THE CAUCASIAN .. l t i tit! trin Kntered at tbe l'oat Office id Kaleigb N. a second-class mail matter. KKOM OUlt KXCIIANGKS. some Sqaiba of Intr-t we If (j ether ed With our telot end Shears. A yar ago some of tbe farmers in Craven county hopd that the rirtuuse labor would solve the farm labor problem The experi ment turned out disastrously. The tK-st labor for Southern farms i-i the Southern- bred negro. llalefgh News and Obs-rver. "And yet hiich papers as the aixl Ob-Tver have done more to make the bent negro element dis ratified and leave the State than any other cause. They incite race prejudice during a campaign and in (aimer moments realise the need of the negro and the failure of the important element to take his place. Union Republican. The "Red Shirt" gang in this State has commltthd many crimes in the name of "Jettersonisn Demo errcy." hut the climax of corruption was reached when they attempted to impeach two faithful and efficient Republican Judges in order to get their jobs. They can find no excutse that will justify their course. This will ever hang like a mill stone about their necks. 80 mote it he. Shalby Aurora. Salary as a Lawyr. On May, 4th, the Washington correspondent to the Land Mark, among other things, says: 'Possibly the largest compensa tion ever earned in one case by a North Carolina lawyer was that re cently rceived by ex-Seuator Mar ion Rutler for his service before the Congress as attorney for the Dele ware Indians, lie and two other attorney i are to receive an interest in the tribal lands in the oil region of the Indian Territory, supposed to be worth more than a half million ilollnr. Thft ex-Senator pxoects to visit his holdings at an early date where he has already been preceded by his associates in the case." How much truth there is in the above we are not prepared to say. Yet we know Mr. Butler put a great deal of time and energy on it. And we do know he is worth more today than when he left the United States Senate. You can't down a As the Remit of DanoeraUe Laws. Tire Caucasian: Enclosed find Cashier's cbck en At - ! me lianic or Wh J takers for ($2) arrears to your valuable paper. With no children to educate, too old to work tmbllc roads, and not owning a homestead (f 1500) real WAR 1ST THE KAST. Arthur. Port St. Petersburg. May 21. There Is a report current on the Bourne this afternoon that a Japanese army made a combined attack of the outer and personal to be taxed, to educate defenses of Port Arthur today and tbe negroes and white alike, with I was renulsed. r no benefit to me and no horse to use on roads and taking away what little labor we got from the negro free on roads, they using them night and day, more than any one eke, I can pay only what I send you. However, appreciating the value and importance of your fearless publication of the rascality of the The Japanese, according to the re port, lost 15.000 and the Ita.ian 3,000. The report is credited in com mercial circles. A Natarai Aaaaaoptioa, Tom No I never pee Jack any more. We re no more friends. existing domination oi the party in Dick Indeed? Does he owe you money or do you owe it to him? j to renew for of course, will one pay energy Butler brainy man, one who has and will work. And Mr. heads the list on these lines. When he went to the Senate, he went right to the top and measured arms at once with such leaders of long experience as David B. Hill, of New York. And when he went into law, he went right to the top. The reason of it all is, Marion But ler is an incessant worker, and when he reads a thins he, he can, at once take its meaniner in. and he never forgets it. If he wa3 a Democrat, he would get the credit, due him, of beine the brainiest man . the State has ever produced. He cer tainly is of any living, and anyway, of any near his age. Hickory Times-Mercury. A Girl of Seven as Lanre aa a 16 Year old. Living at Inanda in this county is a child 7 years old, who has the weight, proportion and intellect of a person more than twice her age. The child is Miss Lonnie Plem mons and on her 7 birthday, a few weeks ago, she tipped the beam at 187 pounds, she is now in height or an average 16-year old girl and is well