L H r CAUCASIAN. VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH ID. 1903. NO. II. I fedf' 10. mmvmitnmmn mm emu iimTtnc i w r. n 11 1 h mm 5 It II U I ill L Mini rjf Jewsv Iterni Gleaned From a .Murphy to Hanteo. l'iof-.or n C. Urook-. who for Vtral IdOTi hM lanf. Vtar wns th". 1 c r to ry of the North Carolina 'x c u five r.f:iiuiir of th- tf.i!th-rn edu- ;iti.n hianl, where he did such ex- Ib-nt wdrii for rural public Hf.hoolti. III now Income a tl rk In the State fiji Tint mlf iifu ofHrn. ThU is a new foltlon cieaN-d at th- rt-rwit Bunion t tth" b-Kbtature, with $1,000 nalary. iijTinf U'l nt Joyru-r went to nsboro two or Hirer- days ago to Mr. Hiooka in rranl to thj hit- r't; InkiriK this elrUhlp. lie- rcslicn- fcl tic- i . t lnt -nd ncy of tho Mon roe fc-fH,. M IihoIm to take the ila .-. H" v.in alyo he th.. e cr-tary of iU f'iutic oinmlUM- of the Southern duration 1,11:11,1 liming the latter'g inruri.fi work, with which h Jk so fa Vlllar. SiijM rinf n)-nt Joyncr ?ayn 11 r. HrookV dul-ii will ho to look af ti r tin- l-.nn fund, for jihlliiK in the ullll:iK f si hool botisc.H, arwl that ho in it'ir. thf- oniltion of af flKii'H in tin- various counties so that the money may be used to the bent al Vnntaue. 'I he KuprrlntMuh-nt nays he dHren mi,! vili obtain a report at fint hand in the educational coudi IJon of ewry er.unty and also of the rendition or 11,0 Mhool houses .Mr. Urook.s will assist Superintendent loyner r. ur-uriuK this valuable and H'ji-t tm 'p.-'ary Information. j UeidHvilb; six c ial nave: The 1 H. P un Tobacco Cornjiany In the future 111 employ Kliis in the smoking .0- ito iienfirfinciit. They are of - pinion that tins el.uss of labor i; rfove leore ftatinfactorv in everv i." 1 r iJl'ihir. the Old orth State Com nan 'i - tfl f)V ,wol;1:,n irl3 fn' time T " ' '''"Ploy oniy- , .. out ir is rumored tnat they, as t f-tll Jis the other moklntr tobacco fac tories, are contemplating a change.. l4bor Is i t i t s' urcc: negroes are leav "irp daily Tor West Virginia and other States, and ft is only a quest iou ot lit" when ni: th.' factories will h cojinpelh'd to d.-paid iiitirely on white labor. Miinuia; t 1. 1 d tobacco is being flipped in quantities and nuinu- f.Jlitnies find it ini)o:-,sible to kep up with or. lei s. The order men have in "ifiu ti.uis to purchase all the leaf to tco p.t !,le. anl a still further ad- !v;i. is u.xprcted ere the week is I t f ii. U ! Special says: Work is in Pi'j.gicss un tin I'ullcn Memorial building at lh Agricultural & Mc-t-hOiiicai College. Th. roof is on. and it1. now the interior work which is SMh, t'o.u'. The ortico is to le very Ir-if'siug. with huge columns. In this fhulhliu;; v. til be tl;.j dining hall. t scat Hup KMi.lenfs, 1 the assembly mom, IwBie'i will ae o-nmodnte t,."oo. Somo frk yd k mains t- be done in Wa- ''10 ilail. Am ebtim.ite is made that i onip!. '.. an,) fnip these two 'llidin-js, will cost something like 12('0( which the Jerisiatine hac colniM-llcd the Agi iculti.ral Depart Jr.int. to pt.. . i:v rn .. A.iock has .nade. tlie fol luilng appoie. nls: To be a diree- rjt r tic penit r.tiary, John 1. Ktrr, ?J.Wi;evHe; to be a m.'mber of the Urd f agricuiUMe: John M. Fore ami, of Chowan ountv: to be ovster rotmub.-.f'c.e-r (reappointed) W. n. aVfbb. ol Morc'uad i": ref-f (.f tile board ot visitors of the A. Co'legc. C. v. (iold. W. J. IVelc nfi K. f,. Smith, ail reappointments, rul tie Howard. 1o hiiei'eed Mr. Rlikes. who v.a-i reeditly appointed a Member -f the loard of agriculture. fi'sur.uice Commissioner Young was iqprinei r an attempt last night to uifn the extensive plant of tho White njfnit'ue Company at Mebane. The iOCndiai ie.i. v.sin" a riuantitv nf cot. mi waste, sat-uated with oil. set fire several phues. to the oil house. hieh adjoined the main building, but r-'i Are was discovered in time. The stmince commissioner Kent nn -. rt (here to investigate. In the Superior Court at Charlotte P f'3s' S. Clanton against the If of Charlotte for $5,000, for alleged F-tsve to Clanton's farm. west, nf the 1 y the ccwrage from the city, was : liuded ami the plaintiff was given 1 jagrs in tne sum of "13,000. The de : lant will anneal. IJis learned at the Agricultural De- fTQent that the sales of fertilizer tflge are normal. It Is expected they wiil be as laree as thev wore fcsy spring. f .Requisition has been made by this aCt; on the War Denartment for Zg magazine rifles for all the in- r.ta-y regiments of the North Cam- v National Guard. In all there will About 2,00o. Cartridge belts and :$nct scabbards will come Avith the ej. V.pdnesday'a