JUL rHE CAUCASIAN "jjn7lill. N. C, Aug. 8, 1907. S ' i at the Tost Office in Raleigh a, -econd-classmail matter. 'wake county news. Mr.. K. N. Mitchell, father of - . i.lir. C Ihla ftlftrr slfltrl morning In Philadelphia. Mr x tobtcco warehou-iG will be at Wendell on August 22nd. 'rh(.p. will be three buyers on the .'!oor r-i-resenting different eomr.a- Mr-. Margaret Anderson, wife of Mr J'4, Anderson, of Wake county, ,i ;at Thursday. The funeral ser-'.,- a re conducted from the Wen . 1,-11 A'-ademy. I n f. K. II. Mclntyre, of Troy, vfl() principal of VVrendell High sch'! la-t year, has lKen elected prir i f the County High School at H-ly Springs. Mr-. lather Whitelaw, of this city, -mldenly Friday night. She va- tin- widow of the late John Vhiti-IdW, who was killed by a fall-t-iigine at the rock quarry about i4 year ago. Til- home of Mr. C. C McDonald va- -trurk by lightning during the ,. -rt- storm in Raleigh Saturday IVmoon. A hole waa torn in the :;k.f t" the buildintr. but none of mr family were injured. Tin re were just four eases in the 'Sleigh l'olice Court Monday, and t,.,-- lour cases were for "drunk on twt." Mrs. Cossie Miller, a uurrinl white woman of Ilaleigh, vvas 1ft off on payment of cost, $2.25. Tht n; wa-4 a freight wreck on the Southern lUilway at Walnut Creek, leur Raleigh, Saturday, about noon. Atiout .ix of the cars were derailed ltnl h:nlly torn up and the track was .ri(jii-tlv damatred. None of the i miu crew were injured. Mr. T. J. Searlette, of Portsmouth, Va., who had been visiting his sis , r, Miss Ileese, of Ilaleigh, suffered t stroke of paralysis on Fayetteville met Saturday morning. He was iken to the home of Miss Iteese where he (lied Saturday evening Maggie McGee, a young woman i'rom the Caraleigh Mills, near Ital igh, was before Magistrate Roberts Saturday charged with inhuman treatment of a small boy. The boy's name is Fitts and ia only 11 years till. It was stated that the boy put -and down the girl's back and she l ulled him in on the porch and beat niin with a small plauk and dislo cated his hip. The case was con unued to be heard before another magistrate. SHOUT NEWS ITEMS. Dr. Thoriiai Ituffln. of tbe Char lotte bar, has been elected a Pro fessor of Lw at the Stale Univer sity. Mr. Robert Oweni, keeper of the pef.t-hoase In Rowan County, was killed Thursday by an unknown person. Uncle" Joe Cannon, Sneaker of the House of Representative;, baa announced that he will not be In the presidential race next year. The annual meeting of the State Association of County Superinten dents will be held at Mintreat, N. C 4th, 5th and Cth of September. All Superintendent are required by law to attend. A portion of Robeson County was visited by a disastrous storm Sun day afternoon, doing much damage to crops. The lews on the plantation of Mr. S. M. Oliver alone, it Is "aid, will amount to about fifty bales of cotton. The Mecklenburg Olnners Asso ciation and the Farmers Warehouse and Holding Company were organ ized in Charlotte Saturday. The authorized capital stock of the Ware house Company will Ixs one hundred thousand dollars. After today the Atlantic Coat Line and the Southern Railway will s 'ill tickets at 2 cents per mile, at least until the Supreme Court of the United States passes on the consti tutionality of the law. The Seaboard is already selling tickets at 2 cent. There was a terrific stoim in Franklin County, just north of Lou isburg Friday afternoon. It cov ered a scope of over two miles wide and destroyed everything in its path. Mrs. Combs, who lived about six miles north ot .Liouisourg, was struck by lightning, killing her in stantly. Conover, Catawba County, came near being the scene of a lynching Tuesday afternoon. The mob's in tended victim being a negro named Petree, who had attempted to assault Mrs. Emma Sigmon, a prominent white woman of Catawba Springs. The negro was captured by Mr. Sig mon and a crowd had him in charge when a man arrived in a buggy and persuaded them to let him take the negro to Newton jail. KIllCO IN WRECK AT AUBURN. Head-on Collilon on Southern Kill Engineer Prk.9f, Hi. Fireman nf Fireman on Passenger Train.