Ci ' I ; - CI ! AT. tiwi THE " Thi wr-l nown boras a4 fkrj- !wo! by the HUn!rl F.t.hfon ifisujaiy of New V'iflr City, htn f! ., t' d ii s g a v- iff t i 4 I? Tr: : Mil . t 'ti. ;lt. ;l; in 111 I l;H ! "! i ' ! Vi ! "'i 1 I1 (ii' I V, . ( u t if. I -.1. -1 s .T.t it! I M N i , I 1 I III- ' . ' r 1 1 1 I I . . ,x T . M i ' I V ! i V ' ' . . ! I I i. A Mi MDlti: lit I. v I ' I I I i !,i M r. v i ' i Vv ills i li A , i.. : ! I i I I i. . I ! ' I I I A i S ' ' .i.n !'.: i( 1 1 ; -T' , 111! , , -; ' I , . ' i . i I it. I. i: l.r. i 1 ( u i ill i. A i Y. WII' ' 1 1 I M - ! j-1 1 ,N A I 1 ' i " i 1 " in i ;!;;' i i y. V - '' I IN m K i ' ' A '' .1 N I ' ! . 1 1 1 1 - N i i " t A 1 I III 1 V I I '. ' : i - ' '.IK 'i i i i ' 1 ' N I I!ivImw (if I I.p I'-r v A i (if '. .t.ul I .. . i -Tiiint"tn ('"it'r' .1 '.v lino i! inir !n'I- j ITU, j sli'ur.s is i:0 !.fii:i' 1'c r th - 'Mi u- I ,'-r;,ti . liibl(!M t In :Yi-(;:t."!;t ut'i li-ci "uritcrrii'M !" tli:)i'i-rjcy. Tlittt r s;ijr.s th'Ti i- 'vsoiiu f hir l'ntiny iiinl Irtuxhahlc' whi n a frce-l crrj ! .'MiiL'i'u nn citl.en i- ;1!(I with n, (ten i'Uln's itT1(1 'ri -'yif'K thi.-; co;i iiwu)r Um. '.ct. To th'j U in 'itticc life H one rr:;t p'.vci't -or..', j tilt t' oHice he is r,m!y ui' to !liv on SuiujUr, n ti 1 kii-illo nnothp !l:iinp of civil war. Ife vt - out .f vlKii thv nov ithturipI r;i?tPM K--, wvto u; t in thf a'u to l'!t;l ioJirnu'-nt in tit: iLiii'.iul litcr.itnto of ur -tuto. To r'!U ly 11.1a on;i.'.u n, or in tl.o '.a-.guago v' the (.jkh-u .itic liii"( , io .ciU m ft" '.tul-1'' sa-it -i!u . uriipaigu :v ' i :'('pT ujiun ui-i rctl-'H '.'i.'.-. Vi'it- '.tut .t;-; o1' .ro ni.;ftit.- .Piinrti'(i hi tor U-s' oyin,; ilotuitn tin V'iiid;iti'i:i tied sust.!. in(f jH'V-'er ( f a .i . !'. Ti lihorty ol hiiv tnis I'tf uiiT.t i' t:u ,,uiu:rri ilctt'' louHH-ri' y :ia - Joro h! i's uZ-i vvith. it AJIIkj- Vay of . eat .Men iiw io;is'p.oif oOc ?r -;Uu ;.. T ' vohiru-f wli. vt; pwy .in;' ?n-.iFt j have i-ira a leuiiiHiei' of the d ys of t'eri'ks one t.-f tl:o greiv.i of I tli NVoild. Tiu od erhitendrsric of t UOl'C I nrltrtl.'lMll iippi-tHis So iiu i.'cti to susiain tne cnnfrtcP-r of i 'pledge Ktoplnj; party." Vr these words wete not perfat ctory ihey must have conveyed a certain nuan inj,' hi tlieir irony. For who of u can recall a pledge made to the people tlicy hnvc not violated.' If the ei.;l!ny" 1Mo( icjs.ators, the itU''( el.t.i ov t.';" sli'iT. tiun impaign, had (t let.' t'i la the precedent .if s Ki: s; each ya. s iij.d .th ot.' ei .p'-C ould i.a.vt '.t?i?. o it- vl ot' i h .? "u'.hor, a Mr. ('iui atltl of :tet'.ar.n;? ui.coo.Uiti.tki.vl .vr: y T,:jortr.r;t M t of that oody o avpt yiL"-ticn law, and he -ys they