' - " ., t A. 7 a? VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. 1903. No. :u. CAUCASIAN. r v r itnrmi nrirr 5 pin 5IA Newy Items Gleaned From Murphy to flanteo. Sf Strong Case Against Goodwin. Halelgh, Special. The case of State against Henry Goodwin, a 57-year-old white farmer, charged with assaulting a 14-year-old white girl, Flossie Pleas ants, in hU employ, was re-opened here Tuesday afternoon. Goodwin was last Friday committed to jail without hail privileges. The State contended tliat the Justice who heard the case I: ad no right to re-hear after judgment was rendered. The justice said It was rot a rehearing, but a re-opening. The f"nse had two physicians sworn in as ixperts to examine the girl, but the Suite at first objected and no exami nation was then made, but the doctors wero questioned as experts. The State Hun introduced as a witness a woman living near the home or the Pleasants girl, and her evidence as to the affair ,iU vrrv strong against Goodwin. The jittorneys for the defense insisted that the State was afraid to have the girl examined. The attorney for the Stat oskel immediately if the defense real ly desired this examination. The de fense said yes. The examination was then made by physicians and their evidence showed the conditions to be ns represented by the State. Goodwin was recommitted to Jail without bail. Wreck Oil Southern. Tryon, Special. A through freight train, the third taction of No. C2, from Atdicvillo to Sparianburg, S. C, ran Jiway on Saluda Mountain at 2:15 p. in., Tuesday. The engine and 13 coal cars were wrecked near Melrose, the exact place where Engineer Tuns taU't? train was wrecked several years npo. The engine and 11 cars are a total wreck, piled up and demolished in the cut. Engineer J. H. Averill, Jr., cf Ashcville, and Fireman Hair, of Asheville, are killed, and are under the wreckage and cannot be found un til the wreck 13 cleared away. Brake man W. H. Sherrill, of Swananoa, has both loga.cut off. Engineer Averill was a bright young nsan, 23 years of age. a son of Colonel J. II. Averill, of Charleston. Hi3 fpther, mother, wife and two little children, Ivothcr and fisters, are spending the summer at Salud?, within three miles of where he met his un timely death. He stayed on his en Kino with the faithful fireman, doing nil he could to check the speed of the train until the engine buried him. A3 the runaway train passed Melrose, tlio operator, J. W. lleatherly ran out and Fireman Hair threw up his hands and smiled .lleatherly fainted. Conductor Howie and Flagmen IJishop and Ward were unhurt. Fifteen Escape. Washington, N. C, Special. Fifteen prisoners in the Heaufort county jail escaped before daybreak Friday morn lng. Two of the men are alleged mur derers and one i3 a Federal prisoner, all the other being charged with minor offences. The sheriff immediately of fered rewards for them. The escape wa3 made through a small hole in the back of the building, where five brick had been removed. The jail was virtually !n charge of a negro attendant who waits t'n the prisoners and he failed to lock up the men. There is evidence of cul iable negligence and an investigation will probably be made. One of the prisoners came and gave himself up. All are negroes. North State Notes. A charter is granted the Twin City Wood Company, of Winston-Salem, capital $25,000, J. P. Fearinton and others stockholders. The company is given authority to deal In lumber and timber, operate saw-mills, etc. The Southern Dell Telephone Com party began Tuesday the work that will result in the placing of all its wires in Charlotte underground. W. W. Goldsmith, Jr., a flagman on the Southern Railway, was knocked from the top of a caboose Monday night, by coming In contact with a standplpe at Statesville. Fortunately, his injuries are not very serious, being confined to a badly bruised leg. The injured men was taken to Old Fort on passenger train No. 35, and was given proper attention. lie was resting well flt last account and will probably be entirely recovered within a few days. Tast Friday Mllas Cedrie, an em I'leyp at J. A. Basinger's saw mill, in Morgan township. Rowan county, was struck in the abdomen by a board on tri? planer and died Monday S3 the re sult of his injuries. The remains T;re tiken to the former home of the