TH CAUCAGIAH PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY THE CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8. Oae Year, . tl.OO Six Moatba, . . .60 Tbree Montba, . .85 Ho. . TRADESgCOUWCa. 11. "lawlessness walked the state like a pestilence." Governor Aycock htated in his Inaugural address that under, and therefore by im PLICATION IN CONSEQUENCE OF, FUSION RULE LA WLEKSNEH8 WALK ED THE HTATE LIKE A PEHTI LENCE, crime btalked abroad at noon day, sleep lay down with alarm and the sound of the pistol, was more frequent than the bono of the mocking bird." iiow stands the case to-day Governor? Haven't the acts OF THREE RED SHIRT LEGISLATURES AND MORE THAN TWO YEA'RS OF YOUR OWN BENEFICENT RULE PASSED INTO HISTORY SINCE YOU ONLY FOR POLITICAL ENDS. from the editorial page of the last issue of the Progressive Farmer: "One of oar North Carolina dailies which pose? as a sort of tem perance orgai on its editorial page, carries prominent display advertise ments of mall order whiskey houses on Its advertising pages. This paper would probably not accept our theory of the editor's responsibility for the character of the business men whom he takes Into the homes of his patrons." This is only another evidence of the inconsistency of the Dem-xrratic machine. We uelieve that the real promoters of temperance are sincere, but the Democaats have as a party joined in with them only to secure certain political ends, just as they have often joined with whiskey men to carry out certain political schemes. THE DEMOCRATIC CIRCUS. To Ski Sbowa SboaM b a p rial Ttmtmrm of thm Pmetortmmmcm. Under its head of political chat" the News and Observer pub lishes the following: It is said that Senators Simmons and Overman, Governor AycocK and Josephus Daniels, will probably be the four delegates at large from this State to the National Demo- cratic convention. Franklin Times. "If the Democratic party can make harmony out of these four, sureiy mere win De party psac throughout the Union. If the Democratic representative crease of proclaimed the foregoing i gend these men there surely should when you are cavorting over be sung the long meter doxoly ac the state whooping for educa- I com pan led by a universal diapason TION AND ROADS TIOX'T VfTI HEAR I meiy Hurrah for harmonv. conalstflnpv and men Qf principles." Tar- lis okth Carolina than ever i borough Southerner. BEFORE AND DO YOU CONTINUE TO ATTRIBUTE THESE TOFUSION RULE? The Republican Rtftt onnvAntinn which met in Greensboro last the investigating committee Ihursday was the largest and most The Democrats say they have paid off $61,000 of the Bute farm bonds with the surplus this year a the penitentiary. Gov. Aycock suggests that these canceled bond- be carried to the State Convention as an object lesson of Democratic government. The (Charlotte) Peo ple's Paper commends the Hover nors suggestion la the following language: . . WW A . a "we cani see anytmng wrong in putting those cancelled bonds up as a side show when the circu opens. Neither can we ee any thing wrong In the Governor's mak ing a report In detail on his manage ment of the A. fc N. C. Railroad .A A -WW . ior me pasc mree years. ue It as a side show number two; tell the people how much the road and hash house has cost the State above what it ha3 made; tell them how much of the people's money he has spent trying to keep the road from getting into the htnds of men that would make something out of it for the State or at least stop it from being a political machine and a dead ! A 1 A . W weigni on me lax-payers. .Let m make that Exhibit No. 2." Then, as a further side show, put up the other little batch of more than $400,000 worth ef bonds is sued to meet runniug expenses and mark this as exhibit No. 3. As further proof of your "good govern ment show your record of the in- the burden of taxation; REPORT. The Democratic committee that tory or that party. They put up a was appointed by the Governor to strong State ticket, one