CAUCASIAN. J VOL. XXI. ALEIGK9 NORTH G A 1 1 ( ) L I X A , T H U US D A Y v M A U C II 12. 1903. XO. ! ! ? 1 CONGRESS ADJOURNS Winding lp of the last Session of Poth Koiises M) t.NAMMCl'S VOTE OF THANKS Mr .sr.. 1 1 on r ami Lodge Hitch on Urn I'hiiippiuc Question - C losing V.'! h l n,- foil vi n ! i 'or, i':if. I;i y bj cr' ts t: . ej' i .' Tbe Fifiy- 'Xtin i at n. n liri.itntioii. In niiny re in; m . ii were Kimi- I.::- t at (!: lu! of fery Coii lV' ry f'ti'r frU;. 1 owevcr ' ! i- 'tii i'.i.r.f.rnt iou whi-'-h materi- ;! .' i: -uoy a tic pro. c d:n);:- in the t . l : t the xj irution of a Con- in Hi" 1 f 1 1 :. Is very tiiii'h fh- h iirn. Mnt tlere b:is not li.'f'ii in i .rniv y.-m-f. i-nrli ,t tb nin.irdi at I n in t!i Mi m: ar; o: lined, owing to the t t;:t Sp' J: !; Henderson wan rc t;ii;iM. !'t .:ily n.i presiding officer J: ".ii li;u I f ')'!: , bat from the House ;i ;i ir.f'iil.. r. Yi f l,iitT partisan fed 1 r' ili.'it ban biiritii!; up in t h r Hoitse "i !(;..( st m :itlvc-u during the ii:it. f.i I ;i pit ii which prevented ! ' ' - '. c r fi;,i rri (iir.i? the ru;ni ;i; I'Kiviil of tli- I If)i:s- when the nsobitiou or" thinks ami cotir offi f it. More tlian this, the ll.Ollfi t ? ' 1 1 1 1 ion bad to i nine from the Ke 1 ili!i'-;in .side. niKl while this has iic- Mii(l before, it i-.-i not the usual cus tom. Tin' usual iKiliition of thanks to I'm" iih nt I'ro Tempore I'rye was unaii adopted in tbe Senate. M.t). TALKS A MILL TO DKATH. Tkh y inn ago, when the Fifty-sixth 'ofiimtM expired, it wa.-; rema; kalile not only for (he second inauguration of Vu . Mi-tilnlcy. Imt ali,o for the Li' ( tint Senator Carter, of Montana, talked th" i i v 4 r and harbor bill to !e,'.!h. v. hi.h occupied the time of the 'i rat" up to within a i'cw minutes of the t nd. Senator Mason, whose term ei tied :t lifion, talked an unimport :it bill to death, but in his valedictory ii. lectured the N-nate for its unlini- iUd debate vhieh allow; bills to ! e Iv !!?" I in that manner .".lad ii fin: .1 pl".i for , and hl also the freedom of 1!:e Fiiii)In:)s. ALL LII'()UTA.T MHASLRKS CICT TilHOl (111. As all the important supply bills had passed before th two houses took a le' ess diis morning, no legislation was tif i ssary and none was attempted. ihr l:i lis which bad passed and reach ed t ie siajje of enrollment were all by I'n siib tit l'oosevelt, who. with liH-mbcrs of his cabinet, occupied the I'nid'Ut's ro:m in ihe Senate wln of ti'f: cnpitol. This visit of the I'resblrnt to the cnpitol is one of the fciitiips o!' a cloalnj? Congress. NO LKT-LI' ()(' T ! I IT LI ML'STKTt. Whinn!t,n, Special. Th d"cks v,;e clear for the tinil adjourn uient r.t 110011 wh' !i the House reionvtncd at (' o'clock V'ed!ieda.y morninp. The. Spe.ikt r, dt-piie the strain of the last few days, looked smiling and serene as h'1 faced the Mouse, gavel in hand. Mr. Hichardson. the minority leader, who has be-n conduct hit; the filibuster, was on his feet. smilin. back at the Speaker. Tiie Democrat i-.a minority df tnniintd 10 nuik good their threat nuiiie wht 11 Mr. lJutler, 01' iMissouri. was unseated last Thursday and fili buster to the nd of th" session. Speaker Henderson soon yielded the gawl to Mr. Cannon, the in-coming Sptaker. As the latter took the chair the members broke into applause in nH h the galleries joined. It was qnite as nnuh a compliment to the retiring Speaker as to Mr. Cannon. Amid in tense sib nee, Mr. Payne, the majority leader, then arose and offered the fol lrwing resolution of thanks of the re tiring Speaker: KKSOLVTION OP THANKS OFFKU LD IV PAYNK. "Ib'.-ohcd. That the thanks of this Hom-e are p-.-t seated to the Hon. David M. Henderson, Speaker of the House of Hcprcsentativfs for the able, impar tial and dignified manner in which he h;s presided nver its deliberations and performed the nrduous and important duties of the chair during the present term of Congress." As the reading was concluded Mr. Cochran. Democrat, of .Missouri, was on his feet demanding recognition, but th chair ruled that Mr. Payne was en titled to the floor. The majority leader fated tho rvlnority as he announced that le" lor.sideie ! it a high honor and privilege to be permitted to offer this rr.-olut!:n. pointing out that, it was uot the first thuo thai such a resolution had come from the majority side. He rited th'.1 intari e,-, of Clay, Polk. P.anks Knd the late Speaker Heed. As he ton ilrJefl, with a glowing tribute to Speaker lira iet son. the whole Repub lican side broke into hearty applause. 