rty. THE CAUCASIAN I UBLISIIED EVERY TIIURdDA BYTM CAJCasIA PUB. CO. tOBSCaiFTIQI RATES. On Ymr, UM Moath. Tfcree M01U1, 1.00 .eo ss Ho. 11 TRADESnT? C0UNCIL , STATJC LIKB A PK4TI I.FJ. E." GoVKKNOK AVIIK'K UTATfcU IX IHrt INALOURAI. ADOKf THAT UXDF.K, ANl TilKKKKOKK BY IM PLICATION I If CO!8KtiUKXCK OF, UelON BULK 'IjAWLESHEHt4 WALK JtfJ TUB 8TATE LIKB A FBWTILEIfCB, IKIMK HTAIJCKD AliKOAD AT 'OOS IAY, HLKK1 LAT DOWN WITH A I ARM AND TUB BOUND OK Till FIUTOL WAS MORE FREQUENT THA TUB MONO OF THE MOCKIXO BIRD.' HOW STANDS THE CASE TO-DA GovKjtNoit? Haven't the act of three red 811 1 rt legislature and more than two yea 158 o) your own beneficent rul fauhed into hitftory since yol proclaim kd the foregoing; When you are cavorting ovki the state whooping for eouc tion and roads don't you ii ea j of more crimes being commit ej in north carolina than evei before and do you continue t ATTRIBUTE TllEHK TO FUSION RULL When the farmer carrier hla cottor. to tbe market and receive eleven cU for It he feels happy until he sets back heme and realizes how much of thai money he will have to pay for Statt taxes for the support of ' Democratic Uood Government" and then he getk blue. The way to wear a smiling countenance all the time U to vote thU crowd out and put a set of men In of Uce that will be less expensive. Thei. you can spend your extra money fo; tbe support and comfort of your fam nr. The Democratic machine In thU State has Increased the assessed valu atlon of real and personal property II this State about C5,000,000. Youi property Is not worth any more thU year than It was last, but the tax-pay era of the. State must pay at leas I12S.000 more taxes this year thai they did last year. Taxpayers, art you going to submit to this? There h a remedy vote the present crowd out of office at the next election. The esteemed Charleston News and Courier baa begun to ask itself why it is that out of the 1,009,000 immigrants who arrived in this country during the past year, not one settled in South Carolina. If the old Palmetto State wants lmigration, it should take in that Jim Tillman sign. Jacksonville Times Union. And North Carolina should take in that Democratic Red Shirt sign. And now the news comes from Bun eombe county that the jail in that county Is not of sufficient size to ac commodate the prisoners. Jadge Jones said that when he held eourt In Asheville before there were seventy five confined in jail and that he knew the jail was not in a proper sanitary eondltlon. For all this In crease In crime and filth we give the Democratic party all the credit that Is due then. In the case of the "gold brick" men before the Supreme Court this week one of the attorneys for the prisoners wan told that he ought to be satisfied, as one of his clients had been pardoned by the Governor, "The trouble is he paraoned the guilty one," was the at torneys reply. And this story has a sequel. Why do the Democratic newspapers cf the State hold Trinity College re sponsible for Prof. Bassett's article? During campaigns they yell them selves black in the face for education and now they are trying to break down the Methodist College In North Caro lina. It shows hypecrUy and narrow inlndedness. Dddd SSXTUA Carolina-pro-speech in xt'JU Tiding U lt n fAror of '".IT The sound of the pistol Is more f re-! quent than the song of the mocking bird." Within the past few days two men In Jones county have been sen tenced to be hanged for murder, and Jones county Is under "good government ' too. Democratic The Populists have declared their independence of the Democratic party. For which relief, sauek thanks. Char lotte News. And we dare say the Populists are thankful al&o what if they hat te stand for the Democratic "mismanage ment" in North Carolina! Union Re publican. The disgrace would be more than we could bear. The News and Observer quotes from the Chatham Observer a moan little ilur upon a certain fusionist. Will the News and Observer please Inform us here the "Chatham Observer" is pub Ished, and who might be called the editor? We must say we have never Heard of this paper before. "The Democrats always prefer to make their campaign upon their prom .ses