(PAT t : 1 VOL. XXI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. NO, 50. - Bill STflTE MATTERS s From 5 S t Newsy Items Gleaned Murphy to flanteo. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION WORK OF CONGRFSS North Carolina's Progress. Th' husinosa men of the State and f :: fxlTf; rtfognize tho liberality of , i;r lavs, and realize that North Caro i:i fostering every legitimate in- ; ;i 1 1 y, and Is inviting capital to help lo;) its resources, assuring it pro f ; i' ;n and fair treatment. This Is : y.wu by the growing number of cor l. TPiions in North Carolina. The fol .'i .win-; table fJiows the corporations .; : rinizr.l in North Carolina, which -in' rhartrred by the office: For the :,-:r ending November 30, 1893, 21; ler i!i yftir ending November 30, 1814, !.',; for the year ending November 30, I !",, Y', for the year ending Noveni (. r '.'.k 1 r 1 ; for the year ending n.hT so. 1807, 147; for the year ni'Iin;,' November 30, 1808, 156; for the ;.r u- ;i ling November 30, 1800, 207; for !!: r;tr ending November 30, 1000, .'Ms. fr i the year ending November 30, ". "!, .'I-'T; for the year ending Novem f i- ::, l'.'OU, 303; for the year ending ::.,v.Ti.brr 30, 1002, 534; the capitalize l iij ; r two yearn, 1807 and 1808, was J"'.1 ;i :'"',, or for each year, 1&07, $2, T,;A',ir.S7hnll dludldldlu dlu dlu did ;e.ws. 1S!'! and 1000, $17,075,000, or for war. ISM. S.:.37,r00. 1000. $8.- i-::7 :". In the report for 1S07, 1808, l.-:'0 nd 1!"!l the amount with which it;'; ! ( i .itions commence business is n t jrivc n. Capital authorized, for 1901, K'i"..-":i;,i;:o; tct 1002, $2r,,023,or.O; for I''''::, $is,700,150. Subscribed to com 1 business on. 1001, $3,002,700; V.U2. ?:'..rMfi,4r,7; 1003, 513,771,400. The 1 ;f. Legislature passed an act author .'.uk t.!i Secretary of State to charter '.iViks and under that act 21 banks i,if b(cu incorporated. The same Leg i '.'tu; fixed a tax upon foreign cor 1 hi, n uns mining into the State to do 1 !.;-'i:uv; which is now yielding eonsid- ruble revenue to the State. Five rail n.'.u! .-; have Hied charters with the Sec nt:iry of State during the past year: Kinsion fc Carolina Railroad Com l in : '.-.outhpoit, Atlantic & Western "iiiiioad Cor-ipany; North State Rail- ! Company; Atlantic Railway Com- rar.y. This does not represent the mini b"i- of now railroads for the State this the Legislature chartered a iiiiiirber. New charters were granted by the lale in one day as follows: Stanly Mining & Realty Company, of Albe lii.ule, capital stock. $30,000, to mine o' I, copper, iron, coal, slate, etc., John Leonard and other stockholders; Caiolina Copper Company, Asheville, tv inanufactui e thill couplers and other K dreat Meeting at Charlotte-Meet Next at hi zabsth City. Charlotte, Special. The North Carolina Baptist State Convention as sembled here on Wednesday night. This 1? oi of the largest relieious bodies in the country, consisting of nearly GOO representative Christian v.orkers from all parts of the State. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. C. W. Luke, of Eil'.ar rth City. At the first session Wednesday night Rev. Dr. R. H. Marsh, of Oxford, was re-elected president of the Convention and Mr. N. B. Eroughton, of Raleigh, and Rev. Hight C. Moore, of Chapel Hill, were re-elected secretaries. Other officers elected were: Vice president, W. C. Dowd, Charlotte; T. M. Arring ton, Rocky Mount, and R. A. Sentelle, Waynesvllle; treasurer, Walter Dur ham; assistant treasurer, J. M. Stoner, Asheville; auditor, F. H. Briggs, Ral eigh; corresponding secretary, Living ston Johnson, Raleigh; trustees, W. C. Tyree, Raleigh; C. M. Cooke, Louis burg; F. P. Hobgood, Oxford; F. H. Briggs, Raleigh, and L. R Mills, Wake Forest THURSDAY'S SESSION. Large audiences witnessed, with great interest, the three sessions of the Baptist State Convention Thursday. At all of the sessions, matters of largo Importance were discussed or at tended to. Some results of the. day's meetings are as follows: The report of the secretary of the Convention shows that $82,508.33 have been contributed to the various objects of the Convention, a gain of $8,000 over the preceding year, and indicates that the present year is the most prosper ous in the history of the Baptist Church in North Carolina. It was found that the Simmons be quest, which amounts to $78,800, to gether with other bequests, will per mit the erection of 10 or 12 new