m CAUCASIAN: H VOL. s'XI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26. I3 NO. 1 .a 3 MAKING pOGRESS v Good Work BeinDone By Philippine Colonics REPORT MADE BY COL. EDWARDS He Says These Islands Will Mke a Most Interesting Showing at the St. Louis Exposition. Washington, Special. The develop ment of the Philippine Islands during the past year, together with a review of pending questions of Importance in relation to the archipelago, is contain p 1 In tho annual report of Colonel Clarence R. Edwards, chief of the bureau of Insular affairs of the War Department, made public Sunday. The n romplishment of greatest Importance t i the Islands during the year has been the successful launching of the new fiy.al system. By January 1, next, the new system will he In complete opera tion. The new circulating medium : (insists of 1X.000.000 pesos and frac liMial silver coins and 10,000,000 pesos in paper money. To establish the new system and purchase the silver for (;irng isuues of bonds were made of ?:','Mi0.riO0 each, both of which were sold at a premium. The proceeds of th" File ftf these bonds were deposited an i drew Interest at the rate of 3V per if.it. so that the government actually iii.i 'e money by going Into debt. (Nlorud Edwards emphasizes the ne-ccs:-.ity of a reduction of the Dingley taiiff intes for the encouragement of trade between the United States and tho Philippines. There is an active de sire on the part of Philippine commer cial Interests! he says, for tariff con tentions, and the report states that the rumo desire also has been evinced by .lie same interests in this country. The chief export:; of the islands to the I'nited States are sugar, tobacco, hemp and coffee., The latter two commodi ties already are on the free list. The educ ation of Filipino youths-in the country for the purpose of making 1'ifin the future teachers of the native si hools of the Islands has begun under an act passed last summer by the in sular government. Ninety-eight young Filipinos are now ou their way to thi3 ountrv for that vmrnose. They will ! intend the grammar schools of south ern California during the winter and in the spring be distributed through the Mi'Mie-vvest and Eastern portion of the Vhito(i States for further instruction. 'loni Edwards optimistically pre di ;s thaf. the Philippine exhibit at the St. Ixml Exposition will be the fea ture of that show. There arc to be sorm thing il'e 1.200 Filipino partici pants, and every phase of lvitlve indus try and domestic life in tho islands is to by represented. Co'ombia V-ry li tter. Washington, Special. The press of Colombia continues to severely criti cize and denounce the American gov ernment for Its action in isthmian matters and the recognition of the Republic of Panama. This is shown in a dispatch received at the State De partment, late last night, from Minis ter Peaupre, at Bogota. President Roosevelt, the United States Congress and the American people are the tar gets of violent denunciation. The min ister's dispatch makes no reference as to the time when he intends to leave Bogota on the leave of absence granted liirn by the State Department. No un easiness is felt by the Department for the minister's personal safety. Ciftlng Mill Wages. Boston. Special. A majority of the cotton mills of New England will be operated under a wage schedule ap proximately 10 per ceut. less than has been in effect for two years. In the city of Fall River alone. 30.000 opera tives will be affected and in the State of Rhode Island not lcs3 than 20.000. At other points in Massachusetts. Con necticut and New Hampshire, the ag gregate of employes whose wages will be reduced will be several thousand. At other cotton mill centers a reduc tion will take effect a week later. Disit-ous Storm. Berlin, By Cable. Communication by telegraph, particularly west of Kan over, has been interrupted by a gen eral storm. All of western Europe is at present only indirectly connected with Berlin. At Frankfort-on-the-Main all street car traffic has been stopped and trees have been uprooted. A new four story building with the surrounding scaffolding, has been demolished at Chemnitz. A tug sank at Emden. one man being drowned. Several lighters were sunk on the river Eras and it is believed that numerous lives have been lost. Seven passengers were seri ously injured by the derailing of a train at Zehausen. Nice Home Purned. Lumberton, Special. The elegant residence of Mr. J. A. McAllister was destroyed by fire Saturday night. The origin of the fire was a defective kitchen 'flue. When discovered", about 0 o'clock1, the roof of the kitchen was in a blaze, which rapidly spread to the main portion of the house, In spite oi tho faithful work of the fire company. Only a small portion of the furniture was saved. The insurance was $2,500. Want's