that will investigate the Democratic manage- cause the Democrats great uneasi- mentoftheA, &. N. C Railroad ness from now until the election in made their report to the Governor November. a few days ago, and after being t a -w-v m a t . read by the Chief Executive, a copy J uaee eeDies contempt case has been furnished the newspapers, gainst the Robeson bar will be re The evident taken on xvhch ih sumed at Lumberton today. The report mas made to the Governor outcome of this case will be watch- has not been made nuhlio. The ed with much interest. Either the The Question Is will it he mde Judge or the Lumberton bar are in nuhllp. The nnmmittAM rorrf ia & hole. X - v m-m-m m. , m, VW M. 'JA, V M.& quite lengthly. It cites nearly all the charges that have been made against the State's management of the road, but in nearly every in stance lengthly excuses are made to show why the officials should not be severely criticised, if criticised at mark this as Exhibit 4. Show that you squandered ?18o,000 turned over to you by the fusionists; mark this as Exhibit 5. Show your record on tne impeachment matter and mark this Exhibit 6. Show how you incorporated Democratic dis tilleries in this country, in order that they might continue busines in the face of your Watt's bill; mark this Exhibit 7. Show the vast army ot white men who were dis- representive convention In Jthe his- f ranch ised by your poll tax scheme in the lace of your anti-election pledges; mark this Exhibit 8. Show the Convention how you thrust your hands Into the treasury to get money to defend criminals who violated the laws you made, marks this exhibit 9. Place before the body a panarama showing the inti midation, frauds, crimes, and even murders committed in the name of "White Supremacy"; mark this Exhibit 10. Now, dear Governor, if you will , add these features to your side show at your convention you will create much enthusiasm for the Repub lican party. Shelby Aurora. athletic vi. cowtrMrnoN. ! EukIm for Tabercmloata Patlli . inere must be no exercise a) exercise for the consumption patient," ry Eugene Wood In Everybody's Magazine for Jane "If you are able and fel like It amuse yourself, but don't take ex erci to build your system up. know, t, too, have heard those stories about men given up -to die, who began work in a gymnasium and by violent exercise entirely re covered their health. You mustn't believe all the physical-culture peo ple tell you, any more than all the patent-medicine people can tell you. They're both In the miracle busi ness. When the lung tissue Is at tacktd by tuberculosis it heals. If it heal at all, by this fibre?, acar rn ate rial filling in the cavity. No new lung tissue is forued lo replace what has been lost, and this scar- material is -useless for breathing. Suppose you had a deep cut it your hand, and you kept working that hand violently, how long do you think it Wnnid tL-o th rnr Tr ham I v. Mak v .aa UV4t T I ... w nen exercise is taken or you 'ex pand the lungs," you have to work the lung-tissue just as you work your hand, and if it is wounded there will be a much larger propor tion ot scar-material useleee for breathiug when it does not get well. it is a practice now to make the affected lung immovable with strips ot adhesive plaster, and to inject it with nitrogen gas, so that the lung won't work." Negro Suspected of HtTln Carred up hla Wife. Columbia, 8 C, May 23. The disappearance of Mary Hightower, wife of Tom Hightower, a middle aged colored woman, from her home near Tatum Marlborough county, on Wednesday last, was explained yes- erday by the finding of parts of dismembered body, which were buried in two different places, the egs from the knees down still miss ing. A party of 200 negroes had been searching all dayfor the miss ing woman in the woods and numerous bays in that section. The dismembered parts had been I disjointed and cut of as if it had . been done by a surgeon. Hightower and his wife are said to have