proportioned. Dr. Burroughs of this citv. who recently saw the healthy North Carolina lassie, de clared that Lonnie Plemmons, not withstanding her size, was a very prettv srirl, and that her mind was that of one many years her senior She is the daughter of James L Plemmons. who was killed on tht firing line during the Spanish American war, and since her fath er's death has lived with her grand father at Inanda. a few miles West of this power, I wish more year and wnen 1 can. With 90 acres land in Edgecombe, the land poor, timber cut off, no team, one building, 3 rooms 20 x 40, and no other improvements, no ten ants to cultivate same to one half its extent, and net returns thre from hardly $75, my taxes were nearly doubled last year. Please note that when the vote for taxes to increase schools a few years ago, only a few counties voted for it, but under the new compulsory elec tion law everything is for schools that are now too far apart for the poorer white classes, (who must till the soil) to attend. With the majority of counties now in debt, the run mad governor on schools and goods roads, still drives on his horses, like Phaebon with the chariot of the sun, heed leas of the destruction in his wake. The Superintendent of Instruct ion now admits that many hundreds or thousands (I don't recollect the figures) of white children will be disfranchised for lack of educational qualifications in 1908. Myself and others of "The Old Guards," (Popu- ists) around me, have not voted in two years and will probably not ever vote again, rather than under go the humiliations and brow beat ing ordeal and certainty of being counted out. We, too, are not forming the (de mocratic) alliance, any more. When we were the chief officers in the Grange and Alliance for all time be- bre, because of our being Populists, we were aousea, ana ostracised socially, called the negro party dogs ("black and tan"). Now the lead ers of the democrats in the alliance; here (at least) in Nash and Edge combe Counties, are the highest of ficers, and I do not know what the result will be, but democrats who do not join now and one of their township chairman of Executive Committee, says they are up for political ascendency only others say it will hold together no longer than the next election. Do not know but one Populist who belong ed to the sub here before in favor of it now. we Had some 60 or more members here before, wThen the democrats knifed it, repealed our Charter, etc., when they knew we had $110.00 in the Business Agency fund that we would lose by it. That amount still remains theie, "wasting its sweetness" etc. Barbecues given now every week, to increase the alliance ana even with that drag net, they only have a A S some zo memoers yet. vvnai ia significant to, those democrats that before took no interest when in the alliance were the most blatant in their abuse of the Populists. Edgecombe. Corn mast have a tafErient tupply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in fertilizers for erain and all lartrwr out httUr fc4t r.hciita-. ;". abie in for ma tie a a boot tod cuirur- OERJIAN KALI WORKS, AW A -mm MEM.. M, Jaws Tightly Locked From Nervous Spasms. Physicians Could Not Prevent Fits. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured My Wife. Dr. Miles' Nervine has been successfully tried in thousands of cases of nervous disor ders, but neTerJhas it made a better record than when used in the treatment of fits or spasms. Thousands of testimonials prove this, and in nearly every instance the writer has stated that the fits ceased after the first dose of Ner vine was rriven. The statement is repeated in the following: "Seven years ago my wife commenced having spasms or fits and I called in my home physician and he said she was para lyzed. He rubbed her with salt water and gave her calomel and she eventually go some better, but 'a a short time she had another attack. She was confined to her bed for three months and the doctor could not help her. She had fits frequently, Mm times very severe. Her hands would cramp e we could not open them and she finally got so her jaws would become locked. ROBERT H. Uc WEILL Attorney & Counsellor at Lai, Office, in Bond Building, WAHiiiivG-ror, i. c. Formerly Private Secretary to Hon J. C: Pritchard.) Will prosecute pension and patent claims, represent defendants before the Honorable Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and mate coec- tions from various Department! of the Government, especially for Postmasters and U. S. Commis sioners. WANTED ! Live agents in every county to se cure subscriptions for The Cauca bian. Write us to-day for terms, club offers, premiums, etc. . CAUCASIAN PUB CO., Raleigh, N. C. 