Army Post. Washington, Special Governor Hey ward, of South Carolina, accompanied by Major Mcah JenUn3, collector of Internal revenue, George Huggins and Representative Lever called on the ITesident to urge him to use his influfi ence to secure the establishment of a. rncy post at Columbia, S. C. Later in the day the delegation bad an inter view -with Secretary Root on the mr? iue.stic:i. No aeciaion has yet tccu i&Cbtd rcgTtTilCf th cutter, APPALLING ACCIDENT Terrible Loss of Life in Railway Acci dent In lillnolf. Peoria, 111., Special. Thirty-one men were killed, and at least 13 injured, in a head-end collision between a freight train and a work train on the Dig Four Hailroad between Mackinaw and Tre mont Thursday afternoon. Bodies of 26 of the victims have been taken from the wreck, which is piled 30 feet high on tho tracks. Five bodies yet remain buried under the huge pile of broken timber, twisted and distorted iron and steel. On a bank at the side of he track lie the bodies of the victims, cut, bruis ed and mangled in a horrible manner. So far only 12 have been identified, the remaining bodies being unrecognizable, even by those who knew them, and are aware of the fact that they are among the dead. All the dead and most of the injured wero members of the work train, the crews on both engines Jumping in time to save their lives. The collision occur red in a deep cut at the beginnig of a sharp curve, neither train being visible to the crew of the other until they were within 50 feet of each other. The en gineers set the brakes, sounded the whistles and then leaped from their cabs, the two trains striking with such, force that the sound was heard for sev eral miles. A second after the collision the boiler of the work train engine ex ploded, throwing heavy iron bars and splinters of wood 200 feet. Federation of Labor. Boston, Special. The American Fed eration of Labor disposed summarily of the "open shoo" issue as raised in the case of William A. Miller, now em ployed in the Government Printing Of fice at Washington, and the Miller case itself, by unanimously declaring la fav or of the union shop in government, as well a3 private, enterprises, and by pe titioning President Roosevelt to re examine the evidence offered against Miller, and if verified, remove Miller from the service. Although the reso lution adopted presented the Federa tion s views on both "open shop" and the Miller case, the issues are kept en tirely distinct. The re-examination of the Miller case is not requested be- case Miller i3 a non-unionist, a cir cumstance formely urged as a reason for his removal, but because the Fed eration believes Miller "is totally unfit to be in charge of working people." The Miller resolutions declare that "Miller has been proved in affidavit aud court recodrs to be a bigamist, per jurer, defaulter and one totally unfit to be in chaige of working people." That he has violated civil service rules and the revised statues, all of which de mand dismissal, aud that his retention in government employ is a menace "to production of creditable work because of dissatisfaction with his methods as foreman." Three Killed Ey Explosion. Kalkaska, Mich., Special. By an ex plosion of dynamite in a burning store at Sharon, near here, three men were killed and fourth so severely injured that he may die. The fire oroginated in a general store, it is supposed, .from an overheated stove. The blaze spread quickly and in the excitement of the moment, every one forgot a quantity of dynamite stored In the building. Reciprocity Bill. Washington, Special. Representa tive Williams, of Mississippi, intro duced a bill reducing by 20 per cent, the duties on all articles being the growth or product of such "tin tries as do now, or may hereafter, admit na tural products of the United States to their market free of import duties. Cableg-am From Gudger. Washington, Special. The follow ing cablegram was received at the State Department Wednesday morn ing from Consul General Gudger, at Panama, dated Wednesday: "There is a good deal of excitement in Buena Ventura, and some feeling against foreigners. The Colombian govern ment is said to be considering a land invasion of the Isthmus. Prof. Bassett Resigns. Raleigh, N. C, Special. Prof. Bas sett, occupying the chair of English at Trinity College, at Durham, has ten dered his resignation and the trustees will act on it Tuesday night. Prof. Bassett's resignation is due to the fierce criticism of the press on his ar: tide in The Atlantic Quarterly on the negro question, In which he stated that Booker Washington is the greatest man, except General Lee, born in the South in a hundred years. College patrons were threatening to withdraw pupils and Methodist churches were demanding Prof. Bassett's dismissal. Another Serious Attack. San Domingo, Republic