'V.'it. there was dead silence on the Democratic sid?. THE SPEAKKU S FAREWELL AD DRESS. Mr. Cannon, still standing at the side ef the rostrum, then in a clear voice lead the resolutions adopted by the IlouiM'. Speaker Henderson was visi bly afftoted as Iid faced the packed galls! ies a irl the members of the House for his valedictory. For half a minate he panted to control his emo tions before beginning. Then In a voice that trembled at fiist but grew grad ually stronger as he proceeded until his words rans out, he delivered what perhaps the most touchingly hu man farewell address ever delivered from the Sr.eak'er'r. chair. Towaid thi cloe he laid clown the gj'-'rl z:zi reached out his arms to his colleagues he t,pokc of the love and affection with which he would treasure th friendship nnd memories of his mrror In the Hou;-e. When he tonclud r; th cheers from the floor and gal- 1p;-us echoed and re-echoed through the hall. In the Senate. Washington, Special. The Senate ws called to order at 10 o'clock Wed nesday for the last sitting of the Fif-ty-rev'enth Congress, but business did rot begin until some time later. The delay wa3 due to the absence of a quorum and to the fact that Mr. Coek rdl insisted upon the presence of the necessary number bcJre taking up the work of the day Mr. AH!. thaSman of thp-eiin-init'ee on ar-iiorAit'rjn. mat! a 'tifn;-!it fKH.'din' the aw-':it of lior.ey ap'uop: ited tv th i:r s-at ''onxi''-!" a ompar-l nith t' r ao-ir' o' th" KifvV-i-ixth t'ou-;!'-'. 'lb'4 total apy;o; f .r th-i.-f-Mf-n? i'ar.zriSA " stifj I. v Jl.. r.t.IOH.rls as o:ni'r 1 -.uh fl.UO ?? tl.c F'f t y i xl ii ( 'j'.it 'i-. M . Aiii ion aid that while i: a; ; -r th tpproprlrit ina cf th!3 Cv-.t'--; ';;' n 3tw In exceff ':. f'un-.'fii. the ln-r'a...', is r.a i up of thre llfu?, r.n r. ii .i . '. !io v:.:n: r.c'.y. thi 2.11I. t'K ' Df,'; ( i.'i f ,x thf Pdt.a i:'i i.c 11 . ' 1 a p;i: ("r!'i: Ill fi r l. 1, ,; ;,! v an! harl.f.r appropriations. ti con eluded by saying that the people of the (faintiy thoe ifmis of in e;asf and tint th opposit political party cnncuifd in them. Mr. Hai: y of Tex. call" I up a bill jmendinx the? rhtr and harlnir act fio ".v 1.1 provi !e thr.t $.".lTXfin heretofore appi iiprlat d fo. ''. ?ain riwr and har- ; - r 'i.ip-ovt,ieiits In Texoa fchall be used for th" eons; ruction of a channel In S: liir:- Lake. Texas. On a yea and sav e. demand-! by Mr. Mason, the .-'-j ai" agreed to take the bill up. 41 f.i ''. The effeii of the vot was to ..isp:..; th PhHippir:" tariff bill. It a:',; then temporarily laid aside and Mr. Hoar sp ik" on the failure to pass the Philippine hill. Th point he made h" ."-aid, was that the Senate, tho ex 1 five, the Hoimp of Rf pre--entative.s and the public are n l fit to govern the d-Htlni'B of a jMij)!e K.Oulj inib-s away v.-ho have no voice in the govern ment. " It is the first great object lea son." said he." of th wretchedness, the iniquity o fwhat the American people did two years atio in rgard to these people." Mr. I.o lfce made a vigorous reply to Mr. Hoar in which he said he did not h'4ie' with him in the view that the American icople are not able to deal with the fieat problems in the East. "I believe they ar' thoroughly able to d.ral with it as they dealt with treat cr and mighty problems .bvfore," said Mr. Lodge. Continuing he said it was a great misfortune, that the Phil ippine tariff hill had railed. Mr. Mason too!: the floor and talked of the Panama Canal and other mat ters. He urged that th; rules of the Sri-ate b amended and tailed atten tion to the ancient snuff ooxes in the Senate. It gcrs without Ui rules, he said, because it i.s a part of the dignity of the Senate and he added amid laughter, "like the rules, the snuff box? a:v as unrhanrable as the stars." Mr. Allison reported that, the Presi dent had mailing further to cammuni cat.2 and that Mr. Uaoevelt had said: "If it i.s in ordr I would like to say that I congratulate the two houses of Congress ur,on the admirable wcrk Performed during this session." A:j Mi. Mason had just been arraign ing the Senate for its failure to pass necessary legislation, a titer went around the Senate which broke into laughter in which everybody joined. At 1i:53 Mi. Mai'iey attempted to get a vote on tlii.s b'll. in t wa . frustrated by Mr. Mason, who continued 10 hold the i!o:r, in suite of Mr. iail"v'n pro test. M. Cockrcll. of .Yiis.sotr i, prtsi-nterl the usual resolution complimenting the ''resident of th" S'-nate, which va3 rulopted. Mr. Frye thanked the Sen-ite fcr its action and then dvclarcd the Senate udiourned sine die. One Released. Paiis. p,y Cable. Mile Maria Daurig nac. who figured in the Humbert frauds as the prospective bride of one of the alleged American brothers, Crawford, and who was at rested in Madrid with the other members of the Humbert family and brought here, was released, the physician;? having de clared that she is snffciirtg from hys teria and not rcsponsibo for her ac tions. She was refused pernussion to sro her shster. Mme Humbert, and others of the family befo'e leaving th ! prison. Avrn;;; d W : ec