CAUCASIAN. 2-X e- T VOL. ' I. RALEIGH, NORTH CAUOLINA, THURSDAY, JULY lfi. 190:?. NO. 3 s 51 MlllfiS J. Newsy Items Gleaned From Murphy to flsntuo. fcfcUfckli;tfcfcfc1itfcli1i tfcfcft &fc 4 Raleigh will vote Mon upon the proposition to f-KUMihh a dispensary. Tli" locations have not yrt been an nounced for the encampments of the State militia. HlcV'jry .i to have a chair factory. It will he built by parties from the eastern part of the H'.ite. Randolp county Las f.nt Un crazy pern inn to th- nay I urn In the last few wr 'rfH, who wnt crazy on the- sub ject Of rrtiflrat!'lTl. r'npt. A. Th3 hrj.-; pom th" Phoenix rol'l mine in Cabarrus county to the Miami Mining Company of Pittsburg, Pa. Th- purr 1 re price was $1X,000. Mr. John Mr line, of Gulf Township. Chatham county died suddenly Wed J.fadny v:!th what I:; thought to have been niir:'l;il:i of the heart. new nchanical invention intend ed t i stop t.nlns appro u hlng cadi oth r and prevent collisior.a will he put a tlir.rcjuIi test. at. Golf. ChV.ham county o.i the 2 3rd Inst. The Inven tion of Mr. Mf-rtiuiT Kinsley, end the onf o.-ne of the tent will he B waited v. 1 1 !i lively Interest. The rxprrra offir- at. Red F.p'iiigs, Kohfson county, v.-as entered Thursday Tiltfht and l.ctw. n firiy and cn hin 'Iied dollars was taen from the wc.od n box used jih a tnTe. The rollers titerr 1 through a win low and bored a I.Trre )xoc R th- top o; the hex to i?ct to tho money. They left tho hi ace and hit In the cypress ofl!;". Ms I), h. .Mai'Ufchy. who livs near 1 Jilb.borv C-dumbus county, was sere-fly liMfti in the leg hy a vattle suiake n (ivy or two aeo while in th? Vf' ! Whirh W ;ir h'U.'ie. The snake. 'tn uimr.uaMy large one, was Killed hy Jr. M".!-,li-;!)y Immediately after I " -v.-.M h!if: n. The attending i hyrdi i:iu n L ! ho vould recover. I). t'll'll tin.. (lie ten-yoar old cob 'rlrl wh :-".'Vt'rely burned while ni ilviu- a fie wiih kerosene oli at the i,f 5f, -s rj.ia3- Up--huTli, 1m Cha;!oite. Friday, illc-d at 5: 4.1 in tln nftern. ,-;n. Fio.n the time of the accident, until wittered i.U n-t" fully hurif'd ah r.?t:i lame, the child ?: I u. She was frlght t;t t!ic hody and arms. I'liiley 'ii!-.'ei- son of Mrs. Tom Camph' !!. n !r:nv, near Viikeshoro. v. ns lu c-.-bt ho:u from West Virginia In a (c.f'.V.!. He had been v,orki:r.; o;t thri'e To;- about two years, li hlilr 1 hy a man hy the nama of l'ort'T. with whom he was boarding, on acco'.mt of joa'.ousy" Porter fnd nhout his v,-!f" and Winkler. Mr. Win Id.- r w:i3 about years old. A survey has been completed for a riilirv.d to extend from Whittlcr to Snco (inu li the Dnlsani Mountains. The Mtipiucr-ttR. of Philadelphia, the Ma.son l u'nher Company, the llans Itc-es'e Tannin. ij Company and several Kastern t :.j! t"i lists are said to be inter ested ia r.iad, which about twenty-four viiks Ions, traversing a repion of n:i:innl forest oak and hard wood. It is to be completed by Janu ary 1, next. Southern Negro Congress. Memphis, Special. The Southern Nesro Congress met here Wednesday. President A. .1. Golden, of Mississippi, called the convention to order. Booker T. Washington 'r expected. The prin cipal subject of discussion will be that of plannin?: a way to bring about more friendly relations between the races. The congress is an off-shot of the Southern Nemo Congress, held last year at C.alvePton, Texas. About 50 del egates ere here. W's; on Race Question. Putin-Ray. Ohio. Special. Four hundred members of the Ohio Bar As sociation listened to a long address from John S. Wise, ex Governor of Vir ginia, on "The Constitutional View of the Race Question." lie said the race question in America was one of the most threatening with Which the country had to contend. Was Not Mown Up. Tlorta Azore Island. By Cable. The Unite 1 States battleship Massa chusetts ajid the converted yacht Mayflower, accompanied by the col liers Caesar, Sterling and Lebanon, arrived at Fayal Wednesday and re ported all well on board. This dis poses of the report which gained cir culation at Newport News on Sun day last that the Massachusetts had been blown up.' N -ws In Brief. Rear-Admiral C. S. Cotton and some of the officers of the American naval squadron attended the state ball at Buckingham Palace, London, while others were entertained in Portsmouth. , A state ball wa3 given by King Ed ward at Buckingham Palace, London, in honor cf President Loubet, of France, who is visiting England. The new Viceroy of Kwangst Prov ince, China, has made a clean sweep of the o'd officials. Five United States vessels are re- I ported captured by Government and I revolutionary forces in Venezuela. 