A" CAUCASIAN. V-4 VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 101-3 SO. IV Em 5TflTc um numii UIIIIL HUM ILIIU ra nam pv Ncwiv Items Gleaned From r Murphy to flanteo. Hie Bank Suit. TayloiHvilK'. Special. Thursday night an action for malicious prose cution was instituted by I)- . J. II. Moore, proprietor of the Mf or.; Cotton Mills, rtt Ltiedouii, N. C, again.M the First N:tioiirxi Hank, of Htntesvir.o. N. ('., an. I George II. -Brown, cashier of said lank. The damage? ciaiT.cd jmv $..:. M'i. Ti).. a tio?i mow out of an attachment proe-cding instituted in Ftatcsvilb- last June upon th" filing of an affidavit by the cr.shb-r. Mr. Brown, of tli" First National Hank, of that uty. ;'gain. t all the property nt LJIedoun. including th Mo .re Cot ton Mill-; and the Llledoun Roll'r MlliM and tlie lloore Milling Com pj'tiy'u proper!;-, in Hichory. N. C. The ahove i roperty )a owned by l. Moore, who. at that time, v.as in Cin cinnati. ().. ,,n busdm il more L h '.at j L atrd. Ashniilo- p( 1 ial--The 0f the Illltmore rscite iisrve by F. IJ. Moo;-e, maaafcor ef Ke,i:hvortli In... is lie of the bii-M'.'t projects cotl?i If-rod in this sfttion rr a while. It rr.av 1" Ktatfd that the i. T. c-j-tcmphted 1 the tran.-: i tion n t-hos neuiv $2. "i.oi'ft The f uln.iaition of the project n.eans tie lease ly Moore fiopi I ir. .-'Inn k. aa agent for Om-cp W. Wind' rhilt, of t!;- e.itire I'irccia' pie- servr, wti.Ii foafamy form tHOuto in. l.Vi.iu'i .-ens. s-.iator Cizrin. of 1 in iai;r 1 jjuki. o v:u r oi iae l i f l v.. r tli fi: .1. a-; wil Moare, entinu-iasli . al.o;'t tiie I'lau. Itiltr,!',:o Ci-'! pvaypr, in whirh Hilt more ho,i,e ,ltuat-l. ! not roni.i :!r,,,i ja the deal ::t all. an I pcrsons f ai m a a i 1:01a t ;siaa grotinds wiil piobah'y through ilu state. In a::;, pirsdve will he kcj't no 1 r.oi ; ; ;i .s rvf.U the Mr. Vars- derbilt aad patrolk-.l by sv.ae wardens 1 employed by him. ; ton ginned from the growth of the ; present year up to October 18, places State Note. 1 ,h? amount at 3.839.627 commercial Chbf or Folic? Scott, of Greensiboro, 'f as aainst 5.&25.S72 bales gin was notified ion.l,y over the 'phm.o oomZl ,1, V-ar' , , , complete returns on production for by the Hev. to-ir .lohnr-on. co'orcJ, 1902 showed that 53.5 per cent, of the pastor of ilo Frovidcuc-j Ii.iptist total crop had been ginner prior to Oc- hurch. at D i.-i'n. a negm : abari of Grrcnsborrv. that four cises of shoes. siippo.srd t hrie !): n u.obn. weie ly ing broken oaf a rear the can a. The pastor's attention v.s first dive .-nd to the Slices by oae of hU Sundiy srhod pupiK who told birr, of it. in the fol lowing fith-liUo explanation: "Oh, Mr. Johnson, just come here and see what the Lord has provided for yoa." The eh'cf of polb e found ft air boxc.j broken open. b't the fd'.oes were course brogma. and ncne of them had been tarried away. A fifth box. which had evidently contained patent leather fihoe?. had been completely robbed as only the empty box was left. The shoes were billed to a Winston mercantile firm and had been stolen from a freight car. Five days ago a burglar entered the vault of Florence Mills store at For est City, took $2,000. wind escaped. Two officers learned that tb? burglar went to Wright's Ferry. S. C. and has tened there. After watching all night and all day they met their man in the road. They ordered the burglar to hold up his luindr Vat he began firing. His shots went will. The policemen re turned the fire, two shots taking ef fect. When arrested a part of the com pany's money and different kinds of explosives were found on the burglar, lie refused to give his name. He is probably fatally shot. A later account savs lie died Tuesday evening at C o'clock, at the home of Mr. William Hrown. in York County. S. C, one mile from Wright's Ferry, where he was shot while resisting' arrest. The man gave his name as F. H. Calvert, but revealed nothing of his past lift. F. G. Huberts, n native of Wilkes county, is a fugitive from justice from McDowell county. W. Va. charged with the embezzlement cf $1,000 school funds. He was a justice of the peace, postmaster and secretary and treasur er of the public school funds of that county, and for many years was prom inent in politics. II? left North Car olina a do2en years a&o. t Glass, a small station six miles north of Concord, Sunday morning at 9:30 olock the engine of the Sou thern's passenger train No. 39 truck a wagon containing four inmasr of the