MiifAftrtiAMi A Dill nas weeu juj-viv. ... THE CAUOASlArJ JMi?sifl3ippl Iegi',!ature to atnccd tho PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT.TIIE CAUCASIAN PUB. CO. EUEFCSIPTIOM RATES. l.OO .ftO 85 One year Six Moolbt. Three Moatfca. Ho. pfe . KEFORM NEEDED AT HOME. ThA fnllnwine is from Tuesday' iifiue of the Wilmington Star: The Keep Commi-ion which President Roosevelt appointed sev eral months ago to investigate tho Departments with a view to reform ing methods has reported. The corn mifesion messed around in the Agri culture Department, recommended some improvements which Secre tary Wileon thought of first and al ready had in effect, and also rf com mended two or three things that a tea year old boy's judgment wouldn't stand for. The best way to improve methods In the Depart ment is to put practical men in charge of them instead of politician? and henchmen." Well, we would like to have a "Keep Commission" in North Caro lina that would do even as well as the Commission in Washington. But the fact Is, as we have before Hiated in these colnmn?, that this Commission has done a great deal of good. They have caused certain re forms In teveral of the departments. One of the latest is in the Govern ment Printing office where they found that a great deal of time and money was being expended on cer tain documents that were of little value. The matter is now under in vestigation and if acted upon as eug gested by the Keep Commission it will mean the saving of many thou eands of dollars to the government each year. While in this State if a committee is ever appointed to in vestigate the management of aflLira under democratic "good govern ment" the findings of such com mittee are never made public, and why ? Simply because they would create such a stench in the State that it would hurt their party. Take the investigation of the manage ment of the A. & N. C. Road which was held behind closed doors, at the expense or the tax-payers, but the tax-payers have never been permit ted to know the findings of said committee. Take the caes of social equality between the races in some of the jails and workhouses and County homes in mauy of the coun ties in this State. The case have all been whitewashed and the demo cratic machine has declared they were not bad at all. And many other cases that we could mention, which if it had happened under F u eion rule, the democratic papers would have declared them a great scandal and a disgrace upon the name of this good old State. UNIFORM D1VOUCE LAW, A divorce Congress will be held in Washington City, February 19th, to discuss a uniform law governing the so-called divorce evil, to be general all over the United States. It is stated that about 150 delegates, rep resenting nearly all the States, will attend the congress, with data in re gard to divorce litigation, its causes and effects. The action taken by the Pennsylvania legislature some time ago and the President's action in calling the attention of Congre33 to the divorce evil, gave this congress its origin, and the governors of each State and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia were asked to appoint delegates. Women, lawyers and governors will attend the con gress and papers will be read deal ing with every phase of domestic troubles. Figures will be shown from the records of the courts in the various States. The outcome of this congress will be watched with in terest. A bill has been introduced in the Virginia legislature to repeal the act that provides that a man must pay his poll tax before he can vote. The Virginia law In regard to the poll tax qualification is similar to the law in force in this State. Gov. Glenn is reported as saying : "I have but one ambition, and that is to make North Carolina a good Governor." But of course if his friends were to force the United States Senator ship on him he could not have the heart to refuse It.' . . ... 1 I n I .r .J i'o, In II tl Constitution of that SUlc by pro ..: v,. nn lifilrpn shall be at ? VIUIU iua. v - i milted to the public, schools where x x. f :... (Kn rvMI fr! toe parent is vi for tho current year. Thi3 bill is in tended to deprive the negro children of that State of an education, but It will also debar thousand of poor white children from the advantages of aa education. Toll tax should be paid, but there Hhoali be some other mean3 of collecting them other than denying the poor white chil dren of the Slate cf tho advantages of an education. It fchculd b the otject of all the States to hold out inducements to attend school to the poor while children ir.s'.ead of de barring them by legislative enact