4 me man i-ana bin was passea I through the committee stage and was f reported to the House of Commons in London amid cheers. f Scene of disorder, in wiich blows were struck, followed the announce ment in the Greek Chamber at Athens by Premier Theotokls of the resigna tion of hi.i cabinet. High Russian officials held an im portant onference at Port Arthur, and the situation seemed warlike. Bulls tiied to rally the cotton mar ket In New York, but failed. VALUABLE GRAMTE. Salisbury Company of Ha'f a Million to Work it Out. Salisbury, Special An Interesting pl.'cc of news whieh haa only now le cmo available relates to the Consoli dated Granite Company, whose hifor pcratlon with an authorize 1 capital stock of $300,000 was noted by The Chark.tte Observer's Raleigh corrt-3 pondtnt last week, and the pink granite dt poults of Rowan county. Some time ago Mr. L. H. Jansen, of Kansas City, Mo., a mining engineer cf 23 yearB experience and standing very high in his profession, wu pent hfro by several Kansas City capital iFta to examine and report ni the opportunities for profitable inveat n.i nts in the gohi and copper mines of this county, and while here on that mission his attention was attracted by the pink granite deposits, near Faith. He was w 11 acquainted with thi commercial value cf this stone, which Is unequalled in beauty except by the finest marbles, and regarded hi ", discovery as it the first Import ance. I jr. C. IA V. Iledrick, one at the gentlemen whom Mr. Jansen reprc rented, a holder of large mining In terests In the West and Northern Mexico, arived to moke a personal In spection and to consult further with Mr. Jansen. Upon his hearty concur rence In the iatter'a view, the most valuable pink granite deposit was pur chased and a company was organized with Mr. W. II. Wiusauk as presi dent; Mr. Jansen as vice president a:vl general manager, and Dr. Iled rick as secretary and treasurer. Mr. Winauk is vice president of the Na tional Hank of Commerce, of Kansas City, one of the strongest financial institutions west of Ciii'-ago. J)r. Hed nck is now in Kansas City, but. Is ex pected to return here next week. The oT:Ccs of the company will be in Salisbury and Mr. Jansen, as oueral n.fnager. will be resident here. Speaking cf the company and the v, suable property it has acqu:r?J, Mr. Jansen said: " quarries are livafr.d five and onehalf mi!e.' south of Salisbury adjoining the village of J aith and comprise 131 uc !-5. of w.iich 70 acres are of the highly valu ah'o pink pranite and the remainder! of au excellent quality of the corimon giay stone. We shall not neglect the less valuable commodity, and, pend ing more Important development, have already put !9 rat!, to work ou an order for supplying ensh-e bel3 for the goverrment building at San Fianelsco. We are planning to build a fptu' track one and ihict-quartei li'.les in length to our tuoperty from the Norwood branch of the Southern Railway.-All modern equipment noee.s Miry for h.andHi.r; large clin-cnsion ma tcria! will be in-talled, alon with a crusiier to util'c waoiO. and the pioperty will be operated oa an cxten oive scale." Prof. Thos. L Watson, of the chair oj geology oi Denison Univcji'sity, Ctianville, O., is here at the instance of Prof. J. A. Holmes, State Geolo gist, and under the auspices of the State Geological Survey, to examine ana make a report upon the granite deposits of Nor'h Caroli'.a. Be.cin.uinc here, he will cover the principal gran- ii 3 mtas oi me aiate anu viu Ijo e:! fc&ged in this work unlil September mi. me results ci mi observation? will be embodied iu a bulk-tin which .U be publishe'l by the State Geolo gical Survey. Prof. Vav-on also e.v- amlng the copper deposits cf this i ai med iate section tor United States Geelogical Survey. Seaboard's New Sleeper Service. The Seaboard Air Line Railway has inaugurated a new service of sleepers betwen Hamlet and Wilmington. This service will prove a great advantage to persons who patronize the coast re sorts of eastern North Carolina. Here tofore there has been no such accom modation. These sleepers will make tri-weekly trips, leaving Hamlet