THE CAUCASIAN IUleioii, N. C, Jan. 20, 19CG. Knterod at the Post Office in Raleigh N. C, aa second-clasgniail matter. The annual Confederate Veterans' reunion will be held in New Orleana April 25 to 27. Z. Frazier, an employe of the Southern Ilailwav at Spencer, has been arrested on the charge of big- Henry in his night clothes in a pool ' - i.i i t ... l - . . MtfCDEEEaiX BE DROOf. II. Kobre, of Wlcstoo, Fm-d Hcbbtd Winston-Salem, X. 0 , Jan. 22 Henry Kobre, a Kalian Jew, was ins Meriously murdered lafet night in hi a room over the fealoon of M. Kobre A Co , and the restaurant con dueled by the deei-awni. Sam Kobre, a younger brother, who roomed with Henry, was the first one to find him. He went to the room about eleven o'dock, ai:l was startled by flndinz amy. A two weeks' term of New Hano- o. b!oofj ttween hi ld and the tx.ulh window to the building. He va.- unconscious. The wounded man ver Court convened In Wilmington ' wa U10ved to the Hospital where Monday for cases. the trial of criminal Thomas Mostly, colored, was run over and killed by a train at Na vassa, near Wilmington, Sucdiy n.orning. Asheville was visited by 2 8 inchta of raiu Tuesday. Some of tho fae ries had to suspend worK on account cf the rising waters. Revenue officers captured an illicit distill ry near Henderson Friday morning. The still and -00 (J gallons of beer were destroyed. At a meeting of the Southern Soft Yarn Spinners' Association held in Atlanta Saturday, Mr. J. W. Cannor, of Concord, was chosen president. A fast train on the Atlantic Coavt Line was wrecked near Benson Sat urJay. A disastrous freight wreck occurred at the same place last Thurs diy. The executive committees of the North Carolina and Virginia Press Associations are arranging for an ex cursion of the editors to Cuba, Feb ruary 15th. Jacob Johnson, the negro who crnfeesed to breaking into the post oftic3 at Elmo, Scotland county, has been turned over to the Federal au thorities in Raleigh. A pickaninny stole a billy goat from a policeman in Wilmington Monday and tried to sell the billy for thirty cent?, but ho received SO days on the roads instead. Will Harris, of Charlotte, a des parate criminal who escaped from the penitentiary about two years ago, ha? been captured at a coal mine in Vir ginia and will be returned to the pen. Charles Conklin, a ycung white man of Burlington, shot aud seri ously wounded his brother, John Conklin, last Thursday. The shoot ing was the result of a quirrel. Kts. A. S. Melton and two daugh ters, ot" High Point, were made dan gerously ill some days ago from ptomaine poisoning. It is supposed they were poisoned by eating fresh pork. Eugene V. Debb, Socialist candi date for President in the last elec tion, will speak in Winston-Salem January 25th. He is making an early start for the race again, three years hence. Mr. Claudius Dockery has been appointed United States Marshal for the Eastern District of this State, and Hon. E. C. Duncan has been re appointed Collector of Internal Rev enue for this district. Mary Thompson, a colored woman with small pox, died in the pest house in Wilmington Monday morn ing. The woman discovered f-he bad tho loathsome disease and went to the pest house of her own accord. A fire at the home of Mr. A. J. Blalock, in Wake county, Wednes day morning, caused a loss of $3000. The barn and contents, 24 bales of cotton, 400 sacks of cotton seed meal, 100 barrels of corn, a car load of cotton seed .hulls, two buggies and many farming utensils were destroyed. he died three hours later. Up to one o'clock tcday thre was & diver sity (if opinion as to whether the man had been hut or struck in the forehead where a severe wound was found, by some 'sharp instrument. TI)e theory as to what caused death was partially solved by the finding of a piece of bullet in the ceiling of Kovre's room. The physicians say he was proba bly shot through a window by notne one standing in the lot in the rear of I lie saloon. There is strong evi dence that the murdered man was robbed. His vest, in which he car ried large sums of money, is miss ir g. The coroner's jury, after in vestigating the case nearly all day, rendered a verdict that "Mr. Kobre was unlawfully slain by some one unknown to tho