15 is i ', CAUCASIAN. K VOL. XXI. 1 V? s i : i Hi RALEIGI: g NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNK 25, 1903. no. :. !(V tti id ill. eel m, ,'ca ) & ni. lUB iavi op. - CX' lain nlr. jdaf ni. anch udaf 10 a. 7:00 a. ta. Tfaii rr'.vet yetta I V.3J 1 3:0! n. IT.' leavei n'9'.05 irlttca m.. r ijrnlol H?v 3: ii 1 Bea wit . m., ar 3 p.m, . m. Re :0 a. m. m., 5 it 12:10 r War. Sunday, ! turning ,d 10; I'd ,h da!l 10, Agent. !ajf' i HIH SII MATTERS x y Newsy Items Gleaned From Murphy to flanteo. The town of H idHvllIn was thrown Infri considerable excitement Monday when It wa announced that a niim t)r of the. operatives of the Pacolrf mills. In South Carolina, had ken brought there and that thfy had t-mallpox. A rigid and thorough ex amination wa promptly made? by the authorities and as a remilt 42 of the purtlofl win- put In the pent houscj. The operative from the South (arc Una rottori rulllH which were dKtroyd by th heavy rairiM of a w k ago vi-nt to UddnvilU Sunday. There were about :dxty five of them, sent thr-rr by Mr. J. W. Marib-y, Riiperln t'fid nt of tbe Kilna Cotton Mills, of lit iilsvill", who was at the m ne ol tbe wnrkcil niillvs. and who furnished transportation for them. There wire a hundred and t wenty five more of then rady to Mart whn the khtc tary an. treaHurer of the Kdna Mills, Mr. J. It. I'lpiji, notified them not to come. The most hoirild" tragedy that has ever ).( , n enacted in the memory of the olil. vf Inhabitants of Ashe county tooU i!;iei. Sun-lay, at the foot of the Allei-any mountain range just Inside of that county. Crick Davis, with an axe, nit to piece h two men and hia "' wire, Alfred Marker and son, I.evl. from Virginia, liad stopped over night with Davis, who had Insisted upon t h ir staying, and while they were a -deep Davis attaeked them, rut Unit them to plec-w with an axe. Mrs. Davis attempt d to prevent the deed and was herself struck reveral times witli the axe, j.n.l the attending phyriielan mid kIk- would die. Davis whs prol.-abty insane. He is in jail. Clarence Smith, son of Capt. T. T. Smith, of Charlotte, was held up in that eity by three footpads Tuesday "Uiit and wa.-i plven an exciting ex perience for a short time. He had just escorted a young lady home and on his return up South Tryon, at the mouth of a dark alley, he encountered thh harrowing episode. A sack was thrown over the young man's head and his aptors began dragging him into the alley. His rries for help were loud iiou-h. dc-nito the eloth. to frighten theni off before they could Bteal any thing from hirn. The men could not be found by the police. V (barter is granted to the HLso M iiu;u hiring Company, with head i'.';rter at Charlotte. Its capital ia J"-1 '!.!n), authorized and of this George IV lli;:s. John M. Rhodes and I). O'Don ( i..lu;o ef.-ch owns SO shares. There is to be common and preferred stock, and the preferred Is to yield 7 per cent. iMvidcn.K anything after these are I-aid going to holders of common stock. Th company's privileges are extensive - to deal in and manufacture machin ery, to make and doal in textile mater ial: to own and develop and operate water powers and manufacturing plants. At a meeting of tho board of trua tMs of Greensboro Female College, held Friday afternoon, It was decided to close th! institution. For some tir.ie this action haa been under advise ment, but not until yesterday was the matter definitely determined upon. At t'ais meeting all but Ave shares of the elook were represented, the following IruPtees being present: Dr. Dred Pea rock. C. H. Ireland, J. A. Odell. Proi. O. W. Carr. of Greensboro; J. M. and W. It. Odell. of Concord, and n. T. Gray, of Raleigh. The Seaboard Knitting Mill, of Henderson, will resume work in a fho;t time. The property has been purchased by New York parties and the plant wilt be enlarged and im proved and operated on a larger scale than before. This la the same con pet n that went Into the hands of a re ceiver some time ago. It employed I about l."0 hands before and it 13 said I that when the plant is enlarged they win work nearly twice that number. A charter is granted the Wampum Cotron Mill Company, at Lincolnton, capital $160,000. The mill will spin and weave cotton emits f)f Its stork .T. A. lAbernathy holds $130,000, R. S. Aber jnathy $2.