on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10:4o p. m., and arriving at Wilming ton next morning following at 7 a. m. Returning the sleepers will leave Wil mington Wednesdays, Fridays and Mondays at 8 p. m., arriving at Ham let at 6 next morning following. This service will be highly appreciated by the traveling public, and shows the disposition of the Seaboard to accom modate its patrons. North Stats Ncte -. Morganton voted In favor of the proposition to establish graded schools by a substantial majority of the regis tered vote. The number of votes reg istered was 441. The vote for schools was 244. and against schools 17. Under the act the schools in addition to the tax levy will get $2,000 per year from the license tax. The Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Rail way Company stockholders Wednes day organized and elected J. M. Turner president, and Claude B. Barbee secre tary. Arrangements were made with a New York firm to take $1,200,000 first mortgage bond. Late Monday afternoon, John Mason, a negro, in the delirium of typhoid fe ver, was found wandering aimlessly about in Latta Park, in Charlotte. He escaped from the boarding house of James M. Goode, colored during the morning. When found by Chief of Po lice Irwin, Mason was half e-ad and had been ia the water. The local baggage handlers of the Southern Railway Company in Ashe- ville Tuesday went on a strike for an Increase in wages from an average of 75 cents per day to $1.00 per-day. All of the strikers are negroes and it was thought at first that there could be no help hired to fill their places, but finally all the labor necessary was se cured to fill the strikers' places. The local colored baggage meta of that city have no union and it is not very likely that any additional trouble will arise. There were only about ten men affect ed by the strike, TROUBLES MULTIPLY Ncroes Threaten to Precipitate Eiot In Mew York THE POLICE RESERVE CALLED GUI Arrest of a Leader of a Gang Who Were Making; Trouble In the Negro Quarter Resisted. New York, Spec-la'. A riot which required the reserves of three police precincts to suppress, broke out Sun day night in the negro quarter in West Sixty-second Ftree-t. The trouble waa precipitated by the attempt of a policeman to arreet Wm. Johnson, the lea ler of a gang of negroes who were making a disturbance In the atreet. The policeman secured his prisoner after a bh.rp fight and was dragging him to th' station house, when he was assailed by a mob and volleys of bricks and stones were hurled at him from the roofs of adjacent tenements. On the arrival of 20 other police men, Connor opened fire on a negro on a roof and shots were returned from the windows of the house. Re serves cleared the streets and chased the rioters over the roofs, making several arrests and finally restoring order. Qu!et at Evansvllle. Evansvllle, Ind., Special. The town has been quiet all day and tho officials have bed an opportunity to reat up after a week of excitement. The ne groes have remained at their homes all day and the services at their churches were not well attended. Many of the negroes who left the city during the week are returning and by the middle of the week business will be resumed in Baptist Town. The au thorities will keep no extra guards this week, as they believe the excite ment is at an end. It is net thought Brown; the negro, when he is brought back here for trial for killing Police man Massey. The Pope Improving. Rome, By Cable. Pope Leo has lived to see another Sunday, and with the Sabbath ciuiet which fell upon Rome, came also peace and even pro gress to the Pontiff. Beginning Sun day morning with distinct signs of improvement, he maintained this throughout the day. At night Dr. I.apponi made the following import ant statement in answer to the ques tion if he thought that the improve ment in the Pope's condition could continue: "I believe that if the improvement lasts until Ju!y 21, we may not per haps achieve an absolute cure, but we will secure such a general state of health in the patient as will allay cur anxiety." Storm in Baltimore. Baltimore, Special. A severe wind and rain storm occurred here Sunday afternoon, which was particularly vio lent in a limited portion of Northwest Baltimore, where within a radius of about four blocks SO houses were un roofed, walls demolished and trees up