THE CAUCAOIAtt PUBLISHED EVERY THt7fcjAY BY TJ1S CJlVCamULS PUB.C . OtSCII PTIOH IATES. (;m Inr, tl.uu is Mtmtaa. .-0 Throo Moatks. . mo. 11. "TATJC UKK A l'Kl ILKck.M GOVfclOiOK AY COCK eTATKl' IK UMJEK, A'1 TJJKKtHJKK HV IM PLICATION IN CUNhiXiUKNO; OF, rUBXON KL'LL "LAWLEWMj WAi.K- KU T11JC STATE L1KK A i'ijsTIL.t-VCi, CblalK nTALKKD AHKOAD AT MMiN I DAY. bltJtJ JLAY 1XJWN VM1 11 A1AK3I ANO TUK HOUND Or Tilt PISTOL, WA4 MOKfc. yKtAlU.NT THAN TMK bONO OK TUK MOCK1NO BIKD." HOW HTANUH THE CAAa, TO-OAY OoVtKNOKT HaVJC'T THE ACT Or TifKKKUEOMlilBT JfcttiSLATL KJ4 AA'D MOKE TUA5 TWO YUW- OF YOUK OWN BENEFlCtNT KUIJC ifABHJCD INTO HISTOKV 61NCK YOU UUti'l I lUt'll Tilt L'llll IClllVil"' WHEN YOU AK CAVOUT1NU THE STAT. WHOOF1NO FOK iDtt'i .TION AND KOADtt DON T VOU UEAK OF MOKE CRIMES BEING COM Ml J 1 D IN NOKTU CAROLINA THAN EVKK Way Vota ror IiooooHf Having ln severely tried he Is found to l serupuloufy bonet, wonderfully alert and ODcorupr noiiog In dealing; wills evil doer. CircuiosUnc have conspired to make the problem of uotfttlly guiding the eblp of Bute the rncii eoi)pix In the history of any coun try in any age of the world, and yei lis come forth with flying color waving over a hppy aid lrKTout j. amid the unstin- tl nplau" ,f th great nations of tr e -arth. Irr ddltion to his supe rior tklll in dtaling with dl-cord- art lem n at home he bai aecund for Arm-fiea -full rw-ognition in all rivi!i7,-d coui.tri am the neas of her true oitio in the family of nations, to that today no monarch fee! waranted In taking an itup r Unt -tep in diplomacy without tint sounding American opinion. The achievement of thU count ro under the guidance of the master hand and brin of Theodore 11 xr -velt are no great and far reach! rg a.s to almottt stagger credulity, at d yet with him re-elected, as h"ia most likely to be next Tuesday, tboe who have marveled at bin great feats of diplomacy will view with increasing admiration the great ness and glory of thr best goverrutl an weli as the richest and the most STARTLING FACTS. -'. " - Hie Reboot LgUlUuar J8T laereaufed tbe rjk-bool Term In rth Carotin Two said One-Third Weeks, With out Any Kxtr Tax or Appropriation. RtPUBUCAn MIO DEOQCRATIC RECORD. Democrats "Marfte AotfTowCaiioo of lOO.OOO for i'afelic oroola WtUoat iAcrwooto taTeriaa of Wait vJhwU .DM S,9 fYkM it-cii! of t IM MoT t The IegiUture of .197 did not incrme tbe rate of taxation for public Hcboola, nor did it borrow money and iue londB for that pur pone, but by abulbihing the old Democrat tcbooi lawt and eoacting k new one, tbey increased ihe acbool term in Notth Carolina two and one-third week, and this without one cent of cost to the tax-pay eri of tbe titate. TbLi law was p&SHoa by the Legislature of 1897, but the effect of the law on the bchoo.f of tbe State wm not felt until tbe fol lowing year, lb96. Supt. Mebune'u Report, on page 159, and feupt. Joyuer's Report, ou page 339, show that tbe school term of tbe biale in one year, from 1897 to 1898, made this remarkable increase. To bhow tbat this increase was entirely due to the repeal of tbe old bchool law and the enactment of a new law the above reporta on the pages cited show that the school term had not commanding world iower which the increased one day in this State dur evolution of the agea has producrd. I ing the twelve years prior thereto, It is no exaggeration to nay that he is notwithstanding tbe successive Leg now rKmiHi as the l i v- ulMurw during this period