'inallv I saw the doctor was doinr her M good and ordered a bottle of Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine. She received so anach benefit from the first bottle that I got sons more. She has taken a number ol bottles but has never had a fit since taking the first dose. She also thinks very highly of De. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and is never without them. If there is any way of mak ing this testimonial stronger do so becaase of the good the Dr. Miles Restorative Nerv ine did my wife." Wm. Y. Axlzn, P. II, Elkville, Miss. AH druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free hmmk on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Or. Miles Medical Co. Elkhart. In. The Times-Mercury, The only Independent Semi Weekly in the 8tate. Free and out- spoken on all subjects-the Simmons Machine a specialty. Thinks what it savs. and savs what it thinks. 1 $1 00 a Year. 6 or 12 months just for SOUTHERN RAILWAY SPECIAL RATES. Only Try it 3, fun. J F CLICK. Editor, HICKORY, N. C. Bates to St. Louis World's Fair. TICKETS TO 8E SOLO AT VERY LOW ! RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Fifty-Three Filipinos Are Muraerea at Midnight by Aaaaaalna. Manila, May 23. A report has been received here from Camp Over ton, on the Island of Mindanao, May 15, stating that a massare had taken place on the 12th instant, near Malabang, on the southern coast of Mindianao. Fifty-three Fillipino men, women and children, th fflmilifis of emoloves or tne $13 10 Raleigh to Atlanta, G., and return account Annuel Convert tion Southern Hardware Jobbers Associntion and American Hard ware Manufacturers Association. Tickets on sale May 2L-22 and 25, final limit May 31st. An exten sion can be had on payment of a fee of 50 cents good until June 30tu, 1904. $11.05 Raleierb to Athens, Ga , and rAt.nrn .ronnnr. Rummer Snhonl. Tickets on sale July 2-11 19. 2 For the .Louisiana furcnase jx limited returning fifteen days in position, to be held at St. Louis, addition to date of sale. An ex- Mo., May-November, 1904. The tension can be obtained until Southern Railway announces the fol- Hep. 30th on payment of a fee of lowing forms of excursion tickets, 50 cents effective April 25th: $13 50 flaleigh to Atlantic City, Rpo,nn Rxr-nrsion" Tickets, trood IN. J., ana ieiura, swuun ui jliu- xr ;r ;r " m. mm daily at rate of meo Shrine. Tickets on sale July 10 from Raleigh. and 11th, final limit July 23rd, Sixty Day Excursion Ticket, 1904. An, extension can pe ob- good returning sixty (60) days in tained until Ang. 3rd on pay nrent addition to date of sale, final date in of a fee of 50 cent3. no case to exceed December 15th, $21 10 Raleigh to Detroit, Mich., 1904 daily at nie 0f $29.90 and return account Baptist - Raieieh. u".?Ji Fifteen-Day Excursion Tickets, do in v fith. fith. 7th ar d good returning fifteen (15) days in Qrh flnHl limit JulV 12th. An I suuiuuii iu uawui salt;, suit vjaiij an ' ... - . I a n n f rt. t l i extension ualil Aug lotn, can oe rate 01 ?ai.ou irum xwueigu. Ten-Day Special Coach Excursion Tickets, see notices elsewhere. Reduced rates tickets as above will SOUTHERN R. R. Ise&ctJan. 11th. I SO 4. This cocdenaed tchcdole la pab- HaHmI mm lnfhrmt l-vn Yrl la nK I )ct to change without nolle to the public TRAIXS LEAVE HAUUCJII, X. C 2.00 a. m. No. Ill daily for Greesftboro and local point. Crric Pullman aieper Ra teigh to Orma boro, connecting at Grwasbom with train No. 33, "Florida Express for Charlotte, Columbia Havannju. and Jacksonville Pullman deeper to Jacksonville, Port 7am pa, and Acuta, .connections for all points in Florida. No. 37, "Washington and I a Southwestern UnilWd " holid 1011. man train drawing room sleeper, N. Y. to New Orleans and Memphis connection la abw made for Winston- Salem, Wilke&boro, Danville and local stations. 