iu-d to .'ii se '-jion to avoid tiud. Then the itti re tiled in1,M.fhi.i(.,.t ' ' of the judges would have been avoided with Its great wnste of the people's money. Mad their suc cessors adopted this plan of an en acting and repealing setion each year, simply voting and allowing the umuI appropriations to stand then no issue cf bonds with their burden of intercut, under which the eople must stagger, would have lwi nece.-sary, suihce It to say that under the gimu (V) gvverniv.ont ushered in by toe shot gnu cam paign witli its attendant rotten rgs and rci'n of terror murder lia ir creased two fold manslaughter foar fold and other crimes 70 per cent faysJttfge Clark, and this is the segnal ot the wilful murder, simply "to make a demiK'Stratiou'' of scores of unanned people some days after the mauCe of good government had fallen ur.on our ' defenseless head;-, and tho -tat, redeemed. JUNIUS (To be Continu.HT' Sarnie in httai. Z Pekin, June 3 (via Mctcna, C. Juno 221. The famine B. in Kwang-Si, is growing worse by de s.rrees, tho number of starving people lieing estimated at 200,000, with doaths dally. Tho-Biitish author ities at. Hong Kong, aided by public Mibserlptions, have been sending aid for two months. A Japanese leport says canibalism Is being pra: ticed tnd that human rlesh is pub liely offered for eale, 'M I t. it. ' it f ' I t. ff : S if H U ri i ! rn-1--t.. !.' I !, ; .. t'.i' Jtf i 0 (1 1 hi KM He I i I V : ..-I; ll.i.-ik Hr it. ! i . ' ., r:i- ft . '.' i ' ' , .1 i . ' ! ; i:-; 1 r-v.-'l f r- j ,. :t .. 1 1; 1 fi'" i-U' nf Sr rv n''v v,,(' I t.h Ha- i' Z j'' t:nJ. K I h i'.. f i ... i : : . ",? j 'i.'i!?!'"-;'. j'ncri; Id '.-l.t. Hi . -tk till i i - with (Ji : (I V . i.:i r:uiI f:i:!l.':'!i- I ! (ill t- ;..':i.)l n ri.i. 1 1 mail ci' . .rr 1 1 i i ' . 'K'.t;.'t:i I .'.: i tri-l- : ir.I-. livilizii !; ': j lit wi.i . 1 1 1 1 . : for- Toe ; ij ic i. : '".' ill TjOii.I' inii)t;von -n or. I Urd' b'-'i th n j if noi a in.- one or t wo ot i i to i v o h:ivo ujanh.-nii; tarih IIi:.M (- Ol." 3SION V.'p '"li -Vo:iV Scullion: 1'ir.i-b .ii X'r.vr M. Wore .'tnio' it. h vSouthf-rn ' incs, J . . .Tuno 2r). The lir.-t wreck wh'ah in ' 1 - opened n this ..KJt.'tior. lor njany years 0-:- cured .it ! o o'c'o' i- ti.l jhnut "(.-0 y:M' it. north. 3tai'i-n :-ud ih.r'V xoil Souti:0.rn J'ines. ; niornincr ''.' Niagara O-t'' ' !' iniori..i.ti jn -it in hd it h.t.f th-: -.ts'.t't u of v;.:':Jj r-uoi n .o.ui. fuiticr nor'h, about tnr c. iiile y.hiw, without :i;ioi attempted vlOt-rs, i'' ;s;o ' OUti" to make the s!diuj at. Manly, a half- Ci1.1T. , tli'.!."! S'.i .it h rr) I'ms am'. V jamais, i-o-ai freight train S o mrthboviid left So Jth-'rn ITie a on ii;e and wus rijnnuo-. en reeuUr O'd ts under lull I srd: Ktio. v-i;;: rur i. ;io wn ii', tw- t iltr t r.in0 voir- t to.