THE CAUCAOIAH ItALEittif. N. C. Nov. 80, 1905. r-A at Che I'ont Office in Raleigh S. C. as econd-cla mail matter. Eight caw of Bra a 11-pox were dis covered in "Wilmington Saturday. Hon. Tho. B. Rollin-, of Aahe 1U is a visitor to Raleigh thla week. Two prisoners, named George Rich and Tucker, escaped from the Aaheboro jail last week. It. William Howell, of William ton, di-d Tiiday, of pneumonia. He hd b-n county physician of Martin county for fcixteen yearn. L Reminder to Our Subscribers Who are In Arrears. This week we are mating out sUtemnntt to our subscribers who are in arrears on their subscription. We are not sending out these Mate mcnts because we are afraid our eub MTibers will not pay u but are sending them out as a matter of bual noes. It I often that a subscriber forgets when hia subscription is du and a reminder ia all that is neces fry. We are very anxious that all our Mib-crlbers wh are due on eob- scriptloo will send u? the amount due, together with renewal for an other year, before the 1st of Jan uary, 1906, u we do not want to carry any oll accounU over into thr- new year. If our statement of your account is wrong write ua and we will gladly make proper correction. William Ay cock, a son of ex-Oov. Aycock, while out hunting Thanks- J,rro r Assault. glviDg day sustained a very painful Win-ton-Halem, N. C, Dc. 6. wound in hm band by the prenia- Calvin Tatum, art 18 yfar old colored ture discharge of hia gun. youth, waa arrested In Stok scount today by a crowd of Irate citizens The Tyson & Jones Buggy Co., of on the charge of assaulting a promt - Carthatre, was visited by a dlaastious nent lady 0f Germauton last evening. Are Thursday evening. One of their At the llme of tne aajt thre. new buildings was burned to the tdi ftf ih t.nn wr nn in nc ground. Los about $16,000. Mrs. Taylor Baker, a highly re flected lady of Indiau Trail, Meek lenburg county, attempted suicide by cutting her throat. Ill health was the cause assigned for the rash I hQjd act. n the railroad when Ta'um ran u and grabbed one of the ladies around 'he waist, dragging her several feat The negro was frightened away by one of the ladies threatening V hoot him if he did not release hi Negro Killed by Officer. The tobacco maunfacturers of Win . si i I. i j n n e r 1 It ttton-naieui hnipp-u x.oiu.ivot ios. Lumberton, N. C, Dec. 4. Officer of tobacco during the month of No- Lancaster was bringing a negro vember, being a great increase over named McGill, charged with bur last year's business for the same pe- Karyt from parfcton to Lumberton riOU. 1 1 hia a ftornnnn ti n'am h!m tn fail. TT I At 1 a if A candidate for President last year, has Prt of town the negro attempted to accepted an invitation from the ma- 'Jfb when be was shot and in- chinlsts of Salisbury and Spencer to 8tftDtly y the officer. The speak in those towns the last week coroner held an inquest and the ver- lint nran InotlA.Mn 1 .-in-. aI A In Isnnarv I uiv, w is j uotiuauio uuuikiuci Tha nlonf nC lha Mill M n II Pui n " . . Two Men In.t.ntl Kilted. Saturday night. The loss amounted Morganton, N. C Drc 5 -Eaat-to $25,000 with only $13,950 insur- "ff, tralD' N; ??D .nee. There is some talk or build- ' and lf two men Just after ing a furniture plant on the same pulling out from the station here this morning. The unfortunates oaaj I -mii trr l n.i . A were xaisna w nitenurax ana uecaiur The safe of the Trenton Drug I Taylor, both of whom recently Co'8 store, at Trenton, N. C, was I moved here with families from Glen opened by safe crackers Thursday I Alpine to work in the cotton mill. night and money and stamps amounting to $750 was stolen ; $500 of the amount belonged to the post- office. The robben also secured about $160 from Mr. E J. Loftin's store. Senator Clay's Daaswrous Attack. Washington. Dec. 4. Senator r. MsstWws Hmm Mmnm Two Efforts to Xt Hia Life Mm XUUa His Wlfsv. Greeniboro, N. C Dec. 4. Dr. Joseph B. Matthew, who ia in jail awaiting a hearing upon the charge of causing the death of hia wife by poison on Friday last, made a second attempt to commit euicld today Late