Ci Vou need light to raise Tobacco profitably. Be sure your fertiliz er contains at least 10 per cent. Actual Potash from Sulphate. We mail free, on request, our book "Tobacco Culture." JERMAN KALI WOBK8. W N mimi, r Tom. 21 Atlantic Goas! Line. Co.NlEXHED BcnirrTjR. Dated May Cth, 1JJJ. THIN4 going SOUTH. No.23. No. 85. So.4 bal.y Datly.baliy. ! mi 1m". A.A1 r..u. r..i. A Lv Wt ld n H 60 b 8.) Ar Ro. ky Mount 1 00 10 83 PM. Lvf" liVi .. I'M ... L Kooky Mouut 105 10 02 111 I Lv Wilmn ) AW 11 10 b Jl I Lv nutria 'J 65 11 ..'J Fytt-ville...4 1 .0 : Ar Flureu-e "i 3) 8.0 I M. AM. Ar OoH.ooro. . . . Lv iniitioru. Lv MiirftiolU . . . A Wnmiuirtoa . . r.M A ' ' ll... T am No. 49 -Uily, I'-.'ivf. It .p7v M 12 6i p. m , Wn oi, i 40 p n , uu d-:., f n. 'Ukq 1m 4 J' to, at it ta luu 6 ru. i u iNci go i nTTkoTT tTT. N ..7& N'J.iO'J. Nn.81 N Lally. L Lv Florwnne .... 10 oj .... 8 ?5 .., L- Fattvll:e.. li 40 .... 10.9 .. Lt isirna U i0 ... 11 .. Ar Wlon 2 67 .... 1- u7 . A.M. Lv WIlmlt'Ktoo Lt MKulia Lv QolUaboro Lt WllMon 8 45 Ar Rocky Mount.. 8 80 7 83 A M .1 11 ii it 12 10 It Ar Taroorn Lt TurooTo . . . . 9 U4 " a 81 Lt Hucky Mouut.. U) ... Uii ... Ar We-ldon,,,.1 It .... 137 I'.M. A, M I T'ala N, 4", doily leav W;ti t05atn, MnKilia 10 1-8 a a, ni- 12 .8 a in, VM'.aou 1 li m. ai.i a r at It. Mitt y at 1 53 t m Carolina Central nawwir, m Sprlng-a with the Red Springs and B more railroad, at Stanford with the board air Line and Southern Rail-. at Oulf with the Durham ar.d Cba;lo Railroad. Train on trie Scotland Neck Iran Road leaves Weldon 3:15 p. m., lla fax 3.29 p. xu., arrives Scotland Ne at 4:10 p. rn , Greenville 5:47 p. o Klnston fi:45 p. m. Returning leavi Klaeton 7:30 a. m., Greenville 8:30 m., arriving Halifax at 11:05 a. u Weldon 11:20 a. m., dally except Bu day. Trains on Washington Branch leo Washington 8 '00 a.m.. and 1:45 p. n arrive Parmele 8:55 a. m and 3:10 m., returning leave Tarmel- 9:16 m. and 6:22 p. m., arrive WaahlnKu 10:35 a. m. and 6:15 p. ru., dally cept Sunday. Train leasts Tarboro, N. C, dat except Sunday 4:35 p. m.. Si day, 4:35 p. m arrives Plvmon 6:85 p. m., 6:30 p. m. Roturni leaves Plymouth dally except Sund 7:30 a. m., and Sunday 9:00 a. m., rives Tarboro 9:55 a. ra., 11:00 n. m Train on Midland N. C. Bran, leaves Goldsboro dally except Suuda 8:00 a. m., arriving Sralthfield C: 10 . m., returning leaves Smithfleld 7;i' a. m., arrives at Goldsboro 8:25 a. r Trains on Nashville Branch " Yadkin Division Main Line Tra leaves Wilmington. 9:10 a. m.. arr'.v. Fayetteville 12:20 p. m., leaves Fayett Till U:42 p. m. arrives Santord 1-. p. m. Returning leav Sanford 3. p. m.. arrive Fayetteville 4:20 isave FayettevllU 4:30 p. in., arrlv. Wilmington 7:15 p. m. Bennettaville Branch Train lavf BsnDottsvllle 8:10 a. m.. Maxton9:0 a, m.. Red Springs, 9:22 a. m.. Parktoi 10:41 a. ra., Hope Mills 1U:C5 a. tn., a rive Fayetteville 11:10. Roturnin leave Fayetteville 4:45 t. m . H. Hills 5: CO p. m.. Red Springs 5:43 p m., Maxton 6:16 p. m., arrives Ben neusvuie 7: 15 p. m. Connctlons at Fayetteville will train KT a If. . i . , .ta.u 9 oi Willi inj Ftueny Blount :J0 a. in., 4:00 p. ra., ar me Nasnviiie io:zo a. m.. 4:23 Spring Hope 11:00 a. m., 4:45 p. m. R turning leave Bpring Hope 11:23 a. m 6:15 p. m., Nashville 11:45 a. ra , 5:41 p. m., arrive at Rocky Mount 12:10 p tn.. s:zo n. m.. flaiiv excem Sundav. Train on Clinton Branch leave Wui saw for Clinton dally, except Sunday :au a. m. ana 4:15 on. m. Returnln: leaves Clinton at 7: OO a m nnd in On P. m. Train No. 78 makes close connectlor at Weldon for all points North dally 11 ...1 , m a u ran via. iiicnmoiia. W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent. J. R. IKENLX, Oen'l. Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. Up to Date. Gate on me, all ye people. For I'm a gorgeous eiht: My dress, a smart creation, This hat is my delight; I lead my brindled bulldog And Just as sure as fate I promenade each evening1. For I'm strictly up to date. And when I o out riding In my new two-seated trap, My Parts gown and hat, so gay. And. swefi imported wrap; ' Of course I have a driver. And a footman so sedate. I know fcj.iu -pass muster," For I'm slrlctly up to date. Sometimes I take my auto Just to cut a biKger dash: 1" people will get In my path They must expect a crash; Ve really can't l.iok out for them As we perambulate. The common people must glvo way For we are up to date. We dash out In tho country To see the people stare; We round the corners with a whiz Enough to raise your hair! ' Our chauffeur grins a fiendish grin, And. awful to re ate. Otjr wake is Pt-ewn v.lth wresliRgc, for I'm itrlJtiy up to date. IS YOUR HEALTH VALUABLE? DUaaae U arwaja a handicap; it onSu mm fr batiaess and pleasure fiCrtimti temporarily titan permanently. Life i a continuous trrjj;e, ana the man or -wora,.. -Slid id witU a Ch roc Ic iTUease ia oatclaited at every torn. la tali u-;e ' !nrp compt;tion. r.o mu i rj l,cp to be ae ( 'jcIr,riood nil TjypPf.?a. I'iseaae r-f Women, etc., end my original raethc ' ji Prf'vtn aucresofttl in even the most obstinate ip. iiuiH.w. viv writ, ruu s nuiitumJ si iAtc pcrft-cti i a jVci.i .,f hone treatment which enables me to core yoa at your own home, ai I h ive t!iotij: li of other. Write me fully about yonr case, and scad for cornplet symptom b:m'. r.yrre?pr nUoiiC.ciaSdtatiaJ. Addresa J. NEWT OX HATH A WAV, M.D- Your Hair sr "Two years 9go my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss minnl: hoover,-Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want lon, thick hair, feed it j with Ayer's Hair Vigor, j and make it rich, dark, : and lv:zvy. i i'.M h L?'.!Ii. All -fnigRlsts. . If your i',rw-. j. t caiusrt supply you, J Bii'l iih in. i! ii ; y r a v.o will express you :i ior,; '. nitre a:il ai ve tlifi nanio of your I.-- ,' ';. :i:'-e. Aiblrf ps, . ' ' ' " ' ( . . "-.reil. M jo, a m t AIo pa nirkneM and zitn-m. nervous ALL lKikii-o r.,iBia. Ha-.M Uett on Litoiu or li' -a l'". 2-c aud ioc a Lottie. F03SEP0WE3 HAY PR SS tn ivueHu auii re iauie. rt. M a . - Vor hullntf cotton and wj't", Writ- lor i.r.fts. 1J..X VI6J. M-nry Cupslanr!, Ch i-tiinoogu, Ttnn. A Hollow Rail. A hollow rail lias just been invented v J. C. Allondrph. The standard o-v in u s'."1 is r 1 f inches hih with t2 inch base, and is solid. Mr. Allen 'orph's rail is 1 inches high, with a f)-inch baic. and is hollow. There is alo a device for connecting these ails whic-h tses the place of the familiar fish-plate. It consists of a ilate 2 fe?t long and 6 inches wide. ani carrying an upright the length of olate, which fits into the hollow of the rails to oomnlete the connection. It is asserted that the danger of spread ing rails will be greatly minimized. The present standard rail carries 90 pounds to the yard, while that of Mr. Allendorph is only 77. At $28 a ton Cor rails this would mean a saving of 517.76 per mile. !t i3 denied niw tht the "Old Cun sity Shop" v I.ondou ha been sold to an American. - fian. Easy to Will probtbly do the work. Bad caief require more. RHEUMACIDI cure by tftting rid of the cause, co that no trace of the disease lineera In the system. It purifies the blood, relieves the inflammation of the kid neys, the chronic constipation, and the catarrh that follows such a condi tion of the system. Though Mrs. Mary