A Mood. It !s eJod to attlva against wind and rain In the Ken. sweet we athr that autumn bring. The mild horso shakea r.ot the drops from his mar.. Ths wild bird flicks not the wet from tir wings. In e'adder fashion tl,an I toe free Th mist-duMffl gold of "y ltlsht hair' flag. Whnl time the winds on their heel- nmci lag. And all the tmpet JSv?rienS With me. None can rearh mr to wound or cheer; Sound of weeplne ard sound of i,ong .Wither may trouM me; I can l-r. Hut the winds' loud laugh, and the sibilant. iror.r. Lulled rush of ra'!i thrown tl.. 3pW. weed. 0 raie. dar days. air l,ie ;ca!r' 1 U woo hu maidt-n an.- . oo-d of ion With oaths forgotten ur.l J.:o'xr. ere.!.! Ye .bIl not la' k for the sun' f.-r : .-hir,-li.K- With the to!d of my hair I make ye v'-'d; For onr blown, red forets ni ( no pir.ir.fc - JioW ar Ifiv Ii); v i!! f Mill ;ol? ''mfort ye. romfoit j . m of .ioui. Iiays of ti.ndov.-. of wiath. ' hial I who luvc iirn -orne ;i! lv-r. tugh to w-Iiomt iii-: r iito-.iii! For wild am I a thy wii;l-i atfd i.ii;?- Kr-e to i liir.i; and to ;i - II. - ; Love's moon svvayi not t!. -.:.t- of my There is no oi &. that 'Jn lid m May. ut and away on th? ire:u d. brown U a '. Out to the trfat, g!ad htart of the r! Nf.thit.s to rj f'.r. iio'lii:: !. f'ar; I V tin !-.- . l l'-:-. h lis.iiijA!! Jiehohcth Kt:r.d;iv il.-i.ild. Charms of Alaska. "TVTj?n I le!I my friends that in Alaska during the months of June, Jul and August, we have almost con llnual sunlight, ami that it never get dark in the summer months;, they in variably ask when we h3- i," said a merchant from Council Al.-i!;., re cently. "Well, we Kltep whnevf-r we Lave fhe opportunity. Very few of us liav a regular tfru; of going to bed and arising exeept t he miners, who worT; In shifts and have to he more method ical. "fn the winter fherp fs pr.u t i( ally nothing doing, and the fev,- l eopi lo tt ay there ;m kI? all they t'ooiie. "But when spring opens up, husd ness flonrisihes. Kveryone li:ts to work all he py.ssihly c:in. heeause the summer Is very short, and a Rivat rleal has to he aeromplisi.ed lo maiie ap for the stagnation dMrin t he win ter months. We have wonderful summers at f'ounril. as if never g.-t.s vc-ry warm r cold. Several thve.-t ihouuh. I iiave seen tiie tliermonieter ii:iir (h't ;le- Kreen. The verdure and the hrnsh itrow wirh a rapidiiy liiat is astonish ing in tiie warm loonllta. Plants y.rov: o rapidly that we can rais- henles and the hardier vegetables before the frost ?et in." Portland Or?gonian. Where Words Fail. "What is the color vhaiaiu'?" a certain young man askeii a nerable Creole lady, whose h:iir v. as white as snow. She rummaged thiougli her mind for tc-rins of explanation, beinu a lit tle liable to forget Kn."lish word s at times. Finally, however, she replied: " 'Chatain.' dat is the color of my hair, you understand, whoa I was young!" And then she smiled wish satisfac tion at the exact manner in which the hail explained the term, while ihe quesi inner stiil wondered what eolor "ehatain" was. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Of Interest to the Housewife. In the February Delineator there, is ninth of housewifely interest. Isabel Gordon Curtis' helpful household se rial called "The Progress of a House wife'' tout-lies upon the kitchen and its utensils. Delicious recipes for on ions and cakes and desserts are sup plemented by an interesting and in-striK-tive article 011 "Meat and Its lTses," and the pages of Illustrated 'ookery are extremely suggestive. Gardening and house furnishing: are other topics of particular interest to the home. Increase qar fields Per Acre of liberally using our fertili zers, is to pay oir a mortgage on the ol d farm . Kcau t ti e fol lowing from Hesaip. Wherry & Son.ovnera of the Magnolia I'ruit Farm. Duraut. Miss.: " We made $900 troui one acre strawberries, on which jour fertilizers were used. Eight years ago we bought i his piate at $20 per acre. It wi.s then considered to have been worn out twenty years before, but by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers under peas and velvet lesti9. we can now grow almost any thing, and Lave been offered $250 per acre for the place. Wo experimented with a grat Dianv brands of fertilizers, out find the highest per- c ent, eheaper." Now don't you think Virginia-Carolina fertilizers o'.ua enaoie you to pay off a niortgage if you had one? w ell. don't use any other. Virglflla-Caroliaa Chemical Co Richmond. Va. Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. C. Charleston, 8. C. Baltimore. JUd. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Oa. Montgomery. Al4 Memphis, Tenn. hre eport. La. f. v9 vxSmZiJP.t "-WP ?W 0iie Of The Resultsl 0 p , r-ii . ITplu BY GOOD DCALERS qiryv4 iFarriiers Say Isthe Best Remedy on Earth. Kills a Spavin Curb or Splint. Very Penetrating. Kills Pain. Oil EA8L S. CITAS; "S . mn f ii-riaiB5BBBBBMaWaaTaayaaaaBB8aiaBJ OTHER SIDE OF THE WOHLD. British India til has SI. 400 people bekig cared for by ihe relief fund. The maritime customs revenue of Obiun for IIWj bows an increase of 2.500,000 over that of 190 1. Australia's primary productions have been unexampled iti yield and value during the two years Iat par Tl, rVimmonwoltl, f Inanl'n r.- 4 w&m a4 -va v . a. a- , a. aw7iuaaa, ceived $22,000,000 last T-nr for duties on import, a decrease of ?24-",O0O. Japan' exports for t'u ten month ended October .t mounted to $l2flJM). MM and her import to .yill.200,00. 1'Le trouble in Japan alKm the Chi ne student-' in that country has Iwen etiled. but not without 1W0 of tbem returiiin? to China. In the tiit eight dayn of December Manila harbor received live vessels from :rr.i the ocean and twenty-one from ruaiwiir tea mer. Peii:ui export and iu.port for tiie year eudM Matih '2Si, V..M). show a ilei iea-e of S.U .". whkb i attril uted to i he troubles in Ilusia. New Ze;il,ind is to hare direct steaui cliip i ouiiiiunii'.ttiiiii with Cauada, not less than six trip each way each year.' The (I'ovcinmi'iiii are to sve a Mtbsidy Of S."iiU.x.iO ea li. Last sumnier. owing to floods. .'',0.006 Japaiiet soldier in Noifhc-asteru Ko-rt-a Ave ! for fifteen days on one-third rations while building bridges all the ! time. There w;is not a murmur of ui.Montent. , The Commonwealth f Australia nas rrohiidtel the importation of opium exei pt f.jr uicdiviua! purposes. All t lie Whites will ht iiionc.v b this action. :ie of Ih.-ni. Qiieeiisiaj.d, will lose ooiiii a year. 'it:::- Si.iifol New South Wales, Com n: j:tv, eahli ,f Au-ir.iiia. iin reased its iiiipiris in 1!0." by ff7J)9MW. but i: alij siicrenst d 'tis export Pv S.10.CH 0. a trade rain or S12,rpN,Mo. That Stale is pro suerous. Till; LABOR WOBLD. The pto-p -t of pace not briuht- i fioil oy the n.meis -convention at ln- j tiiah:tpoii. Over i" weavers if (lie I'icieii Hive;- Textile Comiany, .-it Me. hanies il!r. tn.i.. went on su-ike i'ur in crease 1 wage . In and around (J mined;. '1. New South Wall', about Pii people ale supporting families by .'tippiying the local freez ing works Willi rabbits:. CaiiKgie's money enabled the La bo pait.v iu Biiiain 10 win its astonishing .-uecosses, the New York World's L011 1I011 eorr'spodeiu learns. Th' Typographical Unions of Chi e.r' jini'ouiiee that the eight-hour tay i j:'w in effect in three-fourths of the Look and job otikes of that city. Tbe Kx ei.u live Board of the Amal gamated Window (Bass Workers met at Cleveland to indorse the move of the huh iMideuts t hold their stock for higher prices. The soft toal miners threaten a de nial."! for an increase in wages, and if the threat is backed up by action a strike in that braueh of the industry seems inevitable. Tbe London Standard charges that the n. w- Liber. I (rovemnient is com mit ird to an uiKonsfitutiona. act in stopping ie imporiation of Chinese coilies U Sorth Africa. By 2 1.Ti::. votes to 4S2o the Amalga ni:i;ed So. iciy of Bailway Servants in England deejded to pay an annual levy of mie shilling per head for Parliament ary candidature and payment of 'aem ber". Stew.nt I'iiinizy. of Savannah, (ia., has written to the American Embassy suggesting that some of London': un employed be sent to worl: in the cottru mills of Ceorgia, where whole families can iiud work. It was said at Pittsburg that George Weslinghouse, Jr.. was an apprentice in his father's air brake plant. The Mist. A sombre grey enshrouding- mit, Hints oat the heather hill. VYh-it hi to iln golden sun had kissed The e.cp I'itik Ix.