-,000, and T. F. Costner, $3 000. The Adjutant General has been notl f ed that the War Department had al lotted $23,030 to this State, available tvr enrampment expenses. Some days fl?,o the Department made a similar apportionment for purposes of equip ment. I The safe in the postoffice at Pin nacle. Stokes county, was blown open 1 Monday night and robbed of from -two to three hundred dollars in cash and stamps. The burglars made their escape. I While putting in a new boiler at the eminary at Red Springs Tuesday, J. M. Hargett, a machinist for the D. A. Tompkins Company of Charlotte, fell from a ladder and was seriously in jured. It is feared he Is hurt intern ally. Hewas taken to Charlotte and is now at his home, at the corner of Eleventh and Caldwell streets. 'I The - thirty-third annual convention t the grand lodge, Knights of Pyth ias, of North Carolina, convened in Wilmington Tuesday night in the splendid new hall of the three Wil Kington, lodges, In the Murchlson :nk building. Grand Chancellor J. Li Scott, of Graham, presided, and all cuier officers and about 250 repre- jutauves were present. fc Gov. Aycock delivered the address Iff ore the literary societies of Van .'.crbilt University In the University cbapel Tuesday night. His subject was 'Education." Governor Aycock at jnded the University commencement terciseg "next morning and left for t.attanooga In the afternoon. The Winston Tobacco Association V't Tuesday and elected a central Immittee to act with Governor Ay Sck In securing delegates to a State invention to be held in Raleigh, the fject of which is to arrange for a brth Carolina exhibit at tho St. buis Exposition. A BLOODY CRIME IN ASHE Two fieri and a Woman Chopped to Pieces With an Axe. Jefferuon, Special. The must hor rlblo tragedy that has ever be..n en acted Jn the memory of the oldest inhabitants of the county took place Sunday, at the foot of the Alleghany mountain range, just inside of this county. Crick Davis, with an axe, cut to pieces two nun and his own wife. The story of the crime runs thua: Davis, who lived at the foot of the mountain, was visited by two former friends and acquaintances, Alfred Ffarker and Ron, Levi, who lived near Chilhowle, Va. They had Btopped at his houe on their way to see'' their relatives in thh section. Davis seem ed very clever and insisted on their spending the night with him. They consented and when bedtimes came every one in the house retired. The two visitors occupied the same bed. Davis and his wife occupied another bed close by, possibly in the same room. Hardly had they retired when Mrs. Davis heard a noi.se, and on looking toward where the Harkcrs were sleeping, saw her husband with tho axe, cutting the Barkers to pieces. She sprang out of the bed and tried to keep her husband from killing the old man, Alfred, and immedjately Davis gave her two blows that sent her to the floor. Ivi had been killed by the first blow, that had split his head half open as clean as one splits a hog's head in slaughtering. Alfred had been saved apparently by Mr?. Davis, as he had time to crawl out of the bed and into a field of rye, close by. Nevertheless, he was bleed ing like a hog and will die, having re ceived the axe up to the hilt in his stomach and having his right arm cut off. Alfred says that as he lay in the field he heard the awful blows that followed on the body of Mrs. Davis, and heard her groans grow, fainter and fainter. Rut the woman was not yet killed, ad after the ex citement had subsided Davis took his wife in the house, washed her wounds and washed himself. Davis' little girl, with the baby in her arms, was the one who gave the alarm, she escap ing for her life at the outset. When people came in they found Davis sitting by his wife administer ing to her wants, but the woman seemed to be in such agony she paid little attention to what was going on. Davis said: "I guess I have killed them, but I didn't know it." A sur geon summoned from Mountain City, Ten., gave it out that all would cer taily die and the rumor is current on the streets that the woman is dead. Parties just from the scene of the tragedy say that there is blood ev erywhere, that ten heaves would not have left as much blood scattered around a slaughter" pen. No motive can be found for the hellish deed, though many theories have been ad vanced. One la that Davis was in sane, that he had been out of his head only six months before. Another is that Levi Rarker was once a sweet heart of his wife and that this visit stirred up jealousy. It is said that it is true the