build ings at the Baptist Orphanage, at Thomasville. A layman has offered to give $1,200 for an. orphanage library building, and the churches have been asked by the convention to raise $1,200 more for the same purpose. Dr. J. It. Sampey raised over $1,000 for ministerial education at the semi nary at Louisville. A laudators resolution was passed, asking Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, not to leavn North Carolina. The president appointed, in addition to regular committees, two special committees; one on temperance and on the spiritual condition of Baptist churches in this State. A resolution was adopted endorsing A Lot of Discussion and Little Prac tical I us'nes. The House Thursday adopted a reso lution directing the Judiciary commit tee to inquire into the official conduct of Chas. Swayne, judge of the United States District Court for the northern district of Florida, and to "report whether the action of the House is re-ijuisite." Mr. Lamar, Democrat, of Florida, offered the resolution, announcing that be desired to impeach Judge Swayne. A lively debate was had before the resolution wa3 adopted. A number of the members o nthe majority side sought to have the resolution referred to the judiciary committee, that a rec ommendation might be had from that committee before voting on its adop tion. The minority solidly supported Mr. Lamar in his opposition to the motion to refer, and several Republi cans voted against reference. There were but few dissenting votes on the motion to adopt the resolution. The first o fthe appropriation bills the pension bill was reported to the House today and notice was given that it will be called up tomorrow for con sideration. Mr. Lamar, Democrat, of Florida, ris ing to a question of privilege after announcing that he would offer a reso lution in which would be embodied a joint resolution of the Florida Legis lation, said: "In pursuance of that joint resolu tion I desire to impeach Charles Sawyne, judge of the United States District Court, for the northern dis trict of Florida, with high crimes and misdemeanors." The resolution, after reciting in the preamble the reoslution of the Florida Legislature, says: "Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be directed to inquire and report whether the action of the House is requisite concerning the official misconduct of Charles Swayne, judge of the United States District Court for the northern district of Florida, and say whether said judge has held terms of his court as required by law, whether he has continuously and per sistently absented himself from the said State, and whether his acts and omissions in his office of judge have been such as in any degree to deprive the people of that-district of the bene fits of the court thereon to amount to a denial of justice; whether the said judge has been guilty of corrupt con duct in office and whether his adminis tration of his office has resulted in in jury and wrong to litigants of his oni pt " - . , The resolution further authorizes the judiciary committee to send for per sons and papers and to do otner tnings essential to the investigation. The birth of the republic of Pana ma and its recognition by this gov ernment was the subject of a spirited debate in the House. Mr. Dinsmore, FIVE MEN KILLED. Two Engines Orerlnrncd While ca Heavy Grade A BAD ACCIDENT ON THE B. & 0. Nearly All of Twenty-Four Loaded Cars Overturned and Much Property Loss Sustained. Piedmont, W. Va., Special. Fire men were killed and several injured by tLe overturning of two engines; attach ed to a heavy Baltimore & Ohio freight train on the seventeen-mile grade Sunday near this city. The dead are: Engineer Ernest D. Ervin, 28 years old, Cumberland, Md. Engineer Emery Ervin, 56, of Tun- nellton, W Va. Fireman Walter Miner, 32. Fireman J. E. Carter, 28 North Car. olina. Erakeman John Hayes, 23, Staunton, Va. The more seriously injured were Eneineer Machael J. Gibbon. 