-Manjr Others lnjurcd--Train Crew Forgot Their Meet Orders. There was a head-on collUlon on the Southern Rail ay near Auburn on Tuesday night in which three people were kilted and many In jured. The men killed 'Acre all train employes and are : W. C Parker, of Spencer, white, engineer on freight. Leaves a wife and two children. John Young, of Greensboro, white, fireman on freight. W. J. Bethel, of Greensboro, ne gro, fireman on passenger train. The dead bodie of the white en gineer and fireman were consumed in the Haines of the wreckage. It is thought that none of the Injured are seriously hurt. The wreck was caused by the crew of the passenger train overlooking the orders given them at Raleigh to meet the freight tnin at Auburn. Both engines were deraiUd together with several of the freight cars. The wrecked freight cars caught on tire and were burned. The combination mail and baggage car on the passen ger train was badly broken up but the mail Clerk escape! with slight Injuries. This is possible the worst wreck that has ever occurred on thi branch of the Southern. i OUK CLUB OFFER. THE CAUCASIAN ASH Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Caucasian. Itf fK JIIAVOEA.BLK MIL EAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Seaboard desire to announce that on after this date all mileage bojks issued by them of Interchangeable formwrib be good for passage over the lines of Ihe Atlantie and North Caro lina Jtailway Co., and Norfolk and Southern Railway o. , and that Inter changeable Mileage Books issued by these lines will be honored for passsge over the Seaboard Air Line Railway. II. Gattis, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS The Shelby Aurora Both for One Year for Only f 1 .50 Th Aurora i pub!ib-d at fblby, N. C and i one of the bt Repub lican paper pablthe4 in Ue State. Either paper alone is one dollar per jear. Subscribe cow and sate fifty cent on tbe two ptpers. Addrew THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh, X. C. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE For the Colored Race G R E K 8 BO HO, C Tfce erteeSLb aonoat turn Mam berifc Sepumber Cni. We are prpr4 to rite rood utfc&leat insinactio l Ag ricuiiura. aed Mecbkt brb toe lowett terms of any school cocntry. We also tar a DpmrUt of Teacher' TrainUf and a Dairy D part men t, .KucrrMfai Graduate. Sttotr Faculty. For farther information, address PRESIDENT DUDLEY. GREENSBORO, N.C. I cSAPlTAL STOCK $30,000. Largest and Beat Equipped Business College In North Carolina. Methods practical and thoroughly modern. Bookkeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy, taught by expert. Positions for all cur graduate-. Write today for our new catalogue. Add re KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, or HA LEI Gil, N. C. In writing please mention thU paper. CRARLOTTE, N. C. RALEIGH AND S0UTHP0RT RAILROAD 0. TIME TABLE NO. 22. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 12, 1907, AT 12:01 A. M. Southbound Northbound 1st Class 1st Class Dally Daily Except Except Sunday Sund'y Daily Daily i H 4 2 A. M. P. M. A.M. P.M. Stations. The Unloaded Gun. News has been received that the oldest son of Alex. Iledrick, liv ing near Cid post office, in Davidson County, shot and killed his youngest brother the other day. The boys went to an old shop when the older boy, about ten years old, picked up hu old gun and said, "I am going to shoot you," and fired away at him, shooting off one side of his face. The little fellow is not dead, but is in a orf carious condition. Some of the How the Norfolk and Western Railway is Beating the Rate Question. Daily Industrial News A party of gentlemen were con versing upon matters generally, and you know men sometimes talk when a bunch get3 together the ladies owe the scribe a bouquet for saying this anyhow, the bunch was doing some talking, and one asked : "Have you heard how the Norfolk and Western folks are getting even on that 2 J cent passenger rate law ?" "No. How are they managing it?". "They are charging 2 cents per mile for babies and ail children, as well as for grown people. So, you see while they lose on grown folks they make up on babies and other children. Figure it out yourselues, gentlemen. They used to get half Practical Education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur- ling, Dyeing ana inausinai viieiuio- ... . . - A1 A try. Tuition a year; uoaru a monlh. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE. Four Departments Collegiate, Grad uate, Engineering and Law. Large Library Facilities. "VVell- Equipped Laboratories in all Depart- ments of Science. Gynasium furnished with best apparatus Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Study Law should investigate the . Superior Advantages Offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. 8 00 4.40 Lv. Raleigh T t Ar. 10.40 6.00 8 15 f 4.50 f Caraleigh t 10.30 f 5.45 f 8.26 f 4 54 f Sylvaola 10.25 f 5.86 f 8.33 f 5.00 f Barnes 10.18 f 5.28 f 8.43 f 5.07 f Hobby 10.10 f 5.20 f 8.55 s 5.15 s McCullers t 10.06 s 5.15 s 9 01 f 5.20 f Banks t 10.00 f 5.01 f 9.16 s 5.30 s Willow Springs t 9.50 s 4.50 s 9.2G f d.38 f Cardenas t 9.43 f 4.85 f 9.40 s 5.51 s Varina t 9.40 8 4.32 s 9.55 s 6.18 s Fuq'y Springs T t 9.28 s 4.17 s 10.03 f 6.06 f Rawles 9.18 f 4.07 f 10.10 s 5.13 s Chalybeate t 9.06 s 3.59 s 10.14 f 6.17 f Kipling t 9.02 f . 3.54 f 10.29 f 6.30 f Cape Fear 8.47 f 8.37 f 10.37 s 6.36 s LillingtonTt 8.42 s 8.31s 10.50 f 6.48 f Bunlevel 8.27 f 3.15 f 11.02 s 6 o8 s Linden T 8.17 s 3.05 s 11.15 f 7.10 f Buckner 8.05 f 2.52 f 10.30 f 7.23 f Carver's Falls 7.51 f 2.88 f 11.40 f 7.32 f Tokay 7.44 f 2.81 f 11.55 7.45 Ar. Fay'tteville T Lv. 7.30 2.15 UTJIVERCITY OF NORTH CABOLDiA. Boats U 9UU' X4 tea tip a! jUm Coll eg, EarftrHn. Graduate, Lav, Medicine, Pharmacy Library costtiat 45,000 Yolsaw. Kr var vorts, ictric lif iu. central baticf jura. New dormitori, gjnaticts, T. M. C. A.txstt4ief . Tbm FALL TKKM twfla SrpUa br t, 107. d2rM FRANCIS P. V ENABLE, IK.rmiDKXT, Chapel Hill, N. V. THE FRO EH D. AfUr eatt4rat4e Ibaef kl tad J&Jy, 1 hare al Ui ocee44 la ttiaalcjra bax that U1 rota aeam mwtleg the dVmaada of the arertc fartort ihaa aty c4het bcit tm hm market. Fur tae etJa(lloo of 8ae cotols chaak aa4 itmte4 hooey It ha do etsaL Taking rrerythlcg Into eookirr ttloa, THE FAKSIKILV KU1KND U the cbepvl aa4 m cctkal bee box mad, a&4 U gaaraatel la give entire eUfWtloa eeery Uta, Price, cotsr4rte, 12 WHle f-t geatral lafortuallcto. rlncicea ad. w. L. WOT.IBLE Ml) II Argyll Hft. UAt.Klcai, N.C BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1903 Ukmit huM.. (itjMi HOT lff4 traa m m witi Hum Till ORTH CAROLINA Stiite Normal and Industrial College. Regular Courtea leading to drgreet of ltachelur cf Pedagogy, Btcilof of ArU, Bachelor of Science, and a new coor leading to tb degree of Bacaelor of Music , Board, laundry, tuition, and fee forueof text boot. et.,f 170 a year, for free tuition tudeoU.llSA. Thb Nobmal Dar aktmsmt gie thorough instruction In tbe MbjeeU Uurht in tbe tcbools and college. and ipeclal pedagogical Ualaiog for tbe profeadon of teaehirg. Teacher and Graduate of other colUgre are. of fered a one-year epecla! couree in l'edagogy and allied subject. The Commercial Det aetmist offer practical Instruction In splenography. Typewriting, Book-keeping and other buiire eubjecu. The Dbfaetmekta or Misni. Abt axi mMKtic Scieece provide In truction in Mannal Trainiog and in ucb ubject a relate directly to the borne and family. The Music Depabtmekt, in addition to tbe degree course, offer a certifi cate in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in tbe dormitories, all free-tuition applications should b made before July 15. Tbe fall term opens Heptember 1, iw07. For catalogue and other information, addr .1. I. FOUST. President, (iKEKNSBOKO, N. C. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part ot the State at same price at at shop. MONUMENTS COOI'UK IIHUH,, lrirloeor. Raleigh, N. U. When writing to advertisers mention tbe Caucasian; send for Catalogue $1.00. EXPR $1.00. EXPRESS PAID. For Cataloaue and further informa fare, or 1 7-8 cents per mile tor cnil- tion, address dren between the ages of five and VFV5mr Reo-itriv twelve. Now they eet 2J.ora gain lNW)3lf llefflStiai, r f hvoo.0io-hth of a rpnt ner mile. Durham. Xorth Carolina. hones of his head and face have been They used to carry children under frpfi. Now thev - . . . l d..i. I .