THE CAUCASIAN 'kai.kimh, N. July t:o. 1904 fCnfrt-l at the lot Jfti:e in Raleigh ;., a siciiid-clan mail matter. KU-ven pri-oner &-axt fr m the authorities at humhf-rton last wek. Harnett County cehbrated its jjftirth anniversary at Lillingtcn i,t Thursday. ,'r. 13. Frank Mhai.e, of ttockir g liaiu, will U; the chief mar-hall at t if ritate Fair in Oct. I hf Southern Cotton (! rowers Ah- .- ;n 1,.11 ci i lJ"t. ! I u'oi u .' i!Sil l'JII V11 iiriiiinuiui In JtUED. Floor G'a Way lo Lra lpartest Store Id Albany. Albany, N. v., Aug Tfce mid die section of the bi department store of thn John O Myers Company in North IVarlird,coIlpedarIy to-day. carrying don -villi it nvrr one hundred persons Caught in cim of brick placer and wooden beams, N4 vu fi nd thirty men, women and -tiildr-ii met death. Twelve hour-frantic work on the part of the r-cur- dis entangled fifty jaiopK hix of tr-m dead and mny of the r:ht tdiy Injured. f The Effective Remedy In treaU4 tor r a rr with to tcA&tv kioM4 .fur I k4 u bot:;.. ,a ill J1- w. ... i. . " tar wonti oJd wi.h to t. 1 Jrm Voot. SI a flun Wi it AMOOtAta. 6o o ' Abbeville, Beptemlrr Gth. KHJ S.tAKE HI Oil V Wlk-d Into a Neat of Fifty rv lUttl.. HdiIi. .'-. ritf Cole, of Madison County, l,r..-'f't Chas. Stein to the peniten tiary M nday to serve a life- een- . .. I la u'u flru in. trutH i Iia l'.,!. Sept. 2nd, for rape, hut the J"?..111." Cour,,er- ... .....! l.t . . ....,. . imprisonment. nt .YiD .iCrdicore- nin6 oat of. TerT wei of the diaordm .huuu.jq. aee care art permanent, complicated or not. whether the trouble la I if Hi- Itiv rside Lumber Company Wilmington, with $100,000 stock auth Ti.d, whs chartered by Becre Ury of State Monday. The incor iHratnrs an: V. J. Jteaves, M. i v.rUrM ami J. D. llcdriek, ali of Wilmington DoiiL-lierly Captured Aftrr Killing Mom Williams. Al'ville, N. C, Aug 7. News wai n-ceived here this afternoon of a coM-blo-del murder committed at 1a tU- Cove, near Black Mountaiu, in thn county. Two negroes. Abe liuularty and Mose WillianiH, were (li-l'titiiig when Dougherty tlrnw his j,i-toI and shot Williams d--ad. Yes, this is a snake storv; a ratt snake wtorj; a fifty five rattle fsnakt story. It cornea pretty straight, too. The man who told it to the chroi. icier heard it from the feller who saw the snakes who smelt the snakes, who helped kill the snaKes, who turned sick, and away from the snakes be cause he couldn't endure the sieht and smell and rattle of the snakes any longe'. So it may be safely accepted as a credible story. Dave Self and Flint Hay, so the story goes, had iccasion about the tirst of July, to go out on State Line Mountains, which divides Tennessee from Nerth Carolina, and which is also the Haywood boundary line. Whether they attracted by the charm of the rattler, or just happen ed upon its den, is not staUd Nev er-the less, wittingly or unwitting ly, they walked into a regular rattle .Ine (rafdul curp Ickneaa of joung girls, telle., the weakneaa of adult., b.nishe. leucorrbc, hcliaches backache. aJ nervouanea. and ease, the crUU aUt.-n.lant on tle change of life. Thousands of mothers beside MU i.M.t. u found grateful relief from the pains of childbirth and have had a quick and happy recovery from its use. You cannot anora to .utter when fl.00 bottle, are sold druggists. . by all Th September I)-iiror. Coats, j ickets, street and hou-m costumes for ladies and young folks are 4ion in The Designer for 8ep-tembt-r, and a special article illus trates and desribs lOHtmnes for Grammar and High-School Schol ars." Points on Dressmikine" tells how to lini a jacket, and the Millinery Lesson instructs how to make bjnnts for elderly ladies. 'Chinese Housekeeping" is interes': siMtine Allir at Kernersvillt). Winston-Salem, N. C, Aug. 8. At Kt rnersville, atxiut 1:130 x-lock thii afternoon, Ade Walker shot ami kilU-d Eugene Lamar, a 11 IH.T1 11 nd about 35 years old. The twe men were in tle blacksmith shop of Granville Mauuels, near the Southern Uailwav tlfini!, when the rimt! was committed. Walker shot Iamur localise he would imt olav a trame of cards with him. inirlv describetl tv Laura H. Starr snake community, and they couldn't and ijertba Hasbrook in Iu the In mnll oof rnt mWl..nt (t.mlnt CJ,. 