-I's at will. Ami i-veep:nir oown the gis.y steep, ll gain." thf tiioiiy shore: Where plow the billows of the deep, With Mith 11 hostile roar. I watvb tliis brooding- presence as 1 1 works its K-.v will. Still ever forging on ahead. With penetrating chill: lake evei y : spai;- it easts about, A spj failing humid blight. i:ini.oilii-.l si'.fin'.--. shutting out. truth's bejuitits l'lojii my sight. fume here, my ii it nd. draw near and Sei-! Ail brightness disappear. lbw eltise it loom,-, su rfounding me, '1'liis (tread curtain of tears. Mine t yes the n-.ists 1.!' sorrow blind, i-ieive Hi's the ;ing ry. main. Chisp t'um my band, and help me find, The sim-light n-e again. Annie Oddlet. Getting into debt is an easy wax of going: to the 'devil. So. o-'OG. Good Teeth osl Good Temper Arc characteristic of thp Atkins Saws always. That is because they are made of the best steel in the world Silver Steel by men that know how. Atkim Sw, Cra' ttnlvet. Perfection Floor fenpfri, etc , ire" 10U by ail ooi ktrtiwire dealer. Catalogue ou reuet. E, C. ATKINS OL CO. Inc. l.artrst Saw Manufacture ia tie World Factory and Executive Officet, Indianapolia lRANCHK-New York, Chicafo, Minneapolit lortlaij4 (Oregon, Seattle, jvan Fraaciaco .McaijiKU, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) AcMst ne suoitltuts Iniitt on ths Atkins Brand S15 ALBANY STREET, BOSTCX, MASS,' If j Acctnesubit;tuts-!ftiitntha Atkins Brand f NORTH STATE NEWS Items of Interest Gleaned from Various Sections FROM MOUNTAIN TO SEASHORE Minor Occurrences of the Week of Interest U Tar Heeii Told in Para graphs. Charlotte Cotton Market. Tbee figures represent prices paid to wagons: Good middling HVi Street middling Mi.ldiin- Strict low middling: Ill 4 Stains and 10:K General Cotton Market. Galveston quiet , New Orleans firm Mobile easy Savannah steady Norfolk steady Baltimore nominal Xew York lloston quiet Philadelphia quiet.... ... Houston steady Memphis r.teady Angusla quiet and steady. St. Louis quirt Louisville firm 11 .. iv2 .. 114 1H . 11 Mi .. 11-li ..ll.SO ..11.S0 . V2.Vo 11 n-i ti . . 1VA . . ll' . . n'' H .. n -: One Step Forward. Governor Glenn has received from General Francis A. Macon, Quarter Master Geenral of the State Militia, who was in Washington, D. C. at tending the iu?ting; of the National Guard, a telegram, stating that he had made an application to the War" Department for battery artillery, ami that the request was granted, the bat tery being obtained free of cost. It will consisl of four pieces. The tele gram did not state whether the bat iery was for the field or stationary, hut if it is stationary, it Avill, in all probability, be located at Morchead City, the permanent encampment ground of the North Carolina Nation al GiRsrd. General Macon told Gov ernor Glenn Wednesday before the latter left Washington for llalcigh. that his speech before the National Guard had left the military autho rities in excellent good humor and General Macon declared that on the strength o Governor Glenn's speech he would ask for the battery of ar tillery which he did, with splendid success. New Text Books. The Sub State Text Book Commis sion, consisting- of five members, will meet at lialeigh in June to make re commendations it the State Text look Commission, which is the Stale Board of Education as to new text books to be used during the next few years, as the present contract will ex pire in duly. The State Text Book Coinniission will meet in July and it is hoped to have the books in the de positories before the beginning of the fall term. Four years ago not one recommen dation of the Sub Commission was adopted. Faison Succeeds Miller. Goldsboro, Special. The Board of Directors of the Eastern Hospital for the colored insane met at this insti tution to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of Dr. J. F. Miller. Ihe