30 years old, of Cumberland, Md., fatally crushed. Fireman E. C. Buckler, Terra Alta, W. Va., legs, arms and head cut and bruised. Brakemen B. F. Bollinger, Grafton, W. Va., seriously wounded. While descending the seventeen-mile grade, the train, to which were at tached two engines, left the track. The THE COLOMBIAN EXPEDITION, i Qen. Reyes Responsible for the Coun termanding Order. Colon, by Cable. Tno French steamer Fournel arrived her Friday from Savantlla and Cart ok en a. She was the first vessel to reach this port since the decree cloinc those ports to Tessels to and from Colon was can celled. The authorities of the Depart ment of Bolivar are still unreconciled to the loss of the Isthmus, which they do not regard as hopeless, as they Issue clearances papers not for the republic of Panama, but for "Co lon, Department de Panama." The Fournel's agent has received no con firmation of the movements of Colom bian troops on the Atrato river, but a passenger of tco Fourncl informed the correspondent of tho Associated Press that a rumor was current at Cartegena. that the cruiser Cartego na about ten days ago embarked at night time ove ra thousand troops bound for the Gulf of Darlam. with the object of constructing a. road to Cauca. Gov. Melinzen, in an inter view, said: "I have just learned of ficially through passingers of the Fournel that the Colombian warships General Pinzon and Cartegena left Cartegefia at the beginning of De cember, having on board the same 450 troops which General Tovar brought to Colon. These were landed at the Rio Atrato, with instructions to build a road towards Panama, But, after terrible suffering for four days. FOIEST RrStlVE BILL FIXING FOR WAR. The Outlook Bright I the llstabltob meat of a Urcat Park. A ril dUpatrh from Washing ton City on WH!nMlay ay: Mca high la tbe Koxr rnmst trtric at well as tho?e prominent la ct!;er aU of life will assla actively tnterrrt themselves in tvli'.i if th ATPJ chian Kori-t Keri till Tie Uu will be clear tut when the Gcmre reache the fr"uker nT adier action. houU there t- ?uch. will t taken over the xrvtt cf directly tn interestel anl In f rruel n-a from all parts cf t:-e ojtntry. At tfce lca of the American 1 ire try Atkoclatloo, held here th' bill vra heartily en.lcrs CiS by formal resolution, after re marks of approval froi rtoa ct-a-tlemcn. Ficretary f Agriculture Wil son prelJei over the m rtius MU among the artl. participants Dr. Schency, in chargf ft l.u forestry dlvlson of the tJ r . W. Van ! rl lit estate. Ti c r.s;luti-ns ! lare-i that Southern fojists wt of national Im portance In thrir infiucruf uion the t ttic-am Sow and timber u;ply. Ocr Aroy u Miy HUbf Prtpira tiofls for Coaflkt HP0EIS MAY OUT BE A SCAtE Ilea. Reyra 514 Mvet ! Colombia Troop Was Without tilt Orders. Wood and Cru:n A: n. Washington, tf;;ecUl. Pre?! 'ont Roosevelt Mc.nday yent to the Scn:it the nomination of 'nT:iI lxrnard Wood to be a r:;a.ur j'ural cf the army and the nomination of 1CT oth r army officers whose proi:iot: n Is de pendent t;n that of General Wood. Ac companying these nomination were those ef alout 2S civlilan appointees. in their efforts to go up the river in small boats and cances, and ebing in j including that or Dr. W. I. Crurn for want of provisions of all kinds, their collector of th port of Charleston. 8. engines and nearly all of the 24 loaded supplies having been soaked with rj., and some members whom th.? Pre- cars, tumbled into a ravine, and took all the treinment with them. The tracks were torn up for nearly a hun dred yards, but, it is thought, traffic will be resumes late tonight. F ive More Killed. Ottumwa, Iowa, Special Five per sons were killed and ten injured, but none fatally, in a wreck at 9:15 Sun day morning on the Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy road, three miles west of Albia,' Iowa. The west-bound passenger train was in some manner derailed while running on to the Cedar creek bridge, and five cars were wrecked by tho last reefs'. 1 .1 t .. r.tl i - . . i luviiw iivutiutiM a i ii iroups resoivea nx io go anv iuriner. The pasesngers also affirm the troops J These appointments are consider! by have since returned to Cartegena." i the President and bis advlers to le News has been received here from recess appointments, the question f the interior to the effect that 4 000 , fa , , tlscustS0ll Colombian troops left Bogota a fort night ago to go down the Magadelena I thoroughly by the President with tho river, but on reaching Honda they re- best lawyers connec t, d with the ad celved orders countermanding tho J ministration and in Conges. In con- I movemont and returned to Bogota, I . Blmi . . ,..,.,. ,1(V. I December 2. It U hpliovort thnt fion- v,,,"u ' " ' " the j tween ino time r me riuin& -x me i gavel cn the extra srss!o::, signifying I the conclusion of tho f-xtraordlanry session, and the calling to order of WashtoKtrn. Special Dr. !!erra. thi Colombian chirr d f aires, fcaa authorized tfc tutemeet that If tho fev pi from Cartacena ha laad4 r.ar th mouth of th Atrato rtftr. as r porte 1 ty the French testier bkh rTlTeJ at Lafitfra. It It directly ! cj ;f:t:cn to the adke f both tlm r!f anl General Hrjet. Gc-certl 15r)e H t'.eJ that th Iji;u:ra d-ipauh aa the firtt lofirmatln .t baJ received trf t:. rrtrt.t R.oetnent f Comblan t .t and he declared, bnweter. that If it la true at ttatej irh motemeal hnn taken j lace !t at without any or :! from him. Ip.