ment. Remember the young white man w ho cannot read and write can not vole in the South. A Cincinnati couple has decided to go to the North Fo e, accompa nied by two pet cat?. Those are two cats that will never come back. Eleven new companies were char tered in Secretary of .State's office Saturday. Another sign ol pros perity. The average Democrat doesn't want oih:e so long as ho is holdisg one. Ia This "Whita Supremacy ?' Shelby Aurora. Where are the "white supremacy" fellows who, a few years ago, were badges lest their identity might be doubtful? liave they departed for parts unknown, or are they jut sleeping ? The State Board of Charities has eubmitfed a report to Gov. Ulenn relative to the insane and charitable institutions of the State which re veals a situation which is a shame and disgrace to the State. White and black prisoners are confined in the same room and sleep in trie same apartment, an 'I in some instances are chained together in twenty of the convict camps of North Caro lina. There are 32 of these con vict camps accommodating 1,350 prisoners white males G12, colored males 722, and colored ftraales 10. Twenty out of the thirty-two camps are tho scenes of forced social equal ity made compulsory by a party that had for its battle cry in former cimpaigns "white fcupremacy." The report 6hows further that there is no distinction made in the treat ment of prisoners thcs9 who were sent there for vagrancy, drunker. -ness, or for not paying fine?, are treated like these who nre convicted of more serious crimes. Where was the News aud Ob server, the self constituted guardian of the State's morals, while this con duct was going on ? Has it lost all regard for State pride and common decency since the Fusionist3 went out of power and the Democrats came in? Under the former ad ministration it pounced upon every individual case where a Republican had erred in any way, an i branded it as a "Fusion Scandal." Now, when helpless prisoners of both races were be'mg chained together and forced to sleep and occupy the same apartments the News and Ob server was silent as death till the Board of Charities revealed the fact to the world. Where are tho two-by-four politi cians who ran abcut over the State yelping "Nigger" during recent campaigns till the blocd would al most emh from their nostrils? They are as silent as death, too. COLLECTOR KEITH ENDORSED, The Dispatch ay He fa Endorsed By Every Leading iiusineas Firm in "Wil mington. Wilmington Dispatch. Mr. B. F. Keith has been receiv ing the congratulations of his many friends today upou the news that he will be reappointed to the efSoe of Collector of Customs at this port, a position which he has well filled for the last four yeare. It is known that Chairman Hulling, of the Re publican party of North Carolina, has recommended Mr. Keith's re appointment, and that the President will heartily comply with the recom mendation. Mr. Keith was seen by Dispatch representative this morning and he stated that he is now certain of his reappointment, although he had never doubted but what he would be reappointed, as he had been so assured by the influential llepubli- cans of North Carolina in Washing ton. He stated that he only spent four hours in Washington relative to hi reappointment, leaving the matter entirely in the hands of his friends, with the record of his ad ministration to back him. Acd, by way of parenthesis, it is well to state that Mr. Keith was endorsed for the position by certainly ninety nine one hundredths of the business people of Wilmington. It has not been made public heretofore, but Mr, Keith has a petition such as probably wa never obtained by any man here before. It is many type written pages in length and is signed by every one of the leading busi ness houses in Wilmington. Mr. Keith appears as proud of this as he does of a reappointment. tkme Sqalb or lotere ae Calk' red with ovr paU-pot iad &tais. Torn Dixon claims that somebody has pirated hh play. That some sort of fol ought to be punished se verely. Ex. . Mfei-B!ppld legislature has passed a resolution barring all lobbyists. This seem unnecessary as the ML fd&ippl treasury U eupty. People's Paper. While it U being talked about, who knows that the Watts law was made to be enforced ? Durham Sun. Japan has adopted our pension system. She will have a chance now to find out haw much more expen sive peace U than war. Greenville Reflector. Some men are butt-headed. They have to get floored before they can realize that they are up against it, 8 3nator Tillman for instance. Wil mington Star. Watch Thia Trio. It's a crime for Republicans to want pie and work for