suerintendent, and elected Dr. W. W. Faison, who had filled the po sition of assistant for the past twenty three years. There was a full meet ing of the board, with the exception of one member, who sent a letter ad vocating the election of Dr. Faison. Addition to Dormitory. Greensboro, Special. At a semi-annual session of the board of trustees of Greensboro Female College, it was decided to build an addition to the dormitory. The school has been crowded the last year and many pu pils have been turned away for laek of room. The addition will be in the form of a wing added lo the east side of the building and will be erected during the coming summer. The work on the circular front has been nearly completed and it will be oicned at an early date. Other routine business was transacted. Slipped Broke His Leg. Durham, Special. Frank Davis, an aged colored man, met death in an unusual manner." He was driving a wagon when the vehicle slipped along the street car track causing him to lose bis balance and iu the fall his neck was broken. He was dead in five or ten minutes from th etime of the fall. . The Mead man is about eighty years of age. Negro Leaves Large Estate. Salisbury, Special. The will of the late John Mo wry, colored, was pro bated and it reveals a fortune of from gfcjOOQ to $35,000. Mr. W..H. AVTnte. cashier of the First National Bank, is one of the executors add Kev. F. L. Daniels, colored, is another. The prop erty is to be divided after certain provisions are complied with; eqiiaHy ainong; his wife aud children. , .Boy Train Wrecker. Hickory, Special. Magistrate J P "Seitz bound over to Superior Court in rtie sum ot George Knox, the 12-year-old negro" boy on the charge of attempting to wreck No. J2, an easi-bomid passenger train, in the city limits Sunday evening by. putting a piece of 30-incb railroad "iron on Ihe track. . 1 A DESPA1RIKC WOMAN. yf rnttlmg KSdiMy TrwwVl. Mrs. Henry A. Reamer, Mala tn4 Cant Sis., South BeoJ, Ind., ssji: "Ween I begin lislng Don Kld x9j ruif I was so wealc I could fcardly drag my self across the room I wan - & wretched and ner- von and bad ffl'f log down pain. lesuacne. ami i.e and weak eyes. Drop.y tet In and bloating of the chest choked me and threatened the heart- 1 bad little hope, but to my untold surprise Dean's Kidney Pills brought me relief and saved my life. I shall never for get it." Sold by all dealer. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Proof of Elm Tree's Age. An elm, said to be over 100 years eld, was cut at Bennington. Vt., the other day. When the tree was chopped proof of its age was discover eu near the heart In the shape of an G!d-fah.ioncd band-forged nail. PL's Cnr Is the nscJiine we ever n.ei for all a'Teetioos of t'arori1- and lungs. Wsr O. Evrsi.ET. Vaaburen. Iud.. Feb. 10, 190. l'..i'h ttpain Dundee send her whaling fleet to the Arctic. To Cure Cold In One Day Take Lapcativ Kroioo Qtiiniue Tablet, I Vru twist.-? refuud money it it fai'.-- to rare. 1. W.cirove'cSrigUHture oaem-h box. '25r. Duii.It-e i the ou!y purl iu tiie Pritih isles that owns whshij;s. Ctue ltlood, Skin 1 rouble, taot er, Blood I'olson. ' Greatest Bloud Purifier Kreo. If your blood ia Impure, thin, diseased, hot or full cf humors, if you have blood poison, eaneer. earbuue'e, ;, eating tores, perofala, e.-zerna. itehhig. iDinga and lumps, Bcabby. pimply skin, tu ne j-aics, catan-h, rhaii.a!i9in, or any Wood or fkin dis?ase, tk5 Potauie Blood Haim 1 R it. Ji.) aeoord iug; to directions. Sooa all sores Le.ii, aches and paii s top, tko blood 'i made pure and rich, U avinir the skin free from every eruption, end giving the ri.-h glow of perfc-t health to the skiu. At ths same time lb B. B. imt-roves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengtheni. weak kidneys. Ji st the niedtf-iti'.; for old people, n"it gives thin new, vigorous blood. Druggists, il per large bottle, with directions for home cure, cample free and orepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ca. 'Dee.