rather than their performances." -Union Republican. They know If they were to make their campaign upon their perform ances that the bridge would not carry hem over. The Democrats haven't rewarded Locke Craige yet for trying to impeach .he fusion judges, lie was slated fer .he United States Senate, but ke iropped his slate and brake it when je met Senator Pritchard in joiat ie jate. He now has nothing on which le can make his mark. The following from the Graham Trib ine is worth the consideration of ev jry tax-payer of the State: "Bear In mind that the Democratic idmlnistration in this State spent ;821,514.86 more in one year than the .'usionlsts. How do you like it?" The News and Observer has been Abusing the city government of Ra eigh because he has been unable U .-ontrol the board of aldermen. To jiust bow down before Joey or you vill certainly get "cussed." The Wilmington Messenger suggests hat if the courts in this State can't onvict a man of murder, why not sue he defendant for damages, as they do the railroad when they kill a maa even accidentally. Colton sold in several places in the State Monday for 11 l-6c. and the price has been gradually declining since But if we are any judge of the cotton market the price will soon be up again. No prisoner has escaped from the penitentiary either by pardon or other wise within the past week or at least there has been no public statement to that effect. " How are the Democrats geing te ex- these high taxes and a bankrupt these ohigh taxes aac a bankrupt treasury? Mr. Cleveland is on a duck hunt 'near Norfolk. He will seon be on "a wild goose chase" if he tries it for the residency. v If you don't want your taxes in creased, you had better not Tote the Democratic ticket. PRESIDENT AND CASHIER DEAD One was Accidentally Killed, the Other Com mittted Suicide. Charleston S. C,. Nov. 16 Colonel E. Miller Boykin, United States Mar shal for this State, under Cleveland, ind a banker of Camden, killed himself accidentally today. After reaching home he picked up his gun, which had a complicated reversible action and went out to shoot a hawk. He was dis covered an hour afterwards lying dead, while his gun was found leaning on the opposite side of the fence. The sup position is that as he started to climb the fence he set the gun over the fence at the same time making a motion to get over himself, when the gun was discharged. The coroners jury gave a verdict to this effect. Colonel Boy kin was president of the DeKaleb Cot ton- mill, of the Farmers and Merch ants -Bank, and other large corpora Uons, He was delegate to the National Democratic Convection which nominal ed Cleveland In 1SS4. Charleston, S. C, Nor. 16 Tha sui cide of E. Z. Zetap, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Cam den, S. C, shocked the people of the town tonight, a few hours after the ac- cidental destruction of Colonel E. Mil ler Boykin, President of the bank. Shortly after receiving tha news of the death of Colonel Boykin. Mr. Zemp left home ostensibly to go over to Mr. Boykin's nearby, b it instead went to bis bam and committed suicide, shooting himself with a pistol through the mouth. A Government for the R!ch Man. The Asheville Citizea calls attention to the inconsistence ef a judge in this State in sentencing a negro, whoe stole 2S cents, to one year in prison, while a prominent business man who stole $1, 200 was given only three years. We suppose the negro was punished for stealing on" such a small scale. Ia all probability the business man will be pardoned in a few months, while the negro will serve out his term. Ex. The Populists will start a daily pa per in-Kansas in the near future. Both are Indicted. Asheville, N. C, Nov. 16 Daniel C. Champlain, former Mayor of Biltmore and cashier of the Biltmore estate, and George R. Tennent, heretofore a time-keeper on the estate, were today indicted by the grand Jury of the Supe rior Court for the embezzlement of funds from George K. Vanderbilt. Both men have left the State and their whereabouts are unknown. ATTEMPT TO LYNCH. f"he Mob Demanded Keys of Sheriff Thompson Durham, N. C, Nov. 16 An attempt vas made at Roxboro last evening to lynch Adam