THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED Z CRT THURSDAY BYTIIK CAUCASIAN PUD. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. M YMT, . Sl-OO SI Month., . . .00 Three Month a. . .85 1T 11 HO. rsfetcouj 11. A HA.MPLK OF DKMOCHATIC "ECO NOMY AMD GOOD OOVKIISME.N'T fupport blm because nobody knows what be will stand for until after be Is elected, if be ahould be elected. The present situation illustrates ex actly the sum and ssbstance of Boutbern democracy, a party of negation, without principles except for campaign purpOHea, and ready to support any candidate that can get the backing of Wall Street provided it will enable them to win. They re now playing me same game that they played when they put Grover Cleveland in the vbite House. It baa now developed that it will be necessary for the legislature to provide for Ineuing over k!x hun dred thousands dollars of bonds to meet deficits and keep the Btate Democratic Administration going. Last year when it became necefwary for Governor Aycock and his Treas urer to borrow two hundred thous and dollars, it seems that they tried to keep the fact secret. When letters were written to the Statn Treasurer asking If the State had borrowed that amount or any other amount of money, the Treasurer was slow in answering, and the facts were first given out by Benator Bimmons in his speech in the Demo cratic Btate Convention, at which time he tried to auologize and ex plain away the causes for the deficit, The Democrats at that time attemp ted to charge that this $260,000 loan was made necessary on account of the debts created by the former fusion administration. That charge was promptly denied and di proven with fart; but even if that charge were true, what explanation can Democrats now make for borrowing and additional four hundred thous and dollars? Th fact is that when the Demo cratic Legislature got control in 1898 there was in th hanis of Treasurer Worth of the Btate over one thous and dollars in csh, and if that Democratic Legislature had not largely increastnl appropriations and exM"nef, including salarhs for new Cillers created, it would not have been nece-sary to have borrowed money, sold bond', or run the state In debt. This same Democratic Legislature required Treasurer Worth to sell one hundred and thirty-six thousand dollars worth of bonds which were purchased by the Btate In 1885 out of the surplus revenues . that were raise I, to pay the interest on the four pr-cent bonds. A for mer Democratic Treasurer had al ready sold one hundred and thirty thousand dollar worth of these bonds to meet former deficits created by Democratic legislatures. The remainder 01 these bonds were turned over in 1896 to State Treas urer Worth and by him were held intact and never a dollar of them used to pay expenses created by the fusion legislatures, and it was not until another Democratic legislature came In power that they forced the Bile of the remainder of these bonds. So It will be seen that it was by the action of the Democratic ltgis latures that the whole amount of these bonds, that is, two huudred and seventy-two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, had been sold to meet Democratic df fi its: and that, in addition, they soon there after borrowed two hundred thous and dollars more. Now they pro pase to l-sue bonds to borrow four hundred thousands dollars more making over six hundred thousands in all. This is a Jsample of Demo critic 'economy and good govern ment". The Washington Post ventures the following remark: The Maryland man who Is ask ing for a pension because he was frightened during the war between the States will be sure to put a no tion into the heads of the Boston folk who were so thoroughly fright ened at the inception of our war with Spain. The scare up that way was so pronounced that the famous Mahan and his board of strategy took extraordinary means to protect Boston Harbor from the phantom Spanish fleets." Mis Beosevett sad Miss Root Lssts for Xew OH 1 Washington, Feb. 15. Miss Alice Roosevelt and Miss Boot, daughter of BecreUry Boot, left Washington to-day for New Orleans to attend Mardi Oris festivities. Of AS IMl of humanity cholera la the worst. Treatment to be effective most be prompt. When vomiting, purging and sweat announce that tee disease Better Tfcaa Gold "I vres troubled for several with chronic indigestion and ner, voas debility," writes F. J. Green of Lancaster, N. II. "No remedy helpey me until I began using Elect ric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept top wife in ex cellent health for years, She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can takes its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Bat inflation guaranteed sold by all Druggists. U present, combat It with Perry Da vis' Painkiller. All bowel troubles, like dlaraboea, cholera morbus and dysentery are overcome by Pain killer It b equally health promot- years , ing all cUsates. Gov. Aycock proposes to make the Bond issue $500,000 instead of $400,000 as was first proposed. Had it occurred to the Governor and the Legislature that the Bonds would have to be met with 4 per cent interest some day. But then it is more than likely they do not anticipate having control of the Btate Government when that time comes. Well things do point that way. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup has been used for children wvile teeth ing. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoer. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughovt the would. WANTED FAITHFUL PER SON TO TRAVEL, for well estab lished house In a few counties, call, ing on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19.79 a week in cash and expenses advanced. Positl m permanent. Business suc cessful and rushing. Standard House, S3 4 Dearborn St, Chicago. The Watts whiskey bill with i s amendment passed the House of Reprf fentatives last Friday night. It will have to go to the Senate now and will probably have other amendments attached to it befor it parses that body.. This bill U said to have b en drawn by Messrs bim mons and Aycock. BHOKT DAIRY COURSE Young men working upon the farms can nearly double their pres ent wages by taking a t-ix weeks' course in dairying at the A. & M Colleg for the olored Race, Greens boro, N. C. Winter Terms began Jan. 5-1903, Spring Term will begin March, 23-1903. For terms, ets., address Prof. J. Henry Bluford, director of the Department of Agri culture and Chemistry, and for cata logue and general information ad dress Pres. J as. B- Dudley, A. & M. College, Greensboro, N. C. A SUSTAINING DIET. These are the enervating days, when, aa somebody has said, men drop by the inmtroke as if the day fire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sustained; and this leads ns to say, in the interest of the less robust of our readers, that the fall effect of Rood's Sar&aparilla is such as to suggest the propriety of call ing this medicine something besides blood purifier and tonic, say, a sustaining diet It makes it much easier to bear the heat, assures re t resting sleep, and will without any nonht Avert much sicknAita .t thi time of year. Mr Earnrat Haywood, a Prominent Law yer, !Sht and killrd Mr, hud low Skii nr, In frcnt or the I'ost Office Saturday Afternoon Saturday afternoon Mr. Ludlow Skinner was shot and killed by Mr. Ernest Haywood. The shooting occurred in front of the rost office, but it seems that very few, if any, saw the first shot fired, but it is claimed by many that the second shot was the fatal one, Mr. Skin ner went across the street after he was shot and turned as if to come back to the post office, but fell near the street cr track, where he died a very few seconds afterwards. The exact cause of the shooting is not known, but it is supposed it was on accout of afftirs connected with the Skinner estate, and some family troubles. iioth oi the lamilies are among the most prominent in the state. Mr. Haywood is a prominent lawyer of this city and Mr. Skinner was promjnent business man, and a son of Dr. Thos, Skinner, of this city. Haywood was committed to jail, AFTER THE PLEStl fo 1 8 AGAIN. Every day there is renewed evi dence of the apostasy of the South ern Democrats. They lose no oppor tunity In throwing boquets at Wall Street and Tammany and the North ern and New England Democrats They lose no opportunity to make these elements understand that they are ready to desert their declared principles of 1896 and 1900 and to enter into a league with Tammany and Wall Street Democrats on any platform and with any candidate ; that will win and enable them to again reach the pie-counter and fetd from the fleshspots. Almost every day we see declarations from South ern D3mocrats that they favor Judge Parker of New York for President. What does Judge Par ker stand for? Nobody knows He Is a colorless statesman". He has no defined position on any nat ional question; has been a local re cluse on the bench, and has never taken any part in N AWFUL, TltAUfcDY IS UALEIGH Escaped and Awful Fate Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Consumption and nothing could be d ne for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for for Consumption, induced me to try it. Jesuits were startling, l am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Di. King's New Discov ery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases sold by all Druggists. Price 60c & $1.00. Trial Bottles free. Nearly Forfeits Hla Life A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Ardica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin eruptions and Piles. 