bad in . m I creased tbe rate of taxation for pub Ing American, while yet he has u . . frum 101 1D lK ntM nn .hefokjc and Do you continue '0 1 scarcely reached the xenith of his property, making about 60 per cent. ATTRIBUTE TH1LHK TOKHKinv ut:t .vf I ... . . r " . manhcKxi. Author, soiuier, states-1 increase in tax. man, diplomat, in all of which he I hie LeoisLATrKE of 1899 was dkm has proven a distinctive succeas, and now, as the President of eighty rail lions of poople, about to elect him Lmended tne Hchool law. auDointed FAFEUri do not CHRONICLE a HoMi-for four years more, what wonder their own Board of Education and cide, a 11UEULAKY ok uome oTHKit I that he nhould be the cinosure of all I bchool Committeemen, and made an sekiouh violation of the law." I evvs in this and other countries? appropriation 01 iuu,uou lor pumic Skilled in the art of war. schooled in "Mls, promised the people to ' ATTRIBUTE THESE TOFCSION KLLE? . 1 KEAi'ING IHK WUIULWIND. "VKIMES SEEMB TO KE GKEA TI,Y ON THE INCREASE IN THIS STATE, NOT A DAY FAtiHEK THAT THE NEW - OCKATI C. NOW READ. The Legislature of 1899 was 1904 and tbe campaign litmrat oow beinr dmilalwl oer tba XZilm by Senator Siiamoe, make t&lt ludkroas tatecuts "FaiiM roia checked educaUonai progrwa. Aad farther atatea, tbat th -YaamlxSM, by tbelr law, under whicb o-jro tmuiltteemea coa'd coo trcl white school, they effect ual'y checked edocatiooal prrem and teawocd edaciooat iiut rr; On account of thU law, bd the gecerml lack of confideoca in tbe adrniolatratkm and of respect for It, there was nat- arally a decided decreaw In tbe en rollment !and attoidanee of the white wbool." V M 1 ' ; Our nawer to tbe above state ment h that It i not true, and if any candidate now on the Demo cratic ticket should- be elected to aa office by virtue of tbat sUtemect, be would be guilty of obtaining goods under faLe pretense. - THK SCHOOL LAW OF 1897 K3DOE8XD BY THK AKD EVERT FROM IN INT XDCCATOR t3f NORTH CAEOLIA. The Hhooi law of 1897 was en dorsed by every prominent educa tor in North Carolina, and the Teachers Aftaembly of 1897 gave tbe law their hearty approval, and It was favorably commented upon bv tbe Press Association of the State, which met at Morebead City that summer. Tbat law gave North Carolina the greatest edoca tiooal impetus it had had since the Civil War. The Legislature of 1899 did not . dare repeal that law, Init tried t do so, and were prevented by tbe leading educators in the State. They did amend the law and there by weakened its effectiveness. Chairman Simmons says in bis Hand Book and circulars, as quoted above, that "that law caused a de cided decrease in the enrollment and attendance of the white schools.'1 Let us see what Supt. Joyner's Re port, on page 338, shows: The en rollment in the white schools in 1898 were 261.223 children; in 1899 Did Not Cloac For a Wcctl. Trouble Baf fled Doctors. lr.Mtletieart Cur and Nerrlne Cwrd Me. There it oUuaf aer acfrr Wft tbaa itp and rat U iae desM v If ro rise la tite aawvlef axwe utt$ tut wbea ym ( V b4. fkere i fi eoc a 4 the oerre plmwdr yrwt. II yosr aet t veak. or titer U va takerit4 l4ec- tbat darecbaa. wekeed anre toon o afrct jroar benr't actwj a t tHi"g eto whoct, ckroiC trosWe. I Milr ne U a eer teste, waica qiettfee servt. to that tk mar come. axd n qUckl,. r - taret the weakened eerve to health I ttmrta. Dr. Mile Heart Cure u a r-1 Hood and heart toaic which reritea tfc- a tiaa of the heart, enrichot the blood a