PUBLISHED KVKKY THURSDAY I Til B OA U O A 8 1 A TJ re ironK enough without hU vote, bat when they go North and est this abu? ce, and they mike a play f.r the neg o vote for tb-y know they matt have it to elect their candidal. The next Democrat that holler "nigger" should have Parker's black MYTHK CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oae Yr. l.OO Six Months. . .6-0 Three Month. . 4ft TR APES (fflg?) COUNCIL Ho. 11. "LAWT.KHHNEHH MAI-KKI) T1IK STATE LIKK A PKSTILKNXK." OoVKRNOK AYCOCK MTATKI) IN IIIH I.VAUGUUAL AMJHKKH THAT UNDKR, AM) TIIKKKFOKK IIY IM PLICATION IN rONHEQUKNCK OF, FUSION' RULE ,LA WLEHHN KHH WALK ED tiik htatk like A pestilence, cummuu max, nouneri mm jvimr. of ac CF.ITA.M.K J dinVr bis meaning k uncertain. HejcepUoti of hU strength with th T" 7 wanti a reaaocttj redaction of the! miws. The American people art j " II devoted to him in the same way M i If did not Com as it Himself on My fmt. iert of Vital Important to Voters. Can any bkmthern Democrat vote' for judge Parker without repudiat- lnf fivrvl hlri'v Tir V t rV i " -"- ,WJ amendment. . . . . . lUl! ve inui rnsse a "reasonaolr; r How much U thai? tariff. don't want a krge array. How iarg? He want the Constitution and the law enforce J, especially the common law" and the fourteenth The threat to enforce by ilepabUcans has lxn de- telegram thrown in hi faof, and if jduction of th tariff, (how much is nou rod by evtry Southern Ieiuo- .1 ..... ....t.. .1 thtft mil dr timn f.r 4r.r..,t. I : " 1 ' vi' Went Virginia platform at him. ne '"lu" r " ? "V' nat i Lnii it win ri'ii nmriirrt iha inu nuu Ana ii ne gen too ranic on tne whiekey question, ask him If of the country as was formerly the he lease meaning 1S93 ami '94: thai the Republican will have a majority In the Senate for the next four yean, and we cannot revie the tariff unleHH we do It to suit them. He cites twice in his hpeech the pro-vi.-Ioa'i of the Fourticnth Amend ment to the Tonatitution of the fa ff a. t k I 1 v ii uv a a j lie? alitJ uiiw other forms of violence, and airain i: ii.,. f .t .j..? - " iwr me pn-muncyf ueuvereu niMiin Avor orthe the Philipniueri. He Hlieech of acceptance, at his home known that amendment was adopter! near Ilsoous. New York, before a on account of nine million. of knoH that Thomas Tatjcx-rt, his! M f nauonai cnairman, nau ever run a Ha loon in his town in Indiana. PAHKKUt HPKKCH OF ACEPTANCK On last WexlnewJay, Judge Alton That- DenioTats pet by ids h man with unknown views. Mr. Kitchen mm right. They ought to have made him i?ak and telegraph too before nominating nim. T. T. IIICKK. Henderson, N. C.t Aug 12, 0I. t IIAIUMAN TOM TACJOaHT A ( onvlcted ItnmatJlrr- H VloIt Law on Klectloo Ijrj Social Kqnalitx t Hi Har. Jackson, and the qualities Hickory" port! which won him voei in the earlier epoch of our history ae the tame qualities that have made Theodore Koonevelt .-trrng with the citizens of the re- what jpuiJic. Hehathd unlimited ten nomi- flJ-nce of the great Itotiy of iroterss and their supwjrt makc him invin cibie." No htrm in all irtierf giving facts about its leaders. It'.s the only few Wall Street liticianH and the "TrT ' 1. """SV " " vr, t. , a I 7 "7 iuc irium,ian wuw will lurill'll lOl . puiCT Ijat news of interest from the Democratic candidates, DavLs had gone down to the barn yard to Halt his cattle and Parser had gone to his Kwimming hole. Thoe CHIME HTALKEI) ABROAD AT NOON DAY, HLEEP LAY DOWN WITH ALAKM AND THE HOUND OK THE PIriTOL WA8 MOKE F KEti UK NT THAN tiiv l(ivi ru irni" iiiii'i'iwi iiiii " liOW HTANIW TIIT VHE TO-DAY UOVEKNOKT HAVEN'T THE ACTH OKTHKEE It ED HI 1 1 HT LEO ISLATUKEH AND MOKE THAN TWO YEA 148 OK YOUK OWN BENEFICENT HULK PAH8ED INTO HISTORY HINCE YOU 1YHtf TIIV VViniYlAtV'n' WHEN YOU AKE CAVOKTINO OVER V HE HTATE WHOOPING FOR EDUCA TION AND ROADH DJN'T YOU HEAR OF MORE CHIMES BEING COMMITED IN NORTH CAROLINA THAN EVER BEFORE AND DO YOU CONTINUE TO ATTRIBUTE THESE TOFU8ION RULE? need it In the New Voice of Augu.