-n rf:nlrc to Waah 'rston as the ape"5l repr'OUtlte of tve Co!mb!ar otr rns;er.t. General i lleycs tr mirar'.!y re!.cjulh 1 th :; rr.an I of the CobTrMri amy. tho . .!ii!y falling u;.a (;-rral Cattro. rd In foxn;r.l. General Kejea eon ; r.r.. el the f tai tr. r.l recently tnaie ty ! A'l.niral CcpMan In a rport la tt I Navy Department that pr!r t Lis de , f .rture for WatV.ncton t?.- CoLimMan j tro'e. mad no hoctile dr:T!'nt ration. , r r would they until Ie vat teri i frt-m. Tie jrrneral Lu n fully Informed ; by the President b-irelf a t the ln jtrrtlons of the r'vramert cf tho ' 1" nlted States refrtlr.c the JuThmua. , 1I ua tol l by the Pre! !ent. at waa i 1 In the Preidnt's n.ite to i , C ns:ji. the I'nlted lat had deter- cf the new n j ubllc cf Panama acantt . i . v.. ! -II- . i .t oilier, it ne wilt rTJ i a r.i re iw eral Reyes is responsible for countermanding of the order. Afro-American Council. Washington, Special. The sub-committee of the executive committee of the National Afro-American Council a collision with the steel girders of the last week decided to hold the next badly burned. Just what caused the accident is a mystery. igfifteV' l90?,""and "appointe"d"' a or.ta!nrd In a treaty row jnilnj: t- f re the Pnltel Stata Senate and as (et unratified, tie an-lnlitratlon Laa j for -om time pafct lfa art'r.ic ui-oa j theory that th un lentanHcir !a l in full force. Th'-refore all netaary of the Senate in the regular session cf , preparation have l'-en male to eiert Congress, an appreciable laps-o of time occurred. In this time the aj- They are regarded by tho admlnlstra- committee of five to appear before the tion as recoss appointments, and th i jf u.y rrogs they w platform committee of the next na- appointees, therefore, will receive tb j ti:rr v. h3tver phjhlcal force may b neea t rro3.i the fiTintler Into Panama; r. ill Le ejected In duo -r.-i-o TL-ancoo n uriTlI" Tnfi . . . . . . . . , n IV. I LCU1UV1CM.. VI iil H.U.UUUO, " d the Virginia idea or naving ene ouum- consideration cf the pension that it take vigorous action in refer ence to the practical denial in a num ber of States of suffrage to the negro The following resolutions were adopted: "We are opposed to the un-Republl- san nrinninla rf I ri u-inff tV prilor I i ft f ppro- Tuesday, died Wednesday night with- Jn the Republcan party, which has Killed For His Honey Goldsboro, Special Bunn Capps, tne white man who was assaulted and left for dead near A. L. Sasser's farm, nhmit five miles west of Goldsboro, tional Republican convention to urge I pay and exercise nil tho authority of the rank to which thoy are promoted. ern Baptist convention appoint a spe- priation bill, severely criticised tne rorainine consciousness. Dr. Thorn- heen inausrurated in certain States, to cial commission to investigate and re- administration in connection with the , pm.tv rnroner was notified the detriment of the party, and to the OI 1 ' I ; i . nt anma rt th a mnct iin rnmnrn inn,,0c nvPf thP remains. '"J"1 Ul oulli Vl l,,v- "'- liciu aii luvjutoi v. . v.. Can't Tax -w z Mr.chines. Washington. FjI?l. The Supreme Court of the United States .Monday de- tided that sewing machines may be rold and shipped into North Carolina I without requiring the payment. of th M'l k c:mif.'