THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BYTH2 CAOCAtUN riTB.CV. . C3S3CRIPTI0N IATE8. Om Ywr. 91.00 m MoaUa. . .60 Tkraa Moat, . .8ft 1(0. J'5ACVSjhTS7COONClL n. IAWL.JC9N(i4 WALKKD TI1JC T ATS LUCK AKariLKXCJC (iOYKIWMOK AYCOCK STATKD IN ui Inaugukal. addkum that U2VDXK, ANI TUJCKJCrOKX BY IM PLICATION IN CONSEQUENCE Or, FUSION KULJC "LiAWLfiSSNICBd WALK XD TfLK STATE LUCE EttTILENCE, CB1MC STJaXJCXD ABKOAD AT NOON- Judge Parker say that the pre sent administration baa been extra vagant and be promises to cat down ex pen- if he is elected. The question ia . where would Judge j Parker begin his tcouoiuy. Why didn't he tate in what departments be would begin his economy Would he begin by cutting off the liver and harbor improvements? Would he begin by destroying oar navy? Would he ht-gin by cutting off peni( ns to the old soldiers? He declares that he is In favor of in creasing pennlon. Judging by the last Democratic president, the Judge would increase our expense rather than cut them down. During Cleveland's first 'administration he increased our expenditures $50,000. 000 and during hi wtn-A adminis tration be iii(-rea!ed our expendi ture 60,000,000 more. The same extravagant crowd that nominated Cleveland, nominatd Mr. Parker. Is there any reason to belive that Parker, if elected, would econo- ay. aLEEjr lay ixwn with I mize any more than Cleveland did? AIAKM JlHU THE SOUND Q)f THE ifnr w . . M I The next issue of the Caucasian the aosaptr the mocking bikd." how stand the case to-day Goveknob? Haven't the acts The next issue of the will contain an open letter from ex- Benator Butler on the political sit- Mr. Editor. 1 maintain that Judgt Parker if elected will Invite Booker Washington or some other negro -to dine with him at the White House. He has teen asked myriads of times by newspaper and orators if he would, and be re fuse to say. He has spent his life in a State, bolditur its highest office for seven years, in which ue-roe and whites are by laws of Demo cratic enactment, compelled to at tend the same schools. G rover Cleveland, Governor aud a Demo cratic Legislature either enact d or refused to repeal them. Cleveland och stuff, Northern Democratic or Republican tsaociatloa with negroes can not hurt Southern people who do not bc'JevB In or practice It. When you cuss Roosevelt and vote for Parker on that account you jump from the frying pan Into the fire". ' . T. T. H. Henderson, Sept. 26, 1 904. SAVES TWO FROM DEATH "Oar little daughter had an a! moat fatal attack of hooping' cough and bronchitis." write Mu. vv. K. Havllacd, of Armonk, N. Y- but when all othtr remedit failed. kln.iu.IT art. I Ti -1 1 WaV IIIO fflt '"la " -Tr "KT.T , l Sew Discovery. 0r niece, who 01 ieeas in wasnmgxon cuy.wnere conaomption m an advanced live 200,000 white people, lie ap- sUge, also med this wonderful pointed a negro minister to Bolivia, medicine and to-day sa is perfectly a country of white people. The well." Desperate throat and lnng Washington Post of June 16, 1886, diseases yield to Dr. King' New which was the next day after bis Discovery as to no other medicine wedding, contained the name of n Infallible for coaha and Fred Douglass as one of the wedding f L0Pfbotl i.. r. . nteed by ail druggUts. Trial but- v i ti i m a a . aat w wm aw r r m nfirnina. i ted last week by Democrats for Gov ernor of New York caused a negro to be put on the Iaioerauc ticket for Recorder of Deeds of Albany tlee free. Southern Station in Charlotte Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 16.