man has been wrong with his mind several times, but that he wag really a very meen man and had once before tried to kill a man with an axe. The theory of jealousy ia not believed owing to the fact that Mrs. Davis was a woman of fine Christian character and had never given the slightest attention to Barker since her marriage. Davis is in jail here, having been bound over to court. Accident at Hamlet. Hamlet, Special. J. C. Haverley, day operator at the north yard, was run over by a switch engine, here Tuesday morning at 7:20 o'clock and injured so badly that he died four hours later. There was no eye witness, to the accident, but from a statement made immediately after the occur rence, it seems that he was walking the main line, going from the depot to the yard to work, and seeing pa senger train No. 31 coming, he step ped off on to the side-track, and the switch engine running parallel with No. 31, and which he had not ob served, struck him. His right leg and shoulder were badly mutilated. Shipping Cotton to New Orleans. Boston, Special. The Morgan line steamer El Monte, is due at Mystic wharf next Monday from New York to take a shipment of 8,000 square bales of cotton to New Orleans. This cotton is now being received at the terminal from the Tremont and Suf folk -Stills. Lowell, and the entire consignment will be in the shed by the first of the week. This cotton, it is said, is being sent back to the South to cover the shorts in their July delivery. A Philadelphia concern Is said to be the purchaser of the cot ton from the mills. Aycock at Vanderbilt. Nashville, Tenn., Special. Gov ernor Chas. B. Aycock, of North Car olina, delivered the annual address before the literary societies of Van derbilt University in the University chapel. His subject was "Education." Governor Aycopk will attend the Uni versity commencement exercises and leave for Chattanooga in the after noon. Call For Temperance Convention. The executive committee of the North Carolina Anti- Saloon League has called a convention in Raleigh to meet July 7th. The objects are set forth a3 being to unite and solidify the temperance sentiment and pre pare for a vigorous campaign against the saloon. Plans will be devised and committees appointed at this meet ing. v , SUICIDE AT GASTON! - Young Man Under Indictment Take tils Own Life. Castonia. Special. E. II Caldwell, a joung merchant who had been arrcst- u for retailing whiskey, late Wednes day night, committed suicide In rear cf his store near the Iray Mills. Usually very little attention is civ en by the public to the indictments and trials before magistrates of those ac cused by violating the whiakey laws. This was the case, when it waa casu ally mentioned on the streets of the city that young Caldwell, who has been running for about a year a grocery store near the Loray Mills, bad been indicted for this offense, tried before a magistrate and bound over to court under a $200 bond. Every one waj thu3 unprepared for the startling be iuel, when it became know that some time during the night Caldwell had committed suicide In toe rear part of his store. It i3 supposed that the deed was com mitted about midnight, as different parties living near the place remember having heard the report of a gun about that time. It seems that Tuesday afternoon, Caldwell requested a friend to buy for him a certain amount of strychnine, but the request was refused, with the suggestion that he mount his horsa and leave the country, if he wished to get away from his troubles. At night he told -his wife that he was goinf,- to his father's, to talk tho matter over with him, and this accounts for the fact that his body was not found until morning. It seems that he secured a shot-gun and placing it to that part of his body just over the heart, pushcj the trigger with a broom handle. In stant death resulting. Before doing this, however, he wrote a short letter to his wife, declaring hia love for her and the children, and stating that it was all right with bim and his God. Caldwell has been here for about two years, for a time at the Dixie. Farm, then at the Morrow Roller Mill. By his conduct he had won the confidence of all who knew him. Some months ago he went into the mercantile business, in which he has not been successful, and then came the other troubles al ready referred to. In his letter to his wife, he stated that he could not stand the lies that had been, and would be