r THE CAUCASIAN."1-1011 "Z9 vioi KaLEIOH, N. C. Oct. 27. 1904. - nter ed at tbe PoatOSce in Haleigb S. C as second-class mail matter. the President, the cry weut up from Wall Street and the trut or u daily, with or without appij. , -nt provocation, that the "President it r."h Aiid unsafe." The American people aTe fkt U-arniiig ihe truth, and as they learn it they Ami that the same powerful monopoly influence that backed Prident Cleveland fornix noojina n.m and election, and who- loflu-MM-e with th Clevlaid ad minis t rat ion amounted to a Nuiioiial -rand.l, are the s-rue intlu-uee that lacked the candid cy of Ju le Par ker for ih nomination that capture! the t. Louim Convention, and ar now supporting Judge Parker for flection. These ar the influence ttjt raise the cry, ''That the i'rt-Mi dent M rash arul unsatH." No official h ever yet ffarlHy su l houewtly enforced the law, thu did not srou-e the opposition of th'e whu break the law or who ek special ptivileKfti and fail to ei-ure theuj. "No rogue ere felt the halter draw vv ith good opinion of the law." Do you read Mr. J)ooley? Did you read recently a discus-ion by him of the Fr(Hidential candidates, in which the following occurred: Say, Mr, Dooley, they any that .Mr. Parker, the Hage of Knoopus, is h -" tH man," sai l Mr. Henneh-iey. "Oli, 1 do'i't know; it may be so," -aip Mr. Dooley "He niay be '-tie,' but I say, Ilenuenaey, I'd like ii a K'reat deal better if Dave Hill a i.' August BeJrnont didn't have tir combination tothatthar 'safe.' " There is a whole volume of truth in this observation by Mr. Doo'ey. Next to David B. Hill there was no -'mle individual, who for at least a year before the St. Louis Conven tion was more active in promoting tmd financing Judge Parker's candi dacy than was Angus Belmont. And who is Belmont? He is the A mer it an airent in Wall Street of the Kothschilds of London, and he is the man with whom President Cleveland made that monstrous se cret bond deal. The interests that backed Mr. Cleveland knew what trey were dolutr, and reaped their reward. They said that Mr. Cleve land was "safe," The same influ ences are now backing Judge Par ker, and they expect to reap their reward, and they say that Judge Parker is "safe and conservative," and at the same time they cry aloud that "President Roosevelt is rash and unsafe." Let thtfco who have rejoiced in and enjoyed the great prosperity of this country uuder present condi tions and policies, "top to consider who it is that would like a change. Let those who love American insti tutions and who are lifted with hope when they see a servant of the people administering the greatest office within their gift show cour age, independence, wisdom and ptr.otism in hts every act, stop to consider who it is that is interested to raise the cry, that uch an official is "rash and unsafe " Since you did not see all of my interview, permit me to call your attention to the following statement which appeared therein: A STRIKING CONTRAST. "Besides, the contrast between what the President and bis Admin isi ration has accomplished and are now advancing to completion, and what Mr. Parker, and his associates promise they will .do if placed in power, even if every promise be ac- i-epieu as a verity even ii we &nouiu a m . I J I forget the sad conditions under tne Republican candidate for Con ine Cleveland Administration), is I ooaain th ftth district, more than for the re-election ot President Roosevelt. "Suroly there can be no one who desire to exchange present conditions tor a return to the depression and paralyzation, resulting in hard times to the people, and bod issues on the part of the Government, which existed under the Cleveland Administration, aud, yet, the elec tion of Parker, if he should rein auguiate the Cleveland policy, as he promises to do, would certainly result in similar conditions. 