THE CAUCASIAN e.tfc, Nov. 10, 1W3. K itered at ibe-Poat Office in Raleigh N. C. as secoiid-claas mail matter. REVOLUTIONISTS WANT RECOGNITION. The State Department Intimates That They Will Have to Prove Their Cae. . , . . Walilnson. Nor. K.-The rerolu liutiista of San Domingo today applied t.j tLn State Department for recognl t,on by th United States. The appli cation was presented to tho depart meat by J. M. Giordan, who represent ed himself aa prorisional agent of the reroUtionary eoTernmont, meaning by that the 6ornment of which Genera Jimlncz la the acting head and direct !nc force. Tl.u Stato Department has decline:' th recognition at this time, but the (!.( ! i nation doe not reflect an adrersf toward the insurrection. The de was conveyed to Mr. Glordor. ith the explanation that It had beer Mi. unbroken policy of tho Stat De pariment to recognize only de facte Kuwrnment. and if Minister Powell wLd In on the spot, finds that the rero lutiuuitit- have actually established r capital and opened porta and is able to profit life and property ha will recog nie It. So it Is expected that the next application of the Insurgents will be dir':t to the United States minister at Sun Domingo. PANAMA CANAL TREATY SIGNED. SHELLING THE CITY. The Revolutionists Fire on the Clyde Line Steamer New York. San Domingo, Nov. 16. The pollti ml situation here is serious. The in stir;;f!it ur bombarding the city. Gen eral Wenceslao Klguro and Juan Fran tis:o Sanchez are refugees In the for tin legations. The city is completely Infested bj 4.''.mj meu under Plchardo and foui other generals. A general attack Is expected withit the next few days. General Wosly Gi refuses to capitulate, and it is bo'levei? lhat thu lighting will be severe. The situation is desperate and fight ng In the streets is likely to occur a a uy moment. The United States cruiser Baltimore has been compelled to leave to re-coal I'nited States Minister Powell Is en deavoring to protect American inter rsrs with the limited means at his dis posal. A German naval vessel is ready U laud troops at a moment's notice. Tho insurgents endeavored to have Minister Powell recognize them, but the minister refused to do so. The revolutionists fired on the Clyde Line steamer New York as she was entering the port of Samana. The ves sel was uninjured. The Dominican government has ap pointed Minister of Foreign Relations Galvan and Judge George Gray, of Del aware, as commissioners to arbitrate the Santo Domingo improvement mat ter, as the result of Minister Powell's efforts to compel the carrying out of the terms of the protocol. Commis sioner Galvan will leave for the United States tomorrow. It is possible that the insurgents may endeavor to cap ture him. i Terma Are More Favorable to the Uni ted States Than the Treaty With ColombiaSame Cash Consideration Washington, Nor, 18. A treaty pro viding for the construction and con trol by the United States of a ship ca nal across the Isthmus of Panama was iigned this evening by Secretary of itate Hay for tho United States and Mr. Buna Varilla, minister of the re public of Panama, for his government. A Mammoth Holiday Issue. The December Delineator (Christ mast number) represents the high ater mark of beauty and utility, and pessibly of circulation also. In a wo man's magazine, having a first edition A