deceased, in Davidson county. accDm Panied by his wife and five children. Mr. Nicholas Slattery. of Flat Rock, kae been appointed chief clerk in the Cithern Railway passenger offices in K-chmcnd, which is a decided promo tion. Mr. Slattery has been with seve ral railroads, his good work having at tracted wide attention. Mr. Elitah Pn ad suddenly of heart disease Friday Prternoon, on his farm In Shiloh town snip, Camden county. There were sev- otners in the field with him. He nt to a spring to get a drink of water ilv . wnile there dropped dead. Seven ularen survive NORTH CAROLINA CROPS Scattered Showers and Very Warm Weather the Past Week. With few exceptions the reports from crop correspondents for the week ending Monday, August 10th. the past week were very favorable; the exceptions come from countiJ3 where drought continues to prevail to a considerable extent, chiefly Gran ville and Montgomery counties in the central district, and portions of Meck lenburg, Rowan, Gaston, Caldwell and Lincoln in the western; in these conatie crops, especially old .corn and cotton, are still suffering from the deficiency in moisture. Over the larger portion of the State, however, frequent showers occurred during the week which had a highly beneficial effect on crops, though the amount was generally Insufficient to soften the soil for plowing; a general rain is still much to be desired. The tem perature conditions were favorable, the mean for the week being some what above norma!, but there were no excessively hot days as the amount of sunshine was moderate. Crops generally continued to improve except in localities where the drought has not been broken. Over large areas, old as well as late corn, were much benefitted by timely rains and are earing well; in some sections early corn continued to suffer for lack of rain where up land crops fired and even tassels are dead, but late com is still fine every where; some correspondents report that corn is better than for years, and in Eomo counties stalks bearing two or more cars are common. Fodder i3 ripening and gathering it i3 now un derway. Cotton continues to improve; many report that it now has plenty of weed, but in the dry sections the plants have remained small, with blooms near the top; late cotton is now loaded with squares and bloom ing freely; the amount of shedding is not excessive, and reports are num erous to the effect that cotton is fruiting very well. Tobacco needs rain to mature the top crop; in the dry counties it is small and narrow and does not cure very satisfactorily; curing is nearing com pletion in Eouthern and eastern coun ties, but is. not yet fully underway in the largest producing counties in the northern portion of the State. Rice, peanuts, peas and potatoes continue to do well. Some turnips have been sown. Graphs are ripening with pros pect3 for an average crop; apples and peaches are good in some sections and quite poor in others, generally only a fair crop; melons are late, but are improving in quality. A general rain Is need to enable farmers to be gin their fall plowing. Two People K died. New York, Special. Two persons were killed and several others prob ably fatally hurt hy being swept off their fect by the projecting ends of the ladders cn a hook and ladder truck as it turned the corner at Fortieth street and Ninth avenue. The killed are: George Gill, an assistant school janitor and a . boy named Richard Knight. Seven other men and boys of whom two had fractured skulls, were taken to the hospital and about a dozen ether persons were taken to their homes after (heir injuries had been dressed by ambulance surgeons. Kilted a Yo?m.-n. Norfo'.k, Special. Bert Walker, ship carpenter at the Norfolk navy yard, shot and killed John Rland, a ma chinist yeoman, at 12:20 Saturday morning, in Norfolk county, just out side the Portsmouth city limits. Walk er gave himself up. He claims self defense. .Three Hundred Dollars for a Name. Tittsburg, Special. A check for $300 has been received from President Roosevelt for Theodore Roosevelt Sig net, the bey born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Signet some weeks ago and which is their twentieth child. The money has Icen placed in the bank to the credit cf the baby, the interest to accumulate vntil be is 21 years old. White Men