44 Why should the American peo ple take any chances? Why not let well enough alone, and, indeed, why not at the same time continue the present wholesome progressive, patriotic politics which have resul ted in prosperity at home and increased prestige and honor abroad?" In conclusion, permit me to say that 1 have au abiding faith in the wisdom and patriotism of the American people, when such condi tion and great issues are so clearly and strongly contrasted, that they will vote by an overwhelming majority to sustain the President in his progressive and beneficient policies. Yours very truly, MARION BUTLER. Judge Parker says everything is going to the bad in the Philippines. Gov. Wright, a Democrat, says' it isn't so. Has Parker ever been to me Philippines? Gov. Wright there and h e oughi to know. ia Read the article in this paper, headed: Roosevelt vs. Parker." It contains facts that will Interest you.) 25c. at all druggists. MuutMBt Ha to Pay a Peaaitr ud Taa Oa Wluaal Ucmm.)u. ar May tto IatfJetad. The Raleigh Pvt last Pr.'H made known tbe fact that tto E.i. nigh Dispensary had tm neiiin rtci a- Vk a. . . a I u iu uii to a restaurant ana w o.ners in Kaielgh, which .wnl . .,eglU7 it .hiiirt L rK 7 H" "TBfllDUfl prerent such wholanu,' butlnwaii However, a federal officer wa ted upon the management of tha dit- penaaiy and rtquestd ihe mana ger to take out wtioletaU license. f he manger wanted trie federal offl- cer to go with him to ate tbe die- Slothi?y'bat lhe clHctor IwS to .!la wv .CH?n 7!f bm ww looking for mocey fr a licente and a penalty tor violatlnfe the law. Wheu the dispensary man- agemeni saw that the federal offlcei und ratood Hi a bustt.eas the uionev waa paid over without further de- lay. The Post sa8 that United dta.es CummUsionr Joan Nicho a sid he would is, ue a warraat foi the arrest of each of the thrte die pentary commisblouers, the maoa gtr and the other employee. If anyone will maice thu complaint before him. The dispensary did a rushing I business last weea. it la saia thev took in" htxjut 12.50 rer mlnnt for one or two dayu last wtek. Wo had been told that the dispensary was lnttnued to decrease ihe salea of intoxicants, but Mie object tow eerna to be to sell as much as pos sible, so as to justify the m&nar- in boatd la increasing theairitsthe true principles of JetT'reon and of the wflicers. THE FHEI) 1KUGL.A8S ECLIPSED. INCIDENT Democratic Judre and Bar AdJourn in Honor of a Dead Xefro.-Ii This an Appeal for tbe Negro Voter Charleston News and Courier. We nave seen nothing in any of our negro-loving Northern con. em porarlej to matcn the very remark able Incident that occurred at Lan caster, Sou; h Carolina, yesterday. When the court convened thAr veateiday morning Mr. B. J. Alll- son, the oldest member of the Lan-1 caster bar, announced tae death ol I Bishop laham Clinton, of the AM- can Methodist church, and moved I that the court adjourn in respect to his memory until Monday nex. The motion was secondfd by Major Wylle, of the Lancaster Darj aud by ooncitor Henry, ine speaers all I paid proper tribute to the lamented dead, and Judge Watts grafted tte I consequence of the unjust and un motlon and ordered the adjourn-1 equaled conditions brought about by ment ol the court, expres&iLsr Lis I Ligh appreciation of ihe character a,ud services of the Bishop to hif people and to the cause of religion. Bishop Clinton was a negro and had been exercising the office ot tbe ministry for more than fifty years He was a slave in his early life ano lived at peace with his white neigh bors all his life. They kcew him and he knew ihem and between them existed the kindlest relation bo deeply