THE CAUCACIAH PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY UTTUI CAUCASIA! PDB.CO.L 8UB8C1IPTI0M RATES. 1.00 .eo 85 it Month a. TkrM Mostbs. 11. AUK DEMOCHA1 8 ACJAIN'ST THE During the last campaign the Democratic leaders In both Stale and nation yelled themselves black In the face telling how damnable the trusts were and what they would do for them If they were elected. Judge IVrker In hb speeeb and letters during the cam paign said that the trusts were the worst evils of to-day, and should be dealt with by the common law; that each State should hold them in check. Willi this as one or the main arguments the Democrats were elected In this State last No vember. Vhen they got to the legls lature how did they fulfill these promises they had made to the voters? Why, like they usually do, bv ulterlv ienorine them. There was not a single law passed against a trust doing business in "North Carolina. Kvery bill introduced that would have effected them even in a small way was promptly killed The legislature kept busy, talking temperance, while many of them wero drinking whiskey, and finally wound up by passing the Ward bill which is very favorable to the -whiskey trust. Will the people believe these Democratic leaders when they begin cursing the trusts in the next campaign? Ve can't be lieve that the majority of the voters are willing to be fooled again. M UNICIPAL. OWNERSHIP. Many of the citizens of Raleigh are discussing the advisability o tho city owning its water supply The charter of the Wake Water Company, which supplies the city with water, will expire in Novem ber. There is a provision in the charter that the city can buy ou the company at an equitable price i Usees proper to do bo. Wo hope the city fathers will see it proper to buy out the Wake Water Co. and give the citizens of Raleigh a better, as well as cheaper service. Notwith standing one Mr. I ridgeis, from Henderson, in a fcmuiunicalion to the News and Observer eayt: "The towns that do not own their water and light plant) have a lower tax rate than those that do own them with hardly an exception." Thb court reverses that decision. We know of no place in North Carolina where taxes are higher than they are in Raleigh. Poll tax alone is nearly $8, with water rent, electric lights, etc., proportionately high. About the averate price for water in Ral eigh is $27 per year, with "wiggle tails" thrown In; In Washington City the water rent, light bills, etc., are only about one-half what they are in Raleigh, and there the water supply is owned and operated by the Government. Do you see the difference? In another column will be found a summary of the settlement of the South Dakota Bond judgment and the bonds held by Schaffer Brothers against this State. Each week we wiU publish one or more of the laws passed by the recent legislature. In thb way our readers can get an accurate knowledge of the laws parsed. Of course we reported the proceedings of the legislature every week, but when so many bills were introduced each week it was im poEsible to give the text in full of every bill introduced and passed, and especially when they would passed them one day to kill them the next, and vice versa. We would like to see the day re turn in North Carolina when the psople can be trusted to govern themselves. Raleigh Post. And so would we, and we do not believe the day is far distant. We cxnnot believe that the voters of the State will longer permit the present political oligarchy to rule this State. The Council of State Tuesday sold the oyster steamer Lilly for one .half Its cost, as Shell Fish Com missioner Webb preferred a gaso line launch for hb outing. Isn't the Council of State afraid the next legislature will impeach them for Jhia act? The appropriation bill, passed by the recent legislature, amounted to more than two years ago. And even I hi amount does not pro vide ample provision for the in. eane, deaf, dumb and bllcd of the State. At the first cf the session they appropriated