THE CAUCASIAN IUi.Eioir, N. C, May 2, 1907. enteral at the Vnnt Ofilce in Raleigh S. C, aa second-ciaasmail matter. WAKE COUNTY NEWS. Mr. James F. Wille, an old nol dier, died at Soldiers Homo Friday. He wes a member of Company (J, Fir-t Florida Battalion. Cotton brought 12 1-2 cents on Kak-igh market Monday. This Is th highf-Ht price in four months. There were only 74 bales sold. The Ladies Memorial Association of Wakf County will give the old soldiers a dinner in Capitol square on Memorial Day, May 10th, at noon. I'rof. K. I. Mose superintendent of the Kaleigh public schools, will n-igu at the end of the present b-rm. His succtssor has not been f!-lected. A new laundry for Italeigh was chartered Tuesday. It will be known as the Pee pie's Lnundry, and will do work cheaper than present scale of prices. Justice of the Peace Roberta sen tenced William Moore, a Raleigh shoemaker, to the County roads Mon day for public drunkenness. He will stay sober for at least thirty days. The Commencement exercises at Peace Institute will begin on 8un day, the 1'Jth inst. The baccal ure atu sermou will be preached by Dr. John Watkins, of Spartanburg, S. C. The first regular meeting of the Road Commission will bo held next Monday, and at that time all of the road supervisors for the various townships are requested to be present as much business will come before the Commission. Mr. 11 nier Shaffer, a young attor ney of Raleigh, met with a painful accident Monday morning while try ing to board a moving street car. In Homo way his foot slipped and his left leg went under the car, a pain ful gash having been cut in the calf of his leg. He was taken to Rex Hospital. The wound is not consid ered dangerous. Some days ago Mr. John W. Man gum, Chief of the Italeigh Fire De partment, was suspended from the service by Mayor Johnson on the charge of misappropriating funds and using city teams and wagons for private purposes. Mangum appealed to Board of Aldermen, which body has" held three extra sessions to hear the case. In the hearing before the Board it was brought out that sev eral of the democratic politicians of the city, Mr. Mangum and others had used the city teams and wagons without paying for them. Testi mony was also given to the effect that Mangum had sold some hose and other things belonging to the city but had not turned over the money. Mangum said he used tko money for incidental expenses, such as hack hire in going to fires, etc. It was charged that he padded the pay roll of the firemen, but there seemed to be conflicting evidence on this point. Found Dead, Hr Throat SUthcd. Chirlotte, N. C, May 6. The woay or an unknown colored girl, evidently dead three weeks, and with only a skirt knotted about the waut, was found on a rocky island in me Catawba river. Her throat was cut from ear to ear. Ruffln Fuller Sentenced to Die for As aulting a Negro Woman. Oxford, X. C , May 4 Ruffln fuller, colored, today was found guilty in the Superior Court of . a criminally assaulting Lena Lyon, colored, near Stem, N. C, last Fri day, using his pistol to accomplish nis design. Judge Justice's sentence was that he should be hanged Fri day, the 12th of July next. Death Came in Whirl of Wind. Mount Pleasant, Texas, Mty 7 Nine were killed and many injured by a tornado which wrecked the towns of Birthright and Ridgeway yesterday afternoon. Details are meagre, but it is known that other towns Buffered severely both in life and property. The cyclone practically destroyed the towns of Ridgeway and Birth right, forty miles west of here. Preston Lowery Killed by His Brother. Columbia, S C , May 7 Preston Lowery, a prominent young farmer of Saluda, was shot and instantly killed In his home yesterday by hia brother Lawton Lowery, who, it is said, was drinking. Lawton Lowery, after having real zed the enormity of his crime, is reported to have attempted suscide. He came to his brother's room with a shotgun and told him he was going to kill him. The brother retreated under the bed, and as he was coming out Lawton emptied the contents nto his brother's body, killing him nstantly. Negro Murderer Is lynched! Anusta, Gin My 7. Ctirlie