E. We.'born. of High Point. N. C. Is 80 years old and hd suffered from rheumatism for 20 years, she was completely cured by RHEL'MACIDE, nnd declares she fceit "years youneer" and is anxious for til h ae suflerine from any of the forms of this dread disease" to try f? HE I'M CTDB ind be cured. RLV. J. R. WHEELER, a noted Methodist minister, of Reisteritowa, Md., wrltrs enthusiastically of RHEUMACIDE. which cured him. Ha il 75 years old and hat been in the ministry SO years. SAMUt BOTTLE FREE FROM BOCCITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS, DALTIMORC, MD. "GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE." r 111 ' PURIFIES THE BLOOD. E THACHER MEDICINE CO., chattakqsba, tekh. I .y .n rPe. I CAHDY ,y7 SjjTY " J . CATUAnTICl GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel trouble, appendicitis. t?!iousnss, tl breath, bad b.oo-l, wind on the stomach, bloated bow-is, f; ul mouth, headache, ir.di3e6tion, pimple, pains o.ter eating, bver trouble, sallow rkin an ! dixzineas. When yonr bowels don't move 'JZStVZ B7? 'Zli' CoJ1n,stiPatlon rrcr- people than all other diseases tof ether. It r 'rrT'l"01 nd lon?,ye of suffer-ns. No matter what ails you, start taking C- .-iGA' VT3 tPiJay. for you will nevrr Bet weU and stay well until you get your bowels r . t T-ke rr erfv.e, stert with Cascarets today under-abaolute rjarantee to cere or ry rr- ..- - -name-taclet atamr-d C C C. Never cold In bulk. Sample aatV -w ' - - - (m s vw j' wuuiL't:i . bhicifl or rvRitv w sura csfal dhcm omJ iu ririd ana h-j. Dtarinjf fnr rr?cr a a i; ja!iit. eea tboasaaon who are csrrr i.-tjf r-3t;t i -,rr. cbv.iate cfcroriw tli .case a a tar linioni'. forr:.rjn;.:i, which "Jicrcoi rid themlr of bj tY.- ;ro;:r trejtrr.c;.t, Aur j:ict phyVciin wiil tcilycc that these d'ca5. arc ftulira ar,;! oMcrate.ind a ;?-iaI kfluwledye if r-.jiiircJ i-j treat Uiem fcocre!sfoUy . My tpccizl Ctnes for t re Ala g Ci.ronic ask-s has been acjcirei by twrealr year of c5o" ap f.iicali'n, devoted eJu-ItssiirclT to lieir study sindt- raiment. I bare treated more casca than sny other phyticias ia the.Upited States .'r,(i 1 tLorotsjt'L'y cn?ertand just vt Lt is reqeired in each-ease J-fy jc;ity iru;u(!cail chronic diseases, ruch as Stricture, Vari Skin Disease, B'.adler and Kidney Complaints ethod of treatroen ite cases. CURES RHEUMATISM AND CATARFH. U.lJ.Ii. Curu I0p.Sented Case Especially To Pro re It It. Ii. II. ent Fre. TLcse diseases, with achea and pains in bone, joints and back, agonizing pains in fehoukler blades, hand3, Crigers, arms and legs crippled by rheumatism, lumbago, sci atica, or neuralgia; hawking, spitting, no. e bleeding, ringing in the eara, aick stomnch, drafues?, noise in the head, bad teeth, thin hot b.od, all run down feeling or catarrh uie sure signs of an awful poisoned condi tion of the blood. Take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) Soon all aches and pains stop, the poison h destroyed and a real permanent cure is made of the worst rheu matism or foulest catarrh. Thousands of cases cured by taking B.B.B. It strength ens reak kidneys and improves digestion. Druggists, $1 per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., 54 Balm Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Describe troub'e and free medical advir? sent in sealed letter. Of the strikes In Great Britain last year 30,917 were successful, 33,513 unsuccessful and 41,645 accepted com promises. Microscopic experiments have shown tbnt the electrically made sicel is not different In any way from crucible steel. The longest telephone -wire span In the world is 3X) feet from polo to iole. spanning the Susquehanna Iliver, Lear Lancaster, Pa. The tenement inspectors of New York City have found over 325,000 occupied rooms which have neither light nor ventilation. FIT3r,ermaientiv cured. No lit? or nervous ness a'ter first d;iy' ; use of Dr. Kline'? Great Ne-veUst6rer.