more than a million copies. It con--alns 240 pages. To produce this mam noth edition 728 tons of paper and 4W presses working 25 days were re luireJ. In addition to exquisite coloi vork, cleber fiction and strikingly 11 ustrated articles, the number Include i display of charming winter fashions covering forty-two pages, letters fron. he foreign fashion centres and lllus rated articles on the fashionable fab ics and trimmings, millinery, etc .here are many beautiful art features, .uiong them four pages in colors rep esentlng Babyhood, Childhood, Girl hood and Motherhood the work oi ,ernard J. Itosenmeyer. For the chll iren there are entertaining games anu jtories, and for the housewife man practical suggestions in cookery ant ther departments of the home, for th hrlstmas season. A Narrow Escape From Death Mr. Itufus Horton. his son, and three grandchildren who live in the House Jreek township, Wake County, narrow y escaped death by fire Sunday night, i hey were awakened by the falling ot turning timbers above them. They has ened out of the burning house and sav ;d only a few garments and their .eather beds. It is supposed the house ;aught from fire in the kitchen. UNION OF GROWERS OF TOBACCO. Representatives of Carolina and Vir ginia Form an Association. Danville, Va.. Nor. 17. Three bun dred tobacco growers, representing 11 counties in Virginia and North Caroli na, met here today and formed what will be known as the Tobacco Grow ers Association of Virginia and North Carolina. S. C. Adams, of Charlotte county. Va., was made president: V. T. Bry ant, North Carolina, secretary. The object of the organization i to de crease future tobacco acreage, keep present crop off the market for better prices and induce farmers to grow di versified crops. All of the counties in the belt will bo organized. President Adams being selected for the purpose of organizing them. Oar morser winninj books, written b men who know, teli you all about Potash T1it are carded by erery man who ewM a fit Id and a plow, and Ho desires to get the most out of them. Tby SrnI postal card, tl Blill KALI WK.a .hw ra-ts ifi , AUaarta. Cm. a. UrmA at, Workier Mfct and Dr. The busiest and mightiest little thine thin? that ever was made le ir. King 'a New Life PHU. The pills change weaknesa into strength, Played William Tell. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 17 William lngraham, an eleven-year old colored boy, shot to death Mary Chiiders. a ave-year-oia colored cniid. m Floyd iwtleasness into enreyt brain fag county, playing "William Tell." He into mental power. They're won dered the child five cents if she lerful in building up the health ould let him shoot an app!e from her 0n,y 25c P8 koi. Sold y drug- lead. She consented and he fired iway with a double barreled gun and ilew off the child's head. Unlucky Thirteen. "Why must a Jury consist of just .welve men?" "Because that's the law." "But the law might be changed. There ought to be thirteen men." "Why thirteen." "Because twelve is too lucky. The juilty usually are acquitted." St. louis Post-Dispatch. -OUTHEUX UAIMVAY 8PKCIA1. RATES, TV7 aTL n 05 Raleigh to Hljrh Pulnt. K C, a d .return acquit We-terr Xorta Caro i a 0 nfeience M. E Church 8 ofh. TicketK on sab Nov 9 10, ii, final limit Nov 20t-, 103. M.aOKalelgn to Wilmlnffton, V C. and rt turn a. cou'f t Wi mincrtoi Poul rv Hv w. Ticktfi on ga' Dec 13 H 15. 