THE CAUCASIAN Kalkkjh, N. C. Jan. 19. 1904 -.N rti at the Post office in Raleigh :., as second-clxas mail matter. KKOM OUKEXfflANGEH. k-.m.- julbe of Inewreet We Hare Oatta- ,r...i w ith Our lMte-Iot mad stbeaue. ly-oks like the west ia having an iuuiut now. Most of Gov. Gail's appointment are from thia paction. Every dog bad hLi day. n-jro Record. 0w we know what atarted the uIk about enlarging the capito building. Tne legislature wanted iiion- rooiu lor cierkti and "laborers." Kdldtfh Enterprise. A -fiort time back we were In iornii that the penitentiary man air-! vero carting round a large surj-iiis ol" hard cash. We Bee Supt. Minn i now asking the Legisla ture lor an appropriation to meet liow ia that? They've d-mi: told two Paper. tales about it. Peo- 11" -jieedy trials are good things fur mr-s charged with capital tnnHH, why are they not good tmi'K lor influential white l'olks charged with like crimes? (J,iii' to thiukof it, it wou d not bv a bad idea fur the Legis ature to p,-. it law making murder a crime. Tn; law cannot correct the vices of th- opie but it can punish their aim-.- Durham Herald. Nonh Carolina Democrats do not want olliee they say. Yet Gov ernor (jl"iuu hs the appointment of 8 director of the N. C K. K., and has tnu.-t far only 1,7 40 applicants. The emoluments consist chiefly of a free pass which, by tne way, Gov ernor Glenn has learned to value by frtqutut usage in tbe past. Ye gods aul little fishes. We did not think that the Democrats were that hun gry. With an omce and salary at tached it would be a scramble worse thau at the ticket wagon on circus day Union Republican. The Virginia courts have refused to grant Mayor McCue a new trial and ho will bang unk8 the Gov ernor interferes. It certainly looks bad tor McUue, yet it is hard to be lieve that a man of his former posi tion and influence will not And a way out of it. He would fare bet ter iu North Carolina. Durham Herald. If he had been here and sentenced before the Governor of Eastern Nortn Carolina went out of busi ness, he could have been pardoned by i hipping in $3,000 to the school fund. Peoples Paper. An Assumed Right. It would appear that marriage gives to i he husoand iu Jamaca pe culiar lights, if one may judge from the remark of a native woman who came to a magistrate to make com plaint because a man had knocked her down. Hho ciosi d her complaint by say ing, in an aggrieved tone, And ne had no good right to knock me down; he is not my husband." February Woman's Home Companion. Tk "Promiaeat Family Racket f Referring to the recent killing of "1U, Ui Aiiora iy lijnum. hi, business partner in Raleigh th. other day, tbe Durham Herald my: -we cannot understand why thai xvaieiga mo merer wished to away." HI going away wm unnecessary cuu 1X1 A prejuaice nla case. U belonged, we are told, to a proml nent and influential family; em) nent counsel having been employe-J to defend him. and it is reasonable to suppoie that the insanity dodae which will be worked, or the plea f sen ueiense win see him through. opeaitiug oi tne latter plea, the negro Springs, who shot and killed yjiuvei voie, near Charlotte the other day, has case of that kind. Cole approached the negro without a warrant, drew pistol and told -r "f'- w uuiu My ma uauus. i n nejrio says he did not knjw Cole was an officer and so he proceeded to defend hiinself uy shooting. The plea mav be defective in this case, because it is not probable that the negro's family is prominent or in fluential; neither is It probable that he has cash to employ eminent criminal