$2tri:il bottle and treatisefrea Kxin-e, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phil., P i. Go'.d now constitutes neany one-half our stock of money. Mr Winnlow's SooLliin:rSyruo Tor children teet I'in .t, sof t6n the cums, reduces inaamna tioii.Miuys pairi .euros windeoile. '25e. a bottle Canada produced over ?4,000,000 worth of pig iron last year. Piso's Cure is tbebectmeilioipewo everued for all a ficctions of throat and lungs. Wm. O., Vanuurcn, Ind., Feb. 10, 1C00. Piberia is going to be a strong competitor in the European butter market. Carpi ts can be coiored oa the floor with Pl'TXAM KADEIESS DVES. Nearly one-third of the 3rd,000 inhabit ants o Cleveland were born iu Europe. Tree Splits Rock. There is a trea just beyond the New England railvay arch on the Middle bury road in Connecticut, which has grown through a solid reck many tons in weight, making a largo fissure which would require a dynamite ei plosion to duplicate. 'l-' i slan of RHFLMATISM. n...... . i. IV IC cure now. A single bottle of DR. THAGHER'S Lbw&s &2si Blood ' Syrup Cvrc3 by Removing tho Ostuso A THREE -FOLD REMEDY for all lilt du to func tional trouble. Acta on tha LIVER and KIDNEYS and 1 5 Ftirm Topics CORN STALKS ON ROADS. . Corn fe talks from wliiUlhe. blades have been eaten ca)te excellent mate rial in the lanes and roads leading to the barn. They prevent the accumu lation of mud, and will be trampeJ fine daring the winter by stock, when they then may be hauled to the barn yard and used as absorbent material. INFLUENCES POTATO YIELD. The size of the seed for potatoes in fluences the yield. In England whole potatoes are used almost la every sec tion, and successful growers in this country use seed potatoes cut In half, never cutting to smaller sizes. Deep plowing, deep planting and level cul ture give better results than hilling. A single plant in a place gives the largest tubers, but not so many as when two or more plants are together. CAUSE OF ROPY MILK. Farmers who consider $300 too high for a fourteen-pound butter cow should remember that no outlay is too great, provided the returns therefrom are sat isfactory. There is a great difference in the price of a pure bred Jersey and a common cow, but there is also a wide difference in the butter produced. A cow is valuable only according to what she produces and the cost. One cow producing fourteen pounds of but ter is more profitable than two cows producing seven pounds each, because she requires less room and also entails less expense for food and labor, thus producing butter at a lower cost per pound. TO KEEP HONEY. To keep honey all the year rouud without candying it is only necessary to place the honey which has previ ously been nicely strained in a pan or pail which may be placed inside of another one, putting two or three bits of wood under the pail containing the honey, to prevent it from burning upon the bottom, then fill the outer one with water and just bring to the boil ing point, skimming off the wax and all foam which gathers upon the top. As it comes to the boiling point, re move from the Ktove. and after a few minutes skim and pour into jars to cool. Cover tightly and keep iu a cool place. E. L. Morris. RAISING TURKEYS. Turkey raising has become almost 'a distinct branch of the poultry indus try, and requires a location very dif ferent from that needed for chickens, geese or ducks. Turkeys, while