Shot Ey Negroes. Charlotte, Special. As a result of a :iuarred between four white men, of Liong Creek township, and four negroes, ov. the public road seven miles west of Davidson Sunday afternoon, three white men were shot by Sol Shuford, jolcred, of Gaston county, and one of the injured men is dangerously, if not fatally, wounded.. The wounded men are Sam Lawton, who is shot in the left arm and side; John Lawton, who is wounded in the right arm; and Alex-" nder Auten, who is shot through the body, the ball striking between the tenth and eleventh ribs. Auten has been taken to the hospital at DavidsoD md it is feared he will die. The otter men are not seriously hurt and nave returned to their bemes. S'rlously Wounded. Washington, N. C Special For three-quarters of an hour Thursday two brothers, named Carroll, fought a third brother, and when a man named Mjoore interfered for the weaker side, he was cut and beaten unmercifully. The fight took place on one of the principal streets and stab wounds were numerous Moore, who interfered for peace, is dangerously wounded. All of the fighters were drunk. A TERRIBLE STORY Cf Murders, Burnings and General Outrages Comes From Turkey BULGARIA ARRAIGNS THE TURKS In a rVmorandum Presented to the Powers th: Bulgarian Government Sets Forth the Conditloc of Affair in flacedonia. Sofia, By Cable. The Bulgarian gov ernment has presented a memorandum to the powers, setting out -at great length the condition of affairs during the past three .months in Macedonia cicce the Turkish government under Vok to inaugurate the promised re forms. The most precis? details, dates, places and names of persons are given in the memorandum, the whole con stituting a terrible category of murder, torture, incendiarism, pillage and gen eral oppression committed by Otto man soldiers and officials. These par ticulars were obtained entirely from ofiicial sources, such as the reports of the Bulgarian consuls and agents of the Bulgarian government, and in many instances, the reports made by Turkish authorities. The Bulgarian government guarantees the absolute truth of every statement and chal lenges the Porte to disprove a single charge made in the memorandum, whicch begins by stating that during the past three months the Ottoman government has taken a series of measures with the alleged intention of inaugurating the era of promised re tcrm and of assuring peace and tran quility to the Bulgarian population of European Turkey, but which have had the contrary effect of further exas perating this population and reviving the revolutionary movement. Instead of proceeding solely against persons guilty of breaches of the public order, the military and civil authorities have scught every possible pretext to per secute, terrorize and ruin the Bulgar ian inhabitants, alike in the large cities and in the small villages. Numerous assassinations, burnings and other outrages are charged. Dealing with other acts of oppres sion, there the memorandum states that the Bulgarian merchants and artisans living in Constantinople and Salonica were ordered to their native villages and were not allowed any time or opportunity to dispose of their business or property. Some of these Bulgarians who, with their fam ilies, had been tablished for 20 years or more, were utterly ruined. As the order applied equally to pro fessors and schoolmasters, the Bul garian schools were closed , before the end of the school year. The authori ties rigorously enforced the same or der against the Bulgarian priests, making every effort to paralyze the development of religious asd educa tional work, and deprive the Bul garian exarch of all his privileges and force the people to come under the authority of the Greek patriarch. Encouraged by the Ottoman au thorities, the Greek bishops and arch imandrites forced their way into the Bulgarian churches and burned the prayer-books and menaced the peo ple. The archimandrate of Salonica declared in a recent sermon that the Sultan did not want Bulgarian ex aches in his empire; if they remained they would be exterminated. fl lis Take Vacation. Burlington, Vt., Special. The Bur lington, Winsooki and Colchester Mills of the American Wollen Company will not resume operations soon, orders having been received for a two weeks' suspension. In addition to the