CAUCASIAN. 1 VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, J3RTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL If., I90:t- is4 NO. J nun i ii oiM innnino s unmu ctit iinmno a 4 4 p. Newsy WEATHER AND CROPS. Items Gleaned From Murphy to fltnteo. IiHfc.3ifcfciiifcIifciifckfchAlili Tli- revenue officers are pushing IhingH rather lively in Durham county Ii'to cf late. About the fam time n iohh from Alamance county Invade! Durham and picked up three ilicli plants In thf northern part of th .... .. ..I.. .1 f. . timing, ti i. him; i hit, in Uie nOUlfl Lowell h' tion. Thy were within twr. rniM'H or fain other ana ail weie In operation. On' man. a negro by thf nam'- of John Butler, was arrested at fin- of tin- Mills and taken bark to Ala mance county. The three plants wm destroyed a -axyv quantity of beer low uhi'K, etc., were destroyed. A white man by the nam" of Handy Hop kinn, was found at one of th Mill and wh ii thf officer came up h" ran. Tr.ey fired Hfvral times and finally Hopkins fell ami frilling that, ho fainted es- rapi d br-hif,' njTf-stMl, as th- ffic( r? did ti"f have time to "doctor" a pri.f n- er bff.-ic taking him away. V telephone mffH'u-f from Lexington f-tat'd Hint at S: 1" o'clock Tuesday nitflit .six freight, rar.s at that place wire if'i)iolih-licd and a conductor pain fully injured as a result of a collision l"'l'''''i) freight trains No. 81 and XL. I Nn. si ,vas on thf! main line at Lcxing- Ion. Nr. S' cumins from- the south, J couldn't make the air f.rakcs work 1 properly and was unable to ( heck itself on the steep down grade. This was r-- Fpimsiide for the accident. The engine of No. 2 ".side-wiped" No. SI, splintr-r- j ig ti'.f six fr.'iht cars, three of which . wi re tilled with cotton mill machnTy. J Ti e main line vat covered with debri:;, I but 1 1 ; : 1 1 . was n.,t blocked as the other train!, passed i!ie wrcik on the siding. 's Asiii-vil e's .di ike situation became I t"Mn , ilnrified Tuesday through I ti e decision ,.f tllf capC!ltors to ga tc fwnl; :i tij :se buihaiKK which ti'.i h;u I a':i;-.!id ne.l b c:oisi ?ol the puiil' i:' j -t 'I lid I'; Wi ll I Co'.'n il. an, I f i (mm t hat o I tur.v mo; I biddvin.' s l:. and lab; the prcbtn-.v who we,e not in tlif iiuildiiiK Trades f''H' ' :) th:)'i ( 1 i . . : i i i f : It i at -'.:v il.s i in I'd' ji e ,".mi'j :it :in. :i y bavc i lt.i:-m bet r fi.T the e. Ibis stale li,' ! V : : ; r ors crait:-; will a litdd m card Tiiis concilii- tlf tfi'ect 01 .'.t en k.c-ul capi rci.ent, but it ii of armed ncu until May :. tut I .'.u '. i'-.iii'.u in (li ccnviUc T'.ie ida fit; ou.' .-lion of issaing $r.WO bonrH I i'c : i'.i, :!'', t i-,)cn;; a rl 5iO.()0 fot Iiadid rr'-jnitc.-l as follows: I Tel a I r :.i j Uu- h-r.i U i v , i 1 1 ; ' , 1 cie ere"1 ji H'i t ir.c,' i b;::M (! f !; :dt i' 'd voir- 1:11. number cast is',', '.gainst 1 ir.i 12. not h : v S 1 1 t a majority the .-nvy for I'oaiis (il. :,nd :i ma- v j.v ih :.('. i lie enia t m'o! tri'stet's was couj;raui- lalcd by the i iti;;ens in a niads-mcetiufj; and were b':'fe. , ithout oppoiiiion. in nttemptiM.:; to boaru an ouiconig train wh'n!i moving: r.t a slow jiate of ; y. v 1 fmra under the pr.sscn--I gei- shod in Wilmington, J. t'arl Paddi I son, at,c, :.'7. and a son of A. H. l'ad l tii-( li, o;' Wilmington, fell under the wli'eh oi" (Icaei-al ManaRt-r Kenlcy's 1 iM-ivav ca.'. whicii was attached te the I traia Monday a 'ternoon. and was in r;.intly killed. His body was terribly 4 iui'-ib d and cut almost in half. I Mi. d Mary Uantt'tt. who is employ Mil in the American Manufacturing Company's overall factory at Greens Jboio. atteiiipted to commit suicide Men lay ii i; ,!i t by taking aa overdece 'f laudanum. 1 ft-1 lift; was saved by the prompt and efficient action of a pliysiclau. and it is said that the -youns woman will sulTer no ill effects. A love ai'fair is said to have hen the rause cf the rash act. Ten thottsand dollars worth of bonds were sold at Laurinhurs Tuesday for the purpose of ins tailing an electric lijdit plant at that place. The bonds .were bought by F. M. Stafford & Com pany, o? Chattanooga, Tenn., and were fold at par with a premium approxi mating The contract for the Avork has boon let and the plant will le installed at the earliest possible mo Stent. I A dry kiln filled with lumber, be longing to Mr. Monroe Putnam, of She-lby, was burned Monday near the llelmont Cotton Mills at that place. ir had almost completed a nice cot- tnge and it was only by hard work that It was saved from the flames. I The Supremo Court at Ilaleich af firms the sentence of Edward L. Utley, and he must now begin his twenty jears in the penitentiary for killing Ilotel Clerk Hollingsworth, at Fayette- Tille. jj, ine lonowing companies were in corporated in the Secretary of State's office last week. The Star Machine Company, of Star, Montgomery eountv, japital $10,000, John Jenkins main Stockholder; the Raleigh. Coca-Cola bottling Company, of Raleigh, canital $4,000, J. B. Harrison, Greensboro, and K. N. Poindexter, incorporatoi's; the Southern States Lyceum Company, of AVinston. to present entertainments ;and dramatic productions, capital $5.