yeeterday afternoon be diluted the hads of a number of matches In a cup of water and swallowed the contents. Be soon l(xt consciouoes4( but his groans attracted the atten tion of a prison guard, who turn moned a physician aDd hU life was saved. Today after sharpening the (dge of a pewter epoon on his cell floor he opened an artery in his wrist, but the flow of blood was stopped in time again to save hi life. Matthews Is raving in his delirium. N01TCK OF esEIZUHE. Notice is hereby given ot seizure of tbi following property for violation of the internal revenue laws of the Unlw d ttt's: At Durham, JT. O., July 27, 1905, 1 Jug Corn Whiskey, 4 gallons, of Dennis EUIa. At Franklinton, N. C, Sept. 29 1905, I keg, 4 gallons Corn Whla key of unknown. At Benson, N. C, Oct. 13, 1905, 1 Jug 3 gallons Corn Whiskey of unknown. At , Sept. 26, 1005, 3 package- Apple Brandy 99 gallons, of D. Ballard, A.' L. Rountree and J. Wynne At Louisburg, N. C, Sepf. 27, 1905, 1 kag Corn Whiskey, 2 gal lons, of Nick Phelps. At Louisburg, N. C, 1905, oue 70-gallon Copper Still Cap and Worm of Nick Phelps. At Wyatt, N. C , Oct. 21, 1905, 1 Jug 3 gallons Corn WhLkey of un known, j At Mex, N. C, Oct. 17, 1905, 24 bushels of Corn Meal of unknown. At Durham, N. C, Oct. 19, 1905, 4 Jug Corn Whiskey, 9 gallons, of unknown At Littleton, N. O., Oci. 28, 1905, 3 Jugs Corn Whiskey, 9 gallons, of D. S. Shearln. At Green Neck, Oct. 4, 1905, 1 Package Whiskey, 10 gallons, of C, C. DeComis. At Merry Oaks, N. C, Oct. 15, 1905, 1 Keg Corn Whiskey, 6 gal lons, of Samuel filler. At Franklinton, N. C-, Oct. 24, 1905, 1 Keg Corn Whiskey, 2 gal lons, 60 gallon Copper Still and Worm, 2 horses, 1 two-horse wagon, Clay, of Georgia, was attacked with1 double barness, 7 sacks corn a severe case of indigestion Sunday I meal, of R. A. Speed. a .nun siTtoan vcMtra niii fntfrAfi I night so severe he thought himself I Persons claiming the above A cnlld f"jM dying. The Senator is now improv- property will file their claims with second term. She is Etta Branton, ln& slowy- colored, of Rowan county, and was brought here by Sheriff juuau to- Drawlna; th Iia. day to serve one year for larceny. I Young Slopay was courting the When only fourteen years old she daughter of his former tailor. was a convict for twelve months. "Darling." he said, I hope you Raleigh Times. will learn to love and trust me" . I " WeU," replied the fair object of Artnur Rogers, a sixteen-year om i nla affections, "I'm sure I can learn white boy, who lived near Cardenas, I u. lova vo bnt MDa nvg vou are welve miles from Raleigh, dropped not to trusted." Chicago News. FP7FM A dead Thursday evening while re- LliLLIlla turninsr home from Raleigh. The me in xny office within 30 days as reqnired by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use or the united States. E. C. DUNCAN, Coi!ector. J. P. H. ADAMS, Deputy Collector. Nov. 14, 1905. Raleigh, N. C. boy had been to the city with a load of tobacco, and while on his way home he complained of being cold, and one of his companions gave him two drinks of whiskey. A few min utes later he fell over in his coin paniou's aims and died instantly. Heart failure wtts cause of death. An Old Time Qualification. As long ago as the year 1634, vo ters in Massachusetts were required to swear : "I do solemnly bind my oolf fht. T will aivA m v vntft and I on stilts, . - . I mT iron bla has nearly bUffrage as I Shall jUdge In mine I ,ke it was well, but there are a few rough spots ye own conscience may best conduce to WlJ&&?Teb?$', signed as the the public weal." The .germ of free ". government nau airtmuy UWU Ul-I been under treatment for lour years ana i can covered in that quarter. Ex. PIIES. rWl.FS 01 P SOKES f Clll BE CW-5 51H CO? READ THE FOUGW HQ IflUF Pie Ec iimk Co.. Cl cao. Oektlevkx Kncloel f.ncl one aciiar ic nay u another bottle of EC-Z1NE and 2s cents foi lie Jin Soap. 1 have oseJ nearly all ti e bottle you -er and it has done more for me thin all tie raents combined that I have :rr p!rv-d fci f r years. 