thor oughly domesticated, still retain that natural-disposition to xroani, and for this reason it is impossible to succeed with them iu small lots. They must have range, even when being prepared for market, and when this is given them they, are but little more trouble than other' kinds of poultry. Bronze turkeys are the largest of all breeds, and perhaps the most gen erally bred, but there are several other favorites that are doubtless equally good. The turkey does best iu warm climates, and it is somewhat surpris ing that more farmers do not have flocks of them. VALUE OF HAY CROP. The hay crop of this country is more important to farmers than wheat, as hay may be baled and sent to market or be used on the farm; but one rea son why hay should not be sold is be cause it contains more of the mineral elements than does grain. More profit is made from hay than from any other staple crop, as it is the main reliance for winter feeding, while the manure from hay contains plant food that is more evenly balanced than that from pny other source. To derive the most benefit from hay, however, is to feed it in connection with less valuable bulky food, using bran or linseed meal to make the ration better and more ac ceptable, and esnecially should this course be pursued when there has been a short hay crop. t IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SEED. The importance of good seed cannot be too strongly urged. A grower of tvheat in several years' exDeriments found that it paid well to hand-pick his seed wheat. The first year he rdanted seven and one-half pounds of hand-picked wheat on one acre, in rows eighteen inches apart, and at harvest be threshed out sixty-seven bushels. The next year the yield was seventy-two bushels, using a little more seed. On a trial row he planted seventy-six extra fine kernels of seed weighing forty-five grains), and the nroduct was ten and one-fourth pounds or at the rate of 100 bushels of wheat ner acre. The experiments were made many years ago by Professor Blount, nf the Colorado Experiment Station, he seed being in rows eighteen inches apart, and twelve inches apart in the rows, a wheel hoe being used for culti vating between the rows. In Belgium all seeds are carefully hand-picked and the wheat crop cultivated, with the result that from sixty to seventy-five bushels of wheat per acre may be found on nearly all farms. Would Also Be at Home. Two of the most eminent lawyers at the Philadelphia Ear were the late Benjamin -Harris Brewster and his half brother, Frederick Carroll Brews ter. Both had held the office of at torney general of the United States. They had .not been on friendly terms for many years. It Is said that on one occasion a mutual friend tried to bring thern to gether, and finally Fred C. consented to bury the hatchet and 6ent Benja min H. a card containing his name, with the words written underneath. "At home on Monday evening, "May 1." By the same messenger Benjami H. sent a card in return, which rea. thus: : . "Benjamin H. Biewster also a home Monday evening, May 1." This ended negotiations .forever. Thirty-seven per cent, of the Amer !jn people now live la tities of more Uian 4,000 inhabitant . i' Ji it a i i r i v" S3 Mrs. ind ierson, a woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : There are but few wi ves and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. "T have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma nent benefit, who were cured in less VfwtflWn r!nrnr,niinri- while others who were chronic ana met: rnnift out cured, harnv. and in perfect health after a thorough treatise with this medicine. I have never used it