mmm THE CAUOAOIAN PUBLISHED ZVERT THURSDAY BY Till CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. CM Tsar, Six MoiUi, Tares Moatas, 1.04 .6 8' Ho. tr 11. f.AWI.KaSNES WALKED STATS LIKE A I'KiTlf.ENCK." OOVF.KNOR AYCOCK aTATKI IH inn iNAvnuRAi. avvuvmh thai CSDKK, AN'I TIIKRKFOKK IY IM PLICATION IS COXHEQUKJfCK OF, pumoK RULE Lawi.kmxebh WALK- KD THE 8TATE LIKE A PESTILENCE. CRIME HTALKED AnROAD AT NOON DAY, HLEEI LAY DOWN WITIi ALARM AND THE BOUND OF Till pihtol was more frequent than the bono of the mockino bird.' how btandh the case to-day Governor? Haven't the act of three red 81iirt leoi3latur and more than two years oi your own beneficent rul PASHKD INTO IIIrtTORY SINCE YOl proclaimed the foregoing? When you are cavorting oyek the state whooping for educa tion and roadh don't you iiea1 OF MORE CHI M EH BEING COMMITEL IN NORTH CAROLINA THAN HVEf BEFORE AND DO YOU CONTINUE TO ATTRIBUTE THESE TO PU9ION RULE? the Times calls men 'Jay8.,r mi ingrales M unless they are ready to swallow all this and gwear that free speech grows on every hedge-row In : North Carolina. ' i Ti e editor of Ibe Times further on In his article said if we tried as hard to lint! something in the ad ministration of Gov. Ayccck that would go to bU credit, as we did to de ract from it thai our articles would be very excellent and very readable. He further suggested that we might find some good points in the life and public service of Sena tor Simmons. We have never had anything to say against either of tub. I those men personally. But If we had to 1)0 dependent upon the good ieeds in their public life as the sub ject for our editorials, we fear we would have to fill our editorial :olumns with old advertisements tnd dead reading matter each week. If the Times wll tell us of tbe reat things Senator Simmons and Jov. Ajccck have done for North arolina we will take pleasure in .iving npaccto same in this paper. ut f r our llvas we can't think of a A 1 L I i L, tny oi ine great mings invy nave tone for the State. However they may nave tne nonor lor me mgu taxeJ, a bankrupt treasury, and foi the red-fehlrt and rotten egg brigade hat terrorized this state in '98 and 1900, the fruits of which campaigns vo are now reaping in the form ol ncreased crimes of ever kind in he State. Mad tht Suet Hay And Coras. AshxUoro, N. C- Nov. 3. ape ciah A mad di g bit a horse belong ing to Mr.Z. A. Lewellyn, who lives four mi lea southwest of this place, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Lewel'yn chased the dog to Athe boro. While going through tte streets of the town the dog came In contact with Hugh, a son of Mr. Thos J. Mofflt, aged about fourteen years, and bit him severely on the leg and shoulder. The dog escaped. 3E5e List week the Isthmus of Panama leclared herself independent of tLe government of Colombia, which lad heretofore exeich&d sjvercigntj ver her. The Unikd States, with THE CAUSES OV POLITICAL I TOLEKANCP IN OUK STATE. Many Bills Intro! need. Washington, Nov. 9. Sevrral hundred bills were introduced in the Housa today. A hUtehooi bill for New Mexico, intnduced by Delegate Rodey, has the distinction of being Ihe first Home bill of-thc Fifty-eighth Congres, and will be No. 1. Kepresemtativa liarthchlt of Missouri sought this di.