e "a" r. 5? ;, c - -Li Z ... VOL. XX i. 4 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1903 NO. 46. CAU s1 I . m z CV "I II O 1. 7 I Itf It 1A M 111 II- ' - Miiiitrrr ii;hiih, vii'v j J' the turkey man wai there, aud be ealrt: "Here, Teddy, 1 your turkey, all paid for in good money. When Teddy's mother saw the enor mous size of the turkey she said: "It Is Impossible. Teddy could never bare paid the price of that turkey." "Don't bother about the price, ma'am," the turkey man said. I so'd Teddy that turkey at cost, and there is nothing In the law, ma'am, against selling things at cost." Teddy's mother looked perplexed, and then she smiled and said: "You hare no women folks at your house, and If n THANKaV mmm &-N0 PANAMA FIGHT Icported Aray Marching Found to Be a Fake .y? ONLY FEW TRAMPS TURNED BACK S J Nelly replied that it was because they oro goI,lg t0 liave turkey for Tliailks" VSSSVi13 Tlicre was n m:,n nt tb0 ods of Wi. , L f villa v-wr ir W it T dinner time one bright. July day playing 177. .'til I Hi" kl Fruit Salad in Orange Cup Olive Salted Peanuts Koat Torkev, Cranberry Jelly Tb Isthmus Will Never ArlnBethe Seat of Warfare While Under Our Protectorate. TBE DOINGS OF CONGRESS What the Natloaal Lawmakers t1ae Dees Dota. IlrprwenUUve Dkk. of Ohio .Intro duced a suffrage resolution which, after reciting the law regardlnc affn-i. taji: "Whereas. It Is a matter of com mon Information and belUf that the right of tome male rititeca bJtjt 21 years of age. to vote at election earned in said amendment to the constitution earned aforesaid, except for participa tion in the rebellion or other crime, la BORRORS OF TEE SEA C?ttwU Vessel St to the Bottssa Dy Large Steamer. Washington. Spil. Tt Caaaie. from AlVrta Uaf. H-S coantj. bou&J to thu city. ith Tti pound j of fih. con- cne! t II- I Moore a&J C. S Steriieg. bea oS ladUa taiand. mdaf aight. aa nn down r the Oil iKjalalaa ateaxer. Albemarle. The aUvp u cut rotfl. rMeljr in twain. Captain T. W. llly- DON T BOTHER ABOUT THE TRICE. you will come over aud eat Thanksgiv ing dinner with us I am sure, if you can be persuaded to carve, the turkey will taste much better." Washington, Special. The Stats DeDartment has no knowledge of the Mashed Potatoes Onions in Cream I marching of an army rrom o:omui aldorf Salad r -.k To.hTntir. nd the offlcial Pumpkin Pie Cheese Mince Pie u" " Pomegranate Ice Little Snow Cakea state that if any ucn nroumru -v.- Cotiee i nrn.rPt. would certainly Dc in- . . . "ThankBfflTlnit Wigwam." lormea Dy im s:ui. iu. . The Puritan aud Pilgrim settlers who caDies ueiu - Inaugurated celebration of Thanksgiv- aeout the idea that any sucn m.i Ing Day feared and bated the red In- ja in progress, as the rresment oi dlan, but they did uot disdain to copy Colombia is reported to have de one of his Institutions in short, the 8crjDej to the President of Ecuador. native American wigwam. are It lg jgumed here that the "army" told many tales of the architecture of be marchlng on ranama as the "Long Ilouse," and see examples t.. mnrt f. thfi few men p. of tepees and other Indian huts In their -7,.; ' .llftllt to reservations. We do not know what naps aw u .u, ----- tribe furnished the pattern for "Wig- embark at Buena Ventura, a few days Wams." ; ago, when they were turnea oac iruw Take one pound of lady-fingers (this the Isthmus by notice of the deter- has a cannibalistic sound); split them J mination of the United States naval denied and abridged In certain States, ette. In charge of the CaK was therefore. -Resolved. Thst the matter be refer red to the committee on election of the President. Vies President and Rep resentatives in Congress, whose dnty it shall be and who shall haTe foil and ample power to Investigate and in quire Into the validity or the election laws of the seversl States snd the manner of their conforceroent. and whether the right to vote at any elec tion for the choice of electors for Pres ident and Vice President of the United States. Representatives in CongTeas or the members of the Ieglaiature oi any inham- drowned. T. XL SUverstoce. the mat, snd Peleg Warner, a pssagr. were saved. The Casa'.e. sccordlcg t state ments from those on th Albemarle, had no light exhibited, ben she wsa not seen by the pilot ca th etert!er uctil too late. Cartaln Midjett ae at the wheel of the Casi and la attempt ing to eroaa the bow of the Albmarle m!ed his calculation The Cassie was a aloop about IS l"t leng. 14 feet beam, and aj oned by Tobe SUverstone. cf Hyde couaty. was engsged running f.h tr this 2? in ,lU! ,lnl Avnnu ml fty Teddy fiiuio run Ri?'