Harris, a negro fkjm hand, who yes terday afternoon hot and fatally wounded Harden Pearson, a promi nent farmer, near Dearicg, Ui., 25 miles west of Augusta, was taken into the heart of a deep swamp about 9 o'clock last night and swung up to a convenient tree. His body was riddled with bullets and left suspended. The mob of forty unmarked men proceeded from the scene of the lynching to the home of Harris, on Pearson's farm, where all zrown members of bis family were severely whipped and ordered to leave !4c- Dufiie County, never to return, on pain of death. They left Ail were considered a bad lot. Pearson was remonstrating with Harris because of poor work that had been done, when the negro became infuriated, drew a revolver and emptied the contents into Pearson's body. Several shots, all taking ef fect, were fired into the prostrate body. He was taken to his home, not far distant, where he is dying. leaving a widow. When a man stops drinking it's l sign -he can't fool a woman very ong about it if he has to kiss her. In after years a worain imagines there is something wrong with her husband if he doesn't find fault with his meals. Body of an Unknown Man Found on Track Near Greensboro. Winston-Salem, N. C, May 6 The body of a stranger was found on the railroad track at Guthrie, a flag station on the road between this city Greensboro early this morning. Both egs were cut off and the head crushed. The coroner's j ury decided hat the man, supposed to be ai talian, was killed by a freight or passenger train. It is thought that he was beating his way on a freight rain and fell. BUSINESS NO TICKS. "AOEVTS WANTED to sell hosiery and underwear. Possible buyer in every family. Victoria Mills, Norfolk, Va." Do Yon Keep IF SO BUY THE Honey M aker IT'S THE BEST BOX IN THE WORLD FOR THE PORDUC- TION OF FINE SECTION, CHUNK OR EXTRAC TED HONEY. Hundreds of them sold every year to the best farmers in the country. IT IS VERITABLY THE "FAR MER'S FRIEND." Negro Rapist Shot to Death for Attack- ng a Little Girl. Wilmington, js. u., May o. to- Have produced as high as 200 day, in the Forks neighborhood of pounds of fine section honev on a Marion County, S. C, near Mullins, single box in one year, which was b. u., a negro attempted a criminal soid at 20c. a section. This was an assault upon the 11-year old daugh- exceptionally fine yield, but under terot Mr. John Sawyer, a tanner, favorable circumstances in a good 1 be girl had gone to the edge ot tHe 8ection you can safely count on woods to feed gpme hogs, when she from 80 to 100 pounds honey per was accosted by the negro. The box. You may not know how to father, in a field, heard the child do tnigt but if you buy a HONEY- scream, and upon his approach the MAKER Womble will tell you. negro ran, but was pursued, une This Box is used by the State man in advance of another caught Agricultural Department, also bv the negro, but oefore the crowd could come up he broke loose and ran. Before he was overtaken again the party shot and killed the negro. Department of Agriculture of Ten nessee, it you keep bees at all it will pay you if you keep them in the right way. If interested enclose this ad. Annthpr criminal assault was at- rV l e 1-vcn.l A Mormon vntafl tn . ..... .... .1 aUO uwlu v. temDted in the same neighborhood Uith 9n ctr.r, on.i t nri rpinstatfi Air. Msncum as Chief OI n .j I . . . V. . . . v - ml a i iiraur iiurni . . - i i you it uouis.itsi' irivinir teuerai 111 formation regarding the HONEY MATTkTl nnri hoA pnHnrA. T will roetry ot love is transiormeu into ... vrnn hnw tn , A mftnpv ith prose when matrimony reaches the L anQ gather 8weetnesg from Raleign's Fire Department. paregoric stage. Black Creek Votes for Saloons. Wilson, N, C, May G. Only a small vote was cast today at Black Creek on the dispensary question. Notice of Seizure and Libel. Forty-six names were registered, but District Court of the United States, nnlv tAVPntv.ninfi votod ! 21 for sa- Eastern District of Nortn Carolina. j j . 