jury." The Jews here are greatly wrought up over the crime and they will use every ellbrt to find tho guilty man. HUnXEI) IN ins celt,,. Prisoner Set Fire to New London Jail In 'Stanly County. Salisbury, Jan. 22. William Rus sell, a young white man, twenty- five years of age, set fire to the soli tary cell of the calaboose at New London, Stanly county, twenty-four miles from Salisbury, Saturday even ing and Wiis so badly burned that he will die. Russell was arrested Saturday for disorderly conduct and locked up in the town prison, a min iature affair. Iu his cell wts a quantity of straw and he lighted tho call. His cries of alarm could not be heard until the building was par tially consumed, and those who rushed to tho retcue were unable to locate tho lock. With sledge hammers they suc ceeded in tearing the door down and ran for their lives as volumes of smoke rushed upon them. The im prisoned man managed to make his exit and fell at the entrance to the calaboose. He was given immediate medical attention but no hope for his recovery is held out. The building wa3 destroyed. Xtgco StodVeta ttari TJ!ar Co?l Bkmm NraUen ffkltt id an ia Girt a Tillad gi, Ala., Jan. 22. Over one hundred students left Til ltd eg College (colored) to-day because a Southern whits white man, L. O. Parks, of this county, was employed as superintendent of the college firm. The students demanded his discharge, and that was refused by President B. M. Nive. They ap pealed to Dr. S. H. Balrd, Secretary of the American Missionary Society of New York, which fosters Talla dega College. Dr. Baird upheld Nice, and as the result the student LoJy left college. The main objection to Mr. Park'a, it is asserted, wa that ha was a South ern white man. The faculty, for the most part composed of Northern white people, was determined that he (should stay. The student body nu miters nearly one thousand males and females. The president of the college, Rev. B. M. Nive, came to Talladega about two years ago from Lock pert, N. Y. He is a Presbyterian minister. Ottiem Mm Oalr I. "In cfCler in do hi! best work fox prohibition our Governor will have to be kept in some kind of an cSks," says the Durhurt Herald. Aod In order to be kept la some kind of an office" car Governor will have to do the bet work for prohibition. It is the osly issue' left. Ahe vilie Gazette News. Glata Bandages for Woaoda Dr. Aymond, of London, advo cates the substitution of glass for lint for the dressing of wounds. He d scribes an experiment with a piece of thick window glass, the edges of which were ground smooth. He smeared the glass with carbolic oil and applied it to a wound, which healed quickly without leaving a scar. The doctor contends that hi method results in an immense saving in the cost of hospital practice. It ia painless and the wound heals twice as quickly. It also enables the wound to be examined without the removal of tho dressing. London Lancet. Determined to Be a Lawyer, Anyway. A Kansas man had a boy who was inclined to bo an all-round tough. One day a neighbor called on the old man to talk with him about the boy. "You certainly ought to try to do something with Bill," said the neighbor. "He's getting to be known as the greatest liar in the county. Unles3 he mends his ways his reputation willbe ruined." "Well," said the old man, "I don't know as there is much occa sion to worry about Bill ruin his reputation. He is bound and deter mined to be a lawyer, anyway." Cincinnati Commercial. The Whitley Fertiilizer Distributor. We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of the famous Thompson, Whitley & Co., of Goldsboro, N. C, manufacturers of tho famoin Whitley Fertilizer Distributor. This fertilizer distribu tor received tho premium at the last State Fair and received much favorable comment. Amount of Cottin Ginned. A bulletin issued by the censu3 bureau yesterday states that to Jan. 16th 9,998,111 bales have been ginned from the 1905 product. SPOILED HER BEAUTY. Harriet Howard, of W. 3ith St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: 'I had Bait Rheum or Eczema for years, but-nothing would cure ii, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c, at all druggists. How it Hapened. Parks How did the ship