. niii toward her. the eo avIio raised the unest turueys iu the State. It was even said that "onoe upon a time" one of his turkeys had been selected for the President's dinner at the White House. The turkey man was an old bachelor aud awfully crabbed; but the children didn't care for that; they wore going to get the best turkey tnoney could buy. He was very busy shipping turkeys when Teddy and Nelly arrived, but he lonrrtli wlso nrwl fsnrpnd thpni with i. . i ij.i. .: x ii " - - vu invitation gnen so pome, i taut 4o1lt. ,lofrQ rUolncr thA di- vided halves. Of these jellied cakes build a log cabin, leaving a hollow square In the centre. When you have used up all your lady-fingers cover the structure, Interior and all, with a rich custard, and place on top a me ringue made of the beaten whites of the ejrs whose yolks were used in the custard, stiffened with a little fine white sugar. Thanksgiving Day sometimes brings the first light fall of winter's snow. The meringue top of our wigwam may be J . I 1 'JfTtS sonu'tlung he had ly and which proved to be a bright and shiniii!., twenty-five cent pie. "Tlii'ic!" gasped Teddy, who was out of breath, "girls jilwny have places to put tiling", save that. A gentleinvA from Greenville gave it to me for hold ing hi horse." "What are you going to save it for?" asked Nelly. "Tor a Thanksgiving turkey." replied Teddv. "Tho gentleman whose horse 1 held said to a friend that 'he not met him since last Thanksgiving, and that set me to tliinulng. Mother couldn't afford to buy a turkey last Thanksgiving, and there Is no use talk Ing, chicken ain't Thanksgiving and neither are pumpkin plea. Nothing is Thanksgiving excepting turkey, and I'm going to save my money and buy a whopping' big one. "That's so, it doesn't seem like Thnnksirlvimr without turkey," said Nelly. "Mother gives ine a penny and sometimes a nickel for helping her with tewing and I'll put that In. too "All right." eft M Teddy, "we'll be partners." Teddv wns twelve years old and Nellr tel.. They lived in a New Eng land village, where the opportunities for a small boy to earn pennies, let nlone dimes and nickels, were few; but somehow whenever anyone wanted to send a letter to the postoftlee or wanted a parcel carried or a message sent Teddv was around. He kept add ing a few dimes, a good many nickels and any number of peuulos to his sav ings. As the pile increased the chil dren counted the money so often that It was a wonder they did not wear It out. The Monday before Thanksgiving, count It as much as they pleased, Teddy and Nelly had exactly $2.1(3 Neither of them knew the price of ft big turkey, but they felt sure they had enough to pay for a big turkey and some other things, too. Tuesday their mother said that rcoIc timQ to inauire what they wanted. i - refuse," replied the turkey man. The turkey man was not crabbed at all. lie was the jolliest among a jolly crowd, and told more funny stories than any of them. After they had done more than justice to the turkey and the pies and cakes, and while they were cracking nuts, tho turkey man said: "This has been a prosperous year for me, but I am more thankful for being la the midst of the happy faces whieh. surround me now than I am for any thing else." Each one around the table, excepting Teddy, mentioned something they were thankful for, and Teddy's mother said she was thankful for haviug two such children. "Now, Teddy," said the turkey man, "every