i t 1 - u t ; Si n !! - . .V; i i If I h STOPS BELCH NC BY ABSORPTION , NO DRUCS-A HZV1 VtTHOC A T Wafara rre Uava Tt Aral I41s1ion, "fotnaru Troabte, Ir wrplxr I!srt. flixiy pIU, j Short Rreatli, fjae on tha Momsrli? T;ttr Tstc Hud Iiretb Impaired Ap Xr? A W'.rjfc uf fallo1, w-igbt and p; Vr tr;rcri ar, heart, some- s;.is ni'ii arjj vosjiitin, !' frM T and i What rau.4 it? Any on or a'.l rf thf: Kir-;ip 4';t; and '!rtnkinjf - abu of Iir:!- ans,,:y :ii Jfj r--.fi a'uli! ef fort -nv -rtt.il worry ii t'n!'ftl fati;r:r--hn1 air lri-ij;,' u ni f 1 --'lntar hib:'.t : "-t.r-c f l -: ii boi' of fol. , H ,i;Sr frui thii vj-ath &rnl njurrat-J'' -Kjkt i .., i? r.t 4n.l v:i a in- lii'f-ly frr-. Nj (Irn,;'. )ioz m;r.- thf ' U r..i m. It .:'! !' hir-z anf t ir"4 a t.nv-i'h f.y ii.r.s t t.f to'ji 'njor Iroru to thf Jiriri,' ,; t h- ton:u,-h. -n',;;r.z it t' thofo'iirn.y t!i- f--i I mih the ga.r it- ;-ii- . f; 1 f ' l J. diai j on and cur M J I m. Okihi 'i !or r( ; u!ar juu of Ii.ii'a Ami l U 'a:r frjc h it, hut r,Tn.ir- u i, t :iar'Js tti afT".r mi v.'iil m nd t wo '2 i'." !ii! m'ipt of 7.K-. .i.i'J thi ; !v-r!iMrnt, or n wjJI r"J ou a -Kf for thin rouK.n. This Oiiii: Mav Not Aim-kak Ai.i.v. l i'.KK l OI.'j'ON 123 S.'n-I tht -i (th yg.ir nstnc r.r-'i nI'Jr'-j nml iiiwf of a (Jriikt v)i i'.r,f t," s-it i'tr ;i fr-- i.nj.'e oi Mjii'i Anti li'kli Wafers to Ml 1 (ii;PK ! - I . ! . . 1 III ' '' 'ii'1 f.'ir. nnd UVi Plainly. I in'il .y driigit.", ,rt'f. j.rr b(x, ui fi:t Ly mail. A .i"lly f.ttlifr ff n f;irtily alnv a jMy ns "! of he jok-s liu tIIs. ULCERS FOR THIRTY YEARS I'alifcl Iii(Ikmi Krmii K.i-a to Fret i-.nnm .M lrr . AlK'th'T oi tiiosi- 1 t'loal aiii'" riir V ('iiti'-tint, ;il!r 4lo-;ioi anl n!i fi.se ha 1 ' failecj, i h I'-siiiicJ i.i I.v Mr. M. C. -Moss, o ;aincvi!ir, Tr.j., : the follow. letter: j "For ovrr thuiv jcvu 1 mftend from ! fi.iinfut utcrs ami an friiptiou fro.-a iny kne".' to jV-et, ani fou!d tinl neither doc tor nor nsc'li'-iiir. to lulp uir UTiftl I used ("uticimt Soasi. Ulnintfiit and fills, which ured mc in i nionth.". They helprd me Ihf" vr ry fnl time I ed them, and I am K'ad t.i wntf thiii o that othftit siifi'erina a-. I uid in.iy be ynveil t rojii misii v." Co oitraye and caution make a sitlen- did M'oikiii!' tea in. Receiver for Railroads. . . Cinciunatti, special. An applica tion for the apHiinluicnt id' a receiver for the Cincinnntti. Hamilton & Day ton Railway nud tin- 1'ere Manpiette ltailroad was tilcil in the Cniie-i Slates Circuit Court here by Law rence Maxwell, Jr.. circuit Judir hoitou immediately bean hearing the application and appointed Alloiu'V Ceneral Jitdsott Harmon as ve-eir for both roads. lusoiveiicv is admit ted. It is very exciting to kiss a -rii 1 be fore she likes you. So. 4U. JOYS OF (tfATE&NiTY k WSIMH'S BEST HOPES REALIZED Mrs. Potts Tells How Women Should Prepare far Motherhood The darkest days of husband and wife are when they come to look for; ward to childless and lonely old age. Many a wife has found herself inca pable of motherhood owing to a dis placement of the womb or lack of strength in tho generative organs. Mrs. Anna Pot Is I Tdl i i nrirVr-Ti 'w mmm wiwJB I , Frequent baokaohe and dUtresaing jJalsis, accompaaied by offensive dli , oharjei and ffeaerally by Irregular and icanty aeastruatioa indicate a dis placement cr nerro defeneration of the womb and surrounding organ. , The. question that troubles women it how can a woman who has some fe male trouble bear healthy children? I Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Park Avenue, t . Hot Springs, Ark., writes: My Dear Mrs. Pinkham: ; ! " During the earl v part of my married life I ! i was delicate in health ; both mv husband and j I were very anxious for a child to bless our i home, but I had two miscarriages, and could j not carry a child to maturity. A neighbor ' who had been cured bv Lydia E. Pinkham's i Vegetable Compound ad vised me to trv it. I : did so and soon felt that I was growing (1; stronger, my headaches and-backaches left i'' had no more bearing-down pain, and ww iulv a. uew woman, witnin a year I became the mother of a strong, healthy child, the joy of our home. Lydia E. Pink nam's Vegetable Compound & certainly a splendid remedy, . and I. wish every woman who wants to become a mother would try it. " Actual sterility in woman is very rare! If any woaaan thinks she fc'.tr. 3 lie, let her try Lydia E. Pinkham's I Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs. 