THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED X CRT THURSDAY BTTBX CAUCASIA PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. M YMT. Sis UoiUi, Tkrea Mootba, tl.OO .90 35 Ho. 11; A MORTAGE ON PltKHEST AND KKXT GENERATION The Democratic I-gilature has decided to lme bond. This Is one of the fruits of Red Bhlrt Democrat ic rule. The Houne ha already pal bond Mil for 1300.000. The Senate la urged to make It a half million. Mmv tiolitlclans and Democratic af newBiiairH say that It will hurt the partyjuflt as hard to Ihhug $300,- 000. of bonds as it will to Issue double the amount. There reason Is that it is no worse to steal two lambs than one lamb. Besides they admit that the next Demo cratic Lee-Mature will have to issue - - n more bond and that it will hurt worse to do It twice than once. But the result of Democratic ex travagance and mismanagement will be the same on the tax-payers. Every year the people will be taxed about f 16,000 extra to pay the In terest on those Honda. And after theneoole have paid $240,000 In- M g - - a. terest they will then have to pay back tho full amount of these bonds in addition, unless the Democrats should decide to repudiate these bonds. How much more of such Democra tic "economy and good govern ment" do the people want? THE ItEPOUT OF THE WHITE WASHING COMMITTEE or SENATOR JETER C. PUITCIIAItD Senator Pritchard has Just closed a term of eight years of most hon orable and useful service la the U. 8. Hecate. Few men have carried a greater burden of labor and responsibility during this period. He has bean not only a faithful Senator for hU own state, bat practically a Repub lican Senator for the whole South. The number of people whose want he has patiently listen to and whose interest he has tried to serve has been enormous. During It all he has never lost his patience been uncivil to anyone. Besides be has always given the closest attention to the iuteweHta of his state. Daring all this time he has been the close friend of and a power with both the McKInley and the Roosevelt administrations. North Carolina loses much In his retirement from the Senate, lie was worth more to the industrial progress of the State than any two or a half dozen Democratic Senators can possibly be. We believe than a large part of the Democratic party realize that it would have beeQ better for the State for him to have been returned to the Senate. It is to be hoped that the time will soon come when the masses of the people in the state and In the whole South will principles and not party prejudice. This legislature failed to create a! new job for Francis D, Wins! on, or jef humanity the Hon. Locke Craig. BtttarThM Gold years " "" (f- 4 - I M my .1 !! lini, VUVb aUJa chronic Indigestion and ner, ' dysentery are overcome by Pain lebility," writes F. J. Green-J kilter. It Is equally health promot- a .r ir nv.'. M ' . ... . - vote on business on sentiment or And the sooner "I wes troubled or several with vous debility, of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy . 13 di-aatea. helpey me until I began using Elect-1 ric imtera, wmcn ma me more gooa than all the medidnes I ever used. They have also kepf mp wife in ex cellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invlgorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can takes its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c Batisfiactlon guaranteed sold by all Druggists. Of AH OMWi cholera la the wont. Treatment to be effective must be prompt. When vomiting, purging and sweat announce that the disease is present, combat It with Perry Da vis' Painkiller. All bowel troubles. like diarabcea, cholera morbus and FOB OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children wvile teeth ing. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoer. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughovt the would. WANTEDFAITHFUL PER SON TO TRAVEL, for well estab lished house in a few counties, call ing on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1021 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 a week in cash and expenses advanced. Position permanent. Business suc cessful . and rush ins Standard House, 331 Dearborn St, Chicago. this condition comes the better it will be for the State. The Whitewashing has been done but it took some time as revera coats had to bo put on before they could get it to look anything like white. The joint legislative committee appointed to Investigate the charge of cruelty to the convicts on the march from Spruce Pines to Marion, a distance of over twenty-five miles, on January 21st, made its report to the Legislature