' . i t - THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED "K RT THURSDAY BY TBS CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. AVOTflEB FESUTXXTIARY DAI. SCAN sussciiPTicaiAns. M Tl Sla UoaUt, Thw MotUi, I.OO .60 8ft Ho. 11. We ere glad to nee that Benator Pritchard hM nolved the Wllaon post-office affair by recommending Dr. Penon for poitmanter. We learn that the Democratic Itedshirt Mach ine of Wilson are fighting Dr. Per son's confirmation on ,the ground that he la a man of "violent temper and dangerous" etc. This evidently means that the machine considers him to be a man of such character and courage that they can neither use him nor intimidate him; and there fore, their opposition on this ground should be their strongest recomend atlon. Dr. Person has been In the fore front of all the political conUsts In Mr. J. C. L. Bird Mate Cmm Ctoga of Crlty by IaltBtUry OffleUls. Col. Olds may disclaim npon.I bility for the article copied In your paper from The Atlanta Constitution and The News and Observer may declare It a big fake story:" but it was the naked, unvarnished truth. In fact, the author of that article did not do the subject justice, lie told only a part of the truth, for the conduct of the penitentiary au thorities In removing those convicts at the time, and in the manner it was done, Is a shame an J a d if grace to a civilized people. The camp where they had been quartered is Twenty-six miles from Marion. The road is the worst road In North Carolina Superintendent Mann had drivtn over it only a day or two before In the best rig the livery could furnish, and he was loud In his denudation of the con dition of the road. The weather was Intensely cold. The streams on the Mitchell side of the mountain were frozen over and the convicts walked across on the ice. Shackled together, two and two they marched over the frozen mud to the top of the mountain. On the McDowell side, it was not frozen hard enough to bear up the weight of a man so the menwere forced to march in mud,-in the middle of the road, from six inches to two feet deep and wade the streams. As the men dragged one foot after another, a truth of the above statement, viz: B. B Price, Geo. I. White, J. O. Xeal, IV. T. Morgan, D. N. Linson, W. W. Cooper, John Yancey. Jr., B.S. Cooper, W. B. 1UU1I, J. A. McDonald, De Bratx Cutler, Dr. Q. 3. Klrby ami a score of others. Respectfully, J. I. C. Bird, Marion, X. C Jan. 29, 1903. Wilson county. He has the confl denceofthe people of all parties; Is hoe wout,d come, ?14in the mud of good family and high a man character, and deserves the position. It Is natural that the redshirt mach should desire either Vick, the negro for postmaster, white man whom they could either use or Intimidate or at least whose conrage and strength of character they would have no cause to fear. BeUerTbaa Gold 'I wee troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and ner, voos debility," writes F. J. Green of Lancaster, N. II. "No remedy helpey me until I began using Elect ric Bitter, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept mp wife in ex cellent health for years, She says Electric Bitten are Juat splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can takes its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Batisfiaction guaranteed sold by all Druggists. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children wvile teeth ing. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoer. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughovt the would. OfAanotWtMr of humanity cholera lathe worst. Treatment to be effective must be prompt. When vomiting, purging and sweat announce that the disease is present, combat It with Perry Da vis' Painkiller. All bowel troubles, like dlarabcea, cholera morbus and dysentery are overcome by Pain killer. It is equally health promot ing all cLiaaatea, the convict would falter to get it but the guard, as I am reliably in formed, would jab him with a gun. curse him, and order him to move on. When they arrived in Marion, . I liiof hoCrira 11 io Vit fall . oftfir marchinc or some weaKneea j - 26 miles that aay, tney were wet and literally bedraggled with mud to above their knees. The shackles that bound them together were cov ered with frozen mud, and in many instances were large as the arm of a man The mud was so deep lint the shackle could not be held above it, and was dragged through it. They were wet. muddy, tired, worn completely out and almost dying. The guards would not allow them to march on the store sidewalks of the town, but kept them in the middle of the muddy streets. Two poor fel'ows, win had fainted 0'i the way, came in behind the others, one of them faltered in the street, and said he could go no further. He was ordered to move on. A citizen John Yancey, Jr, begged the guard to march the men on the sidewalk, and