'Pinkham, Lynn', Mass. Her advice is A free to expectant or would-be mothers. in' fii When Mozley's Lemon Elixir, a purely vegetable 1 componnd,. vith atpleas ;ant taste, will relieve vou of ; Biliousness", and . all I griping ' or'0 nausea, and leave no bad effect. 50c. and $l;00 per bottle L at all Drug Stores. , '- ' KWELEY'Q LEMCtJ ELB2UR. 5r Dow Cowvnrczir. ; . . '""," '? . - t ' ' '" - ' '" - ' " . I j J -,aaBSSaSSSBaaSSaSSasS u? ...... gjjgahgwawgajBjasSM ' TAX ON DISPENSARY South Carolina Institution Will Not Be Exempt U. S. SUPREME COURT'S OPINION retenxe That the Institution is Con ducted as a Branch of the Police Power of the StaU is But Thinly Diffused, Say the Court in Afirm- ing the Action of the Court of Claims or Petition for Recovery of $20,000 Paid Since 1893. Va-lii!ilou S-rial. Tin St- pr MK l'Ht uf Hu 1 Mtl'-l JMftt' !- rid-d tlott naiionnl Mvrnirri-nt may )-iy nx th Strtf Hjur dis wi'.mii'! Niti'j lardina. Tli ') itiiftj uai ifn-rt A hy .luti- Breut-r in tin- r;j!4' .' thf Stat t South C'.r.lijia vs. tin- l"nit-d StHtt-rs. This action was iu-tiluted fy th Staii- tf South Carolina to rir ..!. KM) paid to 1 1 - if-nu o!!if(r of lli national jfovrniiMt on p.ffiuuit of tJj sa! of liUoi. Jy the Stat and outity dt.-jMi.-ari-h undff tii' l is m-ji -saty law. Tlir State took tin- jni tioi that a the difKiisarifs sold lifUoii without protit t liv .should not Ik tnxf-d by the yoverninent . hut the tax has been, collected since IW.l. This is said to have Ih-ch the titst case in which the State unites in one undertaking the exercise of its xdice power together with the- prosecution of a commercial business. The Court of Claims dismissed the petition on the yp.Ui.d that the e'ercise of Jrfdiee jHwei- was but thinly d isui-ed, hohi-i-n.tr that the ical piirjore was money n:ai;i'i- ainl this decision was affirmed. COUNTING VOTES AS CAST. Upon Argument hy Alton B. Parker Justice Amend Rules That He is . Estopped From Questionening Va lidity of Any Ballots Counted by Election Inspectors, and Recount Begins. New York. Special. Thp recount of ballots in five ballot boxes usi-d in New oik's mayoralty election con test was ordered to be beiruii Friday by Justice Amend in the Supreme t'oilll. The original order to opt n these live boxes wa tfianted a few days a.uo. Jutsice Amend, iuorderimr the recount to bejjin. modified his original order so as to limit the canvassing to the candidates for mayor, comptroller ami president of the board ' " jhler meii. and also to eliminate from the recount the void and protested billots. Conned for V. !,'. Hearst. Mayor AlcClelhiu and Assistanle Corporation Counsel Units enarel in a heated ar gument befoic the boxes were opened. Alton 15. Parker, for Mayor McCIel lan, and Mr. lint Is contended that ihe court had no right to make u re-canvass of the votes or to reconsider fh result, but could compel ihe election inspectors correctly to slate the result they reached on election night. ''Vim mean, thejj," said Austin G. Fox. for Mr. Hearst, 4 that you do not want the true vote ascertained, and that if a vote for Hearst has been counted for McCiellan you don't wantj it known"; "1 mean," retorted Mr. Butts, "that I want the true vote ascertain ed according to law." "And how may that be done?" in quired Mr. Fox. "By quo warranto proceedings," was the reply. "And sueh proceedings can only be undertaken after January," comment ed Mr. Fox. "I see." Mr. Farker disclosed that the court had no right to throw out any ballot which had been counted by the elec tion inspectors. Justice Amend ruled that he is estopped from questioning the validity