last Wednesday night. It found that the road is the worst in the State, the mud being on an average of 3 to 5 inches (and in many places over a knee deep) that most of the Convicts were shackled together two and two and by chains around the ankles, and these convicts (some of them being very sick) had to drag these chains though the mud and ice for twenty-five miles on one of coldest days of the winter driven on by curses and threats of the-guards, and still the commltte failed to see where any cruelty had been done, The following is an extract from the committees report: .The committee find that on ar rival at Marion three gallons of whiskey were devided among the convicts, but no coffee or warm food was issued to them that night or the next morning, which the committee thinks could and should have been furnished; that the convicts reached Marion about 6 p. m and was im mediately put in cars, but that be cause of a railroad accident the cars were not moved that night and the convicts were kept therein from the evening ot the 21st to the morning 0 the 23rd, 36 hours, before they were taken out a length of time too great to keep the convicts confined in the cars, and the authorities should have seen that at intervals they were taken out and given fresh air and exercised. committee tans to una any acts of cruelty on the part of the penitentiary superintendent or of the employes, but that the superin tendent has always been on the side of humanity; justice and mercy, and that the same is true as to Super visor Lashley," We stated in our editorial last week that ths committee would a j m a a m - wnitewasn tne anair lor in tne eyes of some democrats it is better for humanity to suffer tortues than for one of their number to lose a job or even be reprimanded. In other words, judging from the outcome of this affair, a democrat, if he is strong In the faith, can do no wrong. But there is a day of reckoning coming for the persecutors of those convicts When a democratic committee will be neither Judge nor jury an i the verdict will be different. The Red Shirt Democrats of Wilson who have been trying to keep their friend VIck, the negro post-master at Wilson in office, are no doubt very much grieved that a - strong and influential man like Dr. Person la to be postmaster. . GOV. BECKHAM'S MANDAMUS On last Wednesday night the following news item was sent out from Frankfort Kentucky; Attorneys for Governor Beck ham this afternoon filed in the Woodfard circut court a petition for a mandamus requiring Chairman Allie Young of the Democratic state committee and the member of the sub-committee having the state pri mary in charge to place his name on the ballot as a candidate for the office of governor," This is the way they do 'things in Kentucky. The political situation in that State is returning to the days Goebelism. Tillmanism in South Carolina, Simmonism in North Carolina and Qoebelism in Kentucky are three of a kind and a very bad kind at that. SHORT DAIBY COURSE Young men working upon the farms can nearly double their pres ent wages by taking, a six weeks' ' course In dairying at the A. & M. Colleg for the Colored Race, Greens boro, N. C. Winter Terms began Jan. 5-1903, Spring Term will begin March, 23-1903. For terms, ets., address Prof. J. Henry Bluford, director of the Department of Agri culture and Chemistry, and for cata logue and general information ad dress Pres. Jas. B- Dudley, A. & M. College, Greensboro, N. C. MOIiK RIOTS Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual dis order of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy Is immediately employed. There's nothing so effi cient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and satisfaction guaranteed by all Druggist. In our editorial last week on the democratic juror who was sent to ail in Sampson county; the printers made us say that Herring, the juror in question, was a member of the Board of County Commissioners when the editorial as written stated that he was a member of the Board of County Canvassers. How much of this money which the Democratic administration is borrowing goes to pay the salaries of the new offices created by the Democratic Legislature for party henchmen? Senator Prichard's friends did the handsome thing in presenting him with a costly silver service on the evening that his term in the Senate expired, Ana too it was a comp liment that he highly deserves. TRAGEDY AVERTED "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins of Pleasant City, Ohio, "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well." Everybody oueht to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by all Druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Nearly Forfeits His Life A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111, For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Ardica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin eruptions and Piles. 