10 and 17th. fn Lost Reason After LaGrippe. Daughter Had Fre quent Spasms. Dr. Miles Nerrine Cured Them Both. Dr. Miles' Nem is a specific for nww A.Mifdrrx. I rtseves tbe cisk and ?evu a tpeeiy ana pracect care. "I feel it ia war ity to let y taow tiit oar me4iMcs k cored me 1 t:,e iMia, &LecaiaesceilLvirgurm "ClH1- Oar fraJy dxV-r aa4 Ke wil 4Qtw tittm U.I h did bcC "e tj4 ktr t another rL c;a ho k! er tiaaOtvas tpt.ttiC hu in a rcJi focra. lie 4i& tvV a.Urf-r. SLe aervuas lU MaU htrdJy a!k. A 1 h i ttUj aaa4 Dr. MUe Nerin aaJ lotisi t m faW ramtay (ar mjie i 1 commenced liVT' lt. ft "V cti1- 1 avc bcr ,c 1 tpt Rfs el ISe IfarT-.ce and oce oi the likj-l rarlJar. Tkatwaaever !w years ago and a kae ml b4 as stuck :nce e con caac4 aka trtttment Wiie la no longer treakled with ceruaacu and we cmtder mm yarmaneRtl cmi! I enclcae fcer ytQ. tare. My Biatber-ia-law lot her mvn and was incase for ikree raoctha from the ef ec! 4 iGrtppe. S i fettles oi Dr. M Je' Ner eine cured her. My tuter has also taken it tor sick keadache with sood reaulu. We all thank yam very tniKh Tr tout rood medi cines an4 kind tiwicm, I don't hiek there is any otker median half o rood. I icnJ my daufhter'a pkotorraph eo that you may K wkat a iweet Lit) rirl he out in Arkanaaa." M Ha.n.haU BakkkTT. Spriardale, Ark. All drorr?it aell and piarantee firt bottle Dr. M ilea Remedi-a. bend for tree tok ?? rrvo?? nd Heart Diseasea. Addrea Dr. Mile Medical Co, Elkhart, lnd. DISaBTROUS wrecks. Carelrisncn is roep nelble f . r If tbe Hahy UCuttluff leth. iv su'eand iij'e that old a d wel -trier e!ify, Mh8. Vv i mow aoomix. I"tki l, Mir t'M'urfii ireiuuijc i Mioth-- list cnild, Mften- tne fi.njf auays all pain, cures wind colic, am s t' e let r-iiiMy f- uiarri-Oia rentj liv-ceins a bttle. .Vlurdered at Prayer Meeting in Ken tucky. Alplna, Ky., Nov. 17. At prayer neeting last night James Sbulton, Aged twenty-two, and Dennis Hayes, tgud twenty-six, engaged In an alter ation, when Hayes drew a knife and .tabbed Shelton in the right breast, .helton died In fifteen minutes. Shel .on begged Hayes not to kill him, as he aad nothing against him. Hayes is a cripple. Why? The last Democratic Legislature de feated a "bill making vote stealing and oribery felonies. Why? Graham Trib-ane. Because He Was a Democrat. The Democrats had a colored man on their ticket in Buckingham county, 7a., and he was elected. How come? Graham Tribune. We suppose the work on the State Capitol will begin after the next bond tsue provided the State is able to float another loan. Shelby Aurora. m&aj a railway wrck and thi anao cauMs making beman wrek. of en fiVrs frm Thrnt a d Lung lr uble. But since tho ivfnt of Dr. King's New Dis iery f.r t?oneumotion. Coni?hs trains arrting WI mini on be- nd Colds, even the worst caes for n . n tbo 7 h. final ilmi-I an be cur. d a d hooeJefs rsl D C 20 h. 1 ft on is no lonr n.ra,arr. Afrj , Is Crape of Dorchrater, Mas. is ne of many wbo life was paved by Dr Khga Nw iiinco.ery Cbls geat re n.i dy is guaranteed for ill Thtoat and 1 ue dlseasB ry til Drugg s's. Price 50c, and $100 'rial bott'es free. DOESN'T RfcWEvT OIi AGE I 's rhfmif iul wt n youth fails t "how pr p r riLMCi for o;d ace. out ju-t to. ( n r ry in the case oi Dr Imii-'o N w L ! l'i it. The :ut oft ii.rt'ari!. !' u:ativr hov ever Hi) ' n t fii-M-tive of old agt-. ')y:p ikiH, J.nUnlllCt h' M't CO- ttipan- n A 1 v i. ii n hi perfect riii. ul tny Drug &iott. WILL INVESTIGATE. A rema kabljj ca comes to ight at El.zaio h, V. Va. An ola nan tntre by n. me of G. W rioberts bad long SutTorcd wi h in jurable Cancer. Everybody te loved his case hopelers until h ted Euctnc Bitttrs a.d aopllet iuckl. u'h Arnica t5a vh. The treat lit-nt cured Liir c mpletelj. Nov ve.ybodv wbo k os of it is in vreBtigatiOg E.ectdc Bitter-. 1 xer s a mUnty powr tj ex:e o.l.ousnrte, Kidney and Liver trou i ch and it'd a wonder ul tonic fo unuowa t-ysttms. Dju fail tc ry it. Ouiy 50'. Satl.fattioo guaranteed bj all L)rugg ats. 7 35 R 1 fgi to fir erviro, N C.. and e ura eccoant N-rih r ,lina 1'onfern ce A. M. E Z .i ( hu eh 11 ket on silo Isov 23, 2L 25, final limit Dec. Is 1903 i;545 Ka'efgi toMaxtyn, N C. anc return account Centra' Norr Carolina C nference of A. M. E Church. Tickets on Pale Nov 17, 18, 19. final Ln it Nov. 28; ., 1903 52 50 RaUigh t O.ldsrj, N. C, a d re urn accmn; or-fcren- M E. ''bnrch Sou h. Tickets o 8 .le Nov. 23, 24 25 26, and 27, ttal hmit D c 7tn 19i-3. U 70 Ral igh t 8 uth Bi-stou, Va . and return account Anruil bes sion Virgin a Confe nc M. 1. Church Ron. h (nonr) Tl ke on sale No. 10 and 11, final liml Nov 19th, 1903 U50 RaMgh (o Durhvu, N. C, and return fcCcoant Meeting B.p '1st and Mis imar Conven ioi of North Carolina. SOUTHERN R. R. In effect OctoVer 11th, 1903. This condensed Fcbetlule is pub lished as information and Is sub ject lo change without notice to the public. TRMNS LEAVE KA LEIGH, . C. 12.50 a. m. No. HI daily for I Greensboro and local points.. Carries Pullman sleeier Goldsboro to Greens boro, connecting at Greensboro with rain No. 39, Atlanta Express. Pullman sleeper and day coaches for Vtlanta. No. 33, "Florida Express," or Charlotte, Columbia and Savau- na Pullman nleerjer to Jackson Tlckfttsons leNov 8 9 a d 10th, vllie. Port Tampa, Charleston and fin 1 limi Nor. 17ih, 1K)3. AffMta. connections for all noint in $5 05 RaUigh to Winston Salem, Florida. No. 37, "Washington and Southwestern Limited," solid Pull man train drawing room sleepers, A Ready Answer. His Mother If you really were it bunday School, as you say, it' very stange that you smell so fiahy Hobby 1 guess that's because th-e-sou was about Jonah and tht whale. N C , ar d reurn account Anuu Conference Methodist Pro estan? 16, 17, 18. flna limit Nov. 25ih, ' N Yt New ri AlemphLs 2q03 ' connection is also made for Winston- "D, . . VT " , 4 , Salem, Wilkeeboro, Danville and 2nd rl nr 11 l N La , local 6:30 t. m. No. U2 and re urj account American , - , . . . . , . . Econom c and Hist.rical As.o for Go dsboro and local stat- ci Uion. Tickets en sain Dec 25, lOD8: connecting at Goldsboro with 2Hand2?th, final limit Jan. 5th, Atlantic Coast Line for Wilmlng- 190J. ton, N. C , Wilson, N. C, Tarboro, For farther par iculas call on w C" Norfolk, Va., and immed- iny Agt. f tho Sou. horn Railway I stations, also at Goldsboro with NEW. JOB OFFICE! Sow T pc, new Presses, new Machinery Generally, Ail I the very mweM faces Imlo! of job. typ It ha. Wn ald lhrv -U t-olLIrg tew utcr tb .Ua.