to proves the ctrculauoa. "Sooie time afo 1 wmt aalchaf tevere? with heart trouble. At twea mj heart wvi 1 tacminciy stop ieatiBC aad at others it i beat loodly aod rery last. Three to for hoars sleep each aifht ia tea mootae at I coold est. One week ia last Septeiabrr I eoor doted sBjrcres. I f ot Dr. Miles' Next ta c aad Heart Core at a drugstore ia Lasrreacr barf, after spendiar Xjoooo t med -ciaea aad doctors w Loaisville, Shetbrrilir. Fnakioit, Ciuciaaari aad Lawreaceburi, aad ia throe days have derived more beneit frosB the ose of roar resMdiet thaa 1 fct frota alt the doctors aad their aoediciaea. 1 think everybody ear at to know d the mar veloas oowcr contaToed ia your rtmodies W. H. Hooiu, Fox Croek. Ky. All droffistt tell and ntraatee firs bot tle Dr. lilies' Remedies, bead for free book R Nervous and Heart Diseases. , . Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. Works r at Shipments made to any .nit of tht State at same priit at shnj. i y JUJebfb; N. i vhr wntltar ta4itioo ftmiUwi thr n, end fur CauU rue. u A Busings Proposition, Tb HAlir-WAHtJ IsAHDWAsNSiXiMfANy will gi. , VA TCli to Hie girl or buy tor vu. btmt s:ui to U,e tu lowing bualneaa propikltlorj : Mr. I a cataloUH buun buyer, nl. bla Hsr4 ware Iom Chicago, wanted a F. L. MAIL BOX, Calais gue price waa 75 cti, mat in bis order, after a tnontb. U4 was received and paid $1.10 eta. freight. Coat of K. F. D. I . Box Cost of getting it? tfaeight ECZEMA ma. naput, sit tnn. cia, Cll It CBIE IT MALL fitl.- Ell Til raUIWIIt UTTll. . ToUi Hart-Ward Hardware Cow, "our price" "Tbe solution Is for you to find out. l.s; l.uu I Tne EC sins Co., Cbicsito. Gbktlsusm Enclosed find one dollar to D pay TV another boitlaof EC-21NE and tj cinti for Ee-sHao Soap. I have used nearly all the bottle yon seat nd it has done more forma thaa all other tra ments combined tbat I hava employ d (or (car years. I have Kctema on both iega from ankle to knee and I have been so bad at times 1 had to m onstilts. SincelcommencedthenseofEC-ZlNB toy trouble has nearly disappeared, in tact it (eels like it waa well, bat there are a few rough spota vet ilari-War d Hardware C ompaojr i I don't want to ston treatment with one bortla. it wai. onlv 260.217. Or a falling Off! S.nd another bottle asspon as posaible and a Democratic Leeioiature and ihevUr i nnA htt r-hiidmn Takln I .1111 ,, ,u. m fcH.ttr neen nnaer treatmen t ror rour years and I cart all the schools there was a tailing I begin to teU on wh,t 1 b.T; usmd and the ntT in thft flnrollment ,in 1899 of I great trouble and expense I have endured in tl at iiujo, wua a U o ttl ' LOWEbT PKICES. MONKV aAt'K IF .NOT 4 JIT U Mail ortlers shiptittl oauie day order received. IkALEIGH N. ( Wilmington cratic). MeHMeuger (Demo DKMOCHATIC JIDUCATION COM KS HIGH. In another column will be found an article, headed: "Startling Fact'," that every voter in North Carolina abould read. The Democrats have been making all kinds of wild statements as to wbat tbey have done for education, but tbe reporta of their Superinten dent do not bear them out in thtir statements. The school legislation of 1897 increased tbe school term in North Carolina two and one-third weeks without any extra tax or up propriation. The Democratic Legis lature of 190 tuatle an appropria tion of $IUU,U(0 for pub:ic schools and promised the people a four- months' school, but the report of the State 8uerintenclent shows that the white schools of the btate were not increased