25c at any Drug Store. In effect January 13th, 1903 This condensed schedule is pun ished as information and is sub- ect to change without notice to the public. How to A Told Trouble. Now is the time to provide your self and family with a bottle 01 Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. It is almost certain to be needen before the sum mer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the nigal or in your busiest season. It is j, try where admitted to be the mosi successful medicine in use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by T. F. Saunders. a IT SAVED HIS LEG P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga. suffered for six months with frightful running sore on his leg; but wiites that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the be3t salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25cts. Sold by all druggists. THE SAINT LiOUIS AND SAN FRAN CISCO R. R. OFFERS TO THE COLONIST. Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas Nebras ka, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and Indian Terry's. On the following dates: February 17th, March 3rd and 17th April 7th and 21st. Write for ad vertising matter, Rates and infor matien to W. T, Saunders, G. A. P. D., Atlanta, Ga, TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH, N. O. 12.50 a. m. No. Ill daily for Greensboro and local points. Carries Pullman sleeper Raleigh to Greens boro, open for occupancy at 9.00 p. m. connecting at Greensboro with train No. 39, "Atlanta Express. Pullman sleeper and day coaches to Atlanta, Pullman Tourist sleeper to San Francisco Cal., Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays via New Or leans and Southern Pacific, No. 33, "Floriday Express," for Charlotte, Columbia and Savannah, Pullman sleeper to Jacksonville. Port Tampa Charleston and Agusta connections for all points in Florida. No. 37, Washington and Southwestern Limited," solid Pullman train draw ing room sleepers, New York to New Orleans and Memphis, con nection is also made for Winston- Salem, Wilkesboro, Danville and local stations 5:20 a. m. No. 112 daily for Goldsboro and local stat ions: connecting at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilming ton, N. C, Wilson, N. C, Tarboro, N, C, Norfolk, Va., and immed iate stations, also at Goldsboro with Atlantic and North Carolina Rail way for Kinston, N. C, Newberne, N. C, and immediate stations. 8 56 a. m. No. 107 daily for Greensboro and local stations, con nects at Durham for Oxford, Hend erson, Keysville and Richmond. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with train No. 36. U. S. "Fast Mail" for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New York and Richmond; close connection for Winston-Salem, Mocksville and local stations, with train No. 7 for High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and local stations. 10.30 a. m. No. 108 daily for Goldsboro and all local points, con nects at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and all Eastern North Caro lina points. At Goldsboro for Wil mington, Kinston, Newberene, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., where close connection is made with Chesapeake Line for Baltimore and all . other outgoing steamers. 3.53 p. m. No. 135 dally for Greensboro and immediate stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksvllle, Keysville daily except Sunday. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday At Greensboro with train No. 29 for Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston, Pullman sleeper and first class coaches Washington to Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 "U. 8. Fast Mall" for Atlanta and all points south and southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birmingham and New Orleans, day coaches Washington to New Orleans, also with north bound trains No. 34 and 38 for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleep ers and observation car to New York; connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and at Salisbury to Memphis. 