25c at any Drug Store. At the time of this writing the Old State Arsenal is still resting on the Capitol Square. In effect January 13th, 1903 now to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide your self and family with a bottle oi Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. It is almost certain to be needen before the sum mer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the nigut or in your busiest season. It is j ery where admitted to be the mmi successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by T. F. Saunders. Some On'i Been Talking-. Greenville Reflector. The next nomination of a Demo crat for the presidency ought to have attached to it an iron-clad con tract that if he is beaten he will keep quiet for at least four years. THE SAIXT LOUIS AND SAN FRAN CISCO K. R- OFFERS TO THE COIiONIST. Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas Nebras ka, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and This condensed Fchedule is pun ished as information and is sub- ect io change without notice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH, N. C. 12 . 0 a. m. No. HI daily for Grejn.-boro and local points. Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh to Greens boro, open for occupancy at 9.00 p. m. connecting at Greensboro with train No. 39, "Atlanta Express. Pullman sleepnr and day coaches to Atlanta, Pullman Tourist sbeper to San Francisco Cal., Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays via New Or leans and Southern Pacific. No 33, "Floriday Express," for Charlotte, Columbia and Savannah, Pullman sleeper to Jacksonville. Port Tampa Charleston and Aeusta connections for all points in Florida. No. 37, Washington and Southwestern Limited," solid Pullman train draw ing room sleepers, New York to New Orleans and Memphis, con nection is also made for Winston- Salem, Wilkesboro, Danville and local stations 5:20 a. in. No. 112 daily for Goldsboro and local stat ions: connecting at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilming ton, N. C, Wilson, N. C, Tarboro, N, C, Norfolk, Va., and immed iate stations, also at Goldsboro with Atlantic and North Carolina Rail way for Kinston, N. C, Newberne, N. C, and immediate stations. 8 56 a. m. No. 107 dally for Greensboro and local stations, con nects at Durham for Oxford, Hend erson, Keysville and Richmond. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with train No 36. U. S. "Fast Mail" for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New York and Richmond; close connection for Winston-Salem, Mocksville and local stations, with train No. 7 for High Point, Balisbury, Charlotte and local stations. 10 30 a. m. No. 108 daily for Goldsboro and all local points, con nects at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and all Eastern North Caro lina points. At Goldsboro for Wil mington, Kinston, Newberene, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., where close connection is made with Chesapeake Line for Baltimore and all other outgoing steamers. 3.53 p. m. No. 135 daily for Greensboro and immediate stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksville, Keysville daily except Sunday. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday At Greensboro with train No. 29 for Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston, Pullman sleeper and first class coaches Washington to Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 "U. S. Fast Mail" for Atlanta and all points south and southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birmingham and New Orleans, day coaches Washington to New Orleans, also with north bound trains No. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleep ers and observation car to New York; connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and at Salisbury to Memphis. 4.12 p. m, No. 136 daily for Goldsboro and local stations. C. H. Ackert, General Manager. W. A. Turk, Pass. Traf. Manager. S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Wash ington, D. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or lady in each county to manage business for an old estab lished house of solid financial stand ing. A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of $18.00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton BIdg., Chicago. STAND LIKE A STONE WALL. Between ycur cn noun aa u tortures of itching and burning ec zema, scaldheid and other skin diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure foz Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, uts. Burns or Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 25c at al druggists. Sold by R. H. Holliday MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy, either sex, by whole sale Merchandise Company of solid financial standing, to manage Local Representatives who will organize clubs among consumers. 