lawyers to defend him. If it were otherwise the plea would at least be as good as that offered by the eminent Mr. Bishop, who inva ded a priva e residence in Charlotte and engaged in unseemly conduct. and when ordered out by the beau of the house proclaimed himself a gentleman and shot the owner of the premises to death; for which cold blooded murder Mr Bishop got all of five years in the penitentiary and may yet be pardoned. States- vilie Laudmark. Now A' trert icemen t. Note the new and attractive ad vertisement of tt. Berwanger, the one-price ciothier, whicn appears elsewhere in this issue Mr. Ber wanger 'a semi-annual clearance sale s now going on. He is offering clothing at trom 20 to 38 J per cent. discount. Note that this special sale will only last until February 20th. Children's Lore. . Happiness m marriage is a good deal like happiness in work; it goes far deeper than mere gratification. While gratification fades, happiness remains, and becomes, as it were, u part of one's nature. When my wife and I had passed the youthful period of our love, we knew tha we had experienced an intensity of happiness that we could never know again; but the great compensation was that we had no wish to expe rience it again, because we had found something stable and better, a hap piness associated with our most se rious interests, with our responsi bilities toward society and to war our children. Moreover, with nearly all intense gratification there is the accompaniment of pain; but the love of children is, in its very nature, an unalloyed delight. With the coming of our children, my wife and I knew that we had been given the greatest incentive to good living that human things can have. If children cannot make parents long to lead fine lives, nothing can. From "The Autobiography of a Married Man," Everybody's Maga zine for February. m k J Potash ss Necessary j Rain The qua! it r and quantity of tbe crop depend on a eufiiciency of IPotesln In tbe Fertilizers which are low in Potash will never produce satisfactory remits. Every fanner sboall be fa mi Ear aritk the proper prrwrtioo ot brcdicau that ro so Make the best trrtjbwr-i tor erery kiad of crop. W have pubiuhed a aeries ef book, containing the btcat researches os this aiU ifnportant subject, arfctdb we snU send free U rott aik. Writ sow wiui yoa think it to the GZHMXn KALI WeBKS Hw Tech nmmmm Xntt, p . AtUaU. Osv S boalh HwomA Street. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part of the State at same price at at shop. 0IHIt llltrv. i'roprleior. RaJrhrh, is a When wriiinf t)a!vrii!- at h lion the Ctocaaian MDd lor Catalogue. COAST. t t tsrouac fMWty coloi Hth to Octet tbr fol'owirf te far Htftt Kale4C to Pr-ecctt, Aria, IM ti RaJetyli o Baa FratcUco,CaU. IUI.Ub to fp ah.. 41.7 1 broogh f xenraioa iWpw trem Watblcfoo to Hs Ki ar eta o tare I roee a wk. raaeirf Qreebore Toewdaye, Tboradayt aad Hater di, T. S. QtUE3t. Cl T. A BaJeUb. M. C. WANTED. Ladles and gent.emen in this and aijoining territories to represent and advertise the Wholeala and Educational Departments of an old established houe of solid financial tending. Salary $3.50 per day, with expenses advanced each Mon- lay by check direct from headquar ters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address, Blew Bros. A Co., Dept. t, Monon BIdg., Chicago, III. THE NOtiTH OAUOLINA citate Normal and Iudustiiiil fnllp-n COUIIHEM- Literary O'lfaMtaloal bolontlflo I'vclaitoulcal Commercial lometto Holenoe Manual l raltalntf. Alualo. Scut cn fcrcd Lsugiili FOUNTAIN PEN TtMtWi I at