THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BYTIIK CAdC ASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8. l.OO 811 Month. .60 Tbrtx Month, 86 Ho. kscogD 11. "LAWLESSNESS WALKED. THE STATE LIKE A PESTILENCE." (JOVKKNOK AYCOCK STATED IN II 18 IXAUCJUKAL ADDKEHH THAT UNDEU, ANI TIIKKEFOKE BY IM I'Mt'ATION IN CONHEQUENCE OK, FUSION RULE LaWLEKHNEHH WALK ED THE HTATK LIKE A I'EHTILENCE, CHIME STALKED AUKOAD AT NOON DAY, ULEEI LAY DOWN WITH AIAI'.M AND THE HOUND OF THE IMHTOL WAS MOKE FKEQUKNT THAN THE feONO OF TJIE MOCKING BlttD." HOW STANDS THE CAHE TO-DAY i lovEitNou? Haven't the acts Ok' THREE KED BJIIHT LEGISLATURES AND MOKE THAN TWO YKAE8 OF TOUR OWN BENEFICENT HULK PAHHED INTO HISTORY SINCE YOU PROCLAIMED THE FOREGOING? When YOU ARE CAVORTLNG OVER THE HTATE W HOOPING FOR EDUCA TION AND ROADS DON'T YOU HEAR OF MORE CRIMES BEING COMMITED IN NORTH CAROLINA THAN EVER BEFORE AND IX) YOU CONTINUE TO ATTRIBUTE THESE TO FUSION RULE? llesrardinc th next democratic candidate for governor the Warren ton Record says : He must be loyal to state and party; he must be a patriot and statesman : he must be a man of first class ability, and he must be a leader In the fight against the saloon. We know the man that fills the bill and in due time we will announce him." it you have any mercy on us don't keep us in suspense any longer. We didn't know there was a demo cratic politician of this kind in the State, and we are sure he is not a member of the machine, for we have never heard of a machine democrat that was loyal to North Carolina, for instead of trying to protect her they are after squeezing every cent out of her possible and even run the State into debt to satisfy their greed for office. The man of whom the Record speaks should bo put into a glass case and placed In the State Museum until they need him for Governor, and even then he should be handled right side up with care." The Superintendent of public schools for the county of Ashe has written State Superintendent Joyner that two school districts have been consolidated into one, making one largo district witn 185 pupils. This Is the democratic method for giving us longer school terms. The school districts were too large before for the small children living near the dividing line of the districts, and now where they are consolidating the districts the schools will be absolutely worthless to the children living hear tho dividing line of the districts as the districts will be too great for them to attend the school and yet the parents of these same children are taxed to help support these schools. This is unjust and we are surprised that our Educa tional Governor " allows such con ditlons to exist in this State. Raleigh is stirred to its depths by the question of taxation. Judge Peebles has issued an order against the board of county commissioners of Wake county to show cause why they should not be restrained "from collecting taxes under the present assessment. This was bound to come. Whoever has looked into the matter must have seen that the proDiem ot taxation will surely nter the next state campaign, and no one knows to what lengths it may be carried. Assessments and valuations were raised too suddenly 10 sun tne public temper." You may not believe it but the above article was clipped from the Eastern Reflector, a Simruons ma chine paper published at Greenville But one .redeeming feature about the editor of the Reflector, he will Alt 11 A. I . .. ten me irum occasionally even though it is against the democratic party. The Biblical Recorder asks what would happen if the negro question was dropped. Why the yellow journals of the News & Observer kind would have to go out of business that is all. We are informed that there is not a Populist or Republican on the Jury list of this county, and we are still further informed that one of the county democratic officials has said there will not be any pat on the list. Why this discrimination? Is this "equal rights to all and special privileges to none"? Do you wish more of the democratic machine government? If you do you are in favor of a monarchical instead of a Republican form of