of the ballot? u;d they must be counted as cast. The lirst ballot box was then open ed by inspectors in the court room and the recount was heimi; with ihn vesen till i vea nf i,a i..,. .vi " the J t ntTr lV 7 1 pi.i ine seatc. intended for ptrv- men The opof.eing of fo,tr ballot boxes and the recounting of the ballots was linisluHl Saturday nignt before Judge Aineud. Tin net venalu wii a gain of ueveuteen votes in the four clis tricts for Hearst, and of these being gained in three districts. Henry M. Yoimge, of pounsel for Mr. -Hearst, said : "The results thus far have shown that the inspectors miscounted the split ballots, to the gain of Mc,Clel lan and the loss of Mr. Hearst. If it turns out in other districts as it has m those examined Mr. Heart is elected on tne recount. ' Mexico's Vice President. Mexico City. Special. Vice Presi dent Corral continues gravely ill with typhus fever. His physicians hope for the best and rely on his great vitality. There is much public anx iety regarding his condition. Rumored Depew Has Resigned. New York, Special.A rumor has gained circulation that Channcey M. Depew had resigned from the United States Senate. Whsn questioned con cerning the rumor, the Senator said, " I am tired of making denials of un pleasant questions, and am resolved not to talk further to newspapers I will deny nothing nor will I affirm anything. I have, learned a lesson from the past." Perkins to Quit N. Y. Life, New York,, Special. The Evening Post says: " George V. Perkins;;of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. will retire from the vice-presidency of the New York Life Insurance Compony, and from Jhe chairmanship of its finance committee, at the comin elect ion faoxt April. , A friend of Mr. Per kins declared that this step has been aM! the suggestion of Mr. Morgan himself, and that the 'decision would be formally announced very soon." MR. BROVfi IN CHARLOTTE Ditaues the Cotton Situation With as Oflcial of the Manufacturers' Body. f "harlot!, Special. J. A. Bror.. of Chadbourne, X. C, a member of the national -eciitive commit tc of the Southern Cotton Aoc:alion. and an official representative of that organi zation. Ma in this rity Saturday to eotifer with Mr. H. M. Miller. Jr., preijnt nf t)i? Aritetiran Cotton f Matmfiicturem' AMw-latioii, At the meeting of the executive committer in Meniphi., Tenn., on tie i'dli f last Jun, fl psdution was in rodiiccd by Mr. Bnwn. which, ami't;.' .ihr thing rnunerat(-fi that "the I rosperity f the eotton grower was b und iqt with the nell-bt-ing of th- -liner and hence the asciat:on de irei t ilace itself on record j fa-'itiiig co- K-ration between pro dm r and manufacturer a::d a com mit:ee was named to take up the mat ter vith the American and New Kng Jarni Maim fact urern' associations. The conferetice wa a lengthy one. With reference to the jeciuc ideas discus-ed Mr. Brown would not talk. He expressed himself, however, as very highly pleased with the meeting statins; diat the cotton grower and the coton spinner regarded the situation in the ,.rne light and that Ijoth were in a lar,:e measure naturally depen dent one on the other. "Negotiations are now pending for a commui ity of interest,"' said Mr. Brown. It is sai! that the scheme which i? being talked of is the formation of a gigantic corporation with sullicient capital to build warehouses at the cot ton centres of this country and Kiiroje and then buy up enough of the yearly crop to hold the balance oi ower in th- market and regulatt values. $2,000,000 Timber Deal. Asheville. Special. It was learned recently that etiorge W. Vanderbilt has sold to W. S. and W. L. Alexander of Charlotte, and associates from oth er mints, the standing timber of his famous I'isgah forest reserve. The reserve contains ft 1.000 acres of vir gin forest, with J.OMO.OOO feet of mar ketable timber. The consideration will aggregate nearly .