a aiWttatet am cKotc of A a GREATLY IN DEMAND. Nothing is more in demand than medicine which meets moder requir men s for a bit d and sys tem cleanser, such as Dr. Klna' New Life PUls. They are just what t ou need to eur stomach aod liver trouble. Try them. At any drug store, 2bc.f guaranteed Five courses leading to Diplomas, Advanced courses leading to De grees. Weil equipped Piactite and Obhervatiou Khool. Faculty nuiu bers 60. Board, laundiy, tuition, aLd lees lor ur of text books, etc. $160 a year. For non-resiu nts of the btate $lb0. lhirurnth annua' session begins September 29, 1904. To secure board iu tbe dormitories ail free-tuition aunlicatioi should be ti.kd. t-t urn Jrilv lflh (Vrrtki pondence invited from thone defeiring com intent teachers and stenogrk- pheaB. For catalogue and other inloi nation addrews tUAKLEb D. AlclYER, President, OKEENeBUKU, n. c Npal Only JLL-- m YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who readi the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medl ca' triumph of the nine teenth century, dis covered after years d scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, tha emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and! fa wonderfully successful in promptly cning lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble.. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- KOOt is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, aver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. when writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address toi Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. The reeular fifty cent &sd hmmoci We arw aaxloai to Introdnc oar bout bold iwmwUrtia every home throughout th Americaa. and ara dolagaotn eenaatlonal aUreriuilcg to do thla quickly aod ttioroagtilr. Will jrou order home r-mxl!- from u. either fur yevmalf and relatlvea, or toaeU among frlenda, and get a baaotlful dinner net FlIEKf &eud o your nam and addreaa and we wtl' aend yon aiirat bozeaof remedlt. aell earti box r r Vte. and mura tha money. When we bare rewired th money for tha riiedl Clue, which we will a-nd yoa li:im-d lately upon roelrtt of your order, without tbe p&i ment of a alurle cent .nore luaa for eight boxen, after you have Bold theft CO w ( rui and re turned the money, we will without any further work oo your part or pavment or any aina whiinoeTer Mna you a beaTtUfullydeeorau-dUS pleceCIUNAd'ni rt, exjciiy aa per cut. with ettherbrown. blue or irolddecoraiion. FULL Icof r family ne. lhla.t la gtaulneCHlNA. and baa absolutely no trade-mi re or alTerifeerm ut of oun on It; all w ak tou todo In to tnw It to yo-ir frlenda aud tell t' em how you got It. Absolute'y nootb roontlltiona. Lkbepa, kodandi h'pp -i addressed to you free of chi-E!. Ojr Ku. 2 box of remelln rcutnin ale wo"' li.rnd y u can a?so atn:-e, itimT other v.-!n-'bt prentlnm th refor. at ( nft It Hi A : DtiisnT i.n lio will irovn KAiiii rn.t rti ezattl7 . . w Jm NEW YORK MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Dept. 1 1 1 Ilrobdwar, New Vorlf ! L9eaSai5a3v; BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac r nil tlona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent Bent free, uiaeai agency zor aecu ri u g paieu ta. Patents taken tbrongb alunn a Co. reoeira tpecial notice, without charge, in tbe THE YOUTH'S COMPANION WIU givt its nadirs In tht 2 Usoss of th 1905 Vtmmt ) Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. TAnrait ctr cnlation of any elentlfio Journal. Term a, $3 a year: four months, L Bold by