40 per cent saved for our customers. Business no experiment but a proven success. Salary $18.00 a week, expenses ad vanced. Experience unnecessary. Address D. B. t larkson, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. MINNEAPOLIS MINN. Raleigh to Minneapolis, Minn., and return at rate of one fare for the round trip plus $2 00, account Na tional Educational Association. Tick ets on sale July 4th, 5th, and 6th, limited returning July 14, 1902. An extention of the final limit to October 1st, can be secured by depos iting tic&et with the Joint Agent, Minneapolis on or before July 14th, and on payment of fee of 50c. Indian Terry's. national affairs. Q the following dates: t i u vit-ii oi A February 17th. March 3rd and 17th x, rams vicar luaii vr an cureui l-i I . .. , . , - " "Ivertislng matter, Bates ndnfor-f T. E. Green, City Ticket Agent, selected as the colorless candidate to ' matloa to W. T Saunders, G. A. P. .Ofilca in. Yroto ouae BuWoAng, enable the Southern Democrats to D., Atlanta, Ga, ( Raleigh, N. u. TNE CHAM BERLIN Screw KtuiD Machine. The onlj Stamp Machine in the world that BUccesBfully polls all clatWri and atxea of (tump. MAirtTTACTUUD BT In CHARBERLIN RIFG.CO. OLEAN. K. Y. U I an GAS in (jufn)rfT ill Wliil I OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION UPON TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS OF COTTOn lot SEPT.y 19Q2t TO 1Qth JAM., 10O3. 9 MAGNIFICENT TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR OFFER. ft To the one Making tho exact, or tho nearest to the exact, eoTlmote of the receipts of cotton AT ALL UNITED STATES PORTO from Sept. I. I0O2, to January IO. 1903 00,000 Tothe next nearest estimate To the second next nearest To the five next nearest -S300 oach- To the ten next nearest To the fifteen next nearest To the twenty next nearest To the fifty next nearest To the one hundred nearest 200 oach lOOoach - OO each IO oach 6 oach fi.OOO I.OOO 1,000 0 AAA . I.OOO I.OOO OOO 2 For distribution among those estimates not tnttlng any of tho abovo SOS prtxoo) ingwitnin I.OOO baie elthr way or tha oiact nurcs oe e o 010,000 saseo I7.CW S.SOO Should tho oiaet figure have been given tiuflc t h contaat prior to Sopt. I t thoro was offorod to tho successful estimate. If irf.ide fro'ora then , Grand total 020,000 Condttlono of Sending Ectinn:1 os it: This Mammoth 020,000 Ccatsst If yu DOL flj Se4tl.83 brWUKLT t.iX.riTl rivN ul sVSNr 'CT:!. bets rr. tww Mtatti for Qm BCXKT SOCTH and ei!er Jma-a f I :i i: f) "! : TC r l"X J Bead S1.S0 for WEEKLY COXSTii I T::; o- j sr a4 'Ot U mm tlt la t Bit SSe to SCR WT SOUTH on. 7. r l . ih 11 irtiaaalf ta lU . (4 Send OOo for one estimate ai?r.o 'nt.e contest If you don't wont m oubaofiptlo. or wish to make or umber of estimates on this br.s syou m;y send THREE ostl mates for ovory ONI LAR forwarded at tho same t me ootimatrs vznt. If as many as TEN estimates are sjsnt at tho sometime, without subscription, th 3 s?n:or mey forward them with only THREE doilarothlo opo olal discount being offered only to cstim tes of ten. A postal card receipt will bo eent for oach estimate so received. Whc re subscript ions aro sent the arrival of tho ps per Itself Is on acknowledge ment that your estimate has boon reccivsd end carefully recorded. t Ta noney and thr Merfptioa aa lb Mtiraat niu.t cow ta Us a aa vatoaa avary Boa ga tataUMt. Tats r al la aealtira. t Ita aa'lmatt most ba Mailed itur than f ir br iC2. (7 la aaaa afa Vm apoa aa? arlsa astimat. to. mwj will fc aqaaMf att4d. BURI FOR Sf.eO MO THREE ESTIMATES, WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIOL (To at eniBfad If ubacrtpt'.om asd aativatea botk ara aaai PUBLISHER! CONSTITUTION. Atlaata, Ra. Satar TBBEK atHmai for aia, for l 00 asrioMd. la roar nmil can Mat a faOawal Upon Total Port K ocelots September l. 1902, to January 10. 1903. 1st 2d 3d Name. .. ......... ...a... .. Postoffico. .... a ........... State HOTKIf yon wtab only ONE estimate tn the contest, FIKl'T CSTS ssd fin est emly iuuu;giijii isn nHnuM laiHnDUHHna iiiKKK ilULlaAU ataiat oisa yv Dsssf rlaJniy fyoB wtoh to abeerlbs to THE WEEKLY COXSTT TUTION or BtJKlTTDUTH, or solves aAeaCaiad, make ramlttaac Indicated and tend rstimatrs FREE one estimate for aaaa y early susiulitleB, w for the eossbinatlOB, caanfing this eonpoa accordingly and eoeloee wttS STATtSTTOB OS surra?, cmors. rns roar axcxrrrs s iiiar I kraaS ite Sjo msj Says mt iuatrr, st ieeaj te eld yse U aaabti- aa foastaV It la ta Total rort OsSsa Ecv sat. fee aery I Ql 4SSS-' UST-SSU aaMaM 4S9S-S... . mm mmm SIM MS (StS-ISOO aa mmm, AtOT tH iOrOlM e aa aa aa 4.S04SIS lOi-0.. M. M M S.IS7.0I0 lestee. of tke Hew . ana taxe la tSa Maat- Boaaesr aa tisraisa eaUyi tat UJaaa aaaa pm eaed aa e oe ease llltltl - aa aa aa mm SI S.7t i.ttim Doart Oes Cor wtU amUtaa aa Ojs sraat tmOOO ee row meade ATLANTA, GA. My little son han an attack of whoopinjr cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for chamber lain's cough remedy we would have had a serious time of it. It also saved him from several severe at tacks of croup. H. J. Strickfaden, editor World-Hertld, Fiir Haven, Was!