county home of Cabarrus county, and the dead body of Mrs. Kato Lewis. All the occupants of the wagon were killed and the coffin and wagon were uplintered into kindling wood. Booker T. Washington made a 6trong. practical and sensible address at the Negro State Fair at Raleigh, N. C. last week. The negor man. Sanfor Thompson, who was found dead by the side of the railroad, near Pelham, cn Monday, was buried Tuesday. The jury of in quest at first thought he was killed ,T a train, but evidence brought out since points to possible murder, and the case was continued to procure fur ther proof of the latter theory. - B. L. Duke, ton of the millionaire, Washington Duke, and brother of President Duke, of the American To bacco Company has created a sensa tion by bringing suit against his wife, Minnie Duke, who is now- in Califor nia. Duke's attorney said Tuesday the suit is one to "clear the title" to prop rty. It is expected that the action will result in a divorce suit. The police of Fayetterille have un der arrest John Allen, a negro sup posed to be the murderer of Ada Smith colored, at Norfolk on the 11th day of August , for whom $50 reward is offer ed. The prisoner closely .meets the de scription of the Norfolk negro. Leave has been granted upon a mo- tean of Attorney General Gilmer to bring suit in Pender county to va cate the charter of the Holly Shelter Kailway on the ground that it is not r.:ch a common carrier as the law con templates to exercise the right of em- laent domain TERRIBLE SUFFERING OF CREW ; Lashed to Broken Mast 48 Hours and Without Food or Water. Vr.tv- Vrtrlr ttrtrwsttnl ttm V-.;.,. v.... V A, .Jl''V.lll. I'll I, ft lathed to a trump of a mast for 4. . hours aril without fresh water for three days. Captain Gabrielscn and nine of the crew of the water log Red nchoon r. John V. Linnell, have reached thl port aboard the Italian fchlp Gabrielie D'Ali. Notwithstanding their privations the shipwrecked ma riners are not suffering any serious ill effects. The Linnell left Fernandi na on Ortober 17th and on the 24th plunged into a terrific gale. Owing to the heavy r;ea running:, Captain Ga brielsen reefed hi3 light sails. The next day the wind blew a hurricane ami It wo, found the schooner was leaking. The wrecking pumps were started, but proved of no avail, and In a short time there was six feet of water in the hold. The big seas had smashed the small boats and mined the tanks holding the fresh water. The sailors' plight wa3 made more des perate by the fear that the vessel would turn turtle. To prevent thi3 the masts were cut away and the crew If. shed themselves to one of the Hump?. The vessel was awash with the exception of top of the afterdeck house and the sailors ftiffered terrib'y from lack of food and water. The waves broke over them continually. On the 26th the schooner was deeper in the -.vat-?.- and the gale continued wiih undiminished velocity. On the afternoon of the 21th Captain Gabriel sen attracted tho attention of the look out on the Gabrielle D'Ali, and after hazardous trip the Linnell'.s men ere transferred from the sinking i vessel to tho D'Alf. The Linnell was j 2h'7;nI(jned in latitude CO.lb", longitude , 73.21, by dead reckoning, and later l"e. Auvem, V" , "o"'1 at v",e-va,a liaven- Cotton Cop Falls OIL Washington. Special. A bulletin is- Pucd by the Census Hureau on the cot. toher 18. of that year, but the percent age of the ginnage prior to October 18 of this year cannot be known until the final report for the year is made. Mean time two other reports will be sub milted, on November IS and December 13. The statistics for the present year wcie collected by 631 local agents, who found tnat 27,723 ginneries had been operated prior to Oi-tober IS, while to the corresponding date last year 29,314 ginneries had been operated. The only comment made in the bulletin on the falling off of this year's production is the following: "In comparing the statistics of the two years due allow ance must be made for the different conditions of the two seasons." The following figures show the pro duction ginned In the various States for the present year up to October 18: Alabama 446,102; Arkansas 129.833; Florida 23.436; Georgia 619.644; Indian Territory 6.S23: Kentucky 211 Louisi- ar.a 4inO0- Mlsaiesinni J71 in- Mk. souri 8.027:' North" Carolina 232.625; Oklahoma 40,526; South Carolina 414.