THE CAUCASIAN, p.MU ci Washington. Aug. 17 A cable message dated Aug. 12 has been re ceived from Minister Beaupre at Bogota, eaying that the Panama canal treaty has been rejected by the Colombian fcenate. President Koosevelt was immediately ad vised of the news. M1eitft, M.O.. Aug 13,1903 Kntre(l at tbe Post Office in Raleigh, N. 0., a aecond-cla.H mail matter. AllUESTED FOlt KISSING A GIRL. Irh Policemen at Itoaton Have No Sym pathy With Sentiment. Boston, Mass., Aug. 16 The Metrojtolitan prk police are draw ing the Una pretty tight. Last evening they arrested a couj le who wt- out canoeing on the Charles tiecauMO the man kissed his cotn j anion. So far as known no one was caught disobeying this rule last night, but one unfortunate youth, when paddling tindtr the bridge at Riverside, stole a kUs from his best girl. A lynx-eed policeman paddled up in a trice and placed both under arrent, notwithstanding their protestati n that they were betrothed lncr-a in ;rim Under democratic "Jool iovemuint. Editor The Caucasian : The cud of time is coming for the Scripture tells u the signs of the times is all we have to go by. We see high crimes in high places. Wo see children killing their pirents. We see the . Uarbarious Days here. We see the blind leading the blind. We nee the time coming when brutes will speak to his master About two and one third years ago I dream ed wt would w a reat deal of trouble In 1909, and according to the crimes committed my dream is coming to pass. We must watch as well as pray. B. J. Archhell. Gold Hock, N. C. Nash county. Th HepUmber "Smart . A stoy, strong and noble, alive with interest, and unique such is "The Progenitress," by O. Ver Tyler, the novelette with which the September numb er of the Smart Set opens. It is a powerful portray al of unumal types, aud ha ah ut it a Rtrango, unconventional glamour that enchants the reader's fancy, while the truth in the story satis fies the heart. "The Progenitress" Is an absorbing tale and a notable piece of Uteri ry work ; it bears elo quent witness to that worth and variety which have made The Smart Set novelettes famous in America and England. Five Girl Drowned. Richmond, Va., Aug. 17 At Lurich station Giles county, la-t evening, while a party of children. one boy and seven girls, ranging in unpatriotic and Tha Caaeaata a Reminder. Greenville, N. a, Aug. 10. 1903. The Editor Caucasian : Plee find enclose $1.00 for renewal, which moves my subscripti-m up to Feb. 1904 The rest of political papers I take are on t he Democratic side and of course siy but little about the mis leadings of said party since thry stole themselves Into power, but when I open tbe Caucasian I see at th? mast head a reminder of a few things that Gov. Ay cock said in his peech, accusing us of encouraging lawirs'iiesi. gnch was untruthful. unworthy to fill Kw-ironi eignt to niton years, iroiu the lips of a christian gentle were boating, the boat tapdzed man as he professed to be. We and five of the girls were drwn-d. could not expect anything better - - from a man, who In secret circulars cotton ou Mill Fii. advi registrars and judges of Norfolk, Va , Aug., 17 -The Oliv- el' ftlons to do any thing just to carry cr Refining Com pan j conducting a the e eetions for thought he I must large cotton seed oil and fiber fac- co to the Senate ami 1 !out care tory near Portsmouth, has failed for how T get thrS and he might have over $252,000, and Edward 8. Flash, thought further and truthfully so, Jr., of Vw Itork, and iVrcy H. that Butler has represented N. C, Stephenson of Norfolk, under aj- faithfully, but T want hi- place, I )i ntment of a federal judge, were make no promises how I shall per qualified as receivers today undr form my duties, but irm a fair bonds of $"0,000 eaeh. view of thecal noon cither friend or foe will truthfu ly sy that be The Supreme court begins the come8 wlthin gun-hot