- louo. incorporates. F. J. Gaither, S. B. land M. D. Wheete'r. J The commencement at Feace Insti Jtute will be held May 17-20. Rev. Dr. IE. V. Smith, cf Greensboro, will ..jpreach the sermon Sunday, May 17th Rev. Frank Striagfellow will lecture ITuesilay niht, and the concert will be IWerlneEday. The remains of Susan VAulv-ncr o White woman, of Durham, who died luddenly Tuesday evening, were inter red Wednesday. She was a pauper and a j ijecn a ramiuar figure on the treets there for some time Aft. path it was found that she carried mall life insurance policy, enough to ay for her funeral expenses. Robert Stanford, the married mr, V, ho was shot at a house of ill repute In Greensboro, Sunday night, is im- inuins ana it is now thought that his pauses lor recovery are good. The First Bulletin (itves Conditions at Opening of Season. The? month of February wax mild but othfrwi- a typ'.:iiiy bad winter month, on ai count of the extensive rainfall ami the unusual number of tevere gab-a, whiiii au-ed some m age at io'ht pla a eu in the interior of the State. Tho rainfall 'xeedcd 10 inches for the- loonth at tiix western btations. A B'-ven- t old w.iv? occurrel from the 17tii to oth with the lowest Jernp' rature-s for the winter on the 1Mb, rca king at mountain stations a few degrees beiow z'ro. On account of the frequent rain very little farm work was done dating February, and the (onditions wt-n- not favorable for the cereals. Jlxcf s.-ive wa:mth and moisture the first half of the month cautied succulent growth of wheat which was much injured by the sub:-;c?-HK-nt freezing wiaiher. At the close of the; month, therefore, the appearanco if wheat, oats and rye wan not so good, though the exi t llent stands were un impaired. iJiiriiii; the latter part of tho month which was more favorable, farm work made some fJigrtss, especially the. planting of truck crops in th i Dast; many tobacco beds also were seeded. The conditions during March indi cted the approach of an early Spring. The temperature v.-as above normal the ntire month, the excess averaged ap proximately 8 desires (or t lie State; ".he temperature did not even reach 'rcrzing until the I't'-th and 27th, whea j illing frosts oceurn d west of tne Lh;o Ridge, and light frosts east of the fr.ountains a.s far south as Wilmington but with very little injury to crops. Vegetation was muc.'i advanced in growth and before tho end of tho month fruit trees were generally in aluom, and many forest trees were ia eaf. Th disadv::niagoo'is feature for March was the excessive rainfall which lelayed plowing and caused the Hooti ng of low lands with .some damage to wheat in places. Iluvvever. much plow ing was accomplished during the week ending March 2otii. The weather was ery favorable for the growth of wheat, 3ats and rye which advanced rapidly, slants were, spreading and jointing nicely at the closa of the month. Straw berries were in full b!otm before the :nd of March inuieatinp; a crop from ine to three weeks earlier than tho iverage; the plants won; strong and teavy, and conditions favor a large ;-rop of excellent quality. Truck crops tlso are we1) advanced, especially az aaragus. cabbage, early irish potatoes, '.ettuce and rait "ashes; some large ship nents of lettuce and radishes have been nade; an early and successful season 'or truckers seems assured. Th sovero roast storm cn the L'C'th and SGch did ipparently little damage to agricul tural interttt.-:. Reports of crop correspondents for :he week ending Monday, April o', U'viJ. indicate that conditions have not Dcen favorable' fcr the rapid progress )f farm work, on account of the exces sive rainfall on March 20th and 30th, which caused freshets in the rivers, flooded low lands, and j.'enevally kept the soil too wet to piow. liasterly gales caused exceptionally high iid.