rooted. The damage to houses and household goods is estimated at $100,- 000. Twenty persons were injured, one seriously, but none killed. The rain fall here for the day vas 3.90 inches and the velocity of the wind 46 miles an hour. Cloudburst at Winchester. Winchester, Va., Special. Sitnday afternoon the most serious cloudburst ever experienced here, broke over the city, submerging the place in from three to six feet of water. The dam age will reach thousands of dollars, as every store, residence and a building in the centre of the town is several feet under water. Dath of Major Brown. Beaumont, Tex., Special. Cap. F. Brown, of Asbury Park, N. Jr., one of the best known operators in the Texas oil fields, died in the hospital here. Ho was graduated from West .Point and served as civil engineer in the Spanish- American war, with the rank of major. He was an operator in the West Vir ginia oil fields and he became prom inent in the Texas oil field soon after Its discovery. Storm in Nebraska. Beaver City, Special. A terrible electrical and wind storm prevailed here Sunday afternoon, lasting for 45 minutes, in which time two and one- fourth inches of rain fell. The wind blew with great violence, doing much damage to small buildings, wind-mills and the wheat crop, which is just ready for harvest. The Union Salva tion Army of Kansas and Nebraska, now holding a camp-meeting here, suf fered much loss. Nine of their tent3 were blown down. Commander Hol land was struck by a falling tent pole and sustained a dislocation of the shoulder. Bank Wrecked By a Cashier. Newbnrgh, N. H., Special. Joseph W. Cummin is -In jail here on the charge of grand larceny. He was sec retary, treasurer and cashier of the Cof nwall Bank, and Is alleged to be a defaulter to the extent of about $50, 000, wrecking the bank. The State bank examiner appeared at the bank and before the examination of the books Cnmmin confessed that he was short in his aceoupts between $40,000 and $50,000. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Rocd Building School One of th most Important economic iroblecus before the people of North Carolina today 1 the ImproTenient of their public roads. The people are ul last a;cued to the necessity of this work, and within the next ttv yea-s there will undoubtedly be a demand fcr a large number of mn who hare scientific ani practical knowledge of read construction. In order to mfit this demand the North Carolina Col lege1 of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, at Raleigh, offer a summer course In read building fcr the benefit of those ho. from lack of time or for other reasons, are unable to take advantage of the regular college courses in en gineering Md read building. The course will be such as to prepare those who wish to take up this work in the future, and will also be of great benefit to those who are already engaged in it. Instruction will he given In location, grading. construction of roadbed, drainage and the use of the various materials for the rod covering. Road making machinery will be discussed, and the advpntages and disadvantages of each machine explained as applying to the different localities of our State. Practical Instruction will be given In such use of the level Instrument as is necessary to the road builder, and also such draughting as esscntia'.l to his v.crk. Visits will be made to where toads are being built around Raleigh. The course will be charge of Prof. W. C. Rlddick, C. E.. who will be as sisted by Mr. C. L. Mann. B. C. E. Textile Notes. Eaple and Phenix Mills, Columbus. Ga., ha3 declared a dividend of C per cent. Opelika (Ala) Cotton Mills has de clared an annuU dividend of 15 per cent. Messrs. Wingert McCuthen, of HagTstown, Md.. and M. V. A. Norris, of Berkeley Springs. W. Va.. contem plate establishing a hosiery mill. Messrs. J. Fletcher Colbert. R. M. Gauldin, Win. Thompson. J. J. Wag oner and others will organize a com pany to build a $50,000 cotton mill at Colbert, Ga. The Newton (N.C.) Cotton Mills has let contract for the erection of one f.tory addition, a warehouse and offl"e building, and has ordered sixty addi tional knitting machiaes. Crawford Woolen Co.. of Martins- burg, W. Va.. has purchased site for additional building; will erect same and install more machinery. Present equipment is fifty looms, etc. It is reported that E. M. Clemence has declined