thus, they were par tially relieved. They were march ed to the cars, fed on nothing but cold bread and cold fat back. They were given a very small portion of corn whiskey, about a gallon for 160 men. Fifteea to twenty of the men were unable to walk, and were hauled in wagons. In one wagon were five men unable to hold up their heads, so a driver informs me. One of the drivers of tne wagon told me that they were given water about twice on the way. Finally, years ol the guard bf caine tired of listening, Halifax to the groans and requests for water and told them, "You need a damn eood whipping shut your damn mouths.' These men were removed from the wagon at the door of the car. One of them had every ap- At the time of this writing the Old State Arsenal is still resting on the Capitol Square. WANTED FAITHFUL PER SON TO TRAVEL, for well estab lished house in a few counties, call, ing on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 a week in a&b and expenses advanced. Position permanent. Buiine sue cessful and rushing. SUndard House, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. A SUSTAINING DIET. These are the enervating days, when, as somebody has said, men drop by the sunstroke as if the day fire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sustained; and this leads us to aay, in the interest of the less robust of our readers, that the fall effect of flood's Sarsaparilla is such as to suggest the propriety of call ing this medicine something besides a blood purifier and tonic, say, a sustaining diet. It makes it much easier to bear the heat, assures re freshing 6leep, and will without any ooubt avert much sickness at this time of year. The whole state will hear with deep regret of the sudden and un timely death of ex-Congressman Moody of Waynesvllle. He left Washington a few days ago suffer ing with an attack of grip, and threatened with what seemed to be pneumonia. He died of congestion of the lungs. He was a rugged mountaineer with considerable talent and served acceptably in several legislatures of the state, made a good record as Major in the Spanish War, and was Just finishing his flt term In Congress. Escaped and Awful Fate Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Consumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dj. King's New Discov ery, it surely saved my lire." Thi9 great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases sold by all Druggists. Price 50c & $1.00. Trial Bottles free. Where plus. is that Penitentiary sur- We clip the following from one of our exchanges: "W. A. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, In his argument before the com mittee while the London Liquor bill was being heard said: "I am a democrat, and have always been. I voted when I was fifteen age: we learn that in county." And, lo, this sweet scented ad vocate of righteous wound up by Nearly Forfeits His Life A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, HI. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Ardica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin eruptions and Piles. 25c at any Drug Store. now to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide your self and family with a bottle ot Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. It is almost certain to be needen before the sum mer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the nigul or in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to be the man successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by T. F. Saunders. WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY, gentleman or lady in each county to manage business for an old estab-J lishtd house of solid financial stand- ' ing. A straight, bona fide weekly J cash salary of $18.00 paid by check' each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, ' 340 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. STAND LIKE A STONE WALL. Between jour children P D OP TNS ATLANTA COHSTITUTIOI UPOt) TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS OF COTTON lot SEPT., 1902, TO 10th JAW., 1903. OOWTgOT PUOOEO DECEMBER Slot, IDOq MAGNIFICENT TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR OFFER. To tho one Making the exact, or the nearest to tho exact, estimate of thereeelpto of cotton AT all united status io KTBTrom sept. i. IOOS. to January 10. 