a sirjgle day by this extra appropriation, and the colored 1 1 1 1 , ciiuuia miTeaHPu oniy about one hour. Did it cost $100,000 to incn ase the negro school term one hour? therehv nrovid i or tnn,i n fVhtir a. 1 a a 1 a I 0 X " v " " -v M woa- me whys 01 iace, inurea to nara- mnnttm, h-l. Whf thQ I 1 a , , I w Mav nwo VAav n.r aim uot asnameu 01 worK Tfte fta of tfae deeply imbued with love of county Superintendents, on the pages cited and home, faithful to friends and I above, show that tbe white schools 8,759 children in the public schools. FALLING OFF OF ATTBNDaNCS UNDER DEMOCRATIC SCHOOL LAW The average attendance waa even worse, xnere were 144.340 wmte children in 1898 and only 140 162 white children in 1899, making a eat hopes that I will soon be cured. I certainly believe I have struck the i icht temedy at last. With beat wiabea I am . Yours truly, D. L. ALEXANDF R . Mt. Pleasant, N. C 3U. RCwara win oe paid ror any akin ct- A ECZEMA, PILES, IL0O0 POISO!, PlMrlES. BINS V3TM I OlttX tic. woicu ius new Kdaiam rnm cy EW'ZI will not cure promptly. Send today for a PKhE treatment, sufficient to cure any ordinary cas THE KC-ZINE COMPANY M. KUPERMEIER. Sales Agent 112 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Ill THE NOHTH OAUOL1NA ISoiiiial and Industrial College. C'OUllHKM AiiTaranna rf A 1 Rl anH inlOAOthAM courteous to onoonents. a well bal- o1" the Btato did nt increase a day I fio99 nhuron tn vr I K7 tVlia uri onrwnnvtaMvn onrf I ' anced, active mind, united with a ' . . . TuAM. 1898' The iCnnninl flAmnAirfn (Qfr perfect physical ta ; UaiUUaigU U1ICI . . un - " i iii it tee ui ou, wuu uu mc uubiui wr w jlxjIj pimm xj iuu lltertsrv fJls8loal fetolentltlo redutfuuluul Commtircial Uouiestlo Holeut'M Mnnual 1xrsslniuK Musltt, office of President of any man liv- $100,000 in 1899, and for that only ofriy 0'ne.h;if of all thTachool mgto-aay. "tt uuul W3rm ior ine fund of tbe State. The school law I din t 1 irr.n w I - 1 CJfllfl 1 Z -A. 1 A. I What of his opponent? Nothing, ' A" .J . aoouMof 1897 removed from office ever " ii).uui m run inA wmtA nd pa nrad . . except that he was a lawyer of medi Mhoola in thp Stnt" ( 7'000 01 tbese neSro committeemen, Five counts loading to Diplomas, Advanced coume leading u grees. well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty us fi bers 50. Board, laundry, tuition, anil lees tor ust, ol tet !jk- $160 a year. For non-resiaents of tbe htate $10 Thlrtw ntb anDuai FEAESON'S HAGAZINE 9e98lon lUii Pmber 29, 1904. ToHXure Umrd in the dortultor SIX MONTHS THE CAUCASIAN SIX MONTHS bench of New York by D. B. Hill, J term for both races should have neQ children and placed the entire And a very fine picture of aatt re" Z : . control 01 both the wmte ana col- PRESIDENT THP.nnnRP. RnnRP.VP.T.T t - . . mcc&B. ulil 1 1 im rMiinnH Hnnw nn v i ........ . wara ior party aervice. ana ny ' . - " lorea schools in tne nanas oi compe- w I STeriO na11 irtAaA.inA oVva 4kA I m .11 a -f . . . ... au iree-iuuioii applications should Ihj made before July l&tb Corns. pondence mvliud lrom those deirii g coiutietent teachem au.l ,tn(-r phera. For catalogue and other iiilbi matioit addrww CHAHLfii 1). Ak'IVKK, Presidout. URKKXHUOKO. S.o, uue nour increase ior the nf cm I ji j a l a n v. oii r nr. . party aervice, wizzard Hill's characteristic art of schools, and no increase whatever strategy he managed to capture tho for the white schools! nomination for President. What !! Aef8otateWeU the tax payer Is there any assurance that wizzard . W.Y7. UU11U of the State more than one-half mil- Hill would not own and use him in i CQo a,k o L "on dollars. 