told about him. He was only about 23 years of age, and leaves a wife, and four young children. The remains were carried to Gutheriesville, S. C, where he formerly lived. Tril to Proceed. Wilson, Special. According to the expectation of the majority of those who heard the affidavits in the Jones murder case, Judge Shaw renderd a de cision that sufficient evidence for a continuance had not been brought out. In giving out this decision he said in part while there had not been sufficient evidence brought out in the evidence of affidavit to show the existence of a state of public sentiment as claimed by the defendants, yet there had been some sentiment sthred up by the city papers and by the discussion of the case on the streets, and if at any time during the trial of this case it came to the knowledge of the court that there was any outside influence bearing on the trial it would be continued until the September term. Daughter's D?ath Killed Her. Wilmington, Special. A peculiarly sad death occurred at Point Caswell, near Wilmington Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ludwig Vollers, wife of a leading German citizen in that section, upon learning of the death of her daughter, Mrs. George Haar, of Wilmington, the morning previous, suffered a collapse and died within two hours. She leaves a large family of sons and daughters, as well as her aged husband, for whom the community feel the deepest sympathy. The funeral of the daugh ter who died in Wilmington was held here and members of the family and friends left immediately for Point Cas well to attend the funeral of the mother there Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Dr. Venable Honored. Philadelphia, Special. At the com mencement of the University of Penn sylvania the honorary degree of doctor of laws waa conferred upon President Venable, of the University of North Carolina. False Rumors. False rumors of the death of Pope Leo were circulated in Vienna and elsewhere. State Brevities. The list of books recommended for use in the rural public schools free libraries is almost prepared. There are 300 books in the list. The list which was first is3ued, three years ago, con tained only" one hundred books. Re vised rules and regulations regarding the libraries are also being sent out. Under the nev; law the books for use in the schools must be selected from the list officially approved by the StaVo beard of education. Applications for new lodges of Odd Fellows at East Durham. Old Fort, and South Greensboro are in the hands of Grand Secretary Foodell, and he has clso an application for a Rebekah Lodge at Hot Springs. From Plymouth comes the news 01 a terrible affair at the home of Mr. Whit Harrison, near that town. Two little boys went from the field to the housoand one of them looked for something to eat. He found it cn top of a cupboard, and taking a chair got In the latter in order to reach the food. As he got in the chair his brother took, a gun and told him if he did not get down he would shoot him, and in an instant fired, the wound proving fatal, fne boy who was killed was aged 10. His slayer ia 12 yea Pd. - - LOWELLSTRIKE ENDS loaf Fijbt of Mill Operatives Coses to a Close TEXTILE COUNCIL DECLARES IT OFF The Strike Began on March 30th, In volved 17,000 Workers and Cost liny fliliioni of Dollars. Lowell, Mass., Special. The textile rmmcii Sunday tlfclcrec fLe grrat strike at the Lowell mills at an end. Every union affiliated with tht council was represented and the vote was unanimous. Mule ppinners and loom fixers were included In this vote. The meeting lasted an hour. There was no dissension. The sitcation was discuss ed carefully and with no suggestion of excitement. The vot ahowed every delegation favorable to a return tc work at once. When asked for a state ment, President Conroy said smiling ly: "We now worship at the altar of defeat, but later we shall rise aga!n and conquer." Agr-nt William Scuthwork, secre tary of the agents, said: "It will be impossible to start the balance of the machinery so as to employ at once all who will come back. Running with an incompltte force for three weeks has disturbed the balance that usually exists between stock and prices in th? various departments. A mill may have depleted stock in certain kinds of yarn and for that reason be unabte ta start all of its looms, even if the full completement of help is available. It 15 for the selling agents