$2,000,000 in the fi nal consummation. It is said 1 hat 20 years will be required to remove the lumber. The deal was consummated by B. F. A. Savior', of Rome, Georgia, and Lent. & Cutting, of this city. In addition to the three million feet ol lumber, the boundary contains one million feet of tannic acid, and pulj. woods, and 40.000 cords of tan-bark The deal is the largest ever consum mated in this section. It is said thai as a result of the transfer a furniture factory and tannic acid plant will be erected. Chair Factory Burned. Lexington, Special About 't o'clock Friday morning fire completely des troyed the plant and contents of the Central Manufacturing Company, ot this place. The loss is estimated al from $13,000 to $20,000, with insur ance only $10,000. It is not known exactly how the lire originated, but it came front the direction of the en gine room, and when discovered, had made such headway that it was a mat ter of impossibility for the building or contents to be saved. The News of the State. Mr. James Young, a prominent' citi zen of Caroleen, was killed Satur day at his saw mill, a mile from town, by the falling of a smokestack. Death Avas almost instantaneous. Mr. John A. Rone died at Caroleen Saturday morning, of paralysis. He was an excellent old gentleman. Mrs. Luciuda I jee, of Palmtree, a nearby town, was buried Saturday. Her death was the result of injuries received iu being thrown from a bug- Charles Olsen defeated James Parry in Asheville Thanksgiving night, for the middleweight championship of the worW aud a side wt 1-000- The , uout was the tastest ever seen m the city, and Olsen's staying powers gave him the victory.. He won the first fall in 23 minutes and 10 second and the second bout in W minute and 45 Seconds. Mrs. Huburtus G. Rhyue died at Mt. Holly Wednesday night, after a very brief illness. She became ill Sunday .and. with all that medical skill could do. she did not improve. Her death was a great shock to the community. The number of her friends, shown by their presence at the funeral, shows the high esteem in which sho wan held. She was a devot ed wife, a lovin-r mother, and a conse crated Christian. She was a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rore, of Mt. Pleasant. A husband and three small children survive her. She was laid to rest in the city cemetery, Rev. W. J. Boger preaching the funeral. Wednesday at Scotland Neck, the Halifax county board of the Southern Cotton Association held ameeting of great interest in Halifax. One rof the chief features of the day was the address of Senator F. M. Simmons. The first mesting of the creditors of the Franklin-Martin Drug Company, of Fayetteville, was held there Satur day, before Referee Victor Borden. Claims were nled to the amount of $lS7o from the sale of the stock, and $3,000 in solvent accounts. Gastonia is to add another mill to the 12 which she already has. The site has beeH selected, and G. A. Gray. Sheriff. B. Armstrong and others ensure for the enterprise a success. " The pla lit '.will beve "5.000 spindles, and equipped with the lat est machinery -' The Bank of Alma nee has increased its capital slock by $5,000. The Cit izens' Bank has been oronired -wili Col. J. A. Long, president; Mr. Me- Bride Holt, vice-presidofit; Mr. C. C. Thomspoji, cashier, It will be opened about January Ui: J W CONSTANT ACS NT. W. L. 'Jackson, turret at. cf Park enhurg. Vf. Va aaji: "Drlvhcjr aboot In had rf t h e r hroturht ktCf r trou- ttet OS I, i d I ioffered t w e c t y ear with aharo. cramnirx calm .n tfc ack and uriaarr i ttiwrarrt. i wurti had to ret up a doxeti A ttmea at n:j:ht to uri nate, Il-testion aet in. and I w- oblisl to cie the -athe'er. I took to tcy 1ml. and the doctors fail Juj; to help, began uin; Doaa's Kid ney VV.ls. The urioe soon came free ly ajrain. and the pain gradually di apreard. I LaTe been cure! eight yearf. and though over TO. am aa ae tire as a boy." Sold by all dealer. SO rent a box. lister MilbUin Co . P.uCTalo X. Y The Japanese Gorerriment u printing complete record of the war. lth farad In 30 minutes Ly Woolford'a Kiuiit3ry Lotion; never fails. Sold by limssiita. MaJi orders i roaiptly fliiei ty