-t 4th, Dr. Carftf, Superintendent of tie iltfrmel Bureau, iu j-jK-aking of Tom Taggart, th national chairman of tbe Democratic l)iriy, hivs: "I was iu Indiana jK.iis v Ji.'a Tom Taggart, as he is univ really and significant ly callel, wa ' tir-t eitvt.'d mayor of that city. Being invited to f-pcak to the union preacher's meeting o-i the prevent status of lie forms in i he ra i , I thought 'it unfitting to leave out the city ia which I was to s-puk in my report, HEAPING THE WHIRLWIND "CRIMES SEEMS TO liE GREATLY ON THE INCREASE IN THIS STATE NOT A DAY PASSES THAT TI PAPERS DO NOT CHRONICLE A HOMI CIDE, A BURGLARY OR SOME OTHER SERIOUS VIOLATION OF THE LAW." Wilmington Messenger (Demo cratic). DEMOCRATIC BID FOR. GRO VOTE. of his electorial votes if he trfts who expected a speech equal to Pres- them, and that it has long been re- ident Jtoonevelt's tpeech of accep- pudiated by them, that tl.ey are I . i . . . tance were disappointed. He did uot uow "g'lant rx-cauw the Kepubli- express himself on a single issue of ! J , K. 1 , "' w-iuauuii uk rruuieu iu vongre'-.s importance to the American people, and the electorial tollego in the but straddled every IsHue. same proportion as the number of As to the TruMtn Judge Parker Southern voters has been reduced I -. a v- points out that no new legislation i 4 requireu oy sam lourtienth aiiieuuuieni, yei me only law the J ud ere sees Attn citf iKo of the laws now on the statue books, teenth amendment, which he cites This will not have any force with twice. the voters who are un on the hi-- His Northern supD jr ers ciiim 111 Al!- t ... . brwl i ti. I. . .... ) . .1.1. T toryofthe last democratic adminis- 1 ,mi ms speecn is ixins'itutioniiism - ".' up i mquma as IntTUtnat Tffuwn.ntitc A f ! 1 . 4 !, ..w, I. ..a tO tflP. CIT III !ntiJ tVir mo l, tration. The only anti-trust law, the clause . (lU(. fin .... . . , were lo ,Hi Vo(, rore,cht ,!tlV, lafop. the Sheiman act, on our statute one his Southern hupporters despise. 1 fourul Uie Democratic candidate, books was put there by the Repub- He says trusts are largely the lr- TaKoart 'a a hotel keeper. I creatures of the tariff; but that the went t0 tne excise list to see if he old English common law is trnod was a,o a "liquor seller" and found " i ... enough to make thera behave, if the I,e was so written dow n on the officers will enforce it. Now the b(,oks- Knowing that few, if any states entorce the common law and ulur sellers have not some time tne lederal 3uurts the federal V1"iai? me lawn, i went to the his Attorney General, to be the statutes; aml tho' the Democratic crnnnal list and there found Mr, AM (n ovW...fa tv.:. rn, . piaiiorms in tne states and nation "sari s name again as one who v iu Lino ia VT x ilt7 IlULrfll I ilj r Northern Snrit, r,.mn,nv r luUiUU v"'" Vlt5vr,IIU "wepi HI1U paiu a ie news- 1 1 , , v tne country" were loud and empha- Ilue- 1 mentioned there two facts ia.K,i iru.H ever iorraea was tic against trusts, nobody heard of in ine preachers' meeting, and the ordered dissolved through the ef- their breaking up any trusts or statements made a ten days sensa- torts of President Roosevelt and Punis010& anT either under the Uim inat "iignt nave changed the his Attorney General Tho w. uommon iaw or overman Anti- -r. xaggart's Opponent had i m i. i ri i . . not . . i .1 . thfirn rWiiHiv Pnmon k llU51 18W- uienn anu Aycocic were owu iepUieu w oe ootn an inti thern Security Company then ap- tj. 8. District Atlrirnevs thpn in del and a dodder IVfr. Two,f. pealed to the Supreme Court. The North Carolina, and sixteen Demo- i rector rose indignantly in the preach Supreme Court decided against the