Charlotte Observer rat that Col. R. L. Abernethy, owner tte.0pen View Farms, lost a wallet coining $450 Tuesday en route from vtr Bend to Charlotte or after his rrlTal in Charlotte. Col. Abernethy fere from his fans to Mount Holiv, a Stsilnce cf Ave miles, Tuesday morn k iind took the train there for Char- tf. The wallet containing the money sm nis coat pocket. At last account 4ad not succeeded In recoveringr it. Jongressman E. Y. Webb, of the Ijth district, will deliver the literary ets ai me approaching commence t at Oak Ridge Institute. The an- iormon wi;i bo tireached bv Rev. f. Johnson, of Greensboro, presi- or tne Aortn Carolina Conference e Methodist Protestant Church. vernor Aycock has made quite a ber of educational appointments feak during the next two or three fraJis. The dates up to the end of yare as follows: Guilford. College, "1 26th, Pelha.m, 27th; Windsor. Ji7th. Bnrlins-t tj 29th; Hombay Institute, May r ibanford, 7th; Wlntersvillo High fl. 15th; Oxford, 18th; Red :K3, 20th; Ieaville, 22d; Yadkin normal school, 26th; Littleton. 4 ituni BUYS TOBACCO LANDS nillionalrc Morgan Kob a Ooo4 Thing; When I1 Sees It. Tampa. Fla., Special. Advicea fiuu Havana which a.e (ouaidered reliable Hate that while in Cuba recently J. Iir.ont Morgan, i'p:eseta'ng th American Tobacco Ccmpany, cloh-d negotiation for the purchase of all thi lands in the Vuelu Abajo dibtrict. upon whih is rown the finest grade of leaf tobacco in the world. It is ui'd In the manufai turc of clgarn. Thi pi:rjKe of th- purdnse ?, to sxure ll of this fine tobacco exclusively for the t:e ff the factories of the Ameri can Clt;nr Company, whkh a branch o' the American To'.:o-io Company. If thc.c intentions ate iairi?d out in the independent clear Havana factories in Tampa. New Orleans, New Yo-k. and other citi.j. wiil have ,tC) j0ok else where for their fine pra;1e of leaf to bacco .nearly all of them being sup plied now from the fields reported to have ben bought by Morgan. It will be a great blo-.v to independent trans action. The nale involves seevral mil lion. Negotiations had to be conduc ted with a number of individual own ers of lands. Of the largest civar Havana factories in this city four are owned and opcr Htrd by the Havana-American Com- Standard O.I in Cotton. Host'jn. Mass., Special. Hack of the present movement in cotton and the coming consolidation of various cotton product companies are Standard Oil mon, whose representatives are back ing both sides of the market and seek ing to carry out plans which Standard Oil liua li!i tnv f.fn.u -.i.t,. .,,. lio,i of controllii z th- cotton crop of ,.,., : , n nmj ....n,. i. ....1 a protege of Gen. S. M. Weld of Has- fa,iier of tho Planters n, rather of the Planters' Compress mpany, and Sculiy'.s broker, in cot " J exchange transactions. Price's X!:$r i A. C. Burrag-?, of Ponton, a b Jard Oil man. who has just been eiefted a director in the Planters' Compress. Burrage backed Vii.c in cotton last year and profiled $l,000,0u') !:.' t!1." 'leal. Mr. Burrage is a personal friend of H. H. Rogers, w.f,i!:er Stand ard Oil magnate, who lias an interest in the Planters Comprci-s and tney are working to secure (onirol of the American cotton track1. Two Accidents. Charleston, S. C. Special. A News and Courier special from Sumtor, S. (.'.. Mys: "John F. Lauglney, mau ager and one of the proprietors of the Lukens Lumber-Company, of this city, was fatally injured late Friday after noon by the explosion of the fly wheel of the saw mill engine. A fly wheel of the saw mill engine. A flying frag ment of iron struck him in the fore head, crushing the skull and face. He was taken to tha infirmary, but noth ing could be done for him and the doctors 813- he cannot live till mid night. The saw mill was completely wrecked and pieces cf tho wheel fell 150 yards from the mill a:ter passing through the roof. The wheel was ten feet in diameter an 1 weighed 6,00 pounds. High Point. N. C, Special. A 'phone message; from t he country says that William Holt, who lives near this place, and a negro man, met a hor rible death together. Mr. Hoit. and the negro were engaged in cutting feed on a fteam cut tor when the-fly-wheel burst, cutting off both of Mr. Holt's legs and killing the negro instantly. Mr. Holt lingered an hour or more. ' Asheville Oil In Prospect. Asheville, N. C, Special. Tho first work of sinking a well to find oil and gas will begin Monday on Dr. J. T. Baird's farm on Beaver Dam. five miles from Asheville. Tho building of the derrick will begin then but con siderable lumber and tackle to be used in its construction has already been hauled to the spot and the contractors who will erect the derrick are here ready to start Monday. The builders arc E. W. Litten and Wm. Healcl, of Sardis, O. These gentlemen are pro fessional derrick builders and are thoroughly familiar with the work. They said that the wells in West Vir ginia were at least 3,000 feet deep and that the cost of making a test here would be over $15,000. A New Merger. Raleigh. N. C, Special. J. S. Wynne, secretary and treasurer of the Raleigh Cotton Mills, of this city, j.