leadership, but alright for Democrats. Watch Aycock, Simmons and Glenn. Hickory-Times Mercury. OfT.ce Hungry Democracy. In this county once, it's said, forty Democrats ncrambled for a dead Ro publican's ofiice before the flowers on his grave could wither. Hickory Times-Mercury. mm If Senator Tillman would put forth the same effort to have the rotten dispensary investigated that he cloe3 to have everything investi gated in Congress the Palmetto State would bo better off. Shelby Au rora. It is claimed by some parties that the Bertie county murderer, Jesse Mitchell, is insane because he named . a child after Grover Cleveland.' Bryanite3 would probably take it as . evidence that ha should be burned j at the stake. Wilmington Dispatch. ; It is stated that R. E. Baker, of Four Oak?, Johnston county, N. C, has bought a farm in Chesterfield county, Va., on which he will estab lish an industrial training school for hooielois boys. Why not locate the school lu North Carolina Union Republican. The Durham Herald truly re marks: 'The people cuss the trusts but when a trust cuts the price on an article in order to drive an inde pendent concern out of the market the people are not glow to give it their patronage." That is what they do and then get paid back for it when (hey help to crush competi tion Wilmington Star. x It is now "social equality" in the county convict camps, and Demo crats control affairs in tho State, and most of the counties. With the poor devil who wears the stripes it J is a matter of force not choice. Yet, for the past thirty-odd years Demo-j cratic politicians ana newspapers have "fired the masses" with their "nigger" suffrage, sceial equality and other rackets. Truly Demo cratic consistency is a jewel of rare commodity on this race question with the 'negro in the wood pile," dressed up as a scarecrow to suit oc casions and the furtherance of politi cal ambition. Union Republican. Governor Glenn is the chief ex ecutive officer of this State. The sheriffs and other executive officers of the couct es are his subordinates, It is his duty to see that they en force the law. Has the Governor ever attempted to have bis subor dinates carry out the Watts or the Ward law in their counties? Fed eral officers are discovering and sup pressing violation of these laws right under the noses pf the Governor and of his deputies, still we never hear of any steps taken by the Governor or his subordinate executive officers to aid the Federal authorities. We think it would be better for Gov. Glenn to make a show, at least, of enforcing the existing laws before sounding the loud trumpet in favor of sjtill more stringent laws along these lines. He would better show his sincerity in bis advocacy of pro hibition by aiding the true prohibi tionists in enforcing the laws we have than by advocating other laws which even the prohibitionists are not now urging. Wilmington Mes senger, When To Judce. McClure's Magazine for February contains a thoughtful editorial on the exerpise of judgment between meD, JudgeNot'Ms the title, and it shows how this maxim may he misapplitd. If the individual citi zen does not judge, the condemning voice of the court means little to tho criminal. Each man should clearly expes himself on all ques tions of politics, business and law ; and in this way help to replace crime and corruption by honesty apd justice, , " wXirST.'immmim' n nJ imMwii yj r r ----- - - GEBSili WOnKMEX IXSUBED. A tbajpJory Tanue fcyafceta ffff-vrtcc Gnat Gala to Wast-Earnera. Cbarlrs IMwird Ru-seli. in the Februiry instalment of "Soldiers of the Common Good,' in Evreybodys Magazine, describes the following in teresting institution : "The German Government also conducts a Working Man's Insur ance Company in which znembei ship is not voluntary but compul sory. All wage earners must take out a policy in it and all govern ment officers with a smaller salary than 2,000 marks a year. Others may come in if they wish, but then? have no choice; the government enforces providence upon them, willy-nilly. The insurance is against incapacity, slcknes, and accident The premium is a weekly assess-) . ... A. A. . t 4 meni oi noi mon man, lour it cent, of the average weekly WEge?, two-thirds borne by the insured and one-third by the employer. The government collects the assessment and holds the funds. Ten million persons are policy-holders in the en terprise, and the payments amount to ?50,000,0e0 a year. When an in sured workman dies the govern ment pays his funeral expenses from this fund, alloting therefor a euni equal to twenty times his daily wage. In case of sickness payment is made at the rate of CG per cent, of