re-election as treasurer of the Eagle and Phenix Mills, Columbus, Ga., and wi'l organize another cotton null company. Local reports state that Mr. Clemence will arrange fcr the investment of $300,000 in a plant for manufacturing colored goods. Messrs. F. H. Fries. John Wr. Fries, W. A. Blair and Clement Manly have incorporated the Arista Mills Co. at WTinston-Salem, N. C, with an author ized canital stock cf $350,000. This company combines tne properties oi Side Manufacturing Co. and Aiista Mills, operating a total of 16, 18 4 spindles and SSS looms. American Spinning Co., Greenville, S. C, has declared a dividend of 3 per cent; Brandon Mills, also of Green ville. 3 per cent.: Monoghan Mills, Greenville, 3 per cent.: Mills Manufac turing Cc, Greenville. 3 per cent.; Piedmont Manufacturing Co.. Pied mont, S. C, 6 per cent., and Fountain Inn Manufacturing Co., Fountain Inn, S. C, 4 per cent. Industrial ITiscellany. The Rock Creek Colliery Company has been incorporated with capital of $250,000 for development of coal mines and manufacture of coke at Madison, W. Va., by T. A. Dietz, Charleston, W. Va.; A. L. Noel, Covington, Va.; F. P. Christian, J. G. Payne and M. Sachett, of Roanoke, Va. Cramer & Yeager and George Cobun, of Morgantown, V. Va., and E. R. Baker, of Pittsburg, have purchased 1, 7S0 acres of land in Preston county, West Virginia, and will mine sandstone rnd erect a $35,000 plant for the manu facture of fire and silica brick. The shipments of lumber and oross ties from the port of Fernandina for the month of June arrgerated 15,815, 753 feet. . In Mississippi last week the follow ing saw-mill companies were Incorpor ated: Mississippi Cypress Co. of Clarks dale, capital $20,000; Reauter Manufac turing Co. of Clarksdale, capital $25, 000; Van Cleave Lumber Co. of Moss Point, capital $50,000, and Whitesand Lumber Co. of WTiitesand, capital $5, 000. The Bagdad Sash Factory Co. at Bagdad, Fla., has added a large dry- kiln to its plant, which will make it cne of the most complete and best equipped plants in the South. A lumber company of Fort Worth, Texas, recently sold to the El Paso & Southwestern Railway Co., owned by the Phelps-Dodge Company, 60,000 crossties to be used on this line. A permit was issued last week for the erection of a factory by the Rock City Spoke Co. of Nashville, Tenn. The factory will cost $3,C00, and work has already commenced on the building. Fielder & Allen Company, 61 Peich tree street, Atlanta, Ga., wants quar tered oak lumber suitable for the man ufacture of desks. z The Finger Lumber Co., of Lexing ton, N. C, has been chartered, with a capital of $50,000, by H. K. Finger, W. A. Anthony, E. J. Buchamen and D. F. Conrad. T M. Williams & Bro. of O'Brien, Fla., "have bought out the saw-mill and business of George Dowling of Bran- ford, Fla. The purchase consists of a saw-mill with capac:ty of Zo.uuu reet daily, a locomotive and several milea of railroad ia Lafayette county, besides a large body of timber land. The consid eration, is said to be about fao.oo LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Many Matters of OcneraJ latere! la Short Paragraphs, Down In D xls. A number of persons, m cully Mexican farmhAnds. are reported killed ly a iloud-birt ia outhmestern Texas. A larj:e force of cegrexs was reported xs RurrounOint; the village of Normay. 3. C. thra:cr.ii.g vengeance for a baching and troops were hurried to the spot froai Columbia. While cros:r. McLlle river In a akiJf. G. S. Omlorff and thr no- grots wem di owned by a pquall over Turning the bont. Other workmen In the hklff Lad uanow escapet. Ora dorlf waj a native of Nashville. Tenn. Tfcefe andldatea for the Naval AeadiT.iy have ias.:d the mental and physical exr.minatlous ani have loen admitted as midshipmen: William T. Smith. Virginia; G. C. Hickman. Georgia; H. C. Fry. North Carolina; W. II. Ix-c North Carolina; Wright. Georgia. C. L. At The National Capital. Members of Concuss thenten to S up before both houses the KU- ':I'a ff matsa: re if Russia refuses t receive the Amebian petition.'.sh North America In-porteJ ilout $!25.00')."