THE OAUOACIAfJ '1ULKIOH. N. C. Aug. 24. Iui Entered at the Post Office in Raleigh S. :.. as second-class mail matter. ; ; ... f ill t-rm of tile Supreme Court . :,.-.! M..inl:iy. Tin-re were fifty np , 'n luiij! for law lieene. ::i i llu'Iit sit Kiiwton Saturday night ,. .i Al!i ittin wan Hlot Htid luHtantly ! I.y Iliirry WatHou. I5tj partle i !', V:inl U holding court In ..,!, .in thin wifk. There are 170 1 ... Hi-- l.-k-t. forty-five of which: ... hi-k-y M-lluig ease. -. .imI I mi Ming of the Iilndf , AI til. sit NVw Bern, were cl- t.y lire Suml.ij- afternoon. Is i:isuraiHt' JfJO.U). Wilininicl'.n will have a new na .,..,,,! tank afler Septeinlx-r 15th. jr ill l.c named thf Southern Na tl. .ij! iJank. i .,. . riior Clemi ha inHtnu-tel Solic I. 1. MMre ti make investigation ; ,v --e.-ute the partien that lyiielHtl th. n umo John Moore, at New Kern ii!nl.iy. v A !n !,'r n.untMl Ashton Mooro will le s,t riintoii Saturday unless I i; !i..r :ienn commutes the sentence. Tl. 11 mi;ro in iharM with .!r old c)lonHl uirl- raje u Hi.- lirst bale of new cotton was !old ,,n tli.- It.ii.-iuh market yesterday. The ,!i was raisi-d by I. F. Wilson, of r.iiitlit-r 1. ranch township. Wake -oun-rv. Hie irice paid was eleven cents. n. n.nstitutionanty t a:ilter the Supreme Court refused ;.!, law. passeu l.y ine iasr iisia-iro tuic. Will IM l'-HlHl lifiuir iur -u-...r.,mvor . mart tin. 1 iii. law promou i,..iinl or drag nets leing useti in luei.i . f 1 ' e n thr niiirder wia net nromru i I .. -it.ll CI'11 I A neitro lell-lioy at Fairfield Inn. In TiMitxylviiuia county, was nlnuKs; luiclwd Saturday night. He was ae (iis.-,l of stealing certain ruuis of money. He was lienttMi twice, strung up. and i now in a critical condition A two hundred thousand dollai coMoii mill will le erected in Con n.rd hy .Mr. J. L. Hartsell and ntlicr business men of that toTi. They will erect a large plant in Wci Concord also. If is stated in Kalcigh that there will k no State Reunion of the North Carolina Confederate Vet ev.ins this year for the reason that no city in the State has tendered the veterans a reception. In Fast Durham Sunday afternoon lNulien ttartee attempted to kil Harvey Knight. llarlee fired turn hot at his Intended victim, hut Knight outran the balls. Itarbee hac atvitsod Knight of dynamiting one ol his houses. J. W. II amnions, of Forsyth county. will be hanged nt Winston Saturday for the murder of his wife on Apri L'Mth. I (amnions was sentenced to i hanged July 2"th. but the Governoi gave a respite to September 2nd, tint" refuses to interfere further with tut sentence. The management of the Raleigh dis pensary Is to bo Investigated, at leas: a ine.inler of the Hoard of Aldermei will intwduce a resolution to that ef fvt tomorrow night. Charges of sell ii to minors, drunkards, of imimr. whiskey. vlilatiug the Watts law am otlmr chargos will be made. MVniiior nf the firm of the Graj Drug Co.. of Charlotte, and their tw. clerks were put under a $2."0 bond eacl last Saturday for their appearance n the Septemtier term of court to an of violatimr the Watts jaw and the local prohibition ordi nances. United States Commissionei John Nichols Monday gave Gil liam Henderson, colored, a prelim mnrv hearing lor conducting p. hiind tiger" on East Martin street, this city. Uiliiam was Ijound ove.p o jjpdera Court and sent tQ jaijt TJiere were three sudden deaths in! Ilqwai eounfy last Friday. John I'rfwHs, a farmer, living 0v lades from Salisbury, was UUlwl by lightning. L Heck dropped dad while on a visjl to a neighbor, nnd Whltson Bost, r farmer, was found dead In a field neai his home, seven miles south of Sails bury. - , .; ' f f William Munroe, a negro, was arrested near Raleigh Sunday night. Munroe was wanted by the authorities of Moore county for 4rap of a colored girl at Southern I on him. 8. Alkies, wlljtp man who I cJaima to be an engineer on Snlmnrrl. vmd nrrptrl in T?alAiorh Jfondar night for firing his revol- ver at a