and the treas urers to decide, in view of the market whether we shall attempt to run in" full." The strike began on March 30th an 1 involved about 17,000 operatives. The miils were shut down until June 1 when the agtnts opened the gates and the majority of the operatives went back to work. Th? strike has cost in wages about $1,300,000. It is understood that the agents will take back all the old help they have room for and will make no discrimina tion against the leaders of the strike movement. The high price of cotton precluded any hope of the success of ine strikers' demand for a 10 per cent. increase War Against Mad Mullah. Simla,. India, Ey Cable. Major Gen eral Charles Comyn Egerton, who has been in command of the Punjaub frontier forces since 1890, has been ap pointed to the command of the Somali land expeditionary force which is op erating against tho Mad Mullah, su perseding Brigadier General W. H. Manning. General Manning who took command of the British exuedition in Somali land last November, after a reverse suffered by Colonel Swayne, has not proved successful in his campaign. Columns detached from the force have been badly mauled by the Mullah's followers, tho most serious British de feat being the ambushing of Col. Plun kett's flying detachment of 208 men, with two maxims, on April 17, when Col. Plunkett, all his officers and prac tically the entire force were wiped out. The last advices received In London, June 16, were to the effect that General Manning himself was surounded and unable to assist Colonel Cabb, whose column was in a serious position at Callaby, and on half rations. One of the causes of the non-success of the expedition has been the cowardice of the native Somaliland regiment, of vhich so much was hoped when it was formed recently. Only a few days ago news came that the native cr.mel corps had mutinied. The operations against the Mullah, who first raised the tribes against the British in 1899, have al ready cost $2,000,000. A desire has been manifested to abandon the cam paign, but in view of the predicament of General Manning's forces, it has been found necessary to order British troops in India, and when they arrive the British expedition in Somaliland consist of 800 British, 1,200 Indian, and native troops. Safe Blower Blown Up. Noblesville, Ind., Special. George Marvin, said to be from Chicago, is in the county'jail here in a dying con dition, as a result of an alleged at tempt to blow the safe in a general store at Jolietville. Citizens of the village who were awakened by a ter rible explosion found Marvin lying un conscious near the store, with one arm blown away from his body, otherwise so terrible mangled that he connot live. When the citizens approached another man ran away, making his escape. The accidental dropping of a can of nitroglycerine was the cause of the explosion. Guilty of flurder. Omaha, Special. The jury in the case of Line Linnier, Company I, Twenty-fifth Infantry, charged with the murder of Sergeant Robert Yours, of the same company, has brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree, but eliminating the sentence of capital punishment. The verdict under United States laws carries with It imprison ment for life. The killing occurred 3t Fort Niebara, Neb., April 17, 1903. Resignation Accepted, Rome, By Cable. The King has ac cepted the resignations of Interior Minister Gielitti and Marine Minister Bettele. Premier Seanardelli will tako the interior portfolio et ad interim, and Vice Admiral Merin will be Ma rine Minister. The ether ministers have been confirmed in their present positions. A royal degree was issued today convng Parliament for June 2ft. - CLEVELAND NOT A CANDIDATE New York World Publishes aa later lcw With the II i'.csldcat. New York, StMrclal. The WorU pub lishes a dispatch frem lriacrion. N. J., quoting former Iresldcn Cleveland as saying: "It is perfectly absurd to suppuac fur an Instant that 1 have any d-aire lu reenter public life. Nor have I c-mott-ly entertained the thought since I left Washington more than six years ago. Th matter is ms far from uiy thoughts as it was in when all r;urt itc '.: not i:hl. tur hcadng or sight. I have no higher aspirations than to pa.s my daya la peace with my family around me unl to take no part in politics which any private citizen cannot take with utmost propriety." "I have never spoken to anybody on the subject cf a fourth candidacy. I have