myself without caining benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire svstem. Your medicine has been tried a'nd found true, hence I fully endorse it." Mrs. R. A. Andersox, 225 Washington St., Jack sonville, Fla. Mrs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says : headache, nervous: yours When women are troubled with t!TJ Vi iil H 'in ness, lcu'Jorrhjea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearirg-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they Bbould remeralcr there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound at one removes such troubles. Tho experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to provo, beyond a question, that Lydia Phikkam's Vegetable Compound will oorrcet all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, write 3Irs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful. No other medicine for women in the world has received such wide o.ead and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Ikfuse to buy f.ny .sui.stitale. 5000 FORFEIT If -we cannot fortrrwith produce tlie nrJflnnl ltrs atj! scfctnrefl of above tesliuiocialg, which will iifiPSItJuffl VASELhlc (riTT UP I v COLLAPK1BLK TUBt) A substitute for and superior to mastanlor UTf . . 1. w 1 ... f .... .,.,4 ... 11 U 1 1 n. . .1 I mostdellr-a o skin, l'hc piin-allayin and I curatlvequaliti'.-sof thisartlcleare woader- lul. It wnl slop th - laothuc.ieatouce, and relieve headache au.l sciatica. We recoua meud it as tho best and palest eiterual counter-irritant known.also asan external remedy for pains in the eh-st aiid stom tch andallrlieuniritic.neuralsicand K"Uty com plaints. Atria will prove what w claim for it, and it will be found to ie invaluable in the household. Many people say "it Ifcthe be-tofal of yo'ir preparations. " Price 15 ts.. at all d 1 URirits or other dealer?, or by SHiidin?thisamount t'Misinpommje stamps we will seud ym a tube by mail. No article shouli beacceutpd by the nublic vnlpsth "ame carries our label. a otherwise it not genuine. tncroKuuun mpn. co l"f OA..., - A V- , - 11 iit: -irrru fcW 1 OKK ( ITT nrWPEWRITFRS CHEAP 1 Vm 1 t econrl.hi, d Mrh . n "11 mdkea iVn a part py for the uiiTrr -a ifHinn ror ruick mtyr. J.i;. lUVio!y,i h . lotte. U. C, Rai-e-J Objections. Because Mr. Charles T. Yerkers brought Germr-n bricklayers to Lon don to put up two tall chimney stacks at his new generating station in Chel sea local labor unions are saying some very bitter things about American en terprise, Mr. Yarker'e manager ex plained, apoloseticaily, that British bricklayers were not accustomed to building chimneys from the inside; hence the alien workmen. Mr. Yerkes is now being deluged with letters from all parts of the United Kingdom, giv ing lists of chimneys "inside-built," which are solely the product of British labor. The manager, newly arrived from Chicago, spoke not wisely but too well, and the local contractors, hav- j ing scored a point, are crowing with 1 delight. Meantime the German brick- layers are having an unpleasant time In Chelsea. So. 47. RESULTS. J. Hill, Coucord. N. C, JusUce of the Peace, says: "Doan's Kidney QUICK Pills proved a j very . efficient j remedy la my ! case, I used j them for dis ordered kldaeysi and backache. from which I had experienced. 