-s in the joast region. I'lowing and other pre parations for planting the staple crops ire still behind .but this is largely in :ontrol with the early advance of spring, as plowing can easily be ac complished in good time with favor able weather. The temperature during the week remained decidedly above normal until Saturday, April 4, when a very rapid fall occurred to a ew degrees below the freezing point i:i he Western Dislriit, with light snow. rhe freeze extended into the central portion of the State Sunday morning nd ice formed in places. Fruit trees, juch as peaches, apples and cherries, were generally in bloom, and the in- ury caused by the freeze to the fruit :rop must have been very great. Re ports in regard to the amount of darn igc done will appear in the next Bul letin. Warning of the approach of iilling frost was so widely distributed 3y the Weather Bureau to the farmers n the trucking section, that truck and Deny crops probably received adequate protecton. A little t orn has been plant id in the southern and eastern por tions of the State and some is up. To bacco in beds is well advanced in growth and the plants are plentiful. wljeat, oats and lye appear unusually fine, and are large in growth: some fields of wheat were yellow by cold, and much of the crop "in very low' ground has been ruined by high, water. T A . via.. " IttORO BOMBARDS Eleven American Wounded in Cattle. the DEADLY EXPLOSION. Twelve-Inch Gun Bursts With Fata! Results. PERSHING'S FORCES TAKE BACOLOD. The floroi Were Strongly Fortified and Defended the IMaco Desperately. Manila. By Cable. The investment of Haeolod whk-h was eapturcd by Cap tain Pershing's forces, after a fight in which a hundred Moros were killed, occupied three days. The final assault was made at rrjon Wednesday. Des perate lighting took place inside the forts. Seven cannon were captured and eleven Americans were wounded, a few of them seriously. It is probable that all the Americans will recover. The column approached Bacolod early on Monday and found new forts, which J had been a year under construction. flying battle ilags. The Moros did not wait to be attacked, but fired a volley, which wounded two Americans. Cap tain Pershing then dec ided to bombard the fortification, and Gatley's batteries took up positions and shelled the forts and works until Wednesday morning, the infantry and cavalry supporting the attack. Many of the Moros left the forts on Monday and Tuesday nights, and escaped in boats on the lake. The assault on Wednesday was carefully prepared. The column carried forward a bamboo bridge, on which the troops crodced the moat under fire and after wards scaled the walls. The fighting inside th? forts was most desperate. Sixty dead Moros were found inside the walls and 40 were killed in the trenches. The whereabouts of the Sul tan or isacoioa is not known, tie is believed to have escape;! Monday night. INVESTIGATION EOAKD APPOINTED. Thj Damage to the Vesl of Such a Character as to Necessitate Putting Her Out of Commission. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Murder at Buffalo. Buffola. Special. A shooting affair in which a JJ-ycar-old boy wan killed and a woman mortally wounded, an at tempted murder, two suicides and two attempts at suicide that may result fa tally, occurred in this city. Joseph KwaitkowFki. T1 years obi. a repre sentarive rui'.sti citizen, is iockcu no at police headquarters, charged with shooting his landlady and killing hid own 8-year-old boy. Kwaifkowski formerly conducted an extensive l.usi ness in one of the markets oi the city. His wife died about a year ago, leav ing two children. Since the death of his wife, business difficulties drove him to drink. For the last four rionth3 he has lived in rooms at l'JO Coit street. The owner of the house, Mrs. Tekla Winski. her husband and the children, occupied the rear part of the building. The children of the two families were constantly quarreling. Sunday night Kwaitkowski returned home and found the children in the usual turmoil. Mr. Wolinski informed him that he would have to move, whereupon Kwaitkowski drew a re volver and began firing, backing out of the house as he drd so. Mrs. Wolinski followed the infuriated Pole and grap pled with him. lie pointed the re volver at her breast and fired. She fell to the ground, mortally wounded. Kwaitkowski fired several more shots, one of them striking his own 9-year-old son, Peter, killing him instantly. A large crowd quickly gathered and Kwaitkowski retreated into the house, locking and barricading the door be hind him. Then began a lively ex change of shots through the windows between the policemen who had gath ered, and Kwaitkowrski which contin ued until the latter exhausted his am munition when the officers battered down the door and captured him. George Denning, 55 years old, had been separated from his wife for some Washington, Special. The tljhi?r dispatch received by the Navy Depart