all newsdealers. MUIIII 4C0 361Breadw,.lewY0rk Braucn OOtaa, 636 F 8U Washington, IX OL THE CHAMBERLIN Screw Stiup HacMie. The ontr Stumn Hachlne In tbe world that successfully puna all clauses ajid alaea of Stamps. aujruFacnwD nm CHARBERUH RF6.C0. OOLKAN, . Y. r M I aft and 7 i boo ,cai 50 mtrtbute esmen, 1 200 250 Serial Storlea, each a book in itself, refiacting Axnarican Ufa in home, camp and field. Special Articles contributed by Famoua Men and Women SUteamen, Travellers, Writer and Scientiata. Thonchtiul end timely Editorial Artklea oo important Public and Domestic Question. Short Stories by tbe best of Livins? 8tonr Writers Stories of Character, Stories of Achievement, 8tories of Humor. 1000 Write for Catalogrr PrW I4e Short Note On Current Event and Discov eries in the Field of Science and Natural History. Time Made a Chancre. "They fell in love at first sight." 'They fell out later. Guess they found second sight was best." February Woman's Home Companion. One of the most interesting of towns over which floats the stars an I stripes is Nome, Alaska. Its development has been wonderful, and the tale of its progress is told by Alfred H. Dunham. Chief Game Warden of Alaska, in the Fvoruary "Cosmopolitan." borne luterestiug pictures of the mush ro m city tell the story almost as well as does the text. At 70 of Heart Dis ease Contracted During Civil War- Veteran Grateful. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Effected Cure. i-lKures Studied. Gobmg Do you believe that sea bathing is a popular as it was a few years ago? Chipinone Sure. Figures prove it. February Woman's Home Companion. The Little Girl and the Old Soldier. It's just a short, simple story. It tells of the love of a gentle little girl for a gallant old soldier who is near his last roll-call. And yet "The Old Major," by Florence Tinsley is curable, bat in teotle of advanced are it does not readily lend itself to ordinary treatment. There is, however, r ii a : r-- xr:l- u.-. nope ior sui suacrcis iu ui, Cure, which we know from watching hun dreds of cases and from the letters of grateful sufferers, will cure where all else has failed. It is not only a wondertul cure tor weaic ana diseased hearts, but it is a blood tonic, a reg ulator of the heart s action and the most effective treatment ever formulated for im proving the circulation of the blood. DnrirnT the Civil war I contracted heart disease, and in 1896, while living in the grand old town of Lexington. Va-1 crew so much worse, 1 lett there witn my wue to visit my sister-in-law, Mrs. T. A. Kirby, at Roanoke, Va. While I said nothing to anyone 1 never expected to live to return to the dear old town. On reaching Mrs. Kirbv's she insisted I should try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. 1 pro cured a few bottles of it, aL o the Nervine and Tonic After usin? one or two bottles. I could see no improvement, and I despaired of ever being beuert Dut my xaitniui wue in Kistert on keenin? it ud. wnicn xuiu. im- SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Short Una tot rincipal cities of the South and southwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, Cali fornia and Mexico, also north and north west. Wa&hinfrton. Baltimore. Philadelphia Nw Toxk, Boston, Cinemnati,Chicao. In dia lapolis, 8t AA)aia, Memphis and Kansas Hcheduie enective January stn. 1905. 1 rains leaves Raleigh as follows : No. 60. KUK1 ABOUND. 1:25 a m. "HEABOAKD EX PRESS, for Portsmouth, Bicn mond, Washington. Baltimore, PhlladelDQia. NiW York, Bos ton and all poiniS North, North east and Northwest. No. 38. 