one has told what they are thankful for excepting you. What are vou thankful for?" State la dented to the msle tants of any Statea. being 21 years of ma nr1 Htlzen ct the Tnlted States except for participation In the rebel- market. Mr. Warner, the pantr ct lion or other crime. the Ca!e. gave the following scrouti of the accident: After Reed Smoot. ..u. u-iiMar. Immediately upon sssembllng Thurs- fm wUh froQj A,Vrl.,, ,Uy day the Senate at once plunged Into a q M(w)rfl k sr llrK Wha discussion of the question of the eligl- uin . anl r..m!nc rnmmanders to allow no landings in Ibillty of Reed Smoot. of Ltah. to a seat u mag lu the Senate. Mr. Dunois. or loaao. that Quarter. These torops reach the Isthmus by water and the officials here are positive that they cannot do so by land, on account of the nature of the intervening coun try. cannot took issue with Mr. Hoar's remarks. "I contend that these various organ izations of Christian men and women. he said, "have a right to petition the Senate, and it is their duty to do so. this !- It - . lat-k thai T, . . . .t... nhvoral ui course, f mi ' v - J) UL lilCtc tt-C 111 'J l f"J , . . obstacles in the way of the approach is a judicial Question, which must be f s as. r ..a . V e I I m i.aI of an army upon Panama. The officials V" " be- do not care to express publicly their - 1U T : plans but enough has been learned 'ore me Sena... . - from the instructions given to our tion that was involved in the case of naval commanders to make it evident the polygamous Roberts, for whose un- supposed to represent new that never again will the Isthmus be- 5.ating i,y the House of Representa- fallen snow on a rural Amrlcan land scape. ?Iade Ills Ileels Save Hla Head. v v l i V il 1 - .-11 , ' 11 1 ' ' . 4 . A. come the seat ot wariare, so long a rn9nv T.ttiionK were filed .. -..-- -.. ,.nran..n. in nro. "'""J i " ine uniteu oian-a juiriumwi. i--- Tha .HfforotiOA htwpen the nresent situation on the Isthmus and the committee on privileges and elec that which existed last year when t,ons can De Dr0Ten. I do not believe Commander McLean prevented zxmed then Is a senator here who would vote troops irom crossing tne i mUf u, (.nntinue in his seat. rail is just this: The authorities nave now determined to extend the lines but if they are not proven. I think we of protection to the railroad. They will WOuld all unite in asking him to re- not allow hostile forces, no matter main whether thev are Colombian or Pan ama troops, to come into collision any- But Little opposition. where near the railroad and to pre- Washington Special. Speaker Can- (Wr had no lights on th" 1oj? I re marked to Captain Mldjctt that h had letter have bia 1j!J an ! gr t- Marloar; that he r'dl nH go t I'rt without getting run down. Tb captain replied: 'Yen I can 1 am ring to cr her Nw, tlan.n-l jf I atnt. 1 told him he couM not hk.-I ll" all: Yen I can. or I'll go to b 11 trySnr "We could see the htte anl grn light on the teatr-er; mw the grtn light thrr-qiiartere of a mile aay anl the white light olniut on mile an 1 a half swaf. After th! onveratl3 with the captain 1 went down in th cfchin to aleep. Th! i al'it 7 o'clock. I should judge. The apintn was at the wheel at the tlftie. Th net thing I knew I heanl an swful crahh. I ruhe. on deck and to rny horror saw the Casaie finking rspillr. The Albemarle ha1 struck our lat about amidshipa. The mate cf the Caa slt. Silveratone, who wa n-ar th bow. rushed toward the Albemarle and giabbed her hull. I jumie1 berloarl snd swam for the bow of the steamer and when near her waa thrown a lln vent such collisions it win oe neceb by one of th0 mot from Albemarle and save,!. As I ruah cabin. This waa the taut seen of him. will not make such a statement pub- grosg th&t there would be little or no Th(. Xh,,, ,y nbKip fgr licly, they simply say: "Walt till the Uion among Republicans to the over an hour endeavoring to find Cap- emergency arises But It w knojn rarrvlne nt ffect the Cuban reo tain Mldyette. After we were taken