-. For sale by T. F. Banaiers QJ5) -AT-- J. L. TYND ALL'S Halisms from the Northern Wood Bral&lityfalaaiTtbooettsinoanforoongtub WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or laday in each county to manage business for an old estab lished house of solid financial stand ing. A straight bona fide weekly cash salary of $18 00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expanses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton BIdg., Chicago. Write for Catalogue and Price List. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease, C atarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies Halls Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined witn the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two ingredients is si hat produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Prop's Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A nice line of Merchandise, Dry Goods and Notions, Shoes, Hat Caps, c, at most any price to suit. In fact they IMITTST BE SOLID. Groceries, Flour, Meat, Meal, Molassas Sigar, Coffee, KIo, Candy, Crackers, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Extracts, Ac Tobacco and Hnuff, OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS, Soap, Soap Powders, Gold Dust, Waahicff Powders, Ac. Just come and see for it IMITTST BE SOXJD. Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, tc, and nice line of II ness, Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Halters and so so. Everything prices that make it go, and it IMITTST BE SOLD. Also sell BLACK DEATH, the gr?at Insect destroyer, kills all kind of Insects on col lard, cabbage and all other kind of plants. Don't 'all to see me, I will save you money. 1 Yours for bargains, J. L. TYNDALL NEW FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS And Notions, Dress Goods, all color, Silk, all wool cotton waistings Ginghams, Outlngings, &c, Handkerchiefs, Laces and Embroidery. Best line of Knit Glovep, Ladies' and Misses' Jackets. Our underwear embraces a complete range of quality and prices rom the lowest to the very best, for Men Women and Children. Hosiery in staple and fancy novelties, Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. Neck laces always something new. Carpets, Matings, Rugs and Oil Cloth, Trunk Suit Cases and Hand Bags PERS0AL TO SUBSCRIBERS WE WILL SEND to every subscriber or rfaer of ThsCaccasuvs folJ fized ON DuLLAR package of V.TOKB, by mail, POTPJUI, offlcler r. r oof month's trea'mnt, io be paid f r within me month'- timafr receipt, if the receiver cin trutnfu ly say that its ue hss done bim . r her more rood than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or ;.od doctors or l atent medl -lns be or she has ever used. READ this over arin ca fullr, snd understand that we ask our pay only when it has d me you rood, and not before. We tke all the risk ; yu hve rot bine to 1 se. I f it do not benefit you. vu pay us nob inr Vitae-Oreis a natural, hard, adamantine rock-lik substance mineral Ore mined 'rom the g'ou d like gold and silver, and requires shoot twenty yean fo- oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and rqsrn-sium. and one package will equal in m dies! strength and curative valu-800jrt Ions of the most powerful, efficacious mineral water, drunk fresh at th -pnrrs It is a geological discovery, to wh h there I nothing addel or taken from. It ft the marvel of th century f r curing snch disasea Kbeumatis r.. Bright' Iie-ea-w, BIool Poisoning. Hesrt Trouble, Diphibe'ia, Catarrh snd Throat Aff-c-. tione. Liver, Kidney and Bladder Aliments, Mtomaeh and Female La, Ma ariai Fever, Nervona Pro-tration and General lebility, as thoo sands testify, and aa no one. answering this, writing for s package, will derT after using-. Give age. il's aid sex. Thi offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and after! the gratitude of v ry living person w bo desire better besith, or who sun,. pains, i Is and diseases which have defied the med cal world ard gron worse with age We care not f.r your skept cUm, but ask vur inveatiga'ioo. and at our expense, regsrdless of wbatills jou have, by sending to u for a package. a. uu uiuBt uvt wit. i'u u p si cara The best and most complete line of shoes shown in Clint) a, ard make, Hamilton Brown and other high grades. Call and examine our stock before buying. Will save yon money and quality. 1 Yours truly, JL. P. BARBREY, OLISTOK,K.O. K29 rwJJhl' ?ire" T?.f0' X0KL COMNY DKPT. L.rt27, 529. oil, w. JMorth Ave., Chicago, 111 . JOSHUA B. j. r. mmM& a s.. -sGROCERSs- laxgtsX sd best stock oi STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES In the dty.