eX)lored man in the Baptist I hich all readers of this paper, who have Grove. I not Tjjmjm J$l It is said that Atkins and sev-l ""1 eral other drunken white ' menl findoutifyoalikTekWttfeybladaCT , wT r: ti u..., i 'i'Iki Tui wHtinsrwentiOrn reading this went to me. grove a utile aner qarK and disturbed the. pae, fh- iar uq sareiv several ueron3.i& co., mngnamwu Annthor TvhitA man atkI twn nft-I .T -T TT Tir groes were put in. the s aOft P,US were pu 4 rHw same afternoon fop being r And vet HfllMffh has a tl It mm& R the same drunk, temperance" oispensarfr Ml Emma Relkrw, of Whiten i. v C tv.iiim!ttsl snleide liy taking txioo nt Dunn Saturday nljclit It I rp ljrtel that kIm bad cor to Ihinu to iinrry In-r lover, who failed to anjiear ujon lie acette. Tlie trial of W. II. (utrn r t t IxmcIi mid tl News and Ol-ner for! libel. ratiH to nn end in the CJuUford Su-rior Court Saturday. Judge' U'nnl KlsriMHl n judgnxfit for $3.rtf against tho Olmcrrcr and Iaeli. The' dr'ndantrf gave notiee of aneaL At Bolton. Col unit mi county. Sunday afternoon. Frank F. Ilaty, Kfvtion foreman of the Atlantic CWt I.lue. k1u? and nImot instantly killed hid hr rther-in law. Wade Itolrton. Haxfy mistook hi brother in-law for a hurg lar. At AHiierillo Sunday afternoon VnrdmaKter of the Southern Hallway. W. W. Itarl-T. Klot and killed C. C. Gentry, a white man employ-! by a UM-nj IuiiiUt emiaiiy. Gentry had at tacked Harder with a roek. The cor oner's Jury returned n verdict of Justi fiable homicide. Oor. CobmIm lb StnUact of will Eih to IM JaprUMBwU Governor Glenn last week com mutnd the death sentence of Will Extnn, of Lenoir county, to life imprisonment in the State peniten tiary at Ka1eih. Ex um was tried tt the Septemler term, 11)04, of lnoir criminal court and convict ei oi uninJor in the lirst deirree. He was sentencel to Ik? handed Appeal was made to the governor nn orror ,n t0 ruling of the The attorncvg for Kxum elaime(1 fated. 1 TI1R 8TATK FA I It THE STATK FA I It. Se-retary I'ogue, of the State Fair, .mnounces that he has heard from the management of the several railroads tributary to Haleigh giving assurance in each instance of ample transporta tion required to accommodate the throngs of ieople who will attend the state Fair October ltt-21, at Italeigh. On 0-tolHr llth, the day President ftoosevelt is sr-hetluled to deliver his uldress, the number of excursion trains will be practically doubled on all systems. The railroad authorities are fully rilive to the situation and have signi- ied their purpose in their letters to the t-'iir management to see that good and fficient service is furnished nnd that very available car within the reach f the several companies Is called In lse and made available . for extra service. The responses are so gratify ing to the management and so sieclfle that there is no longer any doubt about the people getting here comfortably md promptly wltliout regard to num bers. PUBLIC IS AROUSED. The public la aroused to a knowl- dare of the curative merits of that ?reat medicinal tonic. Electric Bit ers, for sick stomach, llrr and Htda03S Mary H. Wal'erp, of 546 U. Clair Ave., Columbia, O., writ s: Pot several months, I was given np to die, I had (vor and ague mynervs ere wrtciedj I culd lot sleep, and my stomaon was s- ealc. fiom usoloss doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon alter beginning to take Electric Bitter, l obtained relief, ana in a snort time I was entirely cnrd.w Gua:- intood t all dr g stores; price ouc. FIENDISH fcUFFERiKO. s oftencansed by soros, uleors and ancers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell, of Fiat Rock. Mich., aavc: "I hire used Bucklen's Arlnl- ca Salve, for Ulcers, sores ana uan cers. It is the best dress ing I ever fou- dV'Soothes and hals juts, burns and scalds. 25o at all drug stores; guarantee!. DO YOTJ GET UP WITH A !