5:25 a. m. No. 112, dally for Goldsboro and local stations con necting at Goidsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilmington, N. O, Wilson, N. C., Tarboro, N. C, Norfolk, Va., and Immed iate stations, abto at Goldaboro with Atlantic and North Carolina Rail way for Kington, N. C, Newberne, N. C, and immediate stations.' 8 40 a. m. No. 107 dally foi Greensboro and local stations, con nects at Durham for Oxford. Hend erson, Keysville ana liicmnond. At University SUtion for Chapel Hill, daily except Sunday. At Greensboro with train No. 86, "U. S. Fast Mall," for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing-room sleepers to New York and Richmond. Close connection for Winston Salem, Mocksville and lo cal stations with train No. 7 for High Point, Salisbury, Charlotte and local stations. 10:80 a. m. No. 108, daily for Goldsboro and all local points ; con nects at Selma for Wilson, Rocky Mount and all Eastern North Caro lina points. At Goldsboro for Wil mington, Kinston, New Burn, N. C. and Norfolk, Va., where close con nection is made with Chesapeake Line for Baltimore and all other outgoing steamers. 3:25 p. m. No. 135, daily for Oreensboro and immediate stations; connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksville, Keysville daily except Sunday. At University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday At Greensboro with tram No. 29 for Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville Pullman and first class coaches Washington to Jacksonville, Fla. No. 35 "U. 8. Fast Mail" for Atlanta and all poiutH south and southwest, Pullman draw ing room sleepers to Birmingham and New Orhians, day covehe Washington to New Orleans, alo with north bound trains No. 34 am 38 for Washington and all points north. Pullman drawing room sleep- ers ana observation car to jew York; connection Is also made at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and at Salisbury to Memphis. 4.50 p. m. No. 136 daily for Goldsboro and local stations. C. H. Ackert, General Manager. S. H. Hardwick, Pass. Traf. Mgr. V. H. Taylor, G. P. A., Wash ington, D. C. P.. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte. T. E. Green City Ticket Agent, office in Yarborough House Build- Raleigh, N. C. K A o e y RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS 4t-ai RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS ft fui la ail met torn mi Ite Data FtBcj Ikoi re4 tfti dmintot tf jo esp? to a"t BiLief for Dcibef . becnu jra wou't If r htr t good article ar4 r mtl moo fir Ik n ; ten nib!. If you h4 c mrlhinc thl w mo, th dollar oul4 jua git it tri f wren you craJ an adtertiemBt where jou get cometbing for, that ome'biof eitbrr no too4 or eie tbe; are up ts onae 6im nan game. We are cot ruonicg pf enl medi cine bainM. o ret eaj on tbal ubject. t do not know tbe word UUure eeerafeand never will. Ibeede caitd and hifbef clae are tbe one we want to reach. We reach tt.en and women in a'l wtla of life.' Men and women, who to-day are before the public a national cfcaractert hate had our cod fide nr and the benefit of our experience. It U a SOth century pro duct, one tbat will be more appreciated tbe more it ic tried. Kreh from the tatb and an go a be look " I bi old ai log decribe our client to a T. We hi?e a VITA LIZEK not a ratenl medicine. It lones tbe ayttem, cntraliie weak nees of al decripliont mk- an ten temperature ail oter tbe body and in fact i make a new man and woman. Kadios will witbin a few years be a part of every bo-pital and surgical intitution of our land. No germ can at and tbe force of contract with hia new discovery. Rheumatism and d biiity flee twrfore it. Tbe mighty force of tbe turbu nt waters of Niagara, are in comparison with tbis new product as an old fashioned CANDLE in to RADIUM. Oe person writs, Wby did not v r it it som one discover it befort? Another says, "fco simpl hardly creditabte." From the 'ar Wst comes tbe unsoli cited response. "A Uod-send to huma nity.' Walcott Christie, of New York, the wl:-known auttTOr, tays, My suc cess