quarreled od Tuesday night Me has not been seen since the dis- appearaace. Washington Post. There was a justice of the peace down in Kentucky." said the Sena tor Blackburn, "who had been elect ed Cor a score of years without oppo sition. Fnally much to the sur- eurprise of the Justice, another man came out as a candidate ano was poshing the old justice pretty bard. The old man decided to Lwtue a cir cular to be distributed in the dis trict showing why he should be elected. He closed it with this touching appeal: In tue twenty- two years I have been a Justice of the peace I have never decided a case against a Democrat.' It is need- lew to say," concluded the Ken tucky Senator, "that this was a De mocratic stronghold." lie port Lacks CoaSraaitoa. Paris, May 23. A dispatch firm 8t. Petter&bunr savs that reports have reached the Russian head quarters at Lio Yang from Chinese sources to the efiect that the Japa- a m m . . nese nave made land attack on Port Arthur but have been repulsed with heavy losss. The report has no confirmation. V3P a: aa. aam. wta rm jar JtJfcynafdc A SURK THING. It is said that nothing la sure except death and taxes, bat that is not altogether true. Dr. King's new cure for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat trou bles. Thousands can testlf r to that. Mrs. C. B VanMetre of Sbepherd towc, W. Va., tays nad a severe case of Bronchitis and for a vear tried tverythiog I heard of, but got no reiier. une bottle of Dr. Klnsr's rxi . new lsiscovery men cured me absolutely." It's inMlible for Croup, Whoonlng Cougb, Grip, 'neumonia and Consumption. Trv t. It's guaranteed bv all Drnecrists Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes 60c, iasajiity, Peath or MeaJth? ST. Locm, Mo, Marca a. rlctia of ataplexa asd ntrrmm mMM ZZiTIV.tH worn oat coauasauy. i uy irrvj, ,JL. .i.ata Ttaal that I oaa aaa rer r BtiBjr it i aaa ayr w t marat ixilw toatil ap asd arvoaai taa (taa caru writ ot ywu bemlth gtitaf atadtotaa a4 glaHy aadocaa la o Uoaoa. So. rr Ws want Mra. Bart secured can taking eighteen months. Uanlut ... ... i . to call roar attention to Vbf eompirwa Vrr by taking Wine of Uaram. ijam a inv . I f fwt had hrr firtttrood mght rrt (, T Iler resUewneai waa caed by nerrousne and W a. t k.. w itrmtiir IB lh vr!ti a. . TtlaW, oHinity and if relief not ancored the J ;,v. inn t-.m or lhj& crave. no suffering woman can reWiablr refaas to give me oC Card It bring a cure that thousand- of women hare ayught for in ti youVure a botUe of Wine of Cardui todaj and tart treatment V With much an outlook M thl Mtvr , iveWinoC V-araai atr:! aio. ill All druggwU $1.00 bottk Win of Cardui. Third District ConTentlon. The Congressional convention of the third District was held in Goldsboro last Friday. Judge W. o. u. u. Koblnson and Col. George i. Butler .were elected delegaets to the -National Convention. Are the Democratic papers of the State going back on Senator Sim mons. The following appeared in the last issue of the Tarborough Southerner : "Senator Simmons voted tor the Panama stolen goods The Public and Corruption In the editorial department, which appears as a feature of the June McClure's, there is an appre ciative review of Lincoln Stefffm'a all. In speaking of the expenditure althouSh he knew of the thrievery". book, "The Shame of the Cities,' of the money the reports says : "We are of the opinion that much of this money has been wisely spent, but some of it has also been, injudi ciously used, in some cases approach ing downright extravagance". Again the report says: "The idea which seems to prevail that the road-bed may be made safer and stronger by laying heavier rails upon rotten ties is a fallacy". Dy William Allen White. Mr. The Union Republican gives the I oteaens's book includes articles i i following as the record of the De- wmca . nave appeared in McClure's iuagazme on the actual government mocratic party in this State: A tree is known by its fruits. A political party by its acts. What