- 709; Tennessee 69.71S; Texas 1.035.229; Virginia 2.511. Warships to Panama Washington, Special. The Navy De partment has received a cablegram from Rear Admiral Gloss, commanding the Pacific squadron, announcing the departure of the Marblehcad and Wyo ming and the collier. Nero, yesterday, from Acapulco, Mexico, for Panama. The squadron is proceeding at full speed. Cody Identified. Asheville. Special. The body of a woman mangled by the Southern Rail way train near Buena Vista, last night, was identified as that of Miss Kate Ambery. 'of Trenton. N. J.. who had been staying with the family of John A. Rcebling. of this city. The young woman left yesterday, saying she was ill. She was not seen alive after wards. President Notified. Washington. Special. Representa tives Livingstone, of Georgia; Tucker, of Virginia, and Rev. Dr. Morrison, comprising a committee from the Pres byterian Church, represented to the President that the treaty rights of missionaries in the Congo Free State were being violated. The President will take the matter up with the State De partment. Circus Opposed By Prayer. Danville. Va.. Special It is alleged by those in charge of the Craighead Street Mission that the failure of the Barnum & Bailey circus to perform in this city last week was due to the ef ficancy of their prayers. All-day serv ices were held at the mission, com mencing early in the morning. Prayt-i was held for several hours in the ear ly morning, the petition being specially that the circus be not allowed to per form. It was not known till late in the forenoon that the circus managers had decided not to give the shaw here, and when the fact was learned there was much rejoicing. It is claimed that the failure of the circus to show was due entirely to the prayers of the mission ycople. Daniels Must Hang. Newbern, Special. The jury ta the Daniel's BMMrder trial at Trenton, came In at 7:30 Saturday night -with a ver 1Ict of murder in the first degree. They were out SO minutes. The de ence had no witnesses, but asked for t verdict for manslaughter. Judge vloore overruled the motion for a new rial, and notice of appeal to the Su re u,e Cout vras given. The judge i-nteuel Daniels to be banged DeTn- aev fl. M'CLELLAN WINNER fleavfv -..v majority Recorded to New Ycrk City END OF A REMARKABLE CAMPAIGN Total Net Gilna of 103,000 Grout and Flowers Elected, Too Other Riections. New York. Special. George B. Me Clellan (Democrat) will be the next mayor of Greater New York, having defeated Mayor Seth Low for re-election by a plurality of 63,617. complete unofficial returns have been received from every election district in the city. By the same returns Comptroller Ed ward M. Grout and Charles W. Fornes, president of the board of aldermen, running for re-election on the Demo cratic ticket, though elected two years ago as Fusionists, defeated their Fus ion opponents by 66,790 and 64,973 plurality, respectively, .Comptroller Grout leading the city ticket Republicans Carry N braska. Lincoln, Neb., Special. Based on re turns from 115 voting precincts out side of Iancaster county (Lincoln) and Douglas county (Omaha) and Re publican Srate central committee at midnight made the claim of the elec tion cf the entire Republican State ticket by not less than 10,000 plurality. This claim is considered conservative, and newspaper returns tend to con firm it. The vote for the 115 p;ecincts in the State gives Barnes (Republi can), 9.642; Sullivan (Fusion). S.192. The same precincts, two years ago, gave the Republican candidate 9.675; Fusion. 8,107. a change so slight that it will require a Fusion landslide from an unexpected quarter to overcome the Republican plurality of 12,000 of two years ago. Ohio Heavily Republican. Columbus, Ohio. Special. The Re publicans broke their record in Ohio ii; pluralities for Governor by electing Myron T. Herrick (Republican) over Mayor Tom L. Johnson (Democrat) by considerably over 100.000. The plural ity on joint ballot of over 100, in the Legislature for the re-election of Sen ator Hanna. more than triples any pre vious record. Other El c'.ions. Boston, Special. One hundred pre cincts in Boston gave Gaston. Demo crat, 23.233; Bates, Republican. 14. 026 a plurality for Gaston of 8.307. Last year the same precincts gave Gaston 22.736; Bates 16,593. Democrats estimate from these fig ures that Gaston will carry Boston by 16.000. Boston. Special John L. Bates was re-elected Governor of Massachusetts j by a plurality of S5.S49 over Col. Wil ;li&m A. Gaston, the Democratic candi iriate. With returns complete from I . . J il.. c.. ,K ; every itiwn auu m int.