7 I -.t An United States against Distillery No. 8, including apparatus complete, Liawrange, N. C, oarreis Corn Whiskey containing 3.78.8 gal Ions, 1.700 gallons copper still, 1 tub and still worm, 4 fermenters, 2 steam pumps, 135 horse power steam en gine, 1.40 horse power boiler, one the desert air. Address : W. L. WOMBLE 549 East Ilargett St. RALEIGH, X C. loons, 8 for dispensary. Everything passed off quietly- Christian Science Church for Newbern New Bern, N. C, May 6. First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city, has given out the contract for their church edifice, which is to bei built at once. For Sale, Typewrit ers Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy KWneys Make Impure Blood. The WILLIAMS' VISIBLE STAN dard Typewriter, No. 6 model, does ine mosc oeauuini worn oi any wruiujj machine made, besides it saves 90 per cent in cost of maintenance over all mash keel, shafting, belts, pulleys, other makes. Most simple constructed barrels seized Nos. 121-47.6, 123-45 9, machine made. 193 47 0. 124 47 1. 125 47.2. 56-44 0. 57 45 00, 58-10.0, S6-45.0 claimed bj F. I VicihlP Writ 1 HOT M. Pate. Lenoir County. . U. ' U1M'' . To F. M. Pate, LaGrange, l,enoir County, N. C, and to all whom it may concern Greeting: Notice is hereby fciven, That the above mentioned property was seized Tt iicp1 to bp considered that only bv J. E. Cameron. Deputy Collector of urinary and bladder troubles were to be Internal Revenue for the Fourth Col- traced io uie Kiuueys, i lecnon lisinct oi Aorim vnuuua, but now modern the 15th day of Dec?mber, lyoo, as ior science proves that ft ited to the use? of the United states, nearly all diseases f0r violation of the Internal Revenue iiave their beginning iws. and the same if libelled and pros in the disorder of cuted in the District Court oi we these most important United States for condemnati n for the 25 to 50 Pel Cent Lower than organs. I causes in tbesaid libel oi miormauon The kidneys filter J sr. forth: and that said causes will and purify the blood 8tand for trial at the Court Room of that is their work. said Court, in th City of Raleigh, on kidueysare weak the 4'h Monday of May next, if that be nr,mnf J n ran understand how I a inrisdiction day. and if not. at the vsub UlUVli J v ' J m ' - m quickly vour entire Doay is aucuicu nexi oay oi jun&uicwuu uuncomci, how every oran seems to ian w - i wnn ana wuere juu bum an to Iftrpwftrnpd to armear to sfctow cause If you are sick or " leei Daaiy, ucgi" wny oonaemnauon siiouiu uui ue uc- taking the ereat kidney remeay, xji. i creed, andjuds:m?nt accoraingiy eu- Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon i tered upon the said appraisement oona as vour kidneys are well tney win i nerem, ana to intervene ior meu iu all the other organs to neaiin. a lh i terest. will convince anvone, If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mil.1 nnri thp extraordinary effect of Dr. TCilmpr'c HwamDRoot. the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It standc Vio ViicrVioct for its WO nderf ul cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all lruggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home of suap-Koot. ftiven under mv hand at office in Raleigh, this 28th day of January, CLAUDIUS DUCKJSKI, United States Marshal. INTERCHANGEABLE MILEAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ink From Pads Write for "PROOF OF THESE FACTS." We "have a large stock of secondhand and rebuilt machines of all makes which have been taken in part pay ment for the "Williams". Some as eood as bran new. Prices are from can be Bought Elsewhere. I'll Mlaeie Co., ATLANTA, Ga, No. 424-25-26 Candler Bldg. Settle States Writ OUR CLTJB OFFER. Dwrfeam Mtgro I Charged With VSf Wife Mwrdcr. Durbtm, N. O, May 6.Lirxl GulhrSe, a colored woman, w&a fonnd d:iI this mornlcj;, and from tb eri dence intrdiocrd at the coroofr'a Inquest It U belleirii that It wm a iTvmeilitatwl tnorJr, and her hu- tand hm been remanded to Jali oo a charge of killing bU wife. The wo mio'g death rttultei from Mnojru lation, and the finger marks on br neck showed ahe bad Wn choked to death. From what cin he learned, it seemi that Guthrie had frequently alluded to the fact that h? ii going to kill hi wife, and on yesterday made the name remark. It U learned that be