-? authority for the .statement that a new Fries merger will bo formed by the aid of New York capitalists and that the con solidation is -expected to be effected early in April. The Raleigh mills will enter the combination. Tried te flurder Family. Huntsville, Ala.. Special. Jos. Pow er, a young white man of New Mar ket. Ala., attempted to exterminate a whole family near that place Friday. Powers had a difficulty with John Winkle a fw days ago and determin ed to get revenge. He called at Kin kle's home toda and cp&ned ii: e upon the family through a window. Five people wvre thot, including Winkle, a baby an3 two women. Winkle's sob was shot la the eye. Immediately af ter the ihcotiuij PoTvers took a train for Texas. The riothcrs' Congress. New York. Special The annual con ference of the National Congress of Mothers will be held this year at De troit, Mich., May 5th to 8th- To the board of management the congress has entrusted the conduct of its business for three years, thus giving more time for conferences, discussions, tc. An Important feature of the work of the congrew ia to secure the co-operatior-of home and school, which has been effected in hundreds of schools on plans outlined by the congress. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY A Decree That Stums the Progress ol the World's Thought CZAR OF RUSSIA GROWS LIBERAL Local Self-Government Granted in Some Instances A Long Step in Advance. St. Petersburg, By Cable. The Czar has published a de ree providing ftfr freedom of religion throughout hia dominion?, establishing to tome de gree local fcelf-govcrnment and mak icg other concessions to the village cornuiittits. The decree, which was U tued in commemoration of the anni versary of the biihday of Alexander III, is considered to be the most sig nificant act of state since the emanci pation of the serfs. The public hailB it as the proclamation of an era open ing up bright prospects of the ear.y improvement of Russian internal ad ministration. The text of the decree is in part as follows: "The trouble agitating our country, which to our deep regret have partly been sown by designs hostile to the State and partly engendered by doc trines foreign to Russian life, hinder the general work of ameliorating the well-being of our people, lhcsc trou bles confuse the public mind, remove the people from productive labor, and often ruin families dear to our heart and young energies among high and low, necessary to the internal develop ment of the country. Jn demanding the fulfillment of this, our will, while remaining strongly opposed to any vio lation of the normal course of national life, and having confidence that ail will loynlly discharge their local du ties, we are irrevocably decided to satisfy the needs for which the Ptato has become ripe and have deemed it expedient to strengthen and decree it expedient to observance of the prin ciples of tolerance laid down by the fundamental laws oLthe Russian Em pire, which, recognizing the Orthodox Church as the ruling one, grant to all our subjects of other religious and to all foreign persuasions freedom of creed and worship in accordance with other riies; and we are further resolv ed to continue the active carrying out of measures for the improvement of the material position of the orthodox rural clergy, while enabling them to rake a larger share in inteiiectual and public life. "In accordance with impending measures for the consolidation of the national economy, the efforts of the Stat) credit institutions ami especially tho nobles and peasants hanks fihouid be directed to strengthening and de veloping the welfare and fundamental pillars or Russian village life and that of the Io.al nobility and peasantry. These principles marked out by us for the disposition cf the laws of the rural population are, when formulated, to be referred to the provincial government councils, so that with the ussittar.ee of persons enjoying the public's confi dence, thej may be further develoncd and adapted to the special conditions or individual localities. This funda