of his pre fall term on Monday, August 31. r Simmon, it ha been said, On that day applicants for license "dvhed In -he ra.. pig of 1898 to practice law will be examined. a11 WHnner of fra,irV but ,f Butler ever advied anything of the kind . - 1 1 failed to see or hear of it So our Poison in Ic Cmm. . , r. , ., . , ex-senator represented N. C with Richmond, Va., Aug. 18 More dignity and honor, while our pres than fifty people who partook of an 'ent incumbent m's-epresents from ice cream supper at Roanoke Rtpld-, tnp standpoint of the Campaign of J. C., last night, were taken violent- 1898our mw oM 8tftte. What lav III MX -.a Y If . I 1 . . V ' is has become of 8-nator Butler ueau. i ne crram is aiu to nave rip Two Mea ladle Foe Montgomery, Ala., July 27. This afternoon James H. Dodd and Anderson A. Hardy, white dUxens of Tallapoosa county, who were In dicted by the federal grand Jury for peonage, pleaded guilty to all the indictments. There were five in dictments against each. Judge Jones accepted tbe pleas of guilty and fined each of them $1,000 in one case and action in the other case was deferred. The Judge ordered that if the fines were not pi id thev tie confined in th jail uu ii they were paid. fPTSBBi been made from condensed milk. Mistaken Indentity, The Lady What right have you to enter my room in the middle of mons legifla'urep, oh, the nicht? Burglar Now, and Thftmiiann T trust. thar am both doing well, and further I hope , to live to hrar ihem 8gain, say 1904 i expose as they are well able to do some of the misdeeds of the Sim- it' would be don't sc'iold me. Tenant Won. New York, August 15. The Monmouth. N. J., county court of common nleas hasdeci'led the case brought by a landlord agains a ten ant for rent which was unpaid be cause the tenant had to move owing to bedbugs. The court favors the tenant. Pew cases of the kind are on the court record. ma'am ; I'm not your husband. September Smart Set. A Clear Cae. -Why does she last rich to listen to worth riding miles and miles to meet nd hear these grnd m n eTpose the rascality that hns bee'i practiced upon us as a people, and defend the grand prin ciples of our fathers. Loner mav live the Caucasian and the principles it represents Mad ere Why does she at own up that thev are in love V , i Marjorie She had to. They sat ! on the sand yesterdav, and never' noticed the tide coming in until ; If vo.j wish to iret Pearson's Mac- iney were urencneu. epiemDer a.ine 8n, TR r;AITnARTA w nnA VPnr a Smart Set. for $1.25, yi.u had tetter order now. FAUMEKS MKT AT H I LL.SBORO. Seventeenth A nnnal Session of the Stata Alliance. Pearson's Magazine and The Cau casian one year for $1.25 is you order this month, WAK CAUSED BY WITCHCRAFT, IIIouJ? Conflict U Reported letwen Cbllkat Indians. Vancquver, B. C, August 15 The steamer Princes May, from Shagway, brings word of a tribal war among the Chilkat Indians of the Klukwan tribe. For several days a reign of terror was in prog ress in the valley of the Chilkat. Witchcraft, which generally pre vails among the Indians, is said to have been at the bottom of the trouble. One Indian is reported killed and many badly injured. As we wrere not so fortunate as to able to aUend the annual meeting of tbe State Farmers Alliance at Ilillsboro last week we will have to take the Stcretarys wrord for the result of the meeting. Tne follow ing1 is taken from Mondays Pro gressive Farmer: The seventeenth annual session of the North Carolana Farmers' State Alliau e held near Hillsboro last week was notable for enthusi asm, for businesslike effort for large attendance, and for the quality, as well as the quanity, of its mem bership. The number of counties represented was larger last year than the year before, and larger this year than last. Excellent reports were received as to the outlook for reorganization, and the executive committee was instructed to