1 haveliczema on both iti:- i.ora ankle t knee and I have been so bad at ti.m s 1 nad to Since I commenced Hie ueot ht--l i disappeart-d, in fct it feel t i mm m Honia Wrecker. Wadesboro. H. C, Dec. 6.-A FEARFUL FATE, horse belonging to Mr. R. J. W. I It is a fearful fate to have to en Redfern, broke out of the stable and dure the terrible torture .of Piles, etc., wjh Mfjgc ran into the cook room of Mr. John I I can truthfully say," writes Harry I treatment, sufficient to cure any otdinar W. Gulledge, demolishing the cook Colson, of Masonville, Ia., 4that for stove and several other necessary Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro thines retaining to the outfit of a truding Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Th hirs then made a I Halve is the best cure made." Also dash tor the dining room and com-1 for cuts, burns and ic juries. 25c; pletely destroyed everything in the I at all druggists. room also, damaging the walls Dy begin to tell yon what I have guttered and th great trouble and expense I have endured in to? Jme. but I have great hopes that I' will soon br cared. I certainly believe I have struck the righ tamedy at last, witn best vrunes 1 am Yours truiy. 1 c aa ur i. Mt. Pleasant. N C tKf. Pcward will he paid for any skin u ease. ECZEMA. PILES. BLOOD POISON PIMPLES, RING WORM a F Rbt ary case THE KC-ZINB COMPANY M. KUPERMEIER, SaleAgenl ftt Dearborn Street, Chicago 111 tearing off the plastering. It ia sup posed that the hor?e had what is known as the blind staggers, though some fay he bad hydrophobia. The horse had to be killed in the dining room. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Send Papera Quick. A life insurance company recently got this letter from a bereaved widow: I take great pleasure in in forming you of the death of my husband, who was insured in your company. Please send me papers quick, so I can prove he is dead." THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Wilt glf it rtodtn In th 2 luuu of tf0 1903 Volumt Stories, Mch a book in ttseit reflecting life in borne, camp ana nauu m,ir. ia ft disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- IN MAD CHABE. Millions rush in mad chase after tive. Many sudden I health, from one extreme of faddism ueaius arc tauacvi . 4U- ,kan irtUat ivnlH nnlv ease, pneumonia, eat good food, and keep their bowels heart failure or regular with Dr. King's New Life apoplexy are often their troubles would only pass the result of kid- away Prompt reUef and quick cure kidney 'trouble is for liver and stomach trouble. 26c. ; . a a. -M allowed to aclvauce i at all arnggisu ; guarameeu the kidney-poison-ed. blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh or I Tkmt Goblin Caal Gt Hlau SSa2SS Uncle Joe Cnnon do.t run Bladder troubles almost always result away from Presidential boom. Me from a derangement 01 tne Kianejs ana i treatg the boom Whenever U ap a cure is obteined quickest : by a PP proacheB to a vigorous pitchfork treatmentofthekitlneys. you are feel- r ine badly you can make no mistake oj i taKinsr ui . ' . 1,Mnir liver and bladder remedy. Tt rorrects inability to hold urine and if tfe Baby ia Cvttina Teetk raiding pain in passing it, and over-1 mTe an that old and well Gompenea to gooiico .B,ri I Soothing Sybdp. for children T,if To mild and the extraordinary teeth in AT. It SOOthes the Child, SOf- effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, ns the gums, allays all pain, cures UsUnds the highest for its wonderful y d fa nmedy forDiahla. Twenty-nve cents a old by ail aruggisxs in nnytcm i oonie. one-dollar size bottles, you may nave sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, I TT1"X 1 both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil-I M II PI ner & Co.. Binehamton, N. Y. When I 7 .'SSrJSS One two-Bevolatlon Campbell pre, mistake, but remember the name,Swamp- I for sale at a bargain. Will print Knot. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the I nao0 ft mlnmn nmr. Address ddra, .Biaghamton, n. Y., I fcCaimslaB Pnb. Cto Balslgh, N. C. 50 1 ArtfelM contributed bv Famoaa Men and Women Statesmen, Travellers, Writers ad Scientists. SALE 200 timely Eh . aod Domei 250 Thonrtitful and timely Editorial Articles oo tsjaertant Public and Domestic Questions. 