never written a single political f 1 tend one wayor the other nor have 1 before been written to or spoken to bj them. There U not a political leader ot ony prominence endeavoring to ad vance any rjovement to nominate nie ir. any State, so far as I have been ad vised, nor do I tniicipate that any such effort will be made by any leader, prominent or obscu:e, ia any locality in the country. "I have on several occasions within the year undertaken to perform the labor which usually falls to the private in tLe rear ranks but there has njt lurked within me the hope of any re ward save the consciousness of having made an effort to assist in bringing about salutary conditions in the par ty." C ouid Nut Agree. Jackson, Ky., Special. The jury in the case of Jett and White, charged with the murder of Lawyer James K. Marcum, wis discharged, having been unable to arcc. At S o'clock the Jury filed into the couit room and Foreman Richard Millard said: '"Your Honor, we find no chance of coming to an agreement." Judge Itedwine said: 'I will keep you gentlemen until Saturday night, unless ycu get a ver dict sooner. There is no reason why a verdict should not be reached in this case." Foreman Miliard said: "One man has as much right to his opinion as another, and may stick to it." It is believed froa this that there was only one man between a verdict and it is conceded that only one juror then was for conviction. It is said the question of punishment had not been considered. Later the jury again reported that it was unable to agree, and shortly after 9 o'clock it was discharged, so there will be another trial. The dominant faction evidently ex pected acquittal. There waa at least one juror who held out against thi3. The acene after the announcement was in no wise exciting. Some who started to clap their hands were stop ped by the court. The guards took im mediate possession of the prisoners and they were closely guarded back to jail. People gathered around the court house discussing the case, but there was no disturbance or outward sign of trouble. , Attorney Byrd, after consultation. maUe a motion for a change of venue. Judge Redwine refused to hear argu ments but of his own accord changed the venue to Cynthlana, Harrison county, at the next term of court. Cynthiana Is not in Judge Redwine's district. He surprised the spectators by at once ordering the prisoners sent to Lexington under a detachment of soldiers accompanied by Elisor Jones. The Battleship Muddle. The battleship Galveston, which was almost completed at the Trigg ship yards at Richmond, Va., was seized by order of the State court to satisfy creditors. A Washington special of Friday says: The time of the cabinet meeting was consumed in large part by the consideration of the legal ques tions involved In the decision of the United States government to disre gard the decision of he. court of Vir ginia and seize the incomplete gun boat Galveston at the Trigg shipyards In Richmond. Ex-Postmistress Arrested. Baltimore, Special. Dora Campbell. 26 years old, formerly postmistress ol Maysville, Ga., was arrested here od the charge of embezzlement of postal funds. She resigned her position Is Maysville, it is said, last May, and came here for treatment at a hospital. where she registered as Dorothy Hern don. Misa Campbell is held at police headquarters tor the action of the United States authorities. Trains Crash. Bristol, Special. At the Bluff City crossing of the two railroads at Bris tol late Monday night a freight train on the Southern railway plunged through a Virginia and Southwestern freight train. One engine waa derailed and turned over and several cars were wrecked. The crew of the Southern train jumped to safety. No one waa in jured. .,- - live items of news. I Maay Matters of Oeaeral latrrrst fa Short Paragraph, lowa la D ale. Judge Emory 8rr lattroctrd tli Inderal granj Jury at Macon. Oa ta Investigate rhargra that a j"ac system prevails In Gntrcia. The Jury in the Marcum murder trial, at Jarkoa. Ky rrportej Hj tn ability to agrev. but waa M-nt bar m deliberate. A Raten. N. M.. dipatch says: T.ve cien wne killed by an iploioa tich wrecked min No. 2 of the Itatrn Cul v,(!k' ComtaT. at Bleburg. A Lexington. Va , dipaUh . "The commencement citrle of the Virginia Military Institute Ugtn Sun day. The battalion InnpotNm as the feature of the day. The board of vi Itors approved the reports of the beaj of departments." Chrrstor.her