k l I ' rn . Hoanoke. Vr... Special. At Powhat- tan, V. Va.. a tit tic mining town v.u:t across the Virginia line. .la.;. Hickman shot and instantly killed Jos. Mack. Several yearn ago Ma k induced he:' home in western North Carolina. Hickman had not heard from his wifo until a few days ago when he learned she was living with Mack in the ecal fields. He went in search of her and located them in a cabin at Powlmttan. He cfillor! Mack to the door and emptio l both barrels of a breechload er -into the man who bad wrecked .his home. Hickman surrendered. Shut in By Snow. Fort Worth. Tex.. Special. The country around Amarillo is wrapped in nearly two feet of snow and the town has been practically shut out from tha world for the past six days. Railroad traffic is completely suspended. Not a train has moved in a week. Two hun dred passengers arc held here await ing the break of the snow b'.orkau, which is the worst ever known in that section of the i-tate. Oil Tanks Aolaze. Greenville, S. C, Special. The sto rage tanks of the Standard Oil Com pany here are burning. The fire started in the stables adjoining the tanks. Tha tank on the delivery wagon, has ex ploded from the heat and shattered the windows in a building so23 distance away. The woodwork ever the larpo tanks i3 now burning. One tank con tains 7.000 gallons cf gasolene, and there i3 fear oi this exploding, and doing much damage. . Took a Town Manila, Special. Ladrones captured the town of Ous, in the province of Albay, Wednesday. They at first dis armed the municipal police and then surprised the constabulary garrison. A few of the constabulary obtained rifles and resisted stoutly but they were finally overcome. Two of the constab ulary were killed and 15 were captured. v WILL LEAD UUMUI I Democratic Forces in United States Senate Next Term, WAS CANDIDATE FOR POSITION Opening of Extraordinary 5sico Hitters of Organization -The New Body. Washington. Spreial. Attbe.r I'ue Gorman is again tirmly seated in the saddle as leader of tb- Democratic party in Congress. He was selected As the Democratic lf&dcr in the Sen ate. ILk wa? the oniy name Miggerred. and he was plaerd in nomination by Senator Ua on. The D- moi rats prac tically determined Fiiday to make Mr. Oorman their leader, and his re fiisal .was all that could possibly haw stood in the way of carrying out the programme. When it vas suggested that the Senator would be an avowed : candidate for the Democratic nomina- ! tion for Presi.lent and for that rea- ' uon he w.m.ld not care to accept the ! guide in the Senate, a ciose friend (if Mr. Gorman said: "The Senator has no intention of being a candidate fv the presidency . A.fter the caucus adjourned Senate; j Simmons said: -The wh- le country j knows what Mr. 'Gorman's leadership means to Democracy. The minority will hence forth, und'r his guidance, be aggressive and wisely effective when unity of purpose is demanded. Although he is new to the present Senate, it i3 not ft. i gotten that he has had an experience of IS years." While, as Senator Simmons says, the minority lays gieat store by the Maryland man's actions in astuteness in skirting legislative pitfalls, a more impendent political significance is at tached his elevation Remembering Mr. Gorman's intimate associations with the conservative leaders, there are those who see in his elevation a tendency of the whole party organiza tion to return to conservative first principles. Washington, Special. The Demo cratic senatorial caucus which met Fri day organize ! by electing Senator Gor man to his old position as chairman of the caur-us. This is a permanent place and assures him the occupancy of the Democratic conference room, one of the most commodious and best located committee rooms in the Sen ate and of the capitol. He made a brief speech in assuming the chair, and the conference then proceeded to other business. There were present 23 of the 33 Democratic Senators. Senator Gor man's nomination as chairman was suggested by Senator Bacon, and there was no opposition to his selection, lu taking the (hair, he thanked the Sen ators for the honor conferred, but did not make an extended speech. The remaining time of the session was de voted largely to the discussion of the present situation in the Senate and the necessity for Democratic harmony and unity of action. There was a gen eral feeling that the vacancies caused by the retirement of Democratic Sen ators front committtees which have to deal with questions before he pres ent call -session should be tilled, and it va? decided that the designation o the members of these committees should h? made by a steering commit tee, to he appointed by the chairman of the caucus, but that their selection should later be ratified by the caucus. The steering committee for the past, Congress has numbered