cratic solicitors prosecute common . ers' meeting to charge me with false- If the Deuiocratic dispensaries are intended to diminish the hale of in toxicants, why do they advertie their "recti fled eoence of damnation in the Democratic pajwrs? ECZEMA licans, and it was allowed to lay quiet through Cleveland's adminis tration, for not one single trust did Grover Cleveland disturb. It re mained for Mr. Roosevelt, through THE JNE- The following bid for the negro Northern Security. But it would law crimes here now. Yet it is! hood' which freightened the preach be interesting to note just here that . m?nJLy 8aia tnat tne trusts aire Joning with confusion against Roosevelt and for Parker without a benediction. seen An Mr. peared in Democratic papers through out the country last Suuday: (By the Associated Press. Buffalo, N. Y., August 13. Pres- four Democratic members voting in Ident James A.Ross, of the National fvor of the Trust, thu3 proving "NT, I -r . .. .. " cBiuiflnuocnue league, nas re- that when it came to the show ceived the following dispatch from k. .u Jndge Alton B. Parker and ftom thae democrats were the Senator Henry G. Davis, in reply to 1 S l ine ATUSl letters of congratulations sent them ln tbe event that Parker is elect ujr me league: eu mis laii the same powers will Rosemont. Esonus. N. v.. A ia . " I i-iiii ixiai uouiroiiea urover veying the congratulations of the W0Uld be allowed to take another National Negro Democratic League. Dap for four more year3. Mr. also the handsome copy of "The Parker admits, that if he were elect- T ,,"'S-J5'Jr90n" a " ed- that the Senate would be Benub "Assuring yoa ot'my hearty ap. licaI,and his Prty could not get preciation, i am, Very truly yours, 7 Faacu iuai were not ac AL.TUJN B. PARKER. epiame 10 tne Republicans. Now Elkin, W. Va , Aug. 11. tnis being so why should the coun 4 lino f at. rr-IK I i . 11. j. no pressure oi mat- iry want a dfimncmt o nn;ant IS L5J"L ln'tH;e h.8 tht W do nothing more than j--. v. iiiu iiuuj earner & Know i- j . . . edging your letter of the 27th of hlS Blilaxy' Possibly that is a11 July, conveying the congratulations JudSe Parker wants, but the Ameri- ot the National Negro Democratic can Popie want more and will League upon my nomination for the prove it by electing Mr. Roosevelt Vice-Presidfincv. rvm..,..: ... .. your letter wMa ..JTM lmD an overwhelming - wj va. tun iji in of Thomas Jefferson, which you ad vise NIA WA9 HOrit Ktt 1 further mark of rSrt. 8 A " "hpa,ck omB. "I beg to ezDresn to m Everywhere in this issue will he w .T A U A l A I hour Tag voto by the Democratic leaders ap- u0urt was not unammos in its this year? Why? Because Roose- later tho rector had utfcision. ine vote stood fave to velt has had some of the biggest art aad beard his confession, and iour the live Republican members lrust8 prosecuted. A Democratic loOK DacK "is hasty charge. voting against the Trust and the through you to the members of found a club offer of Pearsonvs Mae your organization, m v onr,roo;nti I o;nn i mu . - m,mmm U kAV I aiilim 1 I I I I TIM :U I I Ii D L' 1 O V f tv ii. a. " vaumouu lUl Hli I witn pleasure the Life of jpff-rann xvuutH3vyiL a" ior 7a cents. which you present in their behalf Pearson's is a very good magazine. and am glad to know that your lea- and is worth one dollar per year. "cvra m me principles of The Dicture of tha u; (rnvammnnl . . .... I ioiucut 13 These are the fn,i 7?' ountea on card board, suitable for our party stands, for which we r Iramin& or can be nung on the wall striving and by which we expect to without framing. Everybody wants uoKuiueau successful. a picture of the President? r. IV x . I . ' xuu vCTy truly, DOdy wants a good machine onH a I IT 1-i 1-v . w-r. I xi. v. xa v ie. everybody wants a pond nmr,. Parker values the gift by the We have what von