the annual earnings of the in sured. The government also con ducts 351 Industrial courts for set tling di?pues between workingmen and employers, and these courts have considered 90,000 cases In a year. They have never amounted to much in settling strikes actually bagun, but they have prevented many disputes from growing into strikes," N'EGllO KILLS AN OFFICES. The Killing Followed a Fierce Fight In the l'oad Kear Farmville, Greenville, N. C, Jan. 22 Con stable W. J. Lovitt, of Farmville, was shot and killed Saturday night while in the performance of his offi cial duties, says the Ri Sector. Saturday evening, about sunset, Messrs. John Ccaee and W. H. Smith started on a wagon from Farmville to their hemes aoout five miles distant. When they reached the cross road3 not quite two miles from Farmville, they met ' several negroes on foot in the road, who re fused to get out of the road so the wagon could pass, Mr. Chase picked up a shovel that was in the wagon and got out to make the negroes give room. Jerry Cobb, as-sisted by Sylvester Barrett, got the shovel away from Mr. Case when Mr. Smith jumped out of the wagon to go to his assistance. Cobb broke Mr. Smith's arm with the shovel and also struck Mr. Case, while Barrett cut Mr. Case's clothing with a pocket knife. Messrs. Case and Smith went back to Farmville for the former's arm to be dressed and while there swore out warrants for Cobb and Barrett, which were placed in the hands of Consta ble Lovitt. The officer, accompa nied by Dr. C. C. Joyuer and Mr. Richard Carr, started out to find the negroes. They overtook two negroes in the road. Constable Lovitt jumped off the buggy and ordered them to halt, when one of them shot him, killing him instantly. The negroes fhd and the body of the dead officer was carried to the home of Mr. Watt Farker, near the scene of the tragedy. Sunday morning Coroner William Fountain went out and held an in quest and Constable Levitt was buaiod this afternoon. Mr. W. C. Hines with his blood hounds, accompanied by Deputy Sheriffs S. L. Dudley and R. Hy man, went out there before day Sun day morning and put the dogs on tlje trail. Tije dogs worked the trail finely and Sylvester Barrett was soon captured. Jerry Cobb was also trailed for some tinie, but there had been so much passing about that the dogs lost their track. Birrett was brought to Greenville and lodged in j ail. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 23. The steamer Valencia, which was enroute from San Francisco, with ninety four passengers and a crew of sixty went ashore at midnight last night during a thipk fog, and a large num ber were drowned, when a.tterjjptfng to leave the ship. Gen. Wheeler Xvtj 111. New York, Jan. 23. Brigadier General Joseph Wheeler is seriously ill at the residence of his Bister, Mrs. Sterling Smith, Columbia Heights, Bropklyn. He has been confined to his bed for three days with a bron chial affection following a stubborn cold. SICKENING, SHIVERING FITS of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine ef especial benefit in malaria, for it ex erts a true curative influence on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug's bad after-effects. B. 8. Mon day, of Henrietta, Tex., writes : "My brother was very low with ma larial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved his life. At all druggists price GQc, guaranteed, MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNMMlMM aMMSBBBMaaaaaMMaaak b-mbm fcovjsaxoa kxcxzd a coxvict. i Ttcn CUed Tor an Iojairy ito if lists Convict Bmtm . Jackson, Miss, Jan. IS. Gov Vardeman in a recent msgw to the legislature, charged that body to? make a thorough investigation of the State convict ystcm. Rumors tnat uov. V ardeman had recently thrashed a convict at the executive mansion, resulted in an interview with the governor in which he ad mitted that ho had whipped the convict, who, while nhinlng. the governor's boe, had made an im pudent remark. The governor said he kicked the convict, then taking a broom, hid given him a sound thrashing. This act is to be investi gated by the legislative committee, which was appointed on the gov ernor'fl recommendation. The affair a-.d its publicity have" created a H?n s&tion. The governor ha stirred up con siderable surprise in the House by sending in a message recommend ing that trusty convicts, instead of hired laborers bo used as porters around the capitol. The recommen dation has already aroused violent ! opposition. The governor wants the convict porters 'uniformed in gray or some other egretablo color." chose iiuhbamd ii v Lor. Wanted bj Thre Brother Yoiorc ) Mock Wioa Mill Irene