- oiaic, cue : total vote ror governor was: caies ! RepubllcaPj. 190,393; Gaston (Demo :rat - !63,o44. Baltimore. Md., Special lAte re- turns show that Warfield's majority is growing, and will probably reach 10,000. The Democrats will certainly 1 w-v in CAnntAPe t-h V uomih trartc ' in the House 68 Democrats to 33 Re publicans; on the joint ballot, 46 ma jority. Judge Wilson Shepard Bryan, in an interview, suggests the North Caro lina (constitutional amendment as a possibility in Maryland. Plans to eliminate the negro vote are being generally considered. Albanv, N. Y., Special Charles H Sans, Republican, was re-elected mayor c Albanv by a plurality considerably lareer than that of two years ago. de feating Col. Wm. Gorham Rice, for merly United States civil service com missicner under President Cleveland. The campaign was one of the hottest in recent years, being conducted ex clusively on local lines. The entire Ke publican city ticket is elected. Providence. R. L. Soectal At mlo- night the returns indicated the re election of Governor Garvin. Democrat, by a greatly reduced plurality. The vote Is very close, however, and the result will probably be in doubt unti the last district is heard from. The Re rmhliean State central committee claimed that later returns would over come Garvin's lead at midnight over Col. Colt, Republican. In Providence, Maj-or Miller, Demo crat was re-elected. Baltimore, Special. At 1 o cjock Wednesday morning the returns from Baltimore City and the Maryland coun ties are meagre, owing to the length o the ballot, and. therefore, it is impos sible to accurately estimate the res ilt. The indications, however, point to the election of Edward Warfield (Demo crat) as overncr over. Stevenson A. Williams (Republican and that the Legislature which will elect a tn;tej States Senator will also be Democratic. Louisville. Ky., Special The re election of Governor John C. W. Beck hs.m, the Democratic candidate, over Col. Morris B. Belknap, Republican, by & majority of fully 15,000, sterns as sured. The Republicans concede the election of Governor Beckhajn. Jackson, Miss., Special. The vote in the State in Tuesday's election was light. The Democratic ticket was head ed by J. K. Vardeman for Governor, who was elected, there being no op position. The race for clerk of the Su preme Court, in which there are Cva candidates, is in doubt. The ticket is long, and returns are toming in slowly. Ma tfeaflT of promise is never sten he V& ooklng 3T. IEPUBLIC RECOGNIZED. aaiw Developments of Day la the Re volution. Washington. Special. T?- events of the day as they developed here relative to the situation on the isthmus are: Recognition of the de facto govern ment; the receipt of dispatch? from Commander Hubbard, of the Nashville; the arrival in Washington of Con sul General Gudger. of Panama, and the Issuance of orders to Admiral Coghlan to proceed forthwith to the Isthmus with the consul general. Commander Hubbard cabled that the Colombian government troops, undet Generals Torras and Toyar, 450 strong. of Colon, had departed on a merchant vessel. He stated that the lsthums. rom one Ride to the other, was In the hands of the revoltrtioaiatg. This state ment is of the greatest importance. The United Spates government is bound y treaty to maintain order and pre serve free traffic across the isthmus, and is also under obligation to pre vent any hostile collisions either along the line of the Panama Railway or at the termini, Panama and Colon. Thus the future attitude of the Colombian government towards the new Republic Panama becomes of little import ance, for it is practically impossible for it to go to war with Panama. Offi cials heic familiar with the country declare that t is impossible to move a Colombian armv overland to the isth- mi:s, owing to the character of the country. Gn the other hand, if an at tempt is made to bring troops either to Colon or Panama by water, the United States naval officers at those points would interfere. Tires by force of treaty obligations requiring the main tenance of order across the isthmus as necessary condition to free transit. the Uiiltfd State &. ?: nir.ent practi cally '.ias been placed in the position of a prelector t the new Repub'i- of Panama, tmd that. too. reardlc?a of any bias on the part of t'ac United States government towards either farty to the strife in Colombia. It was authoritatively staled Friday chat, though the reccgnit'on of th new republic is of a business char act e? "U first, consisting of an authorization through our consular officials on the tsthmus to do business with the ne.v government as they did with the Co lombian government, this will, in due time, be foHnv.