mental principle of the inviolability of communal property is to be maintain ed, while at the same time means are to be found to render it easier for the individual to server connections with the community to which he belongs, if he- so desires. "Without delay measures must bo taken to release the peasants from the present burdensome liability of en forced labor. "Through reforms arc to be effected in the provincial governments and dis tricts administrations! by the local representatives, while attention will be devoted to securing closer co-oper ation between the communal authori ties and parochial trustees of the Or thodox churches wherever possible. "Calling upon all our subjects to co operate in strengthening: the founda tions of families, school and public life under which alone tho well-being of the people and the confidence of every one in the stabiity of his rights can develop, we command of our ministers and chief officials concerned in this matter to submit to us their views re garding the execution of our inten tions." Sworn to Kill His Uncie. Knoxville, Tenn., Special. Garrett Heddon, an alleged moonshiner, has been stabbed to death by his brother, Riley Heddon, in Polk county. A j ear ago in an altercation with another brother, Garrett killed him and thi3 mureler led to his own death. Garrett and Riley had visited the tovn of Re liance and had started home v;hen they became involved in a quarrel about Garrett having killed his brother, the result being that Riley plunged a knife through his body. Garrett was taken home, where, after his family had as sembled, he gave to his eldest son, aged 10, his pistol, making him swear that he would kill his uncle when he was large enough. Another Restraining Order. Kansas City, Special. An injunction was granted to the Kansas City Trans fer Company against the Team Driv ers' International Union. No. 45, and the sympathizers of the strike, by Judge John F. Phillips, of the United States District Court. The action was brought on the ground that the com plainants are government cartmen, be ing employed by the government in transporting bonded goods. Justice Day's Illness Serious. Washington, Special. The Associ ated Press is informed by a member of the family of Justice Day, of the United States Supreme Court, that he is suffering from a severe attack of grip. His condition, it :ii admitted, is serious. Mrs. Day and two sons ax rived here Friday. Two other sons, one at the University of Michigan, and the other at a school in Ashe ville, N. C, are being kept closely ad vised as to their father's U&ess, LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS, Msy Matters of Oorl later est Short Paragraphs. The Sunay South. Heavy Goods are threatening ton on the lower Mississippi. The Southern Railway will greatly enlarge Its shops at Spencer. The North Carolina General Assem bly closed its bi annual session Mon day. Along the Mississippi the levees an? being strengthened with bags of sand and the levees are breaking in places. Government engineers report that the highest water ever known in the Mississippi i to be feared before the present Hood subsides. Secretary of the Navy Moody, with a party of officials, left Charleston. S. C, at noon Wednesday on the dis patch boat Dolphin for a cruise in the West Indies. The condition of ex-Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas, who has been ill for tome days, is reported as Ira proved. A paroxysm of hiccughs which lasted two days greatly distressed the patient, but the physicians now have this unfavorable symptom under con trol and the family express the hope that he will entirely recover. J. R. Mcintosh, general counsel of the Southern divLsicn of the Postal Telegraph Company, who has been ill in Atlanta for some time with pneu monia, was last night reported to be in a very critical condition. Hope for his recovery has bean practically abandon ed, although his physicians state that he may live two or three davs. At Tlie National Capital. The blockade of the Orinoco bv Venezuela is expected to develop freii international complications. Representatives of the three Ameri cas will meet at Vac State Department to consider the Pan-American railway project. The President has nominated Win. Plimley to be Assistant United States Treasurer at New York, succeeding the late Conrad Jordan. At The North. At Olean, N. Y., 18 to 20 persons were killed and double that number injured by an explosion of oil. The ferryboat Neptune was sunk by the river steamer Margaret at Pitts" turg, but no lives r.ere lost. The unsatisfactory