THE CAUCASIAN Raleigh, N. C, Feb, 1, 190C. ACCIDENTAL 8U.OOTI?G. Tragedj Occurred In Wilming ton, at Colonial InnBoth Par ties Claim Shooting "Was Acci dental. 0 Wilmington, N. C , Jan. 30. An cement of mystery surrounds what purports to be the accidental shoot tng of Eugene A. Hughes by Jlias Vera L. Turner, both of Hillsboro, at the Colonial Inn in this city this morning about 7 o'clock. Mr. lloghcs, who is understood to be a deputy sheriff of Hillsboro, and a eon of Sheriff Jno. K. Hughes, of Orange, arrived here yesterday morning and went at once to the Colonial Inn where Mi?a Turner htd been a guest fjr several days. He is said to have Lee j under the influ ence of liquor, and it la stated that during a buggy drive to the sound Monday afternoon MUs Turner took a pistol from Hughes This morn ing Jbe man is said to have gone to Mis? Turner's room, knocked, and upon the lady's appearance requested a return cf the weapon, saying he was going to leave ou an early train. Both say the pistol was accidentally discharged, the tall entering Hughes' chin, knocking out two teeth and ranging npward into the jawbone, whence it was later extracted at the hospital to which the young man was taken. Miss Turner left ostensibly for the railway depot, but she was not on any of the afternoon trains that de parted. Her whereabouts are un known. A police officer who went to the hospital to investigate the shooting rrwn1vrl f" rnm ITnrrhoa that IVio Afiheville rcporiea eighteen incnes shooti wa9entirely accidental and that there was no occasion for an arrest.- A number of sensational ru mors are afloat, but none have been verified. Kntered at the Post Office in Raleigh N. C. as sacond-classmail matter. Dr. Robert Pearson, of Morgan ton, died Sunday morning. He was a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. John G. Tarwater, a promi nent man of Warrenton, suicided at his home a few days ago. ' Ed Sellar?, a young white ruan of Kimton, committed suicide Sunday night by taking laudanum. Mr. Alfred Fox, of Madison county, was urn over and killed by a freight train Saturday afternoon. Mr. Cyrus 13. Frazier has been ap pointed postmaster at Greensboro, and Mr. L. N. Grant at Goldsboro. The Supreme Court will meet Monday, which day will be devoted to examining applicants to practice law. Mr. J. J. Sorrell, a well known farmer of Wake county, died at his homo in Cedar Fork township laet Sunday. Frof. A. J. Garner, superinten dent of the public schools of Hay wood county and county surveyor, is dead. Gov. Glenn will address the cot ton growers of Wake county at their convention in Metropolitan Hall, this city, on February 3 d. hte nf snow Saturday, the heaviest lor twenty years. This was accompa nied by sleet and severe cold weather. Kccra Atsltcd VfMtaGiri N'ear Attest A tlanta, Ga., Jan. 30. Mrs. Ulna May Dupree, a young woman about twenty years of age, who lives with W. H. Grogan, a prosperous farmer about six miles from Atlanta, near Cornell, was assaulted by a segro this afternoon. After cutting her throat and leaving her In a dying condition from loss of blood and nervousness, the negro escaped. A posse of more than a hundred citl rent with track hounds is following the negro tonight. MutPtr SI25.0OO Back Taxes. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 30. Judge Pendleton, of the Superior Court here today decided that the Central Railroad of Georgia Is liable for State taxes on the thares cf stock which it holds in the Western Hall way of Alabama. The amount of taxes due under this decision aggre gates 1125,000. The railroad will appeal the case. Bajrli m of t Ottamltt. Your troubles are not latereaiiss; unless you are rich. You caa generally come t" a square understanding with an honorable man. Unless what you know I helpful o those you know, ycur knowledge snot culture. Men do not ot jct so much to the ar it's the feathers that annoy them. Mystery is the met bod cf the quack. 