-tinction for a bill restorhg the army can teen, but was C'Uipelled to taku i second place, and this bill is No. 2. A bill giving congress the right to regulate trust3 was inlroJuced by Palmer. Representative Sibley of Pennsyl vania introduced a bill to increase pay of rural free delivery carriers. Representative Sulzer of New York introduced bills for the erec tion of monuments in Washington to Samuel J. Tikien and Amo3 J. Cummings. The Snate. Washington, Nov. 9 With gal leries crowded, with the chamber a mass of elaborate floral tributes and every senator in his seat, the gavei f President Pro Tern. Frye sound- d at noon today, calling the Senate ogether in the tecond extraordi nary session of the fifty-eighth Con ress. The special eessi m of the Senate following the adjournment last spring of the fi ftv-seventh congress eliminated mneh of the routine work which otherwise would have been prolonged today. Senator Hanna's pronounced vie- Save .Your Daughter - . -ss-mi ; r nmtrti iftt'M nnvnl niTtffl'i rnitni nnvni ? t&A s a'xr. a til AM b 1 UUftM i;V ' r rv I .MxnrC mini i I i n i mi n n it mini " " " j1 ' " " I ha or la No. 1SS West SSth Street, Kct YatLM. Cm, Si. Y, April a. UOL W1b of C&rda! ha, been blestinf to 107 horn. viwu ivwni liijiv 11 wi gremi rtiKj waca 1 wm wcvt o rmin. but I tun ecpecsUr cratefol for wht it di4 lor OAOgntr asl oily cJiild. I totiol tat ber mease wr tit! &Bd bo mu. Jered with beadciiet uidriddlMM, beavi nw In the frUka en fad aSjoat tbe loiax. TbU MiiooMf i terfra with her tuWai asd tba bad to diMoattaa ttrcnl r3"xjgr on ra aoa aqcaniaf taa taattor atigfeatcd that I gf htt a coaraa of toot Wlae of Cardoi ts it bad reiierd ber daacaUr of a similar tnbl. After air daobter bad aaeditfor aire wceksl found . ' great tmproresient ia br looks, beallh CZa' w behavior, to fact ebe wa a diSerent XX rl. Tbe flow becatse rt yrjUr and we ' ura not bad any difllculty iace. 7 47 Tuaacaas, fianeaoaa afaawiiai. AaaocLaxxo. , Here the menfitmal function had not been properly atarted and the na natnrai condition wa maLirjj the younff firl an mvaJnl. Tb headaches and giddiness, indicated somethirj uicra than a mere temporary ailment. They ero symptom of a functional trcakiij which would beooma mora and more aggravated as years went by. But Mrs. Thompson was ready to t&ks ad rice for her daughter s walfaw and she gave the little sufferer Wine of Cardui and now sns is a wen young woman. If your daughter is sickly and frequently ailing the letter of this good mother contains the best advice yon ean follow. yon Wine Cardui is the menstrual regulator that care nine cases out of e ery ten . i oung gins, motners anU aged women find this tome indispensable. AH druggists sell $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardui. OF EVrllY DESCRIPTION. I.AK'iKST .STOCK, SKXI Kolt CATALOGUES A PItlCIS "ALL RIGHT' COOK S10VI:S, II K ATI NO STOVKS. IIOUSK KUIINISUINO GOODS. TIN WAllK, PAINTS AND 0IIL?lLIUNf2 3IATKKIAL. o 0 9 o 6 0 o 1 There's no satisfying people' with the weather even in the next world tt will proljably be too hot fr some of 'em. Et, Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. ding's M'J Discovery iUri OUOUHaaa VOLD3 ONST7MPTIOX p-t,. 50c & SI.60 i t ! i v. lt?pubhc of Panama when it wa? tory in the Ojio election won for Tho IUlelgh (Evening) Times mlv throe dava old. Jt is almost a blul wnat a3 oae 01 tne mo Pre rmiiniAntlnu-on th nrUfnrtal In nnr IM , i,t -o will hv w""uua UWittl 111 ... ... I m.u US CJunoto o L.U Irll 51 Kxr U Tof rC iut laauu iu hiijt suuiu oi uui ne HinmiaU v auf. 1. 11 U mun K'u i i n i nr ' pi !w in vvhinh wn5 bright young n.en leave the Btatel than probable tint cur govc rnn:e;.t I wrought out of California grasses, nays that we gave comfort and evI-Kuill have to make a new tteai ribbons and red, while and blue denco to the liHeaponsIble mutter-1 with the new Ilnublic Lefuru th lngs of a few 4Jays" and "'Ingrat-I uanal can be built, but c a e iron . ... h." I certain of the Panama . mat now We did not give comfort to those I than ever before. facta and are but prised that the A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. TO SUBSCMBEHS I The men who purchase 1 tic "petrified man" in the western part of the State pome months ago have now instituted suit f. gainst the man of whom they mado the purchase, charging him with obtaining monfy under false