7 ' F I TAXATION FOB SCHOOLS INCREASED lot, ana joyners teport, page aa7: 50 per aemt. withottt ix ana these same reports show on I r.uviHrn ananm rwoi vAMn i en ooa a. i a i . I xujT uu oo respectively, xn-ii From 1885 to 1897 the school this enormous sum increased the term in thft Stat did not incrftaaA length Ol the White SChOOlS three nrmdav nndor nmnr.rtl adminia days and. the colored schools about trations but the rate of taxation for - 1 public schools aia increase ou per me average cuhl ui one uay '8 scnooi I npnt . . I . k il l a iSkyra a r c a t itl The iollpwing is from the pen of lur uut" racra auout n The efforts of the Democratic Send us your order TO-DAY future ixnd thus gratify his own am 1. ! a ? a . i. t" a a m. r-w union 10 oe jrresiaenir tiiii is shrewd while Parker is not. In ded, if he has average ability as a politician his friends have been un able to induce him to show it. township, graaeu . system, gave 2 V Pornlfna turn onH rttCk.t VttvI The same reports show that the weekg lon term wi(hout Don't put it off; but DO IT NOW. V-rtur Asm Arkv Un . - ; J I " I Address, CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. Raleigh, N. C. SPECIAL SPLuiAL SPECIAL SOUTHERN RAILWAY. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOTJR TO WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO., TPE8DAT, OCTOBIR llTH, 1904, VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ZiTiTu ! ,aP,'r" a Confederate soldier and speaks for fh. mon,ey bad iQt and Party to lengthen the publicechool TheSonthern Railway priation. The tax payers have a judiciously expended, it should not Lrm in North Carolina in nommen. personally conducted t i t ost cost more than $13,000 dablef provided they do not bank- world 8 Fair, leaving Gcldboro at day. What became of this npt the 8tate in doing so, but when Li i F', ?Ci0toLlllh; right to know. Did the Democratic politicians spend it in going over the State telling the people how much they had done for educatton? Are the Democratic politicians itself: 'General Nelson A. Miles, the man Dav on both port General Mould eet have tost per announces tour to tbo (JRKAT CAMI-AIUN OFFKU. WE W UA. 8F.N1 THE CAUCASIAN In cluhflof twenty from now until day of the election, for 5 CENTS EACH. Uet up a club today and nend . Addrt1 CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING CO., Kalkioh. N. t'. M 9 Po1rA7Q inktn iuuwxu vi me iacis m tne case, or I that strike are they trying to get votes Dylans?'.' making false statements? position in the children in the public schools in Sneers in this great educational 11 00 p m ; arriving St' LoS 7 32 How would the State in 1898 was ereater than f i ku u L m. T..nrari iat.h you, Uontederate veter- in 1900. The exact number is I wu4c .knnij i i I 1 hia train will Ka Next Tuesday is election 6,322. Think of it 6,322 fewer children in average attendance in day the public schools in the State in day coaches and Pbllman sleeping ears, i ce route will be via Athu. The Durham Herald (Democratic) Every voter should beaure to go to 11900 than in 1898, notwithstanding Is credited with the following: the polls and caat his vote against Ith increase in population and with "Mr. Winston introduced a bill in -Demociatbi high taxes in this State the Legislature to disfranchise nd for Roosevelt