Wash ington Mills at Lawrence, Mass., and the Assabet Mills at Maynard, Mass., the company has also decided to close the Lebanon and Masccma MiHs and Baleric Mills of Enfield in the Mas coma Valley, N. H., for a similar pe riod. These mills employ a total of about 10,000 hands. The shut-down, the company announces, is for the purpose of giving the employes a vacation and repairs and improvements at the sev eral plants. Attention Called. Constantinople, By Cable. The Brit ish ambassador has called the atten tion of the Porte to the serious situa tion in Macedonia. He pointed; out that grave consequences may attend fresh murders of consuls or foreign subjects. The ambassador had an audience with the Sultan on Friday. Spike to Catholic?. Oyster Bay, Special. President Roosevelt delivered the principal ad dress at the quarterly meeting of the Society of the Holy Name, of Brook lyn and Long Island, held here Sun day. Decency of speech and conduct constituted the theme of his ad dress, which was enthusiastically ap plauded by an audience of more than 2,000 persons, chiefly men. Father Powers, rector of St. Domi nick's, introduced the President in a felicitious speech in which he spoke cf the esteem in which Mr. Roose velt is held by the Catholics of this country. Terrible Storm. Merida, By Cable The effects of the tropical cyclone here and in Progresso have been terrible. The wind com menced in the early hours of the night, and panic quickly seized the communi ty. The wind tore up great trees by the roots, blew roofs away, and destroyed houses and plantations. Great damage was done in a very short time. Great efforts were made to save small ves sels, but about 20 of those in the port of Progresso were cast upon the shore. THE PRIZE FIGHT. Jeffries Whips Corbett Easily at Satt Francisco. Mechanics Pavilion, San Francisco, Fpecial. James J. Jeffries, champion heavyweight of the world, played with Jim Corbett for nine rounds and a half, and then Cor belt's seconds mo tioned to Referee Graney to stop the fight in order to save their man from needless punishment. The end came shortly liter the beginning of the ninth tound when Jeffries planted one of his terrific left swings on Jlm'i; stomach. The man who conquered JotL L. Su!!1van dropped to the floor in agony, and the memorable scene at Carson City was again enacted, when Bob Fit73immons land?d his sohir plexu3 blow. This time, however, Cor bett struggled to his feet and again faced his giant adversary. With hardly a moment's hesitation Jeffries swung his right and again landed on Corbett's stomacr. He dropped to the floor, and then it was that Tommy Ryan, seeing that it was all over, motioned to the referee to stop the punishment. The Typographical Union. Washington, Special. An important proposition coming from the commit tee on laws, which was adopted by the International Typographical Union, was that which permits subordinate unions to incorporate in exceptional cases. The union took up the Los Angeles Times case and voted for a referendum on the question of an assessment for funds to unionism The Times office. A statement was read from General Otis, of The Times, saying that the of fice was by choice a fraternal office, that high wages were paid and no sur render would be made. Delegate Hayh, of L03 Angeles, told of the union's course and expressed hope of ultimate success. - In the Spokane and Seattle cases, in which President Lynch is charged by Commissioner Driscoll with a violation of the arbitration agreement, the com mittee on arbitration reported an en dorsement of President Lynch and the executive council ,and accused cne pub lishers of precipitating the trouble by a display of bad faith. The report &aya the union constitution cannot be arbi trated, but asserts a belief in arbitra tion where the parties approach the question in a fair and conciliatory manner. The woman's auxiliary elected Mrs. Frank L. Kennedy, of Omaha, presi dent and Mrs. C. C. Houston, of Atlan ta, one of the vice presidents. The convention adopted a special or ganizer to visit, several towns in the South to organize new uniors and to visit established unions for the pur pose of strengthening the same. The convention adopted the proposition to organize newspaper writers and au thorize expenditures of the necessary funds