only 7 mem bers, hut Senatov Gorman requested that the number should be increased to 0. which was the number in the days of his previous chairmanship, pnd this increase was decided upon. Wiil Not Be Released. Washington. Special. The Associat ed Press is authorized by the British embassy at Washington to state that there is no foundation for the reports that Mrs. Maybrick's release is con templated by the British authorities; that there has been no recent corre spondence on the subject between Washington and London, and no rep resentation whatsoever to the State Department, and that none is con templated. Shoots His Brother. Charleston, S. C, Special. A spex-ial tc The News and Courier says thai Friday morning near Holly Hill, in Berkley county. Fred Martin, a youag white farmer, who lives IS miles away, rode up to the field where his brother was ploughing, and without a word oi warning, fired a load or buckshot uto the shoulder of his brother, Joel Mar tin, killing him instantly. He then quickly rode off. remarking that his brother had "only gotten what he de served long ago." Fred Martin claim;; that his brother had been crim naliy j intimate with his (Fred's) wife. To Fight Combine. Richmond, Special. It is reported in financial circles here that the American Locomotive Works is back ing the financial arrangements for the settlement of the affairs of the Wm. R. Trigg Ship-Building Company and that this is the beginning of an organiza tion of a shipyards to fight the Ameri can Ship-Building Company. General Strike Ordered. Philadelphia, Special. A general strike against the American Bridge Company has been called by the exec utive board of the International As sociation of Bridge and Structural Workers. This general order includes ail construction work in the hands of the company throughout the United States and Canada, and involves thou sand sof men in all sections. AMONG THE LAWMAkESS riuch Important L?glta!lon i Hrln LnMteJ. Hre of the Rev enue Bilt At 12:30 the Seuat4 went Into cm p;ttt- of the vbote on the re-nu bill v.-ith Secator (Jteua la the chair. Mr. Hr-nitreon had cLaig? of the bill. Scttioas I. 2. 2, and 5 -fjv adopted. S hIuly AA. the Inheritance tax. wa af.opt-ii without t)ppjitlou. Scciica $ i;'ii'in the tax to be paid at the end of tvo yeRiK after deatn of dnident with tlx pr r cent. Thi was amended by r.J'!ir.g un!v" th payment l pre ivnt"! i y litigation over aaid tate." S tkn ' to 21 were adopted. Sep tic us 21. r.-'iuiring tax payer to show his income oa list. Mr. Hicks, of Granville, oppcted the unquetitlonal features tf the blanks. Mr. Ilt-ndt-rRon ofi'c-red the following substitute: "Swtion 21. The tax payer shall list his income for the year ending June first from any and all Fourccs in ex cess of one thousand dollars. "Section 22. What qm-stion blank shall contain in regard to income. The ; blink for listini: taxes shall contain tr.e following questions: 'Was your ijross inomfrom salaries, fees, trade, profesyion and property not taxed, any f a, ' thcm- for th (a,r, inJiS ,!;V! ' m e'SS ' ihous. "'a.s? If so, wnat was that excess? Section '1'J imposes a State tax on i c i: c r.s's, that charge more than r0 i c exits admission ieclcing reserve ! sea's, of $2'.;', an 1 on each side show ' ' ' ' ..s a day. On other men shows under j a day. Th'; bill allows ciam-v commissioners to impose a fcuii'.y tax not exceeding $I,0Ut. Mr. Woodard opposed me latter, saying in uses were educational institutions to many people. Mr. Webb said the i ircuses made a dead set for tfie coun ty i oi.imissionerK. and he thought the tax should be fixed. All amendments were defeated and the original sec tions adopted. auction I.O. meui.; given -b;ritable or exempting entertain solely for religious, educational purposes wa-:; adopted. Section ol. imposing a tax of $" on lawyers, doctors, dentists, oculists, photographers, opticians, osteopaths cr any person practicing any pretend ed ait for healing for fee or reward. Mr. Woodard wanted the part "or any person practicing any pretended art of healing" stricken out. This was lost. .Mr. Wuircn sont au amendment pro viding th 3 1 no additional county, city, or town license tax should be imposed was lost. Mr. Spense moved to allow any county to impose a tax not exceeding $100 on persons not licensed by the State board of medical examiners. TThi. was lost. Mr. Webb opposed Mv. Sptnce'.s amendment, saying there were some useful osteopaths in Huiicombe. Mr. Mann advocated strik ing out the word "pretended'- and he protested against tne legislature going out of its way to cast a slur on Chris tian Scientists and other?. -Mr. Travis said no one would say that his art was a pretended one, so unless the word was left out. nothing would be derived . Mr. Hic ks, of Granville, said if pre tended was