all the money Iu sight to Increase the salaries of Dem ocratic pet office holders and when the time came to appropriate mocey for worthy causes they had to be mr v either neglected or b?ue bonds. The Charlotte peopto have cer- tiinly had a seige of the Grippe since the saloons were voted cut of that city. Charlotte drug stores filled 1.G36 prescriptions for whis key during the month of February, and thb docs not include the amount feold by the blind tigers In that town. Why don't the Vatts law advocates wake up and attend to business. During the next cam paign they will blame the Revenue officers with the whole thing. Justice, in the last I -Hue of the Union Republican, writing on how the recent legislature had buncoed the people, closes bb article with the following: "Egypt had its lice and locusts and history tells us they wero bad, but if you want the real thing for evil that no State can stand mucli of just name the Legislature of 1905, led by the boss bunco stecrers, who passed the Ward bill." The Legislature passed one thou sand two hundred and sixty-four bills and thirty-six resolutions, but we must now pay for the uoun 10 patH upon inem 10 eee n they are constitutional. In Goldsboro the "blind tigers" . have to arrest each other, to pre- vent so much competition. Where are the officers who are supposed to enforce the Watts law. TWO MEN HANG MAT 12TII. Both Convicted of Criminal Assault Taken to Buncombe Jail. Asheville, N. C March 13. So licitor Brown has returned from Madbon county, where he has pros ecuted the docket of that court. Two white men, Peter and Charley Stein, were convicted of criminal assault and sentenced to by Judge Moore to hang May 12th. Smith is G5 years of age and outraged a 75 -year-old girl. Stein Is 18 years of age and outraged a married wo man of 45 years. Judge Moore to ddy signed an order that was placed In the hands of Sheriff Reed of this county, directing that the con- demned city and men he brought to this placed in the Buncombe ! jail for eafe keeping. Notwith standing the fact that more capital offenses have been committed iu Madison than any other county in the State, the last hanging that oc curred in the county was nearly thirty years ago, when a Buncombe county murderer was taken there, tried, convicted and hanged. Blind Tler Operator Arret ta Competitor Goldsboro, N. C, March 13. The blind tieera. or at least a fvw nf t he in, got into trouble vesterdav. i A white man arrested a negro him self on the charge of selline whiskev. The white man deputized a nero to help him and they brought their prisoner up the street from Little Washington. When they arrived up town an officer arrested all three of the men. A short investigation caused a warrant to be issued for the white man. An examination of hb premises revealed the fact that he had a quantity of whiskey on hand in jugs and bottles in hb Bleeping departments. The negro whom he arrrested without au thority was also proven guilty of tho charge of conducting a blind tiger. Competition in business is thought to be the reason why the man constituted himself a protector I of the peace and had the negro ar-' rested. Decerter Ct Hli Tkroat at Tort Caswell tTTII 1 m.- . . viimingion, ss. u., Marcn 13. iwinvoa- . 1 1 L A 1 A ... . . I I ?J X . wllu Pet Knue ennaay aiiernoon shortly : auer z o'ciocc, immediately atxer - r - . w .uiuiaiijr icbu iu i muj W1"cu was mat ne snouia w w r a a a e w a. bctvo a term oi eigmeen monins imprisonment lor aesetion. The affair created nnnoin om rw ex oammmi am WaUMM a DQUfla UUU at the fort, and aid was immedi ately summoned to save the life of the would-be suicide. Shaw's home is In Cincinnati. He deserted two months ago. Kentucky Feudists la Jail. Lexington, Ky.t March' 13. County Judge Jame3 Hargb of Breathitt county, er-State Senator A. H. Hargb of Cbrk county and Elbert Hargb are locked in the x njouo vuumy jau lO-Gigm, DeiDBT . neiu ior trial on ine ciiarcre cf hav- V a S A a. a w ng muraerea or procured