In. Detehoo, Crawfonisvllle, Inl. . liesides thiity-even p!uj. of war the United Kingdom lat year launched 712 new hips. Cure Blood. Skin Trouble. Cnrer, Bloo I'oUon, ir-atet Blood Porifler Free. If your ttooi is imjiure. thin, daased, hot or full of hotnors. if you havn blood pi- ison, cancer, earbunfJeji. eatinjf orea, orofula, ivzema, itchinif, risiDKs and lanie, scabby, -Imply kin, bone 'aius, catarrh, rheuinati.m, or any blood or skin disease, talce IiotaciT lilood baira (II. B. B.) accord ing to directions. Soon all gores heal, aches and pains stop, the blood i made pure and rich, leuviug the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of pi-rieet health to the tkiu. At the same tfr:e, B. U. I'. Improves the ditftioa, cures djspepia, Ftrfiigth.cn weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old icoide. as it K'ves them new. viKorus biood. Drupjrists, tl per iar,'e bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample freo and prepaid by writing Ulood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la. I)iscribe trouble ncd spii-ial free medioal advice also nent in fce;U'xl letter. Ji. B. B. Is esjeciaUy advised for chronic, iteep-eated cases of Impure Mood ind bkin disease, and cure after all elso fails. Some men mearly select the lessei of two e veils as a sample. FITSpsrroanentlyeurerl. No fitsornervous nessafter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great rCervelestorer,2trialbottleand treatise free Lt.R. H. Klike, Ltd., 131 Arch St.,Phila.,Pa Forest (Jate, England, has a three-year-old swimming champion. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinij Symp for Children pain.cures wind colic,25c. a bottle Knipcror William was recently photo graphed again. . do not believe Piso's Cure for Consump tionhasanequal for coui? as and colds. Joh i'.lioYEB, Trinitv Springs. Ind.. Feb. 15, lSOO. The heat developed by the lirinqj of heavy guns is remarkable. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At drug gists, 25c.,'50e. and $1.00 per bottle. -AT THAT IS FOND OF HUNTING. iVlaccachusetts Animal an Adept at Re trieving Game. The firemen at the East street en gine house have a black cat which is remarkable for several things. It possesses six toes on each foot, and during the past year it has had about two score and ten kittens which have all had the same number of digits. The cat also has become a follower of the hunting game in more ways than the average felic'e has aspired to. It has an excellent record for hunting rats and mice that can be found about the premises, but it is also a hunter after the fashion of dogs. One of thei firemen takes trips inip the neighbor ing places for hunting birds, and wherever he goes the cat ts sure to be with him. Whenever he brings down any game the cat is there to claim the quarry. It is said that the animal will follow the person in question for miles in order to get the game, and it cannot be deceived, for as soon as one of the firemen in the house starts out with a gun the cat is always a faithful fol lower. Yesterday one of these trips was taken with some success, and the cat seemed as pleased at the results as was the hunter. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. ' Most anybody seems to be able to Cftteh a crook but the best lawyers and the sternest judges don't seem to be able to hold him, THE "COFFEE HEART." ft li Haas-rout tit Tobacco ot Wliitky Heart. "Coffee heart" is common to many coffee users and is liable to send the owner to his or her long home if the drag js persisted in. You can run thir ty or foriy yards and find out if your heart is troubled. A lady who was once a victim of the "coffee heart" writes from Oregon: "I have been a habitual user of cof fee all my life and have suffered very much in recent years from ailments which I became satisfied were directly due to the poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and indigestion, which In turn made my complexion blotchy and muddy. "Then my heart became affected. It would ieat most rapidly just