- o( foity- c!VV, uiilc: an near. u V:i;. he ad on collision which c ...r.-d en a i oro en: and in a ue.M' cu' jot)i Jioilcr.- exploded uua the s;vne is horrihie hevond tie- script ion. Engineer Avrm. Well was kilhd on train No. fi. tiiough his fireman named Wright, e.eapod hy juuipinjj, ih jugls he is seriously iuj irt'd, Engineer F. T. Stewart and his lireman, Walter Bond, on eh a- shifting engine, were bot h killed al-to (.'havlio Brewer, of Aberdeen, Hi ' r y t;i v holding j who it is ;aid, was making the trip , oce to jtii, 0(, x0 (: tM i we pi the position lo i pfu jCf tiicnMii .n toe in!. U)iit; j 1 la'-' ATS 'Jt"(' r t TJL.K iN TUN A ie-". I A'it'. It ice Fit?ds. Aow lulvnli.-i. !!r'r..i, T. j nne u "Ui" 'i Jtl' l'-""- ii r -,r,- ,...: ... in rice i r. I arming n0ar l.-ei ti .o, lex&s, vvMn a colony of four Japanese, Isomoto, the Japanese exp?rt, has decided to return to ltl3 home, jir.d crgahirj a colony of one hundred farmers to settle on lands i t the rice Texis aloiK" the lin? of the ,k P? ificRa'Irosd. ?f.r. Iso'.rot say; ti,? mental farmJpg has bc-ea belt of expDIi- 3C sue co'.tfiil tht.t it is ti.e belief that within tvr year the rice lands of louiatimt m;d Jeis rillte iilkti with l ap jof c rice fanners Mr. Isomcto V7T-1 if;.ve sooa for New Yoilc. f c n c o n Fh w ui vk r v- ' The l..r )f. ttT.fieU tc a to Pt .ar trttr Norfolk, ft., June 12. The big schooner. LuciT II. RusseiJ, which wa3 driven ashore on Gull Shoal i near Caje Hatteras dur Dg a terrific thunderstorm early Sunday - morn ing, was washed almost completely to voices bv the heavy seas that pravaielci. that copst bst night. Part jf the wreckaj? ,eaiue " asiiore today and the hulk is now filled with v.aler. Tho ere? of ten men, saved by the life-savers ytsterday, are still on the beach. The Russell was bound from Boston to Brunswick, Ga.f to load railroad ties. She was over one thousand tons register and measured two hundred feet in length. Her princijal bwners were in New York. .fit t 'ht' '! :n ptkr (r'fti SI.'?- ' '. a ys sr. The gniat aim Mv;rii?r Is to (tf-ip vieeii -.i f nriial and "; tit i 'i by i..Ihr: i", for tli f.n-t i.'ivi - p li"ut the fj,;ib t-t ;tf.ri.;.- tit r w all rt -iron Slot demotic lit ill r. ....111 l imMM istflni yitmrr Cur;:viwi tijnl'l, lUth, to ttu .! N -v-- Or 'I'imi- I'k'va-tAi. I . Sith t'ariii!ia jictiilirj; mrr.- nty then t-fi- :uaii.if. Th-jtiiMl ynn, till 4-tirtMil i iihi- fur tJii- ytur-will j,'"1..mI ! ,mi ni fl fit ex i r'lfi.iatKiH ly h f rur;i' ' ' j ... . I ... ... i.i mi r In t; f i .. v. ; t i !; u n ji i , ;t hi L i, Oi'j' i. itH-..ii, -.