on v,.t woro th Titans of the naval bill carrying into enecv commanders and as there is no indica- iproclty treaty. He told the speaker tion cf a change in these plans, not that the attempt to form an opposi- But .vuere is tb.t be,.irm UH Jon TXZ7TjLll W W , . fr.r.n Timntso- . nc'." . Lane unnM nnt loin the Democrats in had the day before Thanksgiving "The farmer said, 'Heads I win, tails you lose!' Well, I lost my tall, but he didn't win my head." Hla Fate. There was excitement in the hen house. The turkey on the top roost cobbled himself hoarse with frenzy, ... ial.l.l and every other hen In tne estaonsu- fleers and other ormvr innn Panama Cans WOUIU nui jum iuC Hr. Gudger Returns. voting the worns oiner.nua. Pnama, by Cable. United States I ment on the Din. me &peaer waa a Consul Gentral Gudger arrived here' sured that the sentiment among Re Sunday evening and was met at the publicans was to stand by the Speak- railway station by a great number er; that It wouw m impolitic w I.. .. . . k 4 Va rv (. of persons, including the members of a division oi me vy the provisional government, army of- ginning of the session. persons. General i ie . IXZtmZ lh nt earner e-ervthlnc nokaible waa dpne for u by her commander. Captain Phelps, and hi crew. It was very dark and we bad no light eihibifed. All those on board the sloop Ut every thing." The Cassie la a complete wreck. Only her mast can now be seen. An effort will be madt today to secure the body of Captain Mldyette. He wa only 16 years old and unmarried. Coatly Residence Burned. Southern Pines. Sperial. A aerjous locji romca to the Rer. Dr. Mente in the burning of Ids residence, three miles ment cackled like a punctured tire. Abaldia was also among thosepresent. nn mm maVine effective the east of town: Sunday morning. Ir. "Young Fatten Fluffy was monkey- As Consul General Gudger alighted Cuban reciprocity treaty, by a vote of Ment had Ufit ba4 hln jakflat. and i i nTfliilinarl tllA I frnm Vio train a TnilltArv hiinn nlaVPu I . . . 1 XI n til I - n waa I ne arouuu iu inu juiu, - i ... ... . ........ - . q s r. .ti.nan, ' . . . . . I rv. . ri 1 1 T. -.-..-.- " XI I ... . . . - - . messenger who had Just arrivea, ana met the boss with a large hatchet." "And how did he behave himself?" asked the flurried chorus. "Oh," said the messenger, "he lost his head completely." Judge. . at . .1 .1.-.al.. r. The Star Spangled Banner." Mr. nrlBpnt but did not vote, and Messrs. ; - Gudger was welcomed by a commit- Robertson Democrat, of Louisiana, shrubbery in the yards, when hla wire tee composed of representatives or au(j cooper. Democrat, of Texas, voted discovered that a portkn of the !mll the junta, and by Senor Brid. repre- againBt the bill. Cf the dwelling nearest the kitchen was senting tne municipality or ranama. ,, . v.,. . r, COLONIAL THANKSGIVING G ETTING DIFFICULTIES. Reproduced bv permission from "Browning's Magazine Copyright, 1902, by Browning, King &, Co. HIS TURKEY Drawn by G. A. King. Thanksgiving Dinner. When autumn winds again blow keen, ' And frost is biting in the air. Then eager appetites, 1 ween, Turn to Thanksgiving fare. The toothsome viands, as of yore, Spread out betore us piping not, Our hearts make fresh and young once more Alas! Our stomachs, not. And so the meal we eat with rest, Knr rprk of Indittestion s pranks UNDER The sorry wag will have his jest, And shrivel up our tnanM. . Wood Levette Wilson, in Puck. Senor Arias delivered a speech in which he expressed the gratitude of the Republic of Panama for the recog nition accorded it. by Preslden Roose velt, and also the pleasure of the peo ple of Panama at Mr. Gudger's re turn. Consul General Gudger return- I . !. D--luf cw rw.v including every pie,- cf furniture. Washington. Special. Prealdect rlotnJnjc trir-a-brac. etc.. as well as Roosevelt Friday foraally received M. complete llbrarie. la Philippe Bunau-Varilla. the duly-ac- v credited envoy extraordinary of Pana- Moore county went up in amoke; als? .ti rn.tnfi States. The recep- his poultry houv. brooder, wlna-mlll tion of the minister marked the birth and tank, and all out-houses, except J 4.1 1 ki -.... nn an, coi.l tba and Rer AdSra. Water of the .i n.public ot P-xn. Into ,b. bor-.ul.K . .t .. -., .. i tx,A ..n. r.r n.tinnt and navee the I large sums of money on the pure anl wn i n run ii ihjii iiitj uiemucis ui i tuc laiuuj ...... . i . . . .. .. iunta officially soon 'ihe United way for negotiations between the Unl: had an ideal home, tne iuu. su una. Si?. CiJ !Y n!2S. .