- bet oaf outfit i nc frum garrvt lo o liar, auJ e rrujJy ocjy tha? rrrj brt Workman Known to tho Art OUR PEICES, While not the LOWEST, tie m low aa good work c. U dot ft. Evo y thing Dono in tho Job lino From a small VbUting Card to a Mammouth Poater. Pricw and otnpJw furnished on application. CARROLL Si CARROLL, r i j. j v 1 1 ACADEMY OF ML'dlC ULILUIMi. RALEIGH. 1ST- C- I vn occa.. 4r Ripnn.t Tnbule taken ionally will keep tile body clean within, resulting in a healthy and pleasing appear- It is a 5cnsiblc plan ,0' to keep the body up t the hi'Ii water mark of good health all the time. The person who uses Ripans Tabules feels good all 2? the time, thev revrulate the bowels and keep the stomach in good condition, and when the stomach digests the food properly, the chances of get ting sick are lessened. The little five cent cartons hold ten doses and tl convenient to carry. ALL DRUGGISTS 71; 'ff. a a, r -J Till SjrtU Carolina r addrts? "Terence, what is tb doctor'a diag aoEig of your case?" "He hasn't told -me yit, but I'm bettin' it'll bo ir'ry cint iv tin dollars." Chicago Tribune. "How can you tell, papa, when peo- COLOMBIA BEGS PANAMA .a mrm w lin 5n -ociatv?" "When ' TO COME BACK their diamond art genuine and their manners are not." Life. The New Republic Turns a Deaf Ear to All Offers Made Her. Colon. Nor. 17. The Panamaian Commission. composed of Senors Arias. Morales and Arosemena, which left Tanama yesterday to meet the peace commission from the Depart ment of Bolivar, boarded the Mayiow er today and held a short eoaferenee with the Colombians, who only repre sent the Department of Bolivar and the Governor of that department and who have no credentials from Bogota. The Colombians asked the Panamaians if they would return to the Republic of Colombia, assuring them concessions and considerations on the passage of a canal treaty. The Panamaians replied that they would not return to the lie- Carrying Pullman Sleepers, Cafe Cart public of Colombia, and declared the Mn. T... O'H. Branch I'aaara Away. Mrs. L O'B. Branch, died at h r home in this city Monday after noon, bhe was the widow of Gen T. E. G&ux, C. T. A.. SEABOARD A1K L15E RAILWAY. Atlantic and North Carolina Rail way Jbr Kins ton, N. C, Newberne, If . C, and immediate stations. 8 40 a. m. No. 107 daily fir Greensboro and local station?, con nects at Durham for Oxford. TTend- fiTATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Courses Literary, Cjiiti ?ricil. Cimicgl. Dj-imtis 8:Iea?. .S:laa-ll Manml Traiaiij, I'ilii'Icil anl M nlc Give courses ieadiu? t D; pi ti h. A lvaiceJ courei leading to D- jrreej. equlppyJ rra?tica and Ob;rvatioa 82iiri. Facultr nam- I 1 f ( I . t I 1 .- f. - m . . erson, neysvill ana Kicnmond. ru, uumry, miun, am i ir nw oi iixi ojoxt, ic.t At University Station for Chapel 100 a year. F.jr n m redden of thj S lata f 160. Tr!fkh anaaal sea- Hill, dally except Sunday. At lon tx?Ktni fc2p:e'nt-r i , u ) . ri e:ur3 burl ia ti armltorlea Greensboro with train No. 36, P 1 Iree-tutloa app'icatioa-i s;i ul J hi milibjfjre Jalr I5ta. Corr Short Line toprindpal altiea of the 8oaih n i 4oat twest. Fior d. Cnba, Tzaa, QtU 'ornia and Mexico, also north and north-1 mIT H fool Xf-tl fnr l.r0.k:nfr.,n I nanlence invitl from th-i dirinr ci:nnt(nt tMhpri anl i!iinnrn . . . . . I awa L aaavjw aUMti aV W. V V arA I a mml I ' r w - - ww-w- I 1 f) T MA -v rf-. a- ntirt a--r r l 1 I 1 r 1 fall a - .