borrow a sufficeint sum from the profits of the Business Agency to keep lectureres in the field. With proper effort it is believed that the mem bership of the Order can be doubled in the next twelve months. Our open session Wednesday was a thorough success, and this is to be made a permanent feature of the State meeting. Moreover, a good list of officers was chosen, and the action on all matters considered was conservative and business like. Order now if you want Pearson's Magazine and The Caucasian one year for $1.25. Special Rates Via The Seaboard Line Railway Air $3.30 Raleigh to Jakson Springs, N. r and return on account; of Mid-Sum mer Meeting Baptist State Conven tion. Jackson Springs, N. June 23 Julr 1st., tickets on sal - June 22nd to 25th inclusive, final return limit July 2nd. Our money winning books, written by men ho know, tell you all about Potash They are needed by every maa who owns a field and a plow, and who desires to get the most out of them. f Tbey r fret. Send poet! card. GEUIAN'EAU WOBKS t HaaMa Htreet, w Trk J See our club offer, The Cauca sian and Pearson's Magazine one lUoadworth Charged With Appropriating Company's Money, Ilawkinsvllle, Ga August 15 It, U. Bloodworth, local manager for tne TooIh Furniture Company, was locked up in jail today by the sheriff on a warrant sworn out by the Toole Furniture Company charging him with appropriating f 300 to his own use. Mr. Blood- worth has been manatrer for this year for 125 concern ever since the establishment of their business here. SUMMER EXCURSION RATES VIA S. A L. RY. rw l t a a ". T i More Than Welcome. i ne oeaDoara Air .uine iauway Stray Stories : Fair Painter I wiU summer excursion tickets hope you don't mind my Sketching to tne following in your field ? . tickets 801(1 daily Farmer Lor', no, missie! You September 30th, bun hlwla off tho nAfta hlfprn IUU, J.UUSS. a' ordinary scarecrow. $9.50 P us $1.00 to Biltimore, Md. and return all rail or via Portsmouth and Bay Line, aocount of Annua M-etintf Grand Lodge B. K O. Elks, Bait more, Md , July 21st-23rd. Tick etc on s tie July 18th-19th and 20th with final limit July 25th This Tick ets may be extended until July 31st by depositing same with Special Agent and depositing $1.00. $42 02 to Denver. Colo, and return on account of the Annual '-onyention Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. 'enver, Colo., July 9-13th 1903. Tickets on sale June 30th to July 9th. 1903 with final return limit August 31st. SPtClAl RAIES VIA SOUTHERN R. R. Haleigh to Fayetteville, N. C and return account Parents Conference of North f an 1 ina Tickets on sale July 29 and 30, final limit Aug. 5, 1903. S4 00 Rileigh to Hillsboro, N C. and return aecount North Farm ers statu Alliance. Tickets on sale Aug. 10, 1 1, 12 $2 00 Kaleigh to (Jrensboro, N, C. aud return account Kncampment North Carolina Nrti'onal Guard. Tickets o sale uir. 2 to 9. final limit Autr. 17. 1903 $3 55. ItaU ili to Asheville, N. C. and return a: -count Encampment North Orruia Nfctional Guard. Tickets o i j-al Auir 15 10 22. final limit Sept. 4, 1903. 11 35. Kaleigh to Hickory, N. C. and return, account Morgan ton District CoufV rence A. M. K Church Sun day Srhool Institute. Tickets on sale July 22 to 20 : final limit July 30. $7.75. Raleigh to Charlotte, N i ., and return, account Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. Tickets i n sale Autrtst 10, 11, and 12; final limit August 17. 7 30. Raleigh to Charlotte, N. C. and erturn, account Woman's Mite y issionary Convention. Tickets on sale August 25, 26, 27 ; $7.30. Raleigh to Sau Francisco, Cal., and return, account rational encamp ment Grand Army of the Republic. Tickets on sale July 31 to Auguet 13 inclusive, final return limit Oc tober 15. 