THE CAUCASIAN! lUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TIIK CA JGahIAN PCB.CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oae Yer. . Sis Motiki, Three MosUfes. . .85 LAWLESSNESS WAl.KKII T11K STATE LIKE A PKiTlLEJf CE.M GOTBRNOR AYtXKJK STATED M1 INAUOURAL AIiDItRM THAT (J5DKR, AND TIf KI.MFOKE 11 Y IX PLICATIOX IN CO.XiECiUKNCE OF, FUSION RULE LAWLBttaNE WALK ED TUB STATE LIKE A FESTILENCB, CRIME STALKED AIIROAD AT NfK)N DAY, SLEEP. LAY DOWN WITH At ARM AND THE SOUND OF THE pistol was more frkquwft than the sond of the mocking bird." how stands tub case to day Governor? Haven't the acts of three red shirt lkoislaturhu and more than two years of your own beneficent kulr pabhkd into uwtory since you proclaimed the foreooino? When you are cavorting over t'ue stats w hoofing fdr educa tion and roads don't you hear of more crimes being commit kl in north carolina than ever beforb and do you continue to ATTRIBUTE TUEBE TO FUSION RULE? THE INSANE SHOULD HE PROVID ED FOR. An Inaano person was brought to the asylum in llaieigh last week but the patient had to he taken back home as there was no room in the asylum for another patient. There was room in the asylum at Morganton but they had no money with which to ft d and clothe moio patients. Wouldn't It be a good Idea to abolish three of the Superior court judgeships, which were created for party pets, and abolibh the ollice cf a few extra clerks and appropriate the money for the care of the Insane of the state. As it is now many of the Insane have to be cared for in county jails and classed with com mon criminals. It is enough to make some people go craay to sre how their money is rnt by the democrats at the pie counter. IWCRKASV IN CRIMES IN STATE. Aycock and Simmons should try to stop this grsat increase in crimes In our state, especially as this Is not campaign year. and there is no need for lawless redshirters to terrorise the state, There docs not eecmvto be any reason for this great increase In crimes In the state under demo cratic 'good government," unless it was the bad precedent set by the lawless redshirters that paraded this state in 1898 and 1900 in the interest of the democratic machine and ths protection by that machine of democratic registrars from justice who had been accused of bU aling. If Messrs Ayccck and Simmons would canvass the state and tell these eame men that the "nigger" would get them if they didn't do abetter we are sure that the number of crimes committed in the state "would greatly diminish within the next yean TILLMAX, 8IUUONS A MOB RULE. Senator Tillman of South Caro lina, commonly known as pitchfork Tillman, In a speech he delivered in Savannah, Ga , last Friday night, said: "What others are going to do I know not, bat in South Carolina the white man is bound to be on top, and when other method fail Ihe shotgun Is In" reserve." When we first read the above we felt like criticising Tillman for be ing willing to resort to mob rale to carry out his wishes in his state, but upon further reflection we realised that this was the game principle upon which Simmons and Ayctck got into office In this state so we leave Tillman with his South Carolina as we have the same troubles at home upon which we can spend all of our criticism. Another murderer was acquitted at Kinston Sunday. If these demo cratic courts would put some Popu lists and Republicans in the jury box It Is more than probable that some of the criminals would be at thn penitentiary making brick in stead of turned loose on the public tp do more " devilment." f. news' List week wr IhIchI tint in mi-o erlnd (1-1 from tho jenliri:iiy. either !y p .Ion t r olh.r i-p, w.thin a wpk, a iii our r wa hardly off ire p f hi tH'nr anoli r isont-r had inad hUccaie from the initfi tiary. The Shelby Aurora makes t! e the r.llo lDK pertinent obeervation: If the Ihinoerafs In Conre? wniti 