(-) worth of goods f.ora the United States last year. The Fertercl grarj Jury indicted A. vY. Mach:n. Diilcr U. and Stni;u! A. 5roff and Georg E. and Martha J. Ujrenz for alleged conspiracy to -:r"ud the Government in c or.ncul-.a 7.1th the purchase o fasteners. President R ;or-velt has removoj Daniel II. McMillan as a judg of the iN'ew Mexican Sjprcnw Court and up-ointe-d C. C. Smith, cf Michigan, in lis piace. At The North. The Philadelphia Mint the la?t fl-ral rcir btoke all records for coinage. M.T.y ii vs were iosi and vast elaru ige was done by a el ir.dbuiit acd fiooj it Jeanne tte. Pa. George P. Hos-sey. colored, charged with the murder of William G. I")ar.7.e, aas pc.t on trial in Philadelphia. The Hammond packing plant at St. Joseph. Mo., valued at $3.O0.OQO. was burned, with nearly a total loss. John Douohue. a sculptor, of New i."ork, committed suicide at Whitncy rille. Conn., and his body was identi ied by a friend. A British, n.ival squadron, under Ad miral A. L. Douglass, will be enter tained at Bar Harbor this week. Mrs. Wsrren Thorpe and h"r daugh ter, Peail McDonald, were anerted on a charge of murdering Warren Thorpe it Jackson, Mich. Judge klrkpatriek heard testimony i itii!.o;x, in. .i., on tni appucatioa i lor a rer-eivc-r for the United States Shipbuilding Company. From Across The Sea. Violent debatcR concerning the canal in the Colombian . oiaic, t "S , W. K. Vondertilt, Jr., while repair ing his automobile on a road near Par is, was badly burned by aa explosion o." gasoline. The last sacrament of the church were administered to Pope Leo XIII, who is critically ill of pneumonia in Rome. Senor Augusto F. Pulido. Venezue lar.d Charge dAffaires at Washington, was appointed secretary of the lega tion. Gen. Jose M. Hernandez having just been appointed Minister. The European Squadron of the United States will visit Portsmouth. England, this week and an elaborate program of entertainment has been ar ranged with the idea, as reported, of outdoing the Germans in hospitality. Miscellaneous flatters. Five hundred tens of exhibits for the St. Louis World's Fair were ship ped from Manila, P. I. Dr. M. L. Margolis advocated before the conference of Jewish rabbis the Edoption of a now creed for Reformed Jews. Senator A. J. Hopkins, of Illinois, declared it was a shame that the Southern States sent no more negroes tc Congress, and that they would stand disgraced until they sent them. The treaties granting the United States naval and coaling stations and fciving Cuba the Isle of Pines Tere for mally signed ii Havana. A Chinaman and a negro carried off the highest honors at the commence, menr of the Yale Law School. Two of a party of Colorado convicts who used the warden's wife as a shield to break from prison were mortally wounded. The trustees of the McKinley Memo rial Association met in Senator Han na's office in Cleveland and announced that of the $600,000 needed for the memorial at Canton. Ohio, about $500, 000 had been raised. The Mississippi Election Board has ordered a primary for August 6 to de cide upon a Senator, Mersrs. Money and Longino being the candidates. The Cunard steamship line issued a statement giving its reasons for with drawing from its agreement with the steamship combine Industrial Notes. Weldon (N. C.) Cotton Mill Co.'s three-story addition reported last week will be 18x40 feet, being an ex tension to the knitting mill. Finish ing machinery for underwear will be installed. The improvements will cost about $5000. E. B. Chester of Obion county, Ten nessee, has purchased 2.000 acre3 of timber land in the vicinity of Browns ville, Tenn., and will erect mill for the manufacture of lumber and dimen sion stock. fiOITB STATE CROPS. Meat I svortbU BwIWtla Iw4 By the Dptlat This Th weather derl&g the pt vr va extremely fsvorsbU both for rapid growth of crops an 4 fur tt a4 anrement cf farm work; maay cor respondents state that conditions cM the tnual tx-nflrls! et j-rtrncevl sofa! this season Tte week a character l't J by ronunuoas snh:tje. great warmth, and general absence tf pr cipttatioo uatll near the close of th werk. when cry light showers or curred at many places which were beneficial. The mean temperature fit the Stat was Q degrees, t aUwt I degree! above the normal; th we a was. In fact, the first with tempera turc above the normal since the lat ter part if May. Maximum tempera tuns above SO degrees occurred tear Iv everywhere on every day cf Gie week. I'nder favorable conditions fa: work much grass and many w-e-Jt were killed, plowing progressed well and lu nioit (ictluns crips were placed In an excellent stat f cu'll atlon. The two rlrcum1ani -s: god warm grow ins weath-r. and ex.