- The ution, discussing the chief points at issue bet ween Roosevelt and Parker. I R. T. Paine, Jr., who lias been nom Of thbee ked shikt leoislatukes I This letter of Senator Butler's is be- irmted four timtt and ran twice by ! the Democrats for Governor of IS""? S; aDd uleC.ted Wm ! Houthern Railway has changed its " "e" " iu plans in regard to remodeling its and titled by Harvard College, and 8Ulioa in this cIty and Z k- "It" ??U5bto T68 will erect a handsome new building in the North and by Queen Victo- t aaA r Kn nna I- L . I cj: . L I " '""'VVB " ' m iu .bugiauu. oiui lue oue anu cry about his ding with Roosevelt Hon. BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE. S. Le Quinn, of Cavendish, I was robbed of his castomarv health kule paign document. Besides this arti- antJ Hay8 fae hlL8 dined ith Booker by Invai0ii ' chionlc coufiipation. ;k you cle we will have a great deal of other and makes the criticism of Roose- Si''HV PS!8 AND MOKE than two yea km of ling widely distributed as a cam n YOUK OWN BENEFICENT rAasij la itj ia iifiimy Miivt:K viin uim we wi i i ivh a vr-ai p nt nthsr ni ..... 1,, , ;..:,. t ffiOCLAlMED the FOKEGOING? campaign matter in the next issue, veltfor doing so his reason for sup- w arrested'and no'hes8 entirely When you are cavokting over Send in your orders at once for ex- Prtiog Roosevelt. Carl Schurz.the cured. They're gu ran ted to cure. the state whooping for EDUCA-Jtra copies at two cents a copy and mOHnolat1 ma.n GPt Cleveland, 26c. at all druggists, TION AND roads don't you hear I distribute them among your friends. I long article in McClures Magazine OT MORS CRIMES BEING COMMITED IN NORTH CAROLINA THAN EVER SEJrO&E AND DO YOU CONTINUE TO A. AND El. COLIBGB. The Twelfth Annual SzasioK wUl begin September 1st, 1904. Good four yearcottrse in Agri culture and Mechanic branches short courses. Young men desiring room for Fall Term should secure accommo dations at once, as only about 100 lodgers can be received. Write to-day to secure room. For further information or for catalogue address PRESIDENT DUDLEY, Greensboro, N. C : U1DUSTBIAL EDUCATION! A. & M. COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C, Agricultural, engineering, (Civil, Electrical, Macuanical and! T Mining.) Industrial i hemiatrj, Textile Industry. 520 Students. ea - . - - . a A bo inatruciora, ruitioa ju a year Board $8 a month. 120 Scholar, ships. Address PRESIDENT WMST0N, RAUEIOH, N. C. m t n fl' ti ti tt KaieiiCT iviicmriLDJie worb of the State at same prj at shop. 0lKli Alitor.. lrprln))r, RAlelgh. IS. C. w brn writing tad?crli oikuttou il MnJ for Catalog c. A Business Proposition The HART-WARD UARDWAfwS COMPANY will ive WATCH to the girl or boy for tuo beat sc!.tan to tb fu. lowing buslnees proposition : Mr. b a catalogue houe buyer, nlerd bU tUrd.. ware from Chicago, wanltnl a R. F. If, MAIL BOX, titai gue price was 75 cts, sent in hb order, after a month, Ml was received and he paid f 1.10 cts. freight. Cost of R. F. D. L. Box Cost of getting it? ifaeight: $ Total Hart-Ward Hardware Co., "oar price" "The solution is for you to find out." 1.19 l.i0 The a ue luueiwucni jueiuocrais m .Ne braska and Illinois who ara not tor January, 1U04, in which with terrible sarcasm he ridiculed the chambermaid who wouldn't make CONFESSIONS OF A pri est. Times -M e rc u r v . Rev. John S. Coy. nf Waku ii-b- 7 - w v- mm.v At A- 'Bra -a r-k ' I writes: .ror iz vears I suffttrtd attribute THESE tofuhion rule? I wearnK the party yoke are prepar- UP ooEer s bed and belittled in from Yellow Jaundice, and con4 Weekly in the State, Free and out ing to call another national conven- v 1 J uv v?"