come to bang against the rocks." Barks Why, a young man was courting the lighthouse keeper's daughter, and they absent-mindedly turned the light down low. Wo man's Home Companion for February. Chancre In Schedule In Seaboard Air Line Railway. Taking effect Sunday, January 7th, the Seaboard will make the follow ing changes in schedule, and on Monday, January 8th, they will in augurate the Seaboard Air Line Limited from New York to St. Au gustine. These trains will be known as Nos. 81-84, and will only stop at Johnson street, passing that point southbound at 1:45 a. in., north bound 2:48 a. m. They will1 also operate trains Nos. 31-34 in two sec tions between Hamlet and Norlina. Northbound Richmond train will arrive Raleigh 1:05 a. m. and leave 1:10 a.m. No 32 train, 34, will ar rive Raleigh 1:05 a. m. and leave 1:10 a. m. No. 32 Portsmouth train will arrive Raleigh 1:25 a. m. and leave 1:30. Southbound No. 33 for Atlanta and Birmingham will ar rive Raleigh 3:20 and leave 3:25 a. m. No. 31 for Columbia, Savan naq, and Jacksonville will arrive 4:10 a. m. and leave 4:15 a. m. The She Shoofiy No. 30 will leave Rai eigh at 5:05 p. m. instead of 5:00 p. m. as heretofore. The Shoofly No. 44, between Hamlet and Wilming ton will leave Hamlet at 3:30 p. m. instead of 4:40 p. m., arriving Wil ton at 8:50 p. m. , There will be. no change in other passenger trains. C. H. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Ill II E'lil The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- live, iuany suuueu deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart lailure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood -will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh o the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over- tomes that unpleasant necessity ot Doing compelled to go often through the day, fand to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. .Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is old by all druggists in fifty-cent aud one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Bmghamton. N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, b wamr :J&oot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the uooress, Einguamtoxi, H.Y., on every GREATLY IN DEMAND. Nothing is more in demand than medicine which meets modern re quirements for a blood and system cleanser, euch as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At all drug gists. 25c , guaranteed. OUR CLUB OFFERS- If You Want a Good Magazine Clieap with. The Caucasian Read the following i , To new subscribers or old subscri bers who renew in advance we offer the following hich-class magazines at greatly reduced rates. The Woman's Home Companion and The Caucasian both for one year fcr $1.40 A Reminder to Our Subscribers Who are in rrears. This week we are mailng out statements to our subscribers who are in arrears on their subscription. We are not sending out these etate- ments because we are afraid our sub scribers will not pay us, but are sending them out as a matter of busi ness. It is often that a subscriber forgets when his subscription is due and a reminder is all that is neces sary. We are very anxious that all our subscribers who are due on sub scription will send us the amount due, together with renewal for an other year, before the 1st of Jan uary, 1906, as we do not want to carry any old accounts over into the new year. If our statement of your account is wrong write U3 and we will gladly make proper correction. The National Magazine and The Caucasian one yetr for $1.30 McCall's Magazine (fashions) and The Caucasian one year for $1.15 Everybody's Magazine (price $1.50) and The Caucasian one year fcr $2.00 The Ladies' Home Journal (price $125) and The Caucasian one year $2.00 McClure's Mgziue and The Cau casian one year $1.75 FOR SALE One two Revolution Campbell press for sale at a bargain. Will print 4 page 8 column paper. Address Caucasian Pub. Co., Raleigh, N. C, The Youth's Campanion (weekly, price $1.75) and The Caucasian one year for $2.25 The Delineator (fashions) and The Caucasian one year for $1.80 To Mart Par Mt alrie far Im crtle OffcJU. We have paid the city for over 21,000 jrallons more water than we ussd during the last