-,1 TrwT Hi f rtrrtd t I I . I 1 1 Ar W y f g I i-uient. Lexington in orui Diuie. cnarge -i ran, ccij w.. irillllV r ill r OHlUUf r, ; - ,lnmn thnt thrt I w HO, you may put v uuwu vai. mo Norfolk and Western people are At her home, near JLouisourg, rpadv to ioin President's Non-race rhursday evening Mrs. Holme?, wife aui-.ide Society.' If they can haul of Mr. William Uclmes, was struck en0ugh babies they will come out i 1 , 4k -wntr rr rra f ion ' T. Telegraph Stat'a. t. Telephone Stat's. s. Reg. Stop. f. Stop on Signal Conneotions : At Raleigh with Southern Railway and Seaboard Air Line Railway; at Varina with Durham ana southern y.; at j?ayeiie- ville with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Notice This Time Table shows the Time at which trains may be ex- t i t. : - l i ,in. fmnm 4 Vir untroro 1 fifafirtna Bnrl ill connect necieu 10 amvu at uuu uepaii xivjux iuo dow . iti. 1 . . rrm . r-I'in 1 Itiall I 1 fT III II On R A with other trains, but their arrival, departure or connecuous ai vneuuw jj0r Travelers, DlCK-ltOOm, uamp, VynnnuK.A's"t - - stated is not guaranteed. "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove hv lie-htninc and instantly killed. --pi n w Mrs. Holmes was in a room with her children, but neither of the chil dren were hurt and no damage done to the house. "Have they a right to charge children full fare?" "It seems that they have, under a literal construction of the new law, but the general acceptation of what u u;hortn nnnatifntprl ft naasenerer Mary Saunders, an old negro ot fl . determiainfr Winston was fined $10 Tuesday for rrha rir neonle. I retailing Cocaine among members of d thafc tne law make3 her race. Cocaine has an enect simi !ar to whiskey, and is used exten lively by drug fiends. a" i I A An. v nnrr no provision lor uaii-imca ji aujr I other fares other than 2 cent fare, and says nothing about carrying children below a certain age free, and that to do otherwise than charge each passenger 2 cents per mile, re gardless of age, would be a violation of the law." . . a i EvT two a disease orevailinir in this "This isn't the only way me jxur- . i . . i : ! country most dangerous uecause so uecep- fQit an(j western people are geinug -.-. -W r J 1 1 A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance tj Leading Southern Colleges. Best Eauipped Preparatory School in the Soutn. Faculty of Ten Officers and Teachers. Campus of Seventy- five Acres. Library Containing Thirty Thousand Volames. wen iquippeu iryaioa- sium. High Standards and Modern Methods of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Prominent! Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success. THE HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL pranrp3 fnr Annanolis. West Point. Colleee or University. Three courses f otnHtr r.iain' Sfiientific. andEnelish. 350 acres of hill and dale, excellent dairy and garden, field and track ath'etb'.B, Tennis and Ball Grounds. One- quarter miie ruuinujj iraua. aucm .w-.j.. - . ---- - culiured women in dining hall. Individual attention to each boy. Limited to 1C0 boys. Climate best for Southern boys, no in ine oieaa -nounvawo. School 55 vears old. Graduates inspired to higher education. For catalogue address. J. C. HORNER, Principal. Oxford, in. u The Cause of Many Sudden Death9. tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or even," said another of the party. "What else are they doing "Why. they have increased freight rates in one particular, I know. Air Line Railway The Exposition Line to Norfolk snaBBBBBSHSMBBOSMSiBBBMSBBBBBBBSBBBBBBSJ BHBBBSSSSBSBBSSSBSSSSSSSBTBBSSSSBSBBSSSJBBSSSBSSSJBBBSI Jamestown Exposition HAMPTON ROADS, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, For Sale, Typewriters. April 26th to November 30th, 1907. Keeping, or Wherever Gas is not Available or Desired. IT makes; its own GAS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs Oolv Eight Ounces. CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. I Bolls: a Quart or WaterJIn NtneMinutos. $1.00. Express. Paid. 81.