IavU. living near Hem lock. Ashe county. N. C. tn a siijj. .1 fit of insanity Is reported to have klllesl lvl Barker with an aie anl badly wounded Alfred Barker and the wife of Davis. At The National Capital. It Ij said the President has :rK 1 the District Attorney to expedit the preparation of indirtmc-nU in the Postofflce Department luge-! Ration. The Attorney General has adUd Secretary Moo.y that, if he can use force for the removal of the Galvepton from the Trigs', ship yard, Richmond. Booker T. Washington anked the President's advice on lxrd Gray' In vitation that the negro Investigate racial conditions in Sou'h Africa. At The North. Arbitrators have settled th" dim culty between the Webster Coal Com pany and its employes, of Altoona. Pa. The suit of Isidor Wornrser to break the Metropolitan Interurban Railway deal in New York elicited mine lestl mony relating to alleged blackmail. The funeral of Mhss Helen Bishop, victim of a criminal assault, was held in Wilmington. Del. The third floor of a bulldinr in New York occupied as a Imx factorv caved in. burying about 30 jx-rson In the debris. A Glasgow. Mont., dl-s natch "News has reached this city that Jus. tr.in . . . incniiiney .me iai or the (.Is-kw fugitives, was shot to death after he had made an ineffectual attempt to kill Miss Darnell, who had discovered the outlaw hidinz in her fath.-r'n house." The gold output of Alaska. ttO.M-'t- 000 per year, will be gre atly increased by the early building of a new rail road from the' sejuthern toast at Resurrection Bay. northward to the Tana river, definite announcement of which was made here today. Ten thousand textile strikers In Philadelphia held a street parade and mass meeting. At a celebration of Bunker Hill day In Boston the Liberty Bell and "John Brown's Bell' were canted In parade. From Across The Sea, 8erTla'8 new King Is expected to reach Belgrade on June 24. In Russia's note of congratulation to King Peter I of Servla he was strongly urged to punish the assassins of King Alexander and Queen Draga. An explosion of lyddite wrecked the Woolwich arsenal In England and killed 14 persons. Brazil and Bolivia have arranged a modus rlvendl In the Acre dispute un til October 1. The Socialists, according to com plete returns of the German election. elected 54 members of the Reichstag. Dr. Lapponl. the physician at the Vatican, saya the Pope Is wonder- fully well." considering his age. United States Ambassador Tower will glve'a dinner to the German Em peror during the coming naval maneuvers at Kiel, toward which port Rear Admiral Cotton's squadron 6ailed. A Berlin diapatch says: "The United States European Sqaudron arrived at Nyberg. Island of Fuen. Denmark. Sat urday, and will remain there until Tuesday. The warships will anchor off Kiel Tuesday afternoon." Miscellaneous Hattera, Lick Observatory observers have found that the variable star Omlcron Ceti Is undergoing extraordinary fluctuations. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sage, of New York, planned a mausoleum at Troy. N. Y., to cost $30,000. President Vrceland. of the Metro poll tan system, and J. H. Schiff testi fied in New York in the suit of Isldor Wormser to break the Metropolltan Interurban Railway deal. The one hundred and forty-seventh commencement of the University of Pennsylvania was held In Philadel phia. Senator Hoar addressed the ' stu dents at the University of Iowa com mencement. David M. Parry, president of the National Manufacturers' Association, reports that a company Is to be formed to Insure emplovers against labor strikes. President Roosevelt regards the settlement of the differences between the coal miners and the operators In Pennsylvania as a vindication of hi? policy In Intervening last year. The President has appointed Col Georre F. Elliott commandant of the Marine Corps, to succeed MaJ. Gen Charles Heywood. Postmaster General Payne dismissed from the service of the Government James T. Metcalf. superintendent of I tbe money-order division A the Post oOce Department. THE INVESTIGATION litotfcePostilFmJs JUJ: fcMk I) U DtfirlQcal IMEtESIhG FACTS GIVE 0U Developed That N hlrai Mtaling Mas I'.eca tiolag e Through .ly t cars. Wsh!2Sttnx. ff Ui IN v.r.itrr General Pane's ir.i:4ti -t t- Mr lirUtow. in regard to tt.e hrt ! Sryir.our Tol loch, fnrrr.tr tlier ! U Yt s!itug'.'