of Santo Do mingo. Special. Wednesday at noon another severe attack was made on the city without effect. Th rebels, had many killed and wounded, but the government losses are small. The fir ing continued during the night, the in surgents using heavy cannon. The situ ation here is desperate. The poor are fnfferine for the necessities of life, and the prices of provisions axe rising. The sanitary condition of tb city is gocd, however. SERIOUS CHARGES Preferred Aj aiost Geo. Leonard Wood BySubordinate. MAJOR RATHBONE HAS HEARING. He Says General Wood, While Gov ernor of Cuba, Accepted Money From Gamblers. Washington; Special. Major Rath- bone, formerly director of posts In Cuba, was given a hearing Friday by the Senate committee on military af fairs, which is investigating the charges against General Leonard Wood. Major Rathbone filed specific written charges with the committee. He al leged that Gen. Wood, while military governor of Cuba, had accepted money from the Jai Alai, which was, he said, a gambling concern, and asserted that he had made a personal friend and boon companion of an ex-convict. He also charged him with giving instruc tions of an entirely unconstitutional and un-American character to the courts. He also charged General Wood with authorizing the use of ex-parte deposi tions in the postal cases, a proceeding which he asserted is contrary to law and the principle of law, and in this case contrary to instructions given by the Secretary of War. Major Rathbone charged that in ac cepting gifts from the organization commonly known as Jal Alai, to which Major Ratbbone said General Wood had granted a ten years' exclusive con cession. General Wood violated the Foraker law, -which prohibited the granting of franchises or concessions. Other charges were made against General Wood, as follows: With complicity with another army officer in the preparation and publica tion of an article reflecting discredit ably upon an officer who ranked both of them, in violation of an accepted canon of military service, and consti tuting an offense commonly known as "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." Wih directing and causing the audi tor of Cuba by a military order to vio late the law in the treatment of ac counts. With utilizing the services of an ex convict in an effort to displace his su perior officer, and by such means to secure to himself the vacancy thus created. Major Rathbone offered to produce evidence and testimony In support of these allegations. flenace to United States. Washington, Special. It is learned here that the situation at Bogota has assumed a critical phase, as far as relations between the United States and Colombia are concerned. Minister Beaupre, on the 16th instant, was pressed very strongly by the Colom bian government to kwow whether the United States intended to recognize the new Republic of Panama. It is un derstood that the request was in such shape as to constitute a menace in the event that the recognition had been extended. Bank Closed. Washington, Special. The Farmers' National Bank, of Henrietta, Tex., has been closed by direction of the Comp troller of the Currency. Miller Weir, national bank examiner, has been ap pointed temporary receiver. The bank's capital Is $50,000, deposits $103,191, loans and discounts $172,145, surplus $2T,0E2, cash on hand $34,149. Hurrying Gun Boat to Colon. Washington, Special. Orders have been issued at the Navy Department for the preparation for sea service at once of the gun-boat Bancroft at Pen sacola and the gun-boat Castine at the League Island navy yard. The first of these boats in.readiness will be dis patched to Colon and the other to duty in the waters of Hayti and Sail Domin go. It was reported to the Navy De partment from the Norfolk navy yard that the cruiser Olympia will be ready for sea about December 5. It is in tended that she shall proceed at once to Colon as Admiral Coghlan's flag ship. Two Men Killed. Roanoke. Va., Special. Two men were killed and another seriously, if not fatally injured, in a head-on col lision between two Norfolk & Western freight trains near Matewan, W. Va., Thursday night The dead are: En gineer Lewis Tarrar, married, of Bine field; Brakeman William Penn," of Biuefield. Tarrar's body was partially cremated before it was recovered. Baseball Leagua. Savannah. Ga., Special. A confer ence of the ..Promoters of the South Atlantic Baseball League held here J Wednesday made -arrangements for the meeting to be held here, Novem ber 24, when organization, it is stated, will be perfected. Ted Sullivan will leave to visit the several cities that are to come Into the league, and is em pewerad to act for the promoters, CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. The Cuban Bill in the House Goes to the Senate. Cuban Bill Passed In the