.l utfu-k ST.O UflO W W. Tint- ri u ?v rnnfil nnrl Mr. Hltt. KeDUDllCan. -t"-i---. - nnrt on tne ouiitrauon ui iub uuku m i . . . I!, and o I hers stockholders: the Un- UUi'el Illinois chairman of the foreign and n'Twood Pharmacy Company, of South- regard to the negroes. committee, put in a generous defense From :n Pim-s. to manufacture medicines, was cecmeu iMd.M f the Presi(ient and his Central The p-dicy cf the Nry fw-partmetst v,'.th refjx-ct to th" entry cf Colombian tto.ps Into Panama a til l today to l.e in prevent a eonfil-t lfore It rom tiin e1. To thit end. the naval com mandos In theme atert have hern ln ftructel to kep the Colombian trwpt . at a greater a:a:ane imm in ltia j nv:s at points mtere a firht with tho i.:i)ital et'K-k. $.",000, J. T. Underwood owner; tho Dimension Lumber Com pany, of Yil!cls. Jackson county, to ; crate c.iw mills, make lumber, di-. hA T.siou stock, wood novelties, furni ture, etc-.. W. D. Farwell and W. W. .! as. of llih Point, and D. T. Knight, oi Willcts. being the stockholders. rivo Alvn Lost. Wilmington; Siiccial. Attempting to frt over the bar and into a safe har lor in the teeth of a stiff northwest pale, the small coasting schooner, Clarence H., belonging to Brunswick parties, and bound from Shallotte, N. C to Wilmington, with a cargo of pro duce, capsized date Fiiday night, off the mouth of the Cape Fear river, and all hands aboard, including Captain Lucian Hcwett, Mate Morris Caison, Cook Robinson, all young white men, belonging to good families of Bruns wick county, and CaLcain James and William Lewis, brothers and foremen cf fishing crews, who were passengers !! the boat, were drowned. State News Items. The Stanly Mining and Realty Com pany, with a capital stock of $50,000, has been chartered by the Secretary of Hate. The incorporators axe all Albe h.aile citizens. The Southern Railway shops at Sj.enccr are threatened with a strike on aci-ount of the promotion of a non union workman over union men on the wrecking force. The increase in the revenues of the Raleigh postoffice i3 something re markable. During the past six years the increase has been more than dou bled. In 1S96 the receipts amounted to ?:3.510, while now they are $54, ro:i. and the net profits last year were ?.i2.r07. Tho Charlotte police department has been advised of,a safo rpbery that was committed at Lowndesvllle Tuesday night, when Mr. E. R. Horton's store was entered and his safe robbed of between $300 and $600. Mr. Horton of fers a reward of $50 for the arrest of the robbers. State Treasurer Lacy says he is well pleased with the financial results cjf the fiscal year just ended; that there was $10,000 more receipts than ' he estimated; that he is still on the strain, and is calling on the sheriffs for funds. High Point suffered from a destruc tive fire on Friday night. Rutherford B. Hayes, of Asheville, appeared before the board of agricul ture in Raleigh in behalf of the Appa lachian Forest Reserve, asking $2,000 appropriation to push the work re garding this important measure. The sentiment of tho board seems favor able. A statement was Issued describing the plans of Andrew Carnegie for upending $2,500,000 to make Dunferm hn, Scotland, a model town. foreign missions next year it was reported that the women have raised $11,322.95 for the different ob jects of the Convention. Many other interesting and important matters were considered. FRIDAY'S SESSION. Three sessions were held Friday. The debt on the Baptist Female Uni versity was wiped out. The home mis sionary contribution was raised to $12, 000. $00,000 was contributed to Wake Forest College. The greatest enthusi asm prevailed. SATURDAY'S SESSION. Interesting topics again came up for riirussinn in the three sessions held Saturday. At the morning meeting It was decided to elect a Sunday school field worker, who will be under tho supervision of the State Sunday ehnnl hoard, and $1,000 will De ap nrnnriatod for this work, l ne oiate bnarrl of missions was authorized to secure, more than 50 ministerial stu- . -1 i.! iients for colporteur s worK in desti tute sections. The students win dc engaged in this service during their vacation. For this purpose me uudm was authorized to use $1,200 from the fenorril fund Dangers that .confront the Baptist churches were mentioned in a report American policy. Mr. Williams, of Mississippi, the minority leader, re plied to Mr. Hitt, declaring that the minority did not condone the part taken by this government. Nearly the whole of the fcur hours' session was taken up in a discussion of the Isth mian Question. No conclusicn was reached on the pension bill. Mr. Dins- more said the Panama repuolic had been established and thct it exists hv the. nowar of the Pnued btates tax or ?J.:,u rcquircj on tne manuiac- . frftnn, uw to occur. In rwicinir ciinnnrters rtf if a Tint icv in thftlt.. - n.1n ..r Vx(n o - rw. in tlA : . . . . the evidence the jury found that . . believe that the proposed aa i a" n3vaI ra . ' u 7 . .... n h5 rteath bv a blow PH, Minn nf renresenlation in the na- DWlc" ,m H,"m"u - cn authority. l!e Department la riu. awuo vuu" .