had he impressed thei. witli the earnestness of his religion and the good quality of his citizen ship that whea he died they all sorrowed that he had passed awa The action of the court in Lancas ter yesterday was a notable tribute to the dead Bishop. The lawyer ou whose moiion tne court adjourned, and the lawyers who seconded the motion and the judge who granted the motion are all native South Catolimaas aud thorough going Democrats, and in their desire U honor the memory of a negro bish op they spake as they wore moved by the natural promptings of their hearts. They were not hunting for the negro vote or trying to cor ner the delegates to a nominating convention. J ud trine from reports in the nh.rinrt Ohprvr. Mr. Newell. a match fot his opponent, Mr. whh. He irot Mr. Webb on the run several days ago at Biekory, Dy making Webb's speech and answering it before Mr. Webb had a cnance te make his speech, and Mr Kewell kept him on tfce run as long as Webb staid on the stamp Mr. Webb's only answer was per - sonal abuse of his opponent. Mr. Newell is a gentleman and a scholar and will make a fine Representative if elected. - SAVES TWC FROM DEATH "Our little daughter naa an. ai - . if. miu n- Tfifl Sew Discovery. Our niece, who had consamption in an advanced 6tage, also used this wotderful medicine and to-day she Is perfectly well." uesperaxe mroai ana iuug awn iromar dijiubbuwb . nt. cir,rr M.ala oti.riAnr ftf rinnntv that, th rr . at .... . J . " .;Vn" nn . ath inf.iiihiof..nn,ha.nriltiiam nn crntiind for thA hnna mi a Aft and Si no hnttlpa era ar - anteed b s aii druggists. Trial b A ties free. Have you registered If not you should do so at once, your last chance. - ThU week BROKE INTO HIS HOUSE. S. Le Qutnn, of Cavendish, Vt- was rubbed of his customary Health by invasion of chronic constipation. I any modification of tfca tariff savelUh tntAiHffont North Carr.liniana. I ba good the Dr. MUea justosaxrra jtt mM nr. Tino-'B ttfiw Life Pilla that to which th RaiinbUcan mft-l Witti lnteUigent ormtunians, did B. wife.WM. y. Axum, P. U. When Dr. Knurs New JLlfe irllis WOXe mio nis house, xib irouoie 1 a A l 1 was arrested and now ne'S entirety cured. Tfaev're uranted to cure, A ADOBE Tata Voter of f IM mtmurn, r Vhmtrmmn Skater aa CNW ProeaJaaat To the Voter of North Carolina: More than a century ago, Th Croat Jefferson, th grtet atatesman. In lour j augment, in is world baa pro . ... Id ueed, ec undated certain fundarxiSQ- 1 principle on which all fr,pop. ular governmanU should rmt; and lo hU mtDlficDl "tatesmanihip, fr'1,ioK wisdom and inspired co wJeJe of the Krience of fW gor- ernment, Is that tbe glorious priori- pie ot Democracy, wherein "equal and exact Justice to all men,' is one of tbe chief corner clones of bis e applicable to a Juat and proper solatton of tbe evil iiticar be lmmorUI stateeman gave them to our DmtIon nd tb world, Having a firm and unfaltering faith in the ultimate triumph of these orinclDles. and bellevim? them to be absolutely ea-ential to the tr- servation and perpetuity of free In . stitutions; and in view of the fact that V iiliam J. Bryan, for eight yean the recognized leader of the Democratic party, was ignored and deposed as the leader at tbe St Louis national convention, when the party repudiated Jeflersonian Democracy and nominated the candidate of I w.ii Htt Mr Hrv.n Hu,o.lnd ad with a ront." uiiu mj wjf uciiwura ui'Me wuo are unwilling to sacrifice their prin- ciplesand stifle their political con- victions to join with the party that! still bravely and fearlessly upholds I Bryan; and to that end we earnestly invite and urge all men who love principles better than party or pelf to begin at once the organization of People's party clubs for the dissem ination of literature and