government." The democrats of Ordo a e mak ing a play for the negro vote in that State for Tom Johnson for Gover nor. One of the arguments they are using is the Republicans never give the negroes any offices. The Ohio democratic executive com mittee should borrow the Simmons Aycock Machine and get Simmons to manipulate it for them. " If there is any editor who has not explained the trouble between Turkey and Bulgaria he will please come forward." Eastern Reflector. We are not guilty. We have been too busy at home trying to get North Carolina out of trouble. WTe sympathise with those foreigners but we think charity should begin at home. "Good will never die, but it some times appears to have gone into a trance." Greenville Reflec tor. Right you are. The good demo crats in this State seem to be in a trance. But they will wake up some day and when they do there will be a mighty shaking-up in the democratic party. Wednesday morning's issue of the News & Observer contained a long article about prohibition and a large advertisement of whiskey in the next column parallel to this article. Oh ! consistency thou art a jewel. TAX PAYER RKPL.IE9 TIST." TO BAP- He Says the Object of the New and Ob server Was to Divert the Attention of the People From High Taxes and Corruption in High Places Dif ference Between Sectarian ism and Hypocrisy. Fayetteville, N. C, Sept. 22, '03. Mr. Editor : Your correspondent from Fayetteville charges Josepheus Daniels, Editor of the News and Observer with sectarianism, and we have after due deliberation conclud ed that "Baptist" is honestly and conscientiously mistaken for we are sure the seemingly pious (?) editor of the News and Observer has not got enough of regeion to be a sec- arian. He carries about a long sanctimonious face, and a stranger would think that it was the ghost of John Knox walking the streets of Raleigh instead of the Golden City, of the New Jersalem. The Charlotte Observer charged this pious;?) Editor with being a "flannel mouth liar." Philiips of the Morning Post jumps on the Charlotte Observer band wagon and says the same thing. We are of the opinion that "Baptist" has mis taken hypocrisy for sectarianism and we think he should go to Ral eigh at once and take his hat on and apologize to the News and Ob server. Editor Babb savs that the Editor of the News and Observer is a freak of nature with the heart of a hyena and the brains of a vulture and of course Bro. Babb thinks the charges of sectarianism made bv " Baptists " is with foundation and a slander on the News and Observer The attack on Dr. Massee and the Tabernacle Baptist Church was the act of a "drowning man catching at a straw." The Editor of th News and Observer is growing des perate in trying to divert the at tention of people of Raleigh and of the State which the infamous Aycock and Simmons machine have in creased ihe taxes on the people of iNortn Urrolina more than 33 1-3 per cent, and in the city of Raleigh ana otner towns in the State it is equal to almost the confiscation of the property. There is scarcely a county in tne state that is not financially defunct. me JNews and Observer with naming head lines published the Booker Washington Episode at Hamlet in its mad attempt to stir up strife, which the facts were as reported tnat Senator Bacon of Georgia slept in the " Booker Wash-' know when tc lS Z tV ington Hamlet Hotel" that ana tne next morning took break-! last at a nigger restaurant. The proprietors of the Hamlet Hotel were famous red shirt Democrats. and one. of thAm hoi Hi . n ' wuuij office in the Democratic countv nf Democratic county of Richmond. The next attempt of the News and Observer was to des troy the Influence of Dr. Massee the pastor of the Tabernacle Raptist Church not on the account of sec tarianism or that Dr. Massee said that the laborer was not paid enough to give them a comfortable living, but the prime and only object in view was to deceive the people and divert their attention If possi ble from high taxes and corruption in high places. Judge Clark said in a speech before the Bar Asso ciation at Hot Springs, Virginia, that labor did not receive its just re wards, and