1903. $64.75. Raleigh to Hot Springs, Ark., and return, account Special Summer Excursion. Tickets on sale every Wednesday and Saturday up to and including September 30, 1903. Final limit 60 days from date of sale. $30.60. Raleigh to Monteagle, Tenn., and return account Monteagle Sunday School Institute. Tickets on sale Aug, 7 th to 11th, inclusive ; final return limit August 31, 1903. $18.20. T. E. Green, C. T. A. Raleigh, N. C, What this Boy's Mother Says ha been said by the mothers of many other boys and girls, re garding the wonderful curative and strengthening qualities of miu Nervine Hasting, Naa. "Oi r little hoy, Harry, bad tpaxmt for 1 cars axd we feared the dia rooI4 ahect bit mind. Tboagh e doctored conti&ualiy be crew r aad bad ten pams ia cne week. Our at teoticn waa directed to I. MJ-'Ner-tna and -wt be ran ha ue. Wbea be bad taken the ioortb tottia tbe apauns diaappeared and be bat sot "Lad on foe bra years. His health bow ia pci fact.- Has. B. M. TixpaiiT Dr. Miles' Remedies axe told by all druggists on guarantee to benefit or money refunded. Dr. Mllea Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. THtt US MESS- MAY MARKELL, A.Sdtx Dtl of XtsdM Canadaw 153 MAT MAKKnX. of Lotkioa. Oalario, Canala, i a tsti Jvl girl vbo bur bat sxxfferiiur ia mod Wh d Cardoi baa broo;bt Lrx Wk to bJlb. Fb t c d tb social ta Ton tea ci her boom aad her truuittj to mlth has permitted brr to njcj tbm coenpanj U bT saaay frieods tettra.1 U Ijic oa a 11 cl aickivrta and ati5eric. For the hnllh abr now eojej sb ps endit to Win of Cardiu. Sbo wnU: 1 hare lovad JTiat o Cardoi aa excvl lent remedy for female trowUe. lauiiewJ for tbree yean wtth terribie bxritr&m eaina at the ncaatnaal period. I cooU hardly ataoi oo my Irrt aai was arrer real wcIL Viae of Cardol waa tbe oahy mrrficfoe that I covli depend on to dome acy good, as I tried aercral vita do mc etm. Tto of Cardoi cured sic aai I hava eov earyed rerfect health for two yean, and gfrc you aU tbe credit for I know you deacrrc it." For a yoong girl Win f Cardoi is tbo beat rrmedy to jnida her Lhrocjb vomanhotd by ttarUng tba mc&straal OPCRATCS Dovble Daily Trains Carrying Pullman Sleepers. Cafe Cart (a la carte) and Chair Cara (seats free). Electric Lighted Throughout BETWEEN Birmingham, Memphis and Kansas Ctj AMD TO ALL POINTS IN Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Tcrrtoto AND THE Far West and Northwest THE ONLY THROUdH 5LBEPINCI CAR BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AMD KANSAS CITY Descriptive literature, tickets ranged and through reservations upon application to W.T. Saunders, Gciri At. OR F.C.CLARK, Taav. Pats. Jtor.. ATvasrra. W. T. SAUNDERO Gsa'l Aoat Passsngsr D ATLANTA. GA. G APUUIME CD ORES MEAD CHE LiQrippe Colds, Foverlstiaoss Neuralgia, Sick Headacie etc. rJlONEY BACK If it fails. For sale At all drag Storm. $18.70-to Saratoga Sprinars, N- O. and re' urn on account of Imperial Coun cil Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Saratoga Springs, N. U . July 7th- I 10th, 1903. Tickets on sale July 5th and 6th with final limit July 20th. j $18 80 Plus 25 cents t j Detroit Mich, and return on account of Internat ional Convention Epworth League Detroit, Mich., auly 16th 19th 1903 Tickets oa sale July 14th and 15th with final return limit July 20; h This ticket may be extended until August 15th by depositing ticket with Special Ageat aud upon pap ment of fee of 50 cents Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. summer resorts, up to including Providence, R I. I New York, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. r. Old Point Comfort. Va. I Virginia Beach, Va. Green View, Va. North Carolina Murderer Captured. 