tbe discus sion of the true principles on which our government war established. Since the party of Bryan has be trayed the great trust confided to it by the people, in the repudiation of I those principles which secured six and a half million voters, the Peo pie's party, with renewed energy, v,r an( courage, nas come to the fronl tw battle for the principles of Jefferson, and now holds aloft the banner, so recently held by William J. Brvn. and anntt&la to thu men Who so loyally supported him two L..i,. n um fv. ria f V k T P" 8ttndardthf "ly P" y th.at ";uuo 11118 country wno are sunenng in trust domination and the concent tion of tbe wealth of the country in the hands of the few. To change these conditions and restore this great government to the people to whom It properly belongs, we be lieve it to be the earnest hope and patriotic desire of all men who love j Justice, Liberty and Equality of all men before the lawr To the unprejudiced mind it is as clear as the noon-day sun that both the old parties are now diligently engaged in fighting a sham battle and thereby beclouding the real is- .... . , . , old parties are now on the side of the Trusts, Monopolists and Com bines; both of them are on the side of corporate greed and pompered wealth. This nation, where Liber ty Justice and Equality of opportun ity are supposed to be guaranteed to all men, has no need for two Re publican parties two parties serv- ng Monopoly and Mammon, hence I the need for a party tc champion and defend the rights of the 4 'for gotten man." The people of Rome, Greece, Bab ylon, Persia and Egypt, lost their liberties when all the wealth of those countries became concentrated in the hands of the few, and to prevent the "sordid despotism of wealth," and the "communism of pell" from wrecking and destroying our nation it behooves all men who are 'un- awed by power, unbribed by gain," to unite with the Peoples party in the coming political contest. From neither of the old parties can the 1 masses expect any relief; there is I ll0w no material difference in their K 1 platform declarations. William J. I Bryan, in a recent statement, de- I dares that "a Democratic victory will mean, very little, if any prog ress on economic questions so long as the party is under the control of the Wall Street element. On the money question Mr farter is as tliAwtunhtu AAtnmitiu) in fha eio uiwiuugiuj.vuuiuii.wu 1 of the financiers as Mr. Kooseveit. very much better than the RepuDU - can platform, DutthenomiMtiono Judge Parker virtually nullifies the anti-trust plank. - Now, this plain and frank declar- I r T W J I l7nCoTn oa n; 1 of rfibftf and ret or m throaeh the - 1 Democratic party ; therefore, every I Democrat who believes in Bryan's principles ana sapportea mm in two catnpaigos is . estoppea irom t jacking the People' party for its ia I AOViT- CT- :::ir : -it a ,t thu ahoald be Iranklv conceded that IIIIVH aa, a m - a aa U 1 S3 UHH11U BIB should our party be saccessful in the oominff contest we cannot horje Ia aannvA a. malnrltu ln tha HnatA during t,he next fonr yeaw, and aw www" w v a -" I hence we sha 1 be unable to' secure I that to which tne Republican ma- I 1 d. ' AL. O A - A M wr-y iu -nw onase my w"8a ithisib, xnaeea, a iranK ouressioni rrr .. - that should a Democratic President I be eleotod ha can accomplish noth 1 leg, oa arcooot of an optmiitioa Set at, therefore, ery man who lorm Jcfft raouiaa prtBelptta, oaa4, tar- ana eooncai? gotersmtat whrequl and xai asti sbaii prevail, anonld rally to the support of the Hoau Tboaea E Wa ios, the brilliant orator, ptrtat and staieeman, ttncosapromiiftog Jover or inetiee, aiat.rtaa of sattoa al fmo. asd author of the law cre- atlejra&d eatabiUhlnr the KuraJ Tree Delivery Mali System, which ia a treat measles; to million throngho&t our coon try. Now, therefore, 1st an organisa tion be petfected at onee th roach oat the tit ate to tbe end that Wat son eiecton may be named. We earnestly arg all Toters who believe is prtactplea rather taan parties, and who refas to worth Ipjof M veral gentleman, and in a iwit iV.ulJ -M0'.10..1.: I tln me, "Where Is iti.7o; .hi 7r ferton HAT BRTSX TBIXK Or PiKCtft Mf objection to Judge Parker jHdiatelv retired from th rsMirf h,. that he goes before the country oo and atraddlera. 