yet the News and Ob server was as silent as the grave, simply because Judge Clark was trying to array labor against capital. Tax Payer. ACCIDENT AT HENDERSON. Two Freight Car Demolished KJllia Capt. W. A. Brow. Henderson, N. C. September 31. A terrible accident happened here Sunday morning at the coal chute of the Seaboard Air Line. A northbound freight. No. 22, had stopped at the chute about 2 a. m. to get coal and water, and while standing on the track another freight. No. 12, ran into the rear of the first freight, smashing the caboose and two freight cars and instantly killing Capt. W. A. Brown. The engine of the rear freight was badly smashed in and at once set tire to the debris of the wreck. The dead hour of the night and the small force of the two night trains made it impossible for them to extinguish the fire or even save the body of Capt. Brown from the flames. When the flames had died out there remained but the ironwork of two cars, the ties of a car of cotton and the body of Capt. Brown. So intense was the heat that the body of the unfortunate man was almost completely consumed, the legs and arms being entirely destroy ed and most of the head and body. His watch, of a heavy silver type, was left a melted mass. WEEK END RATES VIA S. A. L Commencing June 6tn, the Sea board Air Line Railway will place on sale for all trains Saturdays and fore-noon Sundays, good returning the following Monday. Round trip tickets from Raleigh are as follows: From Raleigh to Wilmington $4.50 it tt Jackson Springs 3.30 Portsmouth, Va. 4.50 Ocean View, Va. 4.50 t tt tt " Old Pt. Comfort " 4.50 " Cape Henry, " 4.50 " Va. Beach " 4.35 tt For further information apply to H. S. Leard, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. C. H Gattis, C. P. & T. A. Raleigh, N, C. A Sore Thins. It is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C, B. VanMetrr5, of Sheperdtown, W. Virginia, says: "I had a severe cat e of Bronchitus and for a vear tr!i ft everything I heard of, but got nt relief. One bottle of Dr. King's Mf W Discovery then cured me ab- w 1 It is infallible for Crouo. k b tog ucugh. Grip, Pneumonia . Uf OosusQi aption, Try it. It k i W nted ay all druggists. Tria li1 Regular size 50c. $1. Raeford Institute Burned. Raeford, N. C, Sept 15. The main building of Raeford Institute, including the auditorium, was des troyed by fire last night shortly be fore midnight. mm in A POPULAB MONTHLY MAGAZINE AND : : : THE CAUCASIAN BOTH ONB YEAR FCR $1.25 IF YOU ORDER THIS MONTH. Address, CAUCASIAN PUB. CO., Raleigh, N. C. Eearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Nersailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testi fies. "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by all Drug gists. Sadden Misadventure. Carelessness is responsible for many an accident and we never is know for our own benpfit, and for others that Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best remedy on earth for Rnrna Rmlrla r-.,: a ! J?. V" . "uv lltss- ""y - : guaranteed Dy all Druffeists ' ggisis. 8ee our club offer, The Cauca sian and Pearson's Magazine one year for $1.25 End of Bitter Fight. "Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abscess on my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, Ga., and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. The benefit I received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've entirely re gained my health." It conquers all vougns, uoids and Throat and Lung Store. Prl5oTJi.nT t S bottles free. 'IeQm Sped! Califbrmla A party will leave Atlanta at 6:10 A. M.. August 6th baring special Pullman tourist sleeper Birmingham to Los Angeles. Cost of ticket, including berth, will be $66.50. Full Information furnish ed upon application to W. T. Saun ders, G. a, P. D., Frisco System, Atlanta. Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Week-End Rate to Moutali The Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets to points named below for all trains Saturday and forenoon Sundays, good returning leaving destination not later than Mondap following date .of Sale, ex cept Blowing Bcce, all trains Fri days and Saturdays good returning leaving destination not later than Tuesday following date of sale. For Morehead City tickets will be sold Saturdays only good leaving destination not later than Tuesday following date of sale. Following rates from Raleigh N. O. Shelby, N, C. $5.80 Rutherfordton, N. O. 6.45 Lincolnton, N. C. 5.25 Cliffs, N. C. 5.25 Lenoir, N. C. 5.30 Blowing Rock, N. C. 8.60 Asheville, N. C. 7.00 Black Movntalns, N. O. 6.45 Round Knob, N. G. 6.45 Marion, N. C. 5.85 Morganton, N. C. 5.30 Connely Springs, N. C. 5.25 Hickory, N. C. 5.25 Tryon, N.C. 7.60 Hendersonville, N. C. 7.75 Brevard, N. C. 8.50 Lake Toxoway 9.20 Hot Spring, N. C. 7.75 Wilmington, N. C. 4.50 Morehead City, N. C. 4.50 Cape Henry Va. 4.75 Norfolk Va. 4.75 Old Point Va. 4.75 Virginia Beach 4.75 Ocean View 4.75 Rural Hall 8.95 Taylorsville 6.80 For further particulars write or call on T. E. GREEN, C. T. A., Yarboro House Building, Raleigh, N. C. All 'phones 141. SOUTHERN R. R. In effect January 13th, 1903 This condensed schedule is pub lished as information and is sub ject to change without notice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH, N. C. 12.50 a. m. No. Ill daily for Greensboro and local points. Carries Pullman sleeper Goldsboro to Greens boro, connecting at Greensboro with train No. 39, "Atlanta ExDress. T 11 w - ruiiman sieeper ana day coaches for M - ' Atlanta "Mr 99 t(171sv;l t, for Charlotte, Columbia and Savan na Pullman sleeper to Jackson ville, Port Xampa, Charleston and Agusta, connections for all points in Florida. No. 37, Washington and Southwestern Limited," solid Pull man train drawing room sleepers, N. Y. to New Orleans and Memphis, connection is also made for Winston Salem, Wilkesboro, Danville and local stations 5:20 a. m. No. 112 daily for Goldsboro and local stat ions: connecting at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilming ton, N. C , Wilson, N. C, Tarboro, N, u... Norfolk, Va., and immed iate stations, also at Goldsboro with Atlantic and North Carolina Rail way for Kinston, N. 0., Newberne, N. C, and immediate stations. 8 56 a. m. -No. 107 daily for Greensboro and local stations, con nects at Durham for Oxford, Hend erson, Keysville and Richmond. At University Station for Chapel Hill, daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with train No. 36, "U. S. Fast Mail," for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing-room sleepers to New York and Richmond. Close connection for Winston-Salem, Mocksville and lo cal stations with train No. 7 for High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and local stations. 10:80 a. m. No. 108, daily for Goldsboro and all local points ; con nects at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and all Eastern North Caro lina points. At Goldsboro for Wil mington, Kinston, New Burn, N. C. and Norfolk, Va., where close con nection la made with Chesapeake jume tor .Baltimore and all other outgoing steamers. 3:03 p. m. No. 135, daily for Ureensboro and immediate stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksville, Keysville daily except Hunaay. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday ai ureensDoro with train No. 29 for Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, vynariesion, Jf unman sleeper and first class coaches Washington to Jacksonville, J?la. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mall" for Atlanta and all points south ana southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birmingham ana JNew Orleans, day coaches Washington to New Orleans, also with north bound trains No. 34 and J lor Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleep ers ana o reservation . car to New XT 1 xorx; connection is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and at Salisbury to Memphis: 4.12 p. m. No. 13G daily for Goldsboro and local stations. C. H. Ackert, General Manager. W. A. Turk, Pass. Traf. Manager. S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A Wash ington. D. C. R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte. L?" ty Ticket Agent. 