11:00 a.m. "SEABOARD LOCAL. MAIL " for ALL L0 VL pouts Raleiarh to Portemoutu. N rllna to Richmond : connectslaii . An derson for Oxford and WelOu. with A. C. L., at Portamoath- Nor I oik with ALL sTEAMEBb j for points North and Northeast jno. 00. Schooner a Total Wreck. Key West, Jan. 9. The schooner j A. Hayford McClennan, from Mo bile to Cuba, lumber laden, is a to tal wreck near Tortueas. The crew was saved. 2000 Bright and Amusing Anecdotes. Items of 8trange and Curious Knowledge, Poems and Sketches. Health Articles, Religious Articles, Children's Page, etc. pOfiOO wilt b divided equaUt among tubieribtrt eho tecurt three new lubtcrivtionM. Send tar iaSor nudum and Sample Copies if the taper. u S7 OPPE0 FRCe Permanently Cu'ed by DR. KLINE'S GREAT KERYE RESTORER Ko fit after Cm imj ut. uMttxitm, para al or hr mail; trrauw aa4 2 TRIAL ROTTI.K FREE aa Fit patienu wha pay axpreaaace b1t on deUvarj. Pmrnmnmit Curt, not only tamporarj relief, for all JVar. nw Disorder; Epilepwr, Bparaa. St. "lt.' nanea. D&an.KUHE,U. 93? fci Ktrsat. r-MLsasiania. Southern R ailway Special Rates $18.35 On account of the Inters at Sugar-Cane Graowers Ahso elation, Montgomery, Ala., the Southern Kail ay wi 1 sell return tickets at the rate of one first-class fart- plus twenty-five rents toi the round trip. Tickets on sale January 23d aiid 24th , final return limited Janu ary 30, 1905. NEW SUBSCRIPTION OFFER FREE FREE FREE lawy Saw Sobaarlbar wbe emta aatt s4 aamdat&la Up at esee with saaaa ss4 sdrew ss4 fl.1l will raoatra: AH taa iaaaaa of Tie OkaaseeJoa tat tha raaasiaia- waaka ef t. Tha TmsskacMsg, Chrlatiai sa4 Haw Taar'a Dotfaie Kssikan. The Oosipaalas Oalasilar for IMS, llUocrapted hi 1 ealots ss4 gals. Aad Tba Caavpaafcn ft tha S3 waaka ef 1108 -a library of tha baa raading tm mrj awta at tha UmStf. New Subscriptions Rcttd ot this Office. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston. Man. fPEHHYROYAL PILLS I I-Bbw OH4"1 mm -:r e&mtmm. la KED ae fMd mctaUU bu. mirt' vithblaariMMm. Take then mVn.'mt 9aaerae SehatftatiM mm laalta tl a. Buy ef yw Orasgiat, ar mmi 4e. Is ataaua fcr Pawttcalawa, 1 1 I'm I n I 1 ttUlUUrLlmAlmm,m4lmm ay a aasaetttnS HoiAsrtsaMdaaf Ik cMkitr tMar4 fabhsr. la Staple savts, ttt4 with very hlgfet rrs4s.UrteaUel(k. toM pea. say aeslMwy 4e stra Ink fssdtaff rics MCfttCta Etrher atyis RtcMy Osld JkUemted for ereeewtstioa purposes H.00 sstrs. Qrtzi Spsdsl Cffer Yoa stey vy tbe pea a weak it jrou do not te4 It at repre sented, fatly ss Has s value ss yoa can secure for fhrse thaestfco price ta any other Shakes, tf aot aatlrsly aads factory ke every respect, rs turn N and tiat TtfU send you Si -10 for U, thesjcir tOc is feeyoortrcmbistn ejattvaf and to show eorconfUenc At the LmmghUn Bur (Not one for their BMoey back.) Lay this PabHcattoa dowa aad writs NOW Safety Pocket Pea Hotdsr eent free of charge wtrh sacb Pea. .r AODftEM Langtilin Mfg. Co. VrealiDatfv.ka. WANTEi) IT I 000 Women, Boys andlGirls to string bags. You can do the work at your homes. Come to see uu at once. GOLDEN BELT MFG. CO. BALKIGHt N. C. The Times-Mercury, The only Independent Semi Weekly in the btate, Free and out spoken on all Bubjects-the Simmons Machine a specialty. Thinks what it says, and says what it thinks. Only $1.00 a Year. Try it 8, 6 or 12 months just for tun. J F CLICK. LD1T0R, HlCKOilY, N. C. WANTED Special Bepbjubextative in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advertise au old estab lished business house of solid finan cial standing. Salary 121 kly, with expenses, advanced each Mon day by check direct from head quarters. Horse and buggy furnish ed when necrseary; pool lion . per manent. Address, Bltw Brothers & Co., Monon Bldg, Chicago, 11. 