ment, regarding the explosion on the Iowa, off Pensacola was on Friday de ciphered. It was from Admiral llig- ginson and said: "Iowa's jreach-load- lug 12-inch pun burst in front of trunnions, three killed, four wounded." Then followed'the names given in pre vious dispatch. The Department ex pects fuller particulars. Another dis patch was received as follows: "Pur eed!, landsman. Kelle, seaman, F. T. Berry, ordinary seaman, killed in Iowa, will be buried at navy yard at Pensa-cola." Because of the meagre details cf the explosion which Admiral Higginson's dispatch contained, officials at the Navy Department can only speculate as to us An investicatiou board hag already been appointed. Hear Admiral O'Neill, chief of the bureau of ordnance, has already issued orders for the transportation to New York of a new 12-inch gun which is now at the Washington navy yard, and it will be placed on the Iowa when that vessel comes to New York for repairs. Admiral O'Neill said: "The gun which burst was designed in 1SG3 and manufactured at the naval gun factory, January 1, lCC. The gun had been fired 12o tinvea. Yesterday's accident is the first that "has ever hap pened to any of the large calibre gun3 of the navy, except in the case of the 13-inch gun on the Kearsage. the lore of which was injur?d by a premature explosion of a shell two years ago. A lining tube was inserted in that gun and it is in use at the proving grounds No reason can yet be assigned for the accident. As yet I do not know what kind of powder was used, or details ao to the location of the shell. While the accident may have been due to the pre mature explosion of the shell in the bore, such a contingency is unlikely, as shells have on several occasions broken up in bores cf guns without any other injury than the defacing of the bore. So far as th3 bureau is advised, all the Iowa's 12-inch shells are fitted with base covets, with a view to preventing a possible prematures explosion due to the action of the powder gasses." - The bureau of navigation has sent telegrams of sympathy to the families of the men killed and wounded in the explosion. Acting Secretary Darling sent the following dispatch of sym pathy to Hear Admiral Higginson, commander of the North Atlantic fleet, at Pensacola: "Please convey to the officers and men of the Heel sincere sympathy of the Department in the lass of their comrades by the unfortunate accident on board the Iowa. (Signed) "DARLING." Although it had been intended that the Iowa should be repaired at the New York yard, the damage done by the ex plosion will probably make it necessary to put the vessel out of commission. The damage to the battleship Iowa caused by the premature explosion of a shell in the forward port 12-inch gun has developed to be more serious than was thought when the first examina tion was made and as a consequence the big ship has been ordered to the New Y'ork navy yard to go out of com mission. She steamed down to the Pensacola navy yard, where she is fit ting out with supplies and coal prepa A W.000 Spiral Addition. It U n&ouccvd that the Fulton 1U and Cotton Mill of Atlanta. (U, will build an ad hti jq to ! .-iutpp-l with 60,0O pindk. Thi -t-:iiu v.f tt plant '! t from J. to 34.. iKR). anl arraos mcnt are now brtnc znaW to txFg'.a th vorlt nf cout ruc tion soon. The (nainy ha at prr-nl 4j.-'. rla pindl-s and I kms. using fcteam -povr. ltd ptvlurt it UkM sheetings. M-aru!- bas, burlap, cot ton and jute tln ani tatting, and has U'cn knourt on th market for some ytarn. Tht company' pr-Bt capitalization in $2i.iMH. . 10 PERSONS KILLED. A Path of Pcsclaiha Cel Across a Prosperous Farmif 5cc:'w. UTILE ALABAMA TOWN tAZED. FOUND TRUE BILL He finer ef Idl-r Cesu'cs Apf circ J ia Cfo t TEE III IL AS rOSTFOMP. A 5,000 Spindle Addition. The Norrts Cotton MIIIa Co.. Cte chee, 8. C, baa decided to add spindles, with looms and other com plementary machinery lo uit. This enlargement will require the expendi ture of probably about Jl'M"'. n l immediate arrangements will W made to effect the betterment. The I. A. Tompkins Co. of Charlotte, N. C . has been engaged a.s engineer in harne. The Norria plant at pre nt ha 13. 