therefore. The death benefit was increased to $70. Jett and White Convicted. Cynthiana, Ky., Special. The jury in the case of Curtis Jett and Thomas White, charged with the 2ssassinatoa of James B. Marcum at Jackson, Ky., leturned a verdict of guilty, fixing the punishment of each at, life Imprison ment. The verdict was returned at a time when there were but few persons in the court room. The' only attorney present was County Attorney Web ster. Jett received the verdict with comparative indifference and calmness, White who has beenapparently under a severe strain durlngthe trial, flushed up and his eyes filled with tears. The ver dict occasioned little surprise. The only question which caused the delay, it is said, was whether to make the punish ment death or life imprisonment. Yellow Fever. - Laredo, Tex., Special Dr. H. J. Hamilton, United States hospital sur geon, has completed his investigation of the reported cases of yellow fever at Monterey, Mex., and has notified the Washington authorities that there is not a case of yellow fever there or in surrounding towns. Killing of Chinese Seoul, By Cable. An agreement has practically been concluded between Russia and Corea, whereby. Russia ac quires 200 acres of land at Uongampho, on the Yalu river, on a 99-year lease. The application of M. Payloff, the Russian minister, for permission to erect telegraph and telephone lines to Yongampho has been refused. The ex tension to the northward of the Seoul Wiju Railway is progressing. flayf lower Ashore. Norfolk, Special. Reports from Elizabeth City, N. C, are to the effect that the steamer Mayflower is ashore in North Carolina waters and will probably prove a total loss. The May flower struck on a bar at Wade's Point, In Albemarle Sound, about 18 miles south of Elizabeth City. The Mayflower is a small river craft and was lumber laden. Eight K lied. Chattanooga, Special The death list resulting from the head-end collision between two freight trains on the Cin cinnati Southern Railroad Saturday night near Cumberland Falls, has grown to eight, five men having died since Sunday night. Among the dead is Engineer T. S. Duke, of Salisbury. Convict Bill Passed. Atlanta, -Ga., Special. The House of Representatives of the State Legisla ture passed the convict bill, as amend ed by the Senate, providing for the employment of all five-year felony con victs on the public roads. Each, county may work, its pro-rata number of convicts. THE SEABOARD SOLD Reported That it Becomes Allied Wi:h Cther Roads WILL ABANDON ALL RATE CUTTING Indications Point to the Removal of All Competition From the Fietd of Southern Railroading. New York. Special. The long-ex. pec ted announcement that the Sea board Air Line had pas-scd. at Ut. practically Into new hands, was made Wednesday by Iadenburg. Thalman & Co.. who issued a statement sh awing that interests representing the Rock Island and St. Ixuls & San Francisco Lad secured representation in the Sea board directorate and board of voting trustees. The official statement was as follows: "Ladenburg. Thalman & Company announce that they have completed negotiations whereby new and impor tant interests have become identified with the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. B. F. Yoakum and II. Clay Pierce and B. F. Guinness, of I Aden burg. Thalman & Company, and Ok kigh Thome, president of the North American Trust Company, have been elected voting trustees of the Seaboard Air Line Railway." President John Skelton Williams also announces that iJ. Y. Yoakum, H. Clay Pierce. Okleigh Thome and S. B. Van Vorst have been elected directors of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Mr. Yoakum is president of the St. Ixmis & San Francisco Railroad, for which company J. P. Morgan & Co.. are fiscal agents. The official announcement of the deal also said: "The chansje of personnel of voting trustees of the stock of the Seaboard Air Lino Company does not mean the purchase of that company by Rock Is land or 'Frisco interests, although the 'Frisco lines extend into Birmingham, and are a part of the Southern situa tion. It docs, however, emphasize the fact that all the great railway systems are carrying out the policy of more closely cementing the railway trans portation interests of the country, which will greatly retard