House. The House Thursday, by a rising vote of 333 to 21, passed the bill to make effective the Cuban reciprocity treaty. The dissenting' rotes were about equally divided between Repub licans and Democrats, but there was no record vote, the minority having too few votes to order the yeas and nays. The Democrats, under the lead ership of Mr. Williams, sought to the last to secure amendments to the bill in accordance with theaction of the Democratic caucus, but were defeated steadily. Mr. Williams made the final effort when he tried to have the bill recom mitted to the ways and means commit tee with instructions to amend, but a point of order under iha special rule, provinding for a vote on the bill with out any Intervening motion, was sus tained. Mr Cannon received the applause of the Democratic side wlien lie enter tained the appeal from his ruling, made by Mr. Williams, the Speaker saying he preferred to err, if he erred at all, in giving the House the right to ex press its will. The appeal: was tabled bj a strict party vote. In th - Ssnete. The Senate held its longest sitting of the session Friday, beginning at noon and concluding at 3:15 p. m. The entire time was consumed in debating a motion to defer the Cuban reci procity bill to the committee on for eign relations. The political line was sharply drawn in the discussion, the Republicans advocating such refer ence, and the Democrats contending that the measure should go to the com mittee on finance. The motion pre vailed with out division. The debate served to bring out some incidental references to the merits of the bill and while it was in progress Mr. Teller took occasion to correct published reports that he has hope of defeating the bill or that he intends to unduly obstruct its consideration. Messrs. Allison and Aldrich an nounced their willingness to have the bill go to the foreign relations com mittee. But they united in an expres sion of opinion that such reference should form no precedent for the refer ence of revenue bills in the future. Mr. Allison denied that there was a pur pose of revising the tarff by recipro city treaties. Messrs. Bacon, of Georgia; Bailey, of Texas, and Money, of Mississippi, on the Democratic side, advocated tho reference of the bill to the committee on finance. Mr. Bailey said that there was quite a probability of all tariff legislation be ing accomplished by reciprocity trea ties and it became important that the finance committee should control the pending bill. Mr. Bacon said this was not an iso lated case and for that reason was Im portant. It was a question, he said, that would largely relate to the su ture action of Congress.- Mr. Bacon said that as a member of the commit tee on foreign relations he had been the author of the provision requiring the "approval of Congress'' on the treaty, but he said he had not believed the language to be correctly used. On the contrary, he considered it quite absurd to suppose that Congress cpuld approve a treaty. German Steamers Not Stopped. Washington, Special. The Navy De partment has received a report from Admiral Coghlan, at Colon, replying to an inquiry whether there was any truth in the report that the German steamers Markomana and Scotia had been stopped at Colon by American men of war. Admiral Colghlan states that the Markomania stopped off Col on on the j-oute to Cartgena. The Scotia arrived about sunset three days over due; was informed that no armed force would be permitted to land, but the vessel was not interferred with and only darkness prevented her getting alongside the dock at once. Southern Railroad Merger. Thomasville, Ga., Special. T. Jeffer son Coolidge, president of the Old Col only Trust Company, of Boston, and H. Atkinson, his Southern representa tive, have bought the stock of the Tif ton. Thomasville & Gulf Railroad, heretofore owned by tre Georgia South ern & Florida road. This is under stood to mean that the Tifton, Thomas ville & Gulf will be merged with the Atlanta & Birmingham. The date on which the merger Is to be effected, it is understood, is December 3. when a meeting of directors will be held here Quarantine Against San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas, Special. The official proclamation of Governor Lan- ham, raising the quarantine against San, Antonio, which has been on since October 23, went into effect Thursday, and the towns and counties all over the State of Texas have been lifting their local' Quarantines. Train service will be resumed on all railroads tomorrow. The proclamation of Governor Lan ham states that there Is now no yellow fever in San Antonio, no case having been reported for 10 days, and that the sanitary condition is perfect. Trial5 Postponed. Washingtoa, SpeciaLThe trial of the postal cases of August W. Machen: former general superintendent of the