1 1 'a never too late to marry. American Magazine. Xaed DttrRoad. Now would be a good time to vote on roads whllo they are eo bad. We need better roads in Davidson county more than anything else. We will have these some day but it may be after other counties have gone ahead of us on account of their good roads. North State. Frederick the Eighth Now Kin er D-mark. The new King Frederick the Eighth now rules over Denmark. His ascension was hailed ith en thusiasm but great sot row was ex pressed at the death of King Chris tian the Ninth. Mr. Joe Smith, cf Conleatnea township, Pitt county, who was gored by a vicious bull about two weeks ago, died Friday night of his injuries. Deputy Collectors K. W. Merritt and D. C. Downing captured two blockade ttills and one prisoner last last Friday afternoon about 10 miles east cf Raleigh. Mr. W. T. O'Brien, a wealthy citizen oi' Durham, and head of the Duke branch of tho American To bacco Company, (lied at his homo in Durham Saturday night. The Wakefield Central Baptist church, of Wake county, wa3 Uedi cated Sunday. Dr. Tyrce, of llaleigb, preached tho dedicatory sermon. The building cost more than 3,000. Fuller Poller, colored, was killed by coming iu contact with a live wire ai Spencer Tuesday. Dr. Carl ton was knocked down and seriously injured hy coming in contact with the samo wire. WRECK ON SEABOARD. Four Killed and Several Wounded Acci dent Near Colombia. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 30. A dis astrous wreck occurred on the Sea board Air Line ltaiiway between Hamlet, N. C, and Columbia, 8. C early this morning, by which four persons are officially reported dead and by which two others are said, by current report here, to have been killed. The wreck was between passenger train No. 66 northbound and an ex tra freight train known as No. 658 southbound from Hamlet, N. C. Those officially reported dead are: Engineer A. A. Sneck, of Hamlet N. C. Fireman Andy White, of Ramlet, N. C. Two unknown United States rail way mail clerks. According to rumor here Engineer John Itobertson, of Itileigb, N. C, and his colored firemen, Don Doug Business men generally, whoss af fairs are in good shape, should re member the party whose policies ha3 brought about these conditions when they look over the political horizon this year. Union Republican. las, of Raleigh, were also killed, but The Governor has offered a reward according to an official report given New ftfacazlBO Fiction. t The deluge of short stories in the magazines is so overwhelming that It is usually quite useless to attempt to point out the merit of any par tlcular story. But In the February number of the Cosmopolitan Maga zine there is a tale so remarkable for its laugh-provoking qualities that it seems necessary for the good of tho jaded magazine reader to call at ten tion to it. It is eigned with the cu rious name. Malvolio Jones, obvi ously a non de plume. Why a quiet and perfectly respect able old lady should want to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and why this proceeding seems perfectly rea sonable is told with the most whim sical touch in this story. It looks like the coming of a new and dis tinctive humorist. An Irlihmm arI a He! few wem V la the wotdt, lltlf ittrrrd they killed a lcg cuvr, bkis, not btlog enough for two, they do rk! il to keep till tho nut morning, ard tho etse having th roost p ot dtcaei was tt hav it. Au w hat did you dream? aiked Pat. I drcamd that a r gels were draw- leg me to heaven in a haskt t, ami I never before wt so happy." Upon the lit brew coccJudlcg his dream, Pat exclaimed : -lV? JabUrf, I raw yo goiu and thought ye wouldnt be back, so I got up and ate , the gome iu self. Travel. TV km Tare' Cowpaar. By Pauline Carroll, in the American Hagsz:ne. Tbe wind bnw'a 'roucd ths Ijouie; We hear it swell and dir. We three, aha t in together. Feat lag ncr wicd n sr weather. Just you and Lots and I. Life bitter storms asiai), The winds of Fate blow fre. We closer draw together, Acd there's n:r wind nor weathtr For you anl Love acd me. I A T1U1X LOAD OF HOOKS lYv Hook House Failed. Siock Mrtr lis fom at Omc From 10 to tO Cmsn ox Ta Eollas. Eimira: 'Jennie, what do yoa age to keep your hair from falliDg off?" Jennie "Hairpins, dear. "What do you use?" These Are Sample Price?. 