in great measure L due to Kadios." Wenkness of certain organs is re- scorifiinle f.r all dieass. We build t. p your system so tint a disease is an mposibihty If your digestive orgars are out or oror. if toar tlooi is mjiuie if yuu can't sleep, eat or at to bus 1 es. I will cur! jou and jian'-e to do s . I will give you writtrti guarantee Cou d tou ak anj tbi g mo'f? 44 It U'lOS" Borxnr.RX railway nVKClAU RATES. t0 RaMch to Jop4io, Ma, Aftd wwm a-tfotjt AoaoaJ Uuf C1rmAa 11 r tut lWtvnn. TVcA oo Ai Ma? Ii-24 tnclsalrw StuU limit tTig Jella ttay Sfa. aa iWlaac4 Caa4 llsatt tan b obtained oaU Jo& SDtA, by i!ejo Uof tickf4 wlU JoUt l&JO luuiek to Mosul. Teas , ea rviara aoar.i Host! lJ4b Fcboot. Tltk tm Jan 3Cth, to Joly 2od, Ucloalr Jaa Joly 19 Ti llaalr flaaj rw tore limit Aor 3 la:. 117.70 lUietch to CtDCi&atU. Oklo ana rttans aceooat mtltK lirmnd IxhJc B- A P. . Elk. TlcktU oa ! Jaly I6ta, aa4 17th. ft Dal limit July t!-tb. aa 4K Uniloo cf final limit caa b 00 talatd food marattg aatt! Aa. tlb on pay meat of a fe of 10 cents. $19 7a Kaletgfc to TucaJoo Aba and return account bamatr School. Tlcktta oa ! Joaa IS, 14, IS. 16. U7. 2, 21 and 17 aad July 4tb, final limit IS days from date of al. I2WRa!tHgh to KnoxYlUe, Teno., atd rvtura account Haomtr School. Ticket on ! Jano 27,2Jolr5,6, U, 12, IS aad Vth final rtturn limit Qfua days la addition to date of sale. "An vztentton of final limit caa b obtalaed en payt&ent of fe of SOco&U eood cntjl 8p. SCHh. 1904J t or farther detailed iaformaUoB applr to &oarat Soutbern Hatlvay Agent, or call on cr addr. T. 0 Ektx, C. T. A. RaWlgh, K. a "DOMESTIC." Better Than Ever! "The Star that leads thorn all." The sewing machine for the home; to lo ued by mother, wife, daugh ter, neamstrcm. That's our specialty. Either Chain or Lock Stitch. ,WrlU for circular and prlcr. KI1UM UAIUI'M HA IM V M l;eiiht your Iriends. at ih re atie , and mke w tiiderfol e :itri-Ti-riis .i li tbi- new mt-ta- Alll.S Ml Ll'H 1 lK of Zinc ac ivity 5 O.ouo, mgr. o SOOotK). V e give j on this as a pretert when u s ror KkDlOS.' i his aloiiH is worth several'ar of a yuan or v, i-an'ftnion-y Acts the -sin' a X rajs. Hmply wonderful kemkmkkk this is a rKKsawT. OFFKIt OFFKH OFKEIt KADIOiCU. 812 Drexel Building Philadelphia, l'a. irs: Kecloed find one dollar for which send rre a treatment of "RADIOS,' in a pi I'll sealed wrapper and also oneKadio Sulphide or Zitc activ if I am not en' rely sa'isBed and if 1 am not cured you gre to Rkfusd tbe morey and one i llab KxrKi for my troubl. Yru are to send roe a written coi-tract to that e fleet. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. ame .... Address City Hta'p DOUESTIC SEWING UACNINE CO., NEWARK, N J. Kindly mention thta paper. WANTED 8pex:iai. Kei'KEhkntativk in this county and adjoining territories to reprenent and advertise an old etab lirhed businem bou& of solid flnan cial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, advanced each 3Ion day by check direct from head quarter. Horne and buggy furnUh ed when neceaHary; position per manent. Address Blew Brothers, COO Monon Bldg Chicago, III. obtained on payment of a fee of 50 cents. $1.95 Rleigh to Louisville, Ky., and return account Biennial Uon ciaveKQlehts of Pythias. Tickets on sale Aug. 12 to 15 :h, final limit Aug. 25th. An extension until Sep. 15th, can be obtained on payment of a fee of 50 cents. Short Line toprincipal cities' of the Booth ana Soutnwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, Cali fornia and Mexico, also north and north west, Washington, Baltimore, Phi adelphia New Yoik, Boston, Cincicnati,Chicago. In I nni. Uatnnhia and ITBnajia be sold from other stations on the D""' 0k Southern Railway at proportionate City. rates. On all one way and round trip tickets, reading to points beyond St . , A;.V " 818.20 Balelzh to Monteagle, Tenn., Louis, a stop over of ten days will u.ul.u.. m"1 J::.Tr; and return account Monteagle be permitted at St. Louis on pay at JViaiaDang, were Buipiiocu. c.,nJ.n HaaI Incfltnta. Tiolror;) mnnf A . Aa Ar t1 AA on orweif 1- kn 4Kn Ttatfrtl ""UJ' wv.u-u.y uicu. kjx c vjm. v. mianigni wuiie naip j "w"""w on sale Auc. 5th. 6th 7th and 8th. nr Mnlrpf. Ali, and