tne. mar- UCI uu vwaxiu, ieiuer oi ine uocjcriii lacuon oi tne Margls-Cock- tia aw t m rui ieuu. pris jners will make aa apDiicauon tomorrow lor iv.ii ' vw.av j i..A.r. . : vm ii is Denevea it will De denied thm. ' ran ii oun exchanges. bona fejalt r !tam( Ws Ifava Gats erd Willi or Iaat-Po u4 Shear. Why not require the next LegU Uture to gut ranteo tatbfacilon or refund the money? Raleigh Enter prise. When some real teniprnc peo ple sret In the Iblatoro they will hava a lot of old laws to undo. Durham Herald. The men who live In the coun try or In towns with lesa than 2,000 population are not expected to know what they want. PitUboro Enter i rise. No; the Legislature did not pa any laws prohibiting the sale of liquor or the securing of divorces. It just simply declared them luxu ries, which only the rich should be entitled to. Pittsbiro Knterprise. With Charlotte folka listening ta negro missionary speak from the pulpit of a leading church and the New York Sun referring to a colored man as a coon," it looks as though we had come upon strange things. Charlotte Observer. "Local self-government is not dead," says the Charlotte Observer. Perhaps not, but it is bedecked with numerous patches of coat-plaster and wears a bandage over one eye, while the rank smell of arnica b not at all reassuring. Raleigh Post, The Legislature should set aside $1,600 out of the general fund to pay Mr. Black, of Ashevllle, for that 000 gallons of whiskey he furnished the Democratic campaign tChllTllleFeopWdVaveT, managers in me last campaign. We thought the Legblature ad work was fin- journed before its hhed. now we are sure of it. The i w Greensboro Record is complaining ' about boys playing marbles on the streets of that town. It is to be hoped that the Governor will call an extra session. Raleigh Enter prise. Charlotte had an awful time with la grippe last month, causing the prescriptions for whiskey to mount up to 1,034, some eight hundred more than January. One physi clan rays almost half of his prescrip tions were issued to women. Thb is the worst yet. Greensboro Record. Tho Legblature adjourned sine- die on last Monday at noon. The closing scene in the House did not reflect any credit on the law-makera ot our Stat9. We trust that the time will come when our General Assembly will adjourn in a digni- "3d way and not in the manner of boisterous, irreverent school boys. Kaleigh Christian Advocate. We may be a little thick-headed, yet we fail to see that this or the i last Legblature has done anything , that will actually f urther the cause , of temperance. True we can have me open saioon, a dispensary or prohibition, yet we could have had euner Deiore, ana it is no more eisy to Catch Violators of the law &nd tnG punishment b no greater inan it was Deiore. Durnam Her- aia If the one eallus State and couutv officers are not going to enforce the Ward Iaw a?y any tetter than they have the Watts law it won't amount lo 06 soia lor ie88 man Par to a hurrah in sheol. All the en- the divobce law. lorcing of the watts law that has Deen done Has been clone by Federal officers. The county and State omcers euner uon't want it lorcea or tney are at raid to do so for fefr of makinS some dear old party Irienu angry. reopies raper. "Butler sent an amendment pro- viding for election of county boards f 4 AHnniilS am h. . i - C At pie. Thb was defeated." News and Observer. When the Democratic committee was called together to interpret the platform in the Ward bill the News and Observer went into "connip tion" fits over government by the Committee, vet it has no word nf V - " condemnation of thl act. wWo me enure scnooi noara tor pvpto county m me State b appointed by thb Legblature, and an amendment leivina - their finn n iha, 0 w vr uw rw pi 13 aeieaiea. xet it is tne peo- pie's children that must be taueht. a. . and it is the paople's taxes that are taken to Dav these men TTnin Republican. It may seem strange, but with all New York's wealth, intelligence and reputation, that State still im. prisons people for debt, the only mate in tne Union doing such a thing, now characterized as barba rous. An effort is now being made to repeal it and it may suc ceed, but it is doubtful. Greens boro Record: '. it is the same way down hewJ lnairecUF. 