-e 1 by full political rec ognition. 111 :s iftter form or recogni tion wiil be deferred until the govern ment at Panama has taken a more ic; r.lar form. It is presumed here that the junta will very soon issue a call for a convention which will adopt a con stitution and provide for the selection of a President. Then it will be in ordei for ministers to be appointed between the two countries, the United States and Panama, which will constitute full political recognition of the new Slate. That condition will enable the conduct of negotiations that may be necessary to the successful execution of the pro ject of the United States for the con struction of the isthmian canal, and it is a certainty that existing concessions will not suffer. Colon, Colombia, By Cable. General Cuadros, the prefect of Colon, and the senior officer commanding the troops wheih arrived Tuesday on the gun boat Carthagena from Savanilla. are maintaining their position of refusing to acknowledge the authority of the provisional government of Panama, and the troops still refuse to return to Savanilla. The lives of American resi dents are threatened. Amesiean and foreign families are flocking for shelter to the railroad stations. Washington, Special. Vice United States Consul Ehrman, at Panama, cables the State Department under Wednesday's date that the Colombian government warship Bogota is shelling the ritv. One Chinaman has been killed. " Mr. Ehrman has been instruct ed to protest against the bombardment If the consul's protest is not sufficient, the commander of the United States War Ship Boston, which is by this time on her way to Panama from San Juan del Sur. 600 miles distant, will promptly seize the Colombian gunboat, X necessary to stc the bomDarumenr Cotton S'at st'C. Liverpool, By Cable. Following are the weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of all kinds. 41.000 bales ; total sales, American. 34,000; English spin ners' takings, 93,000; total exports. 7. 000; imports of all kinds, lj.jyj; im ports, American. 141,000; stock of all kinds. 209.000: stock. American, 139 000; quantity aflo3t. American. 311,000; total sales on speculation. 609; total sales to exporters. 1.500 News In Brief The Japanese minister at Washing ton has reeeived from bis government an explanation of General MacArthur's charge tht the Japanese Consul at Manila promise 1 to the FiliDinos. The jsuuual rate of expenditure for tranporting mails in the United States is $63,504,592. The report of the Commissioner of Education shows that 17,460,000 pupils are enrolled in the public and private schools of the United Ststes. Senator Morgan, of- Ala ban: a, say he believes the Democratic national ticket next year will be Gorman and McClellan. A provisional government was es tablished at Panama tor the new re public of the Isthmus and the Colom bian warship Bogota sailed away af ter firing upon the city without doing mnch damage. - It is believed by some that the Unit ed States was cognizant of the revolu tion on the Isthmus of Panama. The Emperors of Germany and Rus sia met at Wiesbaden, Germany. Senator Hanna in an interview said the result In Ohio had not altered his position on the raatUr ct fe pre:-1 denttel Ti&mtDsiV.iio "ft The Venetuelan Arbitration Cri resumed its iont at The Haruf. Charles K. Murphy. leader of the Tammany, was said to favor Jode A. B. Parker for the presidency. Two more mencbrs of the Armen ian Revolutionary Soeitty r asvi inated in Iondon. the murderers thr committing suicide. The anti-Add:ck Re-jblbn re mained y from tfce birmony con ference callel to tcK in DoW. el.. to beil the brea -h in the Riiubliean party a Ilaw!. Prcio;:s llirny. a firmer. drngre!. rot?ied snd a!niot ki'.lej i,y uesro ofr.cr. near Ki h:rt r. I. Sharkey it Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Siecla!. Tom Sharkey, who will wrestle with Tom Jenkins for the championship of th world, arrived with his manager from New York. Jenkins has been here in training four days. Final arrangements for the wrestling match will be made at Tht Tiraes-I'nion office at 1 o'clock la the afternoon, when a referee will be ap pointed. Tne wrestling