wf art D J -r-v .. l r " - k , ov ocuu ill mucrauc negroes very highly, your subscriptian today-do not Davis sends thanks for their prom- put it off. but do it. w. - . . . I ' " XUCUlCUl- support, ana with pleasure he ber all three for 75 cent , . . I. v.j. fcJUVJ. wpy oi me i,ire of Jeffer- your order to thtQ nm n . - I - .. sou irom ine JNegro League, saying 4 iC me principles upon which Judge our party stands." Sj he and the should Parker's two telegrams n n xr Via 4.1 . . i . . TWnnnorctin XT I " HIO "DiaCK cgiura are stanamg on and tan." One was the same nrincinlen n ?a . .. 1 o uuw in i it ram ann thn Aii.n. 4 4.1.- order for the tw, lu lUH negroes wv-iaua mj senuioi Jiunalo. N. Y Dvjuio more negroes lrom North Car- ftlSna tr TIT- ATI ! i a , Z T L . B W 8lUmp me The dispensaiies in the State' ad State In the interest of the Demo- vertise in the 1! cratic nominees. Tf k.0 k L. . T ittUU papers, , 7 , uoue qui ao not advertise in the Bepubli- oeiore and it looks as though thev I ro o-ot.-r,. . . I --o. a ma wouia seem to in are getting ready to Dut necrroea I i.4 xi. the cf " ""I Limt uie democrats were the agam ims year. It Will consumers f fV,Q .4 4. be remembered that Davis would in this State. Dot auow a "Lilly white" plank to 1noAv4-rv4r1 4.a.A 1 . . .iu in liio piatiorm in West Everv voter 0ki the best interest, nf tho m. 1 . . iu"ge -v, uaiiy. x ne I -arKer's aneenh f Democrats first Wow w,u.J " . Piuce. Mr. hloM Tni;: "T 8 h Jdge Parker vW Wum mey BDUse dod?fld all the . the nrrn H iu... ... , .. I. i-iuno Ul Vital ininK mey J interest to the voters. national committeeman said last 0n election day at 6 o't lort whon Monday and it was published in Plls closed, and Mr. Taggart with a Tuesday's New York Times, the 'wide open' policy, was known to most reliable Democratic newspaper have succeeded the best mayor the in the country, that James J. Hill, c'ty ever bad, Mayor Denny, who me nead ot a big trust that Presi- nau iaitniuiiy enforced the law, the aent Koosevelt had cause to be sireeis were tilled with drunken prosecuted and broken up, would yung men, celebrating the new era give four hundred thousand dollars ot lawlessness. I went at that hour to the Paiker campaign fund, and t0 Mayor-elect Taggart's saloon and he would add at least another hun- fnnd it open, though the law said dred thousand dollars if he should saloons must close on election 'dav ' 1 ... ,. TI. - j. . , . . . J o permiitea to name Daniel S. 110 nnerpretea 'election day as elec Lamont, Cleveland's old secretary. tion hours.' I; was a basement sa- for Governor of New York It's lon opening to the street and get the fashion lor Democrats to speak tin far more patronage from the of Roosevelt as unsafe. Asked what street than from the hotel guests, he had done indiacting his unsafe- Tne bar was lined with negroes, ness, they admit his past acts have young men and all sorts of drinkers been safe aad many of them great; in all stages of intoxication. In front but they are afraid he will do some- of his saloon stood mavor-elect, thing dangerous. It's the trusts that "Tom Taggart," wreathed in smiles started that talk. Trusts are against receiving congratulations while a those who are against them and for wel1 dressed man, sprawling- drnnt those who are for them. It is com- on the side walk behind him at. the mon talk in the papers that thev door of his law breaking saloon. will furnish the Democratic mana- made a fitting part of the back- gers all the campaign funds they ground." need tnis year. The anti-trust plank Dr. Urafts suggest that this v. at St. Louis was adopted in com- ture be made into a coat of arms for inittee by a vote of 23 to 20. Mr. tn Democratic National Pnmmit tee Bryan's Western delegates forced it aQd sent to all the great Prohibition in, much to the disgust of