&m SAQK? Kidney Trouble w MisergbJ, Almost evervbodv who reads the newi xtpers is sure to know of the wonderful i a - curea tnaae y ur. Kllmera bwamp Root, the great kid- nev, liver ana mau- der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the discovered atefXy&iti of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the nAn f Vltnv snd oladder specialist and is wonderfully I ommended kidney, P-. llnX - s - rttim&mm&M dre9sto&: gfaefl . .. trftW N. Y. The v otiA -iQhe- dollar azeoi dollar alze tiblea ai -"ligggfSyy.-r1 aold by all good drugghita. - tnae n"tke, but TObat ft name, Swaiip-Q9t. Pr, Kllwe! I and the a4da. Siaghawton, N, m fVsTjmsus. H II aTTV I I s a mm f. I!i f Li.- I TO DEL You will never get well and strong, bright, hajv py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-maid n tonic, like . It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable tagredlpnts. vhich relieve female pain and distress, such as headache." backache, bovei ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging dovn pains, etc. ,1! 13 f. b?Wln& strength-making medicine for vomen. the only medicine that is certain to do you good. Try it Sold by every druggest in 1 .00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. FRO MOUK EXCHANGES 9ob Sall of Interest we have Gath red with oar pane-pot aal Shears. If ihoro lo no graft, nnl a rea sonable administration of the a iuiis i a oiatc, more can io no necossitr for exorbitant, taxes. Union Kepnbliean. Lest they forget, just remind them that that penitentiarv "sur plus" ($120,000), u.i-ht be ap plied to the penitentiary hmh is sued by a Democratic administra tion. Aurora. Democratic candidates for the different offices in Texas are get ting busv, although it is fifteen months vet until the election. Democrats are constitutionally op posed to permitting the office to seek the man. The Protectionist. (Valley Mills, Texas). Crime is turning leaf after leaf in the lxook of human experience in Xorth Carolina. The sad story comes from Wilmington. A wo man vith unshriven soul hurried into eternity to meet the God whose frown forever rests upon everything impure. A man once beloved of a doting mother in prison for having fired the fatal shot. Here we have the twin crimes, murder and social impur ity, walking hand in hand.- Intem perance always walks with them, and will ever continue so to do. How long will the great State of Xorth Carolina delay in taking practicable measures to 'suppress once and for all these hideous in iquities which stalk through our land in davlight and in darkness. Christian Advocate, A Pittsburg election officer who assisted to stuff 104 ballots in the box before the polls were opened has been sentenced to the work house for a year. The crime is of considerably larger dimensions than the punishment, but even a ballot lox stuffer doesn't liko to go to prison. Honest citizens can feel encouraged when one is locked up even for a short time. Philadel phia Press. If our election officers in Hali fax and other eouitis should be puiih(t(,l in the same proportion as this Pltt$l)UTff officer they would both g-r terms in the penitentiary and in hell longer than Chief Jus tice. Daniels' sentence on, Cfeut't BernarsXJion Hoputyican. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN There waa'a partial ilp9 of the sun Wednesday morning about 0A In Labrador, France, and several of the countries in. the old world the eclipse was total. A TOUCHING STORY is the saving from doath, of tSie baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler. Cumber land, Md. He writes: 4t te ag of 11 months oar little sirl was in doclluing health, with serious Throat Trouble. a.nd twft Pfiysirtans ghefun. wevere almost in despair, when we vesolvf d to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Ccnghs and Colds The first bottle gave relief ; after taking four bottles she was cared, and Is now in perfect health. Never faUa to re lieve ana enra rdngb or coia. At all drag stores; ouc ana i w guar anteed. Trial bottle free. 5 'hi "J. "1 WEALTHY YOUNG LADY, ATTRAC tive, affectionate, Worl oy ?a,000, and lii-acf farm, desires i ni medi ate lj loving husband. Address, il,rs. W., 697 Fulton St, Phk Tickets on sale to all point, Pull man berths referred, tickets dellv filed at residemee from " ' ' 7 "" " ' "YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: "For since taking Cardui I have gained 3S lbs., and an fn better health than for the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardui Is worth Its weignt in gold to ail suffering ladies." AMONG T1IK MAGAZINE-?. Tales lor 8 p leather.