match for the championship of the world ill take place at the Carnival Stadium at 5 o'clock tomonow night. Attempted Assassination. Lexington. Ky., Special. Twelve shots were fired at Captain Uwcn. the star witness in the feud cass recently tried in Breathitt county, as h? iassed along Walnut 6treet Tuesday night. The shots were fired Trom a blind al ley. One went through his hat and an other through the lapel of his coat, but none of them touched bim. He was walking along with Judge W. H. Mann, at whose home he is staying, and the judge had just crossed the al ley in front cf Ewen when the firing began. Dowic'5 Last fleftlnj:. New York. Special. John Alexan der Dowie held bis final meeting in New York in Carnegie Hall Sunday night, addressing a s;iarse audience, which he characterized as '"scrawny and miserable." He annouu'-ed that 1 e had established a branch of bis Ch inh In New York, and that in future regu lar Sunday meetings would be ad dressed bv various authorizers. H also declared that be intended to re turn in two years at the head of a hoat 10,000 strong. citement booth fifth ibly ter quired revision. The patrolman under took to force the judg?s to turn the ballots into the county clerk's office and his interference w:.s resented. A fight followed in which the colored man was thrown forcibly from the booth. - PROMINENT PEOPLE. Rudyard Kipling Is thirty-eight years old. The Crown Trince of Sweden Is to represent King Oscar at the St. Louis fair. King George of Greece lias been appoinleJ an honorary admiral of the British fleet. Judge Morris F.stee died at Honolulu. II. I., from the effects of an operation for kidney disease. General Miles denied in Seattle, Wash., that he had made large pur chases of Texas oil lands. John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. told his Bi ble class the juggling of corporate wealth recently disclosed is not gen eral. Baron E. Nordenskjold. of Sweden, has arranged for a zoological and an thropological expedition to the borders of Pern and Bolivia. Boris Sara f off, the man who threat ened the peace of all Europe by his fo. mentation of the Balkan troubles, is barely thirty-one years of age. President Roosevelt has been elected .111 honorary member of the National Geographical Society, because of his encouragement of exploration. Bishop Gore, of Worcester, Mass., says he sees 110 serious argument against cremation, and from a sanitary point of view it has enormous advan tages, v The betrothal is announced of Israel ZAugwill. the novelist, lectnrer and playwright, to Edith, daughter of W. E. and Bertha Ayrton. of London, Eng land. President Diaz of Mexico, the George Washington of that republic, has reached the age of seventy-three years with vt.r rni -lii.tir tmnairert after his long life of uusual activity. Pietro Mascagnl. the famous com poser, has accepted the presidency of the Musical Society f Rome. He hopes to create a conservatoire which will eclipse all others in Italy. The Eaby'a First Tcoth. It is a funny craze that urges the wearing of baby's first milk-tooth, but this. Is. positively rampant among deep '.y devoted Parisian mammas. The sbeddiag of -the first toc;h is most careu3y watched fjr, and afterward this pearly trifle is handed over to the j2"veler. Ke po.i2fc.c3 and trims the little tooth until :t has aJI tie apparanie of a gem. and in a rin; it takes the place of a jewel. Some ring are of plain gold, with only the tooth as an onument, but mere oftea baby's .first miik tooth forms the center in a marquise ring of diamonds and a hoop ring has bt;u sen con taining five little teeth taking their positions among large diamonds. Barkaway Did you make love to any girls at the shore? Cleverton Tea. One from Boston and one from New Orleans. "How was it IT -Did you ever have ehill and firr Smarrt Set 1 cove rnmeni. ruhif. jh f,.!i.. s i-i,,i. ,.r Omaha. Neb., Special.-Muc, a.,of Kinanf?. Dr. Manuel Amador: Min- ' - ; ' ""X, n'- v was caused at the polling j ister of Foreign Relations, h . . i'e j j ...... ,if .rnt in the fourth district cf the KsPrHIa; Minister of Ja tir. o , , Jiit ward by the election jr.dgc; fore- j v vi." . .V l- Minister of War and K Ja-k-tn. of Alabama. -Mmater: ejecting a colored policeman. Af- 1 Marine! De Obar'rio. Jr. ; !lazU ' ;r,J f'''1- IliP'la; the count was completed the YhPe Dr. Amador was in confer- i.rtroc ,l!spnvprp.t .in error thit rn- . ...