Hunt, the negro who kill- id the young man Wilkins a few days igo. Mr. L. J. Winstead, a young man vho lives at Winstead, but had been to loxboro on a visit, said that soon after -nidnight a party of some fifty men vent to the home of sheriff Thompson md demanded the keys to the jail He had previously let one of his depu tes have the keys and he was finally ible to convince the crowd that he did aot have any access te the jail. Coet of Election In NVw York City. We sre it stated that the election a New York th's week will cost hat city i ot les than $H00,000. rnppctora of f lection will receive 5266,000 of the above amount, it is aid. Union Republican. I A RUNAWAY BICYCLE, Terminated with an nglv cut on he 1 g of J. B. Oner, Franklin r ove I I It dev. loped a s ubbori leer unyielding to doctors and re idi for four y. ars. Then Buck n's Arnica halv urrd I-'sjusi s g cd for Burns, 81cs, Kk n 3rup ionti acd Piles. 25c at aDy )rug Store. ROBERT H. MCNEILL Attorney & CoMsellor at law, Office in Bond Building, WASHINGTON, 1. C (Formerly Private-Stcretary to Hon. J. C. Pritchard ) Will prcsecute pension and ;?ent claims, represent defendants before the Honpiable Commiasioner of Internal Revenue, and maKe cl ee- ions from various Departments of he Government, e?-ppcialy for Postmasters and U. S. Commls sioners. OycMYork Weakeno Your Kidneys. Jnhcalthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through our kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do . their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid tn the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though 'hey had heart trouble, because the heart is sver-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. if you are sick you can make no mistake by first dectoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its vonderful cures of the most distressine cases a e ana is soia on Us merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a Minute uuiuc uv mail Hoar af Xwuin-W free, also pamphlet telling yr.u now to find out if you have kidney or L!dder trouble. J Mentionthis paper when vri CftJrrfgnM. TfV Menuon tmapaper when writing Or. filX3 You Can Be Cwed. Xa.ll CtodarT' UwT 9nna, Ail, Aprs 38, DOS. Wliea I wu ret nmrried I foaMi tkt tmy streata mmA e!tb were graduAtty Jiauaklu. 1 Wcmm m.aA imimiiUL. wee ia bed week mad eotneti amy of every oaootU, etwi bed ictenee beartaf 4am ti Me hubnd bed tb bee nbttKtM for ne mttd I tu him medicine far nearly foor month, bat I gradaaliy re vont, be. J U-m MTn&Si. mod Saally. 1 asabU to leee mj bed at a'.l. A f riend wbn u calir oa mm brought aa a botUe of TTlaa of Card at and wxs eo load i IU prmlnm tbe 1 Vld ber that 1 would tike it t p'.eese ber. Xwaa eurpriaed ad piaedtbat before better, eo l kept on utmriu a-irnt bottle brought back my Icet beeJtb and Btrenrtb. and I have sot bad a aiek day ut u montba. raQK)!lJ(QfXil;Q!)D Mrs. Finngan had little hope of relief lxraae she knew that every time she had tboea spells of tuenetrual suffering with attendant bearing down pains she was weaker. And every month the pain was growing more severe. But Mrs. Tinnogan was enrad ky Tf iae ef Cardni. the is ow so well that there are few weuiea whe weald sot be glad to have the health be has. And any weaian who has thoae dreaded bearing down pains can have the same relief. Tea caa be free front menstrual irregularities if you take this pure mtslila wine Tli den't th take it wki von aaa what it has done Hfor others? Secure a bottle ef Wiae Tour druggist has $1.00 bottles. 11 There's no satisfying people with the weather even in the next world tt will probably be too toot for some of 'em, Et, Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. Ring's New Discovery orL2f:Si1Stttta skMLM A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. M Mitt Agency Milliba, Walks; & It i8 an admitted fac. tbnt Gr'en boro is rapMly forgoing to the front and in a Terj abort time will be tbe leadinr city of North Carolina Her JUilroad friciiititV are u iurpassnd In the Stat, nrt there is a constant ir flux of capital employed in lie va-ious kinds of manufacturing, whUh Is con tanl increasinf tbe population of tbV