1000 2000 IkP Cure Pi Or. Miles Antl-Paln Pills Almost instantly, and leave no bad effect. They also relieve every other pain. Neural rrla. Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica. Bac leach Stomach ache. Ague Pains, Pains from in jury. Bearing-down pains. Indigestion, Do ziness, Nervousness and Sleeple&sn Prevent All-Aches By taking one or . two Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills when you feel an attack coming on. You not only avoid suffering, but the weak ening influence of pain upon the system If nervous, irritable and cannot sleep, take a tablet on retiring or when you awaken. This soothing influence upon the narrw brings refreshing sleep 25 doses, 25 cants. Nmr sold ia balk. The flavor of TOBACCO may be in jured by the use of stable and rank organic manures. Potash in the form of sulphate produces an improved flavor and a good yield. Tobacco must have Potash. Our little book, 'Tobacco Culture," con. tains much valuable information, and every tobacco grower can obtain a copy free of charge by writing tor it. GERMAN KALI WORKS New Vork-98 Aaaasa Street, or Atlanta, G X2 S. Bra4 St. Is there anything you want tosel or buy ? If so make known your wants in this column. Only one cent a word. SALESMEN WANTED TO LOOK after oar interest in Hake and adja cenc ounties. Hilary or Commission Address LINCOLN OIL CO., Cleveland, O. LIQUORS. We can ship Whiskey to any point in North Carolina that the Ilailroads or Steamboats lines ro. We are lo cated in the State of Virginia and the N. C. ANTI-JUG LAWS do not affect us at all as we are pro tected by the Interstate Commerce laws. We sell Corn Whiskey at $1.25 per Gallon and Bye Whiskey at $1.50 per Gallon and np. Write ua for our Complete Price list and Express rate to yoor office. Yours trnly, Z. F. LONG A CO., P. O. Box 398, Suffolk, Va. 1VERY truck farmer knows (or ought to know) that Potash is indispensable for pro ducing good-paying truck crops. A liberal quantity of Potash, along 'with ample amounts of phosphoric acid and nitrogen is vital to successful truck growing. "Truck Farming," an interesting book dealing with prac tical truck raising and valuable to every truck urmer, will be sent to farmers on request, free of any cost or obligation. aauutAjr ssxt wta roputAit P1U.CK "SO..- iie4quaiti2iu ron MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Shoes, Trunks, Hats andTurnishiog'.Gcjds. IO Avst Mstrtln HtwU OUR PR1CI8 ACE IICHT.V CMl ABO! til CI. C3UAXU Farming For New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. 9 Omi Third Easier. Chartered 1835. Boston, Mass. Assets About f 40,000,000 1 Q r...,. A uuc iiiiiu raaiui. There tt nothlog too good for the Farmer ; there It Both lng to? good for the Farm. Good bates, good home, rood welle, good fenoea, good Mock, all on good land, undar od management aaenre good prottU. The good applies throng boot. It molt apply throughout, or It ViU sot applj to profits. Nowhere Is discrimination more noeesaary than la the selection of fences. The farm mutt be fenoed. Hence, se lect the boat fence, the KLLWOOD FKNCfi. The Elwood is built like a bridge braeed, so pporUd, tied ; no stronger or more substantial structure possible. Ellwood fences wll hold your hogs, cattle, horses, and poul try. Ell wood Fence has always been popular. Itanjwerr all purposeea and nerer disappoints. We have Ellwood Fences for sale, and at prtoes that will suit you. dome and see us we hare a bargain for you. Yours Truly, Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. O. Three limes '.the .Valuel ot ...... . hkidt4. n umer. vJWS In reply to a request for Campaign Contributions the Vice-Presi dent of the Company replied as follows : I cannot advise any subscription by the Company to the campaign fund for any purpose. The money held by the Insurance Company in trust for its policy holders cannot be used for political, educational or religious purposes, and any vote by the directors authorising a subscription would be beyond their authority, and for any money paid under such vote, the directors would be personally liable, and at the suit of any policy-holder the Court would require them - The only Sewing Machine that does not fall in any point. Rotary Motion and Ball Bear ings make it the lightest run ning machine in the world. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Send for circulars and terms Wheeler & Wilson Uft. Atlanta, Ga. , XA S to reimburse the Company. Boston, Oct. 6, 1896. ALBERT U. FOSTER, Vice-President. Short Stories by the best of Living Story. Writers Stories of Character, Stories of it. Stories ol Humor. Sacxt Notes On Current Events sad Disco. ia tne nsia 01 sacna ua iwvnu Bristit sad Ann 8trsncs sod Curious Anecdotes, Items of Isdgs, Poems sad Ksslth Articles, Religious Articles, Children's Page, etc iBJOO wtf7 it thrided eauaOw mmiV ssteertters 4 Msr three nem tubteriptions. &dor tmjor mtmhmmmd Sampte Ccpe$ if Me Payer. This is not only good sense, and therefore good law and equity, but It i p'ain, everyday common honesty a quality which seems conspicuously t have been lacking in tne management 01 me omer tompaniw. Agents wanted in every County in the State to sell New England Annual Dividend Contracts. A. J. WIL.L1FORD, GENERAL AGENT, Raleigh, N, C. ' he Seaboard Air Line Railway' S" N OUNCES THE INAUGURATION OF THE 8HOO-FLY TRAIN ' Between Weldon and Raleigh w I H CONNETIOWS FROM OXFORD, LOUI8BURG AND WAS RENTON, COMMENCING MONDAY, JANUARYtSTH. IfTbo Seaboard Airline takes great pleasure in announcing the lnau n . the 8hoo-Fly train between Weldon and Raleigh, mak - . I 1 1 n . --m. . Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part ot the State at same prioe at at shop. C5 cooper BBOHm lroprl)to Raleigh, N. 0. When wriainf to ad? ci titer maatloa the end for Catalofus. PRICE CUT IN HALF REVIEW OF REYIE08 COSMOPOLITAN WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION THE CAUCASIAN WOMAVS HOMC NEW SUBSCRIPTION OFFER STBS ( ssd sssnsi sad $1.T snBstsscssrnm m rwatrt: AStkalsMM ertss OMnsMisisiWMkjsflMi. FREE FDFP nsssscMsg. KikXtKf Br TeWs Dessto FREE BtsegrssseS is It svtssn mtsfysftassas to MM. ssdfois- rim -a f Nmtt Subscriptions RocolVd at this Qfflc: ,r2t3mrs companion, No. 29. 1, hvos Weldon Arr ves Norllna 1 -h es Norllna rives Henderton An Ives Franklinton Arrives RaUigh 6:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8: 20 a. m. 8:53 a. m. 9: 25 a. m. 10: 15 a. m. I No. 30. Leaves Raleigh 5:00 p.m. AtHtas Frtinkllnton 6:03 d. m. Arrives Henderson 6: 29 p. m. Arrives Norllna 6:55 p.m. Leaves Norllna 7: is p. m Arrives Weldon 8:30 p. m w Sensational Price FOB A LIMITED TODS 03 FOR ALL TO ONE ADDREC3. We are verr fortunate in bcicr atl to arrange with tha publishers cf tisssl'i thrse well-known mryirlnts to cCj the foar cabsstiptlcss fcx t&a ccniz; i year at tola sessatloeal prlsx j No. 29 i.v.Oxford , 7:45 am. r Henderson 8:30 am. Lv. Louisburg 8: 50 am. r. franklinton 9:25 am. No. 30. Lv. Henderson 9:00 am. 6:40 pm Ar. Oxford 9 :45 am. 7 :25 pm. Lr. Franklinton 6:10 pm. Ar. Louisburg 6: 35 pm- THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS is necessary to keep posted oa all the important events of the day. It Is a high-dao edcaatlontl mxs- alne. - The abive schedules on the branch lines will in nb way affect ... , r on .4 At tb present connections wnn regular ru. o bum For further information in regard to schedule apply to 0. B, RYAN, G. P. At C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A-, Portamoath, Va, CakN K.C. THE COSMOPOLITAN has been a leading tnagislne for eighteen yean. It eosialcs many nteresting stories each month and eoatinco to crotr bstta. WOMAJT8 HOIIE COHFABICS is for every member cf tta f-rjj It contains the ftrMon aa trcU many utesestins rtcria, rcrdrta to oa cssd in the ccse,ct3. ; Don't delay esartlrg la yen dr. Ths oCs la ccod Csx estr 1 renewed eabtrrlrttr-a if (sld Cz2 O year In advassa. est cz tz j verUsemest asd esd o trUh COCd I arwatTiUcdycatjC3rf

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