- testates and the infant republic pre- in Its destruction amounting to $-.000 clsely as they may be conducted be- or $6,000. mith an lnaursnce cf about tween an? two sovereign nations. i fi.wv. States cruiser Boston has returned from her cruise to the south, which was without incident. Beaver's Property. New York, Special. Notice of the Telerraphlc Briefs. The bodies cf the wife and dsugh- Compromlse Reached. Greensboro. Special. A temporary the .,Cw - . - - - prcsideflt Monroe will be re- agreement was reached between conveyance by George W. Beavers, the ter of Presiaent agr Thanksgiving without a turkey was not Thanksgiving, and that the next day she would go find purchase a small I iilPifl the 'TIE MAN WAS AN OLl BACHELOR one. When she said this the ehlldrtu glanced nt each other In such a know Ing way that their mother asked tlun Teddv said they wanted to know price of his biggest turkey. The turkey man smiled grimly anJ said: "Teddy, my big turkeys co?t money, and your mother don't want to buy one." "It's not for mother," Teddy an swered. "It's for Nelly and me. Mother couldn't afford to buy a turkey la?t Thanksgiving, so Nelly and I have been saving our money to buy oue and we want a bis one." The turkey man looked interested and asked: "About how long have you been saving your money?" "Since July." answered Toddy. The turkey man looked serious and said: "That's a long time. Now, about haw nwcli have you saved?" vrwo dollars and sixteen cents," an swered Teddy proudly. "Hum! num.!" said the turkey man "I can't sell you my largest turkey be cause It Is promised to Judge Joy. but I'll sell you ?he.,next largest one for a dollar. Come and,look at It." He led thi way to where there were tiny nuiubei of turkeys hanging uu aud, taking an enormous one from hook, said to Teddy "Heft it." The turkey man said he was going to drivi by their housft at 5 o'c'ock. ; aud that he would deliver the turkej. Teddy wanted to carry the turkey him self, but after admiring It from every side and feeling Its weight again, con cluded It was too big a job. Just then a loud knocking sounded nt Teddy grinned a lazy grin and hesi tated, and then said: l guess l am thankful just because I feel so good. Frank G. Stark. Her Thanksgiving: Grace. I'm thankful I can't shed a tear For what I've done this passing year! I'm thankful I am fair and twenty! I'm thankful I've had beaux in plenty! I'm thankful I've had declarations! I'm thankful I've got rich relations! I'm thankful that my love events Ara bounded by the four per cents! I'm thankul though an amourette, I'm thankful-Mro not married yet! I'm thankful the automobile Is not as wearying as the wheel! I'm thankful I am not a 6iDner! And I'm most thankful for this dinner! Kansas City Star. Strong on Geography. Freddy "We had one o' the famous Rhode Island turkeys for our Thanks glvln dinner." Teddv "Huh! So did we i neara grandpa thank Providence for It'." Puck. A Jfoble Plan. The ovster from the tossing sea. The cnestnut from the rustling tree, Help out a noble plan When they, responsive to the dirk, Come oozing from the inner ' turk, To gild the inner man. Judge. Unthnokefl. 