City, and tr.at dmaed fer real estate haa been created, and the property ia constantly aogipg hands, but consideriar the mar. velous growth of the City, the price has kepi on a reasonable bat e. Persona desinn j to iuvet here eau matte no mistake, provided proper care s taken in locatloa aod priee of property. We make it omr eusi nes to keep a vigilant watch oyer the interest of our eutiomers, and are ;n a position to tare you money. s wv krp posted on value in eiiy nd n arby farminf property, aod an Jiid you in inritincr r aiital where u will brief yea quick and tisfncvory returns. Oorrcaponde re solieit d. When yoa are in be vity wr xtend to yon a co dial invito ion to vi it cur office, Roim No. 6, orer flyke Drur Store, Gnenab.iio, N. U. SRTAWBERRY PUNTS Z))t Cargcit Stock in the tOorlb. Kfarln 100 bacieiift . All th choice, lati ns bindt for Hie Garden md Fancy Mtrket Aloehi ping: vtr etie Also FIUIT TRII8 OF AIL KINDS TO CR0UEIS AT OHO IE SALE RAIE3 .w.il yt bir iu plauiif an orchard. Ie lnrrie, Asparagus Khabarb, Grape Tiaet, tc , eto. (Dnr 120 page JHannol, Utt to Bnners, enable fcetpboftn to grou3 ihem toitl) sutcest and profit. All plants rac d to earry aero a t e continent fretu a vrhen mug l tut ra ed cata ofie free peoiiv it you want a catalog t .hippii g Variet e r Finoy . Garden k.nda . Coniinental piam Co., KiTTMKLL, . O. HOW IS YOUR SOLE? If your Shoes need repairing bring them to me. I guarantee satisfactory work or will a."k no pay. Wiil call for and return shoes in the city. J He Peavis, The Cobbler. Office in building o'cupied by Up church and Holder, on baliahu y St. Phone 81. i Vr"0"! 'KfiCLATWBt letheeetree MBS. B. BUV? AJf. B SSf MUvM-kM.WIfc W P KMr fcr !. Vm timmm.WrwZ ea iDtmsW CMeheetee Ce WIcZ cMre. run, a. W PjnmTdJflrpiLLs V III ... . . I bad aaed Ike toUle I really felt TaaeecKaa, St. inmi' Socs of Cardui today. TO SUBS'JUIBEUS! Don't you want a jrood literary magazize for yourself atd t'ttnily l read ? If so, yi tren wx-urt IKAU SON'S MAdAZINE f.r one yar together with TIIK CAUCASIAN fr 01 e y ar for Si. 50 Th- price PEARSON'S MAGAZINE is $1.00 per year, or 10 con's i?r copy, and cannot bo sccimd for lis- anynhre This offi r app'ien to old sub-crUrs that yety up an I renew, as well as to the new suU-cribers. Aiy of our readers that would like to have "Janice Merdith," a beautiful story of the Revolution, by Paul Iiceer Ford, can sevure it with THE CAU CANIAN and PEARSON'S MAG AZINE one year for the small sum of $1. 99. The' price of "Janice Meredith" alone is S1 50 at all I bookstores. If vou wish to takl advantage of this offer, end In your subscription at one-', as trie offer may be withdrawn at any time. Addref, CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., Raleigh, N. C. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER- Now is the time to fend In your Subscription to the Caucasivn and gf t the adva tag of on graiid clubbing raUs. We will send Td Caucbiah, Atlanta . CoxBTiTrnox and The Sunny t-ouiH all one year for $2.00 By orderl y to three at onc yon get the SUN T K)UTK Fi EE. It it rahliahwd weekly and Is fail of good Southern Btories by "outhern aathora, Including Stories forth yiung as well as for the edder onts. Ordcr at QnccJ And get three paper for .he price of tiro. AdJress all orders to . CAUCASUH PM CO., BALEIOU.N.O. THE UNIVERSITY OF KOillH CAROLINA ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. a mm ar ff . 1 A brilliant and thrilling story of the One hundred and eight fcho'arh!r. hostile frontier of the past forty year. Free tuition to teacher and to m THE REVELATIONS OF AN INTER of ruinbittrs. Ln -ana for thA nuh. m atiomai ov 6P6 STilDT3 fiR IliQTt nor no' 6r8 Smalms. 