pretense. We t hough r we would hear another 6tory about th9 petrifled " man. We would like to know what the Charlotte Observer now has to eay on the sub ject. immortelles, the design of the" Americanecagle indenlcial with that on a hilver quarter of a dollar. The shuld was surmounted with a gor- rosis. The otfering bore the inscrip tion : "Senator llanua fioni hi frietiU-s. the Irih Democrats ' of Cleveland." x Senator Gorman's triumph in the Maryland election was recognized by a largo floral tribute which was more than twenty feet in diameter. Ageney Cott of Election ia New York City. We see it stated that th9 election in New York th's week will cost that city rot less than $600,000. Iuspctors of election will receive $2 6,000 of the above amount, it is said. Union Republican. editor of the Times should wilfull; inIs(iuoto us. We said at tho time of writing the article that we did not herald the fact to the world at glad tidings but that it made our heart ache to know that such con dltlons existed In our State. If the editor of tho Times can call that comfort then he has a new defl nltlon for the word. We did not publish these com ments from former North Caroll nuns to cast any slur upon our BUte, but we placed tho blame where It belonged, upon a few ruoee- When Booker Washington spoke back politicians in this State who in Raleigh at the colored fair, some have brought about the condition oi of the prominent democrats in this A RUNAWAY BICYCLE, political intoelranco to those who city eaid that it would pay to have ..TerminafteTdw,iJthn "gly cut on . , J . ... t ... ......tho 1 g of J. 15. Orner, Franlin cnooso 10 ao ineir own ininaung anu uooKer mate inai Fpeecn over i Q.ove, Id. It developed a s nbbon vote accordingly. North Carolina. If they can secure ulcer unyielding to doctors and ro rri,. rrt, r... (uA.,n.n.i. f Uw p tiw. wo0i,in mcaioj ror roar yar3. lfcou lucil young men have left tho State for there should not be any trouble in other reasons than political intol- securing Winston to escort him lcrance. This may be true but they over the State. werenot young men who had politi cal aspirations or have ever reached We were sorry to learn Sunday political prominence eieewncre. that the lumber plant of Mr. J. S. Ma - ft. .1 imseaiiorwouianaveuaoeueve Basnight, at James City, had been that no efforts are ever made to pre- destroyed by fire. Mr. Basnight of Miiim, Wafer S Baia Don't you want a good literary magazize for yourself and family to read ? If so, you can Fecure PEAR SON'S MAGAZINE for one yar together with THE CAUCASIAN (or ore yVar for $1.50. The price f PEARSON'S MAGAZINE is f 1.00 per year, or 10 cents per copy, and cannot bo secured for les anywhere This offer applies to old subscriber that pay up and renew, as well as to the new subscribers. Auy of our readers that would like to have "Janice Meredith," a beautiful btory of the Revolution, by Paul Leicester Ford, can semre it with TUB CAU CASIAN and PEARSON'S MAG AZINE one year for the small sum of $1.99. The price of "Janice Meredith" alone is $1.50 at all book&tores. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, send in your subscription at once, as the offer may be withdrawn at any time. Add res3, t CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., RALEiair, N. C. len'c Arnica Falve cured It's juat as good for liurns. Scalds, Skin Erup iona and Piles. 