'Midst gratitude For cheer and food - , - ' That grace our lot, The roan who carves And waits and starves 1? quite forgot. former superintendent of the depart ment of salaries and allowances of the Postofflce Department, who is under Indictment for connection with frauds In the Department, of his property to his wife, was made known last week. The property conveyed lies In the sec tion of Brooklyn known as Borough moved from Oak Hill to Richmond next Tuesday. The Charlottesville street ar line. Ice and electric plants were sold at auction. Three men were killed and two in jured by the wreck of a car at the Glenferris mine, in West Virginia. Dr. J. Hanrey Anaerson. oi ah- Southern Railway and the Oreecsboro Ice and Coal Company. In the case cow pending before the corporation com mission. The agreement reached re lieves the situation temporarily, and both parties appeared satisfied with the coarse the case bag taken. The sgreement does not affect the legal tat ii a nt the case in anr respect. The Park and con,st of 15 lota. Tb. tranS- 8beny. Pa.. endearoring to tal 'nroUH l fer was made for a nominal considera tion and the papers were recorded In the office of the register of King's county. what tbey were blinking about, aud the door, and wneu uenay opened u. A Dream of Bllaa. Cohwigger "Why would you like to be President, my boy? ' FreavSe "Look at all J he prize tur- kevs he has sent to mm at ananas- giving." "Punkey Moonshine Lantern." Proposition Rejrcted." Louisville, Col., Special. The offi cial count of the rotes cast by the miners of the northern coal district. Saturday night, reverses the decision and defeats the proposition for a set tlement of the strike. The sub-district board today announced that the propo sition was defeated and there would be no work tomorrow, but rerusea to make public the vote. It has leaked out that there was a majority of six votes in favor of rejecting the proposition. :firS55! nrS3r.2 :nrt;i.a;nrt:::3 , 5:-sMP ssr sn.trcr- vrrwi-- . r ::t:t:S T-r..- Dispersed Anarchists. Barcelona, By Cable. The police Sunday dispersed a meeting of anar chists which had been arranged to celebrate the anniversary of the ex ecution of the Chicago, in 1SSG. The action of the authorities was taken be cause Yiolent speeches were made at the jneeting advocating an active pro paganda, of anarchistic doctrine. Kiiffleient money to take his talented choir to the Oeneral Conference and World's Fair next May. The revolutionists of Santo Do mlnen were renorted to hare taken the capital and proclaimed General Jiminez president. Emperor William was reported Im proving, but It was said he would harp in stnn sneaklnE so much In public. The Japanese declared that. Russia niild have to accede to their fle- mands to aToid war. Russia and Austria notified the Porte that no change would be made In their demands for reform In Mace donia. An attack was made on the stock o the Pensylvanla Railroad and tbi price was driven down to 112,' the lowest point that had been reached In five years. A cut of 10 per cent. In the wages of the Fall River cotton mill operatives was announced. " A lively tilt occurred in tfce conven tion of the United Daughters of the Confederacy In Charleston, 9. C, oref the representation of Maryland in tne proposed Jefferson Davis monument in Richmond. case have never been settled In North Carolina, tmd the railroad compsny will no doubt carry the matter Into the courts for a proper construction of the law. Fall River Wage Troubles. Fall River. Special. The request of the Textile Council for a conference with the cotton mill manufacturers re garding the announced plan of the manufacturers to return on November 22 to the wage schedule In existence prior to Msreta 17. Wj2. has been re ferred to the executive committee of delegates to the council still hope, however, for a favorable answer from the Manufacturers Association. The committee before Wednesasy evening, at which time the various unices will meet to discuss the situation. Heavy Fighting RrporUd. San Domingo, by Cable. There was heary fighting here Sunday morning. The forts around the city were engag ed with the insurgents and there was , considerable, cannonading m cn both sides. The town was not damaged and the situation Is unchanged. The United States Cruiser Baltimore sr rived here Sunday, Business is at 4 itandttlll. t