4.12 p. m. No. 136 daily for Goldsboro and local stations. O. H. Ackert, General Manager. W. A. Turk, Pass. Traf. Manager. S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Wash ington, D. G. R. L. Vernon, P. A. Charlotte, N.C. T. E. Green, City Ticket Agent. Office in Yarboro House Building, Baleigh, N. 0, WORKING OVERTIME Eight hour laws are ignored bv those tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day. curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at any durg store, WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or lady in each county to manage business for an old estab lished house of solid financial stand ing. A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of $18.00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy, either sex, by whole sale Merchandise Company of solid financial standing, to manage Local Representatives who will organize clubs among consumers. 40 per cent saved for our customers. Business no experiment but a proven success. Salary $18.00 a week, expenses ad vanced. Experience unnecessary. Address D. B. Clarkson, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St., Ohicago, 111. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Raleigh to Minneapolis, Minn., and return at rate of one fare for the round trip plus $2-00, account Na tional Educational Association. Tick ets on sale July 4th. 5th. and fit.h. limited returning July 14, 1902. An extention of the final limit to October 1st, can be secured by depos iting ticket with the Joint Agent, Minneapolis on or before July 14th, nd on payment of fee of 50c. TH CHAMBERLIN Screw Stump Macliie. The onlj- Stomp Machlnain the world that aooocoafnlly polls all claaasa and aJnaof torn pa. CHMIBERLINRIFG.C0. OIJEAN. K. Y. r and Writ for Catakwoa Priea Uat. P CAB mm OP THa ATLANTA COtWflTUTIO UPOH TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS OF COTTON lot SEPT., 1902. TO 10th JAN., 1003. OOMTCOT OLOOgQ Pjr DCC? 3loF- -00 -- MAGNIFICENT TWENTY THOUSAND BOIUIB OFFER. To tho ono Making the exact, or tho nearest to tho exact, ooTlmatocf the receipts of ootton AT ALL UNITED STATES PORTO from Spt.l. IOOS. to January IO. 1003 S2SZ Tothe next nearest estimate To tho second next nearest ItOw To the five next nearest- To the ten next nearest- To the fifteen next nearest To the twenty next noarest To the fifty next nearest - To the one hundred nearest 0300oach 200esch tOO each 00 each lOesch- 5 each- 1,000 vfi.OOO l.OOO 1,000 OOO POT For distribution among tho.. .atlmato. not taking any of tha abov SOS prtao Ing within l,OOOtalslthr way ofth.x.ct figure (oio. 8l7,lrW ... S3QO ULO.OOO Should tho exact flguroa have been Riven during the conte.t prior to Sept. I at there was offered to the suoce..fui atimete. If mado before then Grand total ............... ........ ...... . . . mm Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Mammoth 020,000 m Band a 1.23 for WEXKLY COXCTTrt TlON mwi CSX V WCTll. Uck m rM, Ml tor U BCSWT BOUT II u4 aoolbaf (Mi mala for Tllfi COX JTITUTIOX r tow wikklt constitution om a w n rtaaat u IS Baa4 3. ft BCff MY BOCTa oo tad rUU o ailmala la lV aoalMl. (4 Send OOo for one estimate olono in the contest If you don't want a subsorlptloa, or It veu wish to make a r umber of estimates on this basis you may send THRU estimates for eery ON IDOL LAB forwardod at the came time estimates are sent. If as many as TEN estimates are sent at the same time, without subscription, tho sender may forward them with only THRCS dollars this epe clal discount being offered only to estimntos of ten. A postal card receipt will be sent for each estimate so received. Where subscriptions are sent the arrival of the paper Itself Is an acknowledge ment that your estimate has beon recelvad and carefully recorded. ) Ta money and the amfiMrtptioa aad taa MUmtM maat com la ttt aavatopa avary Moa gatoffatlka. TaJa rata la attlra. Ma eattmata most ba aiallad tatar taaa Daaataber Hat, 10. T la aaaaofatia apoa aa prtaa aaC'iaMa. tba atoaaj will ba aaaaTy !. BUIE FOB J1.60 AID THREE EST 1 MITES, WITHOUT SUBSCBIFTIOL . (To ba cBBfa If mtteripUoea aad aatimatea beta ara aaal PUBLISHERS CONSTITUTIO, Atlaata, Ga. Satar THBBB aaOmaiaa far aaa, for f l c ancioMd. fa roar nmil aaotaal aa ft Da an Upon Total Pon RoCetpU September l. 1902, to January to, 1903. 1st 2d 3d Kama. ... a . ........ Postoffice. .'.1m state m. JTOTR If yoa wlata only ONR asttmita la tea eoBteat, aaa FIFTY CUTS a4 SH mt aaTy aaa biaaka. If joa wisn TEN .all mates tn to eontaat i.nd Til K EE DOLLAK-S aaa vrtta to at m laJnly 1 1 rf.v .v..