(i. r.d So i?' uoxi l.-V.;aiv. th; .ct 1",m r.fth. Ni. w i tk iiiti hi.- j iiv i;w. o.lril ;;tu thai tJif ,! in ol" taxing fran hi-M in h(-v Voik ii mor.' ttiun .-atist'actory, ami thi iaJV Itjsrt ol the tostnof all tho u ire in t'iO ntnte. If thai fyntem v ud.)it-.l in tSouth Carolina in' o:i!0 of the Blate will be r ihr. (loiil'i. The avts- u- f,n milro.'.ils Suave ht-.n raLctl 11. i-; . i, p.rA It i.- expcs'tf-il Uu.t an ill ho t!(n v -.I lrom tni: wjlso.v MrmK 'i he Stc liotn anil the lefMe ffrj TrttimoDjr Tito trial of the murders iVrcy .Jones at Wilson Is still in progress The -lute rests and the defense is i.ow offering testimony. We will yn account of the important tartu and the decision sf the court in out next issue. It looks' now that Jluj-tice will he meted out to t ic slayers of Jones. :.)V zn Fit's n .ulwav AVeek-Knd 'ftte. tc Mo-antnla Kewrt.i Tt.o Southern Railway will sell ruunu tr'p tickets to points nailed below for all tramo Saturday and IVonoon Sundays, good returning leaving destination not later than Mondap following dnte of Sale, ex cept Blowing Kcce, all train?j Fri days and Saturdays gool returning leaving destination net later than Tuesday following date of sale. Follovirig rates from Kaleigh N. C. To Shelby, N.'O. S5.80 HatIerfordton, N. C, 6.45 Lineolnton, N. V, .25 Cli!!V-, C, Tencirs N. J. Moiuz; Rock, N. v. Ashevil'e, N, C. Black ivi.ovn tains, 2N. C, 3.6U 7 mi 7.00 5.8o 5-30 o.zo a.25 7.50 7.7f (TOO 7.t0 (.lo 1.50 i.50 Jloucd Knob, N. C Clarion, N. C Morganton, N. C. Conncly Springs, N.C. llicko.y, N. C. Tryon, X. C. Ilcudsrsonvi'de, N. C Brevard, N. C Bake Toxowny Hot bpriug, X. C, "Wiiuiiiigteui, N. (J. jUorehead City, N. C. For further particulars wiite or call on T.'E. OUEEX, C. T . A., Yarb no House Buiidiug, ltaieigh, N. C. All 'phones 111. WEEK END RATES VIA S. A. L. - Commencing June 6tu, the Sea board Air Line Itailwav will nlace on sale for all trains Saturdays and ibre-nooa Sundays, good returning the following Monday. Bound trip tickets from Raleigh ate as follows: From Italoigh to Wilmington $4.50 " Jackson Springs ;?.:0 r Portsmouth, Va. 4.50 f 'cei.o View, Ya, 4.50 Ci Old Pt, Comfort u 4.00 Oajvo Henry, S! 4.0 !i Va. Beach li 4.35 if c: . i U Vox further ini'ormRtieu apply to 11. S. LE:iHf; T. P. A. lialeigh, N. C. 0. H. G ATI is, 0. P. A T. a. Italoigh, N, C. ' Startiine JKvideace Fresh testimony in great quan tity is cpnstantly coming in, de tlarirg Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to bo tmequaied. A recent ex-pres.-.iA!