.i Cty p . int.J t; the trresuUrll.fi In tLe -l.a:n hlritu-n. and a! ;: of iLr la ;t:'a ssl iavi:t ati.a cf ti Tah(r.sto3 pM!orv.t ty 5r,. ... tten Jum l. tT.i J'T 51. !VeM. toother :ta the trr..f:it i-' Ibe Tuilvn t hr;r lui'.r me rr seio anl Ihe ,,i luin Uer-.-n thtt r ache 1 by !': jr.i: r i Btl 'b t l Emery Smith Tl e px;-r. .. r ;te t far ll- n.'t s:gn:n .ant Jo ;,-rr.u ) t mad- pub:.v as a t t f t!.e "ping ;tMal lnvrMci;.ia 1 be r- o:i ie r !. - ,f u.ti lr- l gularltlrs during ti.e jr!r! In vtdve-d. The ?i tor bo ln t air 1 the lrr SuUr :ti. n utt ihr r.i cf the poetofTNe rM r r.i di.crt rrdcrs frcm s':perW r t...i!ty l -t te Ctbure;n nt X all tl f ; i-t i inb. 1'ea.s rit'-J. Tie t.T 1:1 il.r the rpor:blliiy f r il n i epno.ntn.a uta. i!i pajt.. nt .' t l tiles to e i.e and the umr ir t anl the dibuie n.enf f t? II.'mkoii.' ? dollars for wbl h r I . al no or? e wa p :f..rm d. !.ut J ! t ,a r ' !-: It Top rly I 1 ti; an I tl.e i.uny ibu-s correct 4." In a summary o! tbe rcral r; ? the I'oktrr.sfttt t General nw: "1h charge of Mi. Tiillo h i !r :t '.. KFairt rr-l!i;t MK:nly anl I " t - marter Genrsl Sa-lth. fjr. !. m ! Kinlry Ik t lcmf'-r l.ving. rr : ;. 'r Ge.jt ia i:i.ih. who carried OJt I'ie1 "u' MiKtnby-' id;. U for hl.XMlf. With rg4lii tbe f rr- nt manit&rit.e-fct eT hr wanirgija pstoflb anl the o.nlmt of ai;y anl nil men 1 barged with vn :K-di.:rg Lave tn In tbe poitlal a-rvbe :!dr tie prcrnt adm'.n'.i-trat .r. a tr'.-ugU and Matching ;tjv n;ti.i Is t-'r, 1 -Ine made. The I 'ot master Oio-za! ! ;iy "it will 1- iern that t ie wb-ilf a i'.v . t van tal:e:i up by I'uolmit'fr i;-ni:I Smith anl lnvtlrMd !y him. Ail c xien1itiir s referred to were allow., I ly tbe Auditor anl t'n:nptrolr, w.t'j the exception of f !'." rietcalf I)'.mUcd. Wrfhlnkton. Sj-elal As a ftu't of alleged Ind'f c : ti-n in mt ia -t-taliilng to the award of contra' ts f r printing th money order f"ri.jt eT the government. Janu-n T. Metralf. fo many years superlnte nlent of th money order system ef th- (tof?.cf iK-partment. sas on Wednesday moved from office by the IVtmatr General. A full Investigation of tb case will be made later. The dismissal Is the result of acts cf Mr. Metcalf la opposition to tbe bid of Paul Herman, of Rutherford. N. J., tb lowest Ud der by 145.000 and In favor f tha next highest bidder, tbe Kjnkop-Halle-nbeck-Crawford Company, of New York, of which Mr. Metralfs son Is an employe. The story la trie a y told In the letter of dlamiaal lgoed ty Postmaster General Payne. Navy Appointments. Washington. Special. Aftr a con ference with tbe President. Secretary Moody announced the following ap pointments to the nary, all of the ap pointees being from New York: CapL Chas. E. Rlee to to thief of bureau f steam englne-ering upon the retire ment of George W. Melville In Augu; next. Pay Director Henry T. Harris V be paymaster g'neral upon retire ment of Rear Admiral A. 8. Kenney, Ueut. Col. George F. Elliott to t com mandant of tbe marine rorpa mbea Major General Charles Hey wood re tires next fall. Col. Elllctt is a tatlve of Alabama. He Is now In command of the marine barracks at Norfolk- Jews Attack an lid I tor. SL Petersburg. By Cable. Krousbe van, tbe notorious J-w Later and tb? editor of the Antl Semite organ In Khscbineff. tbe Basaarab-tz. the ar ticles In which are believed to bate been largely repoIble for tbe mas rare of the Jews in Khwbfr, was attacked by a party of Jews la the street here. He was stabLed In the neck by one of tbe Jews. Tbe wound is not believed to be fatal. His as sailant was captured and proved to b former student of the polytechnic school at Kleff. Chkszo Strike Settled Chicago. Spetlil. An amicable ad justment of th hotel and lestaursnt strike hire was reached and the strik ers will return to wcrk Friday morn ing, afttr two wroks of Idleness. All differences between employer tzi em ployes arc ts be settled br artltrall-r. The obstacle, which ror tie pss-. v.c has prevented a settlement, ise c roand of the J'nt board cf the striker ttat union workers only be ersploye !. was waived by the rtriters. Evidence Secured. It la now said that District Attorney Jerome, of New York, la person, secured the first evidence against Richard Canfield'a splmdld gambling house in East 44th street. Disguised m a white wig and pretending to be an elderly visitor from California he obtained admission to the place aal still retains some ot tho chips ho bcrught oa the ereTilng of his rtelt. ! :

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