1903 30,000 B,UUU I.OOO I. coo .2,000 1,000 I.OOO ooo - pop. To the next nearest estimate To the eecond next nearest To the five next nearest - S300ooch- To the ten next nearest - To the fifteen next nearest To the twenty next nearest To the fifty next nearest To the one hundred nearest 200 osch- lOOoach -60 oach. IO each- 0 each- Per distribution among those estimate not taking eny of the obove 203 prtzee) eom Ing within IfOOO bale either way of the exact nuros 010, ceo " a i y Should the exact figures have been Riven during the con-eat prior to Sept. I at tftere was offered to the successful estimate, if marie be for o then S30O Crand total . . Conditions of Sending Esi'tnr.izs In This Mammoth 020,000 m San a 1.23 for WEE RUT CUNSTITirilCN u) SINN Y fcorTIT. bctfc on aa4 aaa4 twa M l laMai 1 1 1 for to BCXXT 8QUTH aad potter m.a:i fir T3E CO "4 TC ft OX. 1 Sm4 91.00 forWEZKLYCONSTlTl-T.O:ioir-srB4 wit:H r.lliul tfca t. I Iwl S0 for 6CNNY 60CTU year aad ta it .c ratlra&ie I ! caataal 14 Send OOofor onoortlmalo aisr.3 -nto co-.toet If you don't want a subscription, r If veu wish to make a number of estl.-a-.cs oitliia tas spj m-yson THEE estimates for every OSSOOL LAR forwarded at the came t mo ca:imat;o r.ro cent If r.3 mr.ny r i TEW estimates ara aent at the sametlme, without subscrlp-.cn. tho nznior may forwrsM tem with only THMl dollars this ape dat discount being ofTorcd only to ectlm.tes of ten. A postal card receipt will be aent for each eatlmate ao recolvod. Wh: ro subscrip:lons aro cent tho arrival of the paper Itself la an acknowledge ment that your estlmato has born rccoiv :d " n J cm afuily recorded. IK1 Tlu .iul 111. mtlMIA. ui MUnU. anl n-st k Itl MTltN WNt HM Tfc Uom f tocthc TkU ml la positive. ( Ro MtlmtU mmt In ntll4 lUr (Un Dwmtr i:t, !W1 (7 la Moftta pos may prtM caCmtU. torn 0007 UJ l J'T 144. BUKK F03 SI.eO MO THREE ESTIMATES, WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION (To tM chB(a If utMcrlpttoo ud MtlaatM botk r M I PUBLISHER CONSTITimOS. Atlanta, Ga. Katar THE EE MUmtM. lot ma. for ac:oMd. la four carnal oaataa at fa Da war Upon Total Port Receipts September I. 1902, to January 10. 1903. 1st 2d 3d I I I I Name. PostofBce. eeeeeeeeeeeeaaasaea aeeeeeeee State jrOTJC If you wish only ONE estimate In ttaa contest aad FIFTY CKlTO ama BO ant aaTy as Baa at blank. If you wUUTBN tatimaies la tna contMt Mad Til tt KB DOLLARS a4 vrtta yaar awa Scaraa alalnlr lfyoa wlah to aabaerlbetoTHE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION or S UXWT SQPTHL at aatt. aeabcn aflatas. maka ramlttaact Indicated and tend tatimates FREE od rati mala faraaabyaaraaaaartyOaa. atlvtSt we eoaunnaNoa, couguii uixb coupon Kcoruintiy uiu wnmomm wm or urn caora. Turn FORT ElCUFTa ssr Caa aa (ear raa Craaa Baa f bar caraack M aaa aVaa mt Jaaaary. are aa eU4 ra la n allj aa aatata raat aatlmala ts Uia wian. It Is eat avaoaaaary I ttaaiaa ytm aatiaiata atra It ta oaa aiyj aatTiaaaa an aaa )oat vaa DOttOB T Tatal Baaetpai raasajT la inM.a e aa aaae ..! ISaS-7.. aa aa aa a .le.fTt IM74,.oiMaia. llll.ni I89S-S .. ae aa aaae CIM.m ISl00w aa aaae 4.07.S&i I VOO-OI ... 4.S04SI4 ISOI-OZ.. ... a, a a.U7.0lt SaerataJT Haatar. aff UM area? Ortaaaa Cottoa ITnaaagat ana aRUrtaJ Ola Ooa't f arret. rtOOOO aaerteal ' mm aatUtaa ta tba iraai Address all erdera to ATLANTA, GA. i saying, the Democratic party has always been the party of morality." pearance of being dead he was stark Ye Gods! What shall we exoect and 8lifft and next?" The Elizabeth City North Caro lina makes the following pertinent remark: The Wilson Democrats who in 1898 and 1900 clamored so long and loud for white supremacy have now reached that stage where you have to hold their mouth open and pour It down them." An exchange takes this the feelings of two of the defeated candidates for the Benatorship: "Watson evidently has that "tired feeling." As for Craig he can go home and ruminate upon the promises of the his face was covered with a cloth. Mr. John A . McDon aid. who saw this eays he looked like a dtad man. About a month ago, a lot of sick men were brought Irom the camps and shipped to Raleigh when they arrived at the depot, they were or dered to get out of the wagons. As they did so, from sheer weakne?s, some of them fell and their faces were buried in mud. They were unable to extarlcate thcmeselves. After a time, a guard ordered the stronger ones to pull those who had fallen out of the mud, and they were laia on tne piaitorm oi me view of depot. Mr. Geo. I. White, cashier of the First National Bank saw this sickening sight. When the convicts were first sent to the road in Mitchell county about a year ago, it was a very cold tinne. When they reached Tar river, near Spruce Pine, the river was running SHORT DAIRY COURSE Young men working upon the farms can nearly double their pres ent wages by taking a six weeks1 course in dairyins: at the A. & M. Colleg for the olored Race, Greens boro, N. C. Winter Terms began Jan. 5-1903, Spring Term will begin March, 23-1903. For terms, ets., address Prof. J. Henry Bluford. director of the Department of Agri culture and Chemistry, and for cata logue and general information ad dress Pres. Jas. B- Dudley, A. & M. College, Greensboro, N. C. Scene in the Valley de- Mend iz, Portugal. fid tortures of iiching and burniDg ec zema, scald head and other skin diseases How? why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest hf aler. Quickest cure foi Ulcars, F. ver Sores, Salt Rheum, Cues, Burns or Bruises. Infallible fo Piles. 