-4k M tit tr (TPBiriT nnvTrTTTTTnft.i rival mraj - - - make remlttaact tndlcatad and tend ratlmatM i REE ona eattnata far aaea yaavrTyaobaaAyttaa. at Hra I ua awBDUiatioB. . a g i ug uunmpva wKurumi,v miu vaawv wua 1 Address all orders to.. FORT V ear. t Jiaaary. ara raa aa fw la aMattv Ma a uua aaauat. raw affiba. tn M m a aadri iJmMmm mmm pm - a, mmmu m 'rg rrt mL-zrJzzmii atavatAf WUmm. at Cfc. We Ortaaw Oattaa VaTlaMaW. trta faratali Om juttd irm a S aattZTraa? mmJ1m ta ta araat tKXOOO imi T7ME (DMNQTnniWTIfDRIt My little son ban an attack of whooping cough and was threatened with pneumonia; but for chamber lain's cough remedy we would have had a serious time oi it. It also saved him from several severe at tacks of croup. H. J. Btrickfaden, editor World-Herald, Ftir Haven, Wasl:. For sale by T. F. Sana i era. mm --AT-- J. L. TYNDALL'S TWtTwaTna from the Northern Wood lie fa PyaBalsam, the certain em. forconfclii. WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or laday in each county to manage business for an old estab lished house, of solid financial stand ing. A straight bona fide weekly cash salary of $18.00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as tbey cannot reach the seat of the disease, Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescrib ed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tbe macous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two ingredients is - what produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY tfc CO., Toledo. O. Prop's Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A nice line of Merchandise, Dy Goods and Notions, Shoes, Hat, Caps, Ac, at most any price to suit. In fact they ZMZTTST BE SOLD. Groceries, Flour, Meat, Meal, Molassas, Sugar, . Coffee, Rice, Candy, Crackers, Pepper, Spices, Ginger, Extracts, tc. Tobacco and Snuff, OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS, Soaps, Soap Powdeis, Gold Dust, Washing Powders, &c. Just come and see for it IMITXST 33 JED SOLID. Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Ac, and nice line of II ness, Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Halters and so so. Everythln g prices that make it go, and it MUST BE SOLID. Also sell BLACK DEATH, the gmt insect destroyer, kills all kind of insects on collard, cabbage and all other kind of plants. Don't "all to see me, I will save you money. Yours for bargains, J.L.TYHDALL SUITE YOUR GARDENS By Using ORDER AT ONCE. EXPRESS OR FREIGHT Special Rates. PERSOAL TO SUBSCRIBERS T1I'L-SKND to eTcrJ subscriber or reader of Thb Caccasiav a fn!l sized ONR DOLLAR package of VlT-ORE. by mail. POSTPAID, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid for within one montb'a time after receiDt if the receiyer can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more rood' than all the drugs and dope, of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines be or she has erer used. READ this over again cartfolly, and nndersUod that we ask our pay only when it has done you good, and not before. We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you. you pay us noth ing Vltse-Ore is a natural, hard, adamantine rock-like substance mineral - Ore mined from tbe ground like gold and silrer, and require about twenty years for oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and magnesium and one package will equal in medical strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most powerful, efficacious mineral water, drunk fresh at thesprinrs It is b geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. ' It is the marvel of ths century for curing such diseases as Rheumatism, Brirht's Dis ease, Bipod Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Diphtheria, Catarrh and Throat Affec tions, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Aliments, Stomacb and Female Disorders Lb Gnrpe, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and General Debility, as thou sands testify, and as no one, answering this, writing for a package. wiU derv after usma. Give age. ills and sex. '"'u Qerj .v offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afteri .6iavuUB w .rj "V-. P"" woo aesires better health, or wbosufhe tct.uo, iu uu uiscuca wuiui uave uenea ine meaical world end a t k ir, . A . Tir . . . . . - " v..u aurte " c uuw lor juur BKeps cum, Dut asa your Investigation, and at juu nave, oj warning io us lor a package. fat. March 16 and Mov. 9, 1897. Pat. in Canada Nov. a, 1897, ; ad Jan. 5, 1900- BUG DEATH Non-Poisonons Insecticide, 1 Pound Package, 3 5 12 1-2 Shakeas - Hart-Ward Hardware Co , it it tt la .15 35 .50. 1.00 .65 Raleigh, N. G. with age our expense, regardless of what ills You must not wnte on a postal card in ana wer to this, address THKO. NOEL 529, 5S1, W. North Ave,, Chicago, 111 . COMPANY DEPT. JL F 627. i JOSHUA B. t. Iargt-t asd best stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Inthedtf.

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