liew. Asheville, N. C, Jan. 19 After making a choice of a husband by lot from one of three brothers the marriage of Miss Irene Depew and James William Meek, of Mocksville, N. C, is announced. Mrs. Mock, a well-known beauty and social favorite, is reported to have determined the choice of three brothers, all of whom had been pay ing marked attention to her for years by ballot. She allowed all three to draw lots and the youngest Mock won. The bride's lottery con sisted of three small pasteboards on one side of which was inscribed her name. The other two wero blanks. She declared that she had been for months unable to determine how to settle it, and that she did not want to wrick the lives of the other two by choosing one. Mhs Depew is said to have re ceived proposals from every young man in the village. Her wedding soon followed her decision by ballot Cotton Worth $750,000 Burntd at Jack- aon, MUaUatppI. Jackson, Mhs., Jan. 23. The Mississippi Compress with U,500 biles of cotton was destroyed by fire this afterncon, entailing a loss of $730,000 with insurance of about two-thirds that sum. A GRIM TRAGEDY is daily enacted, in thousand- ,i homes, as Death claim?, in each on another victim of Co: s nupi o . Pneumonia. But whu iug: s Colds are propsrly treated, t edy is averted. F. G Jltuit u-y. Qiklandon, Ind , writes: "My wis had the consumption, aud thref dot tors gave her up. Finally sho t"l Dr. King's New Discovery f r Con sumption, Coughs and Colls, which cured her, and today sti is well and strong." It kills tho germs rf all diseases. One dose relieves. Guar anteed at 50c and $1.00 by all drug gists. Trial bottle free. The Adelbert Ames Libelled. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 22 The schooner Adelbert Ames, which went ashore last week on the Capa Fear bar and became water-logged, has been libelled by the Wilming ton, South port and Little River Transportation Company for a sal vage claim of $15,000, the tug Blanche having pulled the vessel afloat with the revenue cutter Sem inole. The schooner is nine miles down the river beached to prevent her from filling entirely with water. Every HeartAche Every pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing-, palpitation, fluttering- or dizzy spell means that your heart is straining it self in its effort, q top in mqtifm. This is dangerous. Some sudden strain from over exertion or excitement will completely exhaust the nerves, or rupture the walls or arteries of the heart, and it will stop. Ivelieye this terrible strain at once with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the, foeart action, and relieves te pain' and misery. . Take no chances ; make your heart strong and vigorous with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. vr auffered terribly with heart Us ase. I have been treated by different physicians for ray troubid without results. I went to a physi cian in Memphis, who claimed that I had dropsy of te heart. He pyt the. X-ray on me. and in connection Jrith'bis medicine he came, near' mak ing1 a finish of "me.- Some time before this a Mr. Tour., of St. Louis, was in tur town. Ho saw my condition, and recommended Dr. Miles' Heart Pure to me. , I gave it little attention tintU my return from Memphis, when f concluded to try it, and am pleased to say three bottles cured me. - CHARLES GOODRICH. Caruthersville, Mo. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold by ?our druggist, who will guarantee that he first bottle will benefit. If it fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind "(SPT1T UT"" says the doctor to many cf hit hJy patients, because he doesn't know cf any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed cn diseaaed women, ia thousands of cases, by 1 . IViflE IT CURES WOMB DISEASE.1 It has saved the lives cf thousands cf weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of otheis from a melancholy' lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will. euro you, if you will only give it a cluncc. -TryiUJ, Sold at every drug store in $ i .oo bottles. 3 ft WRITE US A LETTER Pot mil ttaiaity a4 write es frly a4 CraaCUy, la s4rUitt cocfl &, telltsff a mil your symptom cd trouble. WewdMadfrtadric (ia p'ala. i,d lop), how la euretkea. AddMti Lftl!a A4Tiory PcpC The Chirf eoi aSedida Co. 4 From a New Novel. Why do you turn from me ?" ho cried. "Do not ask mo!" Mio (altered, paling. ' "But I must kuow. What have I done ? "Ob, nothing nothing Harold! It is feODithiiig I hav done ! Khe teemed to bo weeping silently. "You ? Can it be you have doue something that makes you turn away from me thus? I demand to know ; tell mo the worst !" I I have been eating oniona!" ir the Baby fa Cuttlos Teeth Be sure and use that old and well titled remedy, Mus. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, sof tens the gums, allays all pain, curea wind cclic, aud is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. WAN'TKD: by Chicago wholesale aril mail order house, asn'Mant menaRrr (man or woman) lor this county and aojoining territory. Salary 2o at-d expenses paid wefklj; expense money advanc d. Work pleasant; position permanent. No invetmeut or exrnri enre r qu red. Write at once f-.r lull particulars, and enc.'ose s elf-addresed euveloj. THOMAS J. TOOPEK A f O., 132 Lake St , (.'hie-Ago, III. TELEGRAPHERS ......... . SbtiULD nr.ually, to fi : th iu- iiPioi reattd by Kai'rvK'i t TWr-pl. ?mpanis. vn mn' Voryo mk.n ted LA.P1ES ( f CO h-te, to LEARN TiLKiR.PuT AND F. F. ACCOl'HNNC. We furnlih 75 per cent of the Operators n1 HUtlon Agents m Am rJca. Our filx schools ro tht lrg st exclusive Ttlgraph Schoob IN the world. Estab ished 20 ye-rs ahd pndor;ed by all leading R way Officials. Wo xecute a $250 Bond to evf rv student to furnbh him or he r i po sition paying from $10 :o $00 a month in Htatrs east of tho Hcoky Mountains, or from $75 to $100 h month ia States wnst of th-4 R' c'- J63, IMMEDIATELY UPON GRADUA TION. Students can enter at any tlrnr. No vacations. For fnll particular regarding any of our Schools write dir ct to our ex cotive o01os at Cin cinnati, O. Catalogue ftte. Tie Horse Sitol of Telegraphy Clneinatl, Ohio Atlanta, Ufa. Texarkaoa, Tex. Buffalo. N.Y LtCrcuv , VV San Fraticltco, C 5000 Ir1?! T EAR 0 ig mmmm u ' ii Pi ii EIEWoKEVIEWS hc more Magczincz there arc, the more Indhpczzcblc 13 hz Rcvhu) of Reviews pR3:nrj-T r.ZOZLVLLT t. ' I kecw tV-JUg'i is cism-s Kj s rKrttl to rv dial J rmM aot Ot-.trwv h-r Lad t.-rrrm to; L-cc l.lenrt trj tVxigHJul nea, c sasfkr : WE WANT A REPRESENTATIVE LT EVERY TOWN TO TAKE SUDSCRIPTIONS ONE OF CUR REPRESE? NATIVES MAKES $50 A WEEK THE YL'AR ROUND WE PAY THE LARGEST COMMISSION IN THE MAGAZINE FIELD NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. YOU CAN ' MAKE A SAFE INCC'vlE AT HOME AND BUILD UP A PERMANENT BUSINESS. WRITE AT OXCE TO ' THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY 13 ASTOS. PLAC2. MSWYOKS GAVE UP SUPPORTER. wwm tar tmr 7 m. f twp 44 HmriiiCt. T. "It j 4m 104 mW trvdMVM roi4 IMU Hk 1 iifwil mmM two K4tj of srant I mm at , w, . I ui uue, m ? efiB bmCW M. mm k4 tmt f -tnwly,n ca aa wafM fcait a 4ay at a nm I .ciuwty rvaoaAaa4 Cafekai ta mmwj au3u um" Ono Cent n Word, Make your want known in this column. One cent a word foe cacti in&Prtion of advertisement. 6ufe Investment For hale. ThToxaway Canspany, North Caro lina. 125 tharr. Ic.lt Mining, North Carolina. 1(XX) shires. Giroux Cocsli2a'cd Minirg. shares. I a Liu M t T. (Mexico) 3000 ahare. New York Shoshone (Ilullfrog) SiKXi (hares. Also all other atock.i and bond b-Higbt and told, l et me hear from you. K. o'aULLlVAN.Uroker. 1. O. Box, UV2, New York. UUBBEK STAMPS! RUBBER STAMPS! You will need them as the buiy sea son advances. Wf make all kinds at IteaonabIe Prices. Write for ra'alocu. W.H. TKKRY A CO., TJollrman Huilding . Kalrigh, N. C CO YEARS EXPERIENCE 2"? 33 Thaoc Marks Dcs:gns Copyrights Ac An Tone aondtn ketch m.d drrimion my Quickly ascermiu . nr opinion fro mint hr a lnrpiillrwi in rhl.lf vatntnM. f onimuntna- tunMNeMf oo!.jid,.r.ui. HANDPOCK. n iattu( rntf roa. OMcM nyrn. for ixfurintf patent. Pntontd titkfii (liruuch Miin ft C. rccaiv tjxcial rustic, irHhout ciinrvo, lutbe wmnse Jfinerican. A htj(1ome!r Ulnnf rfitM troektr. Ttrvott rfr colatioti of anjr onontiUo Journal. Tot-ma, fj m yenr : four months, i. boW by ail wewdtir. MilNN & Cq.3c,b'. Nbv York armoch Otto. G3VBU Washliiou. Jx C. Arrest Jt S50 Reward. A small sample bottle if Sc-zlnc will be sent free to every reader of tho Caucasian who is suffering with any kind of skin dlsoaso or orup.ioa Eczema. Blood Pcisor. Fever, Soros, Cancer, Rheumatic PaiL9, oranrothtr Germ dleoasA or rore ol any namo or nature. $50 reward will l3 paid for any ca-B of Eczema ht is not prompt ly cureu witn hj zUitt Lc-zii.. wil heal any eoro or euro tho wor skin aud make it look llko clvtt. Thtusicdi cured dal!y. Never mind what you havo tried; forgw the failures made by other nmedt aad Ptnd for fieo samplo of Eeln. which always give relief aud ptr manostcuro. A $1 00. bottlu often cur. s tho worst ca$o. If your druggUts dots net havo Ec-zlue send direct to us. The Ec-zloe C mpany, M. Kupeirmeior, Sales Agent, 112 Dearborn St , Chlciga 111. Monthly 2 711 HVTT A Ta

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