?1" f"":a numoeJ 01 Physicians and spoken on all subjects-the Simmons I Who censure Rnnravelf fhr H nin I tri Art nil anna ..f marf in, C . jww-jw uiujuiuuo twin tn nut nur a ounriirlota v. p, I ... " 7 I Z ' 1"co K"" I Machine a srwinltv. Thinlra rh.t nw.uww... ...... I ' I M.IM. J. ACS- I nrith MZ-kJllTAI. 'I 'hAn I T1A I'd la, "han I n . L. I " i -T " rt IVAArillU 111 A nillKLilVI.ll. I I UVUBCIi i.UClC UH 1W III-' I vivii -A. J. UCKau LUH UMH I1T . . ....... "crimes heemjb to be greatlv Men' who will not be controlled by Igroes in the North comparatively, Electric Bitters and feel that I am " na 8ays wnat 11 ihinka' Year. months just for flan-Ward Hardware Company, LOWEST PRICES. MONEY jXACK IF NOT SJIU Mail orders shipped same day order received. RALEIGH IM. ( ON THE INCREASE IN Til 18 NOT A DAY PASSES THAT THE PATERS DO NOT CHRONICLE A HOMi CIDE, A BURGLARY OR SOME OTHER SERIOUS VIOLATION O' THE LAW." Wilmington Messenger (Democratic). the trust, but who will represent the though tnere are 100,000 in New now CUred of die&se ihat had me Unit; CI flfl STATE .nterest8 York Sutefand nearlythat loi J"VriJSife 'F?",U Democrats in8istthaTHill and et but the Northed Uveni K.dney "ouSlfst mac tt 6 r 12 iIOM1" . . people witnout regard to party see mont and other trust influences nominated Parker, and they pro- Judge Parker shook hands with a by all druggists. Only 60 cents. pose 10 lei me irusis elect bim, if negro in a puDiic pice on Sept. 17, thy can. iyni n the presence of a crowd, as reported in a Democratic paper. GORMAN AND THE NEGRO. The followiog special was sent out from Baltimore under date of October the 7th: "Senator Gorman and National Chairman Taggart have planned to go to great lengths to capture the negro vote in Indiana, New York and West Virginia. They have es tablished national ters in Broadway ten blukd iron i u,o buuuing occu pied SOUTHERN R. R. J! F CLICK, Editor, HICKORY. N. C. THE ISOtvTH UAUOL1NA TYYt t.1 I i I Y f I . A v. . m4- ..I 111 Awiiuai axAiA xuiiuobiiHi vouege. COUHHEM. In effect Aug 7th, 1904. The French Broad Pilot states There are than 3 600 negroes in the that SOS whitM,r.n .MHi.fv.nAKi service at the government in Wash- 'in MadLon county thi. year as the g ? ? the appomt- This condensed schedule is pub iuu county mia year as the ment under civil service laws that liahed a !nfnrmi k Democratic laws. And Democrats and Judge Parker pro- iect to chan withnt . wJL otill li . j .j . I :,r, - . .1 ... " wv lumci "" vo icujouu prouiisau you in 4,300 lu vui. iuuxviuiey appointed I public. iuu mai it me amendmend was " luau' 1U DUUlu oose-i trains leave Raleigh n c passeu not a single white man would ,u v.uuo. z.uu a. m. JNo. ill daily for 1 dtataMbted. Thar have fooLd h" . " ,t? "reen8bo Points. Carries ...1 w 7. ru"man 8IeePer Qoldsboro to Greene Special Campaign Offer! Utoiary CluHMloal isolentlflo leclHrouloMl Couunorolal lloraoNtlo Holeiute Manual U'rHlnlutf Music. Five courses leading to Diplomas, Advanced course leadinir i-i grees. Well equlputd Practice and Ob&ervatitm bers 50. Board, laundry, tuition, and lees lor u nf trt "i-.k. SlBO a vear. lir i . roaiitun i u ,f u,. ........ .... ' DV A-dcaut,o -.r y, r.Tl , J ouiw iou. l nine utli aucud xAAOVM o ikiAlxillJEi session Degins September 29, 1904. To secure loard iu the dwruiliun SIX MONTHS WE WILL SEND YOU THE CAUCASIAN 81 X MONTHS you several times before. Will vou none, that he rufWrf in k : X A. A i. 1 netrro hpfifinnor I i ' - w -rrv.u. W1U WIuiWUDg M wreensooro with LUU v,5ry piciure oi all Iree-tuition applications should bo md., bciore JrUy 16ih Curn pondence invited from those desiring com uetent teacher and i.t phers. For caUiogue ana other luforination CHAKJLEt D. McIVER, PrealdeoL UKKNSBOH. S. C.J va -m . . r . I wiauMli CLAJia cae ior, as tney say, breaking the Savanna. No. 37, "Washinirton and All for the small sum of 75 cehtM. a i i t ... I f firiaT1 Till inn onH m n m.Ai- I r. . I - ' a xroojtivn nenuniian nninr r J-""Vi"" ou"wi iae as i soutnwestern riimifAri x..n a w . i .it . j . . .. , ouxjiu J. uii. rwnn 11a vrmiw -.ri.. mv i- . - half dozen Slates are now employed rearJiable what curious things we at thi branch headquai'ier in W en We flave no 8U--" uroadway. A wtn kly lampaign auu WU8erver paper, ealiel the Emancipater,' is I teay yu nve no gun? Whare being published there, a great deal I re the red-hi rt Winchesters of '96 r; . isuemg sent out to and 1900? Mavba to., mni.i eioHd tr v. row one of them. stitution. He could not make a N. Y. to New Orleans and MerniS P0Q,t put U offJ but D0 IT NOW. distinction on account of race nr Unnontinn to .1. . ' I . I iui y matuu- I - vuuress. CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. i 112, daily for Raleigh, N. C. iy uit H . ti i.u. (limn ii For rM,,, ui,,, ... uffi.L Itepublican orator TiVT. cienttbe,-..i .... h.,i,u;v uasaitCoVerta lllal Andrew Jack-"" 4 "w" buwwb- man train drawing room sleepers, oi tn lo.i.iiuiiee ,.. s., Iay away I ; " -i-xiuixiaa jtruerbon were aot ft-otn ..mis.x. i I Democrats at all. but wr ifimhi:. 'Prominent c.,.r..i ,,e. fM,m a cans OI ine -x-sevelt 'type. It ii I , " " 7 "JU, lllllu. J& coma Balem, Wilkesboro, Danville and tact. 1'iiuuio voi, a I local stations. ucgiwsa, appoimeu Dy Mckinley I 5:25 a. m. No. -w w luoxcu uuuci LiirHHi, iiT i i4ninohAA i a j , au i r , wowaV muai stations con- death after she had served about necting at Goldsboro with Atlantic seven years. Roosevelt refused to Coast Line for Wilmimrton N appoint another and had the office C, Wilson, N. C, TarboTO N thefnlAro.1 t- i.. ..v.4..., jwu TOuiu oor- ior a year, n you naa SWOrn C... Norfolk. V oH ' , HESONALLY noWTnfrPn iuius IU tut) UOUULIU1I. . .... . i n I a: t. , -I . . .. ' 1 UU1UWI- '"Ull autesin the North and travel! 1UW uu,f 01 inem- - uuoxu aau eniore me taws ot late stations, also at Goldsboro with world's fair. sr. wina , . line United iStatea nnnM ti.i. , .. .. . " I ' 7 viuiwanes are going among the col-1 " . t , akU,u" na xortn Carolina Rail- orrf men in iJL., Xew York The Governor of Wyoming, Hon. S?J? ."m" 8le'y V Ktatoo. a. d, Newberne, .nd West Virginia. Senator Gor- Chatterton, in an interview with L!"third f81?: n.ot N- - immediate stations. vi uuumrao. VVUiLl LIIHI n .411 a. m M fA SPECiAL. SPtliiAL. SPECIAL SOUTHERN RAILWAY. TOUR TO '.u .f 0 I xrresiueni noosevelt is very Donular without in the Weat. He adds that. "Evan In the ardent Democrats in our section are !nU cKinlfy daily TUESDAY, OCTOBER llTH, 1904. VIA SOUTHBRN RAILWAY. The Southern Rail iox I a nersonAllv cnnHnnf i. ton, 5 45 a a & . me iNOrtnem nmrrnM Now, doesn't that present a pretty picture? Gorman in charge of the negro Democratic headquarters in Naw York that is sending out negro . uuuuuux mates, . unconstitntional or imn, t " i Z rr""?' UiittU araw" a m, Thursday 13th. wmieat the same time this same he New York Herald, a Demo- that vear Senator .Tnh7 10 iNew York and Ihis , rain will be ..... I .. I - "uiKau.HiMlUlUUUI UIOHA Pnnnontinr, I ilno 1 . " r""" navmg laws passed in cratic paper that has been support- r Alabama, in a public address . Winston. Salem. .""a?.a"man .8lWiK m mj u r iiu rn o va im iirrrT a w mt j w w ua w fi a rtt i i . i m m m n t x r a u a -w-a i . v lormm, and there is