-tl K-nt tilth, cauitd a marked Improve rnt:nt lu crops ge-ncra'ly. anj i-rhsp with a continuation of fa oral 1 weather the very backward condition cf moht ci-ops may )-t be largely overcome Cotton improved considerably, an! has now begun to grow rapidly; lice j ..i vtin i, ,rif..i in tii l ut n.,t ! of lh. ni have disa!:ai.d: while still in revral countlea. the wori ; gi assy of placing the crop in nd rultlvatlon J l.s advancing favorably; cotton Mourns ' are reported in Ft-vrral southern coun j tics, Drunswlik. Column-!. Scotlnni. i tu"" r"r n - r.n. i.m Ar?on and alio F.-lg- ombe. Corn J lag to the inner "tt or the Vatban. looks verv creen and thrifty: laying1 Tie am t-eat f.-rly cm th flsln ny has ne arly 1 eon completed In th ' hite t'autte rs wh! h sh-?trr th- Pope cast, while much cf ti e crop is belnfc ! rcoui. an-1 al! s ere f umed I -laid by rat:ir small in the wist; for ' wards them. Corr.par.d with th msg- ward corn is coming into hllk an ! , ! taste!. Tobacco has alio improvec. j ! but late set appears to be better than . , A , . . , . i . i ..., . i that planted early, as it Is not button- , ni eo low; tobacco wm laie. i.ui is beginning to rii-u more rapidly; cutting and curiug continue on a Mode-rate ca'e in the cast. Sweet l taloes, peanuts and gardens are 'lV ins well. The prospects for rice aie , piomising. Thc-ie are still home Hpilufc oats to be cut in Uie west; thrashing the cc-rlal continues. -V fine crop of hay was made and sa'ely houec.I ur .1 q the week. AppW ore tlll drfi I pins to some exU-r.t. whkl at thdr , piesont size is lot pronumng. mourn I a . . t.. .it . j. lairiy goou crops is euu luuiiiiify ; tn.aii crow, t-i iiib. urmn btij tnii 1n tho rpntral rust. Gratis annoar tc dr t all dffcrriMhni !!rr1 lb 1 e les abundant than antlrlpatM. : Melons are late. Bains report vi: Goldsboro. 0.30 Inches; Greensboro. 0.04; Lumberton. 1.7S; Newbcrn. 1.12; aia v.-n mitigton. 0.30; Asheville, l.0 and al clh. 0.16. Killrd by Lightning Louisburg. Special Lightning struck tho home of Mr. Frank Dikes, who lives near Louisburg. Monday after roon and instantly killed Mrs. Nannie Dean, his wife's sister, and hl3 10-year-old son. Mrs. Davis and her older son were badly burned and Mr. Davis was shocked severely. The house was greatly damaged. Two Killed. Tallegada, Ala., Special Jos. B. Gra ham, one of the mo3t prominent law yers and educators in Alabama, end Miss Jeannette Joiner, were run over and killed by a freight train at the itatlon while preparing to leave tho ?ity. Mr. Graham was circuit court solicitor, field agent of the Southern educational board and a noted leader Ic general educational matters. Twny Lfves Lost. Jeannette, Pa., Special. As a result of the breaking of the Oak Ford Park aam, twenty persons are known to be lead and 16 are missing. The property less in the valley will reach $1,500,000 and the distress is so great that out side relief will have to be aeked for. The number of lives lost was not so eicat as estimated m mi ' Will Be Sentenced. Kej West, Fla., Special. Fred Ewart was convicted of murder in the first degree and will be sentenced to hang. Ewart was tried for the murder of Frank Whitaker. He made a full confession of the crime, claiming that he had invited Whitaker :o go on beard the New Venice to get some clams; that while tbere Whitaker curs ed him, and that while enraged he (Ewart) picked up an axe and struck Whitaker with it. He did not remem ber striking him more than once, bat admitted that he might have done so. Car Strke Qrowlng Better. Richmond. Special. The Street Rail way Company has been covering prac tically its entire city territory without military protection, militia guards being placed on the cars of the Man chester and Seven Pines lines only, The troops will from this time on be withdrawn by degrees and is quietly as possible from the city. Passenger travel on the cars is rapidly approaching nor mal proportions. THE POPE'S ILLNESS let Uirtctilk CoLS Eis On it Uc Cbse if first Week's IPjcsi EIS LAST ECU IAS 0T COSE The Manner U Uhk Sese tw tne U lil tv CasMa Many Candidate Sfik Uectton. ILoae. ty Cable Tie trt nt rf the I'opea ser'.uua il wtl fcts coalition pra-tU-s'.ly uahaagtd. To ;rstlvi. hse tn ff!J. acd for a man of years he Las stcl the strain of dsn ferula tttrea remark ally veil. T of Lis nx-: dsi-trl at tendants fce