1 atjcopjrigbti were SI 10. Our price c' t, lAt inciad s M f be i brUtJSs", Call of the Wild", Brewster'a Mil lions", 'Graustark VTha Castaway'. Mijfcvid Uarum, ttc. Encyclopedia Hritunnica, lO Yos.,liHlf leather, regular 3(.oo, our price $7.75. Xroas S; enaf . WOKLD'S IIK8 T POlITes. bakepe re, Locgfeltow and 48 other". DeLuxe edition, rull , Leather. psddeJ, pure old edge, reg ular $!.5'j, our price t cents t-acn. Every book guaranteed ti be new, perfect acd satisfactory ,or your money bick without qnestton or quibbticg. Ptsctically any book or set of books you want a a fraction of tte retail pruewtiilo they last. Gt our free bargain list b fori ordering. Save to to 90 per cent on Christ ins liooki Write for it today. Tbe David U. Cltikton Co., Dpt. 4. Cbtraco. 111. "Needles, Paris and Supplies for bot'j 'Wheeler & Wilscfc and Singer Machines SOLD ONLY BY SEWING MACHINE CO LIQUORS. We can ship Whiskey to any point In North Carolina that the Railroads or Steamboat? lines go. We are lo cated iu l he State of Virginia and the N. C. ANTI-JUQ LAWS do not affect us at ail as we are pro tected by the Interstate Commerce laws. We sell Com Whiskey at. $1.25 per Gallon aiidBye Whiskey at $ 1 .50 per Gallon and up. Write us for our Complete Price list and Express rate to your office. Ycurs truly, Z. F. LONG & CO., P. O. Box 393, Suffolk, Va. of $2 50 for the capture oi Cnariie Isaacs, who is wanted for the mur der of William Lesier, in Watauga L'ountv. The criuao was committed m in November. Abe Crews, eon of Postmaster Crews, of Dennis, Forsyth county, lumDia. was killed near lloanoKe, a., rn day. lie was fireman on a train, and while he was looking out of the cab window his head struck a beam with such force that he wa3 jerked out of the window and received in juries which caused his death. out at the Seaboard offices in Ports mouth this afternoon, Engineer Rob ertson and Fireman Douglas were only iDjured. Accident was due to men in chargo of freight overlooking pas senger train. Injured taken to uo- THE YELLOW FEVER GERM has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malarial germ. To free the system from dis ease germs, the most effective rem edy is Dr. King's New Life Pilia. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 25c. at all druggists. RESERVE ARMY OF FIFTY TnOUSAXD WANTED, An Old Colored Mn' Male KUled and lie wat Nearly Frozen to Death. On Thursday night, while Wesley Jeffreys, a colored man, was driving a blind mule going from Raleigh to his home in Swift Creek township, his muie fell into a branch and was' killed. The old man got lo3t, wan dered in the woods all night, and when he came to the home ot a col ored man about dayiight he was nearly frozen to death. He was cared for and it is believed he will get over it. Wesley is a good colored man aud has the friendship of all. News and Observer. May liive in Any Past of Na tion, But Must Assemble Ten Days Annually, Washington, Jan. 30. Secretary Seaboard Literature. The Seaboard Air Line Railway has gotten out a very handsome cal endar for 1906, also a booklet enti tled "Sketches of the South," and a winter resort booklet, highly de- Far mers Attention. FROM FACTORY TO FARM. 1 The FAMOUS WHITLEY FERTILIZER can be bought dircc from factory at wholesale prices. No middlemen. None that equals it" Can be used on rouch or hiliv land. Caa b3 rezulated to tow from one hundred pounds to any amount per acre. No waste ; the regula tor is arranged so it can be entirely cut off at a moment's notice Will sow any kind of fertilizer, never clces. Can be used in windy weather without the waste of your fertilizer. Spreads tbe fertilizer five Inches in width. A child can understand how to work it. Simple and dura ble. Will last a lifetime with proper care. Can't get out of order. Guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. Price $12.50 F. O. B., Goldsboro, N. C. Order today. J THOMPSON, WHITLEY & CO., Manufacturers, Goldsboro, N. C. POPULAR PRICES Taft today Eent to Congress drafts of scriptive of the winter resorts along DO YOTJ GET TJP WITH A LAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost evervtxxlv who reads the news papers is sure 'to know of the wonderful cures iiuuc Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid nev. liver and blad- . der remedy. fa It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century : discovered