bank --latemeut and the assigr-ent cf Dresser & Co. caused stocks to break sharplv in Wall street. The protected cruiser Chattanooga, for the United States Navy, built by Lewis Nixon's company, was launched at Elizahethport, N. J., Miss Lillian Chambliss, daughter tjf the Mayor of Chattanooga, acting as sponsor. The directors of the Western Union Telegraph Company declared the regu lar quarterly dividend of 1 1-4 per cent. A statement issued estimates the net revenue for the quarter ending March 31 at $1,850,000. Arthur R. Pennell co-respondent in the divorce suit of Edwin'! Burdick, who was mysteriously murdered at Buffalo, was dashed to death in an automobile, and his wife who was with him, is believed to be fatally injured. Hon. William J. Bryan, addressing the Michigan Judicial Convention at Detroit, criticised ex-President Cleve land, J. P. Morgan and J. Edward d dicks. The stockholders of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, in annual meeting at Philadcdphia, voted to in crease the capital stock of the com pany by $150,000,000, making the au thorized capital $400,000,000. Judge E. B. Adams, at St. Louis, named March 17 as the date for hear ing arguments on the Wabash Rail road injunction. Six strange deaths on the Karamania which arrived in New York from Southern Europe, caused the health of ficials to suspect cholera and to order uji me vessel detained in quaran tine. From Across The Sea. Pope Leo XIII received a jubilee delegation, of British Catholics. Tho Biitish House of Commons be gan to debate on the army estimates The Naval Committee of the Reich stag cut down the Government's pro gram for expenditure. In the French Chamber of Deputies the the Government was urged to ac quire Morocco. Nineteen Italians are believed to have been drowned by the capsizing of a ferry boat on the Hudson river at Spier Falls, New York. i-.ora J-.ovat was overcome with stage fright and sat down after comleting only part of the first sentence of his maiden speech in the House of Lords. The Ameer of Afghanistan divorced all his wives but four. Pope Leo, it is announced, will re ceive pilgrims in Rome today. A great automobile parade saluted Emperor William in Berlin. Towusville, North Queensland, has been visited by a cyclone, in which many persons were killed or injured. A part of the hospital building col lapsed during the storm, killing six persons. Schools, churches and resi dences were destroyed, and many of the inhabitants have beefc' rendered homeless. -r, . Miscellaneous Matters. Cotton prices again slumped on the New York Exchange. Ira D. Sankey, the evangelist, it is believed has permanently lost the sight of one eye. The Buffalo police detained and questioned in connection with the Bur dick. murder mystery Miss Marion Hutchinson, a former clerk for Edwin L. Burdick, but released her for lack of evidence. NEW PIBLIC LAWS. 5ummary of the ImporUat Acts l the LetUUture. Th foHouit xrr oui cf lL" cU of th Lrili!urc. which are of pub Hc intrrft: Public lams: To laue fJW.ww of tend? to tun 10 )r at not oter 4 Irfr cent. lnerr!; to boirow l,tw0 for the !ite;ar fund, payable January lt. K, at 1 r r cent. interet; to .qipicpriate $2"0.o) to th p-ibhc schovl; to lo.u the literary fund t'CO. tj the conns!-, for improvement cf p:bH h toj! 1iju-s; ta app cpil ate ti).ey f -r th" eebt.tation of the tt-ttiemcnt of Roanoke UUnd. provid ed 2T0.fwi u otL'TwU.' raffed; to pro vide for the payment of the defl.it In finances during 1W1-1D02; to pr-.nide fcr tale cf property iu which thre i a contingent remainder: to amend The Code as to ie dlvurt- fjr two earH' abandonment and allow leaiar riase five ye im after the dlvorte (ap plies ta r.Hil-02); to Khorttn time of notiie of eale: to prescribe ft'es for rt'f?isterin agricultural liens; to pro tect public water snppliet; to provide for a code commission; to reaiter the sale of adulterated common ial fetdln stuffs: to regulate pale. iu?perl?on au 2 branding of cotUn seed me I: t3 pro vide for regi-4' ration of train! nurfcj; to prevent the abduetir.n and elope mmt of married women: to reulat1 labor of children in fa- torV-a. (none to be allowed to work under 12 years cl ffe); to Incorporate the North Caro lina Veterinary Medical Aoclatlon; to alidatc Iru-aular probates: to al- j low railways to hie petitions same ia;o o: spee.i through towns, to np pr priate $10KW for the exhibit at thr Ft. Loui? Kxpohition. provided a liie amount is rai.scd otherwise; to define ownership of laud bounded by water; fcr I he beller piu'eclion of perse U.s tvhvre corporations act r.s