1 ! Mitnsthinc fl besides obstruct legilatien, they could ren der their coun'ry some wrvice." Georga White was In Washington some days ago, but if Mr. Francis D. Winatsn accompanied him It was not so stated In the prass de spatch t-a. Was it necessary to crtate three now Judgeships on account of ths great Increase in crlmts under democratic "good government?" WITH IKE UW MAKERS MEM RFIt. HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED lO THE DIFFERENT COMMIT TEH. Mr. Ilooarelt Seems to b tba Cholea foi President Among the Republican a wbll ih Democrats Seem to be for Hentof Uorin&n. Washington, D. C, Nov. 23, 1903. For The Caucasian. Congress has been busy during thn week that has just pissed afgign log members and Senators to th' different Coram! Urea. The work ol a Congress is ab ut all dore in the Committee roonn and merabershij on the important committees meam much to the Senator who really de aire to il l somethii'g for his State Senator Overman has been placed oi V e Committees in charge of Fores It servations and viU thereby b enabled to do good service in seur ing favorable action on the Ap palachian Park measure h is t come up apain. The public wes surprised at th announcement in the pa tiers las1 week that two of the defendants i the Post Office fraud cases had btei acquitted. These wire Miller ant J hns. Miller was formerly an A.k s'sant Attorney in the Poit Oftic Department and Johns was a prom nent member of the liar of Indiana. They were tried at Cincinnatti Ohio. Many believe it will be hard fr the Government to co ivic any of the defendants as k muel depends upon documentary evidence that it is hard to make out a case ol Kullt in which there is not reason able doubt. Everybody is interested iv the ratification of the treaty with the young republic ot 1'anama. A North Carolinian, II. A. Gudger, i the Consul General of the United States to this country and has been given quite a deal of publicity by the recent happenings th' re. There is a great deal of discussion going on among democratic mem bers of Congress as to the proper man to be named next year for the PresMency by their party. If tie members know the sentiments ol the people of their Slates, Senator Gorman is far in the lead. Among Itepublicians it is generally supposed that President Roosevelt will be nominated without opposition. There is a belief, among some, how ever, that there are certain interests which will insist so strongly for the nomination of Senator Hanna that he will be prevailed upon to seek the nomination. BUTLER AND GLENN. Candidates For Gorernor On a Mlaru e I'latform-Sweat and Abase Ag-slnst Lio!c. The following article under the above caption appeared in the Hickory Times-Mercury Nov. 18th. The other morning while on our streets, we picked up the following letter : My dear fir: Doubtless you have seen in the papers teat I will be a candidate before the next Demo tic State Convention for the office of Governor, and I write this letter hoping that I may obtain yoi r help in securing the nomination. For twenty-six yajrs I have actively fought my party's battles against Republicanism, Butler ism, and mis rule, heJiKid as a member of the Sta.a Senate, tu franid the Const! tutlonal Amendment, and then did all I could. for Wklie Supremacy,' and deserve no thanks b.nt won Id, , as s mark of the people's confidence, 1 ask the position sought. Will y u please let me know the feeling in T your eection towards me, and what' support 1 can gei7 i win apprer date greatly your aid and hope you can seaa me tne names or gom good men to Whom I can write. Please keon mA nAsfn 1 no tn ii o nn tJ look. Thftnkin,vnnfno,lvn,.rtr.,r,OV?r-Wrki.n2.Jri Piping thick. any help given me, I am Sincerely yours, Jl. B. G LEX X. We publish It as newa and for comment. It wont be news to ma chine democrats : for. doubtle&. I every one of any