24S ring Fpinlks and ."f.2 looms, use water and electric power, and manu factures sheetings. Its present capi talization Is $2,)iM)t. To Add 3,000 Spindles. The Opelika Cotton Mill of Ope lika. Ala., has inert ased Hb capital Etock S.'o.OOO. making $loOOuO in all. for the purpose of enlarging the plant. An additional building will be con structed, work to be,;in at once, and 3,000 additional spindles will be in stalled. There will then remain pace for installation of 2,0t0 spindles more. Contract for the new machinery has been signed. At- present there are 7, 40'j ring spindles in tin, plant, and fine counts of yarns is the product. Industrial Miscellany. The big dry-kiln at Corbetfs mills. New Moultrie, (la., owned by Aycock Bros., was destroyed by fire on the 3rd inst. The loss is estimated at $3,000, with no insurance. The W. K. Small Sioke Manufactur ing Co. will build a hardwood saw mill with capacity of UO.OoO feet of lumber per day on tract of 1.200 acres of timber land near Corinth, Miss. Savannah trade bodies have endorsed the project for i.n inland waterway connecting the Chesapeake biy with Beaufort inlet, North Carolina, and their secretaries will co-operate in as sembling statistics showing how the project will benefit Savannah's trade. The Board of Trade and Cotton Kx change of Meridian, Miss., in a desire to promote the common good of all the commercial and industrial interests of the Stat", have invited the commercial bodies of Mississippi to a convention to be held at Meridian on May 2. It is designed to form a federation of the commercial organizations in a union of efforts and energies for the devel opment of Mississippi's resources and the encouragement of the migration to the State of men and money. Besides Thoae Killed Outright. Three or I'our Were fatally anJ a Sof Srriously Injured. Hiiuilnjfham. AU. Sprvia! -WtthvUt a ord of warning th, littlr L:aM rf Uoprwtll. futty milt UwttU of this city and uoe mil from Hu at awrpt away arly Wdt kJay morals: 1 a cydbne. whkn cut a path of d- olatlon arrpa a pro,prruji fa.ra ii section if Blount county. Tn jut sons were killed, three or four fatally and a wore wrlo'isly Injure 1. Th deal: Nathan Crifl'.n, Henry Mi Coy and Cme .hUdf a; C. C OJn. a prominent plotter. II ft r Odn. Miss Tlilni.-i 0'..n. Mrs. C C Oden. The Injured: A s -u at. i nicte of Nathan Crlflin. Mrs. Orlfr.n. Mi Nor3 Oden. Mra. lk-nry Mi Coy and two children; It. tl. Quirk. I!nW k. family of McCoy. Kwn ; Mts. ilolstin llortcn. Ml lnz 11 n a. Richard Griffin. It is believed that evejal of ti.e in jured will dir. The norm tia.!d in a north-a!t rly diretlun winking v- erythlr.g In lis path. One i.f the firM houses struck that of N& Griffin, the house .n demolished and ! Mr. Griffl i and Me son. J am s. tr killed. Mre. Grifln wa h.i b.ijly in jured that Fhe died later. Auoltwr n and nivce of Mr. Griffin made a mira-. u- louj es ape l y running from the hence before the demolition was complete and saving their 11 vis. They c.e in jured, but all r."ovr. IWiause l; ell rr m the Heating ct the C'ae W est! Owe I'ntll Jar.e Term of Ccnitt .. .... i'vUo.1 .. S I . S; la! - Jam- II. Tt' l ttaifNl '.:- kit tag i-f N ; G .:!- tt tV:t f Tim iVij-tiMa Mate la Jaauar. tarn U ie l-ta.inl C rt lt Wedr.ela for Uc f La.t.c him jdtad tu tie ... li-t tr.. Dt rli.fs-l aaiati lira lat Mnia for riurJ-f acj rcrr)!n n ina'.d ii; io i " unlawful arm. a 1 1. - atr 1 n Jam i'ttfT.a. j Th rra tuui.rt a t..'. . I a 1. Loior. aal tbr : - ' !.irh It V Ci' .'FM .'. 1 f I pcrdy fjr; M.:tr t-tu 1 .! t I L. '..!) :!t. '? . i : :! t t!. . d f l 1-rt I j 1 t a t i r ! t? V. i day. tnd U th . J 1 a ! t'-e trp.;t to !-- iirma!. 1 t!a'. tl.' r ra!y fi r trial M-.!h In t' ,-r. tf ll.e tati r an! !.. i e. I tl.- f t. i aall J t !. r:. ; v J C 'p."'ttue.:t ; t r.i-l t . r i r a ;. tlnu:n n 1 1. V e;j ili:j. -it p-.i .n ! tt ft U t. 1 ! ci ite t ... at t u ! SUir i f t.i ru.i1. Ill Hiiin . 'a; Ul:i J A. White ar.d M; Jti' It fr THliliJU. the ! f !..'.a!;t . I .'..unit in'o uit vt..tt3y I --f ! tt.e a-t it;c.i iit mu.:i v.- 1 H- a, pit.! 1 I v !: :tx I . i' nat.i. It : I tH liiaii. bi fap; at 1 ! ! :v ti. ... u mure di'j ly turii .-iii' I at-' .t t!.c j :ie iteli'iK tl.e Ll:::Sf I;ttiuu!j. d (c'un. tl a;. i.1 n luth aides. The Ji-cpie me.e rij-;- The house of John McCoy as then 1 p ctM by Au-lri C:af-i ! unl time. He called upon her and tried to induce her to resume martial rela- f ratory to sailing soon as possible for tions. She refused. He drew a revolver and fired. She fell to the floor in a faint, and believing that he had killed her, Denning ran away. His body was fcund later in the evening in a Salva tion Army lodging house. He had taken poison. Less than half the spring oat crop has nccn seecieu. truck crops Were general ly planted early and are doing well; Irish potatoes are up. May peas are in bloom; a few strawberries have been shipped. Gardens are fairly well ad vanced in the east, but are backward elsewhere. Court Findings. Washington. Special. The United States Supreme Court decided the eases growing out of the seizure cf a number of fishing