left out and nothing sub stituted it was a recognition of these , arts. Mr. Wellborn said these arts , ought to be prohibited. Mr. Hicks 1 amendment to substitute "professed" ' for "pretended healing" was adopted The section was then adopted, i Senator Pharr's hi 1 introduced re- ; quires railroads to receive cars ten- dored at the sidetracK for any vare house connected with the railroad by aiding. hi the House Tuesday the following bills passed final reading: To empower the commissioners of the town of Enfield to donate part of profits of liquor business to the graded schools. To repeal the laws taxing dogs in Buncombe county. To regulate the sale of wines and liquors at Nag's Head Hotel. To incorporate the Norlina, Warren ton & Carolina Railway Company. To regulate the game laws in Gran ville. A resolution of thankks to the editors and compilers of the North Carolina regimental histories. To regulate the Pilot Mountain pub lic schools. To incorporate the Salisbury Rail way Company. To authorize the commissioners of authorize a special tax. To inrorpor Tyrrell county to issue bonds and levy ate the town cf Williams, In Yadkin a special tax to build a court house county. To provide water-worka, and jail. ! sewerage; and elctrle lights at Hliza- To repeal the charter of the town or , betb City. To incorporate the Salis Hertford and re-charter the town. I burv Railway Companv. To prohibit To incorporate the Lily Mill and killing pheasants In Randolph. To Power Company. ! change Wilkes and Alleghany line so To authorize the commissioners of j as to include .1. A. Stample in Alle Brunswick county to levy a special ; ghanv. To amend thf charter of th tac. To authorize the commissioners of j Kdgeeombe county to levy a special tax. To provide for working public roads in Scuppernong township, Tyrrell county. To authorize the commissioners of Wake county to issue bonds and pay its floating debt. To enlarge the corporation limits of, -sccs IR eriam streams In Montgora the town of Roxboro. er-' atJ Randolph. T' char?e the time To j . supplement an act to work the of Henderson caunty. IOlU3 of Columbus. To incorporate the town of Wendell, in Wake county, provided no whiskey shall be manufactured cr sold in said town. To amend laws of 1901 relative to the town cf Tryon in Polk county. To amend the charter of the town of Spencer, Rowan county. To authorize tho eonirnissioier"? of Cabarrus connty to submit to tLj qual ified voters the question of inning bends for road improvement. To amend tne cfcarur o.: to..-i ol Oxford. To authorize the cos:nis?ioners o: Iredell county to i:sue k:nJs to ma cadamize roads. i To incorporate th." Virgiuia-CarcIIna Southern Railway Company. To amend the chatter oi the Kcrtb Carolina Centra I Railroad Company. To provide for the construction MiJ keeping in repair the roads cf Cabar-i-us, county. To submit to the citizens cf Wil mington a vote on aceeptasce of thf Carnegie library. To amend chapter 551, laws 1SD9. G.r.TEitte to W by tb jut;r f tn pi a.-: t ftp;i;ot roan '.Bot jbr fr it c kltct'urir. to pT tse iilf cf he ci to :jn- mn-i c!Ti t fa Wake tiht ocl a tiu bill i "o:nJ. to rj tto charter of the Xlinntie L Y"fi Ka.Irj!: t 'n-;rrc.-t iL" M.jurc Tutaplk. Om .r;y; to runUdi t of t.qi'or ji y v.;t v apply .as t.nly to Mr!'or!l t.uniy asuJ cmtiox it a Met to b-iy t t tl! v ! . TL folio bills pi?"ti (mi jrad .ng: To in. frj-ort- it- P.snk of Ajr 'u in; to ta i :p;rs!- Hif.b 'oiut Fire Coof''.'" tu la -unw utf 'he fUlssm k fili;k Rot Itstlnnd; v fbtiibltJ-U a disyusary t Grahum. M.naiite county, a1 to iciculit Car Cii-nufa-tur of liquor in AUnmn.e. to fhaiter the Bank ct KUn ?ja3i: to promote f.sdi industries in thf inland waters of North Carolina. The Senate int at lr.C o'clock anU Ilev. Dr. M. M. Marfhsll otferod praytr. Bills were iiitroduced a follown: Mann: To !en"ion W. H. Holder field. Warren: To amend The O-de ttatu" pioperty. Webb: To aruend the fhirur of Bittmore. Pollm-k: To pensicm Heuiy He rins and Mri. Thos. Hughes. Po'iock: To imiohe t.n all railroads the uuty furnishing !aBseB to Con federate veterans attending State rev union?. Norris: To provide for the payment ef one half fe es tr witnet when no t'lH bill is fouul. Mr. White withdiew nis bill for ap p: ojniatiens to the public tichooU and ofi'crcd as a substitute the till pre pared by the joint committee. The bill appropriates Sloo.ObU to bo distributed aniens the counties pro rata, and the second $100.0o Is to bring the 6chool terms up to the constitutional require ment. Mr. White tail that this L .11 simpl guaranteed four-months schools but provided that additional sums raised increased the term. Mr. Woodard wanted to understand exact ly how the money was spent. His county asked for no aid fiom this fund, but was helping other counties and perhaps thev were reducing county taxes. Mr. Henderson bald that this new method oi distribution cf the second $100,000 would nave the State $2.".0i0 or $.10,(i00. The bill passed second reading and went over till noon tomorrow. The following House bill passed To amend chapter S. laws of P'Ol relating to the investigation of fires To amend chapter "1. laws of 1S1!' iclating to ins':rHn-e. THE AC DC BON SOCIETY BILL. The bill to !n::orpo-H;e ihe Audubon Society o' North Cart.Lna. for the pro tection of song cud g.m birds, d?5?iissfd at eo'.isi.icrab'e length bj Messrs. Rcbeieo:!. of Guii.ord; Dev'd son, of B'lr.onibe: Grah.