11 a fellow la arrest! and fined and cayi rv fKo Kin k t -- - "excused." If the shecarela am t MT J w w&u AAV IO iorincommg ne is committed (o jail or the country roads, and If this is not imprisonment for debt al thnuirh thA mnca mw Ka i.i wvubiwh flagrant, it b the first mwin tn u Uninn Rftniihllpftr. THE BOND SETTJLKM EXT. of tks CammUum Us-Taa Dlwra Lav. Below we give a nummary of two important laws piaed by the Ust lfgielatuae, the food tett lenient and the divorce law. A special legUIatlve committee, composed of Senitoxs A. C. Z-1U- afar of Vance. A. M. Bcdes, oil Ouiffonl and Representative Wsl ter Marphy of. Rowan, J. R. Gor d ;n of (Juilford, and J.B. CoQeld of Martin, in conference with the Governor and Council of 8 ate re girding the best settlement of the Fc bafTer bonds and the South Dakota Judgment, mide the fol lowing recommendation to the gei oral assembly: "Gentler&eo: The committee to whom wag referred the matter of the South Dakota Judgmennt and the SchafTer bonds, to the end that they might carefully consider the same and make some recommenda tion to the general assembly, do now respectfully make tho follow ing report: "1st. That the Governor of the State, with the approval "of the Council of State, be directed to set tle the South Dakota judgment in the manner deemed by them best to protect the State's interest. 2d. After a careful considera tion of the bonded indebtedness known as the Schaffer Brothers bonds, being 242 bonds of the par value of $1,000 each, with interest on the same for twenty-nine years, and after consultation with the at torneys of said bondholders, the committee unanimously agreed to recommend the following: "The State b to pay the bond holders $892 per bond, which is less than par value, and amounts to $215,864. This is $447,216 less than the principal and interest of the 242 bonds, $179,136 less than the first proposition suggested by the bondholders to the Governor, $86,136 less than the first written proposition made by the bondhold ers, printed in the newspapers as a letter to the Governor, and $26,136 less than the ultimatum that they offered at the first meeting of thb committee. The $215,864 recom mended by the committee, and ac cepted by the bondholders, is based (though less) on the settlement of 1879, allowing 25 cents on the dol lar and interest for twenty-four months, with interest on the de ferred coupons, thb being in strict accord with the settlement of 1 879 and the Democratic platform. "We believe thb settlement b both honest and just, and we there fore recommend that the general assembly accept and approve it." Thb report was unanimously adopted by both branches, and a bill passed in accordance therewith, which being a roll-call measure, re quired ciic daya for lio enaoimont and necessitated the legislature 10 mainlng in session until Monday, March Gth, although the 'term ex. pi red on Saturday. The bill, after stating the condi tions of the settlement agreed upon by the committee, the payment by the State of $215,861 for the 242 bonds now held by the Schaffer Brothers and the Governor to settle the South Dakota judgment against the State for $27,400, provides for an issue by the State treasurer of bonds of North Carolina to the amount of $250,000 to meet the above expenditures, the bonds to bear upon their face the expres purpose for which they were issued and drawing; 4 per cent, interest, dating from January, 1904, to be id semi-annually on January 1st lue uuuua uio iu uv ui ueiiumiua tionsot $500 or $1,000, and are not l. l i r a The new divorce law repeals all laws creatine: any cause for divorce enacted since the sasaion of 1883. en-land amends iha fW hu mstino fornication and adultery on the part of the husband a cause for divorce instead of separation from the wife and living in adultery. It 13 provided that thb law does not aPPly to any suit now pending. When Alimony Ceaaea. Black Westleyc seems to be cele brating today. Is he going to be married again? White No. fib ex-wife is: April Smart Set. STARTLING MORTALITY. Statistics show startling mortal uy, jrom appendicitis ana pericom us. TO prevent and euro these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New Life PUIs. M. Flannery. of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipa tion -and Billiou3nes3." 