tmaeks bv United States vessels, during the Spanish war. The court having pre viously decided that the seizures were not . legitimate, the only ques tion . before the court was as to the reasonableness of the ward of dam ages made by the commission ap pointed far that purpose. The court held the award to be excessive and reversed the finding of the United States District Court for the south ern district cf Florida, by which the award was afurraed. Two Burned to Death. Indianapolis, Special. Nathan Mo? ris, one of the best known attorneys of Indiana, and Frank Haas, the 12-year-oid son of Dr. Jos. Haas, were burned to death Sunday, and Mrs. Jos. Haas, Hiss Belle Haas, Mi;s Rose Haas, Louis Haas and Grace Lemon, a gov erness, were injured more or less se riously. The residence of Dr. Jos. Haas was nearly burned to the ground. - Murder and Suicide. Birmingham, Ala., Special. Mrs. Susie McMillan, wife of Policeman A. B. McMillan, gave her eight-months-old baby a large dose of carbolic acid Monday afternoon and then commit ted suicide, by shooting herself twice in the breast. She .was found lying dead on the floor, by her husband. No motive can be assigned for the deed. Demands of Textil; Workers. Philadelphia, Special. Union textile workers of this city assembled in con vention Sunday, for the purpose of for mulating demands to be presented to the onerators. The convention ad journed at night after adopting a reso lution demanding a 55-hour week, uai ing from June 1, leaving the wag question for future consideration. Time and half time will be asked for all work done in excess cf the 55 hoiu'e. A committee was apponited to present the demands to the manufacturers who wi also be informed that a strike will folio-?: their refusal to aocept the pro rosition. Killed by Falling Cannon. Mobile, Ala., Special While super intending the removal of a six-poundei emi from the wharf to the United States barracks here Saturday, Joh R. Burns, aged 29, an electrical en gineer, was instantly killed by the gun which broke from its fastenings and passed over his body. The remains will be interred in the National Cemetery here. Burns wa3 from New York city. the North. It is known that three decks including the upper deck in the forward part of h-s fhip, will have to be entirely removed and rebuilt. It is feared that the steel supports under the 2-inch port turret are sprung to such an extent that they will have to be re moved, though this cannot yet be stat ed positively. The gun itself is a hope less wreck. Although the gvm which burst went into numeriess pieces the end of the gun is as smooth as if it had just been turned out of a ship, and except that it is about 12 feet shorter than the starboard gun, it is hardly noticeable that an explosion occurred. According to the record cf the exploded gun. it was good for at least another year of service, and reports that the gun had been condemned are without foundation. Government Forces Wh'pped. Willemstadt, By Cable. News has been received here that the Venezuelan revolutionists have defeated the forces of the government near Caracas and captured two cannon and a large quantity of ammunition. They have also captured the city cf Barquismeto, which is the key to the western Part of Venezuela, taking many prisoners Heavy fighting, undecisive as yet, has taken place at Coro. Blind Chaplain Dead. Washington, Special. The Rev. Wm. Henry Milbuin, the venerable blind chaplain of th& United States Senate, died in-Santa Barbara, Cal., Frfeay Word to this effect was received here tonight by Col. Randall, the sergeant-at-arms of the Senate. The deceased was a native of Philadelphia, where he was born in 1S23. When he was five years of age, a playfellow accidentaly struck him in the left eye with a piece of glass. For two years. he was con fined to a dark room under medical treatment and subsequently became to tally blind. Textile Notes. Messrs. 1). K. Norris. J. T. Gass away and I". B. Morgan of Central, S. C, and O. A. Robbins of Charlotte, N. C, have incorporated the Isaqueena Mills of Central, S. C, with capital stock cf $200,000, to build plant. This enterprise is identical with the Norris Central Mills, mentioned March 20 as to be incorporated. The projectors changed the title. Details as to the plant have not as yet been decided. Louisville (Ky.) Cotton Mill.? Co. has engaged Messrs. C. It. Makepeace & Co., Providence, It. I., as engineers in charge of its improvements and ad ditions of machinery, referred to last week. All contract?, for machinery have practically been awarded. Messrs. D. X. Murphy & Bro. of Louisville are about completing plans for