-.'.ii. of Gran ville. and ethers, for the bill, and Mer ton. of New Hanover; Britta'n. o. Randolph, and Quicktl, of Lincoln. :r favor of the various amendments. The r.:r;f udir.f n: s to r xemut connt'fs wen all lost. The bill passed its -vpr-rtadiiigs. NIGHT SESSION. At the Senate night session bills in troduced by Godwin to require illumi ri:cn oiis to bear certain tests: to amend the charter and exetend the lim its c:f Raleigh passed second readlrg. The following bills passed the Senate and were sent to the House: To ex tend the time for organizing the Caio Hna & Southercastfin Railroad; to amend the charier of S.uiford: to aP.ow G:;;! In (h et nsboro; to establish a j ljX collec tor an i appoint a hn:euce committee for Hoadeison county. Mr. . Ciisp, Republican, opposed the bill tut J it. went through. It created the offi.-e oZ county tax collector and a finance j the Senate and were enrolled for rati fication: To improve roads in Rock , irgham countv. To provide for work , ing roads in Caswell and Catawba. To ! establish graded schools at Mt. Pros ( pect. in Union, -o allow Wilkes to 1 build a bridge over Yadkin river. To authorize Clay to issue road bonis. To ' provide for better working the roads In j Pcsouolank. To extend the limits of ' Pac tohis. in litt. To regulate working . reads in Clav. To allow GrpnvHle to . levy a special tax. To construct per manent highways :n Foreythr To au thorize Wavnesvillo township to ia 1 JU2 road bonds. For Letter v.-orblng of . reads in Wilson county. To allow Le?ksville to Issue bonds. To estab lish graded hools at Forest City. To consolidate road law of Buncombe and Tr3ns-Appalathian Railway SygiMii, amended by tha Senate. To establish Racford school district. The following bills passed the Sen ate and were sent to the House: To incorporate Faith, in Rowan countv. To incorpo! ate tn Aulander Hish School. To estabiiah stock law terii tovy in Pitt and provide for election on the sum?. To prevent felling of for holding courts in the sixth judicial ! district. Kit., cif.r.i i.;ii tr. .n-..t j chapter 4. laws cf l&ol. came up as ! the special order at noon. Section 4, providing fcr township high schools was stricken out -ectlon & was ihv cussed. Mr. Woodard said" public edii cation was not a duty of the State to the child, but was the duty -of the State to itself as a necessary safe guard to its tfwn preservation. He ad vocated an amendment that the sec tion providing for allotment by the county boards pro rata shall not apply j district levying a special tax. Mr. Woodard said this section was unjust. Mr. Webb said that it was a double tax. For instance Asheville paid $20, 000 of the $33,000 used for Buncombe rural schools and of this $20,000 Ashe ville got back less than $3,000 for its graded schools. If the Asheville schools had not borrowed money its term would have been two months' shorter than the rural schools that ran eight months. Thjs section allowed county boards to pay for school houses, the superintendent's salary. the building of school houses and UUDjs of this kind before a cent wan pportK p-J a ad la tfct r t- to 1tUtd fta Wa-Ct frrtu it fe ts P.11. tut rrr r nptf1 l! tti3tr whoj! tel tbr;- u Ir Wttt plrjd rSNnrttf Ut i! rtP&. tkat tev rt-t'' ; r aji tf proUr Prt a four Hi" t-nn. it- d-tntNj il r?tT? h . Uatkra. The 1111 jt.Vivj u aj ij, -uontr tjosrd ai uljr f-t1 1- tst. ut tbe atuimnt i'.-S la it ounly tn Uu!ldu ft,! loutei 1! pictured tloqut fitly tin- t.J f ft -e-ustrj ! acl HtU H' U -i u !. b" wan L-r- to dj f-.r il, .wt Y tlr- fictotv Ui of Ahrvll'.r m!;i un-d a taonths' -i:--t !t ui l. of Ahri;i ryppur!! an u n.onths hied In lbr rinir. ! Lair,t Adtutil th an.-ov!n i a. lulu he knew unf gra led I;iiLt In Cumberland Uiat ha! - then four nomhi' fcchcJ1 tpaur s drained for the tu:?r? thkb Mr. Beatify favored thr hiLu an nppod th aaeadmet. fcartiu that the county ought to t the uui: and not the town or townahlp. Mr Woodard aeertcd that !. took ih toltJon beoauaf be wai trltni n th arhooJs. If wanted to atrrng:b-t. the ay Hern, tut whare waj th Jn!l taxing tbo town to kp up rnl their own schools tut the rural m U1. n places where th average i-.i-l nco ! only 7 or 9 rui!U. On mcS of Mr. Vann. tbo prevlTi Tavnilon e.i failed en a:ue ndmf n' sn I iIk- LllL On raotion of Mr. IL n li-ruMi till was ih n ie. ntddcM I. Mr. Y.' .ard i amenJnient. th.' ef hich to mak .in fm division v.i'hut if nervation per capita an 1ji. It tc 11 "dr. I'hf :t hi.' n annj1ni; n: r t!n: the et.intv su;erlnten lent, rala-r snl :be exeer-es of thf boatd nhoal I he pM out cf the Reneral fund lfcue u divi;.i n but nothing elre. !tc voniJ e:e-.l ibe section an if itvcd wry tin f.