1 object to loaded dice.' "The influences back of the Par ker candidacy are so intimately associated with trnata and rr?at corporations that the Democratic party could not appeal to the masses. ''With such a candidate the bat "e wonta begin with a foot race C Bhcford. Chairman Peoples Party. JAM Jti. LiLOTD, Member People's Party Cen. Com. James H. Shirrill. Member People's Party Cen. Com. W. r trowi. 8. A. Low range, Mtmber National Committee. W. B. Gibso.v. Chairman Iredell County. W . H. ADDKRHOLDT. Mil. MEKKIXS' STATEMENT. Ilia Effort to Meet Mr. Ulenn tbe Repub lican Candidate for JLIeatenant Governor, In an Open Letter to Chairman Rol- lins, Describes His Offer of $500 for the Privilege of Meeting the Democratic Gubernatorial Candi- date on the Stump Mr. Glenn's . Reference to the Koosevelta Wri tings the Point of Issue He Wishes the Public to Know Ex actly What Occurred. The Observer is requested to pub lish the following: Elizabeth City, N. C.Oct. 14, 04. Hon. Thomas S. Rollins, Chairman, Republican State Executive Com mittee, Greensboro, N. C. My Dear Mr. Rollins : In a public speech addressed to my fellow-citizens at Clinton, Samp son county, N . C, on Tuesday, Oc tober 4th, 1904, I took occasion to step out of the record and remarked as follows: My fellow citizens, Hon. R. B. Glenn, the Democratic candidate for Governor ot North Carolina has seen fit, for reasons best known to him self, to malign the President of the President of the United States through the medium of misquoting him, thereby misleading the people . of North Carolina. Mr. Glenn said, as I understand, the President said, "There is a strain of coarse brutality running through the blood of the Southern people." "Now my fellow-citizens, what the President said vastly differs from what Mr. Glenn claims be said. I hold in my hand a book from nicn Mf Glenn preei. dent. Said book is entitled "Thomas H. Benton, by Roosevelt," and is one of 32 volumes in the "Ameri can Statesmen." On page 161 is found the quotation in question, and it reads as follows: "Slavery WA8 chiefly responsible for the streak of coarse and brutal barbarism which RAN through the Southern charac ter, and which MARKED the fero clous outcry instantly raised by the whole Southern press against the abolitionists." "Now fellow-citi zens, you can readily see the differ. ence between the two statements. According to Mr, Glenn, an unin formed citizen would gather the idea that President Roosevelt made this statement but yesterday, in speaking of a condition which exists in tbe Southern States TODAY, whereas, the truth is, the statement was made by Mr. Roosevelt as tar back as 1886, and referred to a period in the national history as far back as 1833. Vnw T aIlhmit ln aii fairn if rf. v. I .. .. .1 i Q TQa ritrht then Mr. RwiATOlt I ' wrftn. if 8Uverv wm wrnno- 1 narva n Qtnnri nn and m and h Unce towards God,that aia very was right? I would like to oaa tVia mlnv rr t ho man's nrhn V . nuv hM lhfl nftPV(, in this enlightened I bAS tne nerve, in inis enugmenea ke, to stond for such a sentiment. "Viewing the situation in all of I its details, as I see it, but one of I two things can be true; Mr. Glenn I either misquoted the President i through a misapprension