no symntom mnnll ZlZl "V. . "" """ excePl Sunday. At iL" UBOOto! '22 pm, Saas- of nthu,i..m , e. r" ... ,?uf'uoou u ureensDoro with train No. Sfi. "ttl .uu points North: Pullman rt w. 1 "w. " ' "r"Ylng Louia 7 32 of enthusiasm ticket." :k""7 "r f .u.,pitt"or.m u Ma" for Washineton AU. P m. ? orgauton , icuuutig represemauon to be and aU points North: Pniim.n I ' .a GRKAT CAMPAIGN OFFER. WW WILL.HfcIND THE CAUCASIAN In clubs of twenty from now uutil day of the election, for 5 CENTS EACH. 3-Get up a club today and send us. Addref CAUCASIAN PUBL1HHJNG CO., Kalkimh, NC Maryland to dlafranchi th intr Judire Prk.r t .k. m (see Southern Historic, J .i oTLvl"e. ana 10' 1' le loaie wl via Ashe- J...a. . . . I. . F'ucy, ' " KTt rain jno. 7 for noxviiie and Louiaviil. And why? Simply because he mt. I has lost all hones nf wh ,.Jre volume o page 25 and 26) Mt knm .. I .- . . . . . . I mentioned the "Material addition and i vvwa otwaA.vAlJ3 High Point, Salisbury, nharintio I throogn the errand and Mnnf m..nn - V, . , " . -w .VUU- a local stauons. I regioss at Western Nurth Car- 10:80 a.m. Vn' ma r j.n I olina, East Tennessee and iu..n. (Bused hvthAanfnnhiM,4LJn-,J.t. . v0, uaujr ior t;fnl hl Ma 7 " 1" " : r - W1 m , vruiusuoro ana all local nolnts ; mn.i;.;.7 tvsuun oi nen- fet thlm tr xrfA tkn T. i ? I nonHi'Hnin. .j 1 tickerinM- i a f--, l7 auu uarea edi- to the political power of the South ticket in Maryland. tonal columns Tuesday that Presi- caused by the enfranchisement nfth And now the news comes from lmt Roosevolt's election is aim . negro," and after discussini? ikvora... w., ! ?Pln wl con-1 tucky Washington that John Williams, U foregone conclusion. ly their capacity for suffrage declar- Mount and aU fiastern NnrthS LllowiDgound trip tea' from the Democratic nr. . ed "at all events we cannot afford Una nninta . . -at.J: ?ntt PPniontely lotr puihiuii i . 1 7 .i uuiuauuru ior wii- atateaman,of Franklin county, i8 Anotner democratic prohibiUon "e"ue;.lD.e proportionately low m ail nth .r aatna. on.. .. : u""'uuo 181 I rlorwanrl :..u. . ' I r:'-""'" . U. uietii-Qay ElCKetS frnm alHc A -r-k .. . . Inona.k.g. . ... . i -vuvuu wu lUCH I1KUL UI SUnMCO "lonri Nrarfnll. TTi. i . I K- a. ae-' . . . .mocrauc neadquarters in Wash-r4 l" our ae8Jf No Southern DemocTr.t nirft JZ?. 1 108e - T f26 25, Clay iBgtonCity,8endinrDemn.rti,.HiJa lar8 whiskey advertisement on nUt nn Mnt 71 :. WKn .esapeake T"' i lel 4 b0; Dur- in. . i . I - - vwuiHuoiiiuiio kir nuinmnnk and oil I VMdu; da. eratureto the negroes of the North "! e. They advertise fo Northern paper notices or denies outgoing steamers. Oxfo.d, 23;.Henimn 123 30.' P and anti I whiskey and than tell V Oil hrtur trrssA I the utterly false statement; that .1 q.ok r ... IKa.iahn Democrats of the South. And still H old and "eUow;it is, and then J?L Tt!16 ,child were Greensboro and immediite stetions: SL?5f $23 301 oton,' X eorthe,od.mouthed,d mesneetsin this SUte have the L ' " i: V 7."" TO there know it did noil 8unv 7 lZl a aa. A M A.a a t Auuiiiiri ihnh it i nnr.taOi o am. a a i . mf .vu cuivuwry xo yen "nitreer" I voicuvjr.iuwm;, uu. 11 nas Deen 0000000000000000 OO) Trinity College One hundred and seventy graduate and undergraduate ccursei of study in department of Llterature.Hlstory, Science and PhiiuN phy. Well-equipped laboratories in all Aarge library facilities. Gymnaeium fairniahoH ratus. ivxpenHBs very moderate, am uwi Broad and national spirit. . Trinity ..College Has ibe Largest Endowment of Any College in the South Atlantic States: : : : : d a University Station ton $19 50, Ualeigh $ia50, Durham For i aialiiuM