after years J r.H V later several important bills designed to increaoe the efficiency of the army. The bills were introduced today by Representative Hull, chairman oi the House Committee on Military Affairs. One of these bills i3 designed to Pfttahliah a partial reserve for coast defense in case of actual or impend ing war. The bill provides for a force of not to exceed 50,000 men, who will have served not less than one complete enlistment in the reg ular army. They are to be enlisted for five- year terms, and to be carried on the rolls of the military secretary's ot fice, to be allowed to live where they please in the United States, subject to call by the President of ten days each year for instruction, and on the outbreak of a foreign war to be called into active service. The total cost is estimated at a.bout $2,000,000 a year. this line in the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. This literature will be sent to parties on application, en closing a two cent stamp to the un dersigned. C, H. GATHi, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. RELIABLE COQDS. OUR CLUB OFFERS. If You Want a Good Magazine Cheap with The Caucasian Read the following : To new subscribers or old subscri bers who renew in advance we offer the following hizh-class magazines at greatly reduced rates. The Woman's Home Companion and The Caucasian both for one year for IMQ HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Shoes, Trunks, Hats anlFutnishing'.Goods, lO East Martin Street. CUB PRICESIARE RICHTVL CALL ANDISEE US. TpOTTON fields need never "wear out.' A complete fertilizer, with the right amount of Potash, feeds to the soil the nourishment that cotton must have, and which the cotton removes from year to year. "Cotton Culture,' our interesting 90-pagc book, contains valuable pointers on cotton raising, and shows, fiom comparative photo graphs, what enormous cotton yields Potash has produced in different states. This book will be sent you free of any cost or obligation if you will just write us for it. Air. CCS HAN KALI WOWI, $1.00. EXPRESS PAIR 81.00. EXPRESS PAID. "Ideal" Alcohol Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, .Chafing Pisli. Uuht Houc Keeping, or Wherever (as is not Available or eiiii!. IT MAKES ITS OWN CIAS AI1SQLUTELY HA IK. keless anil Odorless, Weighs Only Eiglil (ta. CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUXlS. It Hulls a Quart of Water In Nino Ml miles. $1.00. Express Paid. $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward -Hardware Company, RALIEGII N. O. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part oi tho State at samo prico at at shop. MONUMENTS COOPElt II ItOW., l'roprloinrx. Raleigh, N. 0. When writiof t) advcitlbem mention t he Ciucasian send for Catalogue. PRICE CUT IN HALF 11EVIEW OF RKVIKOS COSMOPOLITAN WOMAN'S HOMi: COMPANION TI1E CAUCA6IAN Prfco WOMAN S HOME IWIg&HlON Sensational Prico FOK A LIMITED TIME $3 FOR ALL TO ONE ADDRESS. Jft We are very fortunate in being able SSJ 10 "TID with the publisher cf Ukmj mrae wen-Known magazines to offci the four subscriptions for the coining year at tola sensational price. The National Magazine and Tbe Caucasian one yea? for f 1.30 MeC&ll'a Macrazine I fashions and The Caucasian one year for Editors must have a n?C3 time in St. Petersburg. The workmen threaten to blow them up if they of scientific research j don't print a manifesto and the gov- by Dr. wuner, ernment locks them up if they do eminent kidney and rr,;KQ Everybody's Magazine ( price $1.50) and The Caucasian one year for 20Q Madder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidnev, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you neeu. ai nas, been tested iu so many-ways, iu Jiospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findoutif j-ou have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading tins generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., "pirighamton, 'V. "fUe regular fflv-cent" and one- ArSSar r,-7f Kittles are Eoroa of Swamp-Boot sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y, on tvsxy bottle. The Ladies' Home Journal (price $125) and The Caucasian one year $2 00 EV - Ik. A Reminder to Out Subscribers "Wlio are in rrears. This week we are mailng out statements to our subscribers who are In arrears on their subscription. We are not sending out these state ments because we are afraid our sub scribers will not pay us, but are sending them but as a matter of busi ness. It is often that a subscriber forgets when his subscription is due and a reminder is all that is neces sary. "We are very anxious that all our subscribers who are due on sub scription will send u.3 the amount due; together with renewal $br an other year, before the 1st of Jan uary,! 