- a ... I " I ... u. yj u.rumu, Qiawn, Daiumore, rm adeiphia an( alj points North: Pullman draw- nPr- w cialnui anl othr inf i.-mitl ia a llri the battle ot bharpsuurg. ew ico. Boston, Wnclnnati,Chicao, lo- fnc-.-m alar-r- tA Vo V-t iui av -j i a-v. t v rr a vi aav as va Information Want d. By the average Democrat t know where his party will be ''at ' In thejiext campaign on tlte lao ing iuts i.f the day. Shelby At-rora. 44T .1i. fit I nnia V.i.k!. . V - 1 i -i i il.-j ri- 4: !. A rt ... a vv insion-CMuem, inocKsviiie ana 10 iJ stations with train No. 7 for High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and local stations. CARLES D. McIVER, IWiient, Greensboro, N. C. OPERATaS Double Daily Trains James l lloiporlli, , V bole a e Factory RepresrD-atr e PIANO, ORGANS AND SEWING MACHINES. Trains lea re Raleigh aa foil wi: So. 34. Northbound. i :2j a. hS, ".iB"Akd PxraBa" ro Norfolk. Ptriujoiiib, kiiibmond WaoMn n, Raliim re. I'hiladel phia, New Turk, BoaVm and all points N o-tb, Northeast ardNonh- Wtit, l;15 A.M. mSbaboa Local lfaiL Fur f'oijiTa from ttaleifh l'ort-fuoun, urlinaau KtrnaiMna assurances came too late, as Panama's position was so advantageous and strong that they could not see any rea son for chansinsr. (a la carte) and Chair Cars (sca free Electric Lighted Throughovt SCTWItN Blrmlnghata, Memphis and Kansas Crt AND TO ALU POINTS N Texas, Okl&hoaa and ladlaa Tcfrttafkt AND THI Far West aad Noriawcst 1 MB ONLY THROUOM 5LEEPIN0 CAP BETWEEN THB SOUTH BAM AJU KANSAS CITY CUBAN BILL BEFORE THE HOUSE. It Will Hold the Floor Until Thursday, When a Vote Will be Taken. Washington. D. C, Nor. lC.The House of Representatives began the consideration of the Cuban reciprocity till today. Mr. Dalzell (Rep., Pa.), re ported a resolution providing that the hill rPnnrt e fmm t Via ravt nA nana r.l.CLAna.Taav.Paaa.Att. A want- rVtvM .wm- j m iuu uicaua " committee should be considered to the' exclusion of all other business until 4 o'clock Thursday when a vote will be taken without intervening motion. Prices range from $12. up to T60 Carpenter Organ8", Newman Bros., Organ", 50 Styhs and Maks Write for Cuts and Piics. aehlnes 812.50 to S-"5. isial prices to dealers. All good TWrfotWa llteratnre. tickets av snipp-a irora raetory. tnged and through reaexvaUo&s aaad Qid Instrnnat nta taken in ex hang Von application to I.T. SAUNOtRt. Qcsj t et. P CM for newr ones. J. W HOLllfGSWQRIH, LOUlSBLRG, N. mmm m ka liami n A I VV. I. MUnULna aearsonts Magazine and The Cau Mil Aft Passange Divtsa ! cJkoiAN one year for $1.25 is -you ATLANTA.. QA. I ojder this month. 10:10 a.m. No. 108. daily for U GoldMboro and all local points ; con rurts at Helma for Wilson, Ita?ky Mount and all Eastern North Caro lina points. At Goldsboro for Wil mington, Kinston, New Burn, N. 0. connects at HnderoB (or Oxford and Norfolk, Va., where cloee con ana eiaou wn a. u,; a porta nectloa is made with Chesapeake M mouth Norfolk wivh A. E. 8Wm-1 . . - ... , 1 em for poiuto Kortb asa Uorto- Mg for Baltimore and all other ry No. 66. , I sW P m- No. 135, dally for ll;60 A. M. mSxaeoabd Mail" fob 1 3reensboro and immediate station?; Ricbmoi d, Washington, Baltimore I connects at Durham for Oxford rmiaaeipnia, aew xor aua kos- ciarksville, Keysville dally exevp- n a f .. . ,..r;r"- -'J I Sunday. At University Statioi. .jt k& mm a .J a aa ( u i-aaij m.jrtm mm aru aiiiu . t. at Wtshl if on wi b I for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday P ny aaiaail B. A J. for ah I At Greensboro with train No. 2 V 0,l,4- for Columbia, Angusta, Savannah -aw dm, m mm a a I iNO, di oouuiDOuna. Charleston, Pullman sleeper and 5 AM. ' SrABABD Exraaa fa first class coaches Washington ti Obariutte, Atlanta, C umba. Char-1 Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 4U. S leeion Havannah. Jacksony He. Si. Fast Mail" for AtlanU and all point A lltmitin. 1 m m nm anil all nnlnl. I and !sn Th.: m" south and southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birminghan and New Orleans, day coache? 4:00 P.M. uSsABOAai Local Mail" I WaAhlmrton to New Orleant. il " V . A A. . II ' vuinuiw,ai;auHi sou ai. u cai i ith nnTfK hrmn l trains Kn 1 an, lliinta. at Atlanta fn- all I WU" DOrUl DOQni trains 20. J4 an poinK.aoutti and Sauthwi. 1 38 for Washlngt m and all point No. 27. I north. Pullman drawing room sleet 6:27 P. M. "Sbaboaeb Mail" Mi era and obserVUion car to Nev Southern Pine,PinehurBt, tlant I York; connection is also made a Co lumbia, harl-aton, HaTannab ( Greensboro for Winston-Salem an jacasonviue. Tampa ana an polo 1 t Q-,,hnrv Mpmnhf, Rnuth and Hraithur-.t TikTa. At I at BailSDUTy tO MemptlK - sale to all points. Pullman berth. 50 P- m No 136 -Uy re&erred. Tickets dedrered , at c I Goldsboro and local stations. b gage checked frt m Bote? am O. H. Acker t. General Manager. '"" wIiuUuexW.carlTr I W. A. Turk, Pass. Traf. JUnairer. TTP-TOWM TTPITIPT ni?i?ini7 I S. H. Hardwick, G. P. A Wash ingion, u. j. n U i:n4.-o 1' 3i ,J n il I ciuuu, x.x. A, triune. V ' , . V E. Green City Ticket Agett. rwffiW 11 : . 1 1 ee in Yarboroujh Hoo Build- rw sm r a ivir' LL. . L il:t M 2 iii & C K fltb-f frtoafla.) Urn t W ar asxVma u tntrGt ftfrt bum tL ruar lout ta Aa JS -btbiJ bdrtTtisbta' to 4o Ula cjvlcaif aa4 1 STtL Will ytm tirtr bn r- a4it fma 4ta I m1 rUtlvo. nr to aU I -r- i dinner F ti Ul ri Hed it. Timf tint aad lAAnrna Mwdnti mmm am ttixrn of rrrwltr, aa r-mrm L'Z tut t m mm4 tfTmm Tnmrj. Wb. w bvrortv4 thm mmammj tmm aa MAV ' f 1 . i-a - 1 - . - ttjrn. d th moiry . w !U rtthn( aaf faraaar war mm TourtnorMfnirf mi aiaa Mwott aaaa wmm m DaBiuaiiy oai3 ih i.mwi.ihs or mrx. w imn :y mm mmw mw. olne C 111 X a. aod tea Wlullr lr4awrt mm mam a It: ail wa to do I t .Ww it to yor frw4 a4 aN MUrwH to yna trtmt t cnrx. J ir i I uof ra4t all aaf w-h. kill Jn ril i'hi iinif. MtBf CfcT alabt taM tHmt. Lte XKW YORK. JILDHAL ASVOCI ATIOX, epl. Ill Uravd mr, 2fw Vorftu PtAffOS, GHGAHS A!I0 SBIlfiG L1ACHII1ES Oil FTJE TC'lll! IISBtC elegjuit canuzr dprjght puno.si2S. ELEGAflT PARLOR ORCAXS, 25 UP. Varrastad 23 Tears: ELEGANT CEJfTURT SEVINQ BACHIKE3. BALL-EEAR1SG. lit. aest ea frets trial. CASH Oft EAST C0MTHLY PATCSXrfS. Vttmt South and Southwest. No. 41. rF) Hal C '""i (y-V I E5 aKala4la ta at RfTE FDR FREE CATALOGUE. CENTURY WF'C CO. rXo.701 in CASH OR CREDIT. Cata logue FREE av jb m m pmcE 8335-2 It till pay yecs to lotroa Ho. C, qaotk&3 imoesi on Utter Hfinies.eta We e&U direct our Facto rr to factory raoeo. This L Baggy only Ca&SQrQr-h uontuy. Faymamtav wo honest people loestcd fcx cllcszta ot the world. fWrtf for Pto OrMIrja ocanca TO3 PAia. Car JTUHV ZZT'G c.

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