- Eighteen Ktorio, covering the widest iKHsiblc range of nubjeet ami treatment in iiKxlt'rii Iktion. make up the Si temlier issue of Tales. The list of pe mnrkahle novelettes published by thif magazine receive; a notable atblition in "The Son or II U Father," by the Ger n novelist and playwright, l-'wisl von Vnidenbruch. The theme of this story a woman's devotion to the young son of her lirst love is an nn usual one in fiction, and is treated w ith the utmost delicacy and synipatliy. In the Course of Justice. The inadequacy of our criminal law is strongly drawn in a tory by Arthur Train in the Septcnilier MeC'l arc's. "In the Course of Justice"' tells a vivid story of the underworld of the habit ual crook in New York. Its nuthorV position as an assistant District Attor ney gives him a first-hand knowledges of the criminal in his relation to the law, by which his writings achieve an imiortanco entirely Iieside their qual ity as virile, moving stories. Much is heard of the hamiered justice of our criminal code and no -more vivid pic ture of its" lacks is needed than this tale of a thief with a conscience! The Qncstlon oT Gailt. Dorothy, aged five, and her little friends were playing near the side lioard. uiKn which was a plate of cookies. Tlie cookies gradually disnp- leared. until all were gone. Each lit tle girl was sure she had eaten none. Dorothy's" mother thought she would discover who had taken them when prayers were said, bjt to her surprise Dorothy ended her prayer thus: "If I took those cookies, dear Lord, for give me; thou knowest." Woman's Home Companion for Septemlier. The Hand It ITanters of the Union Pacific j Among the more important problems with which the big Western railroads have to deal, is how to protect the valuables and the treasures in the! Mates of express cars from train rolH liers. How serious this problem is, only those inside the executive, orhoes of the railroads can t testify. Fortunes have been lost. In fact so great is the! aggregate of the sum that those in au thority hesitate to give figures. To es timate the damage caused by a sensa tional train roWniry is well-nigh, im possible, as often the Indirect losses follow ins a hold-up are greater than the looty Itself. For montlis following a train roblery. the business of the road is stagnated. The confidence "of the traveling public ;s sjtyxken; hun dreds of passfjigexs. abaiyion, the4r journeys or- turn their fart Into then coffers, of rval orvointej. rron's Maga?4na fir tptemtkr. Tired Nervous Vhcn you feel languid, tired, nervous and irritable, your vi tality is low your supply of ? nerve energy exhausted, 4 your system running down" for lack of rjowcr eTtf"gans of the body are working poorly, 'or not at all, and you are -not getting the nourishment needed. Thissooja impoverishes the bpvatj afld in-" steac tfoaiwmg off the im purities, distributes it all through the body. This brings disease and misery. Feed the nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes, and strengthens the nrve. and see how quickly you will gat steSRg and vigorous. "My wife suffered with nervousness previous to a recr attack ef tvpfeeM fever, but aftei5r recov&y irtfm the fever, she was tnuc worse, aii could hardly cofUs Herself being exeeed fbix Bervous when the least excited, Che was very rpstless at nisrbt. ant) never had a pood night's rest. She also suffered much from iftowta