a band of Moros trom tbe Rio Grand valley, and slaughtered- city. Asheville Dispatch. The chief and his followers escaped before the alarm 30uld be given. Palma Answer Congratulation of Pre sident Roosevelt. Washington, May 23. Gonzales Guesada. the Cuban minister, has received the following cablegram from Zealdo, the Cuban secretary of state: "The president requests me to transmit the following: Please assure President Roosevelt that President Palma is deeply moved by his congratulations; that the Cuban people are fully aware that by the timely help of the United States they are able to enjoy the blessings of freedom, and that they consider it to be one of their great est duties to prove by their acts that they are capable of self government the best way to show, with the success attained, that the noble task the American people undertook for m TOtTGET UP WITH A LAME BACK? KItocy Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody who reads the news- is sure to know ot tne wonaenui cures maae Dy ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great med ca' triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, tha emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly cvring fame back, kidney, bladder, unc acia trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. papers . - a final iimit Aug. 31,st, iy04. An extension until uct. 31st, 1904 caa be abtainei by paying dif ference between rates which ticket was sold abd Summer Tourist rate. $17.75 Ealeigu to Nashville, Tenn , and return account Peacody Nor mal Sunday School. Tickets on sale June 5th. 6th, 7th, 18th, 19th and 20 h, July 3rd, 4th and 5th, with final limit fifteen days from date of s&le. An extension can be obtained until Sep. 30th, on payment of a fee of 50 cents. $1.40 Raleigh to Durham, N. C, and return account Commence- The Southern Railway will oper ate through sleeping car daily, leav - r1 1 -VT n T.On rr lug vjrrwusuvru, xi. v., ..o p. May-November for St. Louis, via Asheville, Knoxville and Louisville. For full information, literature, fcc, call on or address any Agent ol the Southern Railway. T. E. Gkeen, City Ticket Agent, Raleigh, N. C. the independence of Cuba has been LeVdedforeverythi ngbutif youhavekid- worm me saennce 01 dioou auu 1 nCyf jiver or bladder trouDie it wui De rouna money It cost them. " j Just the remedy you neL It has been tested Mr. Qaesda today delivered the so many ways. pracucy luiiwug w 1 r message from his president" through Secretary Hay. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night foe two weeks has pat me In my teens agaii' writes D, H Turner of Dempseytown,-. Pa 1 hey 're the best in the word for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Pure ly vegetable. Never gripe. Only q at any Drug Store. chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous Offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,F?ng- hamton. N. Y. The iwtfular fiftv cent Td Bouet C2lar sizes are ad jy all good drajsW NOTICE OF SEIZURE Notice is hereby given of seizure meat Exercises Trinity College. of the following property for viola- Tickets on sale Juoe 3rd, 4rh, 5th, won 01 'Ul"u (Ktv 7-n RtYt i.ith HTnU..Tnnl of the United State inth 1904 At Stokes, N C, January 14,1904. $6 40 Raleigh to Roanoke, Va., and 1 bW corn whiskey, 46 gallons o i. tnrn uncrr nt Ci ran r! IS. C Page. nrAr nnitirt i.mmnui At Hamlet, N. C, February 26 Travellers. Tickets on sale Mav 19 1 bbl 45 gallons corn whbkey Olfh Oeifh 9RtH with final limit. I Of O. E La key. Mav5th.Tjr At Maxton, February 27, 1904, 11 9!1 10 RalftlP-n to Tndianimnlis. gallons orn whiskey oT George Moore. n.u!,..- r-.i n.irQJ At Wilmington, March 2. 