- from T. J. McFarlsnd ! Beaio.tville, Va. serves a example. "y rueg: "au "roncnuw ior , thrw yars and d 'ored all the time ! without being benefited. Then I l began taking Dr. King's New Dis- ! co very, and. a Atw bottles wholly cured me.'1 Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by any Druggist. Trial bottles free, regular sises 50c. and $1.00 Can anything lie worse than to fell that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs.S. II. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable,pain from in digestion, stomach and bowel trouble Death seemed inevitable wLen doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters ani the result was mira culous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by all Druggist. irr,t r?th Ci miral Nst:t J'.i't Mr. WittlitM- r'jJy . tt tSM - ? tlc 'fTu -. . to y. rtvi- ir mi,- j in lift'?" wi.'iJil : .'! a'Tt-fiii u. many, ii nthnr, lnt U .vas u.n. aM : I atlrit.ut l 4n t'iv'iiso i-vtf ri'l ii jtt:'ht :mi i t ra?,-ct iti-. i !ak no sim k in ttit' H'Ui,ii shai ;f i i--!' I i. hurt u w . r I r;,-A-1 1 i -! Any yii'iu - will Mil f ' - , - . , - y - .Jilirnt ti r "iiu 1" J I niiii rv r.i'inu. 'is , V ': i. si 1 rK u: ill-- .,-! '?J !;" ivr -.''Vrtn : . ic fk U r-rrt No' ifl th? ttPie o u."-.-! H i XVf Vv'lil Rtm". HMlk CM - A ! Ats.A .n'ta Constitution' TUid si K Si:nnv ?oin! h!1 mn v'r i $2.00 liy ordering tho throe cry,- y.i get tho SUNN Y SOU TH FJ KF It is pnbliisbocl weekly s fcil of good Sonthcvn Joriea ov .onthrc anthers, including MoJ"? f:v th" vcur' an .a for the C.f ontH. Order at Once. Vnd tiot three paper for tho prico of two. AdJrosej all ordery to JASIAH FOB. CO., In eject January 1 5 tli, lO:; ii pub- j This? conueiuKatl fcheviuio lisiul as mfoiiUitio'i and jeet to change without notic, pal '1 ie. aub- Ute Tu.viN.s i,k.avk. KAt.KToii , x. ;. 12 50 u. in. No. Ill daily ler Gn ensboro and local points Can ies Pullman sleeper ltaieigh to Greens-1 boro oro, optMi for occupancy at t-.OO p. t. connecting at Greensboro with rain No. 39, "Atlama Kxpub. Pullman sloeoer and dav coaches to in train Pullman sleeper and day coaches to Atlanta, Pullman t Tourist shoiH.r to ., Tuesday, Thurs- ays v'a New Or - San Francisco Cal days and Saturday leans and Southern Pacfie, No. ii'i, ! , "Floriday Express,", for Charlotte, Jrettnsooro and lmutetliato stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksviile, Keysvillo daily except ouuuay. a i uiuvcrsuy rttauon for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday 5.25 , 5.30 At Grecnsnoro with train Nc. 29 j1'-1 uj "ne c! cK ii.y-:' t;..s fo? Oo'arnbi5 AuKifa. tiaviajonh, ft,'i;;Irv r:i'.;:ar:! H,'d s rH5V?H' 'r"' (;0iumrna ana ehvunaah, PtiUekan i i0i,od ..v.-,?--., ct-viitee-;; v. nr. r r,.t eieejier to jacksouville. Port Tr.njt bio:- ! v:u-ii!