the nov building, which will be 100x00 feet in size. Woodruff (S. C.) Cotton Mills' ad dition, now in course of construction, will be equipped with 10,500 Epindles and 394 looms, as was announced some weeks ago. The company will have space in this new building for 22,000 more spindles, which it hopes to in stall during the next few years. Con tract has been placed for machinery required at present. Messrs. A. G. Velasko and C. G. Culin of Syracuse, N: C. are confer ring with the Business Men's League of Florence, Ala., with a view of build ing a hosiery mill in that city. Mr. Velasko is manager of the Oak Knit ting Co. at Syracuse, New York. A. K. Clark, now engaged in cotton manufacturing at Augusta, Ga., con templates establishing a plant of 5000 spindles and 150 looms at Jackson, Miss. The Spray (N. C.) Woolen Mills Is having plans prepared by O. A. Rob bins & Co. of Charlotte, N. J., lor a four-set woolen mill. A company has been organized to build cotton mill at Pauline, S. C. E. TV Fnrpst of Fair Forest. S. C. is re ported as president. H. B. Neal cf McDonough. Ga.. ii nreanizine company to build cotton mill at Neal. Ga. He owns a water power which it is proposed to develop in connection witn tne mm. Messrs. B. Frank Mebane. W. W Walker and J. S. Patterson, all of Spray. N. C. have incorporated the Rhode Island Co. to manufacture eotr ton, wool and other textiles. The cap! tal stocK 1? JlSa.OOO. Messrs. W. E. Morton and M. L Smith of Clover, S. C, and associates will build a cotton mill The details as to character and size of plant have not as vet been determined. It is saw that Xorthern can'tal will be in terested. Messrs. Harry Tatum and brothers of -Franklin. Ky., will form company to build a woolen mill at Springfield Tenn. They propose a ,-ioek company with capital of SSo.oCO, and will manu facture blankets, linsey and yarns, em ploying about fifty persons. The mill building will be 60x150 feet in size, two stories high, constructed of, brick. next wrecked, but he and l.ia family escaped with never brui.Ke.. The li.:ue of Henry Mi Coy. i on of Jcbn Mi Coy, received th worst Impact of 4he st.rm. His wife wa severely injured. to of his children are Ftill urn-; nsciou an I may die. and he and his babe and two other children are dead. The !orm then struck the IrMv if C. C. Oden. Treerf in the yard were twisted Into gnarled shapes u,nl ivta the vegetables in the garden were torn up by their roots. Mr. C)dn was kill ed out light as were his three aauch tei. aged 15. 12 and 9 years, refpc -tivcly. MrsOden received InjuiKa from which sue died later. The home of Mr. Henry Wharton was next attacked by the storm and it was wrecked but Mrs. Wharton was not badly Injured. Then ani the home of R. G. Quick. It went to pieces and he and his two children were in jured, but there were r.o fatalities there. Little Rock. Ark., Special. Spe cials to The Arkansas Gazette from several town in White and Cleburne counties. Ark., tell of a tornado v. uu U swept through that section Tuesday night, leaving death and destruction in it3 wake. The major portion of tho country through which the hton-i i ploughed its way Ia remote from rail road, telegraph or telephone Pnes. The dead are: Jim Leggitt. Littb; Red; Joe Leggitt. Little Red; Tom King and wife. Little Red; 3 King -.1. It.!-., . 1a.1i. - ..V. .W.l 1 emiuieii, ju.u.s ittuy n.i ii I .,! t.l t ' : re.uet fir.', tl.r i.riain.-r I.,..-,:.... l. f , - - - --- -- uu vi aa uuaiuiiiK a i mug c, .1. . Slit ttor l'ouitjtinw-a::h Att:u l J. W. Will. am TLuiin t. 1 and the fintii ly Congrt .-Jiijii G .;; W". "rf, In Aa nt .Uf time t!.- '- fn ant'ji law pttn r. an 1 Pa'rhk II N-1 n. Tb' I'foMi u'n; t T. r j 1.1 1 tl rofeedtr.j. wl'h n !;'t!t f-r mi at rui ::iii nt. Ciii.- 1 fr the f. ;. . in terrut te. to cuter a tin tKn for a t,n tfnuant tn th' roun 1 .t !.. : f the two v. lint!- k'.n a i;- jnr'.lti cl. Th y prei,c;;t. d r.Tl livit . fu.. t!.e witneMH wLMi Jn a mrsMin' J ml i rat-, what thy wouM t t'fv t. The proetutiin pror-ptlt anno :u d that it was v Uliis to a ft !. atfidavit-i and tr nuoiifly dj t 1 to any further delay In the rnse. In pnir.t Mas niad ihat th t!f !i..- I.jd h;d ample thin- to prepue f r th' trial and the ftfn iavit wej-. u'. that vas n t i ...--jry in the d T U'iai.l a t e half fo far i" w.tne. : lu q iej. tion were out cited. The prosecution ui:el that a ri; had been made recently to prevent eontinuanr-fM under mk!i i!:oinii-t;:t-c-s as those hi. own In thi ran but the c ourt rub d RKalnt them nl granted a omtlni:an e until the Jro term on an alli lavit tf 5'-feiJIar:t oiun.'i 1 ttat'to: that it Lz 1 l w u Ji.i jmKMble to fT- t v.ltue.ei In time for thlj term. Ti. oI: itor Urn nrtt-l that the tit fendar.t 1 arraU-L d at ta'.a time, but Jude Kli;.:?i d ( lin I to i - was rei.:a::d d and the (a.