after I drank, niy-coffee, and go below normal as the coffee effect wore off. Some times my pulse would go as high as 137, beats to the minute. My famiiy were greatly alarmed at my condition, and at last nmtlier persuaded me to begin the use of Postum Food Coffee. "I gave up the old coffee entirely and absolutely, and made Tostum my sole table beverage. This was sis months ago. and all my ills, the indigestion, inactive liver and rickety heart action have passed away, and my Complexion has become clear and natural. The improvement set in very soon after I made the change, just as soon as the coffee poison had time to work ont cf my system. "My husband has also been greatly beneGted by the use of Postum, and we find that a simple breakfast with Postum is as satisfying and more strengthening than the old heavier $le used to have with the other ' Slen rs turn Co.; Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, The Road to WcUtU1,m la pk$st r : a ir.Tv.jn I . 1 T i - I tie it Taaet t Mlttrjf. In "Tee Slgtt that Ma4c Mo Kerol5tiosl ia Eterytoay. panl who rk through te mouth of Ernest Pool thai iecri the nlghl of bU acthr t deih: -My fainer'a word casne Into my nilad; -Lai! tnoata jwt teotbr tici and tired tirei out by oik. "ia time bad come to ray otir t. Tfey were rmi4 thU jeir from twenty ruld to thirty (flSL We bt4n i mcn-v t-notir.b, so I worked day and clicbu So did she She making a rue. and kfte would : five ruble jur She had worked on it more than a month She hard! slept. She Koi ore and worse. Blood bejtan to ccme out from her throat. She often choked for breath. So that's why she dsJ Taxes.' "That's h. Taxe.' I kept say. ins this to myself like an ugly aong. oer aaJ over, with my chin la the soft curls of my jtster. staring out the door At the black mountain tops rising into the stars. At last the stars got white, the mists came float ing up the mountainside, and a chill crept into the cabin. A bird begin to chirp and then htopp. 1 kept tryiug to think it out. A new feeling began to crtep through my veins; and all my mus les tightened. That's why. Taxes." " Your Flour Goes Further Here' a pointer on getting more baking to the dollar from your flour. Use Good Luck baking powder, which raises the dough better, insures light, crisp baking, and develop all the nutrition of the flour. No chance to spoil A batch of baking with Good Luck baking powder, for you can always depend on its strength. You know just how much raising power there is to a spoonful no guesswork, no soggy dough, no wasted flour. is sold at an honest price Notice thia coupon with i coupon with IK UuTTIWS OUT COO eOW FOLLOW j Solid Car-load 'GOOD LUCK" BAKING CUT OUT THIS CAR AND SAVt IT. THEY ARC GOOD FOR VALUABLE ARTICLES. SEE LIST IN EACH CAN. Address: The Dcpawtmcnt Store or THI SOUTHERN Wanted to Be in Time. "I would like to look at some house hold goods," said the tall brunette as she entered the big furniture store. "You see, I expect to be married soon." "Ah, indeed," smiled the polite clerk, "just step this way. We have ' special Inducements for young cou ples just starting in housekeeping. When is the glad event to come off?" "Well er the day hasn't been -set as yet." "Oh, I see; the lucky young man has just proposed and " "No, he hasn't proposed yet, but " "Ah, he Is going to propose. How long has he been calling?" "Well, he hasn't started calling yet, but- "What is the young man's name?" "Really, I don't know at present, but mamma says she thinks some nice young man will start calling soon, so I wanted to be in time." W I N C UTHtRH KNTGCO Dmmii SI Picmmomo V U.S.A B J W4 1 " RIFLE AND. PISTOL, CARTRIDGES Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of all calibers are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of powder, and seats the -bullets properly. By using first-class, materials and this up-to-date system of loading, the reputation of Win chester Cartridges for accuracy, reliability and excellence ia maintained, Ask for them. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD PRICE, tcZl AftID Rin Kwjyg miiri wmw 552J eti n nn cran t iu ' 'r illrX. f II I II I I 1 1 I f I ruin uiiii iiii huKnpeiiM I rCvJ wont mi A.Btl-nle to a dlr wbo iron't OaM-satrr It I 1,0 WW rorrfatlAfflE WZS' w TO"' MOSJET BACK ir IT OEM-X CTOKkT n!! W.Diemer.Jl.D.. Manufacturer. wm..m wr. Every desr has his day and the watch dog has the'nijrht. A FEW CUTTING REMARKS TLe paroose of a saw is to cat- It should cat easily, eat cleanly, aod oat with every more men i. I prefer an Atkios Saw. Its blado Is "Silver Steel", recognised tbe world over as the finest cruicibla steel ever made ia ancient or modern times. It is hard, close-erralaed and tough. 1 1 holds a sharp catting edge, lontrer than any other Haw. lt blade tapers perfectly from thick to thin, from handle to tip. The it makes leeway for itself, runs easily and does not buckle. Its temper is perfect Wben bent by a crooked thrust, it springs Into shape without kinking. The AtkinsSawcuts and does it best of any. We make al 1 types and sizes ct sa'irs, bat only one ersde tbe best. Atkins Saws. Corn Knives. Perfection Floor Scrapers, etc.. are sold by all good hardware B A a a Iowa raHlnHa ah wnA vfuva wMaiir Ub Val leuvak , E. C. ATKINS (EL CO.. Inc. Large! Saw Maaafacftucts ia the World. I Factory and Execative Oficea, tinpfBt T-jaat BRANCHES: Kew Tork. Chicago. ITtnneapons, .tortlaixl. (Orefron,, Seattle, Saa yraivriaoo. aariopiua, aiiuu ton i oroato, " f-H), - ' .... .5 Accept do Sulrtilute - laakt on tic Arkiw Brsad SOLD BY GOOD DEALERS EM So. 49! John White & Co LOUISYULE. KY. Itkl5ll 1UT ' - FURS tad Hides. Weatea Chief Otk Samuel Roop -Bar a 'i of PoHce. -bo I. cft drat of animal liVr 'a'm lion which o far to prOtJ tonic power of the feline trIU. Ural year." jy, - tUk rat rew d at 1l , r Btt b0rth at a trooery tore. nexr Tweaty rt aJ PrrUh. rtr Tl cat wikwbc4fy the ea' Is he n..KhorJioft 1 make uM artion coalllewijy, Nsue hea ir pw ' l aa U" toruoMi the o her nfih. a doz tilt ttJdealy aPJeJ th vlcintty of the gantry ror. bvrth. ou ran t iiev it or pot. ayPu like, but every one of tho. cat was black, and I can calv aMUtnr that ach exctl to imrnate the dead feliu acd step into nf ho. n.etaphorkrlly iak ms. unt hallenM-i One Mlow. a dead ringer to.- the unfor.unv.r lahby. lbr;shel alt the other, and actually palmed hUurt'U off oa the storekeej. er who ktu w nothiuc about the accl dtnt. as the re-l ik-t. The grocery una diin't hae the heart to fire him cut hen he U-a.-aeJ the truth, and the new cat is waxing a bluu us h predessor." Philadelphia Kerord. IJvinc U 40 per rent cheaper 1 London than in New York. ItVilll il ONE SPOON initTiimn MCGM iiii I I n w ' rj) j, - - ' m aw Baking only ten cents per pound can. 1 picture of a freight car. You will find one picture outside. Cut out tne coupon, jnsme -tn .ww will find the Good Luck gift took. Pick from tbe gift book the premium you want ami wc will send it to vou in exchange for your coupons THE. SOUTHERN MFG. CCL. Richmond." Va. THIS UHC POVVDER Not Always Orange Blossoms. Only in England. France and Amer ica is the orange blossom the brfdal flower. When the German fraulein becomes a frau her head Is garlanded with myrtle, except in cerjain sec tions, where gaudy wreaths of artifi cial flowers replace the natural blooms and are treasured from gen eration to generation. In Italy and the French cantons of Switzerland white roses are dedicated to the brides as well as the dead, but in Spain red roses and pinks lend an ad ditional touch of color to the bridal dress of black and yellow. Greek brides are garlanded appropriately enough, with vine leaves, and in Bo hemia rosemary is supposed to bring luck to the bride who. wears it. In most of the countries of Eunrope, how ever, the bridal wreath is considered as essential as the veil and pretty sentiment clusters about the faded wreath that is laid away, whether the wreath be of orange blossoms or laur el. IT E S T E R P. nn hu AAln utiniAtte inn NPiinii an wwkV UCJlUMWnc arm ucunALUlA WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONAirrl THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT t mm. m. .m Srartire, Laatiaf.Up toDsta wa ;o of tea -bo a reminder of tho river. 