-ro: ,,.o.;i .i.uh . te " Charleston and Aguste conne:-ticii3 niJ-o: PuriV..vr.. Tn. p . rc.T ..-'.,b -ior aU poiow in Florida. No. 37, i'' th?t i-mfy v.hat v asmngwu ana tiouinvtfeivra Limited," solid Paliniau train draw- ing room sleepors, Now York" to j New Orleans and Memphis, con-i neetiou is f.lso made for Wirtston Salem, Wilkesboro, Danville and local stations 5:20 a. m. No. 112 daily for Goldsboro and local stat ions: connecting at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line fbr Wilming ton. N. C, Wilson, N. C, Tarboro, N, C, Norfolk, Va., and immed- if. ,cn, 3al .ly 4lh ctn, and !b. j iate stations, also at Goldsboro witlij ltei" r-'Jng Joly 14, 1902. Atlantic and North Carolina Rail-! A? 3xteillI0n of the rlQil1 limit Loi way for Kinston, N. 0., Newberne, j Y. V. '7 . "r tlol-gi.tviJ 'l-.fMv?r, tu nr-'i i: tnr ?' nd-ii nr iarn iroiM. it itUi. N. C, and Luamediate stations. - , mug Ocket with the Jc;n( Ajrenc, n.arv? of tr.? ..nvr? Cunr- u.Si th-tv. a Hrim''J 8 56 a. m. No. 107 daily for M ,ribs a orJ July HteVii'riJ l'!it, Ji,a,: 7iik. H.pi tvria. Crn, nj 1 nrol At.- Greensboro and local stations, eon- nects at Durham for Oxford. Ilend- '"J Charleston, Pullman sleeper and first class coaches Washington to Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 "U. S. Fast Mail" for Atlanta and all points south and southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birmingham and New Orleans, day coachm Washington to New Orleans, also with north bound trains No. 34 and 3S for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleep ers and observation car to New York; connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Sa'cm and at Salisbury to Mem phis- 4.12, rt. m. No. 13G daiiy for Goldsboro and local stations. C. LT, Ackert General Manager. . W. A.-Turk, Pass. Traf. Manager. S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A., Wash ington, D. C. n, T, P. A. harlotte, u. CJity Ticket Agent. T UPOPJ TOT At CONTACT cr. - t - t!n .'jMi r.'i.: 4-. H02, Co Ji'r.rv Id. lhtQ2 To thy s;r4-n:' r.o.-rdt To tno tlvf Dxt nnrrr? t: tick ft ft -r r tva I: .,. '- h g i-s n ill R.n.1 5 ' f. r WIT" !.Y ' " I-Sl SAi.i.'On f..f FVNSY ! ' HI rr..-sr t tJis your o ma.- fr.:- fct:t t3 5UR1C FDn S!.GD i riD Tl g Er.Ur THiiS 2. nilonu fcf ns lor V 1st 2(1 Ofcun IClSi ron KnCrJM jcrUir.t-tT !. tl'Aw. '0 . tC3 Si i .i Psf;oiTioc. .... MS 1 .Tctij-M rc- tstr c::e- ' ;n it. tr r : If VTlflfe t3 -1i.Tl'..C t!T2.3 V - T rl mil' rtBi'tne itc"i-.:5 u : ii Ii w orders to.. My lit lie ooi. ii t:t uu attaoit ot i vhoopin- ccah i-ud va . tin au-?i : U X4J Co-d '-.O-f-r nnpr vti'nvfi at-'-,i th cc -X If you i;n't wont n UerlpttOM, t If JTu S wish to mako ri ru4or of orftr.WPc t ir. t ..