tiusiees. guardians, etc.; to prevent in,-; re than one trustee or director of a State in stitution bein.a; f.c:n cue countv; to define the duihs and liabilities of hotel keepers; to cieate a historical commis sion; to protect telephone messages, also to protect telephone and electric light wires; n regulate procuring of load bodies for dissection; to rcqutro 'est book contractors to have sufficient depositories: to define the practice of medicine and suireiy; to allov he lecrctary of State to rhartei banks; to allow judgvs to regulate and limit ar gument: of counsel in the (Superior Courts; to amend the law regarding arson. In corpora tin? Bank?: Windsor, Win ston, Spring Hope, Kernel sville, Sel ma, Washington, Whiteville. Taylors ville, Warsaw, Brink of Maitln county. Bank of Franklin, Pittsboro, Hamlet, Columbia, Bank of Carteret. Burling ton, HiRh Point. Wilson. Avden. Stontviile. Gastonia, Oxford, Raeford, vvhltakers. two Raleigh, two Durham, Harnett, Bulhaven. Sptucer, Lilliug lon. Aurora, Nashville, Concord, China Grove. Insurance Companies: Southern life Union Benevolent. People's Mutual, Accident and Sick Benefit Association. Guaranty Life & Indemnity, High Point Fire, Perpetual, Southern Under writers. Southern Surety & Casualty, Protection. Insurance Laws Amended: Section H8 of law of 1S98. so brokers can place insurance iu companies not doing busi ness iu this State, upon paying license fees, etc.; to amend law regarding in vestigation of fires; to require the in surance commission to pass on all in surance on Stato property; to amend charters of underwriters and home companies of Greensboro; to regulate insurance companies and their govern ment; to regulate insurance and in crease thepubllc revenues. Railways: Merchants. Caney River, Raleigh Light & Traction, Chapel Hill Trolley, Hiawasse Valley, Raleigh Eastern, Winston-Salem Southbound. Currituck County, Virginia and Caro linaWashington & Vanderc, Salisbury, Virginia. Wairenton & Carolina; Sa lem & Black Rock. Southport it Northwestern, Carolina Coast, Cum berland, Tennessee & North Carolina, j Lumb-erton & Raleigh, Greensboro In- ; ter-TTnion, Yanceyville, Reidsville & j Burlington; North Carolina & Ohio, j Elizabeth City and Carolina Through ! Line. j Road I-aws: For counties of Cleve land, Johnson. Jackson. Columbia. Person, Halifax, Madison, Burke, Hen derson, Chowman, Rutherford. Hyde, Chatham, Robeson. Beaufort. Transyl vania, Haywood, GranvilH. Clay, Dur ham. Forsyth, Rockingham, Macon, Sampson, Cabarru3, Brunswick.Greene, Alamance, Orange, Yancey. McDowell, Gates, Stokes, Lincoln, Northampton, Swain. Towns Incorporated: Wendell, Stokes. Shelmandine, Bladensboro, West Tarboro, Dudley, Hassell, South Wadesboro, Lawndale, Fountain, Over man, Chocowinity, Picetops. Oakley, Teacheys. Abbottsburg. Williams. Shore. Old Sparta, Scotland. Swan Quarter, Liliington. Core Point. Ed vard, Gladstone, Myrtle, Ca3ar, South Mills, Cokely. Faith. Graded Schools Established: Madi son. Westlieid, Swan Quarter, Rox bcro, Graham, Tryon, Fremont. La Grange, Greenville. Lenoir. Alamance county S, Hope Mills, Williamston, h Welilon, Oxford, Plymouth, Fayeite- viiie, taecton. spring Kope, toreei City, Raeford, Pelnam, Koper, Ivy, Scotland Neck, Morganton, Clinton, Elizabeth City, Columbia, Copeland, Mt. Pleasant. Training school for teachers for Wa tauga, and six other counties in west ern North Carolina. Number of County Commissioners Increased: Rockingham, Guilford, Cumberland, Carteret, Wayne, Lensir, Richmond, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Gas ton county commissioners appointed for Greene, Craven, Halifax; self-government restored to Brunswick, Per quimans, Posquotank. Dispensary Laws: To establish dis pessaries ft Wljqn, CrarwelL Little- loo. Pine LH. Vlarl, tCtaarJ ot- frj. GraLatn. ! urvmoa; to ret IV-oa county d:i;tarr la . a'.Jow G wnty t, ub!ih d. te abulith dupeaory at P.4tir?orj" ton. To (.tobiUt mabufa'-ture and aale of Uqjor !b Wataoga. Wirio. IUM kon. ScolLaaJ. Jjhuttoo. Cu3steflaaJ llarcett. Polk, rta of Watai ja aa4 Hyde, ani Uujy tQ !rejl! Ton Autborif-! to ki .WbeWr.r. Wa) nc U)r. EV.iaWth V.'.t Grte&kUuo. HUh point. K.'kla. Grra viiie. WhluttUe. EJtatua. CUrlo!tr L-aklIl. Lriinr.on. Kra-ririt:e Duun. Lennrt'Mi. !on!tr.r. Leolu tan. Kuthrtfortf.n. Wa;,.irwi To Pun lab Drunkecaett la: Macon. Stanley. Uonl Uauea or SpeUl Taa Author lied by Countl: Nah. Carteret. Hay. wood. Washington. Johntoa. Jones. Caswell. Cleveland. Polk. Union. Le noir. Mitchell. Beaufort. Date. Camden. Yancey. Aiamanee. Hertl. Gutlfoid. Oittlow, HenJeraun. ilontgonir ry, Sampson. Granville. Roman. I1tt. ItifL niona, Onslow, Hendejaoa. Anaon. Mad ison. Tyrrell. Greene. Harnett. Caa tou. Ir-dell. Brunawlck. LMgixoiaLe. Wake. Buncombe. Aahe. Trac;vania. Macon. Watauga, RutherforJ; In er eral cases isaue of bonda and levy cf special tai being authorized for uiut county. fission Annlcrar. Ne Yo:k. Special. A ctiu!