and It is hoped entirely prevent demoralization of the rate situation, or the unneces sary construction and duplication of property. Attention is called to the fact that with the discontinuance of any further construction by the Sea. board Air Line the value of the prop erties are greatly enhanced, and an other gratifying fact at this time and which is further evidence of the fu ture disposition of the railways ol the United States is that this deal docs not call for any financing ur supplying of new money." One of the voting trustees when ask ed to state the real significance of the deal said that it meant a "better un derstanding among interests that have at various times conflicted." Savere Tropical Storm. Kingston, Jamaica. By Cable. The West Indian hurricane struck the island of Jamaica with full force Tuesday, inflicting great damage. Port Antonio, on the north coast, was com pletely overwhelmed. Only six houses were left standing, through the United Fruit Company's wharves, oillccs, ho tel and plantations were utterly de molished. Five of the company's steamers, including the Simon Du mois, Alfred Pumois and Brighton, were driven ashore, but are lying in easy positions. Port Maria, another town on the north coast, also suffered similarly. The coast is strewn with the wreckage of local sailing boats. The southeastern portion of the Island has been completely denuded of its crops, the rivers are flooded, and many men were carried out to sea and drowned. Considering the damage to property during the hurricaoe, the loss of life is comparatively small, though the present estimate is that the death list will reach 50. Hundreds of persons were injured, and there were numerous hairbreadth escapes. The property loss is estimated at $10, 000,000. The entire eastern end of the island ha3 been devastated. Villages have been wiped out, and public build ings and churches demolished. Thou sands of the peasantry, rendered homeless and destitute, are wandering about seeking food and shelter. The destruction of the banana plantations has been "complete, and the fruit trade is paralyzed for the next 12 months. Hundreds of prosperous fruit growers have been brought to bankruptcy and ruin. Sentenced to Hans. Wilmington. Special. Jaetel Regis ter and his father, H. B. Register, were convicted at Whiteville. Columbus county, of the murder of Jesse Sales and Jim Stally last March, and burning the house down upon their bodies, after robbing the premises of some thing over $1,000. The younger Reg ister was sentenced to be hanged on October 9, and his father was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Cross HJ mendson, whose confession implicated the Registers, and secured their con viction, was sentenced to six years. Toe Registers' counsel gave notice of appeal to the Supreme CourL (l!v? No Quarter. Soionica. Special. It is reported that the Turkish troops on Monday bom barded and destroyed the village of Ekshisu, 28 miles south of "Monastir. According to another rumore the insur gents who have occupied Kruvosko, af ter repulsing two assaults by the Turk ish troops, offered a conditional sur render. Instructions were asked from Constantinople and in reply the Turk ish commander received orders U give no quarter. LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Masy Matter of General UUrrst la Short Paragraph. Down la Dixie. Kentocay diitlllert. It wi report J. will ahlp 20.000 barrtU of hlkry to Europe shortly. L. Slebert Ceae. who was mytteii ou&!y shot in Richmond, has ba put under a prace bond. Captain Baylor and the Virginia Oyster Co mm it Ion are mfuuiicg the barrens up James river. Judge George Gray, chairman of the coal arbitration board at Ulrmlnaham. tated the arope of the inquiry and the testimony was continued. Th charge of attempted bribery la the Georgia Legislature were not sus tained according to the committee rt port. . Rock Is!3n1 Interests hat hren a! mitt'd to representation in the Si toard Air Line Railway, forming a (lest alliance of the two systems. Mrs. Daisy Bronn Armcrtrout. wife cf Rev. Lr. M. Armentrout .cf Ken tucky, committed suicide in Prince L'd ward county. Virginia. MiM Marie Gordon, formerly of Mur frecsboro. Tcnn.. who shot fcrrs-lf hile at a hotel in Chicago. d!d tag ging to see her neither, who wm has tening