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. O. For Catalogue and other informa tion, address H. M- NORTH, Headmaster, DURHAM, N. C. Norfolk and Southern Railway LOCAL TIME TABLE. Qoldsboro and Beaufort, N, C. Effective Saturday, December 1st, 1006, at 12:01 A. M. Read Down. STATIONS. Read Up. The WILLIAMS VISIBLE STAN- dard Tvnewriter. No. 6 model, does i ... . . the moso beautnni worK 01 any wruiDj? ?Kes?n cftS W7ere they used to charge $100 for & lue v. . . . Tt I q oar inrt nf lumber to my place, Lppnt in cost of maintenance orer all nev uibeabc. . ' 7. , . -.r.. i thev are now charging $ lou, or an pener maKes. mu$c shuib wmu. increase of 50 per cent." i Visible Writing . Ink From Pads ney kidney trouble is allowed to advance the k idn ey-poi sou ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves creak down and waste away cen uy . . f ia a rtrn? nf result I tersoniau lor August Watson's for August. The frontispiece of Watson's Jef- . a i. T!i,n i i,nct .iiMvsresnlt Ifprnman tor ausjusi i uiauuci uuuuit. oiuiuj. ' I 5 from a derangement of the kidneys and GoverDOr Vardaman, OI Mississippi a cure is obtained quickest by a proper Tne openiDg editorial, 'Some Politi treatment of the kidnevs. If you are feel- . . i rtmmot frnm in-badly you can make no mistake by Cat iiisiory " taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the the pen of the editor, showing as it (lpBO0F OF THESE FACT8." reat kidtipv. liver and bladder remedy. I rlnpa. tho difference between the old It corrects inability to hold urine and nomnprat ftnri whiff parties and the w have a large stock of secondhand scalding pain in passing it, and over-1 not tnriav. There and rebuilt machines of all makes eomes that unpleasant necessity of Deing ei" a h Onr- I which have been taken in part pay- are BUlIiO Blll&lUg wiuu j eompelled to go often through the da-, and to get up manv times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cores of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is old by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp- Hnn Nve. Other contents are : m 11 Survey of the World," "Untne irau nf the Settler." by Ernest uancrou, n stirrincr tale of civilization in the D . K making. The Jeffersonian is pub lished by Thos. ;e. Watson, xnoui- son,JGa, at 11.50 a year. ment for the "Williams", good as bran new. Prices 25 to 50 Per Cent Lower than borne as are from SPECIAL RATES FROM RALEIGH : Round trip season tickets - - 8.25 Round trip GO-day tickets - - 7.5U Round trip 10 day tickets - - 6.89 Round trip coach excursion tickets - .uu r.i ,5n rtanid on each Tuesday nd Friday limited to . . . i ni in flioanino1 Pnllman ana irarior Cars." Other tickets will go on sale April iv na counuue n exposition. For Rates From Other Points Apply to Your Nearest Seaboard Agents or Representatives flamea iseiow. OBEXCELLED PASSENGER SERVICE Via Seaboard Air Line Railway can be Bought Elsewhere. rn States Southe At 3 A. M. TTiq wife Yoa needn't make any excuses. John. It's all right. You!re Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the I just in time to walk the baby lor an hour or two. r qck. ITT i wn Co., aclress, Binghaiaon, N. Y.t on every m mil ATLANTA, Ga, No. 424-26-26 Candler Bldg. tch for announcement of T.OW EXCURSION RATES AND IMPROVED SCHDUJLES For Information and Literature address O. H. CATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina. J- F. MITCHELL. City Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. - 8 1 2 4 Dally Dally Eastern Time Dally Dally A. M. ! i 8:40 8:00 Lv Goldsboro Ar 11:20 7:56 8:50 8:13 Milleri 11:07 7:55 4.01 8.21 Best's 10.58 77 4.13 8.31 LaGrange 10.47 7.28 4.25 8.43 Falling Creek 10.35 7.18 4.40 8.56 Kinston 10.22 7.00 4.52 9.18 Caswell 10.08 6.46 5.02 9.23 Dover 5.58 6.86 5.16 9.41 Cove 9.41 6.20 6.26 9.51 Tuscarora 9.81 6.10 6.31 5.50 Clarka 9.26 0.04 5.48 10.10 Ar New Bern Lv 9.10 6.48 5.55 10.15 Lv New Bern Ar 9.05 6.40 6.18 10.34 RIverdale 8.43 5.16 6.22 . 10.38 Croatan 8.39 6.11 686 10.59 Havelock 8.27 4.59 6.52 11.06 Newport 8.11 4.43 6.58 11.12 Wlldwood 8.05 4.87 7.02 11.16 Mansfield 8.01 4.33 7.20 11.30 . Morehead City 7.60 4 22 7.40 11.60 Ar Beaufort Lv 7.10 4.05 P. M. -A. M. A. M. P. M. Daily Daily Pily PHy By R. E L. BUNCH, Tramc Manager, Goldsboro, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C, Nov. 80, 1906. By H. C. IIUDGIN8, Gen. Freight Agent, Goldsboro, N. C.