23S0 pares. 6000 UlastraUoca. EeoenSf enlarged with 23,000 new wrdaTane 7if e?rUa-n.ew. ltrraphlcaa Diction- PnseVWorla'a Fair. St. Louis. Get tlta Eest- M,r!tofar"Dteli3!!arrHrnl,lt.r g.&C KEBBIAa CO.. Sprlngf!M iwr.7t FOR WOMEN troubled with ins f mm m OUBCB3 IB BUn.lAiiih I 1 eessral. ThcroBChly cleanse,, kills diseaaef e "mi -top iscaaies, teals iaflajnauuoaaaf Sal aoreaess. cares lencorracea asd aasal eatarrar Paxdne is in powder form to be dissolved in'poni ' TLJv. cUiusinjf. beam. getrnkidaJ ina ccononuckl uun Lquid sntiitptK lor sil c TQILET AND WOMEN'S SPECUL USES ( .S? at d8it. 60 ceats a box. Trial B.r mtul Book of Instructions ? rae. rt m re to cohpant poitviu umi- REGULAR AT CHURCH SERVICE. ,Twv Phttadtlpta Cats Havo pr. nowAced Religioot Turn. Opposite HaatitMT Tark. cm O Tor road, rtildet a facily. Tor pry by same. The Torpr y oa two cat thai are different from other ml in f&al they fa to church. A relr!f M Sunday ttcratoK, and re tfc f4:r of fe!le may b evn folio Ire th Tcrpeya to SL Stephen's charrb. Iiroad and Butler itreeta. No matter wkat the weather or transrirtccj ca hmc. fearea. the two jdoo cat bra probable attack by imrtotia tconitr': Bd art an example that xnaay t ltan. would do U fl!ow. Nelb"U)ri will attrat to the trathfut ceVa of the tterncnt that tb cborrb ctAxxt felines apeed the very earl tnorfitm houri of Sunday In tickle tbemaelrea Into that atate of rleau De which I aald to be iwoniirt only fa godllneif- Their fur 1 s!om Ibeir pawa Immarobite. and not whisker l out of place. Arrived at Ihe church, the eats v tent tbemaetvea with prtn In at if. door They are emtncly ciwtent to delegate the praytu to their owner. Then they Hp iato the vestibule cf tbe rrtl' bouse adJotntnc curl up and doie until church t cut. whe& they follow the Torpeya- home and live normal cat Uvea until another Sunday. -rh.'ladelphU Telegraph. GC0 Hi i.f nil iMmnt m -m w Powder on tbe back of every can W. L. Douglas 3-& 3-22 SHOES.:, W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any prlc W.L.DOUCLAS MAKES AHO MELLM manor o mn cunrt taimm AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. CI fl finn REWAKa to anyone wba can P1U)UUU ditprovi thli lUtemeat W. L.Dousl $3.50 aboea have by their tt Ccllent tle. easy fitting, and aurertor wtirmr qa<ttea, achieved the largeat lale of any JJ.50 fthoe In the world. They are ut good a thoie that cot you $S.OO to J7.00 the onlr difference t the price. If I could take you Into my factory at Brockton, Miti., the Urct In the world under one roof making men lino hoes, and show you the care with which every pair cf Douglas hoes W made, you would realize why W. L. Uoualas $3.50 shoes are tbe best ahoes produced la the world. II I could show you the difference between trie shoes made In my iactory and those of other makes, you would understand why Dourlas S3.50 shoes CMt mors to make, why they field their shape, fit better, wear locrer. and are of greater intrinsic value thaa any other 93.50 shoe on the market totay. Men. C,60, 92,007 B4ym iobflk , CAUTION, insist upon hftTlrf w.ufjics. !a slifHW.. Taka no subitltnta. on KeonUff without ms caatt and prioa (Urnped on bottom, WANTFn. A shot de!r In srr torn vttra w. L. Uouksi Hixioi art i.ot sold, full Una of lamplet nut in tot laiptctton upon reqtiHh . Fast Color CfMa uttii thi will net tew srasir IJTw.a m . . . . .. ... . . ior i.inirnia ijataioz oi ran Btyissv CONCENTRATED Crab o o o a specificfor 3 DYSPEPJJlAi SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION' 3 The three "Ills" that make life V harden. CRAB ORCHARD WATER QO.. - LooUvlU. Kv. ropsvs CURED ReaoTM all sweninrla 8 to aa days ; ejects a permaaeat cure in 50 to 6o days. Trial treatment given tree. xotElrf can te fairer write or. n. ri. ttrerrs soas. SsecUUsts. Boa b Atlanta. Ca. I te time. Bold by crp-cta. T 1 1 Tjplv!; Orchard rrjsr i I -" f1 IV j; V