general delivery system; Samuel and Dillon Groff. of, this city, and Dr. and Mrs. George E. Lorenz, of Toledo, O arranged to begin in the District Crim inal Court here, next Monday, has teen postponed until January 11. Attorney Chase. A. Douglas, counsel for Ma c hen objected to the delay but ths court granted the request of District Attorney . Beach, ou the ground thai the latter was not ready to' with me ealet ,w A NOVEL PROCESS. Yoaoj German Restaurant keeper Selected. EAR GRAFTED ON MILLIONAIRE Three Hundred Applicants ho Were Willing to Srll an liar for $5.ooo. Philadelphia. Special. Dr. Andrew Nelden. of New York performed the operation of grafting an ear upon the head of a Westers mi.lionaire. whose name, the surgeon says, he is under bond not to divulge. The operation was to have been performed in New York, but District Attorney Jerome is said to have interfered. Mr. Nelden U said to have advertised for a man willing to sell an ear tor $5, 000; and of 3o0 ap plicants he selected a young Gerraan. who conducts a restaurant in New York. Dr. Nelden said: "The operation has been performed, and promises to be successful. I am under legal ocntract and heavy bond not to reveal the nam'1 of my patient. "Generally speaking .he is a wealthy man from the West. How he lost one ear, I don't know. It appear to have been cut off with a sharp in strument. I believe he says it was ac cidental, but I never asked him .0 ex plain. "The operation took place at a pri vate hospital here, where I wa3 as sisted by a Philadelphia physican. think they will be willing to have their names known later. "The two men were placed in oppo site directions, upon an elongated bed. One-half of the volunteer's car the upper half was cut off, together with about four inches 0 the skin behind the ear. "This was twisted around and fitted to a freshly prepared wound upon the patient's head. The half ear was held in place by bandages, and the two men bound so they cannot remove their heads. They must retain this position for at least 12 days to allow the cir culation to come through the flap of skin that still remains a part cf the volunteer's scalp. "If this half ear starts to unite prop erly, the lower half of the ear will be grated in the same manner." Recognition Denied. Washington, Special. Tho revolu tionists of San Domingo applied to the State Department for recognition by the United States. The application was presented to the department by J. M. Giordan, who represented himself as the provisional agent of the revolu tionary government cf which Gen. Jiminez is the head. The State De partment has declined the recognition, informing Mr. Giordan that it had been the unbroken policy of the State Department to recognize only defacto governments and if Minister Powell, who is ' on the spot, finds that the revolutionists have actually estab lished a capital and opened ports and is able to protect life and property he will recognize it. Millionaire Dies. Roanoke, Va., Special. George W. Palmer, the richest man in southwest ern Virginia. mea weanesaay at Saltville, of pneumonia, aged 61. He panie to Virginia from Syracuse, N. Y., before the civil war. started to work as a clerk in the big salt works In Smythe county, afterwards becom ing sole owner of the plant. He re cently sold an interest for $1,000,000 cash. He owned valuable property In New York and several other States. He is survived by one son, Charles Palmer, who inherits the entire for tune, estimated to be worth 14,000.000, The Treaty S'gned. Washington, Spec ial. Secretary Hay and M. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, the Minister from Panama, at 6:40 o'clock Tuesday evening signed the Hay-B; -nau-Varilla treaty providing for the construction of the Panama canal by the United States. The ceremony 00 curred in Secretary Hay's study. Hearty congratulations were exchang eJ and it was agreed that the news of the signing of the treaty should be kept from the oublic for the present President Roosevelt wa3 immediately advised of the signing of the document and Minister Bunau-Varilla sent s confidfiential cablegram to his govern ment stating that the treaty had been signed. Boll Weavil in Mail. Washington. Special. Acting Post master General Wynne Wednesday is sued an order directing a rigid en forcement of the section of the laws and regulations which absolutely pre eludes all reptiles and Insects from the mails. The action is the result of reports that specimens cf the Texas boll weevil, an insect very destruc tive to cotton plants, hive been found In the mails. Solvation Army Council. Chattanooga, Special. The annual council of the Salvation Army officers cf the South convened here Tuesday, representatives from ail stations south of the Ohio river being present- Tee sessions will last three days, bein presided over by Staff Captain Berry man. assisted by officers from the North and East. The Salvation Army headquarters and hotel was dedicated Vdneiaay. LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Manjr Matters of General laterest la Short Paragraphs Down la Dixie. Roanoke is in the midst of oMejt over a rearraa cement of it city ward. Milk !rkss caused a ounbrr of ieath lu Tennessee. John Wires, a IlilUboro tVa.1 boy. was fatally tabled by his s hlma'.e. Hti:r.phry Potts. Norfolk Mctali:s are stirred us or the Virginia Conference trly. t:oa r-gardins transfers. Th? Mayor of Newport hat surend- e! Chief Stow, of the Fire Ivnart- rcrr.t. Six m-n wr.