dlrd d-:!TLg Ite week from tte constant slrhltj at his t J side. The world has wstcted his lx Bs with exie tanry. hourly lklcg for his death. The uI'.rtJrts f Satur day give the fclloatng accoact f his condition: A gereral frrlng f trstsu'.l.ty narked the dsy In ltcn yetrr.1sy. due to Widespread brl.ef. tbst though ths Iops days ar- n-jn.berej his hour has not y I ron.e. Tie news cf Kttlay n-ii cp eratlon rent rsrJ.nsU aal arr.taa dcrs driving huitledly in the Vatican oi the former. t nly ty g. ses. The sombre b'acx ratrlacrs Oif- anJ hornes of the f r rkl t. Vs otn bj the rl '1 .ruj-rt. cntrast.! trangely rh lb t itllisnt eui; cf tho ambMdTS. ti-.ti!V St IVter'n ordinary tititrrs V.irilel I-Mt the r.ifl nee ih.w. th tb teellltrlnK ar.J l rich colon, of t.e pspal -tit. attire f the guards, the hatterel win- clows are p-aant-lifc In their ulirllf- Jfy Auo. ,.r H,n(?ow 43M h. rr jTJia nu(l.,in j f:. !ia treaHirl In c-n Itaphatl s .rir1if frt-oea an1 Hi up 'he .!eat garble portbo. "Wlthlu tber-." rial! a pa:el httendnt. "the frMin.a are ii'I Oreella the cardwial d-,ori. wln will re'.gu djr'.iig th- Inteir tniirn." The hhik Ki!n p e pcrstlcn Is apparent on a!I ln. imi rxl. a HM'1' of the lyuc Pl. v caring a straw hat an I f!4:ieta. aat lu the firo iur'r1 h m op(.oite th private eiilraii.e t th' Vatican chat ling with tie fl: Carriage after canlar drove Into ;l.e co-i:t. All th rarlinals and omit 1 r.n ttli.'i . and r, 0(ita came to ava.t th bHtln . . . m - m . door where the news vu to be ilten out. From the epj-tle cf St. Ar.ecV. came the boom of the mMlay ?un an 1 then j U' palatin- gver l gave the ftrnal f r ! the anxlo'w ciowl !.- I alrjltfd. I'EsIn; thioush th" on J lor es !i re ceived a slip c f vh1:- piper on which th morning biilMln was already printed. Intently i-a i:nc th-.e pajrs. the crowd filed out through another door psst tho ariiiel ttuari and Into the quiet streets. Dirir:c the remain der of the day but fc-w a j-.Kht the Vat ican .Then came the !.U!!ln an1 far larger crowd Cur. had gathered during the day an.;:cd to the Vati can in the cool of th? evenlue. The Swigg Guards had received Inst rations only to adroit a small portion f the irquirers prior to the printing of the bulletin, and even th' restricted num ber almost filled the court of the Vat- can while many a?te-l in eus?cne on the steps of Ft. Peter's. The Sl'CC si or. In the event cf the Pop' death bis office will be fillel by Oreglla the resident cardinal Ikarcn for fifteen days, when an ! tlon will be held hy tho collwce of Cardinals.. The elec tion will then be entered Into, and the candidate who ii chos.-n as the future Pope must recvJvo a two thirds ma jority. A number of Cardinals are al ready avowed candidates for the papal tiara. The prospects are that the sue ceseful candidate will be an Italian. In this connection the following Is given: Tne Pope's end being near, public attention is almost cscluslvely con centrated on his possible successor. and the movements of the cardinals are closely watched. Heveral of them have Ulted Cardinal Oottl. Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars and of Regular Dis cipline. Gotti. In the first ballot lugs in tne Conclave, win nave many votes. but certainly no tthe two-thirds ma jority necessary to elect, because there Is a strong party In the Vanati- telli and Rampolla groups, about ten In number, will vote agalnu hlm. The attitude of Cardinal Francis Satolll. Prefect of the Confrc-gatlon of Studies, and formerly papal delegate at Washington, in this wholesale can vaszing attracts attention. He lives a retired life, avoids meeting his col leagues, and only goes to the Vatican when it is absolutely necessary. He U evidently posing as a neutral on whom the majority may fall If the con flicting factions become tired. Cardi nal Satolll has no enemies in the Sacred College, and is of the most re spectable antecedents. Tne foregoing are the current who will vote against him. Gen. Longs t reet III. Macon, Ga.. Special. A Gainesville dispatch to The Telegraph says that General James Longatreet Is danger ously ill and that physicians will per form an operation for the removal of his left eye, destroyed by a cancer. On account of his age, CI years', be may not be able to withstand the shock, though be has assented to the operation. r

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