3heridan, Wyo., August 15 Boone Horter, wanted in North Carolina for the murder of two deputy sheriffs, and who escaped Old Point Comfort,. Va. from the jail here Wednesday night Washington, N. C. by digging through a brick wall, Littleton, N. C. haa been captured, Pittsboro, N. C. Jackson Springs N. C. Wriffhtsvllle. N. C. a wonderful Town. Southern Pines. N. C. "What is your town noted for par- Hanis Lithla Springs, N. C. tlcularly?" asked the stranger. Linchanton, N. C. Well, I guess the meet curious Shelbyt n. C. thing about it," replied the native, Rutnerfordton, N. C. is that we hain't got a spite-fence chiDney Rock, N. C. anywnere in the wnoie piace." Staunton. Va. White Sul. Springs, Va. Electrical Storm at Columbua. Columbus, Ga , August 15. Columbus was visited bv a violent electrical storm late this afternoon. Llffhtnl o --r, on uua ill a uuiuuci v . XT f places, but no one is reported hurt, H?lcfory r aitfcrK u k2 jTaylorsville, N C. sustained mild shocks. Goshon, Va. Aften, Va. Aheville, N. C. Black Mountain, N. C. Henderbouville, N. C. 26.25 26.25 21.25 13.25 13 25 8.25 2 68 6 35 8.25 6.65 3.90 2.35 4.65 7.30 3.55 11.35 6.25 9.12 9.75 12.90 11.95 14.19 13.90 11.70 10.90 10.35 11.60 7.80 7.50 13.00 9.00 Grand Excuraion to Norfolk, Va. An gnat 18th, 1003. Southern Railway will operate it popular Annual Excursion to Nor folk, Va., Augvst 18th, 1903, leav ing Cha-lotte at 6.25 P. M. arriving at Norfolk at 7.30 A. m. August 19; returning leave Norfolk at 7.00 P. M. Aug. 20th, giving two days and one night in Norfolk. Tickets will be sold from Bronch Lines to connection Junction point. Round trip rate from Rafigh $ 2.25 Approximately low rate from other pointr For thbr information call on your nearest railroan Agent or write. S H. Hardwick, G, P. A, R. It. Vernon, T. P. A- Washington, D C. Charlotte, N. C. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child ur ates too often, if ine urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased- condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mls- I erable with , kidney and bladder trouble, . and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent "and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co- Binghamton, N. Y- be sum aad tots SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Short Line toprincipal cities of the South and 8outnwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, Cali fornia and Mexico, also north and north west, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia ew York, Boston, Cincionati,Chicago, In dianapolis, 81 Louis, Memphis and Kansas City. Trains leare Baleigh as follows: No, 34. Northbound. 1:20 A. M. SKABOARD E.XPRE88" FOR Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Pbiladel phia, New York, Boston and all points North, Northeast andNorth- west. 11;15A, M. mSzaboard Local Mail" For All Points from Kaleigh to Portsmouth, Norlina to Richmond, connects at Henderson for Oxford and Weldon with A. C.; at Ports mouth -Norfolk with A. L, Steam ers for points North and North- east. No. 66. 11:50 A, M. "Skaboard Mail" for ia a l.fcT ttrslfeaaatr. started rtfit li nry mmj to krp rrakar throaa tl trift vf m ifm irnnaWid TWa 0 -cLias of Ufa" ti act fe fmrwi. TVa VTu ci Cardoi it vattaat bst rtikf iron rwta t oil ac. A Dwici -iLiiiiM a&rt amr4 Uid ralkf from Xhms asifsrtari totafc ing this trwftaL It rIvai m stnal trotttWa la aa lacrviLUjr aWl ub. Ia a mmt9 cm ec BM9MI Wta d Cri mt faik. rWjr diaarxWnd Binm U to thca9o(otWf2treUa. Amj tvvau wiU Ul fM tat to tauw th oa ct a dtMtaM mvlcra tLa nn ft7. ia fact iLx fails to mapSto th cair. If toq wxn& bam tba mm ricf wakb yits ilarkij travd try Wu f CardaL Too oui taka IS witW oot aa taaiinstioB aad withovt aaj pol lidty hairrw. Tcmi caa Uka it ia tba friTary of yocr boc&a aad sarwa jot as caaca bxwit at if a dortor bad prtMcribrd it far yov. Thoaudt of w ran art frviut; It rigor of ntsraiag aeallh hj takit Win ci GardaL WINE of CARJDI 1 aillkn vnEming La focmd rriiaf la W.wd CardaL 1 JLrjgy occasionally win Keep tne c,ean within, rcsultlr r5- healthy and pleasing iu.i A RIpans Tabulc taken occasionally will keep the body in a ocar- ance without. It Is a ood sensible plan to keep the body