1 ... . terest ot Jireatl-Winning" series ad- well get out without a fight. So they went to killing, fighting hard and fast, until they laid out fifty- five, and slid they left plenty more; thai they could luve killed more, if the air around thure had agreed with them. A rattling snake story, but not a very good one to go out about our mountain air. McKiuley' Favoiito Hymn. .urge Republican Convention ginia- in Vir- Eliza and Sarah Flower were gifted English sisters whose earthly lives began and ended between the open Itoanake, Va., Aug. One of theling and the close of the first half of largest Republican State Conven tions in the history of the State met here to-day to nomiuate a full State ticket. When the body was called to onler at two o'clock p. in., by State Chairman C. Biseomb Stemp, the last century; and yet in that brief period both left their impress nil their generation; and the young er, oaran, acnieve l unuyiny: lame by composing the beautiful hymn, "Nearer, My Gotl, to Thee." It was het ween 1,200 and a 1,300 delegates j suggested by the story of Jacob's were oresent- It is almost exclu- nivelv a white convention, there being very fev negro delegates. or Course. An effort is being made in Italeigh to do away with the dispensary. The orohibitionisis are for hrobibi- tion, the saloon men are for open baloons and those who want to see the town beautified" nre for the dispensary. The dispersary has nn r financial SUCCePS. but that is no reason the church and cily should continue to deal out the deadly poi son to the young on and boys of Raleigh. The dispensary should be nimii.ih.Pil- Tf a disDeiisary i the only source of revenue a town has it we us U tetter that it irroW UD in and bushes rather than -beautify" it ig and death to vision at Bethel, as f iund in Gene sisXXVUL: 10-22. The hymn was first published in 1841, and al together it met with 3ome favor, it was not until 1860 that Dr. Lowell Mason's beautiful and sympathetic music 'quickened it into glorious life" and gave it a permanent abid ing place in the hearts of the pjople. This hymn giiued immense addi tional popularity through the tragic death of President William McKin- ley. His list intelligible words were: "Nearer, My God, to Thee, e'en though it be a cross has been my constant prayer." His prayer was answered. It was a cross one oi the gitatest thit cou'd come to him and to the beloved nation which he had served so faithfully that Ud him through a martyr's suffer- claim a martyr's vises "Catering" a a lucrative buni- nass. Mary Kilsyth gives Jsegges tions for "The Modern Bed," and Craig S. Thorns writes of "Taming Squirrels." "Mothers' Work and Workers" is contributed by Jane A. Stewart, and Caroline Fuller, author of "Tfte Alley Cat's Kitten," sup plies a droll liltlt story, "The I'urr Pms and the Spit Cat." lu amuse ments there are a driil, "The Harv esters," and many other plans for home entertainment "The Son of Elizabeth," by Celia K. Shute, bj a short story for adults, and "Miss Ginter," a most clever continued story, is c included in this number. "Decorative Us'-s for Blue Print Cloth," "Lace Collars," "Crochet," ami "Netting" provide plenty ofoc cupttiun for the fancy worker, and "Catchups and Pbkles" aud "The Savory Tomato" give suggestions for appetiz Hg entables. I.labtninc Nhocka a Funeral. Indianapolis, Aug. 7. During the funeral pervlces over the body of James Po5 of Divis county late yesterday afternoon lightning stru k the church in which some two hun dred persons were assembled, caus ing a panic among the congregation. Undertaker Bonham was just in the act of ebbing tho coffin whn a bolt struck the church and he was thrown prostrate on the corpse. Twenty jiersous were very seriously sh'icked and as many m ire were partially stunned by the bolt. Tho storm was the moat terrific known for years, field of corn beinj; destroyed and woodlands laid waste A TOUCHING STOKY is the s iving fr. m de .th, of th b.iby girl of UfO. A. Eyler. Onn ber ird Md H writes: "At 'he ag i 1 L mor.ihs our little girl was m teclini g hea'th, wiih fceri u -!,hioit Trouble, ann two , in gave nor up. W'o ceio . Imoat in depae. w h -n wo r- s tlv d to :ry Dr. King's N'ow Discovery foi Co sump ion. O u ; s and Colds The first ottb- gave lief; -if cr taking four b tits sie was cu ed.and isnov in p.