-.1. m..Mm.nt t.n(rilfi tbe of- -oit.rniC. m iiiigui. i t-orgia. ani o v- . ... - - - - . . - . 1 t :n r iiit , v . 11 .1 -. . 0 - - 1 CANAL TIEATY IFJECUD Thought to Be the Cause of the Rev oluiloit. Paoama. Special Tae reiolMtura irhleh occur re J Tuesday aci blea re sulted in the proclamation of tb In dependence of the Uthmut o? f'aniaaa aa n4 unexpec ted. S!nc Suniay lat all kinds of rumors had tm la r!r relation, but t: not until TueJay night that the tour so lose look J far- ward to by the Inhabitants of Panama arrived. For to days previu)y grout or r-pi hal pren rataennc about the town difcussicg the . tui tion, which tatisrd alarm upon the part cf th eutborillts. for the houses of Dr. Manual Amador. Joe Aranro aaJ Frederieo Boyd and other leaders of the popular movement were watehed by th police, but th revolutionist frar lersly went In and out of their rral denres. issued their orJers and their plans ere carried out. The revolutionists dtldd up.n S p. m. as the ho-jr to protlalry lb Inde pendence of the '.nth urns. bt a hanc occurred In their plans an! worl sent t Santa Anna. wher over men bad congregated, for.he revolu tionist to dlfprse until 7 p. m.. b- t tLey were already in arch mar toarl the Plaza Chlriqul. heer.ig enthul atlcally for the luderndrn' e of the uthums. Thereupon signal was tiv-en to General HiiTta. of the revolution ary f-irce.-t. who. in tfc nam of th H'-pi.blb- of Panima. arrcs:-l General Te;var and his staff and escorted thtm to poli-- headquarters ami irt wild ebeeilng for tbe new r'pf.l dir. for Pr. Amdor and ft r the otber leilrrs of the revoluticn. Th fag of the Re public of Panama mas tt.en formerly hoisted. The cause of. the revolution may b brPy summed up a leins the roclt of the action of the Congress of " lombia 9i Hrguta in r)ectln the Hty Herran cvnal treaty. The PanaT.a'.ans are almost to a nan in fav;r f the instruction of the . anal by the Unite 1 States, an i it ha 1 repeatedly n prophesied b fore and after the meeting of Con R re? that Panama would se. ede if the treaty va rejetu 1 and would probably con-e to term whh the United Stltes for the bull ling of the girat I?thml?.n gateway. The revolutionary junto is ,omp.ed of Jose Augustin Arjano. FT lib Boyd and Tomag Arias, who have ?barge of the government. The romiwsition of the provMt n il cabinet !a as follows: Minister ' the ftrpr who is In command of the gov ernment warship Bogota, sent an r.l- . . u n PnV.ml.ltn r.iveri- ment. the time to expire ai i p- -. yesterday, but before receiving an ?n jwer the Bogota began a bombardment cf Panama. Her nre wa answered by Vi a riins nf the town forts and It i those of the eun-hoat Padilla. which i had declared in favor of.tnc revcui.ou naa ceciareu iu io. .- - s-hortlv fterwnr'' the Borct ! left the bar bVas s?,!: ha', very Utt co.vl on x'l v n.ni rflt ,e able to very far. Communication by teltgrarn with i,..o (n tntt.rrnnte.1 Iuu.a .11 iuiv.t.-i Iht Logical Candidate. Cleveland. O.. Special-Senator Han na. referring to the rcnewel sugges tions made in various quarters to the effect that he is the lobal Republi can candidate for the presidency n?t vear. as a result of the unprecedented victory in Ohio at Tuesdays e:ection ma the ch propo of fully advised." Boy Kills a Man. Richmond. Va.. Special. A .Stu.-.rt. Patrick county. Va.. eptl : "William O Dell was killed at LlLer tv Tuesday in a row with rcme boys one of whom threw a stone. ?triking O'Dell on the nose with aufflcient force to knock him down. ODell fellagamit a log. and broke his neck. The pir tlcs concerned were arresetd. Fought to the Death. Wytheville. Va.. Special. A fatal shooting affray between brothers oc curred Wednesday night on Iotato Creek, in Grayson county, next to the North Carolina line. The brothers. Ira I Halsey and Dick Halsey, had an old ,r.,H4 Dick lUUev was seated on his . . . . .rfiftl,r tar.d:nar horse, and his brother w as tar.G. on iue giuuuii - " twice at nick without elfect. Di k dismounted and the two clinehel. Dick wa getting the better cf the fight when Ira shot him through the heart, killing him instantly. Ira was held for trial. In New York City cwoois l "i -bi! tlrcn kfivc trataoia. de this statement: ' The retuit cr . Pi:n(jBy ,jy Ul. lighthouse m earner Ty- electiem in Unio iurs ia m - j . anges mv cpininn in reiere ncc 10 nsj - ----- . ... va n-.iiUnr !ile Iktatitl rlnt.d fhaf tin i-li SCI CauUluat j r a.