-ir to the city choo'..-. Mr. Tiavis speke for t! hfe ti' n ca francd by jt" c-oumittec. The sixth Id e a'i.v be takei ly the eotiaty lu.rl v.;. re there was not To'ir i... aths" ali Kl. Mr. Pharr's arin-!m nt Mr. Baldwin norel to :t.:ke u t m-.-:1 :n in. Motluii u:-. !.:t, lo 12. Mr. Mann's anie ndrnvnt I'fm'.ifi.s a printed clatenu-nt iron the ecjnty boanlfl of edu'aticn was adnpted. Th till then passel sec end tMrd rcal n.'. CONSIDERATION Oi- THli MACH1N. i:rtY act. TJ- via t ,1 m'tilA i '.In rtfk d am; a ' I iu M V i i.nja B, , , t i j? r , , r. was to ani.nd fcli'-n in rrgar.l to what s-hall be fpTifid e.i tx 111. by retail lag tsx-pay. r ; tile w ith li.-t- taktr all Iniurar.r" policies o.i p-pir- j fv 1e.-fl in 'tl.l l'i f I n i i w Km i va!u or such i.rop-r.y. M-, ,. Dre wry. DoughLn and r.ion .:: wl the amendment. They tbcusht ,t nas ir.doa entlrdv Ioj fa.-to Ini. ct v.i. h In- qa'ditorial features. Tax the people on all property, bnt don't as' H.-rn ques- tions tat canan; be productive cf an pood. The amr-ndraeat was teixl. Tho LIU pa.-tcd It3 ievrsl readiae.?. Mr. Watts ictrnli'ml a if -.!uMiv a in re raid to ad.if::; ami ::t. tht the Gra ftal s-.etnblv adji.r.n sine die bt 'in n ctdav. R?fciif.1 to c ornr.ii'U oa I Ulf s. A inrst,age fiom th:- donate irai.uit- frir fH hin.-l l.ill imrn n i,i in- crease the issue to an amount not e x- j throughout Ohio. Into L- r.-; feeding I300.0CO and make the rtte t.', r"'' ! at -a P.t.:-.,. interest 4 per cent, in-'tcal ef 3 tn'ht ''V'"' ' cent. The House refuel lo :u --r wfek a" iU a ar.d a conference committer com;:i--d or Messrs. Guion. Smith. Nw!anJ. l'oi:c rran Sitfn tyi-ab'am av.d Watts, was appoin'.ej to Wate rbury, hKf in!. Vii'. i: . meet a derate committee aal adjust the cifif relive, A aeavtc resolution to ap.j:j.:i-.i- the e liti.t-OO for an exhibition at the St. ijotii exposition wan rfe.rcd to the committee cu appropriations. I'ASKD FINAL UEABINC.. To allow banks ta bo char. t red by the Feerctary of Stat durlas the in terfni betwten the meetings of the Ge neral Assfnib-y. To '.nfotfo.ate the Bank of LiP.ijg ion. In Harnett county. At ih afterncon es-on tf th" S'n ate the b:P to tax d -s wa ta.'.d on mo Imi cf Scnitor Piirr. fcV -oaifr ' Ixjndoa ni ic the rc;irt fcr th? rrafe;cn:-fc oa the rfvtui hill. The House concurieJ in 11 S.natf annndments. including ui-:fc-r,i Tl an I 21. rt lklug out the inquitorial fe ture In listing lucomrs for taxi: sec tion 4t. that exemption from p-ddlrr' tax in one counly allnrj urh pcr..n to pc Jd'.e over the Ft it-: section not iaafcsing the $2 a mile tax cn al ter roufs of expre3 cnipani?a. the other Se.aate amendiaents agrecJ to hintr mainly co rectlccs cf cni'i cr amplifying the mtranirt. The Srnate rfcedfd ficm ocly two anin3cifnts tcwit: sertian 8. striking ou. tre cc-Dtlon frfim the requirement of pay ing the inheritance tax la two years affr, th? death of the drrease. aad ecticn 34. making th ntll daUrs In ccffim liable to undertskfra tx. The coufrenc offered substitutes for nine amendments the Senate hxd adopted. Those which were net mfre changes in the verbae are: Section maks the tax on dealers in future in tons of tfts thin 5.000 and leva than 10.000 $150; in towns cf nio-e than 10.000 and Jess than lS.fKiO llV. In town or over 13.000 $350. The sub stitute fcr section 58 makrs the tax on rrous. firms or corporation selling , il PT annually to tbe State Treiiury cn July the first. wha the grosssale ' t-xcf-pA T,00 tA ar lcs lain XjO.OvVJ of $23 when gicas receipts are over S5U.UQ0 and Itu than $100,000 a tax of $50: when gross receipts are over $100,000 a tax of $100. Besides ttey tball pay on gross sales in ercea of $5,000 at a rate cf 50 c?ts oa tbe $100: a penality of $1,000 and dsuble tax is impost for violating the tec tion. No ccuaty or municipality Eha'l Impose a. tax under tfcia sectlox Tc liqeor tax under fcectloa CO reaalnii aa in the JJsuse bill and cerchaau tax a!teO remains as under section 67 cf the Hccse bill. After seme opposition tie report of the conference committee was adopted. C TO. CCD OX THIKD TkOL Ionircn Is at present engage-! ;u ear-ry-nj: ctst one cf tbo most cotabic- im prcvements vhUh ft his undertaken cf recent year?, the Italian quarter, which inc:lu3r the Saffron Hill region, whre Dickens' -Fagii." trained his pu pils in crime, being cleaned out under the direction of tho energetic County 1 Council. Saffron Hill was the Crtt ec ii0n of -the quarter" tobe reformed. FLOODS xs misi 3erfo Oamagt TkrrttraeJ ft .Ii Polatt l'fm Itlg't at if. Cairo. IU. U' - T i -; at tb r:b-r l?