-rfect h ahh." Never fails to re-iio- e a d cu e a rouga or cold At 11 drug s ore-; 50j and $1 00 guar anteed Tiial bottl fi e. TOPITXJLB PRICE! Hay "05: j'al'oiM. of with money City Grit. thus obtained Siler Drauk Whiskey anil Laudanum Durham, N. C, August 7. W. 1). Pool, who lives two miles from reward. Memorial services were held in innumerable churches in our own and other countries, the most interesting of the latter being in Wret minister Abbey, by order ot the King Here, as elsewhere, the greatest interest centred about the singing of the Hymn which was iu 1 ho Morse School of Telegraphy. Even- man owes it to him elf nd his fauiil'- t mast, r a trade or orofepsi n II ad the display and dveiti8 meut of the six Mors Sc oo s of Teleg aby, in thf& i4sne vnd learn how easily . oung man o- lady may learn ielo-?ra. by ar,d be as urcd a po.-itioa iucuy, Bu.uu J p the heart and on the lips of our he HI I.Hrill H III IV II rl II H I I Ikl O. LA UUUVV v laudanum on top of three pints of whiskey that ho had consumed luring the da . A physician was j summoned and it wai this morning when he was out of danger. roic President a he went to meet his God. From the Delineator for September. TOM? The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing iii this countrvtnost dangerous because so decep tive. JUauy sutiuen deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia. heart failure or arxmlex v are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance tliekidnev-poisou- ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by takingDr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidnev, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalflino- rain in nassin? it. and over- - . r& -r O FIENDISH SUFFERING. is often ciused by sores, ulcers and cancers, that eat away your skin. Win. Bedell, of Flt Rock Mich., says: 4 I have used Bucklen's Arini ca 8alve, for Ulc?rs, aud Can cer-. It is the best healing dress ing I ever fou d."Soothes and heals cut?, buru and scald. 25o at all drug stor, 8; guaranteed. cc::s iit?AittrAirTi:it MEN'S AND BOYS' CL0VHING, Shoes, Tmnks. Hits and Fcmishitg E:ods, 1U Ut Martin Mtrwl. 0U1 fllCfS ACS IICIT. CAU AIO SIE 9. W U ARE i r to th 1 y ftxndt ! f crop. . i ' S3 I 1 A, SHOES AT VOUR OVJI) PRICE. OUH ENTIHE HTtMlK OF OXPOKDS MUST UO BE FORE WE MOVE I STO OUR NEW HTORE ABOUT 8EITEMBEH 1ST. COME AND GET A FIT. PERRY &"ROSENTHAL RALEIGH, N. C. COSN FIELDS GOLD FIELDS Low to feed U Fmnum for Cora mnn cocuia at least 7 per cent, acta! Potash ttl f rc4a U m utinry to ptl til a mui a4 tim; I fr, tf fv kuk. Wrtw aat.jk,H kau worn n 'Jl Seaboard A ir Line Ry. Farming For hrrcut. IUtu via Hbakoakii. The H aboard tsiosBCM thj wtl !! rlucod ral rouad trip t ckeU t tb followiBf pjloU, o cannt special ooculoit, Richmond. Va, Farm.r Katloo al CongrtM, 8ptmber 12-21. , UoDtf agle, Tbbm Humm.r hool, Jan. 30th -July 28tb. Tuacalooaa, Ala. Sannir 8cbool for Toach.n, Juno IG-Jaly iih. Na.hvllle, Toon. Pa body 8am mer8chool. Vand.rbilt Biblical Institute, Jane 14th Anffost Vti. Monteagle, Tennrt Womia'i Oongnas, August 1-li. Montagle. Tonn 8. 8. lcstltuU, July 17 August 5th. Reboot no urn Li UU w J U U "itbfns. U -Hummer Jane 27th July 2th. notice of si:izt:k-;j. Notice is hcn'hy ivi'ii of neizuvp of the following pnierty for vitdation if th internal revenue laws uf the 1'nited Stah's: At Durhani, N. C. April 1.1. 10ai 2 1-2 barrels 1mUW lvr. '2 1-2 pints of whiskey of Davis llalstins. At Durham, N. C, M.iv 11)0.1: 24 gallons rye whiskey i f T. O. Jenk ins. At Fremont, X. Man h .!0. 