is the Democratic record bonds, bank ruptcy and debt." WARRANT ISSUED FOR CARRIER. RURAL. The reports also shows that at some small stations handsome build- under Democratic management. ings have been erected while at other stations where they wTere more needed no improvements have VkTV-k MYn Tl -1 - A A m U iiiue. xi aiso reports mat the Charon him With Sy.tematic Defraud by-laws of the companv provided ,in" and Wlth Forgery. that the Proxy Committee shall be Morning Post. composed of seven stockholders, Asheville, N. C. May 23. Infor while they found that there were oi certain typical American cities. Mr. White in his review demon strates his own thorough knowledge of American government and poli tics as well as appreciation of what Mr. Steffens has tried to show. The "Rotten tie Joe" can now write editor comments on the fact, "That more about rotten ties. And r' .WMte th.18 thine as we see ii, gives to our lacts the light of up as nis understanding1 and tn nnr intr-o. trtOTviA 4-Its iL ' i 0 XT I . ,-. lu,;uro "" tue a. s xn . j. I tation oi them the seal of authority." A siffniheant editorial fnllnwa some this time wnicn puts the question sqaarelv. Do We Care7" That a srnndiv - uuluuvj: ui us uu care somewhat is then proven by excerpt from a num ber or letters endorsing the work of McClure's in its exposure of politi cal, industrial and financial cor ruption, ana giving evidence of relation has been received here from mral support in efforts for better rMliv ii momho it,. 4 ""jucovuw iu me cuoct mat a wuuuwus wmcaw encouraging to illy 35 members and that lourt(en warranthasbeen iasued for H D. all who are still hoping and trying. yiueis, uut iuauney charging him with defraud-1 a nese letters come from all walks A 1 r I . - I s n - ami iney nave tree passes over the mg various individuals out of 01 llle and are certainly indicative road. It was also found that busi- money aQd with forgery. It is said at Ieast pf a reassuring and healthy nets men not interested in th ri inai ne nas 8tolen a consiberable PUDAIC interest In what makes for Mve rree Uo. The eom- h7tnn& xxu, limi) me roaQ nas manner, and the fact that he had thirty-four local attorneys, and that been caught sooner is nerhans .. . I ,1 A A it was shown one of these attorneys uue 10 nis moae o stealing has never appeared for th rnri. hnt aUDey was employed as a rural I TV- Oil AA-wmavrw Ivi.. I f a.l-. nil m- ixxaix vamci ueiwwn Waynesvlllel " xlTO -nienintne Overladen Boat and Jonathan iwir xr ..n . . 1 lone an Drowned. Oba nf Th.m n. , , " v v A.- lir trill H iwi ' torney against the road in practicallv monev from nersnna oi cripple. . . axis iuum 1 every case in Craven county during who desired to send money orders News and Observer. me present Democratic administra- in money ana subsequently reeuvme, jn. u., May 23. tion. But it is to be nrenH uiroyea tne orders. He then ouuaay evening at Bell's Seine good in our land. TWO DIE SEEKING TO SAVE a THIRD. Smallpox In North Carolina. Washington Post. Raleigh, N.C. May 20 The bul letin of the Stat board of health is sued today reports, smallpox in r-k mm . . w counties, the total number of cases being 700. Ashe County leads, with 200 cases and Durham has 215. ine number of cases since the disease appeared in North Carolina five years ago is more than 9,000 CURED OP LEPROSY". First Case in History of the World, It is Claimed. r new urieans, May 24 For the first time in the history of the world it is said a leper will be order ed from Larzetto completely cured. I his week the Louisiana lepers home at Indian Camp will discharge uuo ui iiB paiienis, a Creole Doy, a native of New Orleans, aged fifteen, wno has been afflicted with the leprosy for four years under treat ment at Indian Camp for nearly two years. A STARILIinG TEST. ro sare a llfr, Dr. T. Q. Merrltt, ui no. iMen-opany, ra.t made a startling test resulting in a wonder mi cure. Me writes, "a patient was auacKftd with violent homor