three quarters. If half of the water users of the city have done that well we can soon pay them out of debt, and we learn that many of them make the same report that they paid fur double the amount they ustd, Charlotte People's Paper. Tit Lat Str-uurer. An altcraey In Philadelphia w! c mike a tprci ait y of prow-cat is g mil a;tiat railway caxupanle irrowlns out of irjuries iiu to anri lcnt cn the lin?, toll of th trouble expr -enoal In the croM exatnlnalioa of in Irish witness ThU wltocai bad evi dently been carefully coached by cnnei for the company, fcr, wht n the question wis pat to birir: as the man on the I nek a total H rin ger ?" the wary Celt replied: I should hay not, ir. Feell;, that bis kg wa pone, I should sty, sir, that he wt-ro a partial tracer." Woman Home Com pmhn. U Accidental)? Mfaot Jlfe !' Sob. Oxford, N. C, Jan. 22. Waiter H. Neal, Jr., son of Judge Walter H. m 1 u;aa arrMflp ntall v hrt lv Tluw Howell while shooting mrtridces. The wound is not serious. A TRAIN LOAD OF BOOKS Big Book House Failed. Stock Mot Ik ifoLt at Okck Fecw 10 to ZO Ckxi 05 the Doll is. The total amount of money in circulation at this time i $2.G53,- 131,578. which amounts to $31.69 per head. These Ait Sample Price?. 1 atcopjrifct wf $1 to. Our price 3 c s, inciudt ! be christian', Call of the Wild", Urms ' Mil lion". Gramttrk'V'The t astaway. -iivid Ilarum". tit. Kucj clopcdlu BritumilcH. 1() Ytdx.,luif leuther, etrular ?:ti.o(, our price $7.75. Xma .S-iai. WOKLIl'g lillsT POKTjs. Shake pe re, Lorgfel-ow an 1 48 other". Del.uxe edition, rull .LfatntT. padded, pure; jjoid edge?, rejf ulr $1.00, our pi ice 7i cenUrecb. I K erj book jruiranteed t be new, periect ard satisfactory ,yor your mor.ej without question or quibbling. Pactically uy took or at of books you want at a fraction of tbe retail price wliilc they lust. (Jit cur free bargain list b-for- ordering. gj0 &ve cO to IK) per cent on Christ mn Books Write for it today. The David 1. t Urkaon Co., Ixpt. 1, Cbicaco, 111. ' "Needles, Parts and Supplies for boti Vheeler & Wilson and Singer Machines SOLD ONLY BY - DM SEWINC MACHINE CO. LIQUORS. We can ship Whiskey to any point in North Carolina that the Railroads or Steamboats lines go. We are lo cated in the State of Virginia and the N. C. ANTI-JUG LAWS do not affect us at all as we are pro tected by the Interstate Commerce laws. We sell Corn Whiskey at $1.25 per Gallon and Rye Whiskey at $1.50 per Gallon and up. Write us for our Complete Price -f list and Express rate to your office. Yours truly, Z. F. LONG & CO., P. O. Box 398, Suffolk, Va. FarmersAttention. FROM FACTORY TO FARM. The FAMOUS WHITLEY FERTILIZER can be bought direc1 from factory at wholesale prices. . No middlemen. None that equals if Can be used on rough or hilly land. Can ba regulated to eow from one hundred pounds to any amount per acre. No waste ; the regula tor is arranged so it. can be entirely cut off at a moment's notice. Will sow any kind of fertilizer, never clogs. Can be used in windy weather without the waste of your fertilizer. Spreads the fertilizer five inches in width. A child can understand how to work it. Simple and dura ble. Will last a lifetime with proper care. Can't get out of order. Guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. Price $12.50 F. O. B., Goldsboro, N. C. Order today. J THOMPSON, WHITLEY & CO., Manufacturers, Goldsboro, N. C. POPULAR PRICES RELIABLE C00DS. HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Shoes, Trunks, Hats anOiunishinglGoods, lO Jjiaat Martin Street. OUR PRICES2ARE RICHT.I CALL ANDISEE US. The Designer (fashions) and The Caucasian one year for $1.60 All of the magazines offered above are high-class magazines and The Caucasian wil1 be even better the coming year. Yon cannot go wrong if yen order The Caucasian and one of the above magazines for one year. Address CAUCASIAN PUB. CO., Balelgh, N.C. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Chartered 1S35. Boston, Mass. Assets About $40,000,000 In reply to a request for Campaign Contributions the Vice-Presi dent of the Company replied as follows : I cannot advise any subscription by the Company to the - campaign fund for any purpose. The money held by the Insurance Company in trust for its policy holders cannot be used for political, educational or religious purposes, and any vote by the directors authorizing a subscription would be beyond their authority, and for any money paid under such vote, the directors would be personally liable, and at the suit of any policy-holder the Court would require them to reimburse the Company. Boston, Oct. 5, 1896. ALBERT D. FOSTER, Vice-President, This Is not only good sense, and therefore good law and equity, hut it is plain, everyday common honesty a quality which seems conspicuously to have been lacking in the management of the other companies. Agents wanted in every County in the State to sell New England Annual Dividend Contract. A. J. WILL1FORD, GENERAL AGENT, , . Baleigh, N. C. kjkjjlJ) uig "mcaiy potatoes can not be produced with out a liberal amount of Potash in the fertilizer not less than ten per cent. It must be in the form of Sulphate of Potash of highest quality. 'Pbnt Food" and "Truck Farming are two practical books which tell of the successful growing of rxitatocs and the other garden truck sent free to those who write us for thcrn. AJJtwm. OiSMA KAU WO. Hmw Yt-i N MrmU me All la. U.-21 . $1.00. EX TRESS PAID. $1.00. EXPRESS PAID. "Ideal" Alcohol Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light House Keeping, or Wherever Gas is not Available or Desired. S IT MAKES ITS OWN OAS ABSOLUTELY SAKE. mokcless aid Odorless, Weighs Oolj Eight Ones. CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Bolls a Quart of Water In Nino Minute. $1.00. Expresi Paid. $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALIEGH N. C. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any .part ot the State at same price at at shop. MONUMENTS COOPEll II 11 OH., I'roprlixora. Raleigh, N. O. When writing 13 admtifeera mtntion the Caucasian send for Catalogue. PRICE CUT IN HALF KEVIEW OF REVIEOS Refrular COSMOPOLITAN Trie WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION TI1E CAUCASIAN f O.OO WOMAN HOME Sensational Price FOB A LIMITED TIME $3 FOR ALL TO ONE ADDRESS. We are very fortunate In being able to arrange with the publishers of them thrae well-known magazines to offaj the four subscriptions for the coming year at tola sensational prioe. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS is necessary to keep posted on all the important events of the day. It is a high-class educational magazine. THE COSMOPOLITAN has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. It contains many n teresting stories each month and ontlnaaa to grow better. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION Is for every member of tbe family. It contains the fashions as well as many latereatlng stories, receipts to De used In the home, etc Don't delay sending in your or der. The offer Is good for new and renewed subscriptions If paid for a year in advance. Cut out this ad vertisement and send us with 13.00 and we' will tend you tbe three mag azines and the paper for one year. Address CAUCASIAN PEB Co Raleigh, N. 0. t The Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES THE INAUGURATION OP THE 8HOO-FLY TRAIN Betneen Weldon and Raleigh WITH CONNETIOHS FROM OXFORD, LOUISBURO AND WAR RENTON, COMMENCING UOXDAY, JABUARYI8TH. The Seaboard Airline takes great pleasure in announcing the lnaa he Shoo-Fly train between Weldon and Baleign, ma I No. 30. Leaves Raleigh 5:00 p. m. Arrives Frankllnton 6:03 p. m. Arrives Henderson 6: 23 p. m. Arrives Norlina 6:65 p. m Leaves Norlina 7: 15 p. m Arrives Weldon 8: 30 p. m ation No.25. Leaves Weldon 6:45 a. m. Arrives Norlina 8: 00 a. m. Leaves Norlina 8: 20 a. xru Arrives Hen den on 8: 53 a. m. Arrives Frankllnton 9: 25 a. m. Arrives Balelgh 10: Id a. m. No. 29 Lv. Oxford 7:45 am. Ar. Henderson 8:30 am. Lv. Lonisbarg 8: 50 am. At. Jtranklinton 9: 25 am. The above schedules on the branch lines will In no way affect the present connections with regular No. 39 and 4L For further Information ln.regard to schedule apply to 0. B, BYAN, O.P. A C. H. GATTIS, T. P. Portszaootn, Va, r?.lgteh,N.a No. 30. I Lv. Henderson 9:00 am. 6.40 pm ! Ar. Oxford 9 :45 am. 7 :25 pm. I Lv. Frankllnton 6:10 pm. Ar. Louiabarg 6: 35 pm.

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