and prosperity in every ooay, duck ana white, who Ma the nation. aia not own as much as $300 worth of property. What do our laboring friends think of this for Democratic . aristocracy." Ana this bring to mind that . Winston, in 1899, begged the Dem ocrats to sink their conscience and .vote for the bill for the constitu tional .amendment. Does he want them to sink their conscience aguin this year and vote for him for Lieu tenant Governor? The News and Observer says it is j a white man's paper. Why was this statement necessary? Had it been called a negro paper? - the increase of $100,000 in appro priation. THE ENORMOUS INCREASK IN SCHOOL I have said. FUND SHOULD HAVE GIVEN US A SIX MOASTH rKBM IN STEAD OF FOUR. exposed. Don't try to falsify the records, I "nJ V"' LW1" . Brother Democart: vou had better I IVIZI . ' " , ai 0..4 t. ' I tawgranu anawenic rat i n-l ww - wuuuvuw . uin regio-s oi western N, rtb Car- and your own self respect. The olina, East Tennessee and the beau. recoras speak the truth. Read the tilul blue gras tection of K n records and you can verify all I tucky. i ui lowing round trip v rates from point named ; proportionately low I rases apply rrom all othtr stations:! Fifteen-day tickets from Golds. boro. $26 25 ; Selma. $26 25. CIhv ton, $25 30; Raleigh, $24 80; Our 1 GEO. E. BUTIiER. Trinity CoLLtdt. Ote butdud and feventy graduate ai:'d undersraouatp courri X . . . 1 oi tiuay in aepartment ol LlteratuietHisioiytbclence and Pbllow- pnj. well-equipped latorattrith In all deoartmeniH of rfii-nce. 'Large library facilitits. Gyiniasiuin fumiehed with best api a piatus. Expenses veiy moderate. Aid for worthy oung men. Broad and natural spiiit. Tho Nowa in Briof. Nearly all the independent Demo-ttere was in 1899, yet the cratic papers have conceded Mr. Roosevelt's election on next Tues day. ! o At Newton. Snnd.v v.nln.. 2?.?i. Qreensboro. S2S30,- ft bUc chief of Police John W. Erwta .d 2&Sl A 2'h1 eP-ty Sheriff A. D. Yount we I.'m- Molifn'til'" SCnOOl arrMtflrl for fho brill iny nf f ha nam-n I aq on ' ' 'iU, Procla- Democrats are appealing to the' The President's Ttaanksaivlna matioo. Washington, Nov. 1. The Presi- Rupt. Joyner's Report, onpacre OOT apon txnn. a W ooi, suuwt) tuai 9oootiof,9 more money was put into the schools during the . year 1902 torm fhr tho whlto . i on. 1"" w 'ul llro l. nW" Cond- Ten Day CAach Excursion ticket. ,1 II. J "r w8 were required to give a $5,000 bond. Gobi boro $20.00,Seima $20.00 Cli,v. wugeruuiu ia low. JliSXimatlng inn 41BM K.l.l.h I1fll n..u ' the cost of the public schools at Hon. I. M. Meekins, Republican $17.00. Oxford $17 00 Henderson $13,060 for one day, this enormous I candidate for Lieutenant Governor. I $17 Oo, Ba. is bury $i7.00. Charlotte a nrttjAA 9 iL. '1.1 l " 1 1 ..t.. A a I a.1 n otsv . .- -wiL luucoiw iu iuo scnoot-xuna snouia I o a large .ana eninuaiasuclvoo. owiesyiiie sii.uu. Morirr n. 1 ... - I j -. . . I . uave lucreasea ine scnooi term nine 1 crowa in ureensboro Monday night. I wa ' w. weexs ana thereby given us a six-1 , ' ' I iruu,n,kn ouoie berth t from months' school term in 1 902 w llium oteeie, or uoncor. lioiasboro $6 00, Kaleigb $6.00. Trinity College Has the Largest Ebdowmeot ot Any College ia the South Atlantic States : : : : : For ailogue and further In format ion, address D. W. NEW80M, Registrar, DURHAM, N. d Populists in this State to vnt ih dent today issued the Thankseivinsr Deinrtic ticket thi, yMr. h , P-"-; "Tho' fl.m,, died to BSSifSS KiKT. ffiffi P01hL i.h ""Y' "V.emblr2.4'"tu.b"- four.month8.tem.UT.;J, la fillto from ,,A.a.,Ulet5 00. UOL'J. V I " " Man l;W,uuv UCHPI1 Derxn at tteae rates. U An XT C1I.t . -r -m. I . . Ml A4.uu. narry oaumier ana ui. sr. i vajbou .xzoaniioa iicaeaa not xne scnooi term in 1898 was two I J. Jenkins, Republican eandi-1 aoa in Jfauman Hlbeplnf cars lORiith fat saa 4 r-a 4a-a aatf f ko f a T.