-. v yi troy TH:;E : osc.mat.t for oiry OPlKDOL S LAIlforwnrdOdCtto i'?nnt "mo .r ln:;! . 3 : r- -t. If C3 m ny no TEN 715 " nt t th g iM:M!mj,W;t:,ou!s.j55:,;n, th- ,-n.",;i .rd ::rt y..tli vfr THKEh dom--tht. g rtal dtr ou r-n ofvfrt r,W -j:: n o t ... A n.til r.-m ro-.Mtt vwt crit fr en p.Tnin M r, jWith pi-euiuonia; out lor iiai..ter I.ALH.1U11, ii. L. f ,ia;,. cou:,h VQUyji - v,.c W;juld i'.PVe nadaHorioua iiuic ot ii. 3t iri.-... saved him from Levers 1 .evoii- r. -tscka of croup. 5T. J. c-'tricV.j'Ve'vii. edilor Wodd-IIeril-;: Fsir il.r.'ei , Yi?i. "For khIo hy ''. 1, rvr:? je-y. :ttoi- Tsa .:. -4I wej tooue-letl. for Mivera'. ye;'..1:.; vMIi cluon-e Indiv.esti;.u and :er, j j vGuu (Ieblliy,'; writes F . t J recti- j i of iancoster, K, T. s'Xo ;eiiedy j lieipey uso untii I its-ng el'.eot- rie Jiitters, which did me mere good j . tliau all the m.-dic'r-C". T ever vsed Tliey have- also kept tup wife in -x- j eclleni IieaJtli for years, Niiy say.-.. i K1-tri 1JiUe !ire - ""h-ndM ior , I lKlalu lrbii ti,;it "- ain! j j lor"c and ivigorator for we-ntt, run ; ! down W0IU0U- No i,ihir !"; ! n ta,kos Jts T!;iC0 !n -our ''"; Try thein. Onlyooc. Satire' ion ! ' guarattleed ola l,y ttl1 DlurTU- ', I 0 ATA Hit U CANNOT BE .Cb'KKD I'.y local appiicati-jn.-., as they .no.iot, 1 rren tho teat (,t tt i !s orcoa.m u'. t-.i-.i-, e' irr;' ;.ti '.;,i iiisi rt-iC. on !:!.-$ La; e . r.liT- j ai reint-dii'.- ;i:Jl - C,...ivo ; not a ouack j- H io, . r t ' f. - ; jec Catarri beu 1 iejr ti??MMv.iiv!i i freh F. .t. (Jit'KNKY A CO., Tc!rsotO. Prop's Toledo, Oiiio. fialPs FamilT Pitla ard tbo Ir. Mi S X 13 A 10 1. IS M I ii N . italoigh to MinnoajoTiS, Mini.., ) w c-;r py ody wtiest i; dao- y-w ott, ai:d noi h-furt. V take t and return at rate of one fare for the1. rb.k; you h.e p-iiM : j.h. if it hm, tiient yl.)i piy ui t round trip iius ?2 00, aevuunt Na-lirg Yita-Oi a pi:irl, bun!, s-SaTnantme rw-.a-lifc wh,ui.ce r..ii..f tional Educational Asoeiation. Tick -j .. . . ... BUU im JSi)mc"1 4,4 ,fM 01 ,,,v j MANAGER WANT1U' sale financial Representat clubs among crjiisumers. 40 er tnt saved for our customer-. Business no experiment but a proven success, Salary SlS.oO a week, ad - vanced. Expe ience unnecjs-iary. Address D. R. Clark.son, Mgr., '834 Dearborn St., Ohicago, HI. Trustworthy, either s?x, by vhc!"- i 'ho graiilu e cuk r i -i r pr-en vfim .i'irta t-.t'r im!th. r nh'j jii. Merchandise Company of aoiid i P ;in" ' ,? tiilea?-a wiocn Uvf rt-':t: the mescal or'd aoo grown wurr'. slaudinP' to m&hse 1 " e..