-. . , which position me puuuc u- skj me nun o: a nooner w;in nine IS YOUR HEALTH VALUABLE? Disease is sxwsys s Sasatcsp; it tu n Icr U-ucm a j-trmprtj. aftaa panaaaantly. Itfs is s cotamos sLrujjU. ai t-r sn r j 0 es Oisaasa is oatdsssad at srr trn. la tfcU ag k. s';- cr. y...--.. f t f . j t , t ta m m IW J.J Da. HaruaWAT. J aa aarfcrtaa a i.itta vJ kotaa trcataeut wkick caiku a Va cars yoa at year aa kaak, as I We tWeaaaJs vf ockers. Wrua aca faily aboat yoar tiw, aa4 sa4 far coaalete avas4aa Uaaaa. Ci.t,o.iat im fc.Ui.li.l Ataa I. ktUlOS ItATlfAWAV, UJX WILLIAMS IS LEADER PcnKttiic Ki:oh!) Males Noniu tbas fu Cone Offices m CAtCIS UST SAI11DAY Representative MClella tMrta AnOvatlotialemoritk Le4r Thanked I U atiz.atin Jr-lal - Tt iva cratic taffflUr. cf t'u llvi rau u at the apitf! -!-: 4 Kepr sntativ John S William. 4 Mi llri . tte uoatlnsvws t &- f th- wlru rity f r Sp. asf TMs artion make Lira the minority leader of th lotaicg Coiicr- 1U p:atallv Gnu I! MfClellan. marvr eW-t nt Nn York. reflrvl ma otatkm a . nter d th- 4urua and was rcgrat t;lat I by ti roll acu- n hi lf lory. Iiy a rLii.s v..!t-. 4n tuKUa wf Mr. s r. Tt nde4 by Mr. WlltUm. of M Ippt. and a half dor. n tl.r, tbr thanks t-f lh tauten were rvl.-u-Ic-J to Mr HirLafd n. if Tfnnrc. hr ;rtlrltc mloofl ly ad-r. f ;r l! rvl.-s to th la' Mr. Ilkl.ardn'n r- j-nde1. thanking M u- In turn Mr. Ilav. .-f VlfRtula. jT-Sd-l; Messrs. Go! , rl. f MUeourl. mal Smith, cf Uentuk. a. t-1 a rrtan-s. Mr. Wj. ;,:!) i iUtd in iiui. nation by Mr Uo'.j.r. if T.a Vr. Van diver, i f M!m..iM. et a 1, j tbe nnunation. V.!; f .r h a tb 1 ine p'.a'ed be-Tb- new ! Losrn bn i. r r.-f j :.!-! In ati address, tbankiiit; t'; - nu u. Mr V:llum wa i-etsl m!th ap-pbii--. a. 1 ani- in and was ap plaud. 1 durinc tb- .urM cf his r-rna.V- H- t-mUl the l) moratir iaxtjr was r..crc tmit.d nw than it had Uren for v.-ars and that lts proei for ut"S at (otiiing Nations were-acel-1 II'- i-ald would the ruouth d v .f tb- arty. the term "leader" being a mbnonn-r for him. Mn ob r nomin-- or me caucus Joseph Slnnot. special etaployea. cept for one of the positions of spe lal employe. tLt-re were no con tests. Mr. William, of Mississippi, offered a resolution, -which was adopted, providing that the Ifc-mtHTata be al lowed one more representatlvr on the ways and means committee and that the Democrats be riven tne name , ....... ... 1 representation tht-y bad on commltteea j In the Fifty sixth Congress. Mr. Maker, of New York. propo-d j the following rolut tn. wbkh wa rt icrr.-.j 10 a t omnium-. "Resolvt-d. That regsrdl-s 4 the piatite f tb- Heptiblitans. it is the 'sfflH' of tb au uh that It members do net aecept pa.o' or favt.rs from the railroad." Nine Bodies Found. Halifax. N. C. SperJal Newt of tIecom:oed lrfx!a in it drifted athore cr the island. The name of the wrek d craft was made out aa Topaz, but the name of her tailing port had been obliterated by the ea. only the first btter "S" remaining. It ! believed the ill-fated vessel waa the French flsblnr echooser Topaz, of Saint Malo. Frame. The bodies were all buried In the little Uland eme:ery with appropriate aer vires. I Operation on CJerman Lmperor. Berlin. By Cable. Emperor William Sunday underwent an operation for a polypus frorj Lis larynx. The oper atian was irforrned by Prof. Morltz S hmidt and wai entirely airretvfuL The only ineonvenien'e suffered by His Majesty it that he has Len en-j'-'.nc-I not ti speak until the wound has lert ; . ..... 1 .1 t f 1 M M '1 L. & . t-ltf m m . a .akk : ----- ' result of the operation eaueed nurh ataa!shmet, eva among eort o3fi ciil. who had Xi't sifrilon thst ilia Majesty was urerlcg from any aTe tiea rf the throat. LiLt-. o'ored f.o:Ls trill b cec In tailor-Ead ;sa tragedy was bneiKht to this port cfaJ WO iu raocu r bro. Dwie( tvi urttr u t iti:Hrf. t . Ma tictHtSf Lo arc t.rsg roi ot.c c-o..iU c tryi- i.ium as s Ve desscoc cu:pA&Kr, bk Ikrjtc-.'.i e ef y C proper Lrcatt&cat. Aatrfcoct(feTUa m? te.iya tiat tistes f CurcJ U UzmI lit a. ktef.:iT. JI5 i-i'. kiuttst-M UUf Carwalc LliM.Wr lcn ..;.ir0 Yj Xmtuif A cldas S 4tttus, d.1d aactaMcy to Uc!r tlmtif 4tiMtacL I kaS iratad more mki tbaa maj otker .kTMCa im Uit4 Scaiaa, t4 1 iborougUlr asetaaa kt ta repaired ia aack casa ity fcijT 3ibes mil ekruaic jiMMti.iirii aa Scrictafe. Vari fctU.BUx at Skia Ltrm. PAilrr aa Kkfff CotaplaU, Xica ol Voq. au-.. aa4 tmy ofigisl latl&ca c-f t--cata-ks prut cm bcctsfal in r.ca tka swrt oUatiaata caars. CAN OURS YOU AT HZZZZ. V

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