1!fC: 1 barrel corn whlskov, 4S calSons of Sand ford Davis. At Four Oaks. N. C. May II, 1TK).1: 10 gallons C. W. and 1.1 bushels meal, of unknown. ,; At rVurhahi, N. , .1 jutrs corn whiskey Kd. D. W.kxIs. At Durham, X. O.. May 20. 1!CI5: .1 jugs corn whiskey. 10 gallons, of Rogers Davis and David Rhode. At Ilockingham, X. C. May 23, 1'.) .!: 122 gallons eorn whiskey, 1 barrel, and 3 1-2 part barrels, of unknown. At Ihyal. X. C, May 18, 1003: 11 gallons corn whisicev, i)f Henry liar ret t. At ling Hill, X. C, May LI, 1fK).l: 1 jug. I! gallons ruin, jf Duke M. Watts. At Parinele, X. C, June 7, 103.1: 1 jug, .1 gallons corn whiskey, of un known. At Durham, X, C, June 1G, 1905: 4 jugs corn whiskey, 10 gallons, of Jack Ohamblee. At Durham, X. C, July 8, 1903: 1 jug. 4 gallons corn whiskey, of R. L. Lynn. At Durham. X. C, July 7, 1905: 1 keg corn whiskey, 4 gallons, or un known. l'ersons claiming the above prop erty will file their claims with me In my ottice within 30 days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. E. C. DUNCAN, 1 Collector. J. P. II. ADAMS, Deputy Collector. July 14, 1905. Raleigh, N. C. There Is nothing too good for tho Farmer ; there It noth ing too good for the Farm. Good batns, good boutos, good wells, good fenoes, good stock, all on good land, under &rood management assure good profits. The good applies; thioughout. It mast apply throughout, or It will not apply to profits. Nowhere Is discrimination more nocessary than In the selection of fences. The farm mart be fenced. Hence, se lect the best fence, the ELLWOOD FENCE. The Elwood is baUt like a bridge braoed. supported, tied ; no stronger or more substantial structure possible Ell wood fences w 11 hold your hog 4, cattle, horses, and pool try. Ellwood Fence has always been popular. It answer? all purposses and never disappoints. We have Ell woo 1 Fences for sale, and at prices that will suit you. Coma and see us we have a bargain for you. Yours Truly, Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. C. .... 9 Three times the value oi Anv Other. 9 One Third Easier. One ihhd Faster: The only Sewing Machine that ds not fail in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bear ings make It the lightest run ning machine in the world. Agent wanted in unoccupied territory. Bend for circulars and terms. P Wheelei t Wilson Mfe. Co. 0 Atlanta, Ga. He hool, Baltimore, Md Unfed SooUty Christian Kaaror, Inttr-natloaa! Convention, July tb 10th. Ashcvllle, N. C. Conference of Young People's MiMlontry Aajo elation, Jane Sib July 2nd, Buffalo, N. Y. Annual Meeting Grand lxdgo B. P. OK, July llih 15th. Donvtr, Col Inter-natlonal Kp worth League Convention, July 6th 9th. lUte from IlsUlgh $12 lC, Wilmington $12 75, Charlotte $11 25. Davidson College. N. ( Plod mont Hummer School. July, 1905. Asbary Park, K. J MaUonal Ed Gcatlonal Association. Jnly 3rd 7th. Hate from Raleigh $18 15, yla New Yotk $21 80. Wilmington $21.16. via New York $ !4 00, Charlotte $27 76, via New York $32. 10. 1'ermlu of stop over in New York Greensboro, N. C Niirth Caro lina Teachers Assembly, Angnst lst-bth. Louisville, Ky. National Asso ciation Btationery Engineers, An gust lst-8 h. Kaf from Ua!eigb $1970. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pa trlclars Militant and djvereiga Orang Ldgu I. O. O. B p Umber 16th-23d. Chariot eivIKe, Virginia Virgin la Hommer School of Methods, June Q 2? th August Gth. Kate from Hal- For further Information, addreas, Chah. U. Gams, Triieilng 1'asienger Agtt, Kalkioii. N. C. AT OSVjCE! Families to Siring Tobaeeo Bags The Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES THE INAUGURATION Of THE 8HOO-FLY TRAIN Between Weldon and Raleigh WITH CONN ETIOWS FROM OXFORD. LoUISBURG AND WAR BENTON, COMMENCING UOMDAY, JANUARY.9TH. The 8 aboard Airline takes great plraaure in announcing the InaugU ration of the Bhoo-Fly train between Weldon and Raleigh, maklnf A Fine Church Burned. St. Thomas Episcopal church at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-third st. New York City whs destroyed by fire Tuesday. It was one of the moat richly furnisned religious edi fices in America. All ITJork Done at Mo By Women