1904, 8 coiQ Timo h 97,n fi ni 1 packages corn whiskey, 340,9 gal limii to leave Irdiannpolis not Mons, copper em., ruPFr uuuu- . . . v- j I . O Jl Tl : n S II , 2 tfin Palpioh to PitfRhnr?. p. lUPB, o-, bdu iwmuw pramiwii ui v'- ' I r n and mn t" r .Mnnnr. Annnll linn IV- - voi vtinn iCRtinn.l AsBoci-tion of At Hamltt, N C March 21, 1904, Manufa3turersi f U 8. A. Tiekets 2 Packages corn whiskey on sale Mav 14th. 15th and 16th. Cox, 90 gallons. final Tetnrn limit to reach start-1 Persons claiming the above orop- ing point not later than May lerty will file their claims with me 21 1904 I in mr office within tnirty days ?t ro R-xjirk to Oreflrshnm N". f!.. I reaulred Dv law, or ice same win 1""V" W ' 'I. - ... . . . . . -TT , nrl rAtnrn arennnt North CATO-1 D6 iorreiieu w ine UB9 Ol tne Uni of 8. D. Una State Democratic Conven tion. Tickets on sale Jane 21st, 22nd and 23, final limit June 27th, -1904. ted States. E C. DUNCAN, Collector. J. P. H ADAMS, Dep. Collector. April 9, 1904. Raleigh, N. C. Trains loaves Rileigi s fallows : No. 50. NORTHBOUND. 1:20 a. m. "SEAtJOAKi) PRESS, ' for ALL points K& eighto Portsmouth, Richmond, Wa-hington, Baltimore, Phila delphia, N-w York, Boston and all points North, Noriheat and Northwest. No. 38 1 :00a.m. "SEABOARD L'CaL MAIL" for ALL LO''L pol t Rleigu t j PortsmoQtu rli.a to Richmond ; connects a. deiEn for Oxford and Wela.. with A. C. L., at Portsmouth Norfolk with ALL aTEAMERS for points North and Northeast Jso. bb. 11:35 a. m. " SEABOARD MAIL" for Richmond, Washington, Baltimore. Philadtlphia, New York and BiS'on. Connects at Richmond with C. & O. for Cincin&tti, Chicago and St. Loul?, at Washington wi n Penna, B. &. O: f .r all points No. 57. fcOCTHBOOND. 15 a m. "SEABOARD EX PRESS" for Chariot', Atlanta Columbia. Savannah, Jaekso viile, St. Augustine, Ttmpa and all points ou h and southwest No. 41. I'M d. m. SEABOARD LOCAL MAIL for Charlotte. Atlanta and all local point. Connects at Atlanta for U po.nts soutn and toathwst. No. 27- 10 d. m. SEABOARD MAIL' f.r Southirn Pines, Plnehuift, Atlanta, Columbia. Charl-eton, Savannah, Jacktontllle, Tamp and all rxints eoutn and south west. Tickftson sale to all points, Pu l man terths reset ved, t.ceta dellv- s erea t UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE, Yarborough House Ru lding, C. H- GATTIS, O. T. & P. A., Phoaea 117. Raleigh, N. C. Z. P SMITH, T P. A, L.. Raleigh, N.C. " . Tke Bestead Most Practical ram andfrnOf Paaarrstlitfced We have perfected arrangements whereby we caa send that practical and farm and family journal, Fa km a.nd Home, in connection with oar publication, at a remarkably low price. See our great special offer below. For village, suburban residents, and In fact for all actively engaged1 or at aS tatsxestsd in agricultural pursuits, or family life. Farm and HomewiI be found wc3 nigh indis pensable. It is pure, bright, clean and. practical all the way through, aad interests sad meets the requirements cf the entire family. It is popular alike East, West, North, South, and none should be without it. Fa&m aj d Hokz Is a national semi-monthly, the 24 num bers which comprise a year's for theft For the For the Breeder Fer the Dairyman For the Poettrymen Tor thermit Tor the For the Coy For the Ota For YC3 subscription making a volume of over 600 pages, teeming with all the latest and I reliable information that experience and science caa supply. No better proof of fcs popularity can be offered than its enormous circulatkm, which extends into every Stats and territory, each number being read by nearly two mfilkm readers. FKEE! "A YARD OF CHICKS" FKHE2 The C ate Chicks to w BaTHC Cf IS GBCKS Thewtct "Fpmh M bnattfaUy colored lithograph madyvmaf, pSm& tratfafalJy painted by the I TWS BEAUTIFU. I f rawhiUpUo tnryl noted animal artist, Bea Am- I PfCTURS I yertl om triafl. taat yoa can aimoat I dtaii Bio at tha capti-re butterfly. As sneclal fcadaceaseet for prompt reptles. t? all who seoept th toDowlar 6esdsl within thirty days wswiU alao amail the Pictsve above kaofbedwitaoat farther chargs. OUR GREAT SPECIAL OFFER heavy copper plat paper ; 13 aepat ata yilattasi W gt S DO YOU GROW FRUIT? THE AMEK1CA7I FRLTT 020WERS JOUKUU klcaro, eSra SSO In Geld for tha Jv iriM article oa. MCa1tara. Padriar. ShJppfM Ifarhetfnr." Tha flrat yrtaa la S3D, aaceaU ad third SIS. and ao JMrri MbacribeH. If 70 ara -ot a abatbeT yov ahomldba uywajr. Only ltW ovrotadaxdaiTalTtothatsana the trait rnyww. OftVdai onraa of tho E?cmm Gr-UaS ad SIjOS fe a yaar-a aal-crlptiov ad thm arJo for 2J.mTm 1 of the m fl sathora wUt ha vahUahad ha the ChrW Imm. MhacrtvehM Jo yev- JiJBKAmwsxf VHMJU 1TH UWULSe

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