-H--t n-i..r jiir y.rj.i r-rj, uui i 7 -r ir,7stijcatioc, anj a. ivefe Who vtll organize! Tom n,ait not wiit r? at r -'ii sro WO RKIX ti OVERTIME Eight hour laws aro ' ignored by those tire:ifs, little workers Dr. I King's New Life Pills. Millions are! always at work, night andUy.j curing indigestion, Biliousn" ej Coostination. Rxr;k TI nnilr trl tomach, Liver and Itvclficcb esy, plea3aat, sa fe ,fr c. Cr)j iuj durg store, IB itfjfc lie r.c - !T ATL,'.TA C5STtTUTID POST RSCE5PTS O w ir fiun r,r trst ?. t 'tct, iTlmHt ot , ',00 .j.JClt-- .- . f X -' 1 -c trr , ? . ffbinmttih S7.UtOOU Caatout, 'I? y- .,,,,' , ..lulkrolfil -:.- .y .?c' r; '.t, l" i -r...r.r i ii- 'fl l! T1 J. j 1 nnJli.. j'T'"V!Y . l t 'jtit c cr. :, 1 r r ' T: i J'O t.lLA !tM n.t trt yiut ma ly - -J ' fa:. :.I.-.ich cUj Nun- I'oi i i : i .r.'sekat-. if ;!?: f.H t ft ' V-- 1'" f Ti.J v I . . : 1) l .:lft . 'f2-t': OSK IHn.KA . p...-l-.av.t c! v if. K-Oilhl. 07 m-.o, ST; A I j. r . S for f r o .f-calh'.- c-rp.-ViP-y... raid b,r wilNii. on.- it nctt a tf.;ilr r- . i: t..- r .ac-tve? z..iij thut it t.?t t. dare- iloo-' tat ail tte? .Imp" ui:o -rt r.f ,ti. ' or nhe hac t?tt-r H-t-d. KiA! U:i . - 1 - Or.;- I frci : th ' qrtiuf J b'te year, for ..yi.iae...r;. u , jM.. ir-.a. Jr-f s..lphor aed ."aufmuut. .' .m tti".Wi.n! . i -oi .1 . ' r-t.jjrch 0 .-...ratitri ,uri)ziior.i ? wtpo! -rf:?;. K. ....Cm; v rir.,,ik frh t t. spn'sst. it .h 5 tion. I.ivtr, Ki!tnry f ! VA." ir A'i;iife. .-.., t ai.J 1.? fiorotr. t U.-rsipe, Matrtai F.'t-r, ;i--?; i-rvl j.i (,ft--t. 1 ibi-; y, v? cu . 5a?i-ls,t4-at:i'y, 4il a ? -. no-wer;t. bc., vrritlufc for a pccajte. vr i:I or?. - j after uiiif. Give a;,v. U!w artl stji r.. oi.iT7.ii; .'(..-.iK-Tiio tee at: ; In ansr to thie. 1re' 'ZiiVu , r2-' Wi r- :"rt;i ochk-.j . r.' i " 1 ! riRKKAU - mm . 222 Urjtstud best stock of STAFi-ii dLtui FANCY GROCRRIE it. OF COTTOFJ rrTi: H iff,000 ,OOC l,OOC . 1,000 - i.noe - i.OOC ftCK .... x,oo fl . U.PCHt - "520,000 itKVjcN cuorc iTm TCCXT KHGBTVO V Ota f w rw tm m- Xinisct I tferaiga tit tm wi sja I nftklao m teia'I- :t U bt a. nry to tLmaiw yrsr sttntk M a tut pLU3 ayi4 la Crtr otlri Ut Cass aMt ;Mt rhM rv lt W MKT. , Gn.iga Crra Octt TflT- IMBC I to TTt-ttwa m m m o.ee2.te IPJ5-?.. . H fe.U9.sra l7-90.. aa mm m .M.t6J JC90-&... M mm .IM.CA u ;-lcoo m mm 4.ror.U9 tfOl.. MM MM 4.bO4.0l j CO I -02.. . m (lIMII Cmtt J fti&l Canfl M I Syrawi Host forrt. TOr tVm (or mnU M ATLANTA, GAm Using 3.-' . iai ititi- i. '! Nov j. tie jti..ticitio,, '.'is ' I ;:JBSCHiBi:RL rtiVj' ti' ti' "I r (,i Tl.tCll.'C' ilc k or ffiiotl do'-toca or ut-a iptrcii:-- ' r atriiri enrffu'O r. imt iir.rfii.ihr 1 11 -i i.Li liri ilver,aii1 r,uir?. ru iwri l - . - M.ori tnc -d i'iratKti. End a!Urui K.Ki CoMi'Ai.'Y DK1T. J. F., Ci: JOSHUA Ii. ( mm row friMja i r A a. -.

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