mid Girls te. No. 29. L. aves Weldon Arrives Norlina Leaves Norlina Arrives Hendenon Arrives Franklinton Arrives Raleigh 6:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:20 a m. 8:53 a. m. 9: 25 a. m. 10: 15 a. m. I Mo. 30 Leavra Raleigh 6:00 p m. Arrives Fran kiln ton 6:03 p. m. ArrlVf 8 Hent enon 6: 29 p. m. Arrives Norlina & 55 p m. Leayes Norlina 7: 15 p. m. Arrives Weldon 8: 30 p. m. Glean and Easy Employment. PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE No. 29 Lv. Oxford 7:45 am. At. Henderson 8: 30 am. Lv. Loulsburg 8:50 am. Ar. h ran kl in ton 9: 25 am. J. X). Runyan, of Butlervllle, 0. tidt he peculiar disappearance of hUP' iuful sym stons, of indices- comes that unpleasant necessitj-of being in , Mi bi!l OQSness, to Dr. King's compelled to go often through the day, j New jjjfQ pius Ho says: t4Thev and to get up many times during the &rw a perftCt rem J(iy for dizziness, mght. The mild and the extraordinary-, fa nHJitiftoh Consipa: ??lmv. & "wondS ; t on, etc Guara teed at all dr'ug cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this -wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous 2er in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp &oot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the &bess, Binghamton, N. Y., on every I store , t rice 25c. If the Baby 1. Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tr'ed remedy. Mrs Window S O thing Fyrup for child' n t t ing It 60othea the child, EOf tens be gum . a lays all p d', cares v lnd colic, and is the best remedy fcr Diarrhoea. - Twtnt-five cents a bottle. For particulars, apply in person, prompt ly, to our representative at address men tioiied below, No. 30. Lv. Henderson 9:00 am. 6:40 pm. Ar. Oxford 9 :45 am. 7 :25 pm . Lt. Frankllnton 6: 10 pm. I Ar. Loulsburg A 35 pm. In no way affect I Golden Belt Manufacturing Co. Tde Building, 117 Wilmington. St , i aleigh, N. C. The abive schedules on the branch lines will the present connections with regular No. 39 and 41. For further Information In regard to schedule apply to C.B.RYAN.G.P. An C. H. GATTIS, T. P. 9 Portamooth, Va, Raleigh, N. O. FOR HIGH GRADE JOB PRINTING AN 13 CATALOGUE .WORK, CALL ON Oil WHITE M. J. CARROLL, Acadeayj)f Uuaic BoWdiog Baltigb, I, C, SEABOARD Alii LINK RAILWAY. Short Ltns toprlndpei elUes of tfas Bootk ana Boatowwt, Florida, Cabe, Tuu, CkU- rorais and Mutoo, eiao nona iu uorta wett. Washinxton, BwUmor, fbuadelphla Nsw Yotk, Boston, CindnnatXCnioaco. la dianapoUs, Be Looia, Mam phi and If naaa aty. Hchedule effective January 81 b, 1905. 1 Trains leaves Raleigh aa follow . No. 50 NORTHBOUND. 1:25 a. m. -ttEABOAKD EX PRESS, for PorUmouth. Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Nw York, Boe u n and all points North, North east and Northwest. No. 38. 11:00 a.m. "8EABOAIID LOCAL MAIL" for ALL IXX L points Raleigh to Poruimoat.. rllna to Klcbmond ; oonnecU a n- deraon for Oxford and Welo. with A. C. L., at Portsmoalh Norfolk with ALL tSTKAMBRB for points North and Northeast No. 66. 11:50 a. m. " 8 EA BOARD MAIL " for Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. CoaaeeUi at Richmond with C. O. for Clnclnatti, Chicago and Bt. Louis, at ; Washington wufc Penna, B. ft. O. far all points. No. 67. fcOUTHBOOND. 4:15 a. m. "HEABOARD X PRES9" for Charlotte, Atlanta, Columbia,, 8avannab, Jaekaca yllle, Bt Augastlne, Tampa and all point south and southwest. No. 43. 4:00 p. m. BEA BOARD LOCAL MAIL for Charlotte, AtlanU and all local points, Conneeta at AtlanU tor all points tooth and kouth west. No. 43. 7 KM) p. m. SEABOARD HAIL tor oouwvih lun, r iaautB AtUnta, Colombia, Charleston Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and all point south and south west. TickeUon aale to all points. Po l- ; man berth reserved, ticket dally. erd at residence from UP-TOWN TICKET OPFICE, Yarboroogh House Building, HAM0R8CN, U. P. & T. A. Rlleigh, N. a C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., . 'Phone 117. Raleigh N. O . C.B BYAN.G.P. A. Portsmoath. Va

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