to her. but did not arrive la time. At The National Capital. L'laborate meceuver3 for troops of the regular army and National duarj organisations have bern arranged by the War Department. Lieutenant-Gene ral Younc will be !n charge ef the War Iep irt.nnl tiam August 22 un!il Afs'sieui Sectary Oliver assumes the duties t,f his posi tion on September 1. At The North. The new currency law for th Phil ippines will o Into effect o.i Sr; em ber I. D. M". Parry denounced organize! la bor as moborricy in an address at Chautauqua. New York. Frederick MocMonnies. of New York, has bren appointed to design th rtat ue of Gen. G. B. McCltllan to be end ed la Wcshing'.on. There were two additional deaths as the result cf the accident at th Na tional Lcasnio I!.toolU Pnrk. lu Tliil- acelphia, on Saturday. Archbishop John J. F?rley was In vested with th pallium by Mjrr. IV.n mc'de Falrcni. Papal Delegate, before a great throng in SL Peter's Cathe dral, in New York. The Democratic convention of Ham ilton county. Ohio, at Cincinnati, chose delegates to the State ermveution fa voring the nomination or Zimmerman for Governor. bi:t the Johnson de-legates boiled and held another meeting. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, with the Mary laud delegation to the Grand Army of the Republic convention, was given a reception In Denver. From Acrosa The Sea. King Edward started from london on his way to Marienbad, traveling in cognito. In official circles at Sofla a maacre of Christians In Macedonia is expected in a short time. It Is estimated that r0 lives were lost and flO.OOO.OCO property damag causcd by the Jamaica hurricane. Identifications marked the trial In Pari3 of members of the Humbert fam ily, accused of extensive frauds. Committees of the Iords and Com mons will confer in an effort to reath an agreement on the Irish Land bill. -V. Bosanquet. British vice-ronsi!l at Odc350. states, in an orficial report on the Kischeneff massacre, that the local authorities took no effective steps to stop the riots. The Senate Subcommittee on Fiance, which has been conferring with Presi dent Itoosrrelt at Oyster Bay, will fur ther test public sentiment in reference to a new currency bilL Miscellaneous natters. The International Typographical Fsion decided to hold Its 1904 conven tion in St. Louis. Edward L. Dwycr, former husband of the Duchrrs de Castelluccla. filed a petition in bankruptcy In New York. A freight train ran away on a moun tain near Aehcville. N. C. and En ginerr J. H. Averill. Jr.. and Fireman Hair were killed in the wreck. The nrst naie or new cotton oii jn Augusta, Ga., brought 20 cents a pound. The Irish Land Bill was finally agreed to by the Lords and Commons and now awaits only King Edward's signature to become law. Lord George Hamilton. Secretary of State for India, said In the House of Commons that Britain must be ready at all times fcr possible Russian ag grefrion la India. , L:rd Salisbury. ex-Premier of Great Diliiia. Is seriously ill. Caroisal Gibbons will assist ?t the ccrsecratios in Rome Saturday of Rev. J. J. Hirty zz Archlistop cl llzziiz. The latm eruption of Vesu vius Is causing Inlc-cse alarm. Czar Nicholas appointed Admiral Alexieff -Viceroy of the Amur district and K wan-Tung province in Eastern Asia. The board of naval offleers which examined the battleship Massachusetts after the accident oa Wednesday re ports that the damage to the ship la serious. The Commissioner of India Affairs is advised that a number of Shawnee and Klckapoo Indians are preparing to go to Mexico. A MOB CONFERENCE lYiqae Gubcr.jf Disccsses a lite Qsestoi of lit lij DEFENCE OF LYNCHING FOR PATE Jobs Temple Clrae Speaks "Its neb 5plrlt la the S'h" asd De fends tils Section." Chautauqua, N. Y.. Specitl Fal?3 aracoc all laamrr gatbrrtags ts it inob rtnff rnc" now la prrcr brre. Th lncrer of nsrb spirit show a ty trii. iTBrb'.ngs. tk4s. muii ci tlons &oJ caber UUsj bir-ra;ai ghes grrst Importance t$ this eorfr rnre. Aracoc Tuesday's srewkrrs waa J hn Temrl'' Grates, of Atlsata. Ga Mr. Graft on Th Mob f prt of the F.:tb. He drfcn!e4 lya.-h la a a remedy for th rrlce cf rape, LolJing tbtt tloujcb lynching Is a crime. It is juit!f.d I f UXrrtBje wfclr.S prompts it anl will nevr t-e discon tinued uctil that rmme Is eliminated. The rrneiy for lylnrhing -must ! tit elimination of the crime f rape sod tl Is. he maintains, coull le d-iae nly by the Trst'n of the two rare la the Tnittd StUes. "The problerj f the hour Is not how to prevent Iyn-Mnc In the Smth. bM the lamer qust!on. 