-ribe trouble and special free medi-al adviee also sert in sealed letter, li. P.. 11. is es peeiaily advised for ehronie, deej-gfated cases of impure blood and skin disease and cures after all else faits. There is a communion that doet- not depend on communication. FITSperiiianently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's of Dr. Kline's Groat Nerve Restorer. 2triai bottle andlretisefr'33 Dr.I!.H.Ki.iHE, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Thila., Pa. In London about 4.0'Xl iiersons regularly make a living by begging. A Ciuavnnleetl Cure For l'iles. Itching-, Blind, Bleedin,', Protrudincr Til". Druggists are authorized to refund money'.! Pazo Ointment faiis to cure in 6 to 14 da vs. 50e. The annual coal bill ot the Penuvlva nia Jtailroad system 13 $18,OM,000. Jloubetl "in C Jmreb. Just think what an outrage it is to be robbed oij all the benefits ol-the services fay coutinuous coughing throughout (he congregation, when Anli-linpiue is guaran teed to cure, sio'icl everywhere. 25 eta, 1''. V. Diemer, M. D., manufacturer. JSpringfield. Wo. There has been a great demand for pure bred cattle iu Argentina recently. Year 1905 Sales. TJte total distributive sales for 1905 exceeded , soo,ooo,ooo. This total is rea'lized from the sale i of fresh meats beef, mutton and pork.i, provisions, produce (poultry. butter and eggs, soaps, glues, oils, bones, fertilizers, feathers, casings, hides, -wools, pelts and other by-products derived from cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. Margin of Profit. The Industry is operated on a mar gin of less than 2 cents to each dol lar of sales. Swift & Co. do not sell at retail. Their-eutire output is -sold at wholesale to many thousands of dealers in various parts of the world. There are hundreds of local. slaughter ers throughout the United States, who buy their live stock in competition "with the packer doing an interstate and international business. Likewise the packer must sell in competition with the local slaughterers. There are no secret processes in the industry, no complicated and expensive factories, and as live stock can be purchased in almost every hamlet and city, and the preparation of meats is simple in the extreme, local slaughtering will long remain a factor in the production of fresh meats and provisions. Economic Advantage. The large packing houses will, how ever, always have these advantages: rxcauons at the chief live stock cen- j ters, with the opportunity to buy tbe ! nest live stocg; manufacturing in large quantities, at the minimum of ex pense; utilization of all waste mate rial; refrigeration; mechanical appli ances; highly efficient business man agement. . These advantages ; are, re flected in the "quality of the packer's output, a quality that has reached, its highest deTelopment in the prod acts bearing , the name and brand of "Swift"- ' - - ' t --- " l'arekasina; IJv Stock. The principal live stoek centers are Chicago. Kansas City, Omaha,, gt. 1 . sr., STGP3 BELCH KG Y ABSORmOH . N0 ORUCtA NCW METH03 A En ( Wtfm TN-a T Aew ' ls4lftUM, ItMMtk THISbW If trUr Ut. xHsty fll krt BruUi, 6s BiUer Tt E4 Bmak tapsirei Ap Ptjt A feeling of ft&ntM, vtiat and psta over the stmack ajd tart, soae times susosea and Tomitis;, also fcrer aad sick ba.debe! What causes it? Aof & m all of theft: Excessive eating and dnaklsf abaas of spirits anxiety nd dfprwia ojcntal ef fort mental worry and physical fatifoe bad air iocuScieot food aedenUry hatits abs?nc of teeth bo'tioj of fod. If rut iuffrr from this alow death saw! miserable existence, let us seed yea a sua vie hix of ifn'is Anti-liekh Wafers abao lutely free. 'o drugs. Drags iajurs the stomach. It stops lekhir-g scd cures a diseased stomach hy absorb. eg the foal odora frcst uad'zestd food and ly imparting activity to the lining of the atmrarh. enabling it to tboroi b!y mix the fvJ with tbe eaatrie juices, which prfnoe digestion sol cures the ditee. This offer nvay not appear azain. GOOD K0P. 25c 145 iil (Lis coupon with your name and address and your drasgita same and 10c. in atamps or silver, and we will feapply you a sample free if you have never ued Mait'a Antt-Dekh Wafer, and will 'o send von a cer tidvate good for 25e. toward tiie pur chase 01 more Belch Water. You trill ht:i tbent invaluable for atoinacb trou ble : cure by absorption. Address MtLL's Grapk To?ic C., 3J3 SJ -e., Ilotk Island, III. (rice Full Au.