25j at any Drug Stcro. eent free speech in this State, and even since our last Issue we have read in the Greenville Reffector an article which stated in substance that Prof. Bassett of Trinity Col lege should be run out of the State, nd Webster's Weekly even went 80 far as to want to close up Trinity College and ship the whole crowd. We do not receive the South At lantic Quarterly published at Trinity College by Prof. Bassett and there fore have not read his article on the future of the negro. But we think he has a right to hli views and that he should not be run out of the State for expressing them. Free speech ia allowed in North arolina so long as it is (n favor of the demo cratic red-shirt machine, but when any one wishes to say anything to the contrary they stop him if they can. In 1900 many of our speakers were threatened by democrats i they attempted to speak at their ap pointed places. Some of the epeak era were not allowed to get eff the train, the speakers stand was pulled from under another. At Dunn tne democrats went to the hotel where o le of our speakers was ajtopping battered down his bed-room door entered has room with drawn pistols and ordered him to leave town at once. Didn't the democrats threaten the lives of Ex-Senator Marion But ter and Hon. D. L..Ru3sell if they epoke la Wilmington during the campaln of 1900. Didn't the demo crats carry over the State shot guns, rd-shlrts, mean whiskey and rotten "eggs for the purpose of terrorizing their opponents and to prevent them from speaking if possible. And still had been in the lumber business at James City for a number of yers and had proven himself a fine busi ness man. We sympathize with him in his great financial lo.-s. ROBERT H. McHBILL Attorney & Connsellor at Law, Office in Bond Building, WASHINGTON, 3. C. Jt is an admitted fact that Greuborj is rapidly forgoing to ihe front and in a vory short lime will bo tbe leading city cf North Carolina. Her Railroad facilities are u surpassed in th State, ne more is a constant influx of capita1 employed in Ilo various kinds ol manufacturing, which isccntanU increasing the population of ht City, and ra d?matid for real estate- has baen created, and tht property is constantly clanging hands, but considering h mar velous growth of h CHy, the price has kept on a reasonable baait. Pcrsom desiring to invest hro sat: make no mlitake, prorldtd proptr cie Is taken in locatiom and priot of property. Wt make It oar kusi nasi to kep a vigilant watch over the interest of our euitooitrs, and aro in a position to save you money, a we koap potted on value in tity nd nr&rby farming aroptrty, and an aid you in Invoitlncr voi r apilal whtre it will briar vx u quick and satisfactory raturns. Cornspondeace solitt-d. When you ars in ihe Ctty we e xtend to yon a co.dlal inritatlon to viifc cur office, Room No. 6, oror Rykos Druf Store, Greensboro, N. C. SRTAWBERRY PLANTS (the cmjest Stock iu tlje tUorlo. Stearin 100 bacictics. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER- Eici'jlig in Mm Founl al Our Slue. Goods shipped farce day ordered, ((irren Tia ling Stamps give n with rash purcha-ex ) q sicsx of Tin: hoiisk sii c k. . O Hart-Ward Hardware Company, 2 Ku.-cessors to Julius IxWU HarJware Co , O RALEIGH, N. C. 0 Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MONUMENTS CoeH'KH HIIOH.. lroprletor. italeigh, N. C. When writing t) advertiit-r mention the Caurniin Send for Catalogue. I I Now is th9 time to Eend in your Subscription to the Caucasian and gft the advantage of our grand clubbing rates. Jjr GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW THICKS You will tlnd tin-in at - Lll UA LEIGH, N. C. The Best Line of Shoes In tbe Cily. All 8tyles of llati. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, TRY US. We will send Thi Caucasian, Atlanta Constitution and Tbe Sunny South all one year for ( Formerly Private Secretary to Hon. J. C. Prltchard.) Will prcsecute pension and patent claim?, represent defendants before the Honorable Commissioner of Inlernal Revenue, and make col ec- The editor of the Asheville Citi zen now denies that a negro paper Las been absorbed by the Citizen, tions from various Departments of But what's the use r 'ine tact re mains that he has a negro as asso ciate editor, so what is the differ ence. Ail is feir in love and war at least that is what the Panama Ite- the Government, especially for Postmasters and 17. S. C'ommis. doners. Oycr-lVork Weakeno Your Kidneys. public and the United States think. Unhealthy Kldncjs Make Impure Blood. A You n r Woman Kill Her Acred Has- band. Baltimore, Nov. 9. The case of a youn wife killing her aged hus band has been unearthed by the authorities of Baltimore county, the tragedy occurred shortly after six o'clock last Thursday evening on a farm about two miles west of Iteisterstowu. The . victim was Michael Smith, a farmer aged 67. He was killed by his wife, Edith Smith, 33 years-old. She hit the man over the headvwllh a piece of flooring four feet long during a q nrrel; The" tragedy occured in the presence of their-fodti children in the yard. After being struck the man. fell unconscious, and was put to bed by his wife and children. All the bloQd in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fit ter out the waste or impurities ia the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though hey had heart trouble, because the. heart i "over-working in pumping thick, kidney--poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ana is sola on its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You mar have a sample bottle by mail Tobacco Salea at Winaton. The Winston manufacturers ship ped 2,198,097 pounds of tobacco durlog October. This is an increase of fll-Kin nnnnda nvnr ihn amn mA io( ,Ktm. I free, also pamphlet telling yea how to find mo iths last year, the shipments for out if yohav J oyhzdder UoxiUtt October, 1902, being 2,131,587 . Mention this paper when wriUngJOkner pounds. Union Republican, I & CoCTSnuoa, MtY Horn of Swamp-Root. All the choice, laiu kindi for th Garden and Fancy Market. Alio dip ping Varietie Also FIUIT TREES OF AIL KINDS TO CR0WERS AT WHOLE SALE RATES- will save you half in planting an orahard. Dewberriea, A.?paragu, Khnbarb, Grap Vines, etc , etc. (Dnr 120 page Hlonnal, ft to fiujicre, rna6U MJtrpbobn to grow it cm torn) enccece ana nroftt. All plants saccd to earry aro;s tbe continent fresh at hn iuar. Ilius- jra ea caiaiogoe rree Fpecify it you want a catalogue of Shipping Varieties k auoj uaraen Kmds. Continental plant (to., KlTTMKLI., A. C. HOW IS YOUR SOLE? If your Shoes need r?pairing bring them to me. I guarantee satisfactory work or will ask no pay. Will call for and return shoes in the city J. H. Reavis, The Cobbler. bflSce in building "occupied by Up- church apd Holder, on Salisbu-y St. Phone 81. KrliaXTHLT KCCU1ATK ta tka MIr b thmt U karalMi mm mmmmmt full. IUc RKX. MBS. B. BOWAH. B W Mnwyfcje,Wla. CHICHUTIR'S ENGLISH JwttaitU PILLS Oriabnl mm. Om'hr CU..I-.. SAFE. Aiwyarallmkla. Ucte,Hktnn fcr CHICHESTER ENGLISH lm KE0 and aMkalUa kUM. mU vitkMMribbem. TakMtar. Iliftjn Pnr takctimUai mm lmtUm U.iu Bbj of jtmt arassbt. ar aca4 Am. Im nmmf t- Particular. TaatlalaJa aA MKcJlef fcr UUUa," U(Ur. hj r tmrm MmXL. 1 m.mnm TiMiMmimi lJuto all DnMU. CJkatav CknataaJ Cl mmmmrm. rauxwa. Vm $2.00 By ordprig tbe tbreo at once yon get the SUNKT HOUTH FhEE. It is published weekly and 1b full of good Southern Stories by Southern authors, including Stories for the young as well as for the older ones. THE Frank R. ttockton. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN. 'His beit work. Boiton AdTrtir. Order at Once.1 And get three papers for the price of two. Address all orders to CAUCASIAN P03. CO., RALEIGH. N.C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAWT, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. One hundred and eight Echolarships. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Xxans for the needy. 60& STUOENTS. 