1 I nce in Yarbarough House Build- jnaieign, jn. U, TO SUBSCRIBERS ! Don't you want a good literary magi ! ra for yourself and family to read? If so, you can secure PEAR SON'S MAGAZINE for one year together with THE CAUCASIAN lor one year for $1.50. The price f PEARSON'S MAGAZINE is $1.00 per year, or 10 cents per copy, and cannot be secured for lest anywhere. This offer applies to old subscribers that pay up and renew, as well as to the new subscribers. Any of our readers that would like to have "Janice Meredith," a beautiful story of the Revolution, by Paul Leicester Ford, can secure It with THE CAU CASIAN and PEARSON'S MAG-' AZINE one year for the small sum of $1.99. The price of "Janice Meredith" alone Is $1.50 at all bookstores. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, send In your subscription at once, as the offer may be withdrawn at any time. Address, CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., Ralkioh. N. C. SEVEN YEARS IN BED. "Will wonders ever ceaatf in quire the friends of Mrs L. P&s, of Lawrenee, Kan They knew aha had been unable to leave her bd in sev en years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to wa'k." she write, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from head wine, backache, nervousness, sleeplessness melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50 cents. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an al most fatal attack of whooping courh and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y , "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Oar niece who had cou- sumpsion in an advanced stage, also I used this wonderful medicine And to day she is perfectly well." Despe rate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's Ne Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infalli ble for coughs and colds. 503 and $1.00 bottles guaranteed. Trial bot tles free. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER- Now is the time to send in your Subscription to the Caucasian and get the advantage of our grand clubbing rates. We will send Thk Caucasian, Atlanta Constitution and Tbe Sunny Booth all one vear for $2.00 By ordering the three at once yon get the SUNNY SOUTH FREE. ix, is published weekly and is full of good Southern Stories by Southern authors, including Stories for the young as well as for the older ones. , Order at Once. And get three papers for the price of two. Address all orders to CAUCASIAll PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. One hundred and eight scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy. 606 STUDENTS. 66 IHSTRUCTQBS. New Dormitories. Water Works, Central Heating. System, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profession al departments, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address F. P. VENABLE, Psbbident, CHAPEL HILL, K. C. PaDKEb'fi HAIR BALSAM UHsta4 bcaatlfiaa the hskb PltMBot.. . Imwm4 aievar raa to zMr so lta Ti 5J3rIr?25a. a4exfHrv I lost o i r-ii" GDNS! GDI GUNS! LOADED SHILLSIIELOADEO SHELLS1 OF EVKRY LAROEST STOCK, SEND 'ALL RIGHT" COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES. HOUSE FURNISHING GCOIXS, TIN WARE, PAINTS AND OILS, BUILDING MATERIAL. Everythiog in Hardware Found at Our Store. I Goods shipped same day ordered. (Green Trading 8tam gin V with cash purchases ) SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, Successors to Julius Lewis Hardware Co., RALEIGH, N. C Raleigh Marble Works r The North Carolina STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Courses Literary, Com mer leal. Classical, Domestic Science, ScientiU Manual Training, Pedagogical and Music Give courses leading to Diplomas. Advanced courses leading to De grees. Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty num bers 40. Board, laundry, tution, and fees for use of text books, etc., $100 a year. For nonresidence of the State $160. Twelfth annnal aw slon begins September 15, 1903. To secure board in the dormitoriw all free-tution applications should be madebefore July 16th. Corre pondence invited from those desiring competent teachers an stenoer phers. For catalogue and other information address CARLES D. McIVER, President, Greensboro, N. C. boxt slim .w uu w uu w ui yrvre we ao not ao exscuy as ej NH W YORK MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Pept. Ill Broadway, Wc w Vara. FMigflW'S Here are a few of aottaors speak for thttri seatare awl Insnre Thm Plomroom-A I mance f Roguery, by Celstt Bvxckvs and Wot lawot. Olr Henry frsM -Ouoomnr. by Cmt Towmwo Bxadt TTU. Ro,itio.l Ota ZAyJ and Jackao... Qus Rmoplm YOU KOW toovtU in Collete, by Evext Jawm Wxxdxll; My First Graduste- OtmrtHng Dlilomurgm or Buropomn Courxm Ktmktly About Uwi Toronto ana. Oi .rtakrn. single I its vie and for tbi. story u'KinanM May and Jane. practically the entire fittioa product of ever Aa!r F????loW K"- .Th P1" lowing being iprcmcVbCTr J""- targa . U- W- Alfred the Omt sv Gecrhis a. Margaret of Antea 3. Kicaard 1. 4- Rxia.-d II. $. Wiliiam the Coaqiura 6- Al-xander the Greet 7- Cf -us the Great t. Darius the Gres - o. Petir the si. Acrm S3. Haonibal Sj. I alius Caesar ta. Nero ic PvrrhtM x6. Kotr.ulus Oisai er Maker. Set. are J mmu. MSMUsst. - ' Abraliaisi I Iimma. ea i 7 ' , Kam a aerr of ori tnm brief have ro 1 tbem wUh the tnowle4 1 have." which I need. I aU the historical kaowledj . HI, . -- safssii Birmett Tas Xstais sf Laiy Wkaarkxrst. V v ITIMSI BMfu. I ilirL.-7.'.Trm?' T rr AmilmmmmJI filVmMasMasi fiaikv L IW Tas iha ml.u - eawe Sm Tkeatkta ef taUL riHev, ?tl 5"? rf H-SararaMa w fra-ler, Beatnss Eai-Usi Carter ef CJarterwflS" Watfrin- A w T-t'-1 &Srffii& ?"Tf."rri-te free, to KrTwKsii J"rkssstt. Che. rk fisxia PEARSONS SKbacriher. li "Jsis. Xventt TudsrrawiafBatta. Xtsks, " m m ThsPi Pkfleatfk F. F. Dbbbs ttaeatalTsaiay j wtuaaaiiyoa protpectas trmZour 1,oaTr The price is never et.. T rpiicauoa. Subscribe now ad er Z, Glira GUNS! DESCRIPTION. 4 FOR CATALOGUES A PRICK GO Shipments made to any part of the Stnte at same price as at shop. COOPER I1R08.. Proprietor. Raleigh, N. C. When writing t) adrertisers mention the C&ucMiin Send for Catalogue W are anxkraa to Introduce our booarhold rrmMlita erery bom throne bout tb Amerlcaa. and r doiu mim JUmUomJ adrertialos to do thla quickly and tbontufkir Will yon order home remedies from ua. either fur Trarvl and relatlrea. or to sell amon friend, and cet a iMutiral dinner set FREE? end us your name) and address and we will send yot etftt mvK rrnmuKi, RU raru DOX IOT Z )C. and rrlurs UM for eight boxes, after yoo have sold the $1 SO wnrta n4 r turned the money, we will without ur rnrthw .k . ... M yoorpsrtor payment of any kind whatsoever snl i beMafuUydeyratedIirpleceCHlNAd!nnera-t. exactly as per cu either brown, blue or srold decorations, YVLL sice fi r family nm TfaH Is genuine CHIN A. and has absolutely no trade-msrk or adTertiaem.ct of ours on It; all we ask you to do Is to show tt to your friends and tnl how you got It. Absolutely nootbereondlUons. iMshespa. kdanlhM4 addressed to you free of charge. Our Jio. a Lot of remedies contain (II rwm uJur Cma ecure many other valuable premium ih.tur BAGAZU3 now running mr Intercstinr: raadlasi to appear. Tfcelr titles sal Jn Huabrrt; 'i'he Ute (1 War! ' "Sb? SjaniledTflorr01! wlT AttoraT WiUiani Trarers Jeton hm handed, the dpnmt ..l .j v. , crime, will - " C7 - to be toU 7, ZTL9 K'n.n . Great it. Charles II. C Madame V'jtt.i , fie . -T r 7 VTB.M JcoU 7- Henry IV. ao. losrpb hsm s Hortensc tj LrmZ.&iLrZi7 . . 7Z TT" faajuoWs utrrt T teatfiag im tUs wj mr .CTy ... Hotorte. coi. jnuTh -EZilSL'"? tl rrite lucr n .e',U ' UUrcc these I am indebted if i L.d i r rrr " r ; mod ermts indebted fur Ut - mwa .1 ui rr Ua r rattan ef Uc If, tntf ; mmm a atemaa. r:et rsrra Tke Lisa's Brsei. Ic2l 0Wrsf Tf IlUitwMt kf. v)... fMM . - ? ;WWSW,, M.. MulMIWmt I wwW 4a r.-a m-.rmZ-mZrZZU EACH W lal.,..l. fV. ALL CLOTH BOUND A. Tar Time Weaiaf, aft. a : Wi . . ifwyy. astaesT Uim. J ' Viffl Vraeala. Brus SUker . A Ars tMi U Wemaa. E Xu w wf nu, . The Lady ef CaataUKarek. . OvcaEaasMKl1 efZeaaa. 'rar ifSffllSSSSS Arensr TkeBTatkDveliats wl.f8atarnmaa TrSW xTTzim nZ-l Brit, T. Tt neteaitoParia B.S ittsl&afc " ywi a protpectas Una epor TW- The price is never cut with or permisoa. f' iMio f ,4PANY. a- . . Alter Plsce. New Vert CW

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