(Jre$g and It'riie Plainly. I I All dra.giis, 50e. per box. or by mail urcn receipt of price. Stamr acep t?i. There are no pre-deterininel death bed re pen t a nces. 'Javier's Cherokee P.emedy of Sweet (Jam and Mullen is Nature's great remedy Cure Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and long troubles. At drug gists. 25c.. toe. and 1.00 per bottle. Preaching hell in the spirit of hell will only drive men in that directiou. HEAD COVERED WITH HUMOR. liothered With Itching fur Long 'lima KentiwKy I.ady ow Completely VeilCured by Cuticura. "After using Cuticur?. Soap, Ointment, and J'ii!?, I am very glad to aay I am entirely relieved of that itching humor of the head and scalp which I was bothered with quite a length of time. I did not use the Cuticura Remedies more than three times before I began to get better, and now 1 ara complete.- well. 1 suf fered wi'tii that humor on ciy head, and found no relief until I took the Cuticura .Remedies. 1 think I used several cakes of Cuticura Soap, three bases of Oint ment, and two ia!s of Pills. I am doing all 1 can lo publish the Cuticura Keme die$, for . iey have done me good, and I know they will da others the same. Mrs. flattie Jackson. Morlansville, Ky., June 12. 190.3." Satan is always a conservative when sin is on the throne. Itch care. I ii 80 minutes by Woolford's f-'Rtiitary Lotion; never fails. Sold by luuiggH-s. Mail orders promptly filled by lr. betcbon, Ci awfordsvble, lad. $1. Co!;e calls ior 40,001.00'.) tons of coal thisvtiu-. CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes all aweJliriar In 8 to 2 dava : effecta a permanent cure . i a 30 to todays. Trialtreatment given free. iotrangean oe iairer vt rite vr. n. ti. breen c sons, SsecUllsl. Sox b Atlanta. 0a. Louis, St Joseph, St. Paul and Fort Worth. The same methods of purchas ing cattle, sheep and hogs prevail at all cities. At Chicago, which is the largest market, there arc about two hundred and fifty buyers, representing packers, local slaughterers in various cities, and exporters. Of this number, less than a score are employed by Swift & Company. The farmer ships his live stock to Chicago, consigns them to a commis sion firm at the Union Stock Yards, who sees that they are unloaded and put in pens. Then tbe buyers inspect them, make their offers to the commis sion dealer, who accepts or rejects as his judgment dictates. All buying must be finished at 3 o'clock each day, and the buyer must pay spot cash. . If the commission man has no satisfactory offers, he can hold bis stock over to the next day. He gets h:.s commission from the farmer, and naturally strives to get the highest possible price for bis client ' , Wholesale DialrlbaUng Hoaae. A w holesale distributing' house is a giant refrigerator, but instead of shelves there are trolley rails, from -which are suspended hooks to hang the carcasses. Some of the bouses cost as much as a hundred thousand dollars to build and equip. As a rule they are of pressed brick, the insides being lined floor, "walls and ceiling with highly polished hardwood. The floors are cov ered daily with fresh sawdust and all are kept spotlessly clean. There are over three hundred of these wholesale bouses In various cities of the United States, and the public Is always wel come fb Tisit them. favoaaiaia; Planata. All the Swift k Company plant are located at the great lire stock markets, in the heart of the great agricultural sections, where can be purchased tbe finest grades of cattle, sheep and bogs. ,We hare seven packing plants, employ ing at each from two to eighf thousand persons. -- - . The-following ."gives the locations and sixes if the different plants: Droosv . - Swift Tumors Conquered Without Operations .1 11 1 i 1 1 Unqualted Vegetable) ana Hiss One of the greatest triumphs of Ljdlsv E. Pinkham s Vegetable) Componnd Is th conqnrrinyr of woman's dread enemy. Tumor. So-called ' wandering pains " way come from its early stages, or tho pres euce of danger roar be mad maailfest by ivcesire znonthlv pariods accom panied by unusual pain extending from tha abdomen through th groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if thare are indieationsof inflammatlou, ulcera tion or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital opera tion; secure Ldia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound at once and begin its use and writ Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass.. for Bdvice. Head these strong letters from grate ful women who hare been cured: Dear Mrs. PirJiham: (First Letter.) ' In looking over your book I sea that your medicine eurea Tumors. I lave beu to a doetor and he tlls me I have, a tumor. I will b more than grateful if you can help me. m I do so dread an operation." Fannie I). Fox, Brndfoid, i a. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (iseeond Letter.) " I take the liberty to congratulate you cr the success I have had vrith your onderf ul medicine. " Kighteen months ego ray jieriods stopied. Shortly after I felt so badly I Kule mitted to a thorough examination by a phy sician, and was told that I bad a tumor and would havo to undergo an ojveration. " I soon after read one of your cdei tls ments and decided to give Lvdia K. Fink hatn' s Vezetablo Conuvuind a trial. After takiug five bottles as directed, ths tame is I entirely gone. I have nKla been examl-ted ! Lyd'ii E. Pinkhara's Ysgctarjlc Gerapsj (1ABBAGE PLANTS, CELERY PLANTS. rnot relioble reodMnon. Wetiw tUe same nlanti ou O'lr 111 iu-jrifl i'pr trur-li f We tiw tUe fame plants ou cil Hint prorf rly packed. ( eh ry rvady liu.t of lie a. C aotxiec r8ily now l.etliifen exiirexa rat?s prunt.i!. lilt-u, n-n rnee:l e, l!l ytve u p-r e-nt. ir than nx-iehaiii-ilM rate. rrWn: SmaM lots Sl.iMr thoiiMiiitl. Lirer lata 1 CO ! $!.i ivr thousand, K. t. W.. M'Ktfms, S. V. Arlluilt.ii White Spine cuimnber Stint tunn pr p 'Uiid. . U. M Jle?fttt. s. i.-. 1 h Lulled Mates Acriculturai ' ei iu titK-nt ha tabll.thl an I.jlixtidk nLr4 Sin t Ion on our farina, to o-l ail kiaits at v.-Rctablcs. esreclally atbasii 1 lie rcsutta of lliene exi;ria.vuU. wo w ill le pl.aael ii tle iu it .my lime. Voura -epcCf Ur, !M. II. Itl.ITf II (OMI'AM', HEOETT,S. I'. PRICE, Cts iiniirsisnsir $m em?, bad ffliinifiir P6 M0 tgt, RrflyMe 10 C?or Uc worfa of l;dln? ia nov-lti rn iliole. est ( 'ardnn Stf ls. !' vrortb of bnfveioal i ro itiiuni c.'j;.cn f rsc with evury oriicr. BOLUIANO'b SE f-D 1UKK, BALTIHOnE. So. 5-'06. racking Plants. Floor Build ingg, Acres. iV. h-pace, Acres. 87?; CO 2G 32 13 Land, Acre. 47 Chicago ... Kansas City Omaha St Louis... St. Joseph.. St. Paul.... Fort Worth. i-.N C 5 31. 10 Employe. The total number of persons em ployed in all the Swift packing plants and branch houses aggregate over 2G,XJ0 persons. Conditions for em ployes in the various manufacturing and operating departments is continu ally improviug with the construction of new buildings and the installation of new and up-to-dr.te equipment. Sanitation aud IIy;len. ' The housewife makes no greater ef fort to keep her kitchen clean than we do to keep in sanitary and hygienic condition our altattoirs. They are thoroughly scrubbed at the close of each day's operations, and automatic appliances are used wherever possible in order to eliminate the nersonal hand ling of meats. Rigid rules governing these points arc strictly enforced; lax ity means dismissal. Yiaitora Alwaya VTelcoao. No other industry in the world glTes such a cordial welcome to visitors as Swift & Co. We keeD onen houA th year around, Ad maintain a corps of specially trained guides, with eneeial elevators and rest rooms. In on we have entertained over a quarter of a million of men and women; in one day-Grand Army Day, 1901-vre en tertained 23,000. Among our visitors have been ambassadors from for! 