66 INSTEUCT0RS. New Pormitorks, Water Works, Central Heating System, library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and profession al departments, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address A REMARKABLE BARGAIN A yecr's subscripton to The Caucasian - - fi.oo III A year's sub ri.tioi to Pearso s Magazine - - fl.0 JL Ln Your choice of xaj one of the following books originally isiued 1.50 UU Cyrus Towntend Brady. FOR LOVI O COUNTRY. "An IntenaeJy patriotic tale." says the Outlook. One of his best. G'aora W. Csbla. JOHN MARCH, SOUTHERNER. A celebrated story of the South. Edward Igglsston. THE CIRCUIT RIDER. "Fresh and Tl?id portraiture," says the Christian Union. E. H. Hornunf. THE ROGUE'S MARCH. "A noteworthy addition to romantic literature." Chicago Tribune, lanche Willis Howard. THE GARDEN OF EDEN. "A fascinating, powerful nor el." Bea ton Beacon. Richard Harding Davis. GALLEGHER AND OTHER STORIES "Callegher" is the story that made the author famous. Robert Louis Stsvsnson. ST. IVES. His last and one of hie Quest novels. Thomas Nelson Pq: Frances Dodgson Burnett. THAT LASS O' LOWRIES. A novel of international rep-itna Clara Morris. A PASTEBOARD CROWN. A vigorous and popular novel t tl New York stage. Harrison Robsrtson. THE INLANDER. "A novel of rtmarkable power " Ne York Herald. v Arthur R. Ropes. ON PETER'S ISLAND. An sxcItlDg Russian story. Molly Elliot Seawcll. THE HOUSE OF EGREMONT. "Romance filled with the two git qualities of loyalty and love." Octave ThaneL Ba am a a am a a m mm a m PASTIME STORIES. mincAHi up ioiu "The old Tlrrfnia flavor could not be "Not only good, but excellently toM" eed to finer effect." London Dally News. NOT1. The acceptance of this offer not only secures the publications an! books mentioae3, but It also entitle you to the privilege of buying for ( yer books at discount prices. As this plan Includes practically the entire Ca tion product of every American publisher, the magnitude of the propob;ti-3 is readily apparent. A FEW WORDS ABOUT PEARSON S MAGAZINE FOR 1S04. Pearsoa's Magazine appeals to every member of tbe family. In the worJ of a subscriber, "It is the easy-to-read Magazine." Following are four of the special features for 104: WALL STREET METHODS OF F. P. VENABLE, PnfaipEXT, cjiapel mix,, y..c. PAUkER'3 -HAIR BALSAM "FINANCE." By Htnry Cecres, Jr. A number of true account t of some cf the Wall Street "deals." MODERN INDIAN WARS. . By Cyrus Tovnsend Brady. A brilliant and thrilling story of the hostile frontier of the past forty years. ThJE REVELATIONS OF AN INTER NATIONAL SPY. Which ran in. Pearson's through the first ':x months of 1903 will be re sumed in January, 1904. TOM NAST, CARTOONIST. By Albert Cigelow Paine. Illustrated by the choicest of world famous cartoons. The Overthrow, of the Tweed Ri8 The Civil War Period The Reco tructicn Period The Greeley Pre idential Campaign, Are a few of the Important bei3iS upon which the series of six or eis1 papers aro tuilt. Subscribers to this combination "who want more than one book from abav list caa add 49 cents for each book required. Send your orders to THE CAUCASI AN PUB. COMPANY, RALEIGH. N. C Iwanted SKYERAT, PERSONS of character and gepd reputation in each State (one m this cou-jty re quired) to represent and advertise old e&t&blished wea'thy buines honre of solid financial standing Salary . 2l. O weekly with expenses addi ional. all payable in rash direct every Wednes day, from hed offices. "Horsa and Carriage furnishrd when necesssrv. References. Enclosed f elf addressed ajfrer Fatia to B lui Orsvl . ' wuinnu Gzzlra,&VTi ,oovpr ( ueiope, voioniai, sjz Dearborn St. T?Tj Chicago. PEARSPa'S tf ACAZINE ABO THE CAUCASIAH. By Fpoeial arrangements wc jve decided to continup the offer of Pearson's Mtgazine, a good one dol lar magazine, and Tbe Caucasln one year for $1.25. This offer M hold good for month or SeptemUr wily. : "1