will try to prove an alibi. We wem a UttW tat tc artivfbg at the oCkw to prtr copy for oar j-ricter Toewlay moortiicg. and a poo oar arrival we found the following cote a waiting: us : 44Im waiting for copy, copy, And there's none oo band, iJ lieve Vll go totbt MUpeasary And Jolo the dVpeowry bud. After that there'll be a-plenty, More than I can et,' Oh, I get even with Via Now and tbeu, you het,1 (Wiih apologle to the Dlinwry.) However, we arrived la time to rescue the printer before be fetched the dUpeoUry, and by o doing aaved the paptr from being late thU week. DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS CATALOGUE FREE. Add. J. F. DRAL'QHON, Pref. Cha!ne!20Colleaet. Inc. 30Q OOfl OO rH! rfk. ia.M POSITION S50 Vtnonih GUARANTEED or money refunded, or yc tmaypir --T--- tuition outof salary after graduating. Novacatjon. i:ner i Bus. Colleges what Harvard Unirrniity is to Academies. 7.000 fctudcuUSl HOME Contract given to refund money, if after taking our I Iotnl 55X U DY J Stu iy by mail, you are not tatisfied. Write for prices. RALEIGH AND SODTHPORT RAILROAD CO. TIME TABLE NO. 21. KFFECTIVK SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1907, AT 12:01 A. M. Southbound Northbound 1st Class 1st Class Daily Daily Except Except Sunday Sundy Daily Daily 1 H 4 2 A. M. P. M. A.M. P.M. Stations. 8 00 4 05 Lv. Italeigh T t Ar. 10.40 G 00 8.15 f 4.15 f Caraleigh t 10.30 f 5 45 f 8 25 f 4 19 f Sylvaola 10 25 f 5.35 f 8.33 f 4.25 f Barnes 10.18 f 5 26 f 8.43 f 4.31 f Hobby 10.10 f 5.1C f 8.55 s 4 37 s McCullers t 10 06 s 5.11s 9.01 f 4.41 f Banks t 10.00 f 5.01 f 9 1G s 4.50 s Willow Springs t 9.50 s 4. 50 s 9.2G f 6 00 f Cardenas t 9.43 f 4 35 f 9.40 s 5 08 s Varina t 9.40 s 4.32 s 9.55 s 5.18 s Fuq'y Springs T t 9.23 s 4.17 s 10.03 f 5.24 f Rawles 9.13 f 4.07 f 10.10 s 5 31 s Chalybeate t 9.0G s 3.59 s 10.14 f 5.35 f Kipling t 9. 02 f 3 54 f 10.29 f 5 48 f Cape Fear 8.47 f 3.37 f 10 37 s 5.54 s Lillington T t 8.42 s 8 31 s 10.50 f 6.06 f Bunlevel 8.27 f 3.15 f 11.02 s 6 16 s Linden T 8.17 s 3.05 s 11.15 f 6 28 f Buckner 8.05 f 2.52 f 10.30 6 41 f Carver's Falls 7 51 f 2.38 f 11.40 f 6.50 f Tokay 7.44 f 2.81 f 11.55 f 7.05 Ar. Fay'ttevllle Lv. 7.30 2.15 Connections : At Raleigh with Southern Railway and Seaboard Air Line Railway; at Varina with Durham and Southern Ry.; at Fayette -ville with Atlantic Coast Line Eailroad. JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Notice This Time Table shows the Time at which trains may be ex pected to arrive at and depart from the several Stations and to connect with other trains, but their arrival, departure or connections at the time stated is not guaranteed. THE HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL Prepares for Annapolis, West Point, College or University. Three courses tudy, Classical, Scientific, and English. 350 acres of hill and dale, excellent One- dairy and garden, field and track atn etiia. Tennis and Ball Grounds. nnartpr mile runninc track. Cadets dine with nrincinars family. Influence o . x a. ? a. y : ; a. j a. cultured women in dining nan. maiviuuai attention io eacn Doy. wmiteu io 100 boys. Climate best for Southern boys, not in the bleak Mountains. School 55 years old. "Graduates inspired to higher education. For catalogue address, J. C. HORNER, Principal. Oxford, N. C Io) MM Air Line Railway The Exposition Line to Norfolk Jamestown Exposition HAMPTON ROADS, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, April 26th to , November 80th, 1907. SPECIAL BATES FROM EALEIGH : THE CAUCASIAN AND- The Union Republican Th fte&hoard desires to announce that on af tar this date all mileage oodks issued by them of Interchangeaoie nrili Va crnnA frr nII9 Or a CiVCT thfi by mail free, also a oamohlet telling you ,.pa nf thl, Atlantie and North Caro- Botlifor One Year for Only $1.50 how to find out if you have kidney or llna Ranway Co., and Norfolk and Kither paper alone is one dollar per Diaaaer trouble.' Mention mis pupci Smitorn Railway '0.. and tna inter- ay,anra nnw and rrvp. fiftv tt-1loi ,.,;4-; T V-mor Rr Ofl Piinf - I . l - - -Dnh-a iaanorl hW .' . . . i , I cnanireauiB miiBago a.wbo .OOUw j ocnts on tne two papers hamton.N.Y. Don'tmake any mistake, these HneswiU be honored for passage Address out remember the name, bwamp-Kooi, oyer the geaboard Air Line Kailway I CAUCASIAN PUB.