anoiunbr in format ion, tuldren 1- VV. NEWKOM, H.giMirar, - 1UR1I A V, . C. at any one who will vote for Mr. Roosevelt. We do not nanallv nnn. descend to notice such a thing, but we only wanted to again call your attention to the inconsistency of the Democratic leaders. In the words f "Hon. Ihos. Settle: Oh! Con- aiatency thou art a jewel! But in th diadem of Democracy thy place la vacant." If your name is not on the reis- tvation book you should register be fore the 29th of then be sure to cast your vote for for good government on November 8th. Hill and the New York show girla may be for Parker, but the Ghiaago ministers have declared for Paaaidant Bocaevalt. non. laos. E. Watson says: "It I them- Democratic is curious to note that Mr. Parker I BryaDS Commoner published for r-haanai thi. ai z i uarnm i my rads of times in theouth. . Nor- At Grn" "D Tw,' l" ?o ti uuu xiu. 2? i ' "-"i,ou"; unariotTA fmm AwlVl 1J . - I 1 Q OA u am. . ' WM papers to the m J Columbia, Augusta, Savannah, f 1-fe,lle 17- Morgan- TT 'wawvm - i MiKMiii vii i aa a-n im uoes noi once mention the name of Vr.V, . papers to ana first class coaches Washimrton f.TmkU uDie berth from Jefferson, Jackson or anvoth.r J iing nero or tney wiU de- JacksonvlUe, Fla. No. 2i5 Zrj b 8DoroW. Kaleigh $6.00, Demo It is possibly CSUICK ne does not wish to take their name twhte man will vote for Unnvan.i 7: w 7". a.uurw-. People can tccupy double in vain. I that no whii mn nr t V. w xuuiigmun steae raves a vv a irifmiia. a ammr nrvaAiaHi. jb mn ra that no white HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL hublfcan except ne who ia trvi WmZ,. Yf-L coi uuniug uuservaiiOD: L, : ivii inios ior wasWngton and all nolnbi oonvaera aauway wUi aceum- "DemocraUc manage propose to Z"" ,19- Th?re "orth. Pultaun drawing room O a al4 1 a A. ' alaOHiaB akean active bid for the 'inde- fif. umcera. 618 observation car to New & pendent vote . Tho uA I " m uuinoer snail - --- "v nvuiu aaij LJtSL I nua l ...1.1 a 1 ? ter to make alaid for th Tio'.IXY. UUUUieu 111,8 - ".v . . . I uuu may, neireer talk will I a.nv. ' " '"ne purnon oi wmco seems I nut o i." " " , 7 i """""y w mempnis. to be hopeleealy aliented." l"""11?:.. -60 m, No. 186 AMI for ve ior loving aoldsboro and local stations. -landslide" this year. We dotnn the same thing? Here A wh. w"t. u,.k nui w, ,w isir. Roosevelt. I a,: s ' uo 10 car-1 imrton D O Some Democrats are expecting a I rick, Carl Schura and Parker for ana ODSerVatiOn Car tn Va I ' "V yoaium ior U2e be York; connection is aln mI J? eMnr OJ Party. noo. T I , a a fur &H V Oinflr inTAmatlA J hJt Tn S'"-?- d 'or Pnllmin rrvow iddre FT t?t . n n Ma . ' a. x, vrxiawKM. V. XV A. - T -1 BaleIgh,N. C. h L- Virnok, T. P. A. 1 1 Charlotte, N. c. Mr. Parker has not yet stated his poaitlon on the negro question. ;';.';;.-'' WANTED,- . Detecttvibb," Reeponsible. Sham uuu5 iaen everywhere. xn(nrieTlfA ' nnnomxuanr . can yet be lbund who wiU red . mrrZZlfJs. . U. w ZZr":'" minor . . . . 1 r iwnmga jjonae ijuiia- r w taMtuiaxB.- uranaeii'a i paper or hear.- a spaaker who tAiirsI niiifk to- - MMAU I Tvtf-. rJI . . . . " - - m m wna a. . afc-yawwai vb uuirmn v ni i vaTari a i v am ' ra. iXthe Southern SUtes Democratic B. L. VeraoTiv Charlotte - it is a thousand nitiea that. - avua.a ja, vrxueii tiiirv -nrna Acnnt TorkTawfe Elder Snperior Oaurs J dg,, and f raa 5.- vest euucauonai aavintsge in the '-outh offered year begins SEPTEMBER 7. IW4. .' nea WRITE FOK CATALOG 03?. Th flftj-frt FOR HIGH GRADE JOB PRIfJTItJC -AND- ATA LOG y CALL OIV OTl WHITE M. .1. CARROLL, Academy of Music Building Baleighi N. C 5. A 1 i 1