-e killed near New Hope. Kr.. in a collision between freight trairs on the Ixmisvll'.e and NashvllU railroad. President Alexander, of the Hrag and Northern Railway, declares $200. H"0 of Its securities were Moler. from him at Dallas. Texas. At The National Capital. Little Is scheduled for the Senate to do until it leceives the Cuban bill. President Rosevelt is trying to har-mt-nize his party leaders in the matter of hi Panama rolky. The Cuban reciprocity bil was re fercd to the committee' on Ways and Merits of the House. Senator Hoar, (Hep.. Mas.) intro duced a Mil "providing home and employment for the homeless tK-cr." The House minority will suppoU the biii making the Cuban reciprtKlty treaty effective, but urges amenl- ments. Geneial Crozicr. Chief of Aruy Or dnance. alls attention to the lack of sencoxst defenses on the insular !.- sessions. Politicians in Washington aie m sbierini; the availability of Senator Gorman as a Presdeutlal candidate in view of the result in Maryland, where the nesrro Issue was the leadimr one. In order to avoid friction the I'nit'-d States has offered warships for a met- ng between the Colombian peace com missioner and the Ianamaians. I'x-Reprcsentctive James A. Norton. of Ohio, says Democrats of that State favor Senator Gorman for the Piesl- dential nomination. Senator Mr Comas. (Rep.. Md.,l in roduce.l a great number of bills, one f which provides an appropriati-.m of $:j.5o:,000 for lmprovinz the Pa- tapsco river. At The North. The lia?l!st Congress In Philadelphia ended Its session The City Hall demonstration at Chi cago strikers met with no results. Methodists at Omaha appropriated over $700,000 for foreign mission. The search for Rev. Joseph Clrri- gcone was continued In New York. Wages of 2-1.000 cotton-mill opera. tives in Rhode Island are to be re duced. Senator Reed Smoot. of Utah, denies that as an apostle of the Mormon Church he took an oath of any sort. Contracts for building five light ships were awarded the New York Shipbuilding Company, of Camden. N. , at a cost of $S2.000. It was reported in Pittsburg that the Ro kfellc r-Gould syndicate had se curedcontrol of the Steel Corporation and was after the Baltimore and Ohio and other roads in order to central tiansportation facilities to the coast. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union convention asks the right to cen sor the shows on "the Pike" at the St. Louis World's Fair. It is feared Rev. Joseph Cirringone, pastor of the Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception, at Williams bridge. N. Y.. has met with foul play at the bands of the Mafia. .n explosion of nitroglycerine In Philadelphia wrecked a house and led to the capture of a gang supposed to be safe blowers and postofflce thieves. Mrs. E. DeWitt Walsh, a prominent society woman of Monttlair. N. J., in dead from a bullet wound inflicted by herself under mysterious circum stances. The United States Circuit Court or Appeals at St. Paul. Minn., decided that the Tobacco Trust might charge what it pleased for its products. r "tn Arrots The Sea. M. Combes spoke in the French Sen ate on the Teaching bill. A dirieiblc balloon of Lebaudy broth, ers mad? 40 miles in OS minutes in Fiance. The daughter of Henry lAbouchere was married to the Marquis di Rudini in Rome. At the first public consistory of Pope Pius X Mgrs. Merry del Yal. Callegari. Ajutl. Tallianl and Katschrhaler were made cardinals. Russia and Austria threaten danger to Turkey unless the Macedonian re forms are carried out at once. Mifcrllrneous flatters. The world's sugar production for 1903-04 is estimated at 10.423,800 tons. William Ziegler. the New York mil lionaire, was indicted by a Missouri rand jury for alleged conection, with bribery. President Roosevelt was ctitised at the convention in Boston of the American Federation of Labor for hit stanc' on th "open-shep question. TLe " Benato Military Affairs com mittee has held up the nomination of Leonard Wood to be a major-gen eral, pending an inquiry into his mil itary career. The Virginia Senate appointed a special steering committe . to take charge of revision bills. Reports of the Virginia conference r.howed 