-CO., u r. dinners bwamp-KOOi, auu . . , U. il. UATTIS, Iress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. 1 Raleigh, N. C. Round trip season tickets Round trip 0 0-day tickets Round trip 10 day tickets Round trip coach excursion tickets $8.25 7-50 C89 4.00 Coach excursion rate sold day prior to opening date and on each Tues day thereafter limited to seven days and Indorsed "Not Good in Sleeping Pullman and Parlor Cars." Other tickets will go on sale April 19 and continue till close of exposition. For Rates From Other Points Apply to Your Nearest Seaboard Agents or Representatives Named Below. UNEXCELLED PASSENGER SERYICE Via Seaboard Air Line Railway i $2,5UU FIAWU PRIZE CONTEST $200.00 FIRSTPRIZE. Tiro Holki ts ia4 of t&ftt!re&t KIMBALL PIANOS c4 Orgmtm now on display at xif tore in Ih Ar4tuy of Mc til 4 o, 107 Wit Martin 8tiiL NOTHING UKE IT tTtr before attetuptM la JUlrlxh. In orxlrr to quickly htA Ib-orvutttj arvttl our fcorj llrtrh Store tn lUMgh wr will give away TWO TIlorSAMi FIVE HUNDHKD IHiLLAILI IX I'UIZGS atwolutely trw for only a iittie work oo yoor piU A Orrt (Jrij.b!cl CV&tt. Writ pxwtai, ot call it oar Ure far lrlxe Contt Hhet ami fail particular. We want everyone interttnl in buying a Piano m Orro. lo eoUt thl coolest. Lhm't tielay, eolr now amJ win. iYotri cfvot Tnday April 23. Clo Friday, Mav 1. VV. W. KIM 11 ALL CO. GKUUUK II SNYDER, Southern IUprtwoUtWt, lUlrlxh. N. C. ji j I'd Miiii TTLESfTfo) y Whiskey If Ull EE 6 Full Quarts Carolina Whiskey My Tor $2.95 krtu-itf an.1 In M.r ( tyilM, tr U. lm(iM awl 3 SAMPLC BOTT1XS FREE. Ci ifc. .niitnMi w4 illluiu4e in bai.totnHimrMwr.t M4 twill 5PFC1AL NOTICt! W rUw K mxrw .ipm t-i! iKrWrf In cither Ut- rrwihad r AUmi or hvjUri ;,frM (mptkh. Man othrr ri.r Itnm nutl rti tXV& tar th ouarta m4 t Hnlt bctllr kul e will prvty tiprax lcttul cah ifHh vW fcaj ijitt 1 1 THE CASPER CO.. Inc., RoanoHe, Va. u .una B&M. BUM . . iHtrM, t i,.rl Irr Raleigh Marble Works tv ShiDmonts made to anv uart ot the State at sumo prico at at shop. MONUMENTS 1 COOl'LIU 1IIIOM,, lroprleiors. IUlelgh, N. C. When writing t3 ad? ertlbera mention the Caucasian send for Catalogue. $1.00. EXPRESS PAID. $1.00. EXPKESS 1SA1D. "Ideal" Alcohol Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light Houie Keeping, or Wherever Gas is not Available or Desired. IT MAKES ITS OWN GAS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs Only Eigiit Ounces. CAN CARRYA VE8SELJ WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Bolls" a Quart of ; Nine MInuU. $1.00. ExpressPaid. $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. O. Norfolk and Southern Railway LOCAL TIME TAIJLE. Goldsbaro and Beaufort, N. C. Effective Saturday, December let, 1906, at 12:01 A. M. tch for announcement of . L W EXCUESION BATES - AND IMPE0VED SCHEDULES For Information and Literature address . C- H. CATTIS, Traveling Passenger. Agent, t r . , Raieigh; North Carolina. F. MITCHELL. City Passenger AgenU , Ealeigh, N. C - Read Down. STATIONS. Read Up. 3 1 2 4 Daily Daily Eastern Time Daily Daily P. M. A. M. A. M. " i 3:40 8:00 Lv Goldsboro Ar 11:20 7:55 3:50 8:13 Millers 11:07 7:55 4.01 2l BeBt'a 10.58 .7.87 4.13 8.31 LaGrange 10.47 . - 7.23 4.25 8.43 Falling Creek 10 35 7.18 4 40 8 56 Kioston 10.22 7.00 4 52 9.13 Caswell 10 08 6.46 5.02 9 23 Dover 5.58 6.36 5.16 9.41 Cove 9.41 6.20 5.26 9.51 Toscarora 9.31 6.10 5.31 5 5? Clarka 9.26 6.04 5.48 10.10 Ar New Bern Lv 9.10 5.48 5.55 10.15 Lv New Bern Ar 9.05 5.40 6.18 10.34 Riverdale 8 43 5.16 6.22 10.38 . Croatan 8.39 6.11 6 36 10.59 ' Havelock J 8 27 4.59 6 52 1L06 Newport 8.11 4.43 6 58 11.12 Wildwood 8.05 4.87 7.02 11.16 Mansfield 801 4.33 7 20 11 30 Morehead City 7.50 4 22 7.40 11.50 Ar Beaufort Lv 7.10 4 05 P. M. A. M. Daily. Daily A. M. Daily - P. M. Dally. By B E L. BUNCH, TrafficcIanager, Goldsboro, N. C. Goldaboro, N. C, Nov. 80, 1906. By H. 0. HUDGINS, Gen. Freight Agent, Goldsboro, N. C.

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