rhage9, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often fonnd Elen trio fitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I nre scrioea them. The patient trained a. a. irom tne nrsr, ana has not not had an attack in 14 months." Electric . . . Bitters are positively Eruaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Consti pation and Kidney troubles. Tnr them. Only 50c. at all Dmata Mr. Blake Dropped Dead. Mr. J. C. Blake, a well known farmer of this county, dropped dead Sunday at his home three miles from here in House's Creek town ship. QUICK ARREST. J. A. Gullcdge of Verbena, Ala., i 1 . . . . was twice in me nospnai rrom a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all re medies failtd, Bucklen's Arnica Halve quickly arrested further ia- liamatloh and curtd him It con quers ahes and kills pain. 25c. at ail Druggists. RIDER AGENTS WANTED In each town to take orders for our new Ilih CrU Guaranteed Bicycle. Nevi 119 Q3 Models ggB0lllS0," - Completo $8.73 St COSSack," Guarantwxl IXUh GraJo $10,7$ "Siberian," A ikauty $12.75 " Neudorf," r.oad iiaccr $14.75 no better bicycle at any price.. Any other mr.le or i'uhLI t;ou want at rmc-r i'i usual price. Choice cf aav standard tires a:,: !.$: equipment on all our bicycles. btrmrj(tt ju-inr,. u dir tif frtftKt VJL . v. it. 10 any f.D vntiwut a cent JejxKut and allo;r Q DAYS FREE TRIAL, beforo purt haso is lindiur. 500 Second Hand Wheels & . taken In trade hy cur CLleato rttall atore. OO 00 all mal;ci sml nx-di H. rl new..... w MtlflT CIIV 4 t'lvle tinill you'll a t wrltrn fr.-r IIU I 11111 Crii3v pr.i'it un cure idiii mm urea, equipment. aundriM 11 nl cnnrtin. mrt rf 1 1 L-tiwi . t i . . . . in our bin Ire tundnr ratalna. J. L. HEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, Hi, I V 1 iZTEABSj4 n 1 ti i One Enouarh. Her Father (sterny) Young man can you support a family? Young Man (startled) Why er 1 only wanted your daughter "THE WAV TO ST. LOUIS." ($17 Round Trip.) TT t -r . . vi cay juine, wasnington or nesapea&e Liine; thence via the superb through tra'ns of the Balti more and Ohio (Royal Blue Lino to t. Liouis. First coach excursion of the sea tat, March 16 and Nov. 9, 1897. Pat. la Canada Nov. a. 1847. BUG DEATH. This inBcctlcld and plant food combit has teen on the mark, t for six y ars and iu sates have thown a large increase each yer We can say to our customers that w glv Bug Death our fullest endorsement. Wbil iho ti st cost to kill the bug on an acre of otatoes is rather more than the arsenics! Insecticides, the reaalt at harvesting tlm are'entlrelj satisfactory, and whre practi cal tests havo been made the extra yield cf mi) ratable potatoes has more than paid the entire exptnsc. It is non-polsououa, which makea it perftctly safe to nse on J plants, trees or Tines. VERY BENEFICIAL RESULTS Are obtained by using Bordeaux mixture in connection BuI). ath. acd thev can be mixed and snraved on the vines at thosamo ilm. with will leave Norfolk Toesdav. Mav 16. an v of the snravinr machines on the market for that nnrn . n Tickets limited to ten davs from mm. a M . . dioofiseue. I QUU UbATH KKtVtUI S BLIGHT. Regular excursion tickets on sale . daily from April 25 Rates irovern. REDUCTION IN PRICE. The manufacturers, at the n quest of the ed by limit desired. Fnr dABPtin. trade and many consumers, have added a 100-pound kefir, which will be tlve literature and further infor- mucn appreciated by the farmers, as it reduces the cost per pound, matlon rpply to PQt UP iQ packages as follows, with trade muk on each package- ARTHUR G. LEWI8, i rnnj .rrn S. P. A. Baltimore & Ohio R. "R 1 1"!'