-i J- ? araiec tj "a.- t' - i ' . t jfr r r1 tvr at l-t f -t .f atrL! tf it : v V, ti Urr ar. 1 C3.-.I- -i-i. t t - tn uar. t-la. mf: r :r n 'x$ -t -. -faUing tt-y it'-t-c ri: ,T":r - tMr;itr arvcti a.. id t . . ac tcrr4 ia t - ; : t"-f4in-r ti t- - u.--' i : ' thr lni,-( LtV t! . i dlate i!:i(M at C:r ta i. u la th l n !ar,tn ti!oa ' Me aj f. Tt r a;r -' i taai a tc f - j t t ' - i htt ial.t aal irratth -.'. t . the lat f w )jr. The .:- - 4 ft Ectrilen Baals Run f .e fMft I - MtUitLli. Sell Tt . i.. . fl." rcmalmn liikci:r f r . : gan tu rle akilr aa T.- .. ," mrk 34 4 frt an! r.- : -. Inr Th" lf.r- rii:n t -i ' Ihoi ih a larire it tin!?;i.t , f ut Merrphi in t'lt-tu rc - ' " !:: ' aud Ie rci.ctl. In A.k- . t tir ... undatr) an I o.r.. i!idn frerj ih'-rt- !a" farm:.. lh kh a- ma.:t m. h.-l;l ! a Tl ! ,rom n '" .: Ij' ! ,'and , f l'l''" bf-' " ' 1 . . - cai;n on tL i iii'.i-c ln!an-l Water Up n Fojf.h b'e:'. st vii. I. ill.-. Kp-fla' ut: tfgtvie: 2' I f.- I .n t .- 'DC .r a f t r t . line. It It . i;.. ' I iVit a ! '' ,h' ln '- -' 4,1 l c r aihe .t lt-f;:. tt.e i: i fcilbJue. The Mat"'. 1-e riw .r-'. !,( -.ri tu Fourth itree. The f i a i t by heavy rah :, ep the m r it. t:. j :t 24 hour-. The Flccd m Kertu;ky. Oaiu&toro. Ky.. J5 '1 ! sr. lr ruin f..r man. f '.t n- in- day u'rht. Tl;- nor i t:I! i : r.r an 1 ;i I. . It IS 0T it I T til,"'.?, - ! the record t-t l"i4. Te ,-;.!.; : frirviii nr mi... Mtk,,,( f the t . : fl . cti c , ir i 'in (The oM diir we-af! inrfriMni Imt lie '.: r.. )frialtll l.r A ra'1.1 i 5 - I1 the lower Ohio alKv. ... Rl?r J? V I . . ' " 1 In1 ;' ' T!..; J- " V"1 .VT"1. ' " 1 V l" '.,"4k ,l 1 1 : - t: h - i. ' l""!": .WJ M'nt,-.,;T l Z t , ' n l i v.i-t-n. in ixiac-i are l-l4y"i. I . than lt niilt'it wi.u. Man-. i.. . l tweu Owe cube r au t Calin r.rt ; at the i.n-icy t f llje Iii i ..! . Another Flsed Predicted. Cincinnati. Jijmk Sal. T.- or ;.irt- r which fell Sunday rt-.b ! p- tl. danrr line f f -t. La, la : lieie aa:tn and l in r.:t:d ti. "I'l'-r IU i r-1 Llriu m mm . . f . :. -.2. t ii Its worst f.rui Iia. broken .nt a i.-v. In Waterlury. as a result t. ! itb feeling in onn: t b,n !i!i Cir. :-f v.- o. me nioiormen an r-iriut t:i the str-et ia!lv.ay liii Th'. t!r. ',' murder arfl IlcfiT:STi I'n -t ! .. dlescd.n Is th !ctlia J A , Chambers, a mn unl:u t. t .r.i. n. u Lot and his wle-uc'.oui sre i :::.iii r. and the conductor. v,ui- UV:-'-::i-dorfer. was iiunde 1 aim t If i i tcnf.lblilty. The .f 'w '.; iu at Fn-i Park, the tcr.ti:'.. the North Malu ttrrr-t !!: . T t in an I sedate J esc. an 1 r-;. n ir- a . . j reached the clil ef the L-. th :-.. ma? prcparatJe n for i! i ?;t:. ! mdlat-ly after the onluc'or :.-p--l the trolley and th' rii''.ri:in r"i-..r-l his levers. lht dstked ncti ti-r-tr from the hiishea Lv the n.alr.i!''. n terei the ar and dJihagd thh: t vol vers, ercrtr mac le-irii; arn:'1 n1 er Mcndlesohn ff-ii at the firrt re port, and as a later na--.;:.t ). n showed, the first shot war fatal, tt. Ing plererf tu tear. Th? n-v m-n waa also tit and lerped frrnj rr ;?h a tv cf pin. Some of the rretl fiJowci hi:u. wh! the remainder j iid iliir iettenMe u to L- jnfue- --. lit IZ l :rnp tf the frftr r-f .e ar jv! pcirtel nul ki'-l r il U" Hit aiai'nl tnconac !;!. Tt .ri n tLcn if ft him end i'.',t.- thlr u-r,pjiijne outalde. 1ti:i tbi i int 'u the tuti-'k their actiorie ur wrap V in rjyLterjr and are; c&u'.itii; v.-id-rable oprebe-nkion. The -e.ri.:,'-tor fealtecj Lis fett with diflb nlir went to the aide of tbj wcan-l-4 or.eer. l.tjt h- wa dead. Terrible Stew Storm. I-ocdon. By (able. The ft- Peters burg corriapon lent of The Iily Vai! telegraphs tha. rrible u'jie tt ,ri-. hav bcfn ragtag dur'.zz tY.t f.2t vr ia the fcovicitnt of Kis: 5. ap J have taaad huadrejs S. 'Z'l.:. Horses" d.aJrg akeigfs larc r't'a-! to villafcS with the pasnngfr 1::?.' i to death- Many persons ta.e Lcrn frcien U death witLin the rlilaj'i wliiie searching for thfcir cwa fccrj't. .'recked at Norfolk. Norfolk. EpecUl. A Lcrte wlij item awept owr Norfolk at ton Eaturiay. and did considerable dam age The large building beitg erccteJ by the American Cigar Company, near the city limits, was almot completely destroyed and 'serrral workmen nsj rowly escaped tbe falling wall. Street Demonstration. Buda-Pcafh. Special. Street i-n-or-st rations Ly 10.0CO Socialists 13. prr test against th ovrament nallitar;. bills. took place here Sunday and led Lo collisions with the populace and breaking of windows. Many trrn.u were mad and the police had fins!! to charge the demonstrate ra and dis perse them. . . :