4.200 chapters and 0,u0 members of the Ep worth League. Archaeologists discovered papyri m arly 1.S00 years that art saltl to re ccra aiay lariflci or Jttai warm. Wi tan in he nits 1 Newsy Its m s OUaa4 Fr- Murphy te riaat. J 1 avammmmi,i,iimsjnr.ttrT", The Roll Wratll Joker. The CotbtulMt-ccvr;- vt Agrtcultw tail rrrcUsl tbe folio laf letter from Actinc M-oera! Sor-Helen Jet Alex arJrr Grant. cT the railway mall rr icr; "Permit tr,r arknovlotlf T tript of jour letter of tie Zk fast. aJdr tLe Iotmatrr O-orral. and by Lira referred to tbU oflce. la LUh pretext is ra1e rrcardia lae admission of spec ins es of the Tela to!i mtvUl to the mails, an 4 to rply to ame stale that this matter U fully coerr. by tte tuiTrct postal la and reRu?ati't;s. huh absolutely ex dude all lUMxts and ipul frou th mails A general order was Issue V the Postmaster General, under dat ! the Klh lnt. tallina Attention to nction lt rf tLc !tta! laa and regulations and to the fart tha til must le rlshtly cforc-l It U boptsj thl will rac.t th- enl sought by j out self anl other who bate written rcrtl inj; th nn.- matter.'' lomraiioner of AfCrb ulttite PattefM.n. speaktnc tf thiN matter. ald he Loj-1 rrbo4y in the State would t- on the 1 lookout for perou nenditse boll weevil lnt North Carolina. re;tort such cae promptly, aud sev that then- are prt cutious of tLe ender. I ire at Wllmiacton Wilmington. Sj ial. Kite, whub 1 rtAe t.Jt from an unknown ourre, eaily Thursday mortiinc. In the naval stole rd o ft!.- I Mcllarbern Comiat:y. the w et side ff the rler. opjKfite the tlte, Uetroyel l-etwr?! 3.000 -u4 !..." batreU of rosin. longing ti Patterson. In!njc 1 Co. and the Mrllatbcrn Company. an4 about l.So" ru?s tie h longing to tfc B. U. Keith Compxuy. The loss mU protulily arKtegate t.Io'. whUb U fully c.vere.i .y tnnutauce. Harbor tug and an etirlne. sent oter by the city fire dcpartiu'nt. rendered timely ai-'.nnc. and saved a large ware house on the giouud. in which spirit turjwnline a stotel. and a schooner. ling nar the whaif. oade with 14. 0 cro-s tie. Affray at 5alisbury. Salisbury, special A brief but !! ly affray took plac e on (ouu II st.-ert near the pMnger depot. While walk ing aloliR the Mret with two xm I anions Douglas Brown, a young whlto man. was attacked from the tear by another young white man. Frank Sow ers, w ho approached on tip to al dealt him a heavy blow in the back. Sowers tLn took to his heels across the street. Brown firing at him three timeH with a pitol t-fore he gained the tafe ide 01 the opposite fence. None of the shot took effect, lloth men Wf re promptly arretted, but were released uin giving cash security for their &;i-araii e. Prevented II scape. Conc ord. Sp- lab By the timely In vestigations cf Jaib-r Robinson, an at tempted escape of a prisoner. Felli Holt, by name, was prevented. Felix Holt wa iniprUoni-d in one of the front roorus. and when discovered had already rawed one of the bars across the window in two. The instrument used was a saw ten inches long. It M-c-ms that the prisoner bad the saw n bis pocket reveral days. Just bow he came into poieion of the saw U royfttry. unless it had been smug gled into his room by hit wife, who was in town a few days ago. making sundry purchases'. Holt Lad been sen- fenced to the Kang for seiliog whis key, but w-a in Jail pending an ap peal. State Notes. Mr.. Leo. I). Hart, of lUltigb. has been elected president, and Mrs. Franklin McNeil, secretary, of t the Johnst in Ptttlgrew Chapter. United Daughters cf the Confederacy. Tb chapter will celebrate the birthday of General Robtrt K. !.. January lth, that being a State holiday, and CapL. S. A. Athe will deliver the address. On that day cro--i of honor will Le distributed. Wilmington. Special. Owen Haa ley, a young farmer living near wi tic Haynes. thU ctxanty. was crushed to death under train No. 42 of the At lantic Coast Line, as it was passing out of the yard In this city. Hansley was late in reaching the station on his return borne and came down an em bankment, and ran up in front of the train as it was leaving me siauon. tie attempted to board on? of the ears, but in doing mo he tad miscalculated ' the speed of the train, and was thrown under tte wheels. The remains wer taken to an undertaker's shop, and are being prepared for shipment to his home. J. P. Caldwell. Jr.. son f Capt. J. 1'. Caldwell, fed iter cf the Charlotte Ob server, ecmraitteed sulcVle last Wed nesday eveuing at his none In Char lotte. by schooling himself. . . The substitution cf gasoline boats for sailing craft Is being rapidly made In this section. Several commodious freight boats using gasoline aa the mo tive power are now making regular trips between New Bern and Oriental Vaactb&ro. Beaufort and SwaasUir-, New Bern Journal. i r

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