note, has received one. Some have rec ived them I wno are not for Mr. Glenn. They ; ikin 1 La S A a a a imua. uo uugno io nave snown, or puoiisned that letter ha claimed be by audrugpstsififty had from Mr. Cie velar d sayinz he cent and one-doKaratz- wa fnr fre UX fA i w.r M' T" ay hfv a m . v .v. a. iutj think he ought not to say "Re- publicanlsm and Butlerism," aa i other smart Democrats call them one " -;--,- -r,-zz -r and the srae thin? In this section. Thy think, if Mr. Ulenn did ocly his du'y, tneu hrh aid not charge for it. Th-y lr.jnfc Mr. U leu n should jJml LoiMt .Jg In the legislature that raed the amendment; for every n e running lor that legisla ture fa;d on the stump, that it was a lie that tbeyvintended to pas such a law said it was a IJutler and Re publican lie. Then some democrats think Mr. Glenn diJ wrong when he allowed his party to discriminate against both the prohibitionists and liquor men in helping to pa.'s the Watts law to shut up the still in other portions, and at tr:game time, Incorporate one or two stills in Yad kin county. We think th8 Democrats should nominate Mr. Glenn. They just as well pay him fordoing hi duty as any one else. Then ue think the Republicans ought to nominate Marion Butler asrainst him. since Mr. Glenn's party hs diefraiKhbed the Populist party in the State, so that it can't nominate and run him Cnen we could have a joint canvass, qramons and Aycock, yon know, efuseed to meet Butler and Dr. Thompson, because they did not r - tgrilz- any party but the Republi-j an party. A puny excu e. AmV the negro Is not lu P, Mr Glenis ou'd canvass the State without a ed shirt band like Mr. Aycock ha i'hen Mr. Butler could canvass tho tate with him, without being nreatened with death, met with red irts cr rotten eggs. White men ere promised that when the tegroea were taken out of politics hev should have th ricrhr. tn differ a politics. Then thev could dlscu s!n 1 I f equal rights to all and special tj Wt I 5 1 Art ri ft in w. n h . I 4 . . M vhites voting, to taxes, and to pro j tibition and to liquor. It would do is good to hear the joint discussion. ! t would be ''sweat and abuse' (gainst logic." Now we have given his free notice so that all the people ould consider the matter, and not ; be few who are supposed to yet tand with the party machine. All ou!d like to hear Mr. Glenn and Mr. Butler discuss "Republicanism, iiutkrbm and Misrule," and high ixep, discrimination, etc. ANOTHER RAILROAD WRECK- ' wo Men Killtd and Three Irjured in a Wreck on Balaam Mountain. Asheville, N. C, Nov. 23. By the wrecking of a ireight train on the Murphy branch Sunday night two trainmen were killed and three iijured. The dead are Engimer Guy L. Moore cf Asheville and Hrakeman Charles Porter of An drews. The injured are Conduct tr 1. M, Boone of Waynesville, a nephew cf J. P. Kerr of this city, Fireman R: M. Fortune, a brother of Law Agent Fortune of the .South ern, and Flagman G, W Killiam Oapt. Boone was bruised about Hie head, as was also Fireman Foitune. Mr. Killiam was slightly bruised it.out the body. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an ugW ci1: ot the 1 g of J. B. Orner, Franilir G ove, I I It devtloped a a ub or. ulcer unyielding lo doctors aim! re ra dies for four y an. Tfe n H k 'en's Arnica alve cured I 'sju s g od for Burns, Plra, !Sk Erup ions and Piles. 25c at ar j Drug Store. ROBERT H. McNEILL Ailornej & taelltr at I n, Office in Bond Buji.dixr, washington, t. c i..,-lv.v.v,..J J. C. Prilchard ) Will prosecute jcs-sion and p'ent claimp, represent dfendm'a Lwjore the Honorable Coii.u,iiorer of Internal Revenue, and ir.aae c ! e -i tions from various .Depart men's of: the Government, vp ciaiy tor j PostmasterB and U. S. Comma sioners. OTCrTork Weakeivo Your Kidne3.7 Unhdaithj Kidneys Make Impure lilocd. Ail tLs b)ood in your body ptS3es througli your kidneys once tvery three minutss. The ki4.;ys are your blood purifiers. ty f',U ter out the waits or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or put of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, ache: tnd rheu matism "come rom' ex-ces-! of uric acid in the bbod, due to'nelectd ' k5lnt7ouble Kidney trouble causes aujck nr .mt., . heart Jbets, and makes one feel aslhouSh .-.V.x. 1 , . . - . : V hey hii heart trouble, because the heart is poisoned blood through vejns and artjeries. It used to be consicered that enly urinarv troubles were to be traced to the kirfnuvt hit now modern science proves that nearly all eertaijjytional diseases have their begia m'r?5 In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidnev The mild ind c extraordinary effect of Dr. Kamir'a ?UtRZll vonderful cures of th west distressing cases v- m . and is sold cjj js merits -fZ'fr tarrmir rv-vtt if. riv mai n . . i mas free, also pamphlet telling yru now io find out w yu have kidney or u!s!der troutla. jj (aTwTsV "' '-' '" a You Can No. Box Wb?n I was firet marrteJ Bealth war gra4ca.i? U and irritabla, anrt was la dara cf ar noath. aa4 Mr iutbasa bad tba teat his medicine tor urarlr foar I orac. ioA t-m atraAgtX asxt BeCired; XI Cedar Terrao. my naa avail. - A f.-;r.l whi was rallinj oo ma b-xxj-ht ana a bottle cf Wlaaof Cardai and was a k ad ta its praise that I loU an taat I woulJ tasa n i paaa nar. I was aarpn.l an Wp'aaaed ittat before better, ae i fciou asiofit. Kigai bottles breefbt aak nsr oat b:tb r aiek Say in sue Bntba. Vrt. Fiuieaa kad little hope ef relief because she knew tbat rrrry time ska ka4 those spells ef aaeastrmaJ suffering with attpoiant Learing down paJaa she was weaker. A a 4 erery monia the pain was growing more srrert. Bat Vrt. Tinnefsa was cared ky Wiae ef Cardoi. the it sow so well that there arc few wesaeai whe weald set be glad to hare the health he has. Ab4 mj wssua who has those dreaded bearing mowa pains can hare the sajsve relief. Te eaji he iree freta enatrual irregHlarities if yra take this pore vegetable wiae. Why dea't rem take it wkea yea see what it has dona f or others T tecare a kettle a! Wiae ef Cardai today. Tear iragf ist kas $1.00 bottles. Thert'a no satisfying peoplw with the we t her even in the next world tt wid probably be too hot for some of 'era. Er, Nothing hai ever equalled it. ! It INothinecan ever surpass it. r Dr. lings Men Discovery For. owstrif ptiojt Frlca Mc S UN Vulus A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troublca. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. I. Agency it an admitted fact tbat Gpfi-i b r-) ia rapidly forgoing to the f wist nd in a very short time will re t a lead Ins; city of North Carol u n Her Railroad fscilitks ari u riirl(assed In ths State, end vhoiw is a c -nstant ttflux of capital eriip!i.d n It e Various kinds of a'Mifacturing.whUh iscon.tastly n y th population of the ( py, en l rrat damaad fr real has ben created, and ths property s eosatantlv ; anfflnc hamtM, tmt considerlsg ths mar velous growth of ths City, the prios i ha kopi on a reasonable basis. rersons desiring to invest here tan make no mislake, provided proper taken in locatioa and prita of p pi rty. Ws make it osr susi ;a to kaep a Tlgllant watsh ovar U irr.en 9t of our tusfcmsrs, and iro ii portion to save you money, s xf k-p ported on value in sity ud n- rbv it rming roper y, and 1 d TOO in tnvotiiacr vnnv -il whsre it will bitg yos quu k. and Htiafaedry return. I'nmiponditte soliit-d. When youars in ths Ciry wr xtfpd oy.n a co dial invitaiion to v it r ur offlee, Ro m JKo. 6, OTftr Pykea Drue Biore, Greensboro, X. C. SRT WBERRY PL NTS dl)c f nrjfit Stork in ttf (Uoris. Kcurlc 100 bartttiw. t.aras-u nu rancy starlet Al.ohie ptng'sretie Also MUIT TlIPR sr f-lL Mfi 1 IU RIODPIS AT UNfll t c.Le nAUS will save Tea half i,,4'as orabarel. XZV" ' Kl,,trfc' kl Deestrnaa. rape vises, (Dnr 12D page JUaxnsl, fese ts turrs, rnabitf svsrQbobQ ts grow t!jew tsith sncratss s profit. All planfai werd to sarry asros sa c - it n-fti irrsn a wesn uf i;iUa ii a ad eitttoe-ne free nn1w U roe want a cttalogae uf 9hippirf VarieWss r muc; uaruen Kinaa Oromintntol plant o., HOW IS YOUR SOLE? If your Shoes need rrpalring bring them to me. I guarantee satisfactory work or will ask no pay. Will call for and return shoes in the tiay. J. H. Peavis, The Cobbler rr i. tlJ. , , I ucc 1U .uuliUng orcupiea oy jup- .church and Holder, on Salisbu y St. rhone 81. ' 1 SJ. -A. M K Jl My MXTHI.Y IMCUTSI ts Ha eejr Mrs, b. KQWAjr, mwnSr& a CHlCHBarr 1 1 KK u CIS ' BHOLUII rm mm rtMn. Tak 4har. I IIMHM m SlaU. IT trt TiiilM nhii ii jT I Dnnin. M Estate Mik Walker I Bala SraM, A&-, Apr 3, IKS. JJ f I 1 1 n4 that t f auencta aaJ Ml latiaiaaiaf. I UotM nervous I sr- l MM be a weak aa4 aosaetlara tea fi a bad iottM baariadowa tiaa. kJljtr'7ALl pkyairiaa for fa aal I cmh! Al ' jrZZt I bad csej t ae botUa I realij fait f - fZ. -f m 'tf f? eCLyVW Taaasoaaa, Sr. Axoasas' Soocarr. TO SUBS0H1BERSI Don't you want a good literary magssise for yourself and family i read ? If so, you can pocure PEAR SON'S MAGAZINE for one yai together with THE CAUCASIAN fr ore yiar for $1.50. Tru j-rice ! PEARSON'S MAGAZINE ia SI.Oo per yeer, or 10 ren's jkt copy, an' oannot b wcond for lesi aryuhrre Th Ls off r applies to oJd sub-criUr that y up an 1 renew, as well a to the new subK:riterH. Any of oui readers that would like to havt "Janice Mer dith," a beautiful htory of the Revolution, by Pan? Ieicentpj Ford, can vure it with THE CAU CASIAN an 1 PEARSON'S MAG AZINE one yemr for the aniall sum of $1.99. The p-ice of "Janice Meredith ' alone i 50 at all bookstores. If you wish to tak advantage of thin offer, end in yotu subscription at one, as the uffei my be withdrawn at any time. Add res, CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., RALKiaif, N. C. OUR GRAND CLUBBING OFFER- Now is ths time to rend In your Subscription to the Caucasian and gf t the ad vat tag of ou.- grand clubbing rates. ITs will send Th Caucsia5, Atlanta CoxsTrrnTiON and Tbe 8unkt Potjih ail one vear for $2.00 By order! f tw tlrpe at onr yon get ths SUN Y POUTH FHEE, It Is published wetkly and Is fu'l of g...od Southcn Stories bv Southern authors, including Storit a for ths young as well as for the olicr em. s. Order at Once. And get thres papers for the price, ef twe. Address au orders to CAUCASIaH P01 CO., Raleigh, n. c. THE UNIVERSITY OF H0R1H CAROLINA ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW, MEDICINE, PHARMACY. fi - l V . 606 STUDENTS. CIS iiiQTciioTnnfl DO IHSIbUCIORS. New Dormitories, Water Works Central Heating System. Library , v,uvu voiumes. - Fall term, academic and profession al department, begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address' P. P. VENABLE, Presidext, CHAPBT, HILL, X. C. ParkerTT HAIR DALOAU une nunareo and eight fcho'arshirH. hostile frontier of the past forty years. Free tuition to teachers and tosoni 'THE REVELATIONS OF AN INTER of ministers. Loans for the needy. ! NATIONAL SPY. z w. cps! m LOADED SlitLIA! o OF KVrUY DKSCIUITION. i-AiuiE-sr stock. si:.m rm c.vTAUHicts a i-mnw "ALL RIGM1" COOK S10VI:S, HEATING STOVES. HOU-iE FUKNIIIINU I.COIV. TIN WARE, PAINTS AND OILS, BUILDING MATERIAL EvcrylhiEg in Hardware Found al Oar Sore. Oo-xls shipM wme diy ordeml. (CJr-en Tis ling Stam glv o uith cash purchsHs ) SIGN OF THE IIOlthK BllCl Hart-Ward Hardware Company, Su vectors to Juliu IuU Hsr lware Cit KALKKUI, A. C. Raleigh Marble Works jl I i . t s. - - m 1 A REAURKABLli BARGAIN A yrnrV stil scriplon lo The Caitasian A year sub . ritiii to Paro' Matrazine lour crjoica or any one of the following? Uoks originally Issued 1 SO " J?' ank R. Stockton. rvn iuvk. j LUUniHT. "An intensely patriotic tale." says the Outlook. One of his best. George W. Cable. JOHN MARCH, SOUTHERNER. A. celebrated atory of the South. Edward Egleston. THE CIRCUIT RIDER. 'Fresh and rlTid portraiture,' the Christiaa Union. says E. H. Hornuns. THE ROGUE'S MARCH. 'A noteworthy addition to romantic literatara." Chicago Tribune. Blanche Willis Howard. THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 'A fascinating, powerful novel." Bos son Beacon. Richard Harding Davis. GALLEGHER AND OTHER STORIES "Gallagher" U she asory that maJe the aitbor famous. Robert Louis Stevenson. ST. IVES. His last and oae of his finest novels. Thomas Nelson Page. PASTIME STORIES. "The old Tarrfnia flavor could not be wed so finer effect." KOTB. The aoceptacoe of this offer not only secures tbe publications and books mentioned, bnt it aiso entitles you to tbe prir liege of busing for oae year boolas at discount prices. As this plan Includes practically the entire fic tion product of eyery Amttrican publisher, the magnitude of tbe proposition is readily apparent. A FEW WORD3 ABOUT PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR 104. Pearsoa's Magazine appeals to every member of the family. In the words of a subscriber, "It is the easy-to-red Uagaxine." Following are four of the special features for 1904:, WALL STREET METHODS OF "FINANCE." By Henry George, Jr. A number of true accounts of some of tie Wall Street "deals," MODERN INDIAN WARS. By Cyrus Townsend Brady. A brilliant and thrillinar ntnrx nf th ----- t-j " ' Which ran in Pearson's through the first s:x months of 1902 will be re- aumed in January, 1904. Subscribers to this combination who want mere than one book from above list can add 49 cents for each book required. Send your ordera to THE CAUCAS! AM PUS. COMPANY, RALEIGH. N. C IF ANTED KVKRAT. PKRSOV8 cftiharactef and eopd reputation lp eah bias.e (one in this cou y re qui ed to represent aod adverti e oM e.-ttblished wea thy bntineis honse of solid financial standing Salary $21 0 wetkly with expenses addi ionai al payable in ash direct everv Wednes- aay irom bead oftjeea. Horse and Carriage furnUb-d when neceasarv. References. Enclosed self addressed n velope. Colonial, 832 Dearborn at. Chicage, CDS. GCSS! XI Jji LOADED -SlfEl L-! 6 o o 0 o o o o o o o o 6 o o 6 Sliipnicnts made to any part of the Sthte at s?mic price ls at mio i W30WU IV3EWTS JOOIi:it Illtow.. lrirlor. Rahigh, S. C. Hhen writing ti advertiser! ironti.n Ue Caticasim Fend for Catalogue GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES You will find them at RALEKiH, N. The Bent Lino of SIhum in the City. All Htylrtidf Hat. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. TRY US. 11.00 ft "O J 1 1 for $2 00 THE ADVENTURE8 OF CAPTAIN HORN. "His best work' iJoston Advertiser. Frances Dodsson Burnett. THAT LASS O LOW IE 3. A novel of international reputation. Clara Morris. A PASTEBOARD CROWN. k vigorous asd popular norel of the New York stage. Harrison Robertson. THE INLANDER. 'A novel of remarkable power." Ne York Herald. Arthur R. Ropes. ON PETER'S ISLAND. An exciting Russian atory. Molly Elliot Ssaweil. THE HOUSE OF EQREMONT. 'Romance filled with the two great . qualities of loyalty and love." Ossave The net. THE HEART OF TOIL. 'Not only good, bat eaeeJInUf told " London Dall? Ksws. TOM NACT, CARTOONIST. By Albert Bifslow Pains. Illustrated by tbe choicest of the world famous cartoons. The Overthrow of the Tweed Ring The Civil War Period The Recon struction Period The Greeley Pres idential Campaign, Are a few of "the important headings upon which the aeries of six or eight papers are lullt. PEARSON'S UACAZIMJ AtTDTH( BAUCASIAB. By special arrangements wc avQ lecided. to continue thp offer of Pearson's Magazine, a good one dol lar magazine, and The Caucasian one year for $1.25. This offer will hold good for month of September

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