90$, as we do not want to carry any old accounts over into the new ytar. If our statement of your accounts wrong write us and we will glaily make proper correction. McCIure'8 MAgvziue and The Cau casian one year - $1.75 The Youth's Campanlon (weekly. mice $1,751 and The Caucasian one year for . $2.25 j Hew England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Chartered 135, Boston, Mass. Assets About $40,000,000 Tn . Miioof fnr Camnalfm Contributions the VicoPresi- IU ICI'JJ v m -v- M o dent of the Com pany replied as follows : I cannot advise any subscription by the Company to the campalgu fund for any purpose. The money held by the Insurance Company in trust for its policy holders cannct be used for political, educational or religious purposes, and any vote by the directors authorizing a subscription would be beyond their authority, and for any money paid under such vote, the directors would be personally liable, and at the suit of any policy-holder the Court would require them THE REVIEW OF ItEVIEWS is necessary to keep posted on all the important events of the day. It is a high-class educational maga zine. THE COSMOPOLITAN has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. It contains many nteresting stories each month and oatinasB to grow batter. AN'S HOME COMPAMO is for every member of the family. It contains the fashions as well as mtny Interesting stories, receipts to be used in tbe home, etc. Don't delay sending in your or der. The offer is good for new and renewed subscriptions If paid for a year in advance. Cut out this ad vertisement and send us with $3.00 and wo will send yoa the three mag azines and the paper for ono year. Address CAUCASIAN PEI1 Co., Raleigh, N. C. The Delineator (fashions) an The Caucasian one year for $1 80 to reimburse the Company. Boston, Oct. 5, 1896. ALBERT D. FOSTER, Vice-President. The Designer (fashions) Caucasian one year for and The $V$0 All of the magazines offered above are high-class magazines and The Caucasian wil1 be even better the ; coming year. You cannot go wrong if you order The Caucasian ana one of the above magazines for one year. Address. CAUCASIAN PUB. CO , Raleigh, N. O. This is not only good sense, and therefore good law and equity, but It Is plain, everyday common honesty a quality which seems conspicuously to have been lacking in the management of the other Companies. Agents wanted In every County In the State to sell New England Annual Dividend Contracts. A. J. WILOFORD, The Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES TUB INAUGURATION OF THE 8HOO-FLY TRAIN Between Weldon and WITH C0NNETI0H3 FROM OXFORD, L0UI8BURG; AND WAR BENTON, COMMENCING ' UOHDAY; JAJUARY.9TH. The arl Alrltoi takes great pleasure la announcing the Inau atloa he 8hoo-Fly train between Weidon and Balelgh, xnak No. 30. 6: 45 a. m. Leaves Raleigh 5: 00 p. nv 8:00 a- m. "Arrives Frankilnton C:03 p.jn. 8:20 a. m. Arrives Henderson C:29p. X3. 8:63 a.m. Arrives Norllna &55p.m 9: 25 a. m. Leaves Norllna 7: 15 p. m 10:15 a.m. Arrives Weldcn 8: 30 p. ta No, 29. Leaves Weidon I Arrives Norllna Leaves Norllna Arrives Header on Arrives Frankilnton Arrives Ralttgh No. 29 Lv. Oxford 7:45 am. Li. Henderson 8: 30 am. Lv. Loulsbarg 8- 50 am. , Ar. 1 ranklinton 9: Zd am. No. 30. Lv. Henderson 9:00 am. e;40 pra- 9:45 am.7:zd pm. C:10pa. (a 35 pm In no way affect Ar. Oxford Lv. Frankilnton Ar. Loulaburg GENERAL AGENT, Balelgb, N. C. Tfca ahwA Bchednlea on the branch lines will the present connections with regular No. 39 and 41. - For further lnioraation in regaxa w ecueuuiv uyyj , . O. B. RYAN, G.P. A, C. H.GATTIS, T.P. An Portsmouth, Vt, Eslslfih, N. 0.