23 a great deal trouble and '"in. The kidney secretions were very rreguiar. dark colored and full of sedi- uent Ihe. Pills cleared it all up ami. not had an ache in inv bnk I have since takiug the last dose. My health generally is improved a great deal. i- oster-MIIburu Co.. Enffain v v or sale by all dealers, prj0 Iq foJts tvr-4 r a. " i- prominent society than three months after taking your irauie ?nt great "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I feel it my duty to write and tell you the pood I have received from Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com pound. "I have been a great sufferer with female trouble, trviutr different doctors and with no benefit. Two years ago I went under an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach triiible, Lackache, palpitation of the heart, and was very in fact. I ached all over. 1 lind is the only medicine that reaches v. ommend Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable V i j .ii : M tjompounu 10 an suueriiig omen- irregular or painful menitrusti"n, wealr- proye thrlr st.nomte p"-.'ii:icn-t. LyJlA li, rLakliain iltdiclne Co., Lv&n, laai. Ripan Tabu lea art the best dyspepsia itnodicl:re ecr made. A buudrcd millions of Ihi-m have been soM in the United Stales In a eit:s!e year. Kvery Illness a rising from a disurdcrr-d stomach Is relieved or cured by liulr use. So common Is it that diseases originate "rom tho stomach It mriy be safely as serted there Is no condition of III health that will nut le benfflted or cured by the occasional use "of Ripan Tabules. Physicians know ihem and speak highly of them. All druslstt. sell them. The five-cent package 'i enough for an ordinary occasion, and the Family Bottle, tdxty cents, contain a household supply for a year. On generally gives relief within twenty ninutes. ' !!RAW FURS Wanted rur bin oa January .i. O.o-m iluhrt. i.ilt. K !!. Hm-etnin i i ct. Hin- iU piVw ild Write A.L.Hurt.a'if.!alD & i'.Vt cl n-H.J. wei mm mm There ia no s&tisf action keener "than being dry &nd comfortable when cut in the h&rdeit otornv YOU ASE SURE OF7ffi5 If YOU Vt cAS 1 WATEBPROOP U ILcD CLOTHING MASS IM tlACK OR YELLOW I m a rmr fk s ,ir- -iiitiii rrmm I.TOWtR rO.f1TOY1H UIaL 1 lta 4na&ii co.urtiTf i.xottvsn.ixs. pr--J ASK YOUR DBALfcR. If he ret hot you for our fre fTitJot of crwvmt mod keti. &SAWMIM.?! ar i-at-. Un proved Clrro- tar Saw MiUa. -rith Heoe's Unlver-e. Ixmt Beam a. Recti Ho I ! ;,ea.r.8lTiuitan-oas. Work-and the Hea-t fetjek-Klr.jc VariaU Fwd Workt are unex-l r i celled far irrroirr &tvi ttw r- a . t ?-rrA5i (AFEoroi-ZBkTiosr. Write for fulfil .icnjiuve cjrcrjiarn. Kanuiaetnre J y tt SALE IRON V iKKS.W lnon-.Sa'en..N.C. ropsy CURED ive4 uick rtn? aaaa belief. Retnovei all awelliu ia s fiys ; cect a perwacect to 30 cure u xaio cays. Truitreatmect green free. I"othlrrca be fairer Stri::?!. pix n ataiuuca 5 of ' PATENTS?;' t3 r. . f tt!X Ml IUI ; 7iU. pi Best y: usa fey rap. rintw Wool L In Urn. Good. Htm fo;4 by dincyi t . ' tz-v i aQirted wili Xn lattitiif cn? of laforsut: cotaw trosi TVaiMciton to tt pr that the AETicultural DvpartRfts! j r'r lotts to ttft the tnerit of tbr S-,j American plant knotr ai ctspato.-. Ja, re bandenum." for sucar raiklsr to know cupatoriura may be to ires oriCeIf Izsorant. but the narse rtshy. It I poMtblc, hoevr. tL: t plant I destined to beat tte b-t t- j rale Cain with cane. SEABOARD "Air Line Rjulway Looblt Dally Sinlci. Eftieti Uw Tcrt Tiapi, illuo. itl (rleut ltd foliti Scsta ud WesL IN r rl-Ktr APHL 12, IU 3. ttUUTUWARD. Lwlly No. SI Lt. vw Tort. r. B.B. HU a L. Philadelphia, S 2t ia Lv. lu.Uawra. 4i a Lv. ttahitirion. W. & By 7 tf i ra n. rr. n .e Aa 23 a 10 3 1J. 'n lii 4 t Lv. Rlcbm ad. &A-L.B 1 L Po ofaoar. 1 17 lira Lv. 2i rlUa, Lv. llulroa. lUaa SSJ.