up t the high water mark of good health all the time. The person who ues Ripans Tabulcs feels j;ood all the time, they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach in cood condition, and when giTz the stomach digests the food properly, the chances of get- a v - i-y t-5 IS 1 I EVir ling sick are icsmmicu. Uh&3 The little five cent cartons JyJrt 00 hold ten doses and they are ax fetk convenient to carry. M&St )0k all drugg,sto voB NEW JOB 0FF1E! New Type, now Presses, new Machinery Generally, And the very nt-west faces Made! job typo It has been said there "1 nothing new under the ran,' bnt oar ont 8 new fr oin garret to cellar, and we employ only the very bert Workman Known to the Art, Taylorsville, Blowing Rock, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. Tickets are limited to return un til October 30st. 1003. and bear a transit limit of fifteen days in each Fatal Family Row. ureenvllle. N. f? Antr. 17 O. B. Hardee, a substantial farmer of direction and stopover will be allow Swift ( reek, was killed yesterday I within transit limit. in a row between hi son. And For furtVr information address Fred's father-in-law. Oliver flmtth. O. II. Gattla. C. P. & T. A. Raleigh, against Mr. Hardee and another I N. C. son, Oeorga. H. S. Leard, T. P. A., Raleigh. . u. Raleigh M rble Works Shipments made to any part of the Stnte at same price as at shop. Monuments: en oucatalogue COOPER BROS., Proprietors. When writing to advertiser pleaao mention Cauca - dan. c Richmond. Washington, Baltimore Philadelphia, Nw York and Boa ton, connects at Richmond with C. & O. for Cincinnati, Chicago and 8t. Louis at Washington with Pennsylvania and B. & O, for all points, , No, 31 Southbound. s A. M. "Seaboard express for Oharlotte, Atlanta, Columba, Char leston, Savannah, Jacksonnlle. St, Augustine, Tampa And all points South and Southwest. No. 41. 4:00 P.M. Saboard Local Mail" For Charlotte .Atlanta and all local rointf, connects a Atlanta for all point South and South ws5. ' OTJE While not the LOWEST, aie as low as good work can be done fbr. Everything Done in the Job lino From a small Visiting Card to a Mammouth Poster. Prices and sample furnished on application. III. J. CARROLL. SUCCESSOR TO VILLIAMd 4 CAKROLK. BAT ,EIGH, IT C PIANOS, OIMiS AIIO SQ'nilG LUCUiHES OH FREE TTill!! fLEGJOT CCmnnf C?GKT PUSO, S12S. Xrarraata47wnt ELEGJUTT PARLOh OSGAKS, 125 LP. 7arraated tS ymni aai a trm trlaL nrr-jor cEirruar secirq mcKms, txuuttMXxa, si a. xransuin3 WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE CEfJTUnY MF'C CO. wrNa 701 lull j GASH OR Cata- (0gQ8 FREE No. 27. 6:27 P. M. 'Sraboard Hail' roa Southern rinei,Pinebarst, Atlanta Oolnmbia, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and all points South and Southwest. Tickets on - sale to all points. Pullman berths reserved. Tickets delivered and basgagA checked from Hotel and Residences without extra charge at UP-T0WN TICKET OFFICE, Yarborough House Building. C. H. Gattis, C. T. and P. A Phones 117. Baleigh, N C H. S. LEARD, T. P, A, Kaleigh, N. C. - CREDIT. vmm phice 150 00G O00 44 y ur U WW It to 'Emmy to 8a y (Be careful." bnt we must all go from heated houses Into chill outer air, and th change sets us cough ing and wheezing Avoiding win ter colds Is difficult; curing them Is not hard f you take Allpn's Lang Balsam. Better bogin when the cld is young and not wait until it settles deep Into the lungs, for then, even with Allan's Lung Balsam. complete relief will be flower. It will pay yea to send tor oar Osi loarue Ho. 6, craotlrg xnioes on Buffsle. Harness, etc W sell direct sea our Factory to Oonanmcra ct Factory Prioeau Tela cnarant 1 isusvr only 9330 ; Cash or casj Monthly Payments. T7a trast honeat people located m all perts of the world. tSTWrlte for Free Qtf.1css3 ncrrrioa tm3 patcs. CMieMCsrcns) cuautii

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