11:50 a. m. " SEABOARD MAIL " $13.10 Baleigh to Macan, Ga., and Cox. nnblished in the Februarv MeClure's will impress deeply every l?bJLfS reader who cares for tenderness and stored to perfect health and while I am 70 sincerity. This is announced as the first of a series of child stories by this author. We trust thejr will all - be told with tha same charming sincerity and Krace. years old, I am comparatively a boy. You i. m KanAtnstA anr I rnrTn I IV TFrnm- DU U iutivtui auu j mend Dr. Miles' Heart Cure to suffering humanity." J. L. Slaughter, Salem, Va. All drwrists sell and narantee first bottle Dr. Milesr Remedies. Send ior free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addrts Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, InL clCKENING SHIVERING FITS ui Ague and Malaria, can be nw lieved and cured with Electric Bi- sers. This is a pure, tonic medi- cne; of especial benefit in malaria, it exerts a true curative in to a enctron the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is raucn to be There's Money in - Bees and Honey I W. L. Womble, Baleigh, N. C, manufactures the best Hive in the for Richmond, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. Connects at Richmond with C. & O. for Cincinatti, Chicago and .St. Louis, at Washington wiih Penna, B. &. O. for all point. No. 67. BOUTB.BOON D. 4:15 a. m. u SEABOARD EX PRESS" for Charlotte, Atlanta, Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville, Su Augustine, Tampa and all points eouih ana southwest No. 43. 4:00 p. m. SEABOARD LOCAL MAIL for Charlotte, Atlanta and all local points, Connects as Atlanta for all points south and southwest. No. 43. 7:00 p. m. "SEABOARD MAIL for Southtrn Pines, Pinehmst Atlanta. Columbia, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and all points south and south west. Tickets on sale to all points, Pull man berths reserved, ticaets dellv return, on account of liter- state 8u?ar-Cane Growers Association. Tickets 01 sale January 23d and 24tb, with final leturn limited January 30, 1905. The Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES THE INAUGURATION OF THE 8HOO-ri,T TEAiN Betneen Weldon and Baleigh On account of the inaugu ration of Governor Glenn. Mn mall W.. Zu T trom aU point, to WITH CONNEIUHUFEOM OXTOUD North Carolina, including Norfolk, Suffolk, and Dan ville, Va., to Raleigh, b the Southern Railway, at rate of one first-class fare I ration of plus twenty-five cents. For military companies and bras bands in nuif. ro., 1 wmt. in pa tl:s of ten or more a Arrtves Norlma raw 01 uu arm uvr uiu has been authorized. LoUISBUBG AND WAR BENTON, COMMENCING KJC30AY. JANUARY 8TH. The Seaboard Airline takes giat pleasure in announcing the inaugn the 8hoo-Fly tram between Weldon and Baleigh, making No. 29. 8on, "Chant and Extracted Hon- SSSJ STHS 1. Qaviug none of this drug tet effects. K. S. Mnnrtav. rT Rn. v-.Kn-w w nn ri-tt 7: Z7'T TTo Vioa Titwlnntvl aa hlorh na 90fl I ab.v.6 -tu-8, vi xei., writes: -my Droiner ij f"" 1 hi MOHSM. C if. & T a. as verv in or wit,,. mstinHni favur i Dounus ot oeciion noney who one - c, , xr n Sine 1 a ... . n. I . . 