66 IHSTKUCTORS. Sew Dormitories. Water Works Central Heating Sybteiu, Library 40,000 volumes. Fall term, academic and prr.fesdonJ al depan mentn, beg na SepL 7, 1 9u3. Address - F. P. VEVATtT.v . awiutA jf CHAPEL- HILL, X. C. Padkfd'A GUNS! GUNS! (MS! LOADED SHELL-! ok i:v iiy I.AHfiF.sr STOCK. SKXU KOI 'ALL KIG'11" X HEATING STOVES. HOUSE FUHNISHING GCOIW, TIN WAKE, PAINTS AN I OILS, 1111 LDING MATEIUAL. Eu-ijlhicg in Mwm m al-toJlow. Goods h1,I.1 nme dy ordered. (Grreti Tia llrg Sternj giv.Mi wllh ravh purchant ) SIGN OF THE HOUSE SH OF Hart-Ward Hardware Company fc?u censors to Julius Lewis Hardware Co , RALKIGII, N. r. Raleigh Marble Works Pi rA7 A NEHkiaBU; 1JKQa!N A yr's eubscripton to The Caucasian - . fl.no III fr A ywir'- Miii r i. Pearo M Magazine - - $ o ' Your choice of any one of the following books originally Issued ISO $2 00 yrui i owntend Brady. FOR LOVE O COUNTRY. "An Intensely patriotic tale." says the Outlook. One of his best. George W. Cable. JOHN MARCH, SOUTHERNER. A celebrated story of the South. Edward Egfleston. THE CIRCUIT RIDER. "Fresh an1 vivid portraiture," says the Christian Union. E. H. Hornung. THE ROGUE'S MARCH. "A noteworthy addition to romantic literature." Chicago Tribune. Blanche Willie Howard. THE GARDEN OF EDEN. i "A fascinating, powerful novel." Bos- RiehsHassir'Davis. GALLEGHER AND OTHER STORIES "Gallegher" Is the story that made the . aithor famous. Robert Louis Stevenson. ST. IVES. His last and ome of his finest novels. Thomas Nelson. Pape. PASTIME STORIES. 'The old Virginia flavor could not be "Not only icood. but excellently told " used to finer effecL" London Daily News. NOTB. The acceptance of this offer not only secures the publications and books mentioned, but lt also entitles you To the privilege of bnying for one year books at discount prices. As this plan Includes practically the entire fic tion product of every American publisher, the magnitude of the propoaltion is readily apparent. A FEW WORDS ABOUT PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR 1904. Pearsoa's Magazine appeals to every member of the family. In the words of a subscriber, "It is the easy-toread Magazine." Following are four of the special features for 1904: WALL STREET METHODS OF . "FINANXE." By Henry George, Jr. A number of tn;e accounts of some of the Wall Street "deals." MODERN INDIAN WARS. By Cyrus Tcwnsend Brady. Ich ran !n Pesraon-s tnrosh the"ArC fvew of lhe tWMl heading. first s months of 1903 will be re- uPn whIch e series of aiz or eight umd in January. 1904. papers are tullt. Subscribers to this combination who want more than one book from above list cau add 49 cents Sot each book required. Send vour orders to THE CAUCASI AN PUB. COMPANY, RALEIGH N C ' - oicuaracxer ana roa refutation in earn ia -e tone in this om r qui ed torerr sent a d advert! i.M Ie t MM) wea thy b ine bon- of solid finanHa-andinr Ury t2I .weekly with expense addi loni al payable In rasidirrt everv Wrdnes day fr o hed offlcea Hnrsi. and Carriage fnrnUh 6 mbn necary . -rvi auareseeu n telope. Colonial, Mi Dearborn til . trssi DKscitirriox. a I CATALixiCKS .4 IMSICKs A COOK SIOVHS, o 0 o o o o o o o 0 (I 0 0 6 1 COS. GCNS! LOADED SHELLS! Sliipmcnts made to any part of the State at s iine p-icoas at sho GONU(U3EN COOPKU llltO.. Irirlot.r. llaIlKh, X. C. Y hen writing t) aive'tire mention he Caura-im Fend for Catalogue GOOD CL0TMINQ AT LOW PRICES You will flud them at wuitisg mm. RALEIGH, X. i The Best Line of SIur-t in tn.ilny. All HilM.r Hat. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, TRY US. Frank R. Stockton. ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN THE HORN. "His best work." Boston Adverti-r Frances Dodgson Burnett. THAT LASS O LOWRIES. A novel of international reputatjnr Clara Morris. A PASTEBOARD CROWN. A vigorous aod popular novel of th New York stage. Harrison Robertson. THE INLANDER. "A novel of remarkable power." N York Herald. Arthur R. Ropes. ON PETER'S ISLAND. An exciting Russian story. Molly Elliot SeeweU. THE HOUSE OF EGREMONT. "Romance filled with the two grat qualities of loyalty and love." Octave ThaneL THE HEART OF TOIL. ivwi tAHTOONIST. By Albert BIgelow Paine. Illustrated by the choicest of tbe world famous cartoons. The Overthrow of the Tweed Ring The Civil War Period The Recon struction Period The Greeley Pres idential Campaign, PEASSOl'S UACAZICE AfiOTBC CAUCASIA!!. By rpecial arrangement! we -ave decided to contlnae the offer of Pearson's Magazine, a good one dol lar magazine, and Tbe Gaoca&Un one year for $1.25. ThU offer will bold good for month of September only,

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