'How shall we de ftroy tl.e crime whkh aa;a has and always will prmoke lynching?" The an swer which the moS returns to thii al tsl iu-Con is already kniwn Th mob ansners it with the rop. the bal. let and fconutlCHs. Gol save us. with tl.e lorrh. And the mob is practical. Its theory Is cJNetJre ti a larse degree; the mob Is to-!y the s!rnit. the itroncest and tLe rr.ot rffertjre re rtraint that the age bolls for the cots trol of ra;e." The lynrVr decs nt eatrrm'.nate the lap'st. Mr. Grave contendcJ. tt he holds hi:n mightily in herk. As a rhrrr. o!d patent fact, lie ald. the mob tnn 1 todsy as the rmut potential bulwark tdv.ecn the women of the South and such a carnival cf crime hs would infuriate the world and pre cipitate the annihilation of the negro race. The masse e,f the negro, he be Id. ere not afraid of death coming tn a regular v.ay. They love display and the pt-ctacuiar element of a trial and e ecutlon appeal to their Imaginations. Expediting tie process a of the law Owl4 Ui Ut4Uale Ui I'l1. LuluAt v lynching. The repeal of the amend ments and the cstsMlshmmt of the ne groes" Inferiority in society, derlarej Mr. Graves, though deiUrahle. are not sufficient, "for the negro." he added. " is a tMng of the snns. and with th a race and with oil similar racea the de. sire ef the sens muH be restrained by the terror t the wre. ir poilLl. under the law.' No Influence of suppression a mighty and effective could be brought to bear as a law making amputation the penalty for the crime of rape. Hut this, like curfew edicts, eeparate laws for white and black, or the treatment of the crime of rape v separate and outside of all other coa are but ea pcdlerits. he maintained; there la co real remedy but one. No statute will permanently solve this problem. Re ligion does not solve it. Education complicates It. Politics comp'.lra'.ca It. "The truth which lie beyond and above all those temporizing expedi. enta." he concluded. Ha that separa tion is the logical, the Inevitable, the only solution of this greit problem of the racca." Discussing the subject cf "Mental and Moral Contagion." Ir. J. M. Huck ley. of New York, after speaking at some length of the various transient end permanent changes that take place under different phys!cl and mental Influences, In human personality, took up the question of crime and arraed that all crime implied the existence of society and Its attritions, that !n and vice could be committed by a person alone In the world, but rot so crime. He showed the operation of this and bow far through their natural causes epidemics might spread. In conclusion, he declared that laws of association bring on suh gen eral and feverish criminal tendencies, so the laws of association must be em ployed to antagonize them. : Will IU Ccnvlctec. Wilmington. Special. Testimony la the Register murder trial vsj com pleted Tuesday and argument by couneel to the Jury has commenced. The general opinion prevails that a verdict vf murder In the flmt degree will be returned as to the younger Register, and that his father will to convicted of acesory before ttt fact. One Hundred Killed. Tarls ny Cable. Eighty four bodlea have teen recovered and the death list probably will excet-d 100. In the undersround railway disaster which occurred here Monday night. The ac cident, which occurred oa the Metro politan Electric Railway, assumed the proportions cf an awful catastrophe during the early h'jura when more than four-srere bodies f f the burned and suffocated victims were removed from the subterranean paftage. The work ccntinues and Indication are that the deati list will per tap cx-ce-M a re-scores. Ch Id K'tlrd Hy Train. Newbem, N. C-. Special. News reaches here Tuesday n!ht of the killing of a smadl white child at Tus carora by a mail train on the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, it la said that the cars passed over the less of the little one and both were severed from Its body. Owing to a severe electric storm It was impos sible to ascertain how the accident happened, as there is only telephone connection with the place.