- - i . - -- "... I . v x- l. I :. t T-,.rl . -n rii , x iv i, ;tio1 T?or.i.V.lif.in rnnvnnt nn would DG tae i .uiioiiv ru f: d I;T tne irraTT fJI JM i. uuurr of unknown parties." Capps was 45 years old, and leaves a wile ana iour children. The motive for the crime is supposed to have been robbery, as Capps was returning home after sell ing cotton in GoldsDoro, mougu ue uu less than $10 with him at the time. an injustice which the party should not road Company vs. John R. Pirns, sheriff : vjrh tht United States rusranteet lo perpetrate. of Person county. N. C. The case arose . , transit arrest the lethmus oi-ea. "We take this opportunity to express in connection with the purchase of a hrtltr inter-tatIon of th duties our latitude to the President of the machine by Mrs. O. L. PatterfiU. of ; A broader nT; 11 "Vl! TTn?t Rtntf for darine at all times the town of Roxboro. In that State. She , 2nd r'Bponslbil.t.e, or mm KovernrDrni to stand up for impartial justice and ordered it from Chicapo. and It as j in this respect had now wen KiTen i- the manhood rights guaranteed by tne sent "cash on delivery. There was an j tlj;g treaty by which the pnt-etion constitution and by laws based there- effort cn the part of the authorities to i . iiff.d ctatfs will not al us L on. We have never asKea special eon- i collect ine nrer.se. cjn me tcmnu i mn, sideratlon in any matter affecting the as the money wss paid In North Cam- ..I .nDri'otinn hSS . .. . ... . ii.i j nn H cnmmiripp on ioicsl i cot. nnrt T.nat wiuioui iuai wwci n. i.u.u - inL:,n not exist. Nothing had, he said, been reported favorably tne -i s 1 U n V, n Trn hQOTl croin. I IN Ht.it JllO.1 1 gamea uiat cuu.uuui y, ?tc firKt session since a in o ctr-aip-htforward wav. tummiucc " . xrtinni Forest Reserve bill. me True Bills Found Omaha Rnecial The United States 1 on this wholly mer K.1 tXUXA JU1J 1"- - I Ma IL1 J L- . m i ,.4. in tma htiia npaicst former !,;nnc measure. The committee, ai- UlUUgai " . I HUl ,-,rA State Senator Lowe, Bartiett men- ter some discussion, nnauy imu.. ardson. a cattle baron of the WTest, in the North Carolina Senator s opm- and nil of the officeis cf his company ion and the bill was reporwu ; V. VoVraeta T.nnfl flurl I V,-.. n o ni mCiV, 5 VOte. ir. iJUiiun blir; .. ' i u uuM" known as ator Frank Curry, of Custer county, he who introduced the bill a lew aays and about 15 other mdictuieaits. ago . Uj . .. . or, it- waa Feeding Company; former State sen- chairman ol tnis commi iw, k Favor Forest Reserve Bill. I Ciui utivu m.j - I ' v a Washington, Special. ine eiiiiu ommon nehts of citizens and sincere- i;Da. the sale w.:s really made there. ly believe that he has not souglit to The State court accepted this view or srive us such. He has treated ua just the case, but they were reversed by to- like other citizens; we have never day's opinion, which held that the de asked for more, and will not be satis- cision was an interference with inter fled with less. By announcing that he state commeree. and that the sewing would not submit to the closing of the machine could not he taed as long as door of hope to us. he played the whoia I it remained In the orlplnal package. gamut of principles for wnich tne na tion stands and for which its founders dedicate their lives, their fortunes and thelnr sacred honor." Among those present were Bishop Walter. T. Thomas Fortune. Cyrus . . . . A. t'leager, oi the reorganization, and Senator Over man, who is a member or tne comuiu, I,? enlleamie that they could ICC, IU1U . . , not do a wiser thing than to put their confined to the canal atrip. ln:t to aay fart f the territory of Panama. is Needed Appropriations. Washington. Special. The Secretary cf the Tre-asury has tranrmitted to ; Ranllr.j was t.icfccd In a dozen places Congress the estimates cf approp;!a- 1 with th hatchet of hit opponent, ont right to the Death. Mrmphls. Tertn.. Fpeclal. Two prexs employed in a larjc hiraal groery houM V1I1M eaeh other hr In a hand-to-hand firht. Gerrr Ilawl Ii;s and Kirk Allen cne armed with hatehrt. and th ottr with knife fcught orer a trlvaj matter, and tions acquired by the government tejr stroke plertlng Ms brain and causlnc PMeld Adams. llham . ttt ii T fmM rt T miic. laPOrEia Walter vviici, vi. ivyut.j- l . . - -4 l. Hna and John C. Dancy. of North the fiscal year ending June. ii5. Tan 1 infant dath. Allrn was cat fritht- Carolina, The Country-Made City Man. Former President Grover Cleveland has taken for the text of his latest Chicago Gets Convention. Washington, Special. The Republi- News in Paragraphs. Dr. Edwin Holt Hughes was lnau- RDDrenriations asked for aggregate $521,502,146 as against 55S3.1 M.LIZ as ed for the year 1901 and J5ft5.S'. the amount of the appropriations for can national convention will be held gurated president of Do Pauw Univer- cn the spiritual condition of the State essay about things outside the realm in Chicago, beginning at noon June sitv, Indiana, lurches, and a recommendation for . litics ..