25c at all druggists. LADIES Will some business young' lady (stenog rapher preferred) matrimonially inclined, write to bachelor law student. TT n 1 Para Qnv in 4 fhinvr v r? DRAUCHON'S PRACTICAL buSINESS CATALOGUE FREE. Add. J. P. DRAUOHON, Pres. Chiis sf 20 Csitetes. lac S300JKMMM CasifaL rUM I III 1 Xhll P67 monm uuakah ckv or money rcranoea, or yon mar ost any time. In thorouthness and reputation D. P. B. C.'s are to othexr' annually. - Indorsed by business men from lie. to Call. Cheap boardj HOVIB Contract given to refund money, if after taking oar Rome STUDY I Study by mail, yon are not satisfied. rtte far prlcea. " .... - J Your IBIearH May Bo We all. Ono Person in Four Has a We all Heart. Oft cf Uta rurrtt alrea ef feaart ts ihoric U braal &ftar Tour fceart t tks at!, to eubji blood fxt &ouf1i to yw lose. Bona of tfc. otbr artaptom of Hoart TroabU ar: FaJaa Vi U 6J4a Back usA S&ouUar; FaJattng or Waak BpaUai Dry Coach; 6w2a of Faot as4 afclaai Cold Fact or I land. Ko oaa caa afford to allow a baart to so vlt&eat madlctaa. weak baart maaaa poor circulation. poor circulation man wi atomach. llrar, kMaar. etc If. taaraf ora, you auspect haart trouMa bagia takln Dr. una New Haart Cora, Tba Baart Cura will do too rood, aa It la apltadld tools for tba Uood aad aad wCl rariuilx. your aatlra Finally, ranambcr. Dr. btSaa Kw Baart Cora la aold txadar a ruaraataa tbat tba flrat bottla win do you goad. If It doaaa't roar mooar back. T waa aOUctad with haart trooblo for tbroa raara. 1 would ba apoaraatly all right, and without a roomant'a warning would fall aa though ahoC Tba attacks wara fraqaant. and a terribla droad poa acaaad ma, aa X caver knaw whan or whara, nor under what conditiona t would ba attackad. and whathar X would orrtTa thorn. I eonaultad aad waa treated by aoma of tho most amlnanl ehrai clans of tho atala. Not flndlnc ra naf from this aourca, I bataa taking Dr. li Uca New liaart Cora, and bona to lmprora at onca. I uaed tan botUaa, which antirely cured me. mm X bare not had an attack for fire Tinrt IflTl JOHN DRaSBACK. I-tpaic. O. PDPP Write to us for Free Trial JTAXlEi packare of Dr. Mlloa Antl Paln Pllla, the New Bclentino Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, ten you what la wrong-, and how to right It. Free. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO, LajtoBA-Totusa, klkhaat. . nrrx And Natarally. you told your 'Have flnancee your past?" "I started to Christmas, but she was more interested io my present." INCREDIBLE BRUTALITY. It would have been incredible brutality if Chas. F. Lembergflr, of Syracuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for his suffering son. 'My boy," he saya ' cut a fearful gash over hie ere, so I applied Bucklea'a Arnica Sa've, which quickly healed it and saved hit eye. Good for burns and ulcers, to j. Only 2oc at all druggists. "We had the minister for dinner last Sunday," said little Henry. "Huh! That's nothing," rejoined small Fred. 