?! t .15 .35 .50 1.00 100-pound package $7.00 Perfectloa Shaker for applying Bug Death C5 iMPUnlANT CHAHCE IH SEABOARD AIR. LINE SCHEDULE. BUG DEATH May be applied dry with the P rfection Hhak.r . r Effective Anril 17 th fnlin7!n made from bnrlao or srunnr cl th hai nCF the tlnki . i ... i a a. a . a w 1:20 A. M. A. M., cuanges will De make In the 8ea ooara Air Lune Kailr. ad 8ch dale- i rains arrive and leave no fni lows: NOTHBOUND. Train No. 34. Arrive Leave 1:25 A. M. Train No. 38 Arrive lO-RS Leave 11:00 A. M. ITrAin No. 66 Arrive 11:40 A. M., SOUTHBOUND. ATain JMO. 31. Arrive S-KK Leave 4 :00 P. M. Train No. 41 ArrivA 3-. Leave 4 :00 P. M. Train No. 43 Arrive Leave 7:35 P. M. Traifi No. 50 has been to No 34. train No. 57 to No. 31 aua i ram mo. to No. 43. with wat-r andf-prajwd as abne stated. with a muth ; small bb also mix) Hart-Ward Hardware Company, STATE AGENTS, RALEIGH N. 0. A. M. P. M. P. M. men, UDU lUafclW, ,K . . . I hnnnl. ! he still carrips hi tw. u F ta" tucao waew aesiroyed, uxiws Deiow ureenville, 7 i I T " hi" son Charles and I' u Al was tound aetrauded destroyed evidence of his Menry Arnold, all white, were ma i, uu excessive price was paid for KU1U ny not aeilvering' tha letters. urownea wood and that much nf thQ Mne instance of this Dlan wa m0H0l inese, with two other was taken frnm iv, Kuown, when b man living on Jon- Louis Allen and Charles Braxton President oi tha t?.ii0h . . athan creek 86114 his 8ni or tried to Were mossing the river in a canoe Wo ! ot the Railroad, and that send him, $100, Mauney pocketed the five men too muchofaloS S ne reaped benefits from the exces- the money and when the letter was the boat aD before reaching the Bivcpnuo paia ior tne wood. One I aeni y ine son complaing of failure I snore " capsized and sank in deep ofthft acentja nf ia V . I to receive the nm iha nowfn. -l I Water. Allen nnr! nHTn j - - v a. vuvi nan iiiiinii very much behind . in his aceountw. Several mileage books could not be accounted for. it was found that the Atlantic Hotel, which is owned by the road, and was runed by the road last year, lost several thousand dollars. The committer To -ww waw itimiU that there was an 'apparent" dis crepancy of $26,966.88, yet they did not think there should be anv haste destroyed it. rarrier also I "u xraxton swam It is also chanreri asnore. The senior Forbes and IL.l -mr 5" I . , . mat mauney lorged the sienature of 1101(1 were also nearly ashore when certain persons to checks which ha they noticed youncr Forhea cashed. A deputy sheriff has been was a cripple struggUng In the given me warrant for Mauney's ar- siream ana wen back to assist him. rest, but so far has failed to nnia All three were drowned tnuS his man. AN ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Gastonia, N. C, May 23. Hen derson Bobinson, a citizen of Mc- in chafing the present ana Sn"U" & ment of th road w , I u ' iu re. oy "---a ww C3 Wail XvH 1 Ti I 111 lin&ILII. A messenger went to Forbes house to carry the news of the drown,- and found mourning there, a child having died about the same time the drowning occured. Thft.hrviio of he three men wen fnnni f v. iuuoj . If the Baby ! Catttnr Teeth. vesterdav Hom take up and discuss the report from commit suicide by cutting his throat anJuse that oIJ "d well-tried time to time, as we do not wish to knife. e now lies at the 8? tchUlJSI0 w maxe any one article too tedious for our readers. long and point of death, and say he cannot live, and family. Heh,, .wife S'5j2toi2- coUoT.Td LTD LTD U THE LARGEST LINE OF Shoes and Oxfords OF ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. In Shoes that will please every Customer. Our prices are less and will keep them so. See us before buying. FOOL & ALLEM, BALEIGH, N. C. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part of the State at same price at shop. Mora U MERITS coopEIt BROS,, ProprletorN. Raleigh, N. C. When writing t adtertisera mention ihe Caucasian 8end for Catalogne AAtJTJtjrJ tm tl yuAjQ oo so so o inree Times me value of Any Other. One Third Easier. Oae Ihiid Faster: The only Sewing .Machine that does not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bear ings make it the lightest run ning machine in the world. Agents wanted in unoccunied territory. oend lor circulars and terms Wheeled Wilson UU. Co Atlanta, Ga. nym . r-'v. m mm