-ien r celebrating the twentieth annivern-ry of the National Florence Crlttenton Mlwlon, epened in the iu!-.-:ou b i-t In Bleeker meet. Hie pi bid, :.t . Clms. N. Ciilenton. astd by Mr. K-le Walter lUrntt. r nerj! i;ier! at n ! nt. extended cordial l:ojlta1i a n behalf of the Old Mother Minion. Ti:c following 1elri:.it n ri pm-nt. Mi. Jones, Norftd. Va.; M i. Wolf . .V andria. Va.; Mr. ndtjl. Chat: nooga. T nn.: Mt. Fisher. I.yn hiurc. Va.; Mrt. Hdt. Sjv..n:::h. th l'.-;e:n on varUms .i!itts !;!. ,d t. l. ', mission worl. w r mi l by v .f delcgat. The v ntSo'i .! e.a tlntie rnti! Saturday. Il.gh Water In Aikmsas. Little Hock. Aik.. Special. The White. Itlack r.nd Current ilvern arc bank full and ruin with a Kreat vol ume of v.ai r tt l:i kIkM. It is ex. pected that the river at New.oit. Ark . will j-how a auge of I ftft which itl put the W hite river Into the In n Mountain yards and over a preat por tion of track. The Arkansas here Is rl.-intf rapidly above and the leather lurau p edlet.i a it- hre vlth'u th.' next J1 bonis whicli ill ji,,) the -.v ttr ubove the danger line. White Man Killed. Columbia. S. C. Special. W. L. Croft, a while man who lived at Fair fax. Ilarnwell county. S. C. was hnt snd instantly killed from an.bui-h Monday nljcht. mar his home. Suspi cion strongly points to a negro. Frank Strange, whose wif.- Croft had 1 e friended by j-'ivint her home after her huaband had driven her from hia house. Situation Grave at Natchez. Natchez. Miss., Special. livery pu raution that can L devised ia Ulns adopted to prevent any attempt at rut ting the levee anJ a constant wats li Is maintained by armed men. Heavy rains added to the gravity of the fdiu ation. The river rose thie-.-n-ntba and is now 2.5 above the danger line, which facts have intensified the feeling of ap piebeiiclcn. The i-teamer llr-tsy Ann brought in -50 people from th flooded district between here and Hayou Sara. Tho steamers St. Joteph and Senator Cordill arv alfo doing considerable re lief work between Natchez and Virks burg Crum's Appointment. Washington. Special. Tlie Senate committee on commerce deelde-l to postpone action od the nomination of Wm. D. Crum, to be collector tjf the lort at Charleston, S. C, until next Thurday. The suggestion for pAt ponement was made by Senator Clay. There are a number of vac-ancles on the committee and he urged that tho committee should not art until these were filled. It U now bedieved by the opponents cf Dr. Crum that another meeting of the committee will not be he'd during the present session. Killed In Collision. Danville. Va.. Special. Early Tues day morning the Sontrern fast passn F.er. standing at this station, was run into by the north-bound Florida flyer, resulting in the death of Jos. E. Mc Arthur. of CafTney, P. C. a passenger, and W. K. Neal, of Rural Hill. N. C. an overhauler. who was coupling: the air brakes. Jameg Cnleman. an em ploye of the road, who was asslstias Neal. was taken to the hospital, where one of his arms was amputated. Both engines were wrecked and several cva damaged. Increased Uss of Coke. Coke, a byproduct In tae manufac ture of gas. has Increased 200 per ce&t in price in five years. IS YOUR HEALTH VALUABLE? Diasaac is ajwm js a fcAndicap; it a&fiu ma (ot busiaas od pivuuv- euetlsr.e tempo trily rftaa penaaaMtly. Ufa U a ceatianoc ctrsgg-U. a& rs or wont. Jit4 with a Ckrvaie diseas is oatdsMed at STery tern. In thi vi ia.rp competsfJoa, u tax -ui bop to is sat- llrf V JS I treated more tiv - .A ' taoroafh;y Da. Hathaway. I HUttt WW Sl si bare perfected a ayxem vt koaa treataaeot wrhich eaables m ia ewe yow at yoae aoine, aa I ttave tkoitsaods of others. Writ as f ally aboat yoer case, sad aead for aoapUta sywtoton bUM. Correeoadea eoafidesUal. Address J. KKWTOX HATHAWAY HJD) SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL L krt Milt Aitv Luckhart Ci Ml"' MixkaU f;t ct Afii u t tttf ct- ut te J tree tors la frw'Tttg t t ctea arts tl trr l tm I !.! TfcU tnet'8g lit Um arr f'-rral reviitf la S!a Ua r tXa It H ttr Msx-rsrtnref- Kaoori r nt!3tfM t (&:arEa.rata mlti ttla lO'tcaa ta.iul U jf tm fiiacly. ! r ration c a No S al3 V'.xztiol t;ioJk a&S 1 V-X P- iiii tmty Zip) p.4Wa aa4 If lo.tt. t: te t&tla.Ux miu V fva p';Kn if l ) taaia strartar T ether UarL!