25c at all druggists. Seld by R. H. Holliday Gioup ,f iitrta t'wrryliijj llD.ket Hill of ;raett Wluery to be Cmalicd ffiude Into tVlue, Welsh ta to the Ud atmM.nn . , . . , I witii musu ice. iim vuuvicis weic timmuuB uiacmne ana eionoua . . . . . . oraerea to waae ine river, ana iney uukkiuk no received ai ine nanas ot aidt j m informed by men who say 1 Mr. JFritchard In the last campaign" they were present and saw it, that the euards rode acrosss the river on MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy, either sex, by whole sale Merchandise Company of solid financial standing, to manage Local Representatives who will organize clubs among consumers. 40 per cent saved for our customers. Business no experiment but a proven success. Salary $18.00 a week, expenses ad vanced. Experience unnecessary. Address D. B. Clarkson, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St., Ohicago, 111. My little son han an attack of whooping cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for chamber lain's cough remedy we would have had a serious time oi it. It also saved him from several severe at tacks of croup. H. J. Strlckfaden, editor World-HerJd; Fiir Haven, Wasi. For sale by T. F. Sauatfers. -AT- J. L. TYNDALL'S OLE) from the Northern TTood art la Pjny-Bateaia, the certain ears tor coatfi. Senator Doughton has introduced a bill in the senate for $400,000 bond Issue of 3 1-2 per cent Bonds and still members of this legislature are constantlg introducing bills to Increase salaries, make new offices, on the backs of the convicts. There can be no excuse offered why it was necessary to remove those men in such weather. There is no human reason why a number jl mvu. wiiu ait? iaju Bit; a tu uum uu t their heads should be dumped into their rich, a waeon and hauled in such weather . character The Speer Wine Company, rassaic N. J., have their vineyaids stocked of the same grape, the only vineyard of the kind in this country, the vines were imported and planted here over forty years ago. The Speer Port wine and Burgundy are now regarded the finest in the world, full body and .high is unexcelled. In- and make the State pay money stolen and over sach roads 26 miles in one i vahds weakly persons, especially . 1.1-.. o..s Tr I f pm nl i; a nrl fii acrprl nrc marl by on Individual simply because it was stolen from a domocrat. Wouldn't the voters and tax-payers of North Carolina feel better if the management of the State Peni tentiary would show the people the of tQOSe slck men riav. Rnrarintanrient conversed, or ought to have been, I strong and vigorous by its use, as with the condition of the men un- a meaicinai wine it nas no equal; der him, he knew what the weather as a family wine it has no super was, and he knew the condition of lor- First class physicians all over the roads. The physician in charge I th country, here and in Europe ifOAnmamit,fi,.n: r 7J who have tried them recommend ii i i ia iu. ,1 tnem as tne best. iuo tMMJB ui uuuiauiiy, tut? iciuu v ax surplus that the democrats say they have to their credit. It is posssble that Watson and Craig will get together and try to invent a new "Democratic Machine" They evidently must think that the one now in use is about worn out. A member of the Legislature has offered a resolution to turn the State Penitentiary into an insane asylum. What an Insane Idea. If it was necessary to remove them, certainly any reasonable man knows that 26 miles is too far to march men, shackled together, in one day. One mile is too far to march them through mud as deep as the mud is on that road. Such conduct of the authorities deserves the most severe condemnation, and should be at once investigated. The solicitor of the district, Hon. Joseph F. Spainhour, has been noti fied of the occurinc3, and it's up to him to see what he will do at the next term of our court. The following gentlemen, among the best men in town, know the A close study by physicians on the effect of different brands of wines on the system convinces them of the superiority of the Speer Passaic wines for their patients. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. Agents Wanted LIFE OF T. DEWTTT TA1LMAGE, by his Son, Rev. Frank Dewitt Talmage and associate ediitors of Christian Heral. . Only book endorsed by Tal mage family. Enormous profit for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents. Write immediately Clarke and Co.. 222 S. 4th St. Phila. Men tion this paper. MINNEAPOLIS MINN. Raleigh to Minneapolis, Minn., and return at rate of one fare for the round trip plus $200, account Na tional Educational Association. Tick ets on sale July 4th, 5th, and 6th, limited returning July 14, 1902. An extention of the final limit to October 1st, can be secured by depos iting tic&et with the Joint Agent, Minneapolis on or before July 14th, and on payment of fee of 50c. TNE CHAM BERLIN Screw Etnip MacMie. The ontr Stump Machine In the world that ncceasfnUy polls all classes and alxea of stum pa. BUKUTACTUXKS BT TVS CHJIMBERLINIRF6.C0. OLEAN. K. Y. 1 Write for Catalogoa Price List. and "WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY a gentleman or laday in each county to manage business for an old estab lished house of solid financial stand ing. A straight bona fide weekly cash salary of $18.00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expanses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease, Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you most take inter nal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of tbe best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Prop's Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A nice line of Merchandise, Dry Goods and Notion, Shoos, Ilata, Caps, Ac, at most any price to suit. In fact they 1 ZM7CTST BE SOLD. Groceries, Flour, Meat, Meal, Molassas, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Candy, Crackers, Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Extracts, &c Tobacco and Snuff, OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS, Soaps, Soap Powders, Gold Dust, Washing Powders, &c. Just come and see for it Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Ac, and nice line of na. ness, Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Halters and so so. Everything a prices that make it go, and it ZMTCTST BE SOLD. Also sell BLACK DEATH, the gr?at Insect destroyer, kills all kind of insects on collard, cabbage and all other kind of plants. Don't fall to see me, I will save yon money. Yours for bargains, J. L TYHDALL "o)ro)ro) NEW FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS ISM And Notions, Dress Goods, all color, Silk, all wool cotton waistings Ginghams, Ontingings, &c, Handkerchiefs, Laces and Embroidery. Best line of Knit Glovep, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets. Our underwear embraces a complete range of quality and prices rom the lowest to the very best, for Men Women and Children. Hosiery in staple and fancy novelties, Hate and Caps for Men and Boys. Neck laces always something new. . Carpets, Matings, Rags and Oil Cloth, Trunk Salt Cases and Hand Bags The best and most complete line of shoes shown in Clinton, ard make, Hamilton Brown and other high grades. Call and examine our stock before buying. Will save yon money and quality. ': Yours truly, U P. BARBREY, - CLINTON, N,C. PERS0AL TO SUBSCRIBERS WE WILL SEND to every subscriber or rea4er of Thk Caccasiaw a full sized ONW DOLLAR package of ViT-ORE, by mail, POSTPAID, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid fur within one month' time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him ur her more rood than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or ?uod doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever used. READ this over again cafullr, and understand tbat we ask our pay only when it has done you good, and not b-fore . We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it do-s not benefit you.vou pay us noth ing Vitse-Ore is a natural, hard, adamantine rock-like substance mineral - Ore mined from tbe ground like gold and silver, and requires about twenty years fo oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and one package will equal in medical strength and curative valu- 800 gallons of the most powerful., efficacious mineral water, drunk fresh at tb aprings It is a geological discovery, to which there i nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel of thi century f r curing such disease as Rheumatism, Bright' Iis eae, Blood Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Diphtheria, Catarrh and Throat AfiVe tionr, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Aliments, Mtomsch and Female Disorders, La Grit pe, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and General Debility, as thou sands testify, and aa no one, answering this, writing for a package, will deny after using. Give age. ills acd sex. Thi offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afteri ' the gratitude of ev ry living person who desire better health, or wboouft,. pains, Ms and diseases which have defied the med;cal world and grown worse with age We care not for your skeps cism, but ask vcur investigation, and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. You must not wiite on a postal card. In answer to this, addreai THKO. NOEL COMPANY DEPT. L.FM627. 529,581. W. North Ave, Chicago, 111. , ' JOSHUA B. f., S2S psx7ttte?rill Street. Iargt$t and best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES in the city.

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