Eastern areas of the Southland Hickory members. The Republican plat- Times-Mercury. form while emphatic is mild by comparison, with the Democratic platform on trusts, but Parker savs wvt"? hickory the common law is bad enough for trusts and that, the fmofa v-l ' """lo UC 1U1 m him and against Roosevelt. A trust 1 in a common law court would feel w kJ Jack.on- like Brer Rabbit in the briar patch. "L? u Trusts know Democratic statesmen f Democrats who go about and platform don't mean them any Doastlng of electing Judge Parker harm. are the champion rainbow-chasers of Judge Parker did not mention the the age," said ex-Senator Marion negro question except to refer twice Butler, of North Carolina at the With annrOVal tO the fnnrranntK Npw WJllo, ' u amendment. The New York Herald "Because they have 151 electoral in for Porlrai- Tt- :4.j , .1 4. a. Electoral pnuieu mucn OI vuitja OI tne South to Start with Roosevelt's in they argue that the other ea m ul rtt. rrnntt, m tntt. it. CAI IE CUR II IT IMILL tijT. f II Tut rniiBKM 1 rrrr Tbe Ec iiwk Co.. Chicago. Gisinmn-Enclosed find one dollar to pay for another boitl. of EC-Z1 N E and t j cents for Ec tins j?- hv nsd erlr tn bottle you sent and it nas done more for me than all obr treat ments combined that I have employed for four years. I have Eczema on both lefts from ankle to knee and I have been so bad at times 1 had to ro ""in! 4 tummencea tneuse or KC-Z1NM my trouble has nearly disappeared, in fact it feels like it was well, but there area few roojth spots yet I don twant to stop treatment with one bottle, bend me another bottle as soon as possible and a. cake of soap after I use it I expect to be perfectly cured and then I will tell you all aboot it I have been under treatment for four years and I can't i?" yo. WDat 1 baT uffered and the Kreat troiftle and ejpense I have endured in that time but I have great hopes that I will soon be cured. I certainly believe I have stmck the ritxht remedy at last, with best wishes I am ni Yours truly, D. L. ALEXANDER, .... Mt. Pleasant. N. C. 5J;war1 w,n b Pd 'or any skin dis- etc., which the new Radium remedy EC-2INE will not cure promptly. Send today for a FREE treatment, sufficient to cure any ordinary case. THE EC-ZINE COMPANY , M. KUPERMEIER, Sales A(tent tia Dearborn Street. Chicago, 111. IfoU THE LARGEST LINE OF Shoes and Oxfords OF ANY HOUSE IN TIIK I:ITY. In Shoes that will plciso every Customer Our'price are land will keep them so. Stie u liefore buying. POOL & ALLEN 5 RALEIGH, n c. EDUCATIONAL fniversity Raleigh Marble Works , 4V - 1 . X . . mime it any part of the State at same pricr ai at shop. OOO I IIll HUOH.. Iroprh toi.. lUIeigh, N. C. AVhen writing t advertisers mention the Can. jn Send for Catalogue. Pi OF NORTH CAROLINA. A Bus 1NESS Pr ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT : Pharmacy, Medicine, Law. "O A A 9 reo luiuon to teachers and to ministers' sons. Scholarships and mans to tne needy. 620 STUDENTS. OPOSITION. 67 INSTRUCTORS. New Dormitories, Gymna sium, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. : : : l-Fall Term begins Shptember 5, i04. Address, FRANCIS P. VENABLE, Pres't, Chapel Hill, N, C. The HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY will give a WATCH to the girl or boy for the best solution to the fol lowing business proposition : Mr 18 a catalogue house buyer, ordered his Hard ware from Chicago, wanted a R. F. D. MAIL BOX, catalo gue price was 75 cts, sent in his order, after a month, b,ix was received and he paid $1.10 cts. freight. uost of R. F. D. D. Box - Cost of getting it? (freight) $ .7.1 1.10 Total Hart-Ward Hardware Co., 'our price" "The solution is for you to find out." 1.8.r, 1.00 INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION A. & M. COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C, Agricultural, Kngineerioir. (Civil, Electrical, Machanical and! Milan,) Industrial Chemiatrv. Textile Industry. 