-re changes that are go- 21. next, the Republican national com- . m . mo - A I I ' . . x tntciai time ior piaytr . mr- mmi nnnnbtirms. and 0in.T thiR conclusion &ac- AM i iiic vii ill vua f i ; . I II irr l tv Jui n The report cf tne comm uee ctr . rt tn call. Dublicaticns provoked a spirited de- tu mwu, I 1" uvaay, ana uujuu.u.ufe bate in which lie v. j. j. xviassee, ui uucu uu - , pittSi3Urg aUa ou - - Raleigh, expressed the fear that there with the dangers apparent in such a riyals cf chicago fcr the convention. Each city was well represented in oratory before the committee, and eaeh also had cash offers to make. Pittsburg offered $100,000. Chicago $75,000 and a ball and St. Louis $40. 000 and a hall. The vote stood AS for Chicago. 7 for Pittsburg and 1 for St. Louis. that year. The estimates la cian iui- low: legislative lll.CS7.253; iivo nfG0: State Ipartment $3.1--.- fully. and 4!d few hours later. Elmer Kemp, a Maryland bricklayer 9P0; Tresj;ijry iiopartmnt JKS.CSS.OCI; are serious dangers in the license of widespread tendency." But against tho secular Dress, and thought that h1 arraignment of the "town-made "the day was not far aistani wucu countr man there is something to the government woaia iay ic bQ gaid oj. tne country-made city arm oi tne law on m x . mftn and hls wholesome exodus to 2JZZ?Z? ?SS:t the green fields and the old pastures BU'1 1 & . .. I rnv, 1 109 rcronirro ctuhc: for Tlio resrilutinn nrCIlllslIlS to otouu i lucic cue vo--"- v.e trustees of Wake Forest Col- eolfine in the the United States, and j .r . A i v,Q i " t . lege in their enoris to euiin&e "-" the club houses ana courses repre usefulness of the college was adopted. gent &n investment of $20,000,00. In At the afternoon ses sion 1S98 there were not thirty automobiles ventlMopa rew ucdem but the firet six mg me ruumug " "' Wlwln VAir the com- end pledging itself to tne caue w moutuo rriuctinn as the best safe-guard of panies formed for the manufacture of automobiles had a total capital of $388,000,000. On August 1, 1903, education as the best government. The pulpits of the city enureses were nearly all occupied Sunday by j-tcitiTisr Ttantist ministers. The city was thanked for the hospitality it showed vin the entertainment ot tne Convention.- The next session will be held at Elizabeth City. Fcur Hundred Reported Landed. Panama, Special. Advices received here from Cartagena say that the Co lombian cruisers General Pinson and Cartagena have landed 400 men un der Generals Bustamente and Ortiz at Cape Tiburon, at the mouth of the At rato river, with the object of cutting paths across the mountains to. enable the Colombian troops to invade Pan ama. According to these advices these p.dviccs there is in Cartagena a stand ing army of 1,000 men. nearly 7,000 machines were licensed In the city and State of New York alone. Twenty years ago the total outlay for equipment in baseball, ten nis rowing, etc., was only $2,000,000 whereas last year ?iu,uuu,uuu worm oi sporting goods were sold. Illustrated Sporting News. Primitive Farming Utensils. In southern Greece many primitive agricultural Implements are still in use, including plows similar to those used here in the age cf Pericles the oolf bent-bow hayrack, common in America in pioneer days, and hand made hoes and shovels, the hoes with blades as large and as heavy as the American spade. The Camp Wrecked. Huntington. W. Va.. Special. F. A. Johnson, of Lynchburg. Va.. a foreman on the Norfolk & Western Railroad, at Kencrva, was thawing out dynamite when a stick exploded, wrecking the , a vnth I ccra mown on. camp, joanson uau iirinr in York. Pa., is Eald to have fallen heir'to $20,000. Mra tvatln Ludwick. u Bronson (Mich!) bride, is charged with the murder of her husband. Miners fired on deputies near Ber wind, Colorado. Secretary Cortclyou explains in his first annual report the methods to be adopted by the Department of Com merce and Labor in investigating cor porations. The Democratic National Commit tee will meet in Washington on Jan uary 12. 