-. I .. vvim served as a dav of fpstHrai sny back-bone, or a memory as long thanksgiving by all tbe people oi as your mum d, will vote for Bob me united , states, at home and Olena &nd Frannia T). I abroad." , " - ' suovuu I'lllS WHAT THI FUSION LEGISLATmne DID FOR KDUCA.TION. - CIILIfARV SCHOOL OKFOC5EI. ro. o. mi i a - . ' ' ' lind rno.f kiwi malr-a i I 1aaa r i a' I A Htmnotant year: They have not forgotten tb Lu.","uu W7T . "5 Irom iQ7 -..T "" " I the Ronthftr Tilwav " nT . "4 1 Jwo BLbops. a Preaidinr Elder, a Superior Court J nd.-. at4 a iraa w . s . i u r-a rnio iarui a-r w am oo-.4m a-. iawo n iliiii ii s iiii.i rousi aasv i nu - ia a.s ii . mmm ii i aiiii as ! oa vcroi oa nil snn w nnoi m v i w a m. - amarn-. itle ai - . tar w -j -iiduwu i A . 7 I " ' I nai! tho tLhnn.. a I vile abuses heaped upon them by by Secretary Hay. mese peerless j) leaders of democ- racy. ' ' ; : " " - .v v& r - fk wuMoa- I - - ... . . . I wm ITUUl UDR f-'aas taxation or appropriaUng an extra asUc crowd in La Grange last 8atnr rrtX 1 vu" r. The beat educuiooal advints.- in t ho n, h fr. r.. aftr.fort . . -t i . aua nn RTHrr minr rmesihia - k . . , j uouar ior scnoois. This was don I aay afternoon. Gbiud Kitchen harl I Z7r ' Zr , " Jw urjma aurrcMunK 7. 1904. . - a asra wrm w nr - a nri n i nn r m sr bx. a - by the Fusion LesrialatnrA nf i 07 I an annolnfmen ..r hm I - w Py. Thft OlH fifv murani. in TT7I I Who firave North Carolina tha Urfimnrnino hnf s,A nntll 4V. , I " VJVji f VIA ill VT lliO I " wuv. a, VUB w2 TTCUWM . MM M Hl xo lAMuwmuc leaaers in this aton hn,ef For any other, information and ror roiimaa reservations address, i A. UaUA, Ve A A Raleigh, N. C. KU L. ViBMOir, T. P., A. C n.rloi ii N. C. Wednesdav momi sool law of any State in the South.! afternoon and butted into the Ra- Kit a to tuutn 1 1 a 1 .1 d.ll.i. i . , . . . t3' I anl tP 1 . L. a . i . 'I K. II , , . S . , w .'JVOU. vy iouu-moutnea j uuwuug mesireets ana kllltng nine U IU11 w uui oeen iam-1 puuucan speasting. in denouncing the trusts - don't mean a word of It extent foi- of eiht otbere-' fnic Legislatures, North Carolina m"11 oS6!? yJ uu.muwujuui exiepi ior . . lirwtov rr,ni u. . x. I Tnesoay. bronsrht Sidnev Norris and I j. itwiuvi ua o liau a IOur I nri , . The editor of the Tarboro South-1 months school rrm rft h . WUey Lucas to Raleigh for safe erner was hanlpd hAfnr. Tnt.L.i. j.n x '. . Ikeerjinir. Thov am ihsnmt 1 with Peebles in that city Wen NorS, 'SES, " TL morning for contemnt. The adifcrn- itartf. ZJ?: s i: J-en everywhere. retracted what he had said about dilarTinmonSv postofflce at Gibson, Robeson iSxperlence imneeeasary. Enclose Judge Peenles and was diS tkS XmrOctiUrs. OrandelP. WRITE FOK CATALOGUE; political effect. If so why haven't they looked after the trusts' in this State and , prosecuted some of them during the past four years of JDem txsatic good government?" FOE. MICH GRADE JOS PBIHTItJC WANTED,' OJL.X.X. OI on WRITE M l r.ARKOLL - - m. -julsujuv Auesxjor r iuo Ja eau and, caas st

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