&rry IU b lata!4 af ter Le Cr ha!f f Ihm e!rarst ! !n u.fiMlil sratli Tl rota r-a U pT4'.Bg tth lb ora U d4 In lhcc rttratlie l-rtt crme&ts it t.a wi.ijaftcv f.r a'l tte caaxt'a v:rt- tftk l r the tw'Uleg J.!h wi: t-y Uff structure t:vit; frtt. ant It.- latirr la Is ?: t'r cf it-it.v.n A rttaplee utt.r t.-ili it.-n ituti'.t. a XOt n ir ac'l a at eel bii.t. I?, a I l.r :t ala t t ji tm. t .' t v : !it em pi a.i!t - i-i,j.le Ti rc,.eai 1 2. a f t iaiit I ti p:r.4s aa4 1 Dcotl.f9 a HW.000 M.ll. T :.- M. nacban Mills tf GrevtUie. P C. UI c?. ml lc ta itnwe plant Ti 1lr.-Ioi nJ rt.KfcLilJrra oftbr ei,; u fcave aut l...r'.i. d L lea P'cv-M. nt. and U1 pah tb tn ! ic.pl tlru tiila jur Tb- preM-nt in t-Ul'jtlon t.r t-tll.- na l.-.i-r la J. " n.:r.1lc nn! " l?u. ahlil I - r!upl: at-d in the eitn!B 14 be t '!-?. Th I . ft. t r .f pjluet UI '::liaM tr t . bj.) rjn.lr. w14 : ir.t :.ti an 1 tLct-ttira for i.vt ion. J f. :arid A F-.n baa - 'ir.t in did tt.e rnill rx, nl,.n ..(.ii ' HKtt--i.i r t t' CCl.-pic t. t , .:u't !. ,! the m'Linr) Li ?ea ier ' Textile Note !:. I. Sfnc. r f liutdln. Teiar. is criefcrxin I. tig with f.s.heMon Tiasi piti'.a ri-lati.e ta th. rrHt:ea f a. la;-Ki- e.ttou ii.Hl at liiit-V.a. C. MrKj, ,ci i I'm Juw.nt. S. C. I'lttt mpljf a eM4bi:hr a knitting r.i.11. He want inf..: t.tai n regatdtna tic k.iltling lu-Irmy. pr:a en taa- tb:cy. tc. It Jt p4;..j e1 e-tlii)i a ttc U f:.ttry t li'j .Hi nna. V.lt. M. A JI.Kiuc, t,f t'.e iutn' Tr.rhants. fi'cn i 1.'iate tn"a'r e.f ln1 as lte fui th taierpiU. Mfcr. M. Hehrji. 11 M. Ilemxer bdin (5. Fle her ani d!.ri f I-ittl lok. Ark., pre:"- the ct .'Shnxt.t t;f a frrni (ton tIM. Tlir p'an i to " tire :M,t at L.itle Hitrk and S 1 . t fiom outtide apita I.ts. M-r. Kly Wa!kir 4 . dty Z'Mt-U i:.ri bants, e.f St. l-iim. Mi... U1 e tal.l)l at Tupelo. M:f.. the kulttlns will rr.ntione-1 lat iroi.th ea prpoe1 by tiiein. A-ut .Ve Mill " liittatei to itait v,ith. The pfen'u.-t le jG bU ly. M hri. V. L. Webkj. IWnry Hud--.n. Jhn I. Id;nin. J. t. Johnon ntsi l-ii Jo-ifolnicn hae lncortiratei il - J-o.it'.ern Ti ri C. ef Kcxvillc. T i.:i . for ir.ati'.ifii' tur:nz eeitton. f.ai. hfriifi .et-. The apilal atoik Is f !.''?. No fuither details atated. J. H. Hmliuvh. liaytmi. Va.. tnteni platea Installing ruachlncry for the r::an'.ifa' tcre of l oniery ur under siear. He merely wanta to Install a small r.!rrtir e;f Tuachlrj'-s in erdr tu utllixze s-ji I -lus ifiwer. I'rlcn and other infor mat'em are requester en th required Jtiachlnery. Avon Mills, (.asiouia. N. C. was iainaicd uuy aUiat Ji.O'i worth by Ihe windftorm referred to laet week. Kepaiia io the bulMing are aliea-ty abor't err.p!ete,l. htuarl W. Cramer. Charljtte. N. C, is ensin.r la rhargs to furnish parts for the lama2ed na-t-Linry. AL-o-.it lO.Wt spindles und mf'f looms aie opera teJ. I'ark W.ioden Mills. lUisatlMe. Gs . manufai turt-r ef Jeans and esasi merer, uiil enlarge and Impinve Its piant. Company will ere-t adlitlonal Lulld ;n pride r "a on iiriervlniein, of brSek. 40 feet wide by 70 feet long, felfable for mom go nd for e;)erating iv0 l-Mffs. It is on the market for ft narrow looms, three sets CO-Inch cards and three pa its mule. Ve.ik Co'.tr.n Mills. VorkvUle. B. !.c5 e :jtr3?ted for the ecmbiog ma chin :y lor its ed'lltional building n.entlor.ed last wek. Thi machinery l.aa Vn p'irchaie1 from Whltln Ma- L'i.e Works. Whitlnavllle. Uam. t!;rr.-;?h Stuart W. Cramer, mill en gineer, Cbilotie. N. C. Tc additional ill lini? Ip a fe-tory itructure JlxH fi-t. There are I0.:t4 spindle a In tbU '.-.111. Lnmb:r Notes. Mr. C. L. Hardy of Iompte, La , has completed arrangements to testis at once the erection of m of the lar-j-fft sawmills in that section o! Lou Ixlan?. Tte plant will be located near the Texas ic Pati3e RailroaJ depot la Ircorcpte. ccMfttl uls soaad is mi& tui body. Dari&g try Ung erer as a ccIa.Ut, I iiu sa tfecstxtf; wao i.re cTTjicg trcuj mx oltict) tktazjt diacass aa a ba centcai cctr.piion.irhxi t'ney cot-i rid tini of Vy th proper tre.tT.ir.t. Any kosctt jby will teU yo tit t dt-eakct are nurKrrr au4 obJcralc, wi a tfec:aJ kaSedg h recjafrcJ to tm: Caere rcccMfaiiy. My pciai Clbcm (or trvktisi Carouic ltKct b been tcqitrcd hr treaty years of rlo mf i than bt oehr pliyucis ia tie Uaitei State. nn3crtand jakt bst i teeired ia eaca ess cocele Jllood asd Skia DUeue, Bladder mod Kidaey CosplaiaU, Piceaaes tX Wonea, ete and ray orifiaaJ tkd ol U tia kaa pro-e aoccesafal ia ceea tb moat obrtiaat caaes. a m mm mmmm mm M 'Bw mmmmim

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