregraaa for tb last lx yaaxn, aad more than 10,000 feet of a hafts, orlfta, larala aad aata hata baaa Mm pletd and paid for by tho owaera. Upwards of fifteen million toaa of era ara bow r 4y far tba mill, all of whlca will be mined by opa aata at a aoaalaai ty'.. A contract baa bten entered into for tka ereetfoa of a mill and I cyanide plant capable of handling cuuipieitHi iuii jbi. iu uirwiun fuarsniM ini laia piaas win do placed in operation .regard leaa of theamoaat of traaaury stork aobci1brd. Tbe net profit after eommonrlnf opera tloaa will exceed $00,000 a month, and pi obably rtach $100,000 a anonth, wltola a year. Tbe ore m sight will enpplv auch a plant for more thaa forty years. The property la owned by the directors. There la no promotloa stock or promotion money. No salaries to cfisera. Iv ry dollar real zed from the sale of stock goes Into the treasury tc pay for tka pi aat. Not a fchare ot stock has been (.fared for saK beforv R pens of J. Ralston Bell, London ; Was A. lsk, Peavsr: Zaisr son Gi lonvr; P. U. Dubois Berkeley, Cl ; J. L, t irl and 'n, .11 m!i r: n Jul eg engineers, aree 10 rrinmnoi?f t!a proper. Apcluat.ou wl btmadtolist atocacntkaBoaKc tck Kxcbaage. Pfosp ctus and any In format ion daaLrc wll t- aiikad oa appli cation. Subsc lplions rectlved by 'HBCAL1FORNIA KING GOLD INK3 Ci..3U BROADWAY, N. Y. Kotks & Daka, 27 fitst Boston. TJCs. Pfiuck C JKa. Bwta Bldf. FhMadelph Paaa-o arr vohotbr. 411 WK4fi Ft. Pimaa ! i if alia I S4.85 H IGH J D f f TJ Jf JfOiGCl Y OUT Funilj! ny Uklac a ratio im tba id m tabiiaie4 aad UlfctWa Fidelit. Oilul Life hmm Cospiyj of rniLADixrjiiA. Far Urav raUs, ate., apply t Afreait. CU5TW1. .1. C GUARaMEHI) $900 JALAKI T K HI Men si.4 womeo of guoc td3f : rtprsseut a, tow- to tra-: a-.j t lag agents, others for 1 w ra l. k lag after our iotrsU IO r guarBle4 j early; eilra ccsiuim i eUklitbed Lous Of aad cL-.- t.r 'aarnest soaa or wi itisn to e. ; - '- aat, rrmaoent tton. litaral n t---and future. Now, Lrilliaal lUes n al waaa STAFroKI PKMH St hsreh ht . .fwHiirt l Crn llir tldera. Cot down your cota ta:k fodder l rndy to pall, aad a' fk titll r- rfc!y cry a.i nrl Tha Corn hhrldT "r 'n llutk and 'hredd'-r. or b- tlur sMU laTTbeCoia Cutur and lU-tWa'of will prepare ju o r nd iry enrs talks iBto atf IL-r,. a.d forage I'ric a fr jni $12 OJ v. Addrtwi: Ca-.h Hqjt riupotv , W. f. Ilarn.a Maaagar. luie'g. N. C. Hob. AaaT W. Ccle, Brooklyn , v. Y., Chair maa Board f gftata Kail read Ooaamliflaasm 6tllaoa Botchla, Vaahlartox, I. C Pabllihar aad aalna ewasr. narry U. Ocrhaaa, Cwvoa City, Var. Pssja. Ballom Bxchatjrs Baak aad Foat. Coanaaak aalaa. flaa sop baa vT. Doaw, M T. It U. Saaasar aad aalaa awaar. Jaroaaa B. Laaetald, JrM Biagfcas to a, If. T. iTiraatwr B1agaU Trast Oa. . B. Laodflald, Jr.. Boar ot ary a Traaaarar. L000 toaa of ore dally, which will bo . : II !!tl 1 1 1 1 ihmii 1 1 1 1 r