head ache. Dr. MileV Msrvuse was recom mended b7 tHeudv AfterCkthe hrst Vtof do he had. a aood nlaht'S ifst. and at the' end of the first week's treatment she waa wonderfully im- ?d. ConiinHed use of Nervtae has ete4 gag KOXS. - 102 Cherry St. KvansvUie. Xad. 9 Is sold by IlUei Medical Gx, Elkhart, led Pr. MUeS Nervine Is sold, by yeur druealst. who wlH fibarantee that the ftntltottle will benefit. If It falls, be will refund your money. a t kdts taa:s (HNmL rooat wst &ftMNl If tl VlU f:t eoTeroaartit ia Kll. It trcwaU i4 ! fair t Infer (rmu tta fs.t tUst Ao-ti-ran nr-ietmp' ii-. i! afrroiu; at o late a dat in tl ttttr)' h tory, lint that yrar tt?sw! tf Crt rettirn to U gwrrnaE,t!. a tt i-U of th till -:na!I Tttinf." of tsux-f of wbkh It had lmnt tl-f raWI mw tttie tforr. Irvblerl M5diui fiiI ti IU i)ek due toruhi; an tmistrl let ter la which tlf writer rSif.xl t dcfrtMuIlns tle en rrta-it f tu hr. for witU-U hU lnr tfile him wiffer Merely, Thi aiutrftttt r eivktad Willi tU mjntt ftiat it tnnMii itrfo tli Natktital TmMiry, tts writer esprt-!nj Ht tn' i!ut ihN full retititlon smI rrinnifxv would r:tri a clear atnl me:v. !neri-flt liIatr.U.-i Mag.tcin ftr Si-pteinli-r. AMSRICAXtIIVRCK. Tha Now ctartllaclr UwbT Taos of Karopean Coaaths. ny .Nvv Startlkigly Ontnuiu!er TIjos of Kuropesjn (mntries. TI AinerU-siii habit f lending tin iriNtxsioii Is c:tpablo tf bing c-arrie.1 !o exvis. Tlw divonv rate in t!e nlt-l StrtKs at present Is iV2 tiivorei-s for every to marrlaget. Snne yni.s may think 1 hat this t not too nuch; but nst of this' wlio would not ndurit kifXHliiinMt to the quick 1artJion of prsHis h desire lietter terminal raeilitieH for marriage jhsi ulmit that it in a little lectniar that lie divoree rate in the l"nit,l Suites ihould m so niuch greater th:m it N in Her iuatries. (Germany Ia'jk iit-us fy with a bare HIT; Franv can i1mw nly N) Switzerl.Mul with 422 docs very weM?ar herself. Hut tV proud ore-nn inent f the Iviitwl Stats fof udleii severing of the marriage tie seems likely hi lx maintained, and even in-reasel. "Yith the ro4'Ksio,, HverylKxly's Magazine for- Keptciu1er. PECIAIi KATES BY M. A. 1. RAIIiAVAY. RICHMOND, V. A. Gtand Fonn- taio, United Order True Ko- f AvmAisa laA nlna 9 w m Tickets Bpld September 3rf bdu oun, unni umic oepwrnner Uth- HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Special ex- cursion Rates- One fare, plus $2 00. Tictafets limited GO days Sold first and third Tuesdays In September. CHATTANOOGA, TFNN. Eeec tkm of Monnmfent8 by the State of North Carolina, Chica manga Park, Saptember 17th and 19th, final limit five days from date of sale. One fare, bins $2,00 round trip. DENVER, COL. National En campment Grand Army of (ho Republic, Sep. 4th and vtn. Special Low Rates to Dever, Colorado Springs or Pneble PHILADELPHIA, PA. Patriarchs Militant and Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0. P., Sept. 1G and 2rd. One fare ,plua $1.25. Tickets sold Sept. 13-14-15, final limit Sept. 25th, with privilege of extension. RICHMOND, VA. Farmers Na " tional Congress, Sept. 12 and 22nd One first class fare, plus 25 cents. Tickets sold Sept. 10-11-12. final limit Sept. 25th. Special rates account of occasions not mentioned above will "be fur nished upon application; also time tables or any additional in formation. Address, C. H. Gattis, Travelling Passer ger Agent, Raleigh, N C. SEABOARD ALE LINE EAILWAY. Short Line toprindpal cities of tha Soolh ana Bouthwett, Florida, Oaba, Texas, Gall rornia and Mexico, also norm and north west, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia New York, Boston, Cincinnati, Chieaco. In- Ssnapolis, Bt. Louis, Memphis and Kansas Schedule enective January 8th, 1905, i Trains leavea Raleigh as follows . No. 50. NORTHBOUND. 1 :25 a. m. SEABOARD EX PRESS." for Portsmouth, Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Bos ton ana an points aorta, norm east and Northwest. No. 38. 