620 Students. or t oo instructors, Tuition $20 a year Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar, ships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, KALB1GH, K. J. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, " "JZKa5- MONEY BACK IF-OT HdlTOT Mail orders shipped same day order received. RALEIGH N. 0. HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL, OXFORD, c. WHITE FOR CATALOGUE. Is ror Parker. It his speech and A. ANDHJOLLEGE. The Twelfth Annual Session will begin September 1st, 1904. Good four year courses in Agri culture and Mechanic branches eiiori courses. Young men desiring room fori xau ierm should secure accom mo- State THE NORTH CAROLINA Normal and Industrial College. COURHEH OlaHHleal Solontlflo Commercial OomcHtlo Hoionce Manual Tralnlnu Munlo. Five COliraPWJ lnorlfnm Tii . . rZ'rr mas, Advanced courses leadir to De- parallel colums, and suggested that forthcoming. It is a refreshing ' f10118 at once as only about 100 " " ""id ujnereiieH Diwppn u union nt nn im om i o TC intvm. i : - u-iajiuBnH m tha Rt. mion ... i wif j 4 RAwainn huna a r iov. mirteenin annuw Have You The difference between hibition Of nriHmiom tn. r the two. The first tning iu Judge least of it. But where the oprxm Parker's speh was a repetition of ents of Roosevelt fall down iV in tZrS ud Saniard teI"m, in the failure to comprehend age char" which he said the Gold KtnriQwi ;a ctpr p x. . B . cnar ... .uuiu io - kuo luau auu meir miscon irrpvrvoKlw oatfi mi. t-v A Hilton cratic platform of 1896 and 1900 rtA- clared "we are unalterably . opposed to the Gold Standard," and as the iyu4 piattorm, which Jude Park-or calls admirable, is silent on that subject we have the rieht to All nnca they still mean what they say bv unalterable." ' Judge Parker's speech dwelt also on Militarism as a peril, but did not say how much army we need The law allows President Roosevelt to have 100,000 soldiers ifhe thinks the country needs them, but he has! only 59,000 including officpro.o than one soldier to every 1,330 oft me peopie. tfeorge Washing, i O W4V 41. U t?ree Wii ,,1 n 1 -"cw4 courses leaaiPtr 10 mr 1160 a va,. vL Z, ?d or text bcoka, elf. September 29. 1001 m . further information nZ, 11 free-tnition applications Ihw .J"?1 the dorm tones address pondence invited from tho Ztlt re Jmy loUl M,m,r PRPSrn . Dhers. For Ji. .df8tln competent teachers and stenogrv -.x, a, xJuvLiUY, j umer iniormatlon address Greensboro, N. C. CHARLiES D. MnlVKw PnL GREENSBORO, N. his farewell address said: in time of peace Dreoare for w.r t you will read both speeches of ac-t ceptance carefully you will rao Kof ! Judge Parker's is different from1 icoiucui xwoseveit's more in f Q tt, llll III words than In Ideas and when he9W Providing yoa pay up and raaiw fo.- WATren r 8bald an GERSOLL WATCH. You will then have as much time and as good time as any one, THE CAUCASIAN ONE YEAR AND AN Ingers.,11 Watch for $1.50 The Watch is &hanTnfrkir . 4. 1 . -4jr Ki4aiauwjei ior one and so is the paper. Address CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., N T Thia Raleigh, N.'o ' offer 13 Pen to old subscribers as well TP a Trinity Coll eqe. year 13 f)ir in dvanee. One hundred and vonn i.4 . . of study in dAr-rtm r;-. "'r- DU unaergradnate - 1" J44ir 4 .1 T fl m 3f m II phy. Wpllnir 1 1 .,.a4.-,i,oijr, ocieucc ana rnnow ratna -"ium lumisnea with best apfa- raius. liiipenoes verv mrvlaMr ai a. 1 ' Broad and national spiritT r worthy oung n Trinity College Has the Largest Endowment of Any College in the South Atlantic States : : ; : ; For caUlogue and further information, address" D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM. N. C. courses A ien. t4T A