'O M governments, princes, noblemc distinguished citizens from ai and eminent folks from every the Union. We wish to fami public with our methods, am "way to do that is to let the for itself. We have no seer or methods in any departrJent yr'n nine 0 e DO; n and f lands j i ftate in I thai I th4 best I ftorlffa rrrmltm 1 am, Swifts Premium HaiaaiidlSacoa ) 1 Success of Lyaia iu rmnnauns Compound In Cosoa of Mr. Fox by the pLyviriaja aa & Im says I bar M afjs of a tumor now. It baa'alao fcrvafht tf iwiods around coo mnre; and I am entire It wail . I shall never l wtthiat a bcK -ti of Lydus PiBkaani'a VegeUbl lVrprBil iatlta botue." Fannia IX torn, Bradford, Pa. Another Ca of Turuor Cnrert bjr JTdlis II Pinkhmit Vrgrtn bio Compound. Dear Mra. Ptnkkajn:-- About throw years ago I had InUaao pata la my sUanaeh, with crmmpa and raginat h ! boa. The doctr praarTill for m. but fijadinc that 1 did not got any l-tt-r h xamiaod me as4, to tuy ows-proo, OacloirvS I bad a tumor. "I feit rare that it meant mr death "rorrant. and was very dudart.nd. 1 opent hutvlreds of dollars in doctoring, but tbe tumor kept growing. Uil the doc tor vid that ntbXog but an operation wonkl oava ne. Fortunately I rorriVprntlel with my aunt in one of tb Ne Knglantl fA?, who ad iasl ni t try Lydiav 1 Pi r.khaui a Vegetable Ccumvmnd tr t oreaulv Dltting to ui operation, and 1 at oo staxtl taking m regular treatment, finding to mr grat reliaf that my frenerai tiealLh tiegan t improva, ami after Uiree monttr I notiwl that lb tumor bad reduced In sua. I kept ou taking the Compound, and in ten uiontL it hol entire! v diappeared witiK.nt an c-ptr atiou, and nstng no me ll -hia but Lvdia k Plakliatn's Vegetable Compound. anl word fail t' (pre5 bow grateful I am for tha food it ba done im." Mim Loclla Adam, Colon nade Hotel, tsoattle, Wai.b. fSuch unqucrdionable t.stimony proves the vaiueof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and tdionld give confidonre end iuie to every aick woman. Mrs. Pinkham iuvitrit all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Mass.. for advice. ; a Wcinrc- f Jv fr Womfi's His. and oil klrelef artti .:nt. n now urtokh all alii.! .r eaOtmiie it. Kr!n In lb l ii ulr ana wrl r.'t u i;r; ctitd. orown from -,U i.f !! O'lr 111 iu-jrifl fit trur-li form, l'iniili err-full -!n( IX'tme,. 'iiloii ant r1 latit. ain time or rarlif-r - 153 M t5 cold, headache m i.tuhalgm. I -won't ao'.l Aatt-Orlplne to a dealor who won't f Jrrt St. Call for your lOF.V MICK U'lT MOCIVTtt'nE. F. IF. Diemer, H.D., Manufacturer, Ktirinpteid, Sim 1 SEE Ckitt wmit All ttsi unt Beot Ooua ayr j ia orrjp iaslca J'joO. tl a In lima. i. noin ttf dru drmfkll. of - 1 ny are more widely and favorably known fllan avo a. I o . , -lij otner urand. Their nnnnlsr. j y is due to the uniform quality and flnvor of the meat, and to their fine appearance when received from tbe dealer. Kach piece Is branded on the rind, "Swift's Premium V. S. Inspect ed," and wrapped in cheesecloth and white parchment paper. Look for the brand, "Swift's Prem ium," when buying hams and Lacon. Swift's all,., ,r4 Is a strictly pure lard, kettle rendered, snd put up in 3, 5, and 10-pound scaled palls. It is Ampri-n'K u,,.. T . ifliiuaju j,aru, ami enjoys a high reputation and au enormous ale. fcwlft'e Soap.. An interesting feature of a trip through the Chicago plant is a risit to the aofj. factory, one of the largest and most complete in this country. There we manufacture numerous toilet and laundry mps, aild WMDlTlg r,w. ders. - , Among which are: Wool Soap, widely and favorably known; for toilet and bath, and wash ing fine fabrics. . Crown Princess Toilet Soap, highly perfumed. Swift's Pride Soap. for laundry and household use. Swift's Pride Washing Powder, un surpassed for all cleaning purpoes. fcwirV Specialties. Swift's Premium Ham Swift's Premium Bacon Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon Swift's Premium Lard Swiff Winchester Ham Swiff Winchester Bacon Brookfield Farm Sausage Swlf t'B Silver Leaf Lard Jewel Lard Compound Swift's Cotosuet Swift's Jersey Butterine Swiff s Beef Extract Swiff i Beef Fluid Swift's Premium Milk-Fed Chickcua Swift's Soaps. Wool Soap Scented Toilet .Soaps Swiff rrlde Soap Swift's Prfd Washing Powder,

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