11:00 a.m. " SEABOARD LOCAL. MAIL" for ALL LQPAL point Baueigh to Portgmoutu. v'orlina to Richmond 1 connects a . n- deron for Oxford and .WelOw. wMh A. C. L.. at Portsmouth Norfolk witfc ALL STEAMERS for points North and Northeast XHO. 66. 11 :50 a. m. " SEABOARD MAIL " for Richmond. Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Connects at Richmond with C. & O. for CInclnatti, Chicago and 8L LouU, at ! Washington with Penna, B. &. O. for all points; NO. 67. SOUTH BOUND, 4:15 a. m. 44 8EAB0AED EX PRESS" for Cbarlotta, Atlanta, ColnmhUf Bavannan, Jackson Tills, Bt Augustine, Tarn na and all points south and southwest. 4:00 p. m. SEABOARD LOCAL MAIL lor Charlotte, Atlanta nd all local points, Connects at Atlanta for all points somth and soathyest. No. 43. 1&0 n, m. SEABOARD MAIL for Southern Pines, Plnehaxn Atlanta, Colnbia, CharlestosJ vaniiah, JaekMnvmefTainpall ana su pomis soaui ana sonin- WN TICKEI OPfMXS. bosouch HoutJ nnHdiaff. HAMORSC1T, O. P. & T. A BxLncSz,N. a C. H. QAXTIS, T. P. A., 'PDaea 117. Balslcii N. a, C B. RYAN. G. P. A. Portsmouth. Va WCdR. UMO itij.viftA,ittt:if iit AlHN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Shoes, Tmnh, Hals and Fiiisishi?g Gosds. cut pgicts ae mm, CAU Sl c$. SHOES AT YOUR OWN PRiC ouu r.NTiiu: stock of onmis mint u hi:- FORK WE MOVE INTO OV'U N!IV STOUi: AliUlT SKITEM1IKR 1ST. COME AND PERRY& ROSENTHAL RALEIGH, N. C. Farming For . Ttero Is nothing too good for tho Farmer : thrro It noth ing too good for the Farm. Good bains, gotnl Loui, ad wells, good fonces, good stock, all on good land, under cood management assure good profits. The good aip!lH throughout. It must apply throughout, or it will not P(1y to profits. Nowhere is discrimination moro nocos-sary than la tho selection of fences. The farm must bd foncod. Uencov loct the bost fonco, tho JfiLLWOOD FENCE. The Elwood is bcllt liko a brldgri bracod, EupportI, tied ; no strongor or mora substantial structure ioH4blo. Ell wood fences will hold your hogs, cattle, bors, and poul try. Ell wood Fence has always boon popular. ltanvnrf all pnrposses and never disappoints. iWe have Ell wood Fences for sale, and at prlcoa that wili suitjyou. Come and see us wo havo a bargain for you. Yours Truly,; Hart-Ward Hardware, Company, ItAXEIGli N. C! 6 SOOQOOOO O iOQ CD 9 Three times , the Value of Anv Other. q One Third Easier. Doe Ihird Faster: Tlie only Sewing Machine that does not fail in any joint. Rotary Motion and Ball Bear ings make H the lightest run ning machine in tho world. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Send for circulars and terms. Wheeler & Wilson Mfe. Co. Atlanta, Ga. The Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES THE INAUGURATION OF THE SHOO-FLY TRAIN Betgeen Weldon and Raleigh WITH CONN ETI OHS FROM OXFORD, LOUISBURU AND WAR renton, commencing uomday, jahuacy;gth. The Seaboard Airline takes great pleasure in announcing the fnaug ration of the Shoo-Fly train between weldon and Raleigh, makia No. 29. Leaves Weldon Arrives Norllna Leaves Norlina Arrives Hendenon Arrives Krankllnton 0:45 a. m. 8:00 a- m. 8:20 a. m. 8:53 a. m. 9:25 a. m. 10: 15 a. m. Arrives Raleigh No. 29 Lv. Oxford 7:45 am. Ar. Henderson 8:30 am. Lv. Leuisbarg 8:50 am. Ar. frankllnton 9: 25 am. The above schedules on the branch lines will in no'way affect the present connections with regular No. 39 and 41. -For farther information in regard to schedule apply to C. B. RYANG.P. A-, ' -C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., ortemonth, Va, Raleigh, N. 0. " W HIGH GRADE JOB PRINTING -AND , t ' CALL ON Oil "WTllTE M. J. CARROLL, Acadeajof Uatic Baildicg Baleigh, M. C, ttzti. '9 1' r GET A FIT. - 9 ixvru 1 kwx mmmmz No. 30. Leaves Raleigh 5:00 p. m. Arrives Frankllnton C:03 p. m. Arrives Henderson C':TJ p. m. Arrives Norlina & 5 p. ml Leaves Norllna Tilan. . Arrives Weldon b. JO p. mm . No. 30. I Lv. Henderson ! Ar.'Oxford 9:00 am. C-AO pm 9:15 am. 7:25 pm. I Lr. Frankllnton 4:10 pm, I Ar. Lonlsburg C: 35 pm. v '