1904, to fix the time and place of holding the national convention next year. , Manv members of the Republican x'.f;nnoi rvmmittee have arrived in Washington to attend the meeting of their committee tomorrow. in rita annual renort General Gilles pie Chief of Engineers, discusses riv a tree 50 yards away. umet . jured, but not fatally. - - . . tiered, had his body er and harbor improvements in -iary- , e it ijindlne in I land. blown to pieces,, suic . w,,, flotilla will be con- uc w't - ,, . veyed from Key West to aanua uy tha cruiser Buffalo. a rniombian Armv cf 1.100 was re ported marching on Panama, and that the United States as preparing to resist the advance. a -Russlon scuadron. it was stated To Acctpt Carnegie Offer. Greensboro, Special. The city al derman voted unanimously to" accept the Carnegie offer to build a $30,000 tag been sent to Chemulpo. Korea, to War Department j i.'.i.-:j."". interior ie tcffir Ic- partment of Agriculture J5.72S.Vs9: Department of Commerce and Labor kJZ.i-; i"- partmect cf JusUce wii.wrt total 5e2i.5'72.14C. Department $10.-,.S2.410: Int partmcnt tl.053.: Tt cartirent $l'2l.7Si: Dp: library, provided the city would guar antee $3,000 per year for its mainten ance. The matter has been hanging fire two years and the action tonight was the result of a petition asking that it he adopted, signed by a ma jority ot the qualified voters, rrevent Korea from opening the pert of Yongampho. Cora Dowager Countess of Straf ford married M. E. Kennard In Lon don. Italian Finance Minister Luxzattl stated In Parliament the policy of the new Ministry. Manufccturcrs Meet. Charlotte. Special. The meeting of a large number of iron.inent cottoi manufacturers here last week was an event ot ge-at intere st nrt only to l';e manufacturing Interests t'-t to the whole community as well. Fltrs were .a.axi inoklnc to the curtailment cA nroduction with a vie o? cither in creasing the rrice cf the output or re rine!nethe cost of raw mafiial. A nt inber of plans were taken under con a larire number of looms and fpludies r-.preented at the mnotinr .ant trrt'. rt mill men think that good results will follo-y the mcetiug. The maccracfirera journed. tibct to a rail to Dfcct la Washington t!i:y Ext Bridge Collapses. Chattanooga, Tenn.. Special. A spe cial from Adams Station. Tennesse?. says: TTie new bridges under con struction across Rod rirer at Port Roval collapsed while the false work was being removed. Several men were nreeinitated into the water. N. E. Wooldrldge was so badly Injured that he died within a few hours. Another man had both legs broken and two others were seriously Injured, al though probahlrnot,faUlly." A. C. L Synd cat. New York. Ep'tlal. Members cf the syndicate wh!:h tjnderw-ole $25.-i-f the 4 !-r ee-nt. Londa and 1 5.0000 ,tcck ef the Atlantic Coaat Line altS.roa! at the tlm that com pany aequlre-1 control of the Louis ville L. NahvllW? road, have aakd for a 1 months' c xtention of ttt syndicate art' "..-. .it ' F t ruaxy 1. 1501. J. P. Mj:ean 1 Co yx.filcatt inauase:. v ill are? t the -it-niioa. brovidinz a majority el the parues to the ayndlctr l;-' t - :t ctDaet-t. . To lnad- Panama Colon. By Cable. A rumor Is In clr culaMcn here to the. efTeet that 2.000 soldiers hare 1 f t Carta?tca for th purixjse cf lnvaiing thr lathmaa. No deUlls are known, ar.d the cr cannot be ccflrmed. It probably b3 Its source at Tort Umon. Coata Rica, where It wai brought by tfamer froa Cartagerji. The only pot ilble means of nprroacLIiig Panama 1 Ly narrow an2 dir.cult m curtain r' tkrouth tb Indian country. The United States cruiser Atlanta Is now cS the InLaa coast. In a Wreck. Washington. Eperlal. Powell Cay. ton. ambassador of th- United States to Mexico, arrived tere from Mexico City. He came to attend the znertlag of th" Republican national commits, of which be Is the member from Ar kansas. Yesterday morning the train on which ha was a passenger waa wrecked near LaGrange. Ga- but he e caped with only a alight Injury to his head. He will remain a few days, and then will go to his home la Arkanaaa. He expecta to leat for Ms post on January 1st.

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