'We had a turkey." Chicago News. irths Baby la Oattloa- Teeth Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wibslow Boothhto Strop, for children teething. It sootnes tne cniia, soitens tne grams,! allays all pai o, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A. colored prlsuuer In Wake county jail was removed en Sunday to the pest-house suffering with smallpox. WANTED, Detectives, Responsible, Sharp Daring Young Men everywhere. Experience unnecessary. Enclose stamp for particulars. Gra Udell's Detective Bureau, Philadelphia, Pa PERSONALLY Conducted Excursion -TO- HAYANA, CUBA, oeaooara taxes pleasure in an nouncing another personally con ducted excursion from North Cars lna points to Havana, Cuba, and return uarcn ztn-3Uth Kates of one fare pins $2 00 for the round-trip, Including; meals and berth while on steamer will apply. Tickets will be sold for trains on March 29th, good leaving rors xampaon steamer the night or March 30th, final limit to leave Havana April i3tn. allowing pi 3ngers until April 19th to return to dest nation. Stop-overs will be allowed south Of Jacksonville, which govern tie stop-over of regular winter Tour ist tickets. As the excursion is limited to loo people, parties should advise at ones relative to seeming their Pull man acoommcdationp. as no one win oe permitted on same without nrst bavin; made reservations. For t me-tables, rates and reser rations, apply to , CHAS. H. GATTI8, Trav. P.s i gk, Raleigh. N. C. H. W MORSON, O. P.andT. Av Raleigh, N. C. RAIEIC0, a. c. coiutiai, 8. c ATLANTA, CA KHOXVULE, TEC3. HASQYILLf , TEC3. Estaa. 1 S vears. vw - - tali 29-3011, . F&nMiinig For Taere Is nothing to good for the Farmer ; th It aoth log toi good for Ue Farm, (iood bat&s, good hou.fw, og-t walla, good fenoea, good stock, all on gool laid, oadtr oi tuaaagaaMnt asr good proflU. Tba good applKa throoghouu It mast apply throag hoot, or It will not applj to prodtr. Now hem is dlacrlmjnation mora neeaary than la Us salecUoa of fancoa. The farm matt be feocwd. Uaac. se lect tho best fcaca, the KLLWOOD TZXCK. The El wood is bnllt like a bridge braced, iuppoitd, tied; no stronger ov more subaUaUal atmctuM potalbla Etlwcod fences will hold your hogs, cattle, horses, aad pul try. Ellwood Fence has alwajs been popular. ItaBiwr all parpoatej asd oarer dlsappelntj. We have Ell wood Fenees foi tale, aad at pi Ices that will suit you. Corns and a as we have a bargata for you. Your Truly, Hart-Ward Hardware Company RALEIGH N. O. Raleigh Marble Works r Three limes the Value of Anv Other. One Third Easier. One Third Faster: The only Sewing Machine that does not fall in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bear ings make it the lightest run ning machine in the world. Agents wanted In unoccupied territory. Bend for circulars and terms. Vheele: & Wilson f.lfe. Co. AtUntt, O.. Cycyoytycycycy ty Trinity College. One hundred and seventy graduate and undergraduate courses of study In department of Literature, H laiory, Science and Philoso phy. Well-equipped laboratories In all departments of science. rge norary laciiiues. uymnaslum furnished with beat ratus. zpeni8 very moderate. Aid for worthy youn-r Broad and national spirit. 1 rlnily College Has the Largest Endowment of Any Colkf e la the South Atlantic States : : : : : For caUlogue and further Information, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. HORtlER MILITARY SCHOOL. XFOU3. C3.-0.Qr, Two BUhbns a PrsAidina--riii. York lawyer from one class " eaginTSl WRITE FOR THE NOBTH State Normal and Mwuwvtiiti Wllvv " COUR8E9. ' LI-T Commercial aioll.r, BomsstloSdsnos ifi" . V Iklanual Training I l?edavfxoaloal Mualo. Five courses loading to Diplomas. Advanced incr in ne groes. Well equlpwd Pracllra oers oo. isoard. lanndrv. niitwi year, for non-resldpiifa nrtk session Deslns SepCember 29. loni all fWlnffA. J. .i ----- mJ11? pondenoe Invited phea. For catalogue and other InfcriaUon addTea Shipments made to any pin t ot tho State at same prico ut at shop. MONUMENTS 00013211 I1HOH.. Proprietors. Raleigh, N. C. When writing t) advcitlsers mtntion tba Caucasiao end for Catalogue. asryry oocycyo apia- men. Qnn..t,. - . w VI xwu" I w Oouth offered. TU flfty-fourtb CATALOaUr. OABOLINA TndnQfr.iQi nva r . r . . . . .... oa m. . pAMM.M i . . a Avwtuv MBIUIBIOCUIVOillWia Ufc J0lyl5lb. Com- CHABLEO D. MclVKB, President, a&rsxrssoBO. jr. c. r crc?co rets UU.QESIHMH wa ImmSnTmaiuiw; hi St. ?MML? w i s iJ Mtti,UMiN. I.U.M.BSOS