of what I thePreaident had said, or he did it it tne ,Qtent t0 misieai ';l Die. and the extenuatirjer eircum- extenuating ',n Mr; ?lenn I the benefit of tha doubt, and to my mind the doubt is not worth tha I claiming. I ttMo fo,Ufxsruiti tmtm. T will aim m nsj avaav v v ---a v - U500 for an opportunity of facing I QieDn in a crowded hall filled ana aiscuss wnn nira wnat l aeter - rnl .fl h an nnlklr attarlr nnnn miue to be an unfair attack upon I the resident 01 ine unitea autea, - Ithus violating the Injunction of the wrrlpfarti test, tu thtt tm t& ruh r f thy rountry." The 'nefjHtit of talne with rr txxt la the live hor Jml k4lar pro- poMtkm wa given tothettreMf jvorth t arHna la a tptrit f ridi cule. On October ?th. Ittl, chanml to nwet Mr. Glenn In the dining room of lb IVobow Uoiet, in roboro. N. and he at oore W. to quot-: You mit have a very locrative oSl to be eSerin $500 for tbe opportunity of meeting mea joint detrnte. Give me th niotHry and you ahail be accommo dated. I tmileil the challenge as jocular. Hut in an hour or eo there after Mr, Glenn ratne Into the Fed eral court hoa aad In the preeeocv 1 and nlit, I " lorxncoming. let it I be and you shall be accotuauodatAl," I I n i. .. ' Und prepaml the following corumu- tor itself: 4 'Greensboro, X. C.,Oct. 7, 04. Aonorable IL B. Gienn. Greeulviro, X. C. "My Jiear Mr. Uienu: "1 stated last Tuesday iu a public fpeech at Clintou, X. a, that I would give $500 for au opportunity of a joint debate with you tpon the issue of this campaign, and espe cially upon tbe Issue of your quota tion, Iroui the President's book "I. if- it Kanlnn V'n.. I.I this morning in the court boue in Greensboro, X. C, lu the presence of several eeutlemen. that if I would give you the money you would ac cord me the privilege of a joint dis cussion. I herewith hand you my certi fied check in the uoi of $500 as ev idence of my g(td faith in this trauhaction. 1 would thank you to notify me immediately where your nrxt appointment is, that I may meet you and go with you through the remaining days of the campaign. "This proposition is made with the distinct understanding that you cancel none of your dates, but that pou W1U guarantee to show up at each Place M advertised, during this compaign. With best wishes, I bee to re main, "Sincerely yours, "I. M. MEEKIX8." A LOVE LETTER Would not interest you if you're looking lor a guaranteed alve for bores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured ne. It' the best salve on earth. 25c. at all druggists. If you are not registered for this election don't fail to register before Saturday night. CONFESSIONS OF A PRIEST. Rev. John S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., wiites: "For 12 years 1 sufferta from Yellow Jaundice, and con- salted a number ot physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, bat got no relief. Then 1 began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a d I, ease that had me In its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It is guaranteed by all druggists Only 50 cents. Meektna to Speak in KInaton. Hon. I. M. Meekins, candidate for Lieutenat Governor, will apeak in Kinston Thursday. Nov. 3rd at 2 o'clock. if the Baby ia Vnttlna; Taatb Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedv. Mat. Wi&slow SoOTarxe Syhdp, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and is tne best remedy ior uiarrnosa. Twentv-flve cents a bottle.' Jaw Tightly LocKcd From Nervous Spasms. PKv alrJnn.n Could Not Prevent Fits. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cared My Wife. Dr. Miles' Nerrine has been sacccaafaDy tied m thow,d of c.se erroa. diaar- tSS5SS Thoasands of testimonials prove this, acd to nearly every instance the writer baa ftatea that the fits ceased after the first dose of Ner vine vat given. Tbe statement tt repeated, ia the following: "Seven years ago say wife commenced having spasms or fits and I called in my home physician and he said she was para tyied. He rubbed her with salt water and rave her calomel and she eventually fat some better, bat in a short time she aad another attack. She was. confined t kr bed for three months and the doctor emld mot help her. She bad bts frequently. times verv severe. Her bands woaia aa we coold not open them aad abe nt aa her iaws would be cease 1 iztti s:-. r I storative Nervine. She received, sa aaach Finallv I saw the doctor was doinf her aa benefit ge e1SS'SllSSm I w k. had a fit since taking the fim Aam- She also tninkS 'very BJniy SMb v - . w . e ZZZLr.ZJl it ftZTiZ: wivaf I b this testimonial stronger do hies a 1 Eikviiie. Jdiss. AB drnists sell and I . AB drysgif eI1Jf ,Ef5T?lZ5r "i unr U.W Remedies. Nef-ona and HeaitDiaeasea. , j finally ockad. t Umm ManM.r um m ana In mamttkm with thm rark featae4 frinrr- noUtty tx Wa4 in the Ofl Adam f4vpgh and Beite Bmtrer EareoM United Shows. bocAed for Hakigh oo Xovetntvr tin. mill bm fWth- eomi&if tbe rham pi on Atarura Zem avf-s tbe aAUmUhtox expert Atswrt can ritliro aoidirr. k from 3fadioo riioare Gardeeu Xw Vk City, to 81. IVerbarc, Hueda, have won uoqoalioed triumph, and the praise and piaadtu of all tutlltary authodUea, at anri rated exprrte ia drill and compJrx trWrity of move- mcttt. , Upoo their triamphaot re turn from their Koropeso tour they were scored y toe Korpaoxb- Hells management a moat run- i4cwnw and atoropriat fratare of the military dcitrtmrnt tif their great exhibltkta, ami tbir renrp. tlon therewith In GrraVr Sm York was a red-letter on in both attendance and applause. Tbe Xe lora American and Journal tena-ly Ut the tsall on the bead in terming them "a huge, ml-lrggwl centipede, whose celerity and precision have astonished the minority world.' Nerve Fago If You Waste Your Nerve Energy. After Awhile You Will Suffer For It. Ten ran wast. nrv. forr. hy m m owr-worfc. worry, aniljr. ic Tou can WMktn rouradf by not aaUBar propr food or securtaf auflSclcnt raat to rwnr th n.rve nrty you u. tap. Tha proper trastmaat. In aAdltton to rood phoaphaUc food, auch as whola raaal braad. preparad crala. ato la Dr. MBaa' Raatoratlva Narrlna. Thla la as truly a brain and narra food aa any food you could oat. aad ba siaaa. furnlahas atranah and too of Ita own. which ao to th waakonad narra ayatom. and aata It t rtefcta. Dr. atUaa' RstoraUv Narvtaa to a ra fraahlnx. revitalizing tante food-madlelaa for th brain and narraa. It raconstrueta worn-out narv tlaau. aad Ua your languid brain with nw Ufa and rlcor. Dr. Ifllaa' Xervln ha a rnad ao many manraloua euro, of poorl. ao aick th doctors thouaht thay wr lneurabl. that It la today tha standard mad! at n ln many thousand of American homaa. Th first botUa Is g-uarntad to blp you. or drunist return your monay. "Th extreme hat. cloa conflnemont and tntena mental atraln Incident t th biriklna builness. haa cauaed m to suffer with tiervouanree and Insom nia. It givte m Dleaaur to aay that I have uaed Dr. At ilea' Nervln with very aatlsfactory result In th traat mant of these afTactlona. 1 am now on my fifth bottle, and eat and elaep wll. ln fart hare almoat foraotten that f poaneea rjei-s." K. 1 DALBT, Aaat. Cashier, Bute Bank, Texarcana. Ark. FREE Writ to ua for Fre Trial Packar of Dr. Mile' Antl- Paln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pafn. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist yvill dlne your eee, tell you what H wrm. and how to rljht It. Frf-e. DR. MILKS MKllt:Al. CO., LABORATOIUKS. iiLKllART, 1ND. rlf I IY1A cu IT Mill CMT. -V'"-B-,,,'m 1(11 Til FMJJWItt UTTU. - The Be tiaa CoM Chicaao. CKMTtBMsa Endoaed find one dollar to pay HT t not her bottle of EC-Z1NE and tj ceou for Eceiaa Soap. 1 fiava od oearly all tbe bottle yoa aeat and It baa done more for me thaa all other treat manta combined that I have employed for fear year. I have Eczema on both i(t from ankle to knee and I have been so bad at timea 1 bad to go on stilts. Sine 1 commenced the oa of E&21 KB ebt trouble has nearly diaappeared, ia fact It feels like it wa wen, not mere areaiewroognepotsyvt I don't want to atop treatment with on bottla Send me another bottle a a aooa aa poeaible aad a cakeof soap, after I tsae it I eioect to be perfectly cared and then I will tell you an aooat it. 1 nave been under treatment for four yeare and 1 can't begin to tell you what I bava anffered aad tbe great trouble and expenae I bave endured ia that time, but I have great bopee that I will aooa b cured. I certainly believe I hav truck tb right temedy at last. With beat witnea I am Yeura truly, u. l ALtunutii, Mt. Pleaaaat. N. C. CSO. Seward will be paid for any akia di eae. ECZtlJL PILES, IL00D TOM1, PUPUI, UN WWPB, etc., which the new Radium rmedy XC-ZINE will not cure promptly. Send today for a r 'RRK treatment, tuucient to cure aay ordinary case. THE EC-ZINS COMFAMT M. KUPERMEIER. Sales Agent tit Dearborn Street, CI bicago, TIL Raleigh Marble Works 11 A Business The HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY will give a WATCH to tbe girl or boy for tit, beat acI-Uon to tha fol lowing business proposition : Mr. it a catalogue house buyer, onUrzZ hit Hani ware from Chicago, wanted 1R.F.S. MAIL BOX, catalo gue price was 75 eta, sent lu his order, after a mouth, box was received and he paid $1.10 cts. freight. . Cost of R. F. D. D. Box .------- - - - - - - - t .7 Cost of getting it? (freight; - - - -. -' - - - - 1.10 Total . Hart-Ward Hardware Co., The solution is for you to Hait-Uard Harduarc Company, LOWEST PRICES. Mall ordsxs shipped tazae day crdsr received. RALEIGH Jt. C o RALEIGH, plfiiM Ffil DAY, liuJUi 4 dam Forepaufth and Sells Brothers aumrrttac ft nrv Tba aajaaaaja taian i nataaeanat wa-wnn aa evatreMM that 4ftuav Aaaaas a aaiatVwal laU Taiaa.Va:ua cy . wa aval a a mw aifckaafaaM I Ff""1 I "vJ ta ay - Urm4 ria rwa." atta at rat at fraaa ta ami eauraur iiw raaa AM aaawa ta atra ve an : 1 raltiftrvwa Ma nLA TU ism Ztcira ST Worta. ' ttroasaat Art ta a Maadet A4a. I liU rtJUU EUUUl DUTIES Ta Moat Mlabty. Mare aad Mr' au Oaaaiac Asrwfcat aad Maatetaa wt tbetr etraaa raea. M O N . t-i u ia 1C M t Tbe raaaoua rrab OrUrtaat. la a la raa- aomaaal Jrasllag a)aatrta Malay aad Park Oart tcovaUaa. Daro-Dovil Diavoio, Who !oop tb Ijanp oa a Blet . Tae moat daaaervaa and dee aerate ly tatrea aebtevem.at vt atiwpi4 by aaaa. TUB Al.UAMfHiNU kliliTS ta laelr Vie Aerttftac Aero belle Art. AU Kattb'e Ha real W, H-at Waadara Tb Ml(bttet Herd of Wuetl KleaaaaU. Worla. ralr featur HorMUkee. A Military tod East India Vzrtiz A Meet Glad, felart. BlelarM ?llty. Two prformDca dally, rata or ablaa. La aw proeaaa waterproof iai. Adealaataa, ke. Catldra aader year, a. Uowra aaaa at land 7 p. m. Areata dtaptara 1 boar lalar. ua kxtilblUuu day Ham berd i.oa poa, at ally Karvd Ntu, may ba aaearad at tb regular pnoas ai 7I Tmmfr Bmummg mrmy. FERTILIZERS AT IMPORT PKICarJ, KlTItATE OF gODA, MdKUTK Or POTAiB. HULPHATB OK P OTA SB. Nit rata or Pota, Genuine PcrayianGoaoo Buy pare materlalt, mix tham aecordinf to your rqnlraamU and save monay. Smith -Davis Co.. (Impohtxm.) WlLMIKTOw( N. C. Shipments made to any part "of the State at same price at af shoj. :0)1'EII llItt)MM iroprllor. Raleigh. N. C. H ben writing t) adcitl njitin the C:ati.aaa send for Catalifue. Proposition. our price' find out." ' MONEY BACH IF NOT OUITEP l.es 1.C9