1 t 1 f Li. I . " ' w jauuuee. ui ne Duos ,itcri 101 mis oox. vnie mm ior msi C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., irs, wnicn saved hs life. At littl booklet giving a description ot 'Phones 117. Raleigh N.O.. J uiuk SU)rti: DriCa OUC. flrnaran-1 hla hivn Tha Unnov.Malror Tr'H IP D RYAN fl T- A M. - B - - - - - aj aw a. IU f ASAMaWA ai aBk W Bar Mm. MM m u a. a e m mm.m ifiee. Write at once. I Portemonth, Va. teed. On account of Fourth An nual Exhibition of Nortt Caro.ina Poultry Show As sociation, R-leigh, N C Jan. 10-13, 1905, the bonth- ern Bat way announces sale of low round tiip tiektxrom all points in the State, iuclodin Col am bia, 8 and lbtermnliat points, iwichmof d, Norlolk and lunvliie, Va.- Ticket on sale January 9th ano 12th with final return limit Janxury U, 1805. Leaves Norllna Arrives Henderson Arrives K rank in ton Arrives Raleigh No. 29 I4V. Oxford 7: 45 am. lr. Henderson 8:30 am. Lv. Loulsburg 8; 50 am. A.r. r ran kiln ton 9: 25 am. The above schtdu es 6:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:20 a m. 8:53 a. m. 9:25 a. m. 10: 15 a. m. Doub?2 Daily Troiaa on No. 30. avrs Ra!elgh 5: 00 p. m Arrives Franklinton 6:03 p. m Anivts uemrson o:z u. m. Arrtres Noriina 6: 55 p. ni Leaves Norllna 7:15 m a a aa A r . Wv I . Arrivea weiaon oioup.m No. 30. I Lv. Henderson 9; 00 am-6:40 pm. ! Ar. Oxford . 9:45 am. 7:25 put I L". Frankllntcn 6: 10 pa. I Ar. Loultburg 6: 35 pm afft. the branch lines wjl in no way ite pre-ent tonm-ctlons vith rgalnr Ho 39 ano 4L For farther infomatlon In regaid to schedn e apply to U.B. RYAN,G.P. A 0. H GATTIS, T. P. At PoiUmouth, Va, VtMtfi, If. a Crrlr Pmamavv SVwem, Cat 1 (a U tartti a4 vXair Cart (hu tn& tai C2rcSsstaa rtccftU a4 Cum GK 4W 0mfm tea Tcxma. a.htraa ax Uat Torsata Mie Taa - rtf tret ax4 fWowut I ONLY TlMOUaW aUtmi CAJI csTwc9rna aocTttcxar an KANtxs crrv . Deacrtpt! iitcratmra. aartxl aad taraurs e.poo appUcatloa to .T. Oatraataa. ace r. attea VJ. T. CAUNOEPO ATLANTA o FERTILIZERS AT, IMPORT PKlOtK. NlTllATE or fcOUe ,J MUKtATR Of FOTASH, BULPllATt OF PoTAt II, Nit rat or Potash,; Genuine Peruvian Guano Buy pure material, mix them according to ycur Jtquiiemetta and save money. Smith -Davis Co., (Impost caa.) WlLMIXQTOS, N. C. IMlk'iliUUUUM A.I&M. COLLLGE, KALE1UU, Na C (Agriculture.1, jnginecrinf iCivtl, hleciricai, Macba.ical ana mt nlug.) liau4,rial v, 'Itxttle liduetrj. 620 mbOetiU, X& iDelUCvOre, tuitiua J0 ivara a a uiunm. 120 dvhuiar. hip. Addreaa PhESIOEliT VilhSTOfl, aaVLlO0, . V. I Diversity a -4 OP.kOlIM CAEOUNAa ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT s Piiartnacy, Meutciue, Law. Free tuition to Uachem and to ministers' tons, bchoiarshijas and iomu to tbe needy. 620aiULU18. 67 WSUUUr.S. New Dormitories, Uym na si uuj, Water Wuik, cen tral Ueaniig rsyeteiu, : : : 'all Term begins bhpieuiter 6, ' liui. Address FRANCIS P. VENA13L1L PnU Cliap&x lliLi, N, C. SPECIAL KATEs VIA 1UE &KA- ROaRl AIR LlMs. hAILAAx ToRaieigb.N.U, Account North Cato.ina li&U Fair. The Seaboard Air Line Rail ay on. unce mt on iuuuqi vi me orih Carolina fciat Aiicui ur.l Fli. t-. bd netd in lUle gu. XU or 1722, the. will hv- on ale icatoatsp clal rate of one jare, f At . . . . m.. .. . . . . nia Including oe auui ai .n to uo Fair ii.oat.oa. lh.e tickets w.Il e vD sale October 14th xlm . in- cloaivaad f-r Uaiu arriviitg in daltuh toture of Ociob. r zzd. lyOi, WAb a final re uru i.ui.t of OcivOcr 4ih, cuntlnu . u paatAge la ch dirction. Thre evlo te .a sale pcUl .edu&d net for ureas ban. a, m luay c Uipnua, ic.wheuln uni orai. lhu Jck -ta win be sola fruau e.11 point, la Virginia a d Nurt Car ltu For mrthei tuformaiio apply to our nearest Seaboard g n 1 C fl. UA1TIS, Traveling Paaccr Agent, .

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