- o:4t;r.i:vl niitil the i:ne I' iui of urt. Williams, near Heber. The injured are: Infant child of the King family; Mrs. A. C. Wil liams, near Hebtr, nrt expected to live; Buck Neeley. Searcy; Albert Kceler. Elbert Derritt, Walker Pol lard. Little Red; two of the Pollard family near Albion; Mrs. Hoverton and child, Pangburg. not expected to i Let p n J active ari l t-troui; nil live; Miss Burkhoustn, little Red, ! aictrnd, but the hort w ie blrcoat the eg broken and skull fractured; Wal- ibuc-iH ef May. tl.j Lj'.I elrn'nt I.eiJ- ter Muller Pangburn. Ie broken; ing off aud taking only ko m jch as -vas ."lay Cotton I 'p. New York. Special. Th rl-f Jn cot ton which "igan aim1:! fur n:oitbs ayn wa t ti'iau'l when Miy t oa h I 11.10 and J:;lj O.'.'X new hi;i i ;-U for the prt.-tnt movement. '1 he ir.3r- Mrs. Henry Wells. Injured Internally. fatally; unknown woman. both legs broken; Tom Houston, near j the Heber, both arms broken; unknown ; July man at Bradford. necessary to n.rcnrth-n their p 'Kjtkn. Pangburn. ! Advance tended fro.a 1 to 7 points. L ;t the bulk of the tra lins was In May an J of July cotton at 'i were liberal nl rales at that figure A special from Heber says: "In the were rro..iratly lar. By 11 rnado which Bwent across thU sec- o't k.t k My ftol l oT t i an 1 July tornado tion last night A. C. Williams, living ten miles south of Heber, was killed. He was 70 years of age. and lived with his wife on top cf one of th? moun tains Eouth of this town. His hou?e waa caught up by the wind and thrown down the mountain side, he beins killed and hi. wife badly injured. At Pangburn six residences were blown down. A lar.e church near Pangburn was hlown half a mW." Forty three residences ar.l .sixteen barns destroyed and other wreckage is the record of the damage reported up to 8 o'clock. to S.'JZ. May tk.sed .Z'J LM; ed; July 'J.'ji bid. 9.51 a.ed. 10 30 at Mr. Steven?on Woundsd. Eloomington. 111.. Special. Adlal C. Stevenson, former Vice President of the Unitod States, lost his hair and moustache and received painful burns on his face, head and hands Wednes day, while, trying to extinguish a fire io his home. The fire started in a bed room. When Mr. Stevenson rusted1 in to the roooa the curtains re in a blaze. Vv it tout calling aid he attacked the flames. In a moment the hair on his head went up in a puff cf smke The fire then seized hi3 moustache blistered his face. Thn Mr. Stevens jn called for help. He retreated before the fianes caught bis clcthln?. The less to the ho-iie was 51.0'K). Broke the Record. Pensacola, Fla.. Special. World's records are being smashed here with frequency by the ships of the North Atlantic fleet The Illinois lowered ail records for accuracy with 13-inch guns I and the Iowa took'tle record with six- pounders. The vessel aa Dnng tne gnna of this size In the gulf Wednes day afternoon when the gunners fired 30 shots in succession eaeh. falling true at a rang- of 1.700 yards. Three gnn crew participated. Telegraphic Briefs. There has been renewed &n the Nf w York ccttoa exeban? the f ciU'Jon ! tr a syetern of deliveries of e;e,tioa In ;2r tylng out f -intrans raJe cn t!. f. j.r of the New York cotton exchange t a number of Southern porta in-tca t of New York only as at prr.--r.t. A e-in-pany hai rf 'n eecte-1 to wo:k In favcr of the plan to which there it ton.'Mcr able opposition. A Ixndon dispatch tays: 'i!r. Mabel To vnAcnd. formerly ejf tL Alcazar Theatre, Kan rtan'.lzco. rhot Lersell with a revolver n the ooe: step of her rcr-idcare in Litch field hired. Hfce was dead when taka to the hofpital. Mrs. Toac nd In to Lave been suffering from rdig!ois mania." An - Indianapolia 'JUi-atth eay: '-The bational executive boirl ct t Vcited Mire Wor'ers cit tre tt wtklj It vas unde'ntood rectmjsfn !aticns would b male far bilnt'zg a'l the miners r f tli- rcustry Into tL orsanization before the cxt cnnnal convention. There are i-rotably liO. ciea'&tout th3 mine wfco io n-.t belo'r-s to it o.-gacizitlsx, One of tie grc-atett pgillati tttt Ametica ever produced. Join Daryer, of Brooklyn, qalt b'.s regular ocenpa tlon to enter the counting room. He died within a year from- tuberculoal. The explanation in this case waa aim- ? pie enough. The immense lungs which were ceccssarlly en adTantag" in the p-ize ring, fell Into disuse U the counting room. Disuse miant dc- -jreneration. and degeneration meant a' lack of resistance, of which tubercle bacilli's was not slow to tak advant age. . ,