-a 4 00 am IliOam 7Uaa 10 00 am 1 mi ( a s Lv. Laieljcb, Lv. ovalbera Plaoa Lt. II sun lot, Lt. Columbia, J Ar taibb. Ar. Jaeka-BTtll. Ar. M. Aa(uttiio ArIami-a, 4ft am 4 00 Ha. i Lt Ntw Yor.!.T.r.A X.t ' No. 41. M 21 .a Lt. Pfcha lch hU. - 10 14 1 Lv.New lufK.U.D.P.aCvt to) .m .... ... Lt. BaiUmor!x a. P. Co.. t ; i I.t. Waob'toD.N.AW.b.n. Lt. Purtaoiwuta, Lv. Woldoa. b. A. L. 05 ya 11 401 ltOam 2 Jta am 4 00 am 11 U- ilka 4 .im 10 iOi Lv. Kurilua Lt Uudoraon, Lt. halolscb, Lv. rkiutfavra Plata, Lv. 11 am let, . COO aa T 90 aa Lt. WUr&lbtflon. I33a. 1 Jii 6 05x ts .0a Ar. Cbarlvtte, 10 OtMtm Lt. boater, Lt. OrtMuwood, Lt. AtUeoa, Ar. Atlanta, 10 Uta IX S3 fa : to 4 HI im Ar. Augua'a, C A W. C. 6 SO im Ar. Maaon, C of Ga.. . 1 3d pa II Aa 4 s.i'Jm Ar. Montjrom'ry.A.AW.P. 9 20 pa Ar. M tile. L. A N 3 & am Ar. New Orloam.L. A N. 7 15 am Ar. Nnshville.N. .A&t.L 6 40 am a Ar. Mempblff, 3(5 pm tOia NOKTHWAUD Lally Tal.y No. 8J N i. 34 Lt. Memphl,X.C.A tSt.L. 12 4S loop Wf t Lt. NaDTlllOj SO f-m tr'g'J sg. Lt. New Urlearja.L. A N-, blftj m Lt. Motile, L.4N. 12 am Lv. iloutsrcm'ry.A.AW.P 6 45 am 100p Lt. Macao, C of Ua. 00 aa 4 0 rm Lv. Autcuata. C. A W. C. 10 10 am Lt. Atlauta, ; Ar Athena. Ar GrweuwixxL Ar. Cheier. b.A.L. laOOooou ft 10 1 a i sfi7(.m nasrs- ftl&la atlaa " 717 pm 4 1taa Lt. Cbarlolt. 7 16 yzn SOlaa Lt. WlJaclriKtoc. ' 3 atfjua lOiJim ' Lv. Uamlt. J 10 j a U Itaa 11 liaak 1 ii m 1 00 1 a tilt 4 lb aa Lv. B-julberu Plnea, Lt. lUJeiich, Lt. Ileaderaoo, Lt. Norliua Lt. U eld..u, Ar. Portsmouth, "17" 11 18 a 1 2Ua 2 Wa .-n tliaa tDi am 9 00 am Ar. Waih'ton,N.A W.H.B., Ar. Baltlmare. U.H.p7car t50 aa "ft Wpa l 10 aJa rbOts Ar.Kew York,O.D.a.8.Co Ar. Phlla'pbla, N.Y.P.ANt 44 pm Ar. New York, 9 16 pm No. Si 9 00 I'D No. 44 fcfcOaai Lt. Tampa, 8. A- L. Ilv. LV. HI. AUtfUMitlQ Lt. Jackaoovllla, 6 40 araCiO m ft 45 am 1 16 pm 6 S5 pa 10 tO. a 11 1 pa 1 25 am 2 (Nam t 40 are 9 4 aa 4 86 a 7 t ia 12 10aa 9Uaa t6aa t 43aa llbOaa 1 10 t-m lUv 4 09 pa 4 65 pa ft 14 1 a lliit a IU11 f.S(la Lt. tiavanLab Lv. Columbia, Lt. Ii a inlet, Lt. routfcern Plata, Lt. IialHjtb, Lt. Usi.deiOD, Lv. N'nrllra Lv.Pt-teraburn, A v. Uichmoiid, Ar. U aabliiKton, W.B.Cj.10 10 aa Ar. baJiliDore. P B.IL 11 6 am Ar. Pblladeli hla, " ItCpa Ar. New York, 4 16 pa Note. f Dally, except Kunday. lCnful Tina 4 F.a-, Ti n lar I TlckaU on ulc to all polnti. Poll bib birth a. RearvHd and resrrfr Hons made on oatgolng 8tAns-n from Norfolk. Baftfrage cbKaed from hotel and rtadnoet wltaout extra charftre. Call at the Up-town Ticket Office YarborouKh House Building. C. H Gattis C T. and P. I Ball, uid Intratat Pbooea 1 7 LEaki, r.l a Km- Ur.N.O R E. L r:U' H.O. n'! Acnl M P. SR 1 V c 1 -M-b1 TLAfiTICANDII.C. R.R. CO. Tim Table No 28, to tak effact uuday. November 9tb, 1902, at 7.-05 . m., Laatern standard lima, tia-r-dea Tima Table No. 27, of JofiO 1902. -j j 4 Paaa. Paa. lrla lit. Paa . lata Dly lai 9TATION9 a 34. P.M. A.H. F-3L 00 9 30 Lt Ooldaboro Aril 05 193 Hilf JW. Bt'a 10 43 I 9 Ml 8 6 9 69 LaUrajg 14 94 7 67 I99f410 FaUutg Cratk 10 23 ( 7411 a v a 4 9 48 4 2iM Klxutoa .110 13 7 37 9 Lt Ar Klaatoa Joaa e 9 03 f 4 34 Caawell 9 60 I 7 3tf 9 13 4 43 Ar Dorar X.T f 4J - , Li AT 940 Hlaaa Eldlaff Oora creek Toaearora 9 30 SOS 9 60 919 969 f 925 990 700 930 460 IUI fin Naoae Crueaiaf 10 10 9 40 Ar Lt 9 09 I 9 50Lv i,'w Bmn Ar 9 37 4 Cr'i Jamea City f C 1J KiTtrdal 1 13 f f6 19 Oroataa 9 09f 9 80 Havelock 9 00 OAS Newport 7 49 1 4 49 WUdwood 7 931 f 4 64 AUaatlo T 91 1 7 06 UorsWd City 7 37 Ar Atlantic Hetai Lt 7 15AT XLOty lTtwpot Lt 7 08 AM., P.M. A